Geothermal Development in Republic of Djibouti: A Country Update Report
Geothermal Development in Republic of Djibouti: A Country Update Report
Geothermal Development in Republic of Djibouti: A Country Update Report
The aim of this paper is to highlight the vision of future perspective of new geothermal development
strategies. Djibouti has a long history of geothermal resource exploration since 1970, as the country is
endowed with numerous geological structures. ODDEG (Office Djiboutien de Developpement de l‟Energie
Geothermique), the newly created specialized agency is the expression of the strong political commitment
of the government to achieve the goal of achieving a development of this affordable energy. Djibouti‟s
location at the junction of three main active geological structures, and the presence of numerous surface
geothermal manifestations with hot springs and fumaroles, gives the country the potential to develop
geothermal energy. With an important commitment of the government over this period, intense studies
throughout the country have been initiated, which enabled the discovery of an important potential estimated
to around 1000 MW. However, after having carried out several drill holes, it was discovered that high
temperature resources were difficult to identify away from active magmatic heat sources (as shown at
Hanlé), and that some factors such as salinity limited the exploitation of the resource (in the well identified
Asal high temperature geothermal site) at that current state of technology. The Government of Djibouti,
strongly committed to exploit the resource, asked financials partners to perform additional studies to help
finding solutions to these limiting factors. In the last 10 years, the country took the initiative to drastically
reduce fossil fuel dependence for power generation by importing electricity of hydro source from Ethiopia
and promoting development of its own geothermal potential according to the 2035 vision. In order to
develop sustainable geothermal sector, important initiative has been taken for the equipment and capacity
building for the manpower with specialized support from several partners like United Nations University
Geothermal Training Program and other bilateral partners (Iceland, Japan, and German government
agencies). Several exploratory studies have been already started in the Lake Abhe with the technical
support from ISOR, Hanle-Garabayiss with technical support from JICA and Sakalol prospect jointly
carried out by ODDEG with CERD.Also, the country raised around 31 Million USD for exploration drilling
in the Asal-Fiale geothermal field with the financial ofthe World Bank, Afdb, OFID, AFD, with the
Djibouti government participation. In order to establish, the first step, i.e. a feasibility study of a 50 MW
geothermal power plant, to be extended to 150 MW if the potential will be enough in that area and
The Republic of Djibouti is located in the northern extremity of East African Rift Valley (EARV)system (a
continental rift),where the geology is also influenced by the rifting phenomenon of the Red Sea and the
Gulf of Aden oceanic rift system resulting from the NE separation of the Arabian plate from Africa.
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In this geodynamic context, a huge quantity of energy is dissipated from a very shallow anomalous mantle
to the surface. The Afar triangle and Iceland are the only two regions in the world where an oceanic ridge is
accessible off shore for geological investigations and geothermal exploitation.
This exceptional geodynamic setting gives the country its geothermal potential. Since 1970, thirteen (13)
geothermal prospective areas were identified. Several studies carried out in the past, in many prospective
areas, ranging from surface exploration to exploratory drilling, have estimated the geothermal potential of
the country to be around 800 MW. However, the only potential resources confirmed yet is the Asal-
Ghoubhet field, but its development was until now limited due to factors that inhibit optimum exploitation.
Over the last 10 years, high-level political commitment was set up to promote and develop the geothermal
sector in a sustainable way, in view of reducing drastically the fossil fuel consumption for power
generation. In fact, thanks to imports of hydroelectricity from Ethiopia, fossil fuel accounts for 50% of the
electricity production in the country which leads to the high electricity costs.
To achieve this objective the government set up in January 2014 a new entity called ODDEG (Djibouti
Office for Geothermal Energy Development) in charge to stimulate a rapid geothermal development, and to
ensure this sustainable development.
This paper presents the current energy situation, the current active potential fields and the foreseen
development of this sector in the future.
The electricity sector was highly developed over the last 5 years. Thermal energy represented the most
important part of the power generation. A solar plant and an interconnection line from Ethiopian power
company (EEPCO) were added to the energy offer in 2011.
The Ethiopia-Djibouti interconnector provides an additional electricity source, based on renewable (hydro),
ranging from 180 to 300GWh per year. It is therefore covering between half and two-thirds of the demand.
The line terminates at a 220/63/20 kV substation, 12 km west of Djibouti-Ville, where the voltage is
stepped down to 63 kV for interconnection with the existing transmission system. The transmission system
is currently limited to a 63 kV inter-connector between the main stations, and two 20 kV transmission
circuits from Djibouti-Ville to Arta, some 40 km away. There is also a 20 kV circuit between Dikhil and
Ali Sabieh in the south of the country. The distribution system comprises 20 kV radial circuits emanating
from the main substations. Most customers are supplied at low voltage (LV) via distribution substations.
More projects using renewable energy, including geothermal energy, are planned in the near future. Table 1
presents the proportion of different energy sources used.
Table1: Installed capacity and production for electricity generation from Edd (Edd¹, 2013).
Electricity generation from diesel and heavy fuels represent important cost for operation and maintenance
of power plants. Hot weather can also lead to rapid fatigue of the mechanical components.
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The cost of electricity was decided to assure an optimum service and to prevent electricity shortages.
Government legislate the price of the electricity. The Government initiate in 2012 and in 2014, a decrease
of the cost of energy for the lowest and middle class.
Over the next 10 years, the country has a good and ambitious program to develop and expand its energy
provision, to satisfy the local demand and increase the energy access in rural areas. Renewable energy
utilization represents a part of this energy development strategy including in the 2035 development vision.
Renewable Energy available like solar, wind and geothermal energy are the most important resources of
In the solar energy sector, the government has several projects in the pipeline, for providing rural areas with
access to electricity, financed by donors and development agencies. Also a first solar PV plant of300MW is
planned to be built in the central part of the country with private funds. Wind energy is available with wind
speed ranging between 5to 10m/s, in the north-eastern part. The first wind farm with 60 MW power is
planned to be built on 2017 supported by Qatar Electric.
However, due to the stability on the electrical grid, and high resource availability, geothermal energy is the
best resource to ensure a sustainable development. To start with ,the first plant in Asal-Fiale is planned for
commission in 20181with an installed capacity of about 30 to 50 MW extensible to 100 MW. Also other
private initiatives are on discussion to exploit potential site for electricity production like gas pipeline
project between Djibouti and Ethiopia.
3.1 Geology
A target that will not be achieved before 2020 due to delays encountered in the implementation of the project.
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The Aden gulf and the Red sea ridge are the most active geological system, with an average spreading rate
of 1, 5 cm/ addition with the EARV system (5 to 6 mm/y), this lead to important tectonic and
magmatic activities over the last 20 to 30Ma.
Almost all of the Afar depression is covered by basalt strata bound, eventually partially hidden by
sediments infilling in the grabens, and were created by the early stages of proto-oceanic rifting (Barberi and
Varet, 1977) 3.5 to 1My ago. Almost all the rock composition in the country is basaltic like Dalha basalts
(8-4 My), Somali basalts (5 to 3 My), Stratoid basalts (3.5 to 1 My) etc, as shown in Figure 2.
Located in the eastern part of the Afar depression, the Republic of Djibouti has been the place of an
important tectonic activity since the Oligo-Miocene period until today. All stages of rifting developed from
continental to oceanic rifting as deduced from the various volcanic units studied in Djibouti Republic.
The seismicity assessment in the emerged part of the rifting system describes an important movement
collected in the Asal-Ghoubbet rift, the area of the country with the highest identified potential.
Recent volcanic formations built along identified active rift structures of oceanic type are located in two
sites in Djibouti Republic: the Asal rift and the Manda Inakir range.
Figure 2 shows in dots, the surface manifestation located mainly on the Asal-Ghoubbet rift (SW-NE trend):
red dots represent the numerous hot springs and the blue dots show the fumaroles2.
Note that fumarole sites are more numerous than reported on this map
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active axis of spreading crossing through the country from the Gulf of Tadjoura to Manda Inakir. The
preliminary studies found an important potential area in the Asal-Ghoubhet zone, confirmed by drilling in
1975, and after new studies, exploratory drilling were undertaken in the year 1987 in the Hanle graben and
in the Asal prospect.
Table 3 show all the studies carried out between 1975 to 1990 from surface exploration to deep drilling in
Goubhet ++ ++ ++ + +
Lake Abhe ++ ++ ++ ++
Obock + ++ + ++
Sakalol- ++ + ++
Alol- ++ +
Gaggadé ++ ++
Hanlé + +++
++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Arta ++
different prospects.
Table 3: Geothermal studies undertaken in different prospects in the years 1975-2005.
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Table 4 resumes the characteristics of these wells drilled in the Asal field.
However, the exploration drilling showed also the high salinity of the geothermal resource, which caused
scaling and corrosion of the wells. In fact, the recharge of the reservoir is ensures by seawater from the
Ghoubbet, with salinity around 37 g/l and the Asal Lake, due to intense evaporation, the second most saline
place on the earth.
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To avoid this salinity problem, the study expected to find in the Asal-Fiale caldera a better geothermal
resource regarding the recharge and therefore less saline than the previous reservoir.
In 2008, geophysical measurements were carried out in this zone which confirmed the presence of
geothermal resource. Figure 3 shows the location of the Asal-Fiale geothermal field. Geophysical
measurement was conducted using 106 TEM and 102 MT soundings and additional tectonic survey was
conducted based on aerial and satellite images and field work data (ISOR, 2008)
The resistivity maps in the figure 4 show a low resistivity zone around the caldera of Fiale, which
demonstrates the presence of hot body in the zone.This map also report the seismicity measured in the
period 1978-2002 in the Asal rift (Doubre et al., 2006), showing a high concentration of seismic activity in
the Fiale caldera at shallow depth (3-5 Km) interpreted as direct magma-water interaction in the upper part
of the uprising magma chamber (Varet, 2014).
An Environmental Impact Assessment was already done in 2008 by Reykjavik Energy Invest (REI) for the
Asal-Fiale zone.
This zone was the area with the most potential in the country and the previous assessment predicted a
maximum reservoir capacity of about 300 MWe. The previous project (the Asal project)with the Icelandic
company Reykjavik Energy
Invest could not proceed as
originally envisaged due to
economic crisis experienced in
Iceland in 2008.
Due to these difficulties, the
Asal concession acquired by
REI expired and the Djiboutian
Government decided to
develop the potential of the
The objective of this project is to quantify the technical and financial feasibility of the Asal-Fiale
geothermal resource for large scale (50MW) power generation. This project was designed to implement
exploration drilling program through which three to four full size production wells (9 5/8) at depth of
2500m are planed tobe drilled. This will be done in the Fiale Caldera, on the active rift axis, using derivate
drilling techniques in order to reach good permeability conditions while crossing the vertical faulting.
At the present time the geothermal consulting company has been selected, the drilling contractor identified
and field activities focused on civil engineering works, acces road, and preparation platform for drilling.
The question of the target of the exploration drilling is a matter of debate. The project geothermal
consultant at present privilege a hypothetical reservoir at 2.500m depth, as temperature inversion was
observed in the A5 well drilled in 1988 on the NW flank of Fiale caldera. According to Varet (2004), the
temperature inversion observed at Asal 5 should at present be reinverted due to the magmatic injection at
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shallow depth documented by the 1998-2002 seismic crisis, and a high temperature reservoir should exist in
the Fiale area at a depth interval as shallow as 600 to 1200m, whereas nothing indicate the presence of a
geothermal reservoir at 2500m, but rather the top of the magma chamber.
Since June 2016, ODDEG undertook intensive field activities in the Asal rift area in the area called “Gale
Le Koma” where the first success drilling was undertaken in 1975 (See Figure 3). All wells drilled in the
area encountered a shallow geothermal reservoir that was not really studied. In this context ODDEG in
collaboration with Petrotek elaborated a program for exploration drilling for 4 drill holes at shallow depth,
using purchase rig CF 2000for the purpose of identifying the characteristics of this shallow reservoir.
The objective of this program is to quantify this shallow reservoir discovered during the geothermal
exploration drilling evidenced by earlier drillings in 1975, and confirmed by further wells drilled from
January 1987 to July 1988.
Taking into account the importance of the development geothermal energy this program is financed
exclusively by the government of Djibouti and the executing agency is ODDEG, national institution
dedicated to geothermal energy development in Djibouti.
The final output is to carry out some tests for evaluating the potential of this shallow reservoir, then proceed
to install a small modular unit for electricity generation. The result obtained will be presented to the
investors in order to cover the financial aspect of this important project.
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The North–Ghoubhet geothermal field is located close to the Asal Geothermal field in the northeastern part
of the country. The area islimited to the north
by the Goda mountain and the by the
Ghoubbet sea (westernmost extension of the
Aden ridge) in the southern part, within
elevation around 0to 600 m.a.b.s.l.
The geological structure is composed mostly
of deeply faulted, tilted and eroded basaltic
rocks from Dalha covered in discordance by
the more recent, nearly flat-lying basalt from
Gulf. The tectonic activities of the zone are
controlled by complex fracture networks from
NW to SE following the Asal rift with other
directions resulting from the transform fault
system linking the Ghoubbet rift segment to
the Tadjoura rift segment (Fig.7.). Surface
manifestations are mostly fumaroles along the
valley of the Oued (Fig 7).
Gravimetric measurements were done by the
French geological survey (BRGM) in 1983 Figure7: Geological maps (CERD, 2010) made of gulf basalts (pale blue),
and lead to the discovery of heavy anomalies passing to the west to Asal Rift younger basalts (deep blue and violet). The
Dahla basalts (7 to 3 M y) in deep green are intensively faulted and
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in different points delimited by the linear trend associated to the tectonic activity zone. Geophysical
measurements using the electrical AMT were also done at the same time by BRGM, revealed three main
zones, the southern Asal rift, the northern part where heavy gravity anomalies were identified, and the
central part along the trend NW-SE.
To fulfill the previous study, the CERD (Center of Research of Djibouti), startedan exploration study in
2010.The CERD geophysical team completed 30 MT sounding and 26 TDEM stations with geophysical
measurements using MT and TDEM measurements.
These geophysical measurements show that there is a conductive surface in the upper layer but in the
deeper zone, at 1000 m.b.s.l, a heterogonous surface are found, with some conductive anomalies which may
be associated with hydrothermal fluids.
Below the horst of Moudoueoud, the MT measurements confirmed low resistivity in the deeper zone.
Geochemistry measurements were also done from fumarole sampling and the unique hot spring of the area
investigated (other hotsprings are reported to the east along the sea shore which were not sampled). The
geothermometry gives a temperature range of 170°C to 220 °C for the reservoir. The chemistry of the
condensate and the spring demonstrates low salinity of the fluid compared to the Asal field and the
chemical mark of the fluid was bicarbonate.
Eau douce
du Goda
Zone imperméable
Réservoir géothermique
ce chaleur
This is in coherence with the geological context showing possible recharge of the system by the rainwater
from the Goda Mountain through intense faulting and detrital material accumulated at the foot of this
2000m escarpment under the Gulf basalts (Varet, 2012). The intrusion of seawater should also account for
the reservoir feeding in this faulted environment.
This study has enabled the creation of a reservoir model of the geothermal system (Figure 8) to delineate a
prospective area for exploration drilling around the horst of Moudoueoud and wells sitting for directional
drilling. In the figure 8, the hot source (in red colour) is below the geothermal reservoir represented by the
green color covered by impermeable zone in brown and the recharge water are displayed by the blue
arrows from the Goda mountain and the marine intrusion. This hypothetical local magmatic body could add
a supplementary heat source to the favorable context of the active Ghoubbet rift with identified active
diking and central volcano at a short distance, at the submarine foot of the North Ghoubbet site.
At present, ODDEG is preparing a new field campaign in order to complete the investigation to the east and
south until the sea shore over the whole N-Ghoubbet area, implying geological, mineralogical and
structural investigation, with more attention paid on surface hydrothermal leakages along faults. These will
be completed by supplementary geochemical and geophysical surveys in order to acquire an broader view
of this eventually important low-salinity geothermal system.
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The Abhe Lake is the area with the second most geothermal
potential of the country. Located in the southwest of the
country, the Lake named Abhe is shared between Djibouti
and Ethiopia.
A complementary study has been carried out during November to December 2015 by ODDEG and ISOR,
financed by the Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) and the Nordic Development Fund
(NDF).Field work was focused on gravity and
resistivity survey.
The relative gravity high observed in the
central part can be associated at the omega-
structure imaged by both 1-D joint inversion
and 1-D inversion at 1500 m bsl until 3000 m
bsl. This anomaly can be associated in term of
geological by some less permeable stratoids
basalts or some acid intrusion like rhyolitic
Regarding the chemistry of the hydrothermal
manifestations, the sources of hot water was 2
In volcanic areas, the water can simply be
heated (Giggenbach, 1991), which is
commonly used for classifyingby direct
contact with the magma.
For non-volcanicwaters of different origin,
shows that the thermal waters are areas, the Figure 10:Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly map.
water is heated by a convection, or the
rockmature, and possibly slightly volcanic
temperature increases with depth (geothermal gradient) if water penetrates deep it will be heated by the hot
rocks. Most of the hot springs are concentrated at the feet of travertine and near the lake, their temperature
varies between 70 ° C and 100 ° C. in some cases the hot springs have a slight smell of sulfur and fate with
a lack of pressure, it is estimated their water flow is 0.5L / s.
A detailed presentation of the area is provided by another paper (Kaireh and al).
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This survey allowed to conduct geological, geochemical and geophysical together with socio-
environmental surveys in order to select
exploration drilling location sites.
As part of the national geothermal research program undertaken by ODDEG, a geothermal reconnaissance
studies campaign was conducted in the Sakalol sector focused in a first step on geological and geochemical
studies. Following this recognition campaign, geophysical exploration investigations will becarried out for
the first time in this area.
This study of Geothermal Exploration is carried out by ODDEG with the support ofCERD scientific teams.
Sakalol is located in the northwest region of the Republic of Djibouti in an area that may appear as a NW
extension of the Asal rift system. This is an elongated graben produced by normal faulting affecting the
stratoid series (3.5 to 1 My old). Although it is deprived of any recent volcanic activity, Sakalol was
considered by JICA as part of the important sites in the Republic of Djibouti in terms of geothermal
This site was submitted to the GRMF (Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility) third round for a surface study
programme and in 2015 this site was selected to receive the grant after application submission.
The plan survey will be including, geology, geochemistry, geophysics including environmental and social
Now this site is on preparation for finalizing process with the GRMF committee to sign the grant
agreement. Active work will start later on November after grant signing.
Concerning the institutional aspects, the government of Djibouti has taken several initiatives to develop and
promote its geothermal resource. A clear framework has been set up; regarding the EIA assessment under
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the Ministry of Environmental, and Mining code manage the concession of geothermal fields under the
Ministry of Energy.
The energy sector was liberalized, the monopoly of EDD (Electricity of Djibouti) for electric production
was replaced by facilities offered to private investors (IPP).
The Ministry of Energy in charge of Natural Resources is responsible for overall policy formulation in the
energy sector. Within the framework of the policy defined by the Government, the new agency, ODDEG
(Djibouti Office for Geothermal Energy Development), has these mains tasks:
ODDEG is empowered to undertake all activities related to the geothermal resource development in order
to make available geothermal resource for IPPs. This institution dedicated specifically for geothermal in
Djibouti is under the direct umbrella of the Presidency of Djibouti.
The Republic of Djibouti is politically stable, and is located in a geostrategic position at the cross road of
the three continents and has a favorable policy for investments.
The energy sector suffers high electricity costs in the region which enables the development of renewable
energy projects and profitable businesses. The Government supports and assists the private developers
(IPP) through the national investment agency (ANPI) at different step of the process. Many infrastructures
like operational electrical grid, dispatching control center assures interconnection of different energy
resources on the grid is in commission before the end of 2012.
The Republic of Djibouti has an important potential in geothermal energy, estimated to be around 1000
MW. Between 2011 up to now active work has been engaged to develop the geothermal sector aiming to
achieve the government policy for green development (100% renewable planned for 2020). The creation of
the Djibouti Office for Geothermal Energy Development (ODDEG) supports this policy according to the
vision 2035. Practically, in the short term, ODDEG has to assess the huge geothermal potential available in
the country through surface study and exploratory drilling. The first geothermal well engaged in the
pipeline at Asal Gale le Koma with the technical expertise of Turkish drilling team using the recently
acquired geothermal drilling rig machine of ODDEG, aside with the program engaged at Asal-Fiale with
the support of an international banking consortium led by the WB thus demonstrate the government
involvement to speed up the development of geothermal energy in order to enable the green energy
development strategy of the country. The geothermal resource is foreseen be the key to the economic
development of the country in the attainment of the MDG goal and it aims to play a major role in
improving access to electricity and energy for all.
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