Principles and Strategies of Teaching

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POST-TEST Recitation 
9. The act of repeating from memory the 
reciting of a lesson and often described as a
1. It has reference to what teachers do in session lesson hearing 
planning, implementing and evaluating a. Review c. Assignment
instruction. b. Recitation d. Drill 
a. Teaching c. Teaching strategies  10. A teaching procedure dealing with first-hand
b. Curriculum d. Instruction  experiences pertaining to material obtained
2. The orderly process directing learners to from experimentation 
develop their skills and habits so that they will a. Demonstration Method  
be assisted in acquiring knowledge and b. Laboratory Method 
attitudes. c. Discovery Method
a. Instructional Media   d. Deductive Method 
b. Instructional Method 11. Starts with generalization and principles or
c. Teaching Techniques   from general to particular 
d. Instructional System a. Inductive Method c.
3. Facial Expression, writing on the board, and Classical Method 
oral expression of the teacher is an example b. Deductive Method d.
of  Problem Method
a. Teaching Behavior  12. Students enact situations that arise in daily
b. Technical Skills of teachers living, where values may be clarified, insights
c. Instruction  are developed and decision-making is
d. Instructional System  practiced 
4. Learning to draw, drive a car, play tennis, cook a. Simulation Game c.
and type a poem often taught in is an example Demonstration
of  b. Role Playing d. Inquiry
a. Cognitive Learning c. Process 
Verbal Learning  13. Encouraging students to search for and see
b. Motor Skill Learning d. relationships that are not obvious; also it
Social  Learning  stretches the intellect of students
5. Responding to telephone calls, writing one’s a. Open-ended Questions 
name, reading a book orally is an example b. Recall Questions
a. Cognitive Learning c. c. Explanatory Questions 
Verbal Learning  d. Descriptive Question 
b. Motor skill learning d. 14. It is “control by enforcing obedience or
Serial Learning  orderly conduct or training that corrects and
6. A process wherein the pupil’s attention and strengthens?
interest are aroused and directed to a definite a. Management c.  Techniques
purpose. b. Discipline d. Strategies
a. Learning c.  Method 15. When students are asked to respond to
b. Motivation d. incomplete statements or questions that are
Principle  presented in oral/ written form
7. Contains a statement of results to be a. Open-ended Statement  
accomplished and specific means by which b. Close-procedure
these results are to be attained under c. PAC Strategy 
direction and guidance. d. Structured Activity 
a. Method c. Technique  16. These are all the experience which children
b. Lesson Plan d. have under the direction of a school 
Principle a. Curriculum c.
8. Could be the means of developing good study Learning 
habits and independence in work as well as b. Instruction d.
preparing the pupils for the job to be done  Socialization 
a. Review c.  17. The subjects mater, not the child is important
Assignment  in this type of curriculum 
a. Correlated curriculum 
b. Subject-centered curriculum 
c. Experience curriculum 
d. Fused curriculum 
18. The child-instead of the subject-matter is 27. In the traditional school, the focus of
important in this kind of curriculum  attention was on the 
a. Correlated curriculum     a. child c.
b. Core curriculum  method 
c. Experience curriculum b. subject matter d. book
d. Fused curriculum  28. Curriculum objects are formulated in the
19. It is a unified curriculum where subject light of our 
matters from different subject field are a. past history 
treated unitary of the same curriculum b. educational policy and
a. Core curriculum philosophy 
b. Integrated Curriculum  c. experience as a nation 
c. Broad field curriculum d. needs in school
d. Fused curriculum  29. Which of the following questions
20. Teacher’s initiative, imagination, puppet encourages reflective thinking?
shows, play, reading and animated cartoons a. What are the parts of a complete
can be examples of enriching the curriculum flower?
under these resources  b. What do we use to observe
a. Specializing Resources  matter?
b. Creative Resources c. In what ways can help his
c. Human Resources  community 
d. Reading Resources  d. Why are machine-made goods
21. A curriculum considered basics for all cheaper than those made by
students, that all must get them hands?
a. Broad field curriculum  30. The success of the pupils in formulating
b. Core curriculum  generalization greatly depends on:
c. Integrated Curriculum  a. the interest of the pupils 
d. Experience Curriculum  b. the devices used 
22. The whole body of experience utilized by the c. the subjects matter 
school to attain the aims of education  d. the teacher’s skillful questioning 
a. Psychology c. Socialization  31. In the inquiry method, the initiation phase
b. Curriculum d. Methods  calls for the teacher to set the stage for:
23. Formal education starts when the child  a. finding solutions to problem 
a. begins to talk  b. raising of problems 
b. reaches the age of six years old c. gathering data 
c. first enters school  d. formulating generalization 
d. begins to be inquisitive  32. Method is dependent upon:
24. That aspect of curriculum that has to do with a. classroom techniques
the preservation of the best in our culture, b. teacher’s expectation 
customs and traditions has been borrowed c. theoretical assumptions
from  d. available textbooks
a. Sociology c. 33. To lead the students to the desired
Psychology  behavior, method must be implemented
b. Sociometry d. through:
Ethics  a. selected technique 
25. The curriculum must take into consideration b. the curriculum 
the  c. the discussion of the teacher 
a. aim of education  d. careful observation 
b. learning process 34. Which is not true regarding the project
c. motives and incentives  method?
d. instincts  a. Many worthwhile projects are
26. The curriculum is  impossible because of the
a. all-embracing c. all power  materials needed 
b. encompassing d. selective 
b. The project method should be 42. A method of teaching which aptly applies
used occasionally but not to lessons needing experiments is called:
regularly  a. problem-solving c. observation 
c. The pupil or the class should b. laboratory d.
carry the chief responsibility of demonstration 
planning the project 43. What type of lesson is presented wherein
d. The project method is adaptable the learner meets the learning experience
to all units in the curriculum  through understanding, analysis, and
35. The laboratory method is also called: generalizations of facts presented?
a. the research methods  a. review c.
b. the deductive method  developmental 
c. the development method  b. drill d. deductive 
d. the problem method  44. What lesson is presented when the
36. In the unit method, actual learning takes teacher takes up the previous learning
place in: experiences of the learners in a
a. orienting the pupils  recognized pattern of presentation?
b. collecting, discovering and a. Drill  
recording data  b. developmental
c. summarizing the unit  c. review 
d. organizing the unit or study d. discussion procedure 
37. A statement of objectives, learning 45. A lesson which aims to focalize skills to
experience and the means of attaining make them fixed to the point of mastery
results of teaching is called  is 
a. procedure c. a. problem-type c.
outcomes review 
b. lesson plan d. b. drill d.
strategy  experimental 
38. Teaching aids which the teacher uses to 46. The law of exercise is aptly applied in a 
make learning meaningful, productive and a. review lesson c. drill
interesting is known as: lesson 
a. device   b. assignment d.
b. technique check-up 
c. method  47. A type of review which presents the sum-total
d. learning continuum  of all activities previously presented 
a. integrated c. daily 
b. cumulative d. drill 
39. Teaching method which proceeds from 48. What recent technique o teaching calls
the details of a lesson towards the for acting out of a situation where the
generalization is called: participants aim to uncover a problem of
a. Inductive c. great importance to the class?
problem-solving  a. panel c.
b. deductive d. role-playing  
debate  b. debate-form d.
40.  A teaching method which proceeds from lecture-form 
a generalization, principle or rule  is: 49. What technique of in-service training for
a. inductive c. teachers involves the identification and
project  solution of common problems by them,
b. deductive d. thru live-in sessions, conferences, and
process speeches of consultants?
41. The recent approach in teaching Social a. buzz session c. seminar
Studies is called  b. workshop d. professional
a. discovery c. meeting 
process 50. The non-verbal symbols used to maximize
b. conceptual d. learning are referred to as 
formal-education  a.  Instructional devices
b. Classrooms techniques
c. Field trips 
d. Educational media  58. The proper handling of the physical
51. Graphic material which are eye-catching condition ad instructional materials in the
and which use slogans and topics classroom to effect learning refers to 
presented in bold letterings and strong a. teaching method 
colors to serve as reminders of standards b. Classroom management 
and / or important events are called c. Discipline grouping 
a. poster c. d. Guidance-oriented 
projector  59.  What refers to the process o directing
b. film strips d. immediate personal desires, interests or
objects wishes for the purpose of achieving an
52.  What contemporary aid to teaching effective action?
utilizes carefully-planned materials where a. discipline c.
each step of learning requires repetition supervision 
and practice until such step is thoroughly b. teaching d.
learned? management 
a. programmed instruction  60. What characteristics an effective type of
b. Keypunching  discipline?
c. Educational Television  a. vital, sympathetic, humane 
d. Educational hardware  b. formal and strict 
53. The Stimulus-Response theory of learning c. inhibited 
which involves the association between a d. imposed
conditioned stimulus and a response thru 61. Which of these is not a quality of a good
the repeated presentation of the stimulus teacher?
was advocated by whom? a. mastery o the subject matter 
a. Edward Thorndike c. b. broad background of liberal
Burrhus Skinner  education 
b. Ivan Pavlov d. c. aims to enrich himself thru
Wolfgang Kohler  teaching 
54. What plan of promoting pupils is d. understand the nature of the
committed to encouraging the learners to learners 
progress from grade to grade without 62. Which of these is a good personal
needless repetition qualification of a teacher?
a. non-graded scheme a. resourceful, creative and
b. individualized intelligent 
c. heterogeneous grouping  b. rich, capricious and luxurious 
d. acceleration   c. complaining, demanding and
55.  Differentiated assignments, tutorial and scornful 
remedial work to would-be-failures are d. materialistic 
not considered in the individualized 63. Which of these is included among the
Instruction Scheme professional ethics o school teachers?
a. Yes c. a. professional jealousy 
Maybe  b. integrity 
b. No d. c. engaging in business pre-judicial
Sometimes to his teaching duties 
56.  A part of a daily lesson which serves as a d. gossip mongering 
carry-over for the next day of what has
been presented is the 
a. review  
b. drill
c. assignment or agreement 
d. lesson proper 
57. A good learning environment is one 
a. free from distraction c.
disturbing noise  64. What teaching method helps the learners
b. aver decorated d. draw generalization from a discipline with
dilapidated  the end in view of applying the same
similar situations in the future?
a. discovery approach  71. The basis by which content is outlined
b. process approach  and institutional procedures are
c. conceptual approach  developed is the:
d. problem-solving approach  a. lesson plan c. objectives 
65.  Which subjects is in the elementary and b. basic text d. instructional
secondary school levels mostly concerned materials
with the study of societal problems and 72. An objective MUST specify:
issues which are significant to the learners a. What the learner must do or say.
as member of society? b. What the teacher must do or say 
a. Modern Mathematics   c. What projects are to be
b. Social Studies accomplished 
c. Filipino  d. What the learner must
d. Character Education  understand 
66. Which of these are considered with two 73.  “Given ten photographs of biological
essential dimension of science teaching? cells, the pupils will be able to identify six
a. observing and inferring  of them as plant or animal cells.” The
b. seeing and observing  underlined phrase is a :
c. reading and researching  a. terminal behavior 
d. knowledge and performance  b. standard or acceptable
67. Which of these is not a process in science performance 
teaching? c. condition for learning 
a. Measurement  d. an accomplishment to be
b. Communication skill  realized.
c. Controlling variables 
d. None of these 
68. Of the process involve in the modern
approach to science instruction, which 74. “ To make statement” as an objective in
one utilizes the most number of scientific an English Lesson that is:
processes. a. specific c. correct 
a. prediction c. b. vague d. none of the
inference  above  
b. experimentation d. hypothesis 75. What is the most fitting condition of
69.  Give the main difference of these two learning for this behavior: “to conclude
objectives: that plants need sunlight in order to live”?
 “ to teach the importance of proper a. with the must of materials
nutrition for good health “ b. given a set of pictures
 “ to give the importance of proper c. after reading the book
nutrition for good health” d. realistic 
a. The first objective is general while the 76. Which of the following is not a criterion of
second is specific. a well-formulated objective?
b. The first objective is hard to do while the a. attainable c.
second is easy  interesting 
c. The first objective needs a longer time b. observable d.
while the second doesn’t realistic 
d. The first objective is teacher behavior 77. Which task below is not in the
while the second pupil behavior.  psychomotor domain?
70.  Which of the objectives below show a. imitation c.
overt behavior? manipulation 
a. To appreciate the value of b. evaluation d.
democracy.  articulation 
b. To understand the  importance 78. The growth of attitudes or values is in the:
of a constitution  a. cognitive domain 
c. To recite he preamble of the b. psychomotor domain 
constitution  c. affective domain 
d. To show love to one’s country  d. behavioral domain 
79. The domains of behavior do not come in 88. Which objective below needs
isolation. This statements is :  improvement 
a. True c. a. To prepare a seed box 
False  b. To develop skill in embroidery 
b. Acceptable d. c. To plan a noon meal 
Partly true  d. To make an apron 
80. “Will a person do it freely without any
type of coercion?” This is:
a. a cognitive question  89. Which of the following statements is
b. an affective question  correct?
c. a psychomotor  question  a. Method is probably more
d. a behavioral question  important in college than in the
81. “ To develop appreciation of poetry” is a : elementary 
a. general aim c. b. Method is more important in the
nature aim  elementary than in high school
b. specific aim d. or college 
serious aim  c. Method is more important in
82. Which aim below does not belong to the college than in high school 
group? d. Method is less important than a
a. To enumerate the uses of lesson plan 
common garden tools  90. What encourages the child to think,
b. To express opinion politely  rationalize and make proper decisions?
c. To explain the significance of the a. drill 
story  b. Appreciation lesson 
d. To identify the parts of a flower. c. Memorization 
83. Which objective below is not realistic? d. Problem- oriented strategies 
a. To respect places of worship  91. The following except one are the factors
b. To sing the national anthem that determine the choice of a method.
correctly   Which is the exception?
c. To give the importance of a. nature o the learners 
cleanliness b. school equipment and facilities 
d. To cite ways to show love one’s c. educational background of the
country  teacher 
84. Which objective below is not specific? d. Subject matter 
a. To describe some of farming 92.  How well a teacher tells a story depends
procedures  on:
b. To define terms a. Techniques c. the method
comprehensively  used 
c. To pay tax promptly  b. the plot d. classroom 
d. To know the life cycle of a moth. 93. Which of the following statements is
85. What phrase below is a standard of correct?
performance? a. Method is synonymous with
a. Solve the problem correctly technique 
within 10 minutes  b. A device is a teaching method 
b. Identify and sketch the curve  c. Method can be standardized
c. With the use of a ruler  d. There is no single best method 
d. After several examples 94. When a teacher reviews a lesson, she is
86. A visible activity shows : utilizing the law of:
a. overt behavior   a. Readiness c. 
b. covert behavior  effect 
c. confident behavior b. exercise d. multiple
d. artificial behavior  response
87. Which infinite below is not behavioral? 95. In which situation is the law of readiness
a. to describe c. to best applied?
compare  a. The teacher gives the aims of the
b. to select d. To lessons to be taken up 
b. The teacher announces he a. the inductive method 
subject matter at the start of the b. teaching an appropriate lesson 
period  c. the deductive method
c. The teacher waits or the children d. the project method 
to be ready before teaching her
d. The teacher presents a song,
related to the lesson 
96. Which of the glowing is not an am in the
inductive method 
a. To delay judgments until truth is
b. To enable pupils discover
important truths for themselves.
c. To help student/pupil to carry
out an investigation by
themselves independent of the
d. To make relationship of ideas
clear to pupils    
97. In the inductive method, what does the
child do during the comparison and
“abstraction” step? 
a. Recalls information and directs
himself to the activities to be
b.  Perceives the common element
present in the cases given 
c. Applies the principles learned to
other problems or exercises
d. Draw conclusion in his own
98. The deductive method uses the following
a. statement of the problem,
generalization, inference,
b. statement of the problem,
Principle and strategies
inference , generalization,
1 c 51 a
2 b 52 a
c. inference,  statement of the
3 a 53 b
problem, generalization,
verification 4 b 54 a
d. inference,  statement of the 5 c 55 c
problem, verification, 6 b 56 a
generalization 7 b 57 a
8 c 58 b
9 b 59 c
10 b 60 c
11 b 61 a
99. In reality, the type of study method is:
a. an inductive procedure  12 b 62 a
b. a deductive procedure  13 a 63 b
c. a traditional method  14 b 64 b
d. a question and answer method  15 a 65 b
100.The Herbartian formal steps corresponds 16 a 66 a
to the steps of: 17 b 67 d
18 c 68 b
19 b 69 d
20 b 70 c
21 b 71 c
22 b 72 a
23 c 73 c
24 a 74 b
25 b 75 d
26 a 76 d
27 b 77 b
28 b 78 c
29 d 79 a
30 d 80 b
31 b 81 a
32 c 82 b
33 a 83 a
34 d 84 d
35 a 85 a
36 b 86 a
37 b 87 d
38 a 88 b
39 a 89 b
40 b 90 d
41 a 91 c
42 b 92 a
43 c 93 d
44 c 94 b
45 c 95 d
46 b 96 a
47 b 97 b
48 c 98 a
49 a 99 a
50 b 100 a

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