Abstract:: Post Exam Item Analysis: Implication For Intervention

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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019.

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certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

1 Post exam item analysis: Implication for intervention

2 Abstract: Post exam item analysis enables teachers to reduce biases on student achievement
3 assessments and improve their way of instruction. Difficulty indices, discrimination power and

4 distracter efficiencies were commonly investigated in item analysis. This research was

5 intended to investigate the difficulty and discrimination indices, distracters efficiency, whole

6 test reliability and construct defects in summative test for freshman common course at Gondar

7 CTE. In this study, 176 exam papers were analyzed in terms of difficulty index, point bi-serial

8 correlation and distracter efficiencies. Internal consistency reliability and construct defects

9 such as meaningless stems, punctuation errors and inconsistencies in option formats were also

10 investigated. Results revealed that the summative test as a whole has moderate difficulty level

11 (0.56 ± 0.20) and good distracter efficiency (85.71% ± 29%). However, the exam was poor in

12 terms of discrimination power (0.16 ± 0.28) and internal consistency reliability (KR-20 = 0.58).

13 Only one item has good discrimination power and one more item excellent in its

14 discrimination. About 41.9% of the items were either too easy or too difficult. Inconsistency in

15 option formats or inappropriate options, punctuation errors and meaningless stems were also

16 observed. Thus, future test development interventions should give due emphasis on item

17 reliability, discrimination coefficient and item construct defects.


19 Key words: Item analysis; difficulty index; discrimination coefficients; distracter efficiency


21 1. Background
22 Education quality in Ethiopia seemed to be compromised by the rapid expansion of higher

23 education institutions in the country (4). According to Arega Yirdaw (2016), problems in the

24 teaching-learning process were amongst the key factors in determining education quality in
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

25 private higher institutions in Ethiopia. Within the teaching-learning processes, effective

26 assessment tools have to be delivered to measure the desired learning outcomes.


28 It is advisable to use appropriate instruments for assessing students at higher institutions (5). The

29 rational for employing effective assessment tool is that assessment of students’ achievement is an

30 integral part of the teaching - learning process (2). Assessments should track each student’s

31 performance in a given course. With this in mind, instructors at colleges and universities must be

32 aware of the quality and reliability of their exams in a given course. Otherwise, the final results

33 may lead to a biased evaluation and certification (5). Instructors usually receive little or no

34 training on quality of assessment tools. Trainings usually focus on large-scale test administration

35 and standardized test score interpretation but not on strategies to construct test or item-writing

36 rules (2). The quality and reliability of assessments can be improved by delivering trainings on

37 post exam item analysis and item writing rules (17).


39 Item analysis involves collecting, summarizing and using information from students' responses

40 for assessing the quality of test items (21). It allows teachers to identify too difficult or too easy

41 items, items that do not discriminate high and low able students or items that have implausible

42 distracters (2, 3). By analyzing items, teachers/instructors can remove too easy/difficult items,

43 improve distracters’ efficiency and avoid non-discriminating items from the pool of future test

44 banks. It will also help teachers/instructors to examine misconceptions or contents difficult to

45 understand for students and adjust the way they teach (2).


47 According to the reports in Ethiopia, there was a serious problem in quality of education (4, 19).

48 Student’s achievement grading system in Ethiopia is carried out by administering teacher made

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

49 classroom tests and national examinations (20). It is believed that assessing students’

50 performance solely on objective items at school and national level in the country might have

51 contributed negatively on education quality (20). Therefore, objective test items need to met

52 psychometric standards in order to measure the out comes as per the course objectives.

53 Researchers suggested that objective examination results can be analyzed to improve the validity

54 and reliability of assessments (17). Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze the

55 post examination results of a summative exam in basic natural science course at Gondar CTE.

56 Based on the results, areas for intervention in future test development were recommended.


58 2. Methods
59 2.1 Research Design
60 The validity and reliability of a summative test in a freshman common course entitled as ‘basic

61 natural science-I’ was assessed using descriptive analytical method. Of the two approaches of

62 item analysis, classical test theory (CTT) and item response theory (IRT), CTT was employed

63 due to its simplicity and lack of software applications for IRT. The psychometric parameters

64 considered in this study were difficulty indices, point bi-serial correlations, internal consistency

65 reliability and construct face validity, and distracter efficiency.


67 2.2 Study population

68 All regular first year diploma students at Gondar CTE during 2017/18 academic year were taken

69 as the study population.


bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

71 2.3 Sample size and sampling technique

72 Assuming homogeneity of the population, a total of 176 (33.5%) students (Total = 525) were

73 selected using stratified random sampling. A stratified sampling technique was employed to

74 include representative samples from each department. The sample exam papers were collected

75 from science instructors within the department, Natural Science, Gondar CTE. Demographic data

76 of the representative samples were collected from registrar office in the college.


78 2.4 Instrument and scoring

79 The summative test administered during 2018 academic year in the course ‘basic natural science-

80 I’ was used as the research instrument. The first reason why this course was selected for the

81 study was that the summative test was developed by instructors with Biology, Chemistry and

82 Physics educational backgrounds. Therefore, the findings would be applicable to the department,

83 Natural Science. The other reason was that it was a common course given to a large population

84 in the college as a compulsory common course to all new modality streams. Furthermore, the

85 course was a pre-requisite for most other courses within the stream, integrated natural science.

86 Therefore, it would be better if an effective assessment tool was prepared by the department. The

87 summative test used in this study contained 31 objective items. There were 21 multiple choices,

88 7 true/false items and 3 matching questions. All the 31 items were considered for analysis. For

89 item analysis, correct responses were coded as 1 and 0 for wrong responses. The maximum mark

90 possible to score was 31 and minimum zero, with no negative marking.


92 2.5 Construct defect (Face validity)

93 The exam paper was checked for the following construct defects.

94 - Typing and punctuation errors

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

95 - Inappropriate/incomplete stems

96 - Inappropriate options formats/alternatives format for MCQs.


98 2.6 Internal consistency reliability

99 The internal consistency reliability of the summative test in basic natural science-I course was

100 investigated to determine the overall reliability of the test. The two most commonly used

101 measure of reliability were Cronbach alfa (α) and Kuder-Richardson method (KR-20). KR-20 is

102 used to measure the reliability of tests in a dichotomous item (17). Therefore, in this study, KR-

103 20 was used to estimate the test reliability. The objective test items were scored dichotomously

104 as right or wrong (17). Every correct response was coded as 1 and wrong responses as 0. The

105 acceptable value for test reliability in many literatures was α ≥ 0.7. A KR-20 value of 0.7 or

106 greater was considered as reliable in this study.


108 2.7 Item difficulty index (p)

109 The item difficulty index is an appropriate choice for achievement tests when the items were

110 scored dichotomously. It can be calculated for true-false, multiple choice and matching items. In

111 this study, difficulty index for every item was determined by dividing the number of respondents

112 who answered the item correctly by the total number of students taking the test. Simply, p was

113 computed using Microsoft excel 2007 based on the formula given below and average difficulty

114 level determined.

115 p = ≠ of students answering item correctly

Total ≠ of students taking the test
116 Where p – difficulty index


bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

118 The value of p ranges from 0 - 1; the higher the value, the easier the item and vice versa. The

119 recommended range of difficulty level is between 0.3 – 0.7 (1, 6). Items having p-values below

120 0.3 and above 0.7 are considered too difficult and too easy, respectively (1).

Item difficulty index (p) Item evaluation

p > 0.7 Too easy

p = 0.3 – 0.7 Acceptable

p < 0.30 Too difficult

121 Source: Instructional Assessment Resources (IAR 2011) in (1)


123 2.8 Discrimination coefficient (r)

124 The item discrimination index is a value of how well a question is able to differentiate between

125 students who are high performing and those who are not (17). It can be calculated either by

126 extreme group method or point bi-serial correlation coefficient (r) or other methods. The extreme

127 group method considers only 54% of the respondents (top 27% and bottom 27%). On the other

128 hand, the point bi-serial correlation coefficients take into account all respondents. Besides, it also

129 indicates the relationship between a particular item on a test with the total test score (12, 17). For

130 this reason, the point bi-serial correlation coefficient was used in this study. The point bi-serial

131 correlation coefficient was computed using SPSS version 20. Its value ranges between -1 and 1;

132 a higher value indicates a powerful discrimination power of the item. The test items in this study

133 were classified based on the standard depicted in the table below.

r value Quality Recommendations

≥ 0.4 Excellent Retain

0.3 – 0.39 Good Possibilities for improvement

0.2 – 0.29 Average Need to check/review

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

0.0 – 0.19 Poor Discard or review in depth

< - 0.01 Worst Definitely discard

134 Adopted from (7)


136 2.9 Distracter efficiency (DE)

137 Distracters are classified as incorrect answers in a multiple-choice question. Student performance

138 in an exam is very much influenced by the quality of the given distracters. Hence, it is necessary

139 to determine the effectiveness of distracters in a given MCQ. Distracter effectiveness indicates

140 the percentage of students choosing that option as an answer. It was calculated based on the

141 number of non-functional distracters (NFDs) per item. An NFD was defined as an incorrect

142 option in MCQ selected by less than 5% of students. The DE was considered to be 0%, 33.3%,

143 66.7% or 100% if an item had three, two, one or zero NFDs, respectively.


145 3 Data analysis

146 The Statistical Package for Social Science software version 20 (SPSS-20) and Microsoft Excel

147 2007 were used for storing and analyzing data. Descriptive statistics i.e. frequencies,

148 demographic information, mean and standard deviations as well as point bi-serial correlations

149 were determined using SPSS-20. Difficulty indices and percentages were computed using excel.

150 Face validity was described qualitatively. Figures and tables were used to display results.


152 4 Results

153 Demographic data: Table 1 below shows the demographic characteristics of students whose

154 exam papers were analyzed. Forty two percent of the samples were females and males constitute

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

155 fifty eight percent. More than half (58.5%) of the study participants were in the age group 20-25

156 years; 38.1% were under 20 and only 3.4% were 26 and above. The mean age was 20.26 ± 2.13.

157 Table 1 Age-sex demographic characteristics of respondents

Sex Frequency Percent

Male 102 58.0
Female 74 42.0
Total 176 100.0
Age in years Frequency Percent
Under 20 67 38.1
20 - 25 103 58.5
Above 25 6 3.4
Total 176 100.0

159 Test statistics: Results from Table 2 showed that students’ score ranged from 5 to 27 (out of 31)

160 with mean 17.23 ± 3.85. There was no statistically significant mean difference between males

161 and females (p = 0.311, df =174). The histogram in figure 1 revealed that the total score was

162 approximately normally distributed in both sexes (Fig 1).

163 Table 2: Item descriptive statistics

Mean 17.23
Std. Error of Mean 0.29
Median 17.00
Mode 15.00 a

Std. Deviation 3.85

Range 22.00
Minimum 5.00
Maximum 27.00
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

165 Figure 1 Distribution of raw test score in males and females

167 Construct defects (Face validity): Results from face validity revealed the following findings.

168 - Punctuation errors (full stop & question mark missing) in question.5, 6, 7, 11 and 15.

169 - Inconsistent option formats (option format changed from question 26 to 31).

170 - Inappropriate stems (meaningless or incomplete) were observed in question 12, 13, 14,

171 27 and 28.

172 - Inappropriate options/alternatives (all of the above, A and B) in question 12, 13, 15, 22,

173 27 and 28.

174 - No negatively phrased stems (not or except).

175 - Absolute term (most) in question number 4.



bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

178 Internal consistency reliability

179 In this study, the internal consistency reliability was used to evaluate the performance of the test

180 as a whole. The computed KR-20 value of the test was 0.58 which is less than the recommended

181 range in many literatures (≥ 0.7).


183 Difficulty index: Appendix A shows the distribution of difficulty indices (p) for each item. One

184 item (q.19) has the highest p-value (0.82) and q.18 has the lowest (0.15). Eighteen items (58.1%)

185 have moderate difficulty level (p-value between 0.3 – 0.7). Twelve items (38.7%) have excellent

186 difficulty levels (p-values between 0.4 – 0.6). Thirteen items (41.9%) lie outside the moderate

187 difficulty range i.e. three items were too difficult (p < 0.3) and ten items (32.3%) too easy (p >

188 0.7). The mean difficulty index was 56% that is p = 0.56, SD. 0.20. A summary of difficulty

189 index was illustrated in Table 3.


191 Table 3: Difficulty index summary

p - value Interpretation # of items Action

< 0.3 Difficult 3 (9.6%) Discard

0.3 – 0.7 Moderate 18 (58.1%) Accept

> 0.70 Easy 10 (32.3%) Reject

192 Item difficulty index mean 0.56, SD. 0.20

193 Discrimination coefficients: Appendix B shows the result of the point bi-serial correlation

194 coefficient for each item. Three items (q.2, q.18 and q.20) have negative discrimination power (r

195 - worst). Only a single item (q.31) has excellent discrimination power (r > 0.4). Seventeen items

196 (54.8%) were categorized as poor (r < 2.0) and nine items (29%) as average (r = 2.0 – 2.9)

197 (Table 4). Question number 7 is an ideal item in terms of difficulty level (p = 0.54, Appendix A),

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

198 but good in terms of discrimination (r = 0.39, Appendix B). The mean discrimination power is

199 0.16 (SD. 0.28). In many literatures, the acceptable mean r value is ≥ 0.4.


201 Table 4: Distribution of items in terms of level of discrimination

Point bi-serial Correlation (r) No. of Items % Action

Excellent (r ≥ 0.40) 1 3.23% Retain

Good (r = 0.30 – 0.39) 1 3.23% Possibilities for improvement

Average (r = 0.20-0.29) 9 29.03% Usually need and subject to improvement

Poor (r = 0 - 0.19) 17 54.84 Discard or review in depth

Worst (r < 0) 3 9.67% Definitely discard

202 Item discrimination coefficients mean 0.16, SD, 0.28.


204 Table 5 below displays the combination of the two indices i.e. item difficulty and discrimination.

205 According to this table, two items (q.7 and 31) have moderate p-values (p = 0.3 - 0.7) and good

206 discrimination (r ≥ 0.3). However, there was no any single item that could be labeled as excellent

207 in both difficulty and discrimination indices (p = 0.4 – 0.6 and r ≥ 0.4). Easy items (p > 0.7) such

208 as q.3, q.5, q.10 and q.24 have poor discrimination (r < 0.2). Furthermore, items with p < 0.3

209 (difficult) such as q.12, q.14 and q.18 have very low discriminating power (r < 0.2). The

210 difficulty level for q.2 was ideal (p = 0.51) but its discrimination power was worst (r = -0.004).

211 Ideal questions with p-values from 0.4 to 0.6 (q.6, q.16, q.21, q.23 and q.26) have poor r- values

212 (< 0.2). There was no statistically significant correlation between difficulty index and

213 discrimination coefficient (Pearson correlation = 0.201, Sig. (2-tailed) p = 0.279).



bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

216 Table 5: Combination of item difficulty (p) and discrimination (r) indices

item p r item p r
q1 0.71 0.208 q17 0.64 0.017

q2 0.51 -0.004** q18 0.15* -0.046**

q3 0.74 0.082 q19 0.82 0.202

q4 0.67 0.211 q20 0.3 -0.02**

q5 0.78 0.16 q21 0.56 0.166

q6 0.44 0.166 q22 0.8 0.207

q7 0.54 0.393 q23 0.53 0.186

q8 0.71 0.12 q24 0.81* 0.143*

q9 0.35 0.013 q25 0.7 0.061

q10 0.78 0.186 q26 0.51 0.065

q11 0.6 0.253 q27 0.53 0.234

q12 0.19* 0.184* q28 0.75 0.159

q13 0.53 0.237 q29 0.74 0.162

q14 0.2* 0.025* q30 0.45 0.253

q15 0.38 0.203 q31 0.34 0.404

q16 0.47 0.173


218 Fig.2 shows the graphical representation of difficulty index and discrimination power. The

219 scatter plot allows identification of appropriate (valid and reliable) questions at the center of the

220 graph. Moreover the representation is useful to notice immediately questions that are too easy or

221 too difficult. According to fig 2, r increases up to a point where p approaches to 0.4, then after it

222 declines.

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

224 Figure 2: Scatter plot of difficulty and discrimination indices

226 Distracter efficiency: The distracter analysis shows that six items (28.57%) (q.12, q.13, q.19

227 q.20, q.24 and q.28) have nine NFDs, with a choice frequency of < 5%. All other items do not

228 have any NFDs (Appendix C). In addition, four items (q.12, q.14, q.18 and q.20) have six

229 distracters selected by more students than the (key) correct answer. There was no item with three

230 NFDs. But three items (q.12, q.13 and q.19) have 2 NFDs and the next three items (q.19, q.20

231 and q.28) have 1 NFDs (Table 6). The overall mean of DE was 85.71% with minimum 33.3%

232 and maximum 100%.


bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

234 Table 6: Distracter analysis (DE) summary

Number of Items 21
Total Distracters 63
Functional distracters 54 (85.71%)
Non functional distracters (NFDs) 9 (14.29%)
Items with 3 NFDs (DE=0%) 0
Items with 2 NFDs (DE=33.3%) 3
Items with 1 NFD (DE=66.7%) 3
Items with 0 NFD (DE=100%) 15
Items with over distracters 4
Overall mean DE 85.71% ± 24.89%

236 Difficult items such as q.12, q.14 and q.18 have DE between 66.7% and 100%. Similar result

237 was recorded for easy questions such as q.18, q.22 and q.24. Some items with poor or good p-

238 values have similar DE values (Table 7). Only a single item (q.31) satisfies all the three

239 parameters of ideal questions (p > 0.3, r > 0.4 and DE = 100%, Table 8).

240 Table 7: Comparison of item difficulty with distracter efficiency for MCQs

Item p DE (%)
q11 0.6 100
q12 0.19* 66.7
q13 0.53 33.3
q14 0.2* 100
q15 0.38 100
q16 0.47 100
q17 0.64 100
q18 0.15* 100
q19 0.82 66.7
q20 0.3 100
q21 0.56 100
q22 0.8 100
q23 0.53 100
q24 0.81* 100
q25 0.7 100
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

q26 0.51 100

q27 0.53 100
q28 0.75 66.7
q29 0.74 100
q30 0.45 100
q31 0.34 100

242 Table 8: Comparison of p, r and DE

item p d DE

q11 0.6 0.253 100

q12 0.19* 0.184* 66.7

q13 0.53 0.237 33.3

q14 0.2* 0.025* 100

q15 0.38 0.203 100

q16 0.47 0.173 100

q17 0.64 0.017 100

q18 0.15* -0.046** 100

q19 0.82 0.202 66.7

q20 0.3 -0.02** 100

q21 0.56 0.166 100

q22 0.8 0.207 100

q23 0.53 0.186 100

q24 0.81* 0.143* 100

q25 0.7 0.061 100

q26 0.51 0.065 100

q27 0.53 0.234 100

q28 0.75 0.159 66.7

q29 0.74 0.162 100

q30 0.45 0.253 100

q31 0.34 0.404 100


244 Discussion
245 By analyzing summative assessments, it is possible to modify future test development techniques

246 or modify classroom instructions. With this intention the current study was conducted on post

247 exam item analysis based on psychometric standards. Based on the findings areas for

248 interventions were indicated.

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.


250 The internal reliability calculated in this summative test was 0.58. This value is a beat less than

251 the expected range in most standardized assessments (α ≥ 0.7). According to (8), a Cronbach

252 alpha of 0.71 was obtained in a standardized Italian case study. Reliability analysis could be

253 categorized as: excellent if α > 0.9, very good if between 0.8 - 0.9 and good if between 0.6 - 0.7

254 (1). If the reliability value lies within 0.5 - 0.6, revision is required. It will be questionable if

255 reliability falls below 0.5 (1). Based on the result in this study, the summative test administered

256 requires revision because its KR-20 (0.58) value is less than 0.7. This might also imply that

257 college educators need to validate their assessment tools through item analysis. According to

258 Fraenkel and Wallen in (12), one should attempt to generate KR-20 reliability of 0.70 and above

259 to acquire reliable test instruments.


261 According to Table 3, 58.1% (18) of the items in the summative test have average difficulty (p =

262 0.3 - 0.7). An item is considered to be good item if its p-value lies in the moderate range (17). In

263 this study, a little higher than half of the exam items have moderate difficulty. It is important to

264 include more questions with average difficulty even though the mean difficulty level (0.56) is

265 acceptable. A similar finding was reported in many other literatures (1, 6 and 9).


267 Questions which are too easy or too difficult for a student contribute little information regarding

268 student’s ability (17). Data in this study showed that 32.3% of the test items were too easy

269 (recommended – 10%-20%) and 9.6% were too difficult (recommended-20%). Though it is

270 advisable to include easy and difficult items in a given test (10), it would be better if the

271 recommended limits were met. Hence in this exam paper, there were more easy items and fewer

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

272 difficult items. A difficult item could mean either the topic is difficult for students to grasp (10,

273 11) or not taught well (10) or mis-keyed (12) or poor preparation of students.


275 According to (12), the discriminatory power of individual items can be computed either by

276 discrimination index, biserial correlation coefficient, point biserial coefficient or phi coefficient.

277 In this study, the discrimination power of every item was calculated by using point-biserial

278 coefficient. The point-bi-serial coefficient result (Table 4) showed that only one item was

279 considered as ‘Excellent” (r > 0.4) and another one reasonably good (r = 0.393). All other items

280 in this summative test need revision or subjected to improvement (r < 0.3). Similar study was

281 reported in (3) that there was no a single item having discrimination index greater than or equal

282 to 0.30. Contrary to this study, 46.67% of items have good to excellent discrimination power (r ≥

283 0.3) (15).


285 Large and positive values are required for the point bi-serial correlation as it indicates that

286 students who get an item right tend to obtain high scores on the overall test and vise-versa (8).

287 An item with negative and/or low discriminating power needed to be considered in subsequent

288 test development phases. In this study, three items have negative discrimination. This could be

289 due to the fact that low ability students guessed the item right and high ability students

290 suspicious of any clue less successful to guess (16). Items with negative discrimination decrease

291 the validity of the test and should be removed from the collection of questions (10, 12, 13, 14

292 and 15).


294 Difficulty and discrimination indices are often reciprocally related. However, this may not

295 always be true. Questions having high p-value discriminate poorly; conversely, questions with

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

296 low p-value may discriminate well (17). This variation could be as a result of students who make

297 a guess when selecting the correct responses (12). Data (Table 5) showed that guessing has

298 occurred in this study. According to (1), moderately difficult items should have the maximal

299 discriminative ability. The findings of this study contradict with (1). This may reflect that some

300 extent of guessing occurred during test administration.


302 Distracter analysis was conducted to determine the relative usefulness of distracters in each item.

303 Seventeen (81%) items have no NFDs (DE = 100%), three items (q.12, q.19 and q.28) have 1

304 NFDs (DE = 66.7%) and one item (q.13) has 2 NFDs (DE = 33.3%, Table 6). There is no item

305 with 3 NFDs (DE = 0). On the other hand, seven distracters (11%) (12 - A, 14 - A, B, 18- B, C

306 and 20-A) were selected by more students than the correct answer. This may indicate that the

307 items were confusing (12). An overall DE mean of 92.1% (considered as ideal/acceptable) was

308 obtained in this study. Similar finding was reported by (10) in an internal microbiology

309 examination in India.


311 Non-functional distracters make an item easy and reduce its discrimination (10). Question

312 number 31 (Table 8) has moderate difficulty and excellent discrimination power. Probably this

313 could be due to absence of NFDs. However, this doesn’t work for other test items probably due

314 to random guessing or some flaws in item writing (10).


316 5.1 Conclusion and Recommendations

317 Post exam item analysis is a simple but effective method to assess the validity and reliability of a

318 test. It detects specific technical flaws and provides information for further test improvement. An

319 item with average difficulty (p = 0.3 – 0.7), high discrimination (r ≥ 0.4) and higher DE value

bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/510081. this version posted January 15, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not
certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

320 (>70%) is considered as an ideal item. In this study, the summative test as a whole has moderate

321 difficulty (mean = 0.56) and good distracter efficiency (mean = 85.71%). But it poorly

322 discriminates between high and low achieving students (0.16). The test as a whole needs revision

323 as its reliability was not reasonably good (KR-20=0.58). Some flaws in item writing were also

324 observed.


326 According to Xu and Liu (2009) in (1), teachers’ knowledge in assessment and evaluation is not

327 static but a dynamic and ongoing activity. Therefore, it is plausible to suggest that teachers or

328 instructors should have some in-service seminars on test developments. Since most of the

329 summative tests constructed within the college are objective types, item analysis is

330 recommended for instructors at some points in their teaching life. It is also suggested that there

331 might be a specific unit responsible for testing and the analysis of the items after exam

332 administration.


334 Competing interests

335 The author declares that there is no competing interest.

336 Acknowledgment
337 I would like to thank lecturers at Department of Natural Science, Gondar CTE, for providing

338 exam papers for the study. I would like to extend my appreciation to Mr. Awoke Debebe for his

339 assistance in data entry and critical review of the manuscript.


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