CBDD Standard Paint Spec (With SW Data)

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33 SPROUL ROAD • MALVERN, PA 19355-1951


Standard Paint Specifications

Paint Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams

Follow product data sheet “CC-B10" for preparation of metal surfaces and
application of two (2) finish coats of quick dry enamel.

All components shall be painted with “Motor Blue #F77L6”.

All drive and safety guards shall be painted with “Safety Yellow # F77Y15".

Note: The above paint does not contain lead.

Chemical Coatings
Quick Dry Enamel
Machine Tool Gray ................ F77A3 Motor Blue ........................... F77L6 Aluminum ............................. F77S12
Gloss Black .......................... F77B1 Container Blue ..................... F77L19 Blending Clear ...................... F77V100
Flat Black .............................. F77B2 Blending White ..................... F77W100 International Orange ............. F77E11
Container Brown .................. F77N20 Gloss White ......................... F77W8 Machinery Red ..................... F77R14
Safety Yellow ....................... F77Y15 Equipment Green ................. F77G13 WMI Burgundy ...................... F77R22
Regal Yellow ........................ F77Y16 Caterpillar Yellow ................. F77Y17 Packer Green ....................... F77G38


Quick Dry Enamel is a fast drying in- Gloss: 80+ units General: Substrate should be free of
dustrial finishing enamel intended for Flat Black: 2-8 units grease, oil, dirt, fingerprints, drawing
coating various metal products. It is ideal Volume Solids: 19 - 31 compounds, any contamination, and sur-
for industrial, OEM, maintenance, and varies by color face passivation treatments to ensure op-
new construction applications. It offers Viscosity: varies by color timum adhesion and coating perfor-
versatility and efficiency of application be- 30-50 seconds#2 Zahn Cup mance properties. Consult Metal Prepa-
cause of its quick drying properties. 30-45 seconds#4 Ford Cup ration Brochure CC-T1 for additional de-
Recommended film thickness: tails.
Advantages: Mils Wet 3.5 - 5.0
• Very fast air drying Mils Dry 0.8 - 1.2 Aluminum: If untreated, prime with In-
• High Gloss Multiple passes to obtain film build are dustrial Wash Primer, P60G2, or Kem
• Full color line plus custom mix colors recommended. See Product Limitations Aqua ® Wash Primer, E61G520. Over
• Good one coat protection section. "pre-treated" aluminum, check adhesion
• No critical recoat time Spreading Rate (no application loss) before use as the proprietary pre-treat-
• Can be applied using conventional, 254-621sq ft/gal @ 0.8-1.2 mils DFT ment may change from supplier to sup-
airless, or electrostatic spray equip- plier which may have an effect on the
ment or by dipping Drying (1.0 mils dft, 77°F, 50% RH): final adhesion.
• Lower gloss levels are available by To Touch: 5-10 minutes
using Gloss Modifying Agent, To Handle: 10-15 minutes Galvanized Steel: Prime with Industrial
D64F100 Tack Free: 15-30 minutes Wash Primer, P60G2, or Kem Aqua
• Lead and chromate hazard free To Recoat: 30 minutes Wash Primer, E61G520.
Force Dry: 10 minutes at 180°F
Flash Point: 45°F Pensky-Martens Steel or Iron: Remove rust, mill scale,
Closed Cup and oxidation products. For best results,
Package Life: 2 years, unopened treat the surface with a proprietary sur-
face chemical treatment of zinc or iron
Air Quality Data: phosphate to improve corrosion protec-
Photochemically reactive tion.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) For better corrosion protection and best
as packaged, maximum enamel holdout prime with Kem 400
5.2 lb/gal, 624 g/L Primer. For best corrosion protection
reduced 25% with Xylene, maximum prime with Kem Flash Prime.
5.6 lb/gal, 673 g/L
Wood (interior only): Must be clean, dry,
An Environmental Data Sheet is avail- and finish sanded.
able from your local Sherwin-Williams
facility. Testing: Due to the wide variety of sub-
strates, surface preparation methods,
and application methods and environ-
ments, the customer should test the com-
plete system for adhesion and compat-
ibility prior to full scale application.

CC-B10 2000701 03/06 Page 3 of 5 continued on back

Typical Setup
Product Limitations: Thoroughly review product label for
For a wetter spray or to improve flow and • Multiple passes to obtain film build are safety and cautions prior to using this
leveling, reduce with small amounts of recommended rather than a single product.
Hi Flash Naphtha 100 or Aromatic Naph- heavy pass. Excessive film build may A Material Safety Data Sheet is available
tha 150. cause solvent popping because of the from your local Sherwin-Williams facil-
quick drying nature of this product. ity.
Conventional Spray: • Use of very slow evaporating solvents Please direct any questions or comments
Air Pressure .......................... 40-50 psi may increase the tack free time and to your local Sherwin-Williams facility.
Fluid Pressure ........................ 8-10 psi keep the coating softer for a longer
Reducer ........................................ Xylol time. LABEL CAUTIONS
Reduction Rate ....................... 20-25% • Quick Dry Enamel has no critical re- Contents are FLAMMABLE. Vapors may cause flash
coat time and can be recoated at any fires. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.
Airless Spray: time. However, field conditions may During use and until all vapors are gone: Keep area
Pressure ................................ 1800 psi vary and recoating should be tested ventilated - Do not smoke - Extinguish all flames, pi-
lot lights, and heaters - Turn off stoves, electric tools
Tip ...................................... .013"-.017" on a small area. and appliances, and any other sources of ignition.
Reducer ........................................ Xylol VAPOR HARMFUL. Use only with adequate ventila-
Reduction Rate ....................... 15-20% tion. Wear an appropriate properly fitted vapor/par-
ticulate respirator (NIOSH approved) during and af-
Butyl Carbitol, R6K28, may be added to ter application, unless air monitoring demonstrates
3% by volume as a retarder solvent. vapor/mist levels are below applicable limits. Follow
respirator manufacturer’s directions for respirator use.
Electrostatic Spray: Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands after
using. Keep container closed when not in use. Do
Reducer for polarity ......... MEK or MAK not transfer contents to other containers for storage.
Reduction Rate ...... up to 10% for wrap FIRST AID: If INHALED: If affected, remove from
Reducer for flow............ Hi Flash Naph- exposure. Restore breathing, Keep warm and quiet.
If on SKIN: Wash affected area thoroughly with soap
tha 100 or MAK and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Launder
Reduction Rate .................. as needed before re-use. If in EYES: Flush eyes with large
amounts of water for 15 minutes. Get medical atten-
Dip: (small parts only) tion. If SWALLOWED: Call Poison Control Center,
hospital emergency room, or physician immediately.
Reducer.....Xylol or Hi Flash Naphtha 100 SPILL AND WASTE: Remove all sources of ignition.
Reduction Rate ....................... 15-20% Ventilate and remove with inert absorbent. Inciner-
Excessive agitation or turbulence on part ate in approved facility. Do not incinerate closed con-
tainer. Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State,
immersion or withdrawal may cause and Local regulation regarding pollution.
Tank maintenance (agitation, turnover POSURE.
rate, viscosity control, and stability) is Contains solvents which can cause permanent brain
and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by
required deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents
can be harmful or fatal.
Cleanup: WARNING: This product contains chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth
Clean tools/equipment immediately af- defects or other reproductive harm.
ter use with Xylol, Hi Flash Naphtha, or DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. KEEP OUT OF THE
other aromatic solvents. REACH OF CHILDREN.
Follow manufacturer's safety recom- FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. SEE MATERIAL
mendations when using any solvent. 21336-100402.

Note: Product Data Sheets are periodi-

cally updated to reflect new information
relating to the product. It is important that
the customer obtain the most recent
Product Data Sheet for the product be-
ing used. The information, rating, and
opinions stated here pertain to the mate-
rial currently offered and represent the re-
sults of tests believed to be reliable. How-
ever, due to variations in customer han-
dling and methods of application which
are not known or under our control, The
Sherwin-Williams Company cannot make
any warranties as to the end result.

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Air Dry Enamel


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