The Method in Their Madness - Cross 1996

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The Method i n Their Madness

Understanding How Designers Think

Uitgesproken op 8 november 1996
door prof. dr. N . G. Cross
hoogleraar i n de Faculteit van het Industrieel Ontwerpen
van de Technische Universiteit Delft
The Method i n Their Madness
Understanding H o w Designers T h i n k

Mijnheer de Rector-Magnificus, collegae en andere leden van de

Universiteitsgemeenschap, beste vrienden, Dames en Heren, geachte

I first became attracted to design methodology w h e n I was a student

of architecture i n the 1960s. I was particularly attracted by the w o r k o f
Jolm Christopher Jones, and I was later fortimate enough to be able to
study and w o r k closely w i t h h i m for several years. I n his seminal
w o r k . Design Methods: Seeds ofHtunan Futures (1), he suggested that the
various, then-new methods of design might be viewed as representing
three different perceptions of design activity: that of creativity, that o f
rationality, and that of control over the design process. 'Each of these
three views of designing', he wrote, 'can be symbolized i n a cybernetic
pichire of the designer. From the creative viewpoint the designer is a
black box out of w h i c h comes the mysterious creative leap; f r o m the
rational viewpoint the designer is a glass box inside w h i c h can be
discerned a completely explicable rational process; f r o m the control
viewpoint the designer is a self-orgaiusiixg sxjstem capable of f i n d i n g
short cuts across u n k n o w n territory.'

Like Jones, 1 found the concept of the designer as a self-organising

system to be the most attractive view, and it is that concept that has
guided m y teaching and research i n design methodology. Viewing the
designer as a black box device, or 'magician', means that designing
w i l l always remain mysterious, and that seems an unsatisfactory
position for any teacher (or researcher) to adopt. Viewing the designer
as a glass box device, or 'computer', means accepting a potential that
someday the viewpoint w i l l be reversed and w e w i l l see the 'computer Metaphors and Models
as designer', and that seems an unhappy position to adopt for anyone
who sees design as one of the highest levels of cognitive abilty that Understanding h o w designers design has been pursued i n several
human beings possess. different ways. One of these is the use of metaphors - the development
of analogies that help to explain what i t is that designers do, and the
These hvo viewpoints - the designer as magician or as computer - are complexity of that task.
usually contrasted against each other, and some commentators o n
design seem to fall very definitely into h o l d i n g one v i e w p o i n t or the One of the most p o w e r f u l metaphors has been that used b y Herbert
other very strongly. Simon, of the designer as an ant (4). Simon compared any creative
problem solver to an ant going back to its nest across a stony terrain.
Viewing the designer as a self-organising system means adopting a A t any given moment, the ant's horizon is very close, and all i t can see
v i e w p o i n t that recognises the f u l l intelligence of the designer, and yet are the rocks around it. The terrain is not all visible i n advance, and the
also recognises that intelligent behaviour is self-reflective and capable ant cannot foresee all the obstacles l y i n g i n its path on its way to its
of improvement, and can benefit f r o m tuihon and f r o m using some goal. A l l i t can do is deal w i t h the obstacles as it comes to them. The
forms of external aids. That is m y v i e w of h o w design methodology creative problem solver, like the ant, is likely to take w h a t w o u l d
relates to design education and practice. I n parhcular i t has influenced appear to an observer to be a circuitous route 'home' to the solution
my interests i n certain aspects of design research to do w i t h goal. What Simon meant to communicate by this metaphor was his
developing our understanding of h o w designers design and h o w v i e w that the apparent complexity of the ant's (or problem-solver's)
designers think. To be able to operate as a self-organising system behaviour is largely a reflection of the complexity of the environment
means having a certain level of self-awareness, and knowledge of i n w h i c h i t finds itself, whilst the underlying cognitive processes that
w h a t one is trying to do, w h i c h can be d r a w n upon to guide one's contiol the behaviour may be relatively simple.
activity. Design methodology can help to develop that self-awareness.
Christopher Jones used a metaphor of the designer as an explorer,
D u r i n g m y six years i n the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering searching for a h i d d e n treasure. Interestingly, this shares some features
here at Delft University of Technology, I was very happy to be able to w i t h Simon's metaphor: there is a detinite goal, w h i c h w i l l be
w o r k w i t h m y colleagues, Norbert Roozenburg, Kees Dorst and Henri recognised once i t is reached; there is an u n k n o w n and d i f f i c u l t terrain;
Christiaans, i n p u r s u i n g research i n ' h o w designers t h i n k ' . I n and the route to the goal may i n retiospect appear to have been
particular, w e held two international research workshops o n this unnecessarily circuitous. However, unlike Simon, Jones assumes that
theme, w h i c h helped establish the Faculty as an internationally- the explorer has a significant intelligence. This intelligence can be used
recognised centre for this k i n d of w o r k . I am proud to have shared to help plan a search stiategy, and to respond to any clues about the
w i t h m y colleagues i n editing the proceedings of these t w o workshops path to take that might be f o u n d d u r i n g the search.
(2, 3), w h i c h are n o w so often cited elsewhere.

it compares designing to playing a game - something done for its o w n
Both Simon and Jones seem to me to be w r o n g i n their metaphors i n
sake and for enjoyment.
one important respect. I n design there is not an already-known goal;
the designer creates the goal i n creating a solution concept. Where
Another significant approach to explaining h o w designers design has
there is an already-known goal, then problem solving is a matter of
been the use of models - usually flow diagrams of various kinds. Such
searching for that goal, as Jones and Simon suggest. But searching for
models are usually at the opposite end of the spectrum f r o m that of the
something that is lost is not what designers do. They do not search for
metaphors I have just discussed - the models are paths to be followed,
a lost city or a buried treasure. Rather, they constiuct a fantasy city or
thus avoiding the circuitous wanderings of the ant or the explorer. I n
magical tieasure of their o w n . I n a sense, they are genuine explorers,
general, I have f o u n d such models not to be very useful as educational
mapping u n k n o w n territories and returning w i t h mysterious finds,
tools, because they tend to be too complex for students to understand.
rather than the searchers after certainties that both Jones and Simon
Before they can recognise the paths set out i n the models, students
need to have done some exploration for themselves.

As most of m y students and colleagues w i l l know, instead of exploring

or searching as analogies for design, I prefer a metaphor based on the One of the first pieces of collaborative w o r k that I d i d i n this

game of football. Designing is a team activity, and a design team, like University was to write a paper on models of design activity w i t h

a football team, has to have a stiategy. The football team's strategy for Norbert Roozenburg (5). I n this paper we explored some of the history

defeating the opposition w i l l consist of an agreed plan to use a variety of model-building i n design methodology, and the divergence that had

of plays or moves (i.e. techniques or methods), to be applied as the occurred between models of engineering design and those of

situation demands. D u r i n g the game, the choice of a move, and architectural design. We pointed to the differences of intention

whether or n o t i t is successful, w i l l depend o n the specific between presctiptive and descripfive models of design, and w e tried to

circumstances, on the skill of the players, and on the response of the show h o w the diverging models might begin to be reintegrated. We

opposition. The repertoire of moves used i n a game is partiy decided concluded that, 'Above all i t is i n education that models of the design

in advance, partly improvised on the field, and also amended at the process must be employed that are reliable and robust, and formative

half-time briefing by the team coach. The role of the coach is of good design behaviour. Good methods are built upon rationality,

important because he maintains a wider v i e w of the game than the adapted to the characteristics of the tasks to be performed, and to the

players can actually out there on the field. I n designing, i t is necessary cognitive properties of the designer. This calls for an integration of

to adopt a similar role f r o m time to time, i n reviewing the project's descriptive and prescriptive insights.'

stiategy and progress. For an individual designer, or member of a

design team, tackling the problem and reaching the goal w i l l involve We had just both w r i t t e n textbooks of design methods (6, 7) w h i c h

both the stiategic skills of the coach and the tactical skills of the player. shared many similarities and w h i c h we hoped embodied some of this

This is the metaphor I use to tiy to convey to students the idea of the integration. I n particular, I had attempted i n m y book to develop a

designer as a self-organising system. I also like the metaphor because ' h y b r i d ' model of the design process w h i c h combined insights f r o m

both the prescriptive and descriptive approaches. It is this pragmatic just to ask designers themselves how they do it. Again, my sti-idents
approach to models of the design process that has been embodied in and colleagues will know that I am fond of quoting from designers.
our design methodology teaching in the Faculty. My selection of such quotations is unashamedly biased in favour of
illustrating the points I want to make!
A different but nonetheless most interesting pieces of work in model-
building has been that of Corine Kruger, who has been working for her When designers are asked to reflect on their abilities and to explain
PhD at Delft under the supervision of myself, Norbert Roozenburg how they work, I believe that a few common themes emerge. One
and Jan Buijs, and Professor Bob Wielinga of the University of theme is the importance of creativity and 'intuition'. For example, the
Amsterdam (8). She has developed a novel, descriptive model of engineering designer Jack Howe has said:
design activity from observations of design practice (conducted in
think-aloud protocol study experiments), and using the Common- ' I believe in intuition. I think that's the difference between a
KADS conceptual modelling language to help build a computer designer and an engineer I make a distinction between
simulation of this observed and modelled design activity. engineers and engineering designers....An engineering designer
is just as creative as any other sort of designer.'
This work is an example of studying 'the designer as computer'. Will
Corinne's simulation turn out to be 'the computer as designer'? I Another theme that emerges from designers' own comments is based
doubt it. For me, the aim of undertaking such work is not to build on the recognition that problems and solutions in design are closely
machines that will replace the human activities they seek to emulate. interwoven - that 'the solution' is not always a straightforward answer
The aim is to further our understanding of design activity and of the to 'the problem'. For example, commenting on one of his more
nature of the cognitive processes that are brought into play in design creative designs, the furniture designer Geoffrey Harcourt said:
activity. Through such research, we further our understanding of
ourselves. I regard design as a highly-valued, pleasurable human 'As a matter of fact, the solution that I came up with wasn't a
activity - like playing a game - and so for me a machine that can design solution to the problem at all. I never saw it as that But
is as useful as a machine that can play football. when the chair was actually put together [it] in a way quite
well solved the problem, but from a completely different angle,
a completely different point of view.'
Reflection and Reason

It seems that designers are not like other people. Certainly there are
differences in personality types that have been observed between
designers and other professionals. Given that we want to understand
'how designers think', one of the simplest ways of researching this is

It is for this reason of the interwoven nature of solution and problem If that seems a little too modest, there are certainly other designers
that the architect Richard MacCormac has said: w h o seem to make more arrogant claims, such as the architect Denys
T don't think you can design anything just by absorbing
information and then hoping to synthesise it into a solution. 'Our job is to give the client, on time and on cost, not w h a t he
What y o u need to k n o w about the problem only becomes wants, b u t w h a t he never dreamed he wanted; and w h e n he
apparent as you're trying to solve i t . ' gets i t he recognises i t as something he wanted all the time.'

A third common theme is the need to use sketches, drawings and Despite the apparent arrogance, there is the truth i n this statement that
models of all kinds as a way of exploring problem and solution clients usually do w a n t designers to transcend the obvious and the
together, and of m a k i n g some progress w h e n faced w i t h the mundane, and to produce proposals w h i c h are exciting and
complexity of design. For example, the engineer-architect Santiago stimulating as w e l l as merely practical.
Calatrava has said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, do these quotations convey enough sense of
'To start w i t h you see the thing in your m i n d and it doesn't the 'madness' of designers? They are risk-taking novelty-seekers
exist on paper and then you start making simple sketches and l i v i n g i n uncertainty, relying on their intuition and some apparently
organising things and then you start doing layer after layer . . . simple skills of sketching and drawing!
it is very much a dialogue.'
Above all, these designers I have quoted (all of them famous and
Another theme that emerges is the sense of risk-taking that highly successful) seem to be resolutely set against method. A n d yet
accompanies creative design. The racing car designer Gordon M u r r a y the most reflective w o r k of many design methodologists has served
said: only to confirm the effectiveness of this 'madness' of the natural ways
of w o r k i n g of successful designers.
'There are patches of quite - loneliness, really, w h e n y o u sit
there and y o u think . . T m committed to this crazy idea!' The first of our workshops on research i n design t h i n k i n g reviewed
some of the studies of designing w h i c h have been undertaken over the
Given the complex nature of design activity, therefore, it hardly seems past thirty years. We were able to note h o w eminent researchers such
surprising that the structural engineering designer Ted H a p p o l d as Bruce Archer have confirmed the 'commutative' nature of problem
should suggest that: and solution i n design; Donald Schon has confirmed the importance of
the 'dialogue' going on i n designers' sketches; Bryan Lawson has
' I really have, perhaps, one real talent; w h i c h is that I don't identified the 'solution-focused' nature of design thinking; and Lionel
m i n d at all l i v i n g i n the area of total uncertainty.'

March has identified the essentially 'abductive' nature of design design can strengthen our arguments that designing is one of the
reasoning. highest cognitive abilities of h u m a n beings. I t helps to ensure that
design ability is not regarded as something trivial, just because i t is
When I began talking about 'abductive reasoning' i n m y design d i f f i c u l t to articulate the reasoning that underlies it.
methodology lectures to students here i n Delft, Norbert Roozenburg
soon drew m y attention to the complexities of this concept, and I
realised that m y o w n understanding was w o e f u l l y inadequate! Protocols and Paradigms
Fortunately, Norbert has helped m y understanding over the years, and
I hope that, i n return, I have at least encouraged h i m to continue to I have emphasised that a significant goal of design methodology is
pursue the relevance of understanding design reasoning. I n his paper concerned w i t h understanding h o w designers design and h o w
' O n the logic of innovative design' at the first Delft Workshop o n designers think. A particular reason for this emphasis, f o r me, is the
Research i n Design Thinking (9), Norbert carefully explained h o w need to tiy to be more articulate about the 'natural intelligence' of
C. S. Peirce's original concept of 'abduction' actually contained hvo design for the purposes of design education. Whilst I a m quite happy
different forms of reasoning: explanatory abduction and irmovative to accept that designers themselves may f i n d i t d i f f i c u l t to articulate
abduction. Most of us i n design theory had been confusing the t w o , their skills, I believe that design educators must attempt to be more
whereas, as Norbert pointed out, innovative design clearly requires a articulate i f they are to develop the pedagogy of design.
logic of innovative abduction. He also pointed out that computer
modelling of design reasoning does not - and perhaps cannot - go Educational programmes i n Schools of Design, whether they are
beyond explanatory abduction. Schools of Architecture, Engineering or Industrial Design, are based on
the premise that students gradually develop expertise as a designer.
This k i n d of reflective, theoretical study of the underlying logic and As students progress through their School's programme, not only does
reasoning of design thinking seems fundamentally important to me, their specialised domain knowledge become more extensive, but they
and I hope that Norbert Roozenburg w i l l continue to w o r r y about it, are also expected to integrate this knowledge w i t h their developing
even though he doesn't have m y naive misunderstandings to cope skills of design i n projects of increasing complexity. The setting of
w i t h any more! What this reflective research on design reasoning gradually more complex projects is the principal pedagogical method
shows to me is that the designers w h o appear to be so ' m a d ' i n their f o r the development of design expertise i n students, and senior
ways of w o r k i n g , and so weak i n articulating h o w they think, have students are expected to display more developed expertise than junior
actually f o u n d appropriate stiategies and tactics f o r pursuing the very students. But w e have to be clear about the nature of the expertise that
d i f f i c u l t cognitive task of innovative abduction. W h e n they talk about w e are claiming to develop i n our students, and this is one of the main
' i n t u i t i o n ' and 'uncertainty' and f i n d i n g solutions that 'aren't a aims of design methodology.
solution to the problem at all' they are expressing w h a t i t feels like to
engage i n innovative abduction. Theoretical research i n the logic of

12 13
Therefore, w h e n I came to Delft, I was very interested i n the w o r k o n seemed to be a substitute activity for actually doing any design work;
design education that was already under w a y by H e n r i Christiaans, the antithesis of 'coping w i t h uncertainty'. The more successful senior
and I was very glad to be able to become involved as one of the students tended to v a r y their attention quite r a p i d l y between
promoters of his PhD (10). I n particular, just after I arrived, H e n r i gathering small amounts of information and reflecting upon it. Tliis is
began a series of protocol studies of design students. I n these behaviour that I expected to be typical of experienced designers, b u t
experiments, students ( f r o m our Faculty) at t w o different levels of again this was not something that seemed to be developing u n i f o r m l y
development - second-year and final-year students - were given a in our students.
design project and asked to 'think aloud' as they tackled the project.
The design project, for a new litter system for a new railway carriage We were therefore left w i t h some uncertainty as to whether the
of the D u t c h Railways, was developed b y Kees Dorst, w h o also educational programme of our Faculty could justifiably be claimed to
participated i n the design and conduct of the experiments. As the be developing design expertise successfully in all our students. Since
students w o r k e d and thought aloud, they were videotaped f o r later these experiments took place, the design education programme of the
analysis. Faculty has been remodelled, and it w o u l d be interesting to conduct
similar experiments again in the near future to see if the same
Henri was particularly interested i n the study of creative ability, and uncertainty exists, or whether the new programme has been more
h o w that developed d u r i n g design education. The results of his successful.
protocol studies were surprising. His experiments f o u n d no positive
correlation between the creativity of the solution concepts generated Perhaps at this point it w o u l d be appropriate to raise the spectre of 'the
by the students and either their level of educational development or Delft method'. I use the term 'spectie' deliberately, because there is
their previous records of performance i n design projectwork. I t considerable uncertainty as to whether a 'Delft method' of designing
therefore seemed that one significant aspect of design expertise, does or does not exist. When I gave m y first lectures on design
creative ability, was not being reliably developed i n our educational methodology i n Delft, and emphasised the self-organising system
programme. approach that I favoured, several students commented to me that this
was refreshing because they had previously felt constrained to f o l l o w
I n a joint paper w i t h Henri and Kees (11), w e also looked at other 'the Delft method'. But when 1 asked m y colleagues what this 'Delft
aspects of design expertise that I have claimed can be identified, such method' is, they denied that it existed! However, when 1 reviewed the
as coping w i t h uncertainty and the constructive use of d r a w i n g . We various design course documentation I d i d find that a consistent
looked at the students' use of information sources as one indicator of approach to design activity was being promoted. I do not think that i t
'coping w i t h uncertainty'. I n general, the junior students collected and is bad to have a consistent approach - quite the contrary, in fact - but
used substantially less information than the senior students. But w e must be sure that our approach is one that genuinely develops
several of the senior students spent large amounts of time simply design expertise. I have always emphasised that design methods
gathering information and not using i t . For them, gathering data teaching must provide students w i t h life-jackets not strait-jackets.

After H e n r i Cliristiaans' w o r k based on protocol analysis of students' perhaps something w h i c h inhibits the tiansfer of knowledge f r o m
design behaviour, other researchers here i n Delft also began to make research into practice and educafion.' Unfortunately, Kees Dorst has
use of protocol analysis for helping to understand design behaviour f o u n d that attempting to apply Schön's paradigm of 'reflection-in-
more generally, and several PhD theses and other projects have been action' to the analysis of design activity leads to the frustrating
based upon this technique. The w o r k of Kees Dorst deserves special conclusion that the paradigm is not very well developed: i t is perhaps
mention because he has helped and advised some of these other little more than w h a t Schon himself claimed - a ' p r i m e r ' for a new
researchers, as w e l l as continuing to develop the use of protocol theory of design. The w o r k that Kees is d o i n g i n comparing the
analysis i n his o w n PhD w o r k (12). Kees has set up probably the most paradigms of 'rational problem solving' and 'reflection-in-action' w i l l
comprehensive protocol analysis of design activity yet, through his enable us to see more clearly the stiengths and weaknesses of these
study of twelve expert designers w o r k i n g (once again) on the railway competing paradigms. We are perhaps on the cusp of developments
litter-system design problem. This study of expert designers that w i l l lead to a new paradigm of design thinking, and this is very
confirmed some of our observations about the successful and less- exciting.
successful stiategies also exhibited by the stiidents (13). For example,
the more successfully creative experts also alternated rapidly between The credit for the second Delft Workshop o n Research i n Design
gathering information and reflection. Thinking is also largely Kees Dorst's. The idea for this Workshop
originated w i t h Kees, i n conversafion w i t h colleagues f r o m Australia
I n analysing the data f r o m these experiments. Kees Dorst became and the USA at a design methodology conference i n 1992. Kees's idea
dissatisfied w i t h the normal, rationalising forms of analysis, because was to move protocol analysis of design acfivity forward i n one major
these seem inadequate i n capturing and interpreting conceptual leap, b y getting many different researchers around the w o r l d to
design activity. He has therefore suggested that the paradigm of analyse the same data. Previously, protocol analysis i n design had
rational problem solving (derived largely f r o m Herbert Simon) has a been limited to isolated, small studies (except the w o r k of Kees and
limited scope of application i n analysing design activity, and that H e n r i ) p r o d u c i n g little better than anecdotal results. We were
when i t comes to the generative, conceptual design parts of the fortunate that our Faculty was able to provide support for this idea,
process, the paradigm of 'reflection-in-action' ( f r o m Donald Schon and that colleagues at XeroxPARC and Stanford University, California,
(14)) seems more appropriate. were also sufficientiy enthusiastic to w o r k w i t h us i n developing the
idea, p r o v i d i n g facilities for the videotaping and finding the expert
Donal Schon was one of the keynote speakers at the first of the Delft designers to act as the subjects. They also had a major influence b y
Workshops on Research i n Design Thinking, and it is encouraging to including small teams of designers as subjects as w e l l as individual
see that his perceptions on the nature of design ability are n o w being designers.
taken up very widely. A t that first Workshop I complained that there
has been a number of previous but unsatisfactory paradigms of design When the Workshop was held here i n Delft i n September 1994,
thinking, and that 'the lack of an adequate s i m p l i f y i n g paradigm is researchers f r o m eighteen d i f f e r e n t centres around the world
presented their studies of the common videotaped material, and this integration of all three of these - as a technical process, as a
same original experimental material continues to appear i n different cognitive process and as a social process.'
analyses i n papers at other conferences and i n other publications. The
' D e l f t Design Protocols Workshop' has perhaps been the most The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, w i t h its m i x of
significant event i n the history of design methodology research, and I disciplines w i t h i n i t , is well-placed to pursue this integration and to
am p r o u d to have been associated w i t h it. There is n o w a much advance the study and application of design methodology. I have
sounder basis f r o m w h i c h to develop empirical studies of design concentrated i n this lecture on some of the recent research i n our
activity. design methodology group. I hope that I have been able not only to
d r a w attention to the strengths and successes of this small group, but
One aspect that emerged particularly strongly f r o m the protocols also to identify and suggest where some exciting possibilities and
workshop, for me, was the concern w i t h teamwork. The paper that I important new developments lie ahead.
wrote for the workshop, w i t h m y w i f e and colleague Anita Clayburn
Cross, was based on our observations of the team protocols. I was
reminded that one of the original motivations of the 'design methods Madness and Method
movement' of the 1960s had been the need to develop design
procedures for w o r k i n g in teams. This has become even more relevant Ladies and Centiemen, i n this lecture I have tried to address our
in more recent times w i t h the need for 'concurrent' design procedures. understanding of one of the highest cognitive abilities of human
I n our paper we concluded: beings, that of designing. If I have not had much success, then I can
plead that i t is the complexity of the terrain that I have been traversing
'Design methodology, particularly i n the engineering domain, that makes m y route seem so faltering and circuitous. But i t is possible
has tended to tieat the design process as a technical process - as to summarise what we have learned about h o w designers think, i n
a sequence of activities based on a rationalised approach to a terms of h o w they formulate problems and generate solutions, and the
purely technical problem. More recentiy, and more particularly cognitive strategies they use.
in the architecture, product design and software design
domains, attention has also been directed to designing as a Problem Formulation
cognitive process - to the cognitive skills and limitations of the • Designers explore problem-and-solution together, using 'languages'
individual designer. Just a few studies have begun to suggest of d r a w i n g and modelling
that desigiiing is also a social process, to point out h o w • Designers use alternative solution conjectures as the means of
designers interact w i t h others such as their clients or their developing their understanding of the problem
professional colleagues, and to observe the social interactions
that influence the activities of teamwork i n design. Design
methodology n o w has to address the design process as an

Solution Generation no-one understands! There is 'going Dutch', w h i c h means sharing
• Designers impose additional constraints that narrow the soludon costs equally, and I suppose reflects the reputation f o r fairness of the
space and help to generate concepts Dutch people. There is 'Dutch courage', w h i c h comes w i t h a f e w
• Designers add 'missing ingredients' to the problem space i n order to drinks of alcohol, and w h i c h perhaps reflects the Dutch person's love
make a solution possible of jenever, w h i c h I also have come to appreciate. A n d there is the
• Designers change solution goals and adjust problem constiaints 'Dutch uncle', w h o is someone w h o takes an avuncular interest i n your
d u r i n g the process of designing well-being, even though he is not really your uncle. I n Delft I have
benefited f r o m several 'Dutch uncles' w h o have looked after me, but I
Cognitive Strategies w o u l d like to thank t w o i n particular w h o have overlooked m y faults
• Designers use a solution-focused cognitive strategy for problem and ensured that m y interests were always obtained: Jan Buijs and
resolution Norbert Roozenburg.
• Designers rapidly alternate between analysis/synthesis/evaluation
d u r i n g creative activity Thank y o u for your kind attention.
• Designers use an abductive f o r m of reasoning
• Designers habitually treat problems as ill-defined problems

Like professors, designers can also seem at times to display traits of

madness. There is no doubt that designing still retains some aspects of
mystery, but I and m y colleagues i n the Faculty of Industrial Design
Engineering have been gradually developing a better understanding
of tliat mystery. We hope that w e might be able to suggest, quoting
W i l l i a m Shakespeare, that

Though this he madness, yet there is method in't.

Ladies and Centiemen, it has been an honour to be Professor of Design

Methodology i n the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
I n concluding, I w o u l d like to express m y gratitiide to all m y
colleagues i n the Faculty, w h o made it such a pleasure to spend time
here i n Delft.
In English w e have many phrases that embody a concept of 'Dutch-
ness'. For instance, there is 'double-Dutch', w h i c h is a language that

20 21
References 9. Roozenburg, N . (1992) ' O n the Logic of Innovative Design' i n
Cross, N . , K. Dorst and N . Roozenburg (eds. ) Research in Design
1. Jones, J. C. (1970) Design Methods: Seeds of human futures, John Thinking, Delft University Press. See also Roozenburg, N . (1993)
Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 'On the Pattern of Reasoning i n Innovative Design', Design Studies,
Vol. 14, N o . 1, pp. 4-18.

2. Cross, N . , K. Dorst and N . Roozenburg (eds.) (1992) Research in

Design Thinking, Delft University Press. 10. Christiaans, H . (1992) Creativity in Design: The role of domain
knowledge in design. Lemma, Utrecht.
3. Cross, N . , H . Christiaans and K. Dorst (eds.) (1996) Anahjsing
Design Activity, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 11. Cross, N . , H . Christiaans and K . Dorst (1994) 'Design Expertise
Amongst Student Designers', Journal of Art and Design Education,
4. Simon, H . A. (1969) The Sciences of the Artificial, M I T Press, Vol. 13, N o . 1, pp. 39-56.
Cambridge, Mass.
12. Dorst, K. (forthcoming) 'Paradigms for Describing Design', PhD
5. Roozenburg, N . and N . Cross (1991)' Models of the Design Process Thesis, Delft University of Technology.
- Integrating across the disciplines', Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering
Design 1CED9J, Heurista, Ziirich. See also Cross, N . and N . 13. Christiaans, H . , K. Dorst and N . Cross (1993) 'Levels of
Roozenburg (1992) 'Modelling the Design Process in Engineering Competence i n Product Designing', i n Roozenburg, N . (ed.) Proc.
and in Architecture', Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 3, N o . 4, pp. Int. Conf on Engineering Design ICED93, Heurista, Zürich.
14. Schön, D . (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in
6. Cross, N . (1989) Engineering Design Methods, John Wiley & Sons, action, Temple-Smith, London.

7. Roozenburg, N . and J. Eekels (1991) Produktonhveri)en: Structuur en

methoden. Lemma, Utrecht. See also Roozenburg, N . and J. Eekels
(1995), Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods, John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester.

8. Kruger, C. (forthcoming) ' A Sttidy of Cognitive Strategies in

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