Frengky Sandy Venssen Report Text

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The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order
Cypriniformes. It is commonly kept as a pet in indoor aquariums, and is one of the most popular
aquarium fish. Goldfish released into the wild have become an invasive pest in parts of North
America.Native to East Asia, the goldfish is a relatively small member of the carp family (which
also includes the Prussian carp and the crucian carp). It was first selectively bred for color in
imperial China more than 1,000 years ago, and several distinct breeds have since been
developed. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration, and coloration
(various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known).

The preferred habitat of goldfish is water with a depth of 1 meter which flows slowly, and is
fertile which is characterized by an abundance of natural food, for example rotifers, rotatoria,
tiny prawns and others. In the wild, goldfish live on the banks of rivers, lakes, or waters another
freshwater with a water depth that is not too deep and not too heavy the water flow. The ideal
aquatic environment for goldfish to live is areas with an altitude of 150-600 m above sea level.
Main habitat of fish mas is in fresh water. But it can also live in the estuary area the water is
brackish. Goldfish are classified as omnivores, namely fish that can prey on various types of
food, both derived from plants and microscopic animals, for example aquatic invertebrates, small
shrimps, larvae and aquatic insects, shellfish and aquatic plants. This fish is also hungry to eat
various types of seeds which are mixed as artificial food supplements.
Goldfish often look for source of food (microorganisms) around the embankment, therefore
bunds are often damaged and landslides because of it. Goldfish also like to stir bottom of the
pond to find food that can be used such as insect larvae, worms and so on. This activity will help
the seed flock looking for food because the animals at the bottom of the pond are stirred up can
be food for seeds. Diseases attack fish through the process relationship between three factors,
namely environmental conditions (conditions in the water), the condition of the host (fish), and
the presence of pathogenic bodies (disease bodies). bacterial disease, viruses, and others are an
obstacle in freshwater fish farming.

As there are over a hundred varieties of goldfish, coloration and physical characteristics vary
greatly. The common goldfish has two sets of paired fins - the pectoral fins and pelvic fins, and
three single fins- the dorsal, caudal, and anal fin. They lack barbels on the upper jaw, and lack
scales on the head. Goldfish have exceptionally large eyes and acute senses of smell and hearing.
They have 27-31 scales along their lateral lines. Goldfish have pharyngeal teeth in their throats
which they use to crush food.
In the wild goldfish will school to a certain extent. In aquariums or bowls, however, they can be
kept separately. Goldfish are not particularly aggresive, thus combining sizes is not often a
problem. It is worth suggesting that varieties which are drastically different should not be
combined in a tank: e.g. a slow, heavy-bodied, veil-tailed Oranda with a fast, slightly more
aggressive variety such as a comet.

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