Experiment 16: Heat Conduction

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Experiment 16: Heat conduction

In this laboratory you will study heat flow across a temperature gradient. By comparing the
temperature difference across one material to the temperature difference across a second
material of known thermal conductivity, when both are conducting heat at a steady rate, you
will be able to calculate the thermal conductivity of the first material. You will then compare
the experimental value of the calculated thermal conductivity to the known value for that
Thermal conductivity is an important concept in the earth sciences, with applications
including estimating of cooling rates of magma chambers, geothermal explorations, and
estimates of the age of the Earth. It is also important in regard to heat transport in air, to
understanding the properties of insulating material (including the walls and windows of your
house), and in many other areas.
The objective of this laboratory experiment is to apply the concepts of heat flow to measure
the thermal conductivity of various materials.

Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the random motion of molecules with a
material. As the temperature of a material increases, the random motion of its molecules
increases, and the material absorbs and stores a quantity which we call heat. The material is
said to be hotter. Heat, once thought to be a fundamental quantity specifically related to
temperature, is now known to be simply another form of energy. The equivalence of heat and
energy is one of the foundations of thermodynamics.
As the molecules in one region of a material move, they collide with molecules in
neighboring portions of the material, thus transferring some of their energy to other regions.
The net result is that heat flows from regions with higher temperatures to regions with lower
An exact calculation of this heat flow can be very difficult for materials with complicated
shapes and complicated temperature distributions, but in some simple cases the heat flow can
be calculated. In this experiment, we will consider the heat flow across a plate of material of
cross sectional area A and thickness x when its faces are held at constant (and different)
temperatures, as indicated in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 Heat flow across a plate.

In this case the rate of heat flow H across the material is given by
H = KA !T !x


where !T = T2 " T1 is the temperature difference across the plate and K is a quantity called
the thermal conductivity. Note that this equation only applies because we keep the top and
bottom at fixed temperature. In a more general situation, the flow of heat would alter the
temperature of the top and bottom, and a more complicated approach would be required to
deal with the situation.
Heat is transferred more efficiently through shapes with a large area that are subject to a large
temperature difference, but more slowly through thicker materials. If the units of H are J/s,
that of A are m2, x is in m, and the units of temperature are C or K, then the units of K must
be W/m-oC. Prove this for yourself, and show it in your laboratory book. Since the Celsius
degree is the same size as a degree on the Kelvin scale, the units of thermal conductivity are
usually expressed as W/m-K.
We will use Eq. (1) to measure the heat flow through a material of known thermal
conductivity and then use this result to determine the thermal conductivity of unknown
samples forced to conduct heat at the same rate.
In order to apply Eq. (1) we will need to measure the temperature difference T across our
samples. It would be difficult to insert a thermometer into the gap between plates without
disrupting the heat flow, so we will instead use a temperature probe that uses a device known
as a thermocouple.

Figure 2. A Thermocouple
A thermocouple is simply two connected wires made of dissimilar metals. Whenever two
different metals contact each other, a small voltage difference is generated. This voltage
difference is dependent on the temperature of the junction. If we measure this voltage
difference with an accurate voltmeter, we can look up the temperature of the junction relative
to the temperature of the connection to the voltmeter in a thermocouple table. The instrument
used in this lab does the conversion for you, so can read the temperature directly.
The thermocouple probe is now a very common device for measuring temperature,
particularly in small places. For, example many medical thermometers are now based on
thermocouples rather than the more traditional liquid in a glass tube.

The apparatus for this experiment are shown in the following figure, which also demonstrates
how you will use the equipment.

Figure 3. The apparatus for measuring thermal conductivity.

The apparatus for this experiment consists of a hot plate to supply heat, an ice bath to absorb
heat, and plates of various materials through which heat will follow. Temperatures of the
plates will be measured with a glass thermometer. In addition, the diameter and thickness of
each plate will be measured with vernier calipers.

Measure the diameter and thickness of each plate provided. Calculate the areas of the plates.
Create the following table in your report and fill it in.
Table 1. Dimensions of various plates






Using the glass thermometer, measure the temperature of the room and ice bath. Record
your values.
I. Thermal Conductivity of Plexiglass
Construct a sandwich consisting of aluminum, masonite and plexiglass with the slots
arranged so that thermocouples can be inserted on either side of the masonite plate. Place the
sandwich on the hot plate with the aluminum side down. Place the ice bath on top of the
Switch the hotplate controller on and set the Variac to approximately 40% power. The exact
value is not important, but if the power is set much higher some of the materials may get too
extreme caution
around the hot
plate and when
handling any of
the materials that
come into contact
with it for the
remainder of the
experiment. The
surfaces will
become HOT!

It will take up to 30 minutes for the heat flow to achieve a

steady state.
Monitor the progress by plotting the
temperature readings T1 of the thermocouple 1 and T2 of
thermocouple 2 as a function of time. Expect a maximum
time of 45 minutes. Take readings every 1 to 2 minutes. If
you miss a reading, skip it and record the next reading at the
appropriate time on your plot.

You should find that the temperature readings eventually approach constant values. Even if
they are still drifting after 30 minutes, the small changes to the heat flow will have only a
small effect on your results.
Record final values of the temperatures for the
aluminum/masonite/plexiglass sandwich.
You now have all the data needed to calculate the thermal conductivity of plexiglass. See the
analysis section later in these notes for details about how to do this. Calculate its value.

II. Thermal conductivity of Plywood

Carefully remove the Plexiglas plate and replace it with the plywood sheet (with slot down).
Reinsert thermocouple 2 and place the ice bath back on top of the sandwich.
Since a steady state heat flow has already been established in the aluminum and masonite,
this new configuration should take only about 20 minutes to achieve a steady state. While
you are waiting for the temperature readings to stabilize, you may wish to use the time to
calculate the thermal conductivity of Plexiglas. If you do this, keep an eye on the
temperature readings so that you know when a steady state has been achieved. Record the
steady state values of the temperature for the sandwich of aluminum/masonite/plywood.
III. Thermal Conductivity of Teflon
Carefully remove the plywood plate and replace it with the Teflon plate (with slot down).
Reinsert thermocouple 2 and place the ice bath back on top of the sandwich. Again, a steady
state will probably be achieved in about 20 minutes. Record the steady state values of the
temperatures for the sandwich of aluminum/masonite/Teflon.
If we neglect the heat that escapes from the edges of the plates (due to convection and
radiation), all of the heat provided by the hot plate must flow through each of the plates and
into the ice bath, once a steady state has been achieved. Thus the heat flow through each
plate must be the same throughout the sandwich. In particular, this means that the heat flow
through the masonite is equal to the heat flow through the top material. Therefore we can
write Hm = Htop . Using Eq. (1) we find that

K m Am !Tm !xm = K top Atop !Ttop !xtop


The thermal conductivity of masonite is known to be 0.0476 W/mK. You can derive an
expression from Eq. (1) for the thermal conductivity of the top plate.

Use your measured values and the known value for the Km to calculate the thermal
conductivities of each of the top plates used. Prepare a table like that shown below and fill in
the values in your report.
Table 2. Thermal conductivities of materials used in this laboratory.
Calculated thermal
Published value of K
conductivity (W/mK)
The least accurate measurements in this experiment are the thermocouple voltages, which are
only measured to 0.1 mV accuracy. Based on this accuracy, estimate the uncertainty in the
temperature difference across the masonite plate. Considering the uncertainty in this
temperature difference only, what is the approximate percentage error in your calculated
thermal conductivity values?

1. Use Eq. (1) to calculate the total rate of heat flow H through each of the plates in Part
1. (Note: The same value of H must hold for each plate, so you only need to use Eq.
(1) once).
2. Do your results agree with the expected values? If not, what measurements,
processes, and/or assumptions do you suspect to have been significant sources of

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