What Is OHB
What Is OHB
What Is OHB
DESCRIPTION: “Operation Home Base” is the current PGCAG campaign to rally and unite our
people forward into the the propagation of House Churches nationwide. OHB will encourage the
normal gathering of the church at home - in keeping with the New Testament design by the early
We believe that.. the future church will look like the early church
- That it is Home Based
In the beginning of March 2020, many of our Local Churches started the Stay-At-Home Church
Services as a solution to the Ban on Big Gatherings Due to the COVID19 Pandemic.
Little did we know that it was an eye-opener for many of us. The House Church gathering which we
thought was just a temporary measure to deal with the ban problem, started to look interesting - it
became something worthy of a second look. In the past, House Church had been under-valued and
unappreciated - until now!
The House Church Gathering is not really new, because the Bible recorded its origin and its relevance
to the plan of God for the Church. Historically, it had been the norm and was proven to be a Practical
and Essential expression of Church Life during the dif cult rst 300 years - the formative years of the
In those days, the enemy of the church tried to drive the believers underground. But praise God, the
private homes of believers became the most decent and defended places for church gathering. The
House Church of the New Testament was so blessed by God to saturate the then known world with
the Gospel through rapid multiplication of small, organic and simple House Churches. The “Church
that Meets in the House” was the SECRET of the spontaneous expansion of the early church
And so in these pandemic days, we are excited to welcome this return to the basics of House
Church. With this awakening, we believe that God is leading us to use this House Church
phenomenon to prepare God’s people for the worsening condition of the end times.
“We See A Revival Of The House Church
Dynamics That Will Accelerate Church
Growth And the Multiplication Of Churches.”
“To Activate Every PGCAG Local Church To
Specialize in the Practice of House Church for
Discipleship, Churchplanting and Missions."
12 Af rmations:
“Af rmations are Faith Statements that strengthen our resolve and deepen the
seriousness of our actions in implementing the Operation Home Base”
We fully af rm the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to
obey all that He has commanded
We af rm that the great commission is mandatory, and its end-result when fully obeyed is the
Multiplication Of Disciples, The Building Up Of The Body Of Christ And The Planting Of Reproducing
We further af rm that the term "Church or Ekklesia" refers to People and not to a Place. Church is
an assembled people not the assembly place. It de nes a community of believers and not the venue
where they regularly gather.
We af rm that gospel preaching, churchplanting, making disciples, praying, worshipping, caring for one
another, generous giving, hospitality, communion, spiritual gifts, soul-winning, discipline of members -
are some of the many elements practiced in
House Churches.
We af rm - with gratitude - the ensuing variety of formations and expressions of Church throughout
history, but we believe that a review of the New Testament church will lead to an appreciation of
House Church and its much needed manifestation and resurgence in our days!
In conclusion, we af rm that the Operation Home Base is a timely and worthy campaign to revive the
New Testament House Church dynamics to improve ef ciency of pastoral care and discipleship, to
evangelize the lost, to prevent the decline in church engagement, to overcome the obstacles to
churchplanting missions, to expand the kingdom of God until Jesus comes
As you know, for about Nine months now, the Covid19 Pandemic has drastically affected our life as
family of believers and council of churches. I salute you all for your tenacity and faithfulness in all your
efforts to ride this storm. We thought this State of Health Emergency and the global restrictions will
soon pass and we can have our normal life again. But it seems that the wish we have for normalcy is
still distant
And while this is so, the call of God for the Church to go and make disciples of all nations is still up;
our passion for the lost that they may hear the Gospel is still burning in our hearts; and the re of the
Holy Spirit is still energizing God’s people to move forward - to nish the work of God
We con rm to you this truth that “GOD IS OUR PEACE” during this time of sorrow for the passing
away of a number of our beloved brethren, fellow soldiers, who have gone to heaven to receive their
crown. Peace comes from the God of Hope who promised resurrection and eternal life through our
Lord Jesus Christ
We declare to you all - “THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL”. He is setting the stage so that whatever was
meant for evil, He will work it for good.
It is for these reasons that I write this memo. Let us be brave and move on.
We are of cially launching <Operation Home Base> today, September 24, 2021, as the PGCAG
decadal campaign to rally and unite our people forward into the the propagation of House Churches
We are also of cially announcing our participation in the MM33 of the World Assemblies of God
Fellowship (WAGF) in its commitment to plant One Million new Churches by year 2033! We will all
sign our pledge of commitment for this.
Also, we are submitting the <Operation Home Base> as entry to the resource sharing within WAGF.
Praise God
1. We thought we are just reacting to the restrictions on the big church gathering due to the
pandemic - that we are "inventing" the Home Base design for church, but then we found out that God
has already designed the church to be home-based. The whole New Testament can bear this out
2. We thought this strategic form for church was new or another fancy idea for the same meetings
like - "small groups, cell groups, care groups, discipleship groups, grace groups, breakout groups," but
then we discover that the house church of the New Testament is really called "church". It functions as
a church not just a program, a para-church or a department of the church
3. A Reset Solution: The Church must GO BACK WHERE IT STARTED, to the simple and organic
church that gathers in the homes. The reality is: that every single one of us can trace our faith back to
this moment that began with a handful of Christians in Acts 2
4. The Home Base Church is still the most compliant to the New Testament of the format of “church”.
It is the most functional design for exibility and endurance as proven by the early church - in the
times of hard start, opposition, unpopularity, persecution.
5. The Lord will lead us and teach us. We are all in this together - For God and His Kingdom, For the
glory of Jesus our Lord, For the Beloved Church AND for the sake of the LOST. AMEN
1. We commend our heroic pastors who have found solutions in encouraging the households of their
local church to meet in their respective homes, while they continue to provide shepherding and
oversight using online media
2. We commend our Leaders in the Districts who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit in providing
direction to the churches to mitigate the adverse effects of pandemic restrictions on the churches.
Thank you for taking care of God's ock
3. We commend Rev Marivic Montallana who accepted the directorship of this new commission
(House Church Commission) with the willingness to pioneer and break up fallow ground. Thank you
Marivic and all members of the HC Team
4. We commend the believers in all our local churches nationwide who are willing to learn how to be
real disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and how to make disciples in House Churches through the
leadership of their Senior Pastors and of his designated House Church Elders/Leaders.
1. To all Churches: We give the same mandate that the LORD gave the Church: Love God, Love one
another, and Make disciples of all people.
2. To all Ministers: Implement the <OHB> “Operation Home Base,” a New Testament Design of
Gathering the Church in homes. Be creative and make adaptations based on your context. Even if you
are already using other effective programs like cell groups, G-12, etc. - Let It Happen in the Homes!
3. To all Church Planters and Missionaries: Use the House-Church or Home-Base design to reach
unreached people in cross culture missions. The missions strategy as taught of Jesus in the gospels is
clearly involving home-base design.
1. We will continue to keep the <OHB> Vision and Mission in front of the PGCAG agenda as a
manifestation of our reason for being;
2. We will advocate for implementation of <OHB> in our existing local churches, among the
households of believers - and will encourage the use of Home Base design in church planting
3. We will continue to provide Training, Mentoring, Resource Creation and Sharing - and whatever
means necessary to empower our leaders and churches for <OHB>. We will provide a way for
data-gathering on the progress of <OHB> and create a library where everyone of our leaders
and churches can access
4. We will encourage continuous study and discussion on the different issues that may arise in the
future, as long as we are open to God and to one another for growth and understanding
Sincerely Yours