Bar Pledge Form 11

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The Problem...

Shockingly, in Maricopa County alone, thousands upon thousands of healthy, adoptable pets are still being euthanized each year!

9th Annual

The Solution...
YOU can be a part of the solution by being a responsible pet guardian: v Adopt from local animal welfare organizations v Spay/Neuter... perhaps the easiest and the most important step in eliminating the pet overpopulation problem v Microchip your pet so you can be reunited if he or she is ever lost

Bowl-a-Rama For Animal Rescue


About the


Animal Rescue

Proceeds To Benefit PACC911 & Its Partners

The Bowl-A-Rama for Animal Rescue and was initially conceived and organized in 2003 by local animal-loving businesswoman Top Dog Eileen Proctor as part of her continued mission to lend a paw to homeless, helpless, and other animals-inneed. Now in its ninth year, she continues to spearhead this very popular, successful and important annual event. The goal of the Bowl-A-Rama for Animal Rescue is to raise much needed awareness and funds for local animal rescue organizations during the summer heat when it is virtually impossible to conduct outdoor activities. Despite raising almost $1,750,000 in its first eight years (of which over 95% went directly to the participating animal welfare organizations and toward emergency veterinary costs for animals in their care), the need for the Bowl-A-Rama is greater than ever. On behalf of the animals that will benefit from your generosity, thank you for helping us reach our aggressive but attainable goal of $250,000! For additional information about, participation in, or sponsorship of the 9th Annual Bowl-A-Rama for Animal Rescue, contact Eileen Proctor at 602-867-3647.

AMF Scottsdale Lanes Saturday, August 6, 2011

Please Patronize Our Sponsors


Here's How It Works

Animal welfare organizations throughout Maricopa County... all partners of the Phoenix Animal Care Coalition (PACC911)... are invited to field a team of four bowlers to participate in the BOWL-A-RAMA for Animal Rescue on Saturday, August 6, 2011. You don't have to be a good bowler --- or even bowl yourself! --- to make money for your favorite animal welfare organization through this event. The key to success is PLEDGES! Simply ask your friends, co-workers, neighbors and frequently patronized businesses or service providers to make a pledge. You will be surprised at the positive response you get if you JUST ASK! Fill up as many Pledge Forms as possible... ALL pledge monies you raise on behalf of your favorite animal welfare organization go directly to them! As such, checks should be made payable to them and all monies should be handed over to them. Pledge Forms are to be turned in to a designated PACC911 representative at the start of the BOWL-A-RAMA on August 6 so they can be audited. Your groups Team Captain will receive them back before the end of the event so any unpaid pledges may be collected (NOTE: experience shows that it is easier to collect pledge monies in advance, rather than having to go back for it later). If you are not attending the BOWL-A-RAMA on August 6, be sure to turn your Pledge Forms and associated pledge monies into your organization's designated representative on or before their requested date.

Your Name: Your Organization:

Sponsor's Name

Sponsor's Phone

Pledge Amt.


Helpful Hints
Set Goals: Establish how much money you expect to raise and don't stop until you attain it! Fill up as many Pledge Forms as possible... there is no limit to the amount of money you and your organization are permitted to raise. Historically, there is a friendly competition between all the participating animal welfare organizations to see who raises the most and YOU can help your organization earn this years bragging rights! Work As A Team: Ask relatives, neighbors, friends and co-workers to help you find sponsors... and give each of them an extra Pledge Form. After all, the more the merrier... and the more animals that will be helped! Publicize Your Efforts: Tell everyone you know about your participation in the BOWL-A-RAMA for Animal Rescue and ask them to support your fund raising
efforts. Look for new sponsors every day... don't forget to ask your hairdresser, manicurist, doctor, drycleaner, pet groomer, landscaper, mechanic, etc.

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It All Adds Up! For example...

If you fill up just this one Pledge Form with 25 pledges for only $10 each, that's $250! If only an additional 9 of your organization's supporters do the same, that's $2,500!!!

GOOD LUCK! And on behalf of the animals... THANK YOU!

Imagine the possibilities if your ENTIRE organization joins in by filling up even more Pledge Forms! The more effort put forth, the more animals that will benefit!

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