Basic Computer Skills Lab
Basic Computer Skills Lab
Basic Computer Skills Lab
Section III Using Spreadsheet, write a procedure & execute the following. 29. Create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum of all columns. 30. Create a report containing the pay details of the employees.
31. Create a results sheet containing Candidate's Register No., Name, Marks for all subjects, Total and results Total and result must be calculated as below: Result is Distinction if Total >= 70 % First Class if Total > = 60 % and < 70 % Second Class if Total >= 50 % and < 60 % Pass if Total >= 35 % and < 50 % provided the candidate has secured atleast 35 marks in each subject. Fail otherwise
32. Create a Simple Bar Chart to highlight the sales of a company for 3 different periods. 33. Create a Pie Chart for a sample data and give legends. 34. Create a worksheet importing data from database and calculate sum of all the columns. 35. Create a Macro which creates a Line Chart using the data in the worksheet Database Using Database, write a procedure & execute the following. 36. Create a simple table for result processing. 37. Create a query table for the result processing table. 38. Create a form to update/Modify the result processing table contents, 39. Design a report to print the result sheet and Marks card for the result processing table. Note : Open source softwares (OSS) such as Open office Org, Star office etc may be use. Other softwares like MS-office, Lotus smart suite etc. may also be used. Ref: A Computer Laboratory referral for Diploma & Engineering students BY: T R Jagadish Universities Press SCHEME OF VALUATION SI.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Content Lab Record Answer one question from Computer Basics & Internet Writing steps on any two (one each from Section II, III) Executing of two exercises Result /Printout Viva voce Total Max. Marks 05 10 15 40 10 20 100