Module 4.3.1 - Questioning2019

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How to Use Questioning to Improve

Reading Comprehension
Reasons for using questioning before, during, and after reading:
• To be clear about what you know or want • To focus on a particular part or idea in the
to know text
• To clarify the meaning of what you are • To locate an answer to a specific question
reading • Or, to reflect on what you’ve read
• To speculate about the text

Questions to ask…
Before Reading: During Reading: After Reading:
1. What is your purpose for Construct your questions 1. What did you learn?
reading? using one of these six basic 2. Is there anything that
2. What do you predict the question types: was unclear? Write down
text will be about? • Who some guide questions
3. How do you feel about • What and go back and reread
the topic? • When difficult passages with
4. What biases might you • Where these questions in mind.
have about the topic • Why 3. Did you find what you
because of your feelings • How needed? If not, what else
towards it? do you need to know?
5. What do you already 4. Did you find the author’s
know or think you know You might ask: style persuasive? Why or
about the topic? • What does the author why not?
6. What do you need to mean by _____? 5. Do you agree with what
know about the topic? • How does this relate to you read? Why or why
7. What do you want to _____? not?
know about the topic? • Why is this _____? 6. How does what you read
8. What do you predict the OR compare to other things
text will tell you about you’ve read on this topic?
Make statements such as:
the topic? 7. What ideas stuck with
• I don’t understand you? Which ones do you
_____. want to investigate more?
• I was confused by _____.

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