Constructing Rural E-Commerce Logistics Model Based On Ant Colony Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence Method

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Constructing rural e-commerce logistics model based on ant colony

algorithm and artificial intelligence method
Zhitan Feng1

 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

In order to study the application of ant colony algorithm in rural e-commerce logistics mode, the third-party distribution
model was adopted as the logistics method with Xuzhou City’s fruit and vegetable agricultural products as the key research
object. Through the model construction, the problem of the third-party distribution model is analyzed. Based on the ant
colony algorithm, the shortest path and cost are calculated using MATLAB software. The cost and efficiency problems
under different variables are analyzed and the model evaluation is carried out. Finally, the difficulties at the urban and rural
end of the third-party distribution model are solved. The results show that the method improves the distribution efficiency
and reduces the logistics cost. Therefore, it is conducive to the advancement of rural e-commerce.

Keywords Ant colony algorithm  Rural  e-commerce  Logistics model  Artificial intelligence

1 Introduction headache for farmers. The information asymmetry has

caused low profits for farmers and hampered their enthu-
With the development of network technology and the siasm for farming and breeding. However, the farming and
improvement in people’s living standards, online shopping breeding environment in big cities is worse. On the con-
has become a common form of consumption. Businessmen trary, the product is more expensive, but there is precisely
can display their goods on the Internet in the form of no good quality assurance. ‘‘Cannot find, cannot buy, dare
pictures and videos. If a buyer stays at home, the prices of not eat.’’ It has become the three dilemmas of agricultural
thousands of merchants’ products can be compared and the consumption. However, with the popularity of the Internet
quality of products can be realized by checking the eval- and the vigorous development of e-commerce, these
uation of other buyers. During the whole process of trad- problems have been effectively alleviated. At present,
ing, the buyers and sellers do not meet each other and e-commerce in rural China is developing rapidly with the
various commercial and trade activities are carried out. In help of state policies and private enterprises like Taobao.
this way, the electronic, digital and networked trade is Rural e-commerce platform cooperates with intensive
realized. rural chain outlets to construct a compact and orderly
In the process of shopping, it can be found that there is a business consortium by means of digitalization, informa-
strange phenomenon in all agricultural products. The more tization, intensive management, market-oriented operation
remote the local environment is, the better the quality of and systematic cross-regional and cross-industry alliance,
products is. The more natural and guaranteed the products so as to reduce rural commercial costs, expand rural
are, the cheaper the products are. The good products cannot commercial areas, make farmers become the biggest ben-
be sold and the price is quite low, which have become a eficiaries of the platform and enable businesses to obtain
new profit growth.
Rural e-commerce is booming. This presents a two-way
Communicated by Mu-Yen Chen. channel of ‘‘industrial goods going to the countryside’’ and
‘‘agricultural products into the city.’’ Major express
& Zhitan Feng
[email protected] delivery companies have also made strategic arrangements
for the rural express delivery market. Logistics is the third
School of Commercial, Nantong Institute of Technology, source of profit for enterprises, and joint distribution is a
Nan Tong, China

Z. Feng

very important part in logistics and transportation (Li et al. great significance to study the development mode of urban
2018). Due to the uneven development between urban and and rural joint distribution in Xuzhou City, which can bring
rural areas, the development of rural logistics infrastructure huge economic and social benefits.
is relatively lagging behind. In addition, rural households
are scattered. The logistics volume is small, the no-load
ratio is high, and the management is difficult (Jiao and Yu 2 Literature review
2011). This is not conducive to the development of the
logistics industry. Logistics resources are integrated and Nowadays, more and more farmers and cooperatives leave
scattered goods are accumulated. Modern management is the traditional market and directly sell agricultural and
achieved. The common distribution of goods was carried sideline products on the Internet, which greatly enhances
out. Distribution speed and service levels between urban the bargaining power and expands the market. E-commerce
and rural areas have been improved. Economic benefits is supposed to solve some of the agricultural circulation
have been improved. problems. From the perspective of synergy, the impact of
So far, the theoretical research on the field of urban joint organizational structure on the cold chain logistics of
distribution is mature. However, there are relatively few agricultural products is analyzed. Organizational change
theoretical studies on urban and rural joint distribution. In and cold chain technology are key factors in the evolution
particular, the government emphasizes the comprehensive of the system (Wang and Polytechnic 2016). The problem
construction of a well-off society and the promotion of of docking between urban and rural areas was analyzed,
urban–rural integration (Marchet et al. 2018). Under this and corresponding countermeasures were proposed (Liu
new situation, the construction and development of rural and Chen 2016). The problem of matching and gathering
areas has become a theoretical problem for key research. goods for the last kilometer of vehicles was discussed, and
China’s rural areas are vast, and the conditions vary greatly countermeasures were proposed (Wang 2016). Based on
among different provinces and regions. The local charac- the analysis of retail customer data, a method of calculating
teristics are very obvious, which further increases the dif- the distribution path using the improved ant colony algo-
ficulty of research. Xuzhou City is located in the northwest rithm is proposed. This provides some references for
of Jiangsu Province. Xuzhou has a large agricultural pop- optimizing the cigarette distribution path (Xin 2016). Li
ulation, a large base, a large variety of agricultural and considered the time dependence of the emergency logistics
sideline products, and distinctive features. More than 20 network and the complexity of the environment. Dynamic
kinds of agricultural and sideline products such as ginkgo, network theory and robust discrete optimization theory are
Fuji apple and burdock are well known at home and combined. A dynamic network optimization model with
abroad. The trade in agricultural products has grown robust characteristics is built. On this basis, combined with
rapidly, and the development momentum is strong. How- the basic theory of ant colony algorithm, the heuristic
ever, logistics costs are also rising. factor in the algorithm is improved to adapt to the opti-
Therefore, in order to better solve the problems of small mization model. The improved ant colony algorithm is
logistics volume, high no-load rate and difficult manage- used to find a path with high timeliness and robustness to
ment, improve transport efficiency, shorten transport time, supply urgent transportation (Li et al. 2016).
reduce transport costs, improve the economic interests of Huang tried to use the ant colony algorithm to solve the
rural e-commerce and better develop rural economy, path problem of the fourth party logistics. First, the discrete
through the analysis of the status quo and existing prob- domain ant colony algorithm for 4PL is selected. Based on
lems of the development of the logistics market and urban the analysis of the 4PL problem, the mathematical model
and rural joint distribution in Xuzhou City, the causes of was created and verified by an example (Huang et al.
the problems are analyzed. Based on the advanced theory 2016). Nie studied the long search time and premature
and experience at home and abroad, the problem of urban stagnation of the traditional ant colony algorithm. By
and rural joint distribution has been solved. Joint distri- introducing the nearest neighbor algorithm and the local
bution is realized by taking advantage of the logistics park optimal strategy, the system convergence speed and global
distribution mode and the docking mode of agricultural search ability are improved (Nie 2016). In order to effec-
products and supermarkets. The traffic pressure is relieved. tively reduce the transportation cost of food, He proposed
Environmental pollution and business operating costs have an improved ant colony algorithm to optimize the grain
been reduced. Efficient delivery is achieved to improve logistics distribution path. This algorithm improves the
customer satisfaction. The most important thing is to find ant’s transfer rules, initializes the pheromone and global
an operational model suitable for Xuzhou region through pheromone and adjusts the local update rules by increasing
the analysis and research on the status quo of urban and the information amount of each path (He 2016). Li pro-
rural common distribution development. Therefore, it is of posed to improve the traditional ant colony algorithm by

Constructing rural e-commerce logistics model based on ant colony algorithm and artificial…

adopting pheromone update and ant transfer strategy to The logistics park distribution mode and the docking mode
solve the problems of sluggish and slow convergence of the of agricultural supermarket are used to realize joint dis-
traditional ant colony algorithm (Li 2016). Two improved tribution. The traffic pressure has eased. Environmental
ant system-based clustering algorithms are applied to the pollution and operating costs are reduced. Efficient deliv-
dynamic environment of virtual networks, which improves ery can be achieved to improve customer satisfaction. It
the stability and running time of the vehicle-free mobile can effectively solve the problems encountered in rural
network clustering algorithm. This has better performance e-commerce logistics.
than other algorithms (Fathian et al. 2015; Farhan et al.
2016). An improved quantum ant colony algorithm opti-
mizes the evacuation path from dangerous area to safe area. 3 Research methodology
It has the ability to find good solutions faster with fewer
individuals. In addition, the quantum representation and Ant colony algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm used to
update of pheromone have strong robustness. This provides find the optimal path in the graph (Liu and Liu 2010; Zhang
a good idea for subsequent optimization (Liu et al. 2016; et al. 2016). It was proposed by Marco Dorigo in his
Mei and Xie 2018). Zeng proposed an improved ant colony doctoral thesis in 1992. The inspiration of this theory
algorithm. The algorithm has an infinite step of the opti- comes from the behavior that ants find the path in the
mization path. The traditional ant colony algorithm has the process of searching for food (Mavrovouniotis and Yang
disadvantages of single step size, easy to fall into local 2015).
optimum and poor convergence. The diversity of ant path Figure 1 shows the foraging process of ants from nest A
selection is improved and the results are further optimized. to food E. In the absence of obstacles, the ants can forage
At the same time, heuristic information that improves step directly. When the HC between the ant nest and the food is
priority is improved. This method is widely used (Zeng separated by an obstacle, ants are faced with two paths to
et al. 2016). Najafi proposed a multi-objective, multi-mode, choose, namely AHE and ACE. The latter path is shorter.
multi-commodity and multi-period stochastic model to When ants search for food sources, special pheromones can
manage the logistics of commodities and injured persons in be released on the way, which will gradually evaporate
earthquake response. In such an emergency, disaster relief over time.
organizations must make effective use of these scarce At the initial moment, the pheromone concentration of
resources to achieve the best emergency relief effect (Na- both routes is 0, and the probability of ants choosing two
jafi et al. 2013). Simi introduced vehicle modeling and routes is the same. The ants advance at the same speed, but
optimization in logistics distribution and supply chain the ACE circuit is shorter, so the ants reach the food first.
management system by using bionic hybrid methods such The probability of ants choosing the path is proportional to
as evolutionary computation, genetic algorithm and ant the intensity of the material on the path at that time. When
colony optimization (Wang 2018). Cook Salhi believed more and more ants pass through a certain path, more and
that the relevant links in the process of logistics distribution more pheromone tracks are left behind. Later, the proba-
can be reduced, and the distribution center can be used to bility of ants choosing the path is higher, which increases
send directly to various retail stores to improve the effi- the pheromone intensity of the path. The stronger pher-
ciency of distribution (Wu and Lin 2018). Kane considered omone will attract more ants, thus forming a positive
that joint distribution has a significant impact on logistics feedback mechanism. Through this positive feedback
costs. Building a global supply chain can effectively reduce mechanism, eventually, the entire ant colony will find an
the cost of Heze City’s urban–rural joint distribution model optimal path from the nest to the food source.
(Lim et al. 2018). In the process of rural e-commerce transaction, the
Through the analysis of the development of Xuzhou optimization of distribution vehicle routing is a key link in
logistics market and the current situation and existing the optimization of logistics system. Optimizing the route
problems of urban–rural joint distribution, the causes of the of distribution vehicles can improve transportation effi-
problems encountered in rural e-commerce logistics are ciency, reduce transportation cost and shorten transporta-
analyzed. Through the construction of the model, the tion time.
problems of the third-party distribution model are ana- Replacing vehicles with ants, when the next customer
lyzed. Based on ant colony algorithm, the shortest path and point to be served will exceed the vehicle’s total load, or
the shortest cost of logistics are calculated by MATLAB the transportation distance will exceed the maximum
software. The cost and efficiency under different variables driving distance once, it will return to the distribution
are analyzed and the model is evaluated. Based on the center, indicating that the vehicle has completed the
advanced theory and experience at home and abroad, the transportation. The vehicle then starts to serve the rest of
problem of urban–rural joint distribution has been solved. the customers until all customer points have received a

Z. Feng

Fig. 1 Biological revelation of

ant colony algorithm

service, which means that the ants of the vehicle have needs to be updated. After visiting an area, the ants are
completed one cruise. When all ants cruise once, they are updated according to the following formula:
recorded as a cycle. After a cycle, the pheromone incre- sij ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð1  qÞ  sij ðtÞ þ Dsij ðt; t þ 1Þ ð2Þ
ment is calculated and the pheromone on the relevant path
is updated according to the quality of each ant’s cruise (the X
Dsij ðt; t þ 1Þ ¼ ðt; t þ 1Þ ð3Þ
value of the objective function). Finally, the best path can k¼1
be found.
The basic principle of ant colony algorithm applied in In the formula, q is the pheromone volatilization factor.
logistics system is: At the initial moment, n ants are 1 - q is the pheromone residual factor, which usually
assigned to m rural areas. At the same time, the initial area takes 0 \ q \ 1. Dsij(t,t ? 1) represents the increment of
serial number of ant k is included in the taboo tabuk, which visiting an i–j pheromone. Dskij ðt; t þ 1Þ represents the
represents the collection of rural areas that the ant k has amount of pheromone released by the kth ant on the i–j
passed. At the beginning, no ants had passed through the path after this visit. There are three rules for updating the
path between each area. Let the pheromone quantity pheromone Dskij ðt; t þ 1Þ, namely the ant quantity system,
sij(0) = C, the probability of the ant traveling path i–j is Pkij . the ant density system and the ant cycle system. A large
This probability is related to the amount of pheromone. number of experiments show that the ant cycle system is
The greater the amount of pheromone, the greater the superior to the first two update systems in solving travel
probability of transition. problems. The pheromone update rules used in this study
8  a  b are:
< sij ðtÞ  gij ðtÞ 
Pkij ðtÞ ¼ P  a  b ð1Þ k Q  ð1  r=RÞ If ant k moves from i to j
> s ð t Þ  g ð t Þ Dsij ðtÞ ¼
: s2allowed k ij ij 0 otherwise
In the formula, gij represents the expectation of the ant
passing the path i–j. In other words, the longer the distance In the formula, R represents the number of ants passing
between the two places, the less likely the ants will pass. a through node i. r represents the number of ants passing
indicates the degree of influence of pheromone concen- through the directed arc segment (i, j). r/R is called the ant
tration on ant travel path selection. b is the desired heuristic attraction of the directed arc segment (i, j). Q is a constant
factor. For ant k, when all rural areas were included in the of the amount of information released each time.
tabuk, the ant completed a tour of all cities. Its path is a The pheromone is updated when the ant completes a
viable solution to the traveling salesman problem. In order loop. The update formula is:
to prevent the information concentration from affecting the sij ðt þ nÞ ¼ ð1  qÞ  sij ðtÞ þ Dsij ðtÞ ð5Þ
selection of ants with high expectation, the pheromone

Constructing rural e-commerce logistics model based on ant colony algorithm and artificial…

m supermarkets to use these places as express delivery cen-
Dsij ðtÞ ¼ Dskij ðtÞ ð6Þ ters between villages or streets. After the arrival of express
delivery, customers take the express delivery by their own
In order to speed up the convergence, the pheromone is means. Because of the residential characteristics of the
concentrated and the optimal path is strengthened. Only the population in rural areas, when setting distribution points,
optimal path (the path travelled by elite ants) in the cor- they must be located in places convenient for loading and
responding cycle is strengthened. The pheromones on other unloading goods, and not too far from villages and streets.
paths naturally evaporate over time. There is a long distance between villages in the coun-
  tryside, so there should be at least one distribution point in
k Dsij ðtÞ If ant k is an elite ant
Dsij ðtÞ ¼ ð7Þ a village or street.
0 otherwise
 Vehicle travel time, vehicle parking time and customer
 Q0 =L xij ¼ 1 service time of a single order are three major time con-
Dsij ðtÞ ¼ ð8Þ
0 otherwise sumptions in distribution, which can be expressed by
Titavel, Tistop and TiService. Tistop includes the time
When all the ants complete a tour, the taboo table is
spent on the vehicle during the rest of the personnel, the
filled. The ant colony algorithm compares multiple feasible
maintenance of the vehicle in the event of an accident, etc.
solutions and obtains the optimal solution.
TiService includes loading and unloading cargo at desti-
From the results, it can be seen that the mosquito swarm
nation, door-to-door delivery, customer signature, open-
algorithm has better global optimization ability and fast
box inspection, scanning code, input, cargo placement and
efficiency. It is an effective algorithm to solve the problem
other time spent.
of logistics distribution routing optimization. It can shorten
Logistics efficiency is related to logistics cost. The
the transportation distance and time in the physical process,
shorter the delivery time is, the higher the efficiency is and
reduce the service cost of passenger carriers and improve
the lower the cost is. Therefore, if the vehicle is running,
the service quality.
the optimal path can be taken to avoid traffic jams or other
problems. Transportation efficiency will be improved and
costs will be reduced.
4 Experimental design and performance
The ant colony algorithm is used to solve the path
optimization problem with time series. Firstly, parameters
in the model are set, and then, objects are selected for
4.1 Model construction
analysis. MATLAB software is used for programming
calculation. The iteration is performed 200 times to gen-
4.1.1 Construction of efficiency model
erate many solutions. Finally, the delivery trajectory is
drawn to find the optimal path. The vehicle constraint
At present, Xuzhou rural areas are more suitable to adopt
conditions are integrated into the objective function, and M
the third-party distribution model. Overall, the biggest
is an infinite number, which is taken as the overload pen-
difficulty with this model is the ‘‘last mile’’ problem,
alty coefficient.
especially in rural areas.
The objective function of delivery of self-collected
Door-to-door delivery means delivering express delivery
goods at fixed locations is:
from merchants to customers. This model requires that
each order can be delivered successfully in the delivery X
nþ1 X

process. There is no unexpected event, resulting in delivery Minz ¼ xlkr ðzlkr =V Þ

failure. Otherwise, it will lead to duplicate delivery of
r¼1 l¼0 k¼0 !
express delivery, resulting in reduced work efficiency. þM max Ylr ql  Q; 0 ð9Þ
The cooperative distribution mode of convenience stores r¼1 l¼1
is that express companies set up distribution points in a The intermediate formula is consistent with formulas
range of convenience stores. Customers can take their own (11)–(18).
express delivery after the mail arrives at the convenience
store. At the same time, they can also conveniently shop, Fl  TRated working time ð10Þ
which will increase the turnover of the convenience store. In the cooperative distribution process of convenience
Therefore, the convenience store is willing to cooperate stores, Ti travel, is relatively complex. Small supermarkets
with the express company in this way. or convenience stores in small towns have relatively free
The post office’s fixed-point self-service means that the choice of service scope. As long as the distribution point in
post office cooperates with convenience stores or small the range of customer acceptance, service can be carried

Z. Feng

out, and the number of each receipt and delivery of goods efficiency. It is assumed that the ‘‘door-to-door delivery’’
is relatively large. This distribution mode is similar to distribution mode only takes one car to all 30 villages. The
cluster analysis. Of course, there are many other influenc- shortest route to pick up the goods is 61.06 km. The path is
ing factors in this model, including site selection, envi- Xiangdun–Lianhou–Lianqian–Bandian–Aishanhou–Ais-
ronment, etc., which are ignored. hanxi–Dadun–Zhangzhuan–Gaojia–Wuyan–Mitan–Zhou-
Among them, the objective function is: lou–Yucai–Zhengzhong–Beiyaozhuang–Zhuhongbu–Shiz-
Xm huang–Yujia–Lvluojia–Hutan–Songzhuang–Tiefosi–Yo-
minjul  hk j2 ð11Þ ufang–Goushang–Xiangshuiliu–Nanfengchang–Xiaoying–
l¼1 Sihe–Tienan–Jiangou–Xiangdun.
The constraint conditions are: The distribution efficiency, distribution trajectory and
fluctuation of post office distribution and home delivery
1 X
u¼ u ð12Þ distribution are closely related to the number and location
jGl j u2Gl
of selected cooperation points. Different trajectories and
j X
X paths can be found depending on the number and location
E¼ uju  uj2 ð13Þ selected. Therefore, 30 villages were clustered and divided
l¼1 u2Gl into four categories. They are Line 1, Line 2, Line 3 and
ul indicates the delivery point location. hk represents the Line 4. Each type selects a convenience store in the village
average value of cluster Gl. E represents the sum of the as a logistics node, and MATLAB is used to calculate the
average errors. In addition, different factors under different shortest path. As a result, the shortest path is determined.
modes are considered from different perspectives. If factors The motion trajectory and path of the fixed cooperation
such as the number of devices are taken into account as point are basically the same, and the cost is different. The
intermediate variables, the model is shown in the following shortest paths for the four types of delivery routes are:
formula: Line 1: Zhangzhuang–Gaojia–Wuyan–Bandian–Aishan-
hou–Aishanqian–Dadun. The shortest distance is 17.83 km.
qtk =mk  TRated ð14Þ Line 2: Youfang–Goushang–Xiaoying–Nanfengchang–
Tienan–Xiangshuiliu–Jiangou–Sihe. The shortest distance
4.2 Model solving is 18.71 km.
Line 3: Beiyaozhuang–Zhenzhong–Xiangdun–Songz-
4.2.1 Overview of the model huang–Lianhou–Tiefosi–Lianqian. The shortest distance is
17.36 km.
Here, Pizhou City was analyzed. There are 21 towns in four Line 4: Mitan–Yujia–Shizhuang–Lvluojia–Zhangz-
streets in Pizhou City, and the number is relatively large. huang–Yucai–Hutan. The shortest distance is 16.68 km.
The Tiefu town with superior location was selected as In the delivery mode, the sum of the shortest distances
examples for analysis. Tiefu town is located in the north of of the four lines is 70.58 km. Here, the distance between
Pizhou City. It is a national key town and has 30 admin- one route termination point and the other route start point is
istrative villages under its jurisdiction. The town covers an ignored in the route distance calculation. The post office
area of 127.92 km and has a population of 102,000. Among distribution mode and the collection from domicile distri-
them, several administrative villages were randomly bution mode were compared. If every village is visited, the
selected as samples for research, such as Zhoulou, Shiz- efficiency of picking up goods in single bike is higher. If
huang, Goushang and Hutan. In this case, the selected the delivery personnel and vehicles are not constrained, the
delivery locations are mainly the administrative villages— efficiency will be higher than the door-to-door delivery. In
Tiefu Town–Pizhou City–Xuzhou. Pizhou City–Xuzhou fact, the door-to-door delivery and post office only need to
this section belongs to the second-level joint distribution. send the goods to the shortest distance from the distribution
The distance is 72 km. The distance from the Tiefu to point in the four lines (Figs. 2, 3).
Pizhou City is 20 km. The distribution situation from each Fixed-site distribution modes such as post offices are
village to the end of Tiefu town was mainly analyzed. between home delivery and convenience store delivery.
This depends on the number of fixed points in the post
4.2.2 Solution of optimal path office within the region. If a post office is chosen as a
partner in the town, the optimal route is the distance
Due to different factors and constraints, different delivery between Xuzhou and the main road in the town. If multiple
paths are often adopted. Vehicle, personnel and commis- fixed locations are selected, the distribution mode is similar
sion factors can make a significant difference in cost and to that of the convenience store, and will not be described

Constructing rural e-commerce logistics model based on ant colony algorithm and artificial…

Fig. 2 Thirty villages, the

shortest distance

Fig. 3 Analysis chart of total 5000

Door-to-door delivery
3000 convenience store

2500 cooperation
2000 post office fixed point
1500 self-pick-up












Order quantity

4.2.3 Efficiency analysis model. The cost of door-to-door delivery is composed of

fixed costs, variable vehicle costs and courier fees per
The distance between Xuzhou–Pizhou City–Tiefu Town is order. ‘‘Convenience store cooperation’’ and ‘‘post office
72 km and 20 km, respectively. The parameters of the fixed-point self-pickup’’ need to add the third-party coop-
three terminal distribution modes are set as follows: The eration payment fee; the third-party cooperation fee of the
cargo load is 2000 kg, the average speed V is 70 km/h, and post office fixed-point distribution is mainly commission;
the average stopping time w is 4 min. The efficiency of the and the commission is based on the weight of the goods or
three modes can be obtained through calculation, as given the quantity of the order. In the calculation process of the
in Table 1. model, it is assumed that the cost of each vehicle is 100
From Table 1, it can be seen that, though people have yuan, and the withdrawal of door-to-door delivery is 3
the lowest satisfaction and loyalty to fixed-point distribu- yuan/order (the other 1.5 yuan/order), each order is 30 kg,
tion of post offices delivery model, it is the most efficient and the fixed cost is 500 yuan. The post office delivers a
distribution model. The cost of ‘‘door-to-door delivery’’ third-party fee increase according to the weight. It is
distribution is high, but it is one of the most satisfactory assumed that the post office will send a basic fee of 800
distribution methods for people. ‘‘Convenience store yuan, and the cost per additional 100 will increase by 50
cooperation’’ distribution mode is a mode between the two, yuan.
which has both advantages and disadvantages. As can be seen from the figure, when the order quantity
is less than 200, i.e., the carrying weight of the order is less
4.2.4 Cost analysis than 6000 kg, it is suitable for door-to-door delivery. The
initial cost of ‘‘convenience store cooperation’’ distribution
The optimal path has been calculated. The cost of the three has relatively little increase. With the increase in freight
delivery methods can be calculated based on the cost volume, ‘‘home delivery’’ costs more than ‘‘post office

Z. Feng

Table 1 Comparison of the efficiency of the three modes 5 Discussion

Door-to-door Postal Third-party
delivery fixed-point cooperation The data model was built for the problems in the Xuzhou
distribution in area. Ant colony algorithm is used to find the optimal
distribution path. Finally, MATLAB software is used to
solve and analyze. The graph is drawn. The cost and effi-
Driving distance (km) 98.2 61.7 83.8 ciency of the three methods of door-to-door delivery,
Order (order) 200 200 200 convenience store cooperation and post office fixed-point
Parking and starting 35 35 25 self-collection are analyzed. According to the reality, under
time (min) the influence of two variables, the trend change graph of
Number of vehicles 5 3 3 the cost of the distribution model is obtained. The ‘‘last
mile’’ was resolved in the third-party distribution mode.
Driving time (min) 83.93 65.7 71.6
For the joint urban and rural distribution model in
Parking time (min) 35 35 35 Xuzhou, in order to develop the third-party logistics dis-
Service time (min) 1800 450 1200 tribution model, the regional development characteristics
Buffer time (min) 25 25 25 and development status were investigated to ensure the
Total time (min) 2178.9 810.7 1556.6 healthy and orderly development of urban and rural joint
Each time spent (min) 10.89 4.05 7.78 distribution in Xuzhou (Dai et al. 2015; Zhou and Wang
2017). For the development of third-party logistics distri-
fixed-point self-pickup’’ mode and convenience store bution enterprises, the construction of logistics infrastruc-
cooperative distribution mode. This is because when the ture, informatization and logistics technology and
freight volume is small, it is more expensive to pay to third equipment are important components to ensure the steady
parties and commissions. With the increase in freight development of Xuzhou third-party logistics enterprises
volume, this part of cost is shared equally and gradually (Cai and Xu 2016; Ma et al. 2019; Khorram and Yazdi
less than the total cost of delivery. The more the freight, the 2019. Logistics infrastructure is an important guarantee for
lower the cost. However, the total cost is gradually service logistics activities, which can effectively improve
increasing. the efficiency of logistics operations and improve the
In addition, two variables or several variables in real life competitiveness of the logistics market. The construction
are interrelated. For example, if the freight volume of roads and railways has been strengthened to build a
increases, in order to ensure efficiency, the number of three-dimensional transportation system in Xuzhou.
vehicles dispatched will increase accordingly, and the Different regions have different levels of economic
cargo volume will increase. The commission will be development, locations and key development industries,
reduced accordingly and the cost will change. If the com- especially in rural areas with scattered locations and
mission is 3 yuan, through the previous efficiency analysis imperfect logistics facilities (Zhang et al. 2019). Rich
and cost calculation, it can be calculated that there is no agricultural resources are the core advantage of Xuzhou
‘‘higher efficiency and higher cost’’ in the end distribution City. The development status of urban and rural joint dis-
process. When the order quantity is less than 200 and the tribution in Xuzhou City has been deeply studied, and
carrying weight is less than 6000 kg, ‘‘door-to-door model selection has been made. Finally, a distribution
delivery’’ distribution method is selected. When the num- model suitable for Xuzhou City was found. However, when
ber of orders increases, the cost advantages of ‘‘conve- constructing models and analyzing data, there are many
nience store cooperation’’ distribution and ‘‘post office constraints on model construction. The reality cannot be
fixed-point self-pickup’’ distribution gradually appear. The fully reflected, which needs to be further supplemented and
cost of ‘‘convenience store cooperation’’ distribution mode enriched.
increases faster than that of ‘‘post office fixed-point self-
pickup’’ distribution mode. When the order quantity
exceeds a certain limit, the cost advantage of ‘‘post office 6 Conclusions
fixed-point self-pickup’’ distribution mode is gradually
higher than that of ‘‘door-to-door delivery’’ distribution Ant colony algorithm does not require the initial route, that
mode. When making choices, it is necessary to adapt to is to say, the solution result of ant colony algorithm does
local conditions according to the actual situation. not depend on the choice of sub-initial route, and it does
not need to be adjusted manually in the search process.
Secondly, the ant colony algorithm has fewer parameters

Constructing rural e-commerce logistics model based on ant colony algorithm and artificial…

and is easy to set up, so it is easy to apply the ant colony current development of Xuzhou City. The ‘‘last mile’’
algorithm to other combinatorial optimization problems. problem of the third-party distribution model is solved.
Therefore, ant colony algorithm is widely used and studied This model reduces overall operating costs and increases
by the researchers at home and abroad. logistics revenue. The fixed assets input, personnel occu-
Xu Xiangyang and Wu Zehua applied ant colony algo- pation and management risk in rural areas are effectively
rithm to the path planning problem of fire emergency res- reduced. This is conducive to the distribution of outlets in
cue and put forward an analysis model of optimal path rural areas. After the rural e-commerce consumer market
planning for fire emergency based on improved ant colony matures, this logistics model gains the market leading
algorithm. Based on the actual road network data, the position.
model constructs a simulated dynamic road model through However, there are still some limitations in this
the network dataset. However, in the dynamic real-time research. Firstly, since things continue to develop and the
network model, due to the complex and changeable road market changes constantly, no model can be applied for a
conditions, the classical ant colony algorithm cannot long time. In addition, only the rural areas of Xuzhou are
achieve the effect of optimal path analysis. In addition, in chosen as the research object. In the rural areas of other
order to improve the efficiency of the ant colony algorithm provinces and cities in China, the geomorphology and
and speed up its convergence, pheromone factor is added to topography are not exactly the same as Xuzhou. Therefore,
optimize the ant colony algorithm. The experimental the logistics distribution model studied here may not be
results show that the optimized ant colony algorithm can applicable to all rural areas in China. Later, the research
improve the efficiency of the algorithm on the basis of object will be adjusted, and more provinces and cities in
finding the optimal path. rural areas logistics distribution will be studied, hoping to
In order to improve the convergence speed and accuracy make more contributions to the development of rural
of robot path planning algorithm, Wang Zhi proposed a e-commerce in China.
robot path planning method based on improved genetic
algorithm. The method of grid modeling is introduced, and Acknowledgement This project was supported by the First Level Key
Built Discipline Projects of the Business Administration under
the principle of traditional ant colony algorithm is ana- Jiangsu Provincial ‘‘the 13th Five-Year Plan’’ (project number:
lyzed. The ant encounter strategy is proposed to improve SJY201609).
the search efficiency of the algorithm. The ant regression
strategy is proposed to avoid falling into U-shaped trap. Compliance with ethical standards
The pheromone induction appendix is set to expand the
search range in the early stage of the algorithm. The Conflict of interest All authors declare that they have no conflict of
pheromone residue method is improved to enable the ant interest.
colony to remember the optimal path. An adaptive pher- Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
omone adjustment method is proposed, which takes into participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
account the large-scale search in the early stage of the
algorithm and the fast convergence in the later stage. Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
participants included in the study.
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