Activity Module 5

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NAME: Llandino, Joy Danielle F.

SECTION: XII - Chromium

Now that you already understood the challenges and tasks you
face during your adolescence years, let us try to answer the
following activities to test your learning.
Directions: Read and analyze the situations carefully then answer the questions that
follow in your notebook

Activity 1 : 

1. Your friends asked you to try to smoke cigarette. They said that if you don’t try it,
you will be out to their group.

What is the problem? My friends want me to try to smoke cigarette and if I don’t I will
be out of the group but the problem is I don’t want to try it ever.
What is your responsibility? I will seriously but calmly explain to them my reason for
not wanting to try cigarette
What would be the solution? I will tell them that it really has a bad effect if they
continue to smoke cigarette, their lungs will burn day by day if they do that. Hopefully
they will take my concern.

2. You have always enjoyed badminton until you found out that your crush liked it, too.
One time during practice, though, your crush watched your training and that made you
conscious. This eventually resulted to errors that your coach scolded you in front of
the audience. You felt embarrassed especially to your crush who happened to be there
in the venue.

What is the problem? I happen to see my crush during my training hours then I
suddenly got conscious making me result some error due to lose focus that makes my
team go down.
What is your responsibility? I need to make it up to the coach and my team
What would be the solution? I will apologize and will now focus on the training first
because that crush of mine can wait and my first responsibility for now is our game. I
will focus and listen to the commands of my coach and will eventually attentively do
the game being professional.

3. Your friend invited you to sleep over in their house to finish the research paper that
you need to submit the next day. However, you are anxious because your classmate’s
house is far and your parents might not allow you to go.

What is the problem? My parents might not allow me to go sleepover at my friends’

house to do research because it’s too far.
What is your responsibility? I will first ask permission to my parents
What would be the solution? If my parents allowed me to go, then it’s a relief because I
will literally go since it is for our research and not just some random stuff but when
they don’t allow me to go sleepover, I think I will not go along since its also dangerous
and I need to obey them instead I will just communicate with my friends through online
to do the work.

Activity 2: Read and answer the following

1. What are the implications of the developmental tasks to you as a student?

A. Becoming more self-sufficient.
B. Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior.
C. Becoming socially responsible.
2. Give at least three significant roles of adolescence in the society.
A. Practice environmental friendly activities and promotions.
B. Be a responsible citizen.
C. Participate to the program and projects that can be beneficial to us.
3. Make a list of your skills that would help you in dealing with things when you enter
adult life.
A. Communicating with others.
B. Managing time and money.
C. Healthcare and self care.
4. Explain: “Challenges help us to face the reality”
The more challenges we have, the more we are able to become a person. We are able to face
the reality with challenges because there are some things we learned and on the next challenge
that we will have, we will be a better and stronger person to face the reality.

Activity 3: Answer the following briefly.

1. Write an essay about the topic: “What Kind of Adolescent I am?”

An adolescence is period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to
maturity. The adolescent is no longer a child, but they haven't reached adulthood yet. Adolescence is
considered people between the ages of 13 and 21. Puberty is the physical maturing that makes an
individual capable of sexual reproduction. Puberty is important to adolescence because when a child hits
puberty, that's when the child is becoming an adolescent. Puberty is a big part of an adolescent's life.
Adolescence is not cultural universal. In some societies, young children go straight from childhood to the
adult life once they have done the necessary puberty rites. Puberty rites are formal ceremonies that mark
the entrance of young people into the adult life. People at the age of 13 to 14 that completed these
puberty rites can become accepted into the adult society.
Three factors are important in the development of adolescence as a distinct stage of the life
cycle. The first factor is education. Young children are required to spend many years in school and state
laws make education mandatory up to the age of 16. The second factor that separates young people in a
different type of group is the exclusion of youth from the labor force. In many states, child labor laws keep
people from going to the labor force until they hit the age of 16. Adolescents usually work part time while
still going to school. The third factor is the rise of adolescence as a distinct stage of the life cycle is the
development of the juvenile justice system. Our society has in effect created a separate legal status for
young people, by distinguishing between juvenile and adult offenders.
There are five characteristics that all adolescents have. These characteristics are biological growth and
development, an undefined status, increased decision-making, increased pressures, and the search for
Adults usually make most of the decisions for young children, but adolescents must make
many decisions on their own. For example, when I was a child, my mother would choose what I would
wear for school and what was in my lunch box. But now, I have to choose what I will wear, what I will eat,
what kind of job I want to have and many more different decisions.
Adolescents are faced with a lot of pressure from many different people. They get put under
pressure from their parents to their peers. They also get pressure from school but the most pressure
adolescents receive is from their own peers. Adolescents wants to be accepted and be liked their friends.
They want to do what everyone else is doing, no matter how much they might not want too. For example,
I was always pressured from my parents because they didn't want me to become a bad child like my older
sister. They didn't let me go out or do anything with my friends, but my friends would pressure me to
sneak out and do wrong things. I was getting pulled back and forth with a lot of pressure.
Adolescents are old enough to think about themselves and they are old enough to know what
they want to do. Adolescents are in the search for themselves. They figure out what kind of person they
really are. They can decide what is important to them and they can gain personal norms that will guide
their behavior. For example, I'm old enough to decide what I want to do as my career and what I want to
do as a living. I know that my family is most important to me and I know what kind of friends I should have
because I know my friends will affect the way I behave.
Adolescents have to deal with many issues and have just as many problems as adults. People
believe that adolescents have it easy, but they really don't. It's the period when they start making their
own decisions and doing their own thing. They don't have their parents holding their hands anymore.
They are out there slowly preparing for the adult life.

2. Make a “thank you letter” to the most significant person in your life who has
helped you to understand yourself better.

Dear Mama and Papa,

Few months from now, I will be a college student and if the destiny permits, I may live a few
miles away from the both of you. With that, although I have long realized that your existence means so
much for me, let me express through this letter how thankful I am that you are my parents and how
proud I am to be your child.

Papa, thank you for worrying so much about us to the extent that your blood pressure rises. It
only shows how concern you are for our well-being. It shows how deeply you love us and how much you
care for us.

Mama, thank you for your constant nagging. I know it is hard for you to remind us every single
thing that we should do especially when most of the time, were are not listening. Your constant nagging
only means how much you care and love us. It shows that no matter how hard it is to do ‘mom-things’,
you will not give up because your love for us surpasses even the highest mountain in the world. You are
the true epitome of “Mother knows best.”

Thank you for providing us with all the support you can give, no matter what.
Thank you for prioritizing our welfare over yours even though sometimes it makes you suffer.

Thank you for giving everything that we need. I know you think that what you are giving us is not
enough, you think that you are depriving us of all the material things and perhaps you think that you are
not enough but trust me, we are more than thankful to have you as our parents.

Thank you for believing us and for always being there for us.

Thank you for knocking some sense into us when we are acting rash.

Thank you for giving us a little push when you know we are feeling disheartened and weak.

Thank you for giving us the life every child deserves, and for being such wonderful parents.

Mama, Papa, you will always be many person. Without the two of you, I may not be where I am today.
Everything I have and everything that I have achieved is dedicated to the both of you. I, thank you from
the bottom of my heart.



13 – 15 years old
At the ages 13 to 15, I was a high school student. I was never the brightest of the class
nor the pretty one. I grow up having curly hair and dark skin and I am mostly being laughed at.
My inferiority complex was very high because of the discrimination I felt coming from my
classmates. What I did was I studied very well because I want to get good grades. I was very
kind to teachers, running errands for them thus making me a model student because of my
kindness. My grades also improved.

16 – 17 years old
 I started taking care of my physical looks. I make sure that I get enough sleep, eat well,
and exercise. I read a lot of books so I would be well informed about facts and knowledge.

Preparing for my Adulthood

Teenagers need time to gradually learn and practice adult life skills, such as finding a
job, managing finances, doing laundry, preparing meals, driving a car, and arranging medical
appointments. Exploring is a must. Focusing more and being open minded to learn something.
18 – 21 years old
I became more careful about myself and my decisions in life. I choose well who I go with
and make sure that I listen to my mom and dad. There were episodes wherein I am being
pressured by peers but my parents are always there to guide me.
My actions to be a responsible adult to achieve my goal is
Personal responsibility means to me is being accountable for your actions, family, college
education and career goals. It is your responsibility to achieve the success that you want in life. If
you do not take the responsibility for yourself you will never be successful in anything you plan to
achieve. In order to be successful in life you have to have person responsibility. This responsibility
can help you achieve anything you set out to accomplish.

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