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5 Common Environmental
Hazards in the Workplace
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No matter how small or large, every employer
needs to create a safe working environment.
This obligation not only stands as a moral
imperative and a legal obligation but also makes
financial sense.

Thanks to efforts by government agencies like

the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), the U.S. has made
considerable strides in workplace safety over
the last few decades. Since 1970, the nation
has seen the daily workplace fatalities drop from
38 to 14, according to the U.S. Department of
Labor. Additionally, worker injuries and illnesses
have gone down, from 10.9 incidents per 100
workers in 1972, to 2.8 incidents per 100
workers in 2017, according to the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The nature of certain industries makes them

particularly vulnerable to incidents. In
Construction, for example, accounts for 1 in 5
worker deaths in the private sector. Other
vulnerable industries include transportation,
manufacturing, health care and warehousing.

Whether safety incidents result from falls or

overexertion, they cost so much. This is in
addition to
potential legal expenses. However,
organizations can protect employees from
environmental hazards in the workplace by
taking strategic precautions that address air
circulation, slips and trips, ergonomic hazards,
natural disasters, and electrical safety.

What Is Environmental Health?

Environmental health refers to limiting health
hazards in the workplace. This involves
examining an environment to identify potentially
hazardous agents and putting measures in
place that protect workers.

Types of Hazards

In a work environment, employees can face

numerous health risks, including those outlined
in the following sections.

Biological Hazards

Biological hazards come from organisms,

including people, animals and plants, and
threaten human health. Examples of biological
hazards include mold, sewage, blood and bodily
fluids. These dangers can result in diseases and
allergic reactions and limit employees’ ability to
carry out their work.
Chemical Hazards

Chemicals can be toxic, corrosive, flammable

and combustible. As such, they can pose health
risks to workers and become hazards if workers
inhale, ingest or absorb them through their skin.
Chemical hazards can cause acute harm, such
as burns, irritation and vomiting, or create
chronic health issues, such as asthma, liver
damage and cancer.

Physical Hazards

Physical hazards include activities or natural

substances in a work environment that pose
health risks. Extreme temperatures, poor air
quality, excessive noise and radiation in the
workplace can all harm workers, potentially
causing respiratory problems, hearing loss and
cancer, among other problems.

The Dual Purpose of

Environmental Health
Environmental health focuses on preventing
illness and injury in a workplace, but it also
strives to promote worker health and well-being.
Organizations can create opportunities for
workers to practice healthy behaviors. For
example, by providing a pleasant break room or
a cafeteria serving nutritious food, a business
can encourage healthy social interactions and
eating habits
for its employees.

Some businesses have fitness centers to help

employees stay physically active. Others have
bulletin boards that post information about
wellness programs and other information that
promotes health. These efforts can not only
build morale but also reduce poor health that
can affect productivity.

The Role of Safety Managers

Those charged with mitigating the effects of

environmental hazards in workplaces engage in
the following:


To locate workplace dangers and assess their

risks, safety professionals examine the
materials in a work environment, such as
cleaning supplies and equipment, and the safety
of the work environment itself. They consider
questions such as:
Ÿ Are there chemicals that need special handling?

Ÿ Does a workspace have proper ventilation?

Ÿ Can workers exit safely and quickly?


After measuring and sampling materials in a

work environment or investigating the
characteristics of a work environment, safety
professionals must interpret the data collected.
In this way, they can gauge the risks and
prepare reports or summaries of their findings.
Their analysis involves using scientific evidence
to determine how the environment can affect
workers’ health.

Making Recommendations

Following analysis, safety experts develop

protective interventions that prevent health
hazards. This involves establishing guidelines,
procedures and policies that control hazards. It
also involves creating educational materials and
communicating with workers about how to stay

The Importance of Air

Air quality affects employees’ comfort and
health. Several factors can impact air quality,
such as humidity level, lack of outside air, poorly
controlled temperatures and remodeling
projects. Additionally, air contaminants, including
fumes from cleaning supplies, pesticides or dust
from construction, affect air quality.
Poor indoor air quality has been linked to:

Ÿ Headaches

Ÿ Irritation of eyes, skin and nose

Ÿ Poor concentration

Air circulation plays a key role in air quality.

Without proper circulation irritants remain in the
air. However, proper air circulation can help
eliminate the contaminants that lead to health

Another potential danger of poor air circulation

in a workplace includes easier disease
transmission. Ventilation helps remove exhaled
airborne bacteria and viruses from the air and
reduce the risk of transmitting airborne diseases
from long range. This has become of vital
importance with the emergence of epidemics
like SARS and MERS, as well as the COVID-19

Some work generates potentially dangerous

substances in the air including noxious fumes,
unhealthy vapors, smoke and other irritants that
can cause serious health risks. For example,
nail technicians may breathe in chemicals from
the products they use, construction workers
often come into contact with dust and fumes,
and health care workers can be exposed to
biological hazards.
By inhaling or coming into contact with
dangerous substances in uncirculated air,
workers can develop:

Ÿ Bronchitis

Ÿ Lung cancer

Ÿ Asthma

They may also experience damage to their

nervous and reproductive systems.

Tips for Improving Air Quality

OSHA requires ventilation in buildings that

ensure that workers have clean air to breathe.
OSHA standards put limits on the amount of
pollutants allowed in the air and mandate
sufficient ventilation to ensure toxins remain at
safe levels.

To meet and exceed OSHA standards,

employers and work facilities can do the

Address Carbon Monoxide Issues

Work areas can’t have carbon monoxide levels

that average higher than 50 parts per million
within an eight-hour period. Employers must
regularly test carbon
monoxide levels and provide ample ventilation
to meet this standard.

Ensure Ventilation System Safety

Uncovered ventilation systems pose health

risks. Make sure that the intakes and belt drives
of these systems, particularly portable blowers,
remain covered to prevent accidents.
Additionally, make sure that the ventilation
systems operate correctly: Regularly inspect
their hoods, ducts and pressure gauge. Also
check fan housing, pulley belts and air cleaner

Monitor Solvent Vapors

Some solvents have flammable vapors that can

become explosive at high concentrations. To
reduce these risks, employers must keep these
vapors at levels well below their explosive
concentration limits. Safety management
experts must know the explosive levels of the
solvents they use and ensure that their vapor
levels meet OSHA standards. Using exhaust
systems that improve ventilation can help
achieve that.

A Look at Slip and Trip Hazards

in the Workplace
Data from the National Safety Council (NSC)
shows that slip and trip accidents account for
more than 1 in 4 of all workplace injuries, and
according to recent BLS data, they cause 792
workplace fatalities a year.

Causes of Slips, Trips and Falls

Any number of simple, fixable problems can

result in slips, trips and falls. Some slip and trip
hazards include the following:

Ÿ Damaged or slippery flooring

Ÿ Exposed cables

Ÿ Cluttered walkways

Ÿ Missing handrails

For example, an employee restroom might have

a leaking sink. Upon being made aware of the
problem, the business might assign a custodian
to regularly mop the area, but on one occasion,
the mopping doesn’t happen, the water
accumulates and an employee slips and breaks
an ankle. In this case, the business not only
failed to fix the leak but also failed to post the
appropriate sign and perform routine mopping.

While the trip hazards mentioned above can

fatalities, deadly falls also result from the
improper placement or use of ladders and
scaffolding, unprotected sides or exposed holes,
and unsafe working surfaces.

Aside from these more obvious slip and trip

hazards, other less-apparent factors can
contribute to falls. For example, obstructed
views and poor lighting can also lead employees
to slip or trip and injure themselves.

Tips to Prevent Slips, Trips and


The No. 1 violation of OSHA standards pertains

to fall protection. However, organizations can
prevent these incidents by keeping in mind the

Slip Prevention

Slips often result from a lack of floor traction

caused by spilled substances, such as soaps,
oils or solvents. Prevention involves:
Ÿ Quick cleanups after spills

Ÿ Use of mats and other nonslip materials

Ÿ Proper drainage

Ÿ Proper signage
Ÿ Handrails

Ÿ High-traction treads on stairs

Trip Prevention

Any number of objects can result in tripping. To

avoid trips, employers can:

Ÿ Ensure that rugs and mats are anchored

Ÿ Install proper lighting

Ÿ Keep aisles and pathways clear

Ÿ Maintain flooring

Fall Prevention

Three steps can help prevent falls:

Ÿ Organizations should assess all potential fall

hazards on a project, especially those that
require working from heights, and then carefully
plan the tasks and safety equipment needed.

Ÿ Using the proper equipment. Organizations

Ÿ provide the right types of safety gear, ladders
and scaffolds, and regularly inspect them.

Ÿ Training workers. Organizations must train

workers to use equipment safely and recognize
job hazards.

Ergonomic Hazards: Key

Symptoms and Dangers
Poor ergonomics in the workplace can lead to
health issues for employees, such as cumulative
trauma disorders, repetitive motion injuries and
musculoskeletal disorders. Often, ergonomic
hazards arise due to workplace design.

Possible ergonomic hazards include the


Ÿ Poorly adjusted chairs or workstations

Ÿ Repetitive movements

Ÿ Regular lifting
Ÿ Incorrect posture

Ÿ Vibration

Whether employees sit at desks that are too

short for them, overuse their thumbs on laptops
with centrally
positioned track pads or strain their eyes looking
at screens all day long, poor ergonomics can
lead to debilitating symptoms. Sore joints and
muscles; tingling in the hands, fingers and
limbs; and pain and stiffness in the neck and
back can all result from ergonomic hazards.

Tips to Address Ergonomic


Organizations can turn to several solutions that

help address common high-risk behaviors and
elements related to ergonomics.

Assess Ergonomic Hazards

An important first step to addressing this

problem involves locating where it exists. Ask
questions such as:

Ÿ Do workstations consider an employee’s height?

Ÿ Do workspaces encourage proper posture?

Ÿ What repetitive movements do workers

Make Adjustments

After identifying ergonomic hazards, employers

can properly counteract them. This might
involve redesigning aspects of workstations or
employee routines. When employers can’t
remove ergonomic hazards, they can implement
controls that reduce their negative impacts. For
example, they may break up tasks to reduce
exertion, increase break periods, or rotate
employees engaged in repetitive tasks.

Natural Disaster Safety and

Role of Emergency
Organizations must prepare themselves for
natural disasters and emergencies. Should a
tornado or an earthquake hit, how will
employers keep their workers safe? Those in
safety, security and emergency management
play key roles when it comes to preparing a
workplace for hurricanes, fires, floods and other
natural disasters.

Ways to Ensure Emergency and

Natural Disaster Safety
Organizations can take several actions to
protect their employees in emergencies and
natural disasters. They include the following:

Developing Emergency Action Plans

OSHA regulates that companies must document

emergency action plans according to specific
standards. Additionally, employees should go
through practice drills that familiarize them with
emergency procedures and be provided with
copies of emergency action plans.

Preparing Emergency Kits

Survival kits include basics such as water (a

gallon per day for each employee),
nonperishable foods, first-aid kits, flashlights
and battery-operated radios. Other items to
store in stormproof rooms might include
blankets, maps and cellphones.

Establishing Evacuation Plans

Employees should know the location of the

nearest exit, as well as alternatives. Additionally,
evacuation plans should indicate the best routes
to exit a building and where to meet after exiting
a building. Organizations should have
evacuation plans posted in visible areas
throughout work areas.
Managing Disaster Recovery

Recovering from disasters and emergencies

requires thoughtful management. Security and
emergency managers help a workplace recover
in the aftermath of a disaster in several ways.
First, they perform a damage assessment,
examining property to determine what requires
repairs or replacement and to identify areas of a
building that pose safety threats. After damage
assessment, emergency managers work to help
an organization return to normal operations.
They also reflect on what aspects of their
emergency action plans need revision.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted

another threat to safe working environments:
communicable disease. As a result, employers
are considering different ways to protect their
employees from exposure to the virus and
others like it.

COVID-19 poses a greater risk to older people

and those with certain preexisting conditions. As
such, employers are examining ways to
accommodate workers in high-risk categories
and set up remote working arrangements for all
workers when possible.

When remote work isn’t an option, employers

are assessing sources of exposure and
implementing controls that reduce exposure.
Additionally, they’re promoting or requiring
behaviors that emphasize infection prevention,
such as social distancing and frequent
Electrical Safety in the
In 2018, 160 workers died from electrocution
while on the job, an 18% increase from the prior
year. That same year, 1,560 workers suffered
electrical injuries. While electrical hazards pose
a danger to workers across every industry,
those most likely to suffer electrical fatalities or
injuries work in construction, which is
responsible for 52% of electrical fatalities. Such
numbers highlight the importance of high
standards for electrical safety in the workplace.

Electrical Hazards

Electrical hazards can result in burns, shock,

fires, explosions and death. Some common
electrical hazards include the following:

Overhead Power Lines

Overhead power lines carry deadly voltages of

electrical power. Failure to maintain a careful
distance from them can result in electrocution or
severe burns.

Damaged Equipment and Tools

Tools or equipment with damaged cords and

wires or
other defects can pose dangers to those using
them. Additionally, untrained workers shouldn’t
use tools.

Improper Wiring

Different electrical currents call for specific types

of wiring. Using the wrong wiring can cause
overheating and fires. They can also occur from
using the wrong type of extension cords,
overloading outlets and using improper circuit

Exposed Electrical Parts

As potentially dangerous levels of electrical

power surge through electrical components,
they must remain safely covered. Temporary
lighting, power distribution units and power
cords with exposed electrical parts all pose
electrical dangers.

Wet Conditions

Water makes electrocution more likely. Using

electricity in wet environments, particularly when
equipment has damaged insulation, poses
significant safety risks.

Strategies to Improve Electrical

Safety in the Workplace
Safety, security and emergency management
professionals can help minimize the risks of
electrical incidents in several ways. Many
electrical accidents result from a failure to
recognize energized sources and the incorrect
use of extension cords. However, by
implementing the following strategies
organizations can protect employees from
electrical hazards.

Understand and Follow OSHA


OSHA outlines standards that promote electrical

safety. Organizations must understand and
follow the  guidelines, which deal with:

Ÿ Avoiding the use of hot equipment to avoid

electrical hazards

Ÿ Disconnecting conductors or circuit components

from energized parts to ensure electrically safe
working conditions
Establish Electrical Safety Programs

Electrical safety programs can bring awareness

to electrical hazards and provide the training
employees need to remain safe. They can also
develop safe work procedures and identify
electrical safety principles.

Identify and Assess Electrical

By locating and assessing risks, organizations
can best address electrical hazards and
properly inform employees.

Creating a Culture of Safety

Organizations that commit to addressing
environmental hazards in the workplace can
best create and maintain safe environments for
their employees. Safe working environments not
only prevent injuries and illness but also reduce
costs, improve productivity and increase
employee morale.

For more information on safety in the workplace,

look into the Master of Science in Safety,
Security and Emergency Management program
at Eastern Kentucky University.

Recommended Readings

Preparing for an OSHA Inspection

Stopping Secondhand Smoke Exposure at Work

Trends to Watch in Emergency Management in


California Department of Industrial Relations,
Ergonomic Hazards

Canadian Center for Occupational Health and

Safety, Hazards

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather Topics

ComplianceSigns.com, Electrical Safety: Tips to

Prevent Workplace Electrical Injuries

EHS Daily Advisor, “OSHA’s ‘Fatal Four’ —

Leading Causes of Fatalities in the Workplace”

Electrical Safety Foundation International,

Workplace Injury and Fatality Statistics

Houston Chronicle, “How to Prepare for a

Natural Disaster in the Workplace”

Houston Chronicle, “List of Slip, Trip & Fall

Investopedia, “Litigation Risk”

National Center for Biotechnology Information,

“Ventilation Control for Airborne Transmission of
Human Exhaled Bio-Aerosols in Buildings”
Legal Beagle, OSHA Requirements for Building

Liberty Mutual, Liberty Mutual 2019 Workplace

Safety Index Reveals Workplace Injuries Cost
U.S. Companies Over $1 Billion Per Week

National Environmental Health Association,

Definitions of Environmental Health

National Safety Council, Workplace Injuries

Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

Commonly Used Statistics

Occupational Safety and Health Administration,


Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

Guidance for Preparing Workplaces for COVID-

Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

Indoor Air Quality
Public Health Scotland, Hazardous Substances

SafetyCulture, “Electrical Safety”

SafetyLine, Workplace Hazards Series:
Biological Hazards

SafetyLine, Workplace Hazards Series:

Ergonomic Hazards

Storemasta, “Chemical Hazards in the


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employer-

Reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
(Annual) News Release

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Injuries,

Illnesses, and Fatalities

U.S. Department of Labor, Welcome to OSHA’s

Fall Prevention Campaign

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, An Office

Building Occupants Guide to Indoor Air Quality

Vantage Circle “Workplace Safety: Importance,

Benefits, and Ways to Incorporate It”
West Bend Mutual Insurance Company,
Managing Slip and Fall Injuries

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