You Can Say A Lot of Things About Me, But You Can't Say I Don't Work Hard. I Don't Sing. I Don't Dance. I Don't Act. But I Am Not Lazy
You Can Say A Lot of Things About Me, But You Can't Say I Don't Work Hard. I Don't Sing. I Don't Dance. I Don't Act. But I Am Not Lazy
You Can Say A Lot of Things About Me, But You Can't Say I Don't Work Hard. I Don't Sing. I Don't Dance. I Don't Act. But I Am Not Lazy
On a typical day, without cameras, I wake up early, like six in the morning.
I work out for about an hour before the kids get up. I wake the kids up at
7:05 a.m and we all have breakfast together. I always have a bath, I love
I get the kids ready and then take them to school, come back, and start
my day.
I get back home at about 6 p.m. and we have dinner all together at 7 p.m. I read books to the kids and
put them to sleep.
At 9 p.m. I answer emails and go online. I love searching eBay; I sell shoes and clothes on eBay all the
time. Before I go to bed I study for law school. I spent my nights reading until about 11 p.m. I don’t
watch much TV because I don’t have time. I'm usually so tired that I just fall asleep.