Basic Computer Skills Lab

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Government of Karnataka Department of Technical Education Board of Technical Examination

Basic Computer Skills Lab

(Common to all Branches) Section I : Computer Basics & Internet Basics 1. Identify and understand the models of Computers. 2. Identify and understand front panel switches and back panel connections of a Computer system. 3. Identify and understand the physical components of computer. 4. Study and understand the operating system overview. 5. Conduct computer system connection and understand the booting process. 6. Study and understand the file system overview. 7. Study and understand the Basic Dos Commands. 8. Study and understand the windows operating system Basics. 9. Exposure to windows operating system. 10. Practice windows explorer through My computer Icon & shortcut entry. 11. Practice Creating/Opening, Editing and saving the document using Notepad. 12. Study and understand the clipboard concept for Copy, Cut and Paste operation. 13. Study and understand the Windows utilities word pad, paint, calculator.. 14. Study and understand the windows system tools Scandisk, Backup, System Info, WinZip. 15. Practice browsing of different sites using search engine. 16. practice and understand different E-Mail services Outlook, Yahoo mail, rediffmail etc 17. Practice Creating E-Mail accounts, Sending, Receiving & Storing of mails. 18. Study and understand the BARAHA Software. Section II : Word Processing & Presentation Using Word Processor, write a procedure & execute the following. 19. Create a Business or Personal Letter. 20. Create a Company Letterhead. 21. Create a Simple Newsletter. 22. Create a Memo. 23. Create a Resume or Curriculum Vitae. 24. Create an Invitation/Greeting card. 25. Create the cover page of a Project Report. 26. Create a mail merged letter/invitation. 27. Create a Macro which inserts a picture and formats the text. Presentation 28. Using presentation tool, Create a simple Presentation to list simple Dos Commands, Hardware, Software etc.

Section III Using Spreadsheet, write a procedure & execute the following. 29. Create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum of all columns. 30. Create a report containing the pay details of the employees.
31. Create a results sheet containing Candidate's Register No., Name, Marks for all subjects, Total and results Total and result must be calculated as below: Result is Distinction if Total >= 70 % First Class if Total > = 60 % and < 70 % Second Class if Total >= 50 % and < 60 % Pass if Total >= 35 % and < 50 % provided the candidate has secured atleast 35 marks in each subject. Fail otherwise

32. Create a Simple Bar Chart to highlight the sales of a company for 3 different periods. 33. Create a Pie Chart for a sample data and give legends. 34. Create a worksheet importing data from database and calculate sum of all the columns. 35. Create a Macro which creates a Line Chart using the data in the worksheet Database Using Database, write a procedure & execute the following. 36. Create a simple table for result processing. 37. Create a query table for the result processing table. 38. Create a form to update/Modify the result processing table contents, 39. Design a report to print the result sheet and Marks card for the result processing table. Note : Open source softwares (OSS) such as Open office Org, Star office etc may be use. Other softwares like MS-office, Lotus smart suite etc. may also be used. Ref: A Computer Laboratory referral for Diploma & Engineering students BY: T R Jagadish Universities Press SCHEME OF VALUATION SI.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Content Lab Record Answer one question from Computer Basics & Internet Writing steps on any two (one each from Section II, III) Executing of two exercises Result /Printout Viva voce Total Max. Marks 05 10 15 40 10 20 100

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