Openface 03

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2 Cor.

No. 3
W ith Open Face OCTOBER 1997


The letter which appears in the next column was published
in the “Observer”, and is worthy of comment on account of the
fact that it makes several remarkable statements. This letter was
written by an Anglican priest, Ernle Gordon and was written as a
part of an exchange with a Seventh-day Adventist who took
exception to the fact that in an earlier article, Mr. Gordon had
seemed to indicate that Seventh-day Adventists were to be re-
garded as a cult.
It is very interesting to note the points which, according to
this priest, disqualify the SDA Church from being classified as a

“As long as Adventist believe in the trinity, the doctrine

of the resurrection, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the
primacy of the apostolic faith/The Bible and accept the
doctrines clarified by the historic ecumenical councils,
they cannot be described as a cult.”

There are five beliefs outlined here by Mr. Gordon which he

(or those who formulate these definitions) regards as being es-
sential. They constitute an amazing group of Doctrines by virtue
of the extremely flimsy foundation upon which the majority of
them are based. There are two points which are vital to the accep-
tance of the whole group because they lay the foundation upon
which faith in the others may rest. These are the two last men-
tioned. Non-cults must accept “...the primacy of the apostolic
faith/the Bible and accept the doctrines clarified by the historic
ecumenical councils ...” Here are strange terms indeed! Particu-
larly to an Adventist who has some knowledge of the great apos-
tasy and its developments.
What is the meaning of the term, “the primacy of the apos-
tolic faith/the Bible”? The Bible we can understand, but what is
this other phrase which is so casually placed in such close fel-
lowship with the Bible and is even given first place over it?(!!)
...the primacy of the apostolic faith ...The astonishing truth is
that this is simply a more deceptive way of referring to the tradi-
tions which have been preserved over the centuries by the Ro-
man Catholic Church! Acceptance of this, along with the Bible, is
one of the conditions necessary for a Church to be classified as
a non-cult! Incredible as this requirement is, the SDA church
seems to have qualified!!
Then we have, “doctrines clarified by the historic ecumeni-
cal councils.” Please note that these “historical ecumenical coun-
cils” were all ROMAN CATHOLIC COUNCILS (See article from
‘the Anchor’ on page 2). Examples of such councils were, The
council of Nicea, The Council of Laodicea, the council of Trent.
Concerning such councils, Ellen White had this to say: “... the adoration of images and relics was gradually
“Vast councils were held from time to time, in which the introduced into the Christian worship. The decree of a
dignitaries of the church were convened from all the general council (the second council of Nicea) finally
world. In nearly every council the Sabbath which God established this system of idolatry.” (GC - 52)
had instituted was pressed down a little lower, while the
Sunday was correspondingly exalted.” (GC - 53) F
What knowledgeable portestant would place confidence in ECUMENICAL
councils such as these? Yet apparently, the Churches which have (Reprinted from “The Anchor”)
achieved non-cultic status (such as the SDA church) have come
to accept that the decisions of these councils are also to be The following statement was made at the Congregational
accepted as authoritative in determining Christian doctrine and Church in Palmerston North, New Zealand, by a visiting speaker
belief. who is an ex-Assembly of God church member. Either an "Elev-
Having accepted these two premises then, it is easy to ac- enth hour worker", or one of the "stones" that would cry out,
cept the other criteria such as belief in the trinity and (the this man has proclaimed a truth that our own Seventh-day Ad-
personhood of) the Holy Spirit. Two doctrines which have their ventist ministers and people ought to be proclaiming from the
foundation, not in the Bible, but in the “ecumenical councils” roof tops. God will have, someone proclaim the truth, and if we
and in the resulting traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. won't do it, then He will use those who will.
We live in an age of awesome opportunity. God is preparing
the one hundred and forty-four thousand. Thrilling thought.
There is much talk today about unity among denominations
However, it is also an age fraught with peril (2 Tim 3:1-5). Men
"Ecumenical" is the word frequently used. We must be aware
have only a “form of godliness.” They turn away their ears from
that it is a Roman Catholic word. The Vatican claims to have had
the truth and are turned “unto fables (2 Tim 4:4)”. It is a time of
more than twenty "Ecumenical Councils" in the last two thou-
abounding iniquity when...
sand years. The latest was in the early 1960s and popularly known
as the "Second Vatican Council" or "Vatican Two". The Councils
“As the Protestant churches have been seeking the fa-
were not a gathering of people who "name the name of Christ".
vour of the world, false charity has blinded their eyes.
They were strictly Roman Catholic. If any others attended they
They do not see but that it is right to believe good of all
were only "observers".
evil; and as the inevitable result, they will finally be-
Since "Vatican Two", the word "ecumenical" has been used
lieve evil of all good. Instead of standing in defence of
with increasing boldness and acceptance. Back when Bible be-
the faith once delivered to the saints, they are now, as it
lievers studied history and knew why they called themselves
were, apologizing to Rome for their uncharitable opin-
Protestants, "ecumenical" was not a good word. A look at “The
ion of her, begging pardon for their bigotry.”
Catholic Church Today" (Number 23) published by the Knights
GC - 571
of Columbus shows why. On page one, in an article explaining
Now, as never before we need to keep ever before us the fact
ecumenical councils, the following definition of "ecumenical" is
that, “God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the
Bible and the Bible only as the basis of all doctrines and as the
"That which binds or represents the whole Church
standard of all reforms. (GC - 595) &
which is in communion with Rome."
The kicker here is the word "communion". To be "in com-
munion " (with Rome) means the acceptance of the central idola-
try of Catholicism, that the wafer host is literally changed by the
Truth never dies. The ages come and go,
priest into the "real presence" of Jesus. Pope John Paul II has
The mountains wear away, the seas retire;
frequently stated that when other denominations accept this
Destruction lays earth’s mighty cities low.
dogma about communion it will not be just one more step toward
The empire, states, and dynasties expire,
unity but the ultimate goal of ecumenism, that everyone, every-
But caught and handed onward by the wise,
where must bow before this piece of bread.
Truth never dies.
Recent remarks by Emilio Castro, head of the World Council
of Churches, revealed the crucial relationship between the eu-
Though unreceived and scoffed at through the years;
charistic communion and ecumenism. Referring to the pope's
Though made the butt of ridicule and jest;
refusal to allow Protestants to take the Eucharist during Catholic
Though held aloft for mockery and jeers
communion (mass), he said:
Denied by those of transient power possessed;
"This is a scandal not only in relations with the Catho-
Insulted by the insolence of lies,
lic Church, but it is a scandal par excellence, the shame
Truth never dies.
of the ecumenical movement.
Protestants, such as Castro, who is a Uruguayan Methodist
Truth answers not, it does not take offence;
minister, have difficulty comprehending why communion is such
But with a mighty silence bides its time,
a big deal to the Vatican. They fail to understand that this is the
As some great cliff that braves the elements
central idolatry of this pagan system founded upon ancient Baal
And lifts through all the storms its head sublime,
So truth, unmoved, its puny foes defies,
and NEVER dies! In Paul's discussion of idolatry in Romans 1, he points out
that man will either worship the Creator or part of His creation.
The word became flesh – and then through This is the heart of idolatry, to lift up some item in creation as
theologians it became words again. worthy of worship.
Karl Barth The pope knows that if he wavers on this issue, he guts the
entire system. The ultimate goal of any system of priestcraft is
Editor: David Clayton
control of the people. The central figure in the Church is Jesus.
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick, Manchester, Jamaica W.I. To gain this control of the people, the priest must somehow get
continued on page 5
This is the title of Ty Gibson’s latest book, In which he the church it is wrong of them. But when the church separates
examines the question of whether or not concerned Seventh-day people from itself for being critical of its actions, then it is OK.
Adventists should leave the organized church because of its One would get the impression from reading this book that
present wretched, condition. The cover of the book reads: the SDA church is an innocent entity, maligned and unjustly
attacked by a group of uncharitable, and unreasonable malcon-
“Is the church in apostasy? tents who are illogical and inconsistent in their attitude towards
Is it time to . . . the church. A sampling of the Spirit of Prophecy quotes chosen
ABANDON SHIP? by Ty will perhaps best give an indication of the position which
One man’s struggle he has taken:
to discover God’s special “Let individual judgment submit to the authority of the
purpose for His Church.” church (T4 p.16-19)”
“The Redeemer of the world does not sanction experience
Ty explains how he, as a young, new-born Seventh-day and exercise in religious matters independent of His organized
Adventist was early faced with the controversy concerning the and acknowledged church (Sketches From The Life of Paul, p.
state of the Church, and the question as to whether or not it was 31)
in apostasy, and what his own relationship to the church should Abandon Ship? p.61
be. He describes his metamorphosis from a position where he
was critical of the Church and sympathetic towards the indepen-
dents, to a position where he fully cooperates with the Church IS THE CHURCH IN APOSTASY?
and is convicted that the independents are perilously wrong.
Ty makes it absolutely clear that when he speaks about “the Webster’s New World Dictionary defines apostasy as:
Church”, he means the organized, corporate structure called the “an abandoning of what one has believed in as a faith,
Seventh-day Adventist Church. After much study and soul- cause, or principles.”
searching, he finally came to the conviction that God’s plan is to Expanding on this definition we may regard apostasy as a condi-
use the SDA Church (organized) as the “theatre of His grace” in tion where the religious beliefs which were once held as true, are
which He will finally display His glory in all its fullness. All who rejected. Please note that this does not have to do with occa-
are not members of the organized Church will, he implies, be left sional or temporary indiscretions. It has to do with definite, de-
out of God’s plan, and I suppose, will be lost (though he does not liberate, clear-cut abandonment, or giving up of one’s religion.
state this specifically). The question is, has the Seventh-day Adventist church fulfilled
Strangely enough, Ty never deals with the question of this definition of apostasy? Let us recognize that we cannot
whether or not the Church (as he defines it) is in apostasy. He judge the church as a corporate entity by the actions of indi-
speaks of how he struggled with the question; he mentions is- vidual members, leaders, or groups ( though we may learn a lot
sues which were presented to him; he pokes fun at the inconsis- from the refusal of the church to condemn certain actions of its
tencies of independent ministries, but strangely, he never deals leaders and members). We can only fairly answer the question of
with his first, striking question, “Is the church in apostasy?” Has whether or not the church is in apostasy by looking at her ac-
he overlooked this issue, or has he ignored it? Has he deliber- tions and decisions on a corporate level. By examining the issue
ately avoided this most critical question? of whether or not the church, as a whole, has abandoned its
It is to be hoped that Ty has not deliberately avoided this religion, or the positions of truth which were held as firm and
issue. He is very quick and unsparing in pointing out the incon- incontrovertible during its earlier years.
sistencies and contradictions which he sees among the indepen- How can we determine this question? What standard should
dents, but completely silent when it comes to the vices of the we use as the yardstick by which we may settle this issue? What
Church. However, since he is using these inconsistencies among about the church’s changed position on the “nature of Christ”?
the independents as a measuring stick whereby their claims to be How about the increasingly friendly overtures being made to-
doing the work of God may be assessed, then it is only reason- wards Catholicism (striking examples of which were the gold
able and fair that he also address the faults of the Church, show- medallion given to the Pope by a church representative and the
ing where the Church is more consistent and more deserving of flying of the Vatican flag at the recent GC session)? As awfully
loyalty than these independent ministries. significant as these actions are, yet there is one thing which
above all others is a clear, incontrovertible decider of the issue.
“There must be no separating [of the faithful from the One thing which undeniably indicates that the SDA church is in
church] in this great testing time” (Selected Messages, apostasy. It is the fact of the startling and revolutionary change
vol.3, p.21; words in brackets added for contextual clar- which has been made in the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adven-
ity). tist church on the question of the godhead.
Abandon Ship, p.65 When an examination is made of the Statement of Beliefs
After quoting these words, Ty makes the point that we are issued by the church in 1874,1889 and 1894 and a comparison
not to “draw apart”. There will be no divinely led “separating.” made between these and the present Statement of Beliefs, it can
Once again, however, he has no comment to make about the be seen that there is only one significant change; but one which
actions of the church in disfellowshipping and casting out per- nevertheless has damning implications. The statement defining
sons from its fellowship who dare to speak of the downward what the SDA church believes about God has changed dramati-
steps which she is taking. Obviously, when people separate from cally. While the original SDA church believed that God was a

3 F
single, supreme Being, who had a Son, Jesus Christ, the present of the torment of the wicked ascending up “forever and ever.”
SDA church believes that God is three Beings (a trinity) who are When our interpretations are in conflict with the idea that God is
ACTING in the roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit: a God of fairness, justice and love who remains the same forever,
“. . . a plan of salvation was encompassed in the then we must reexamine our interpretations, regardless of the
covenant made by the Three Persons of the Godhead, weight of evidence which seems to be pointing in the direction of
who possessed the attributes of Deity equally. In order these interpretations..
to eradicate sin and rebellion from the universe and to Let us then examine the principle involved here. The ques-
restore harmony and peace, one of the divine Beings tion is really this: Does God ever – has God ever chosen a people,
accepted, and entered into, the role of the Father, an- or a person, unconditionally, with the specification that “no mat-
other the role of the Son. The remaining divine Being, ter what you do, no matter how far you turn away from Me and
the Holy Spirit, was also to participate in effecting the my way, I will never reject you?” Is it consistent with God’s
plan of salvation. All of this took place before sin and principles that He will continue to use a church even when such
rebellion transpired in heaven. a church has clearly given its favors to another?
By accepting the roles that the plan entailed, the In nearly every movement called of God, this same exact
divine Beings lost none of the powers of Deity. With re- fallacy has prevailed and has led to the downfall of hundreds of
gard to their eternal existence and other attributes, they thousands. How is it that we are so slow to learn? How is it that
were one and equal. But with regard to the plan of sal- the clear historical facts have no power to assist us in under-
vation, there was, in a sense, a submission on the part of standing the present? The Jews knew that they would never be
the Son to the Father . . .” rejected. After all, they were “Abraham’s seed (John 8:33).” They
Adventist Review -Oct. 31, 1996 - p.12 were God’s chosen People by an “everlasting covenant (Gen.
The full significance of this change can only be appreci- 17:7).” Had not God spoken thus of Israel:
ated as we come to the realization that the doctrine of God is the “Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light
first and most important belief of any religion. This is why the by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars
statement which dealt with this issue was first, on the list of for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the
fundamental beliefs published by the early Adventists, and is waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If
the second belief on the statement published by the present those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD,
church. then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a
What is apostasy? “An abandoning of what one has be- nation before me for ever. Thus saith the LORD; If heaven
lieved in as a faith ...” If the church has completely reversed above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth
itself on the first and primary point of religious belief, has it searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of
“abandoned” its faith? Is this a serious turnaround? Judge for Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD. (Jer
yourself from the words of Andrews University professor, George 31:35-37)”
Knight, written in the Ministry Magazine of October, 1993: They had the sure word of prophecy that they, (Israel) would
“Most of the founders of Seventh-day Adventism would never be rejected.
not be able to join the church today if they had to sub- The only problem was that they had a different definition of
scribe to the denominations fundamental beliefs. “Israel” than God had. A mistake which had fearful consequences
More specifically, most would not be ale to agree to for the nation. Secure in the certainty of their “unrejectable”
belief number 2 which deals with the doctrine of the status, they went from abomination to abomination. After all, did
trinity.” (p.10) it really matter just how far they went? Didn’t they have God’s
Has the church abandoned its former faith? Clearly the an- own infallible word that they would always be a favored people?
swer is yes. So drastic is this change, of such awful significance Even when it became appallingly clear that the Spirit of Jehovah
that the Adventists of a previous generation “would not be able had long ago abandoned the nation and that Satan was the spirit
to join the church today.” (!!) So then, the answer to the question who ruled in Israel, the Jews yet clung to their deception, and so
of whether or not the church is in apostasy, must be a clear and perished in utter self-imposed darkness.
definite, “yes”. If not, then we must change our definition of The same holds true of that monstrous imposter, the Roman
apostasy. Catholic Church. This bulwark of paganism makes the claim that
it is God’s true church! An incredible claim, and yet, a claim
IS THE SDA DENOMINATION which stands upon the same foundational false idea being em-
STILL GOD’S CHOSEN INSTRUMENT? braced by Ty and the SDA denomination. The belief that institu-
tional identity is what God uses to define His church.
Let me point out a vital principle which we must never over- “I will build my church,” said the Lord Jesus, “and the gates
look as we seek light and understanding from God’s word. It is of hell shall not prevail against it (Mat 16:18).” If, by this state-
this: God’s character (and therefore His principles), never ment, Jesus meant to identify a corporate entity, then the Roman
changes. No interpretation of Scripture, whether doctrine or Catholic harlot has a strong reason for claiming that she is God’s
prophecy can be correct if it denies or contradicts this primary only true church! The Catholic church claims that it is the same
rule. In other words, understanding God’s character and His entity which began with the apostolic church; that it can trace its
principles is a vital prerequisite if we are to properly understand roots in an unbroken line right back to the apostles. No other
the meaning of prophecy and to correctly interpret doctrine. For church today even attempts to make such a claim, yet the rest of
example, in applying this rule, any thoughtful christian would us laugh at the ridiculous notion that the Roman Catholic church
reject the doctrine of the eternal torment of the wicked, because is God’s church. Nevertheless, it is true that as far as the entity
it is so utterly contrary to the concept of a God of love. This, in called the Roman Catholic church is concerned, it does go back
spite of the fact that the book of Revelation speaks of the “smoke” all the way to the apostolic church. Why then do we reject the

4 F
idea that it is God’s church? Because, though it has the same WORLD REPORT
organizational roots, yet its doctrines bear no resemblance to from Pilgrims Rest
those which were held by the apostles! It may sit in the house of
the apostles, but it has a pagan heart and life-style. Therefore the David Yonggi Cho, Pentecostal pastor of one of the world's
word of God identifies it as, “the man of sin”, who, “sits in the largest churches, in Seoul South Korea, recalls that he was pray-
temple of God (2 Th. 2:3,4).” ing for revival In America one day in 1993 when he was con-
victed to put his finger on a U.S. map. It landed on Pensacola.
He and his congregation began praying that revival would
A proper answer to Ty’s book would need a much more come to Pensacola. At about the same time that Cho's congrega-
extensive treatment than we are able to give in this newsletter. tion began praying, John Kilpatrick, pastor of the Brownsville
We can do no more than briefly comment on what we consider to Assemblies of God Church in Pensacola was impressed to begin
be the main ideas. However I would just like to comment on one praying with his members that the spirit would fall,
more point which Ty makes in his book. On page 11 he states: It did. One Sunday, in early June 1995, a Pentecostal evan-
“Seventh-day Adventism is the only major protestant gelist, Steve Hill preached that day and nearly a thousand people
body that still enjoys the benefits of governance under a came forward. Then many fell on the floor including Kilpatrick
single structure. We have prided ourselves on the fact who could not rise for three hours.
that we are one people, under one system of order, free People are now regularly falling, crying, weeping and danc-
from the confusion and weakness of congregationalism ing at that Pentecostal church. As of this month (March 1997),
(Abandon Ship - p.11).” a 21- month revival, called the “Pensacola Outpouring” has
Is this a system to be commended and desired? Can it be brought an estimated 200,000 to its huge stage-like altar for prayer.
that Ty does not see, in the same breath, that Catholicism has Of these, 86,000 are new converts or repentant backsliders, people
imposed and preserved its abuses by exactly the same kind of are delivered from sickness, drug addiction, whatever.
system? When God rules a system, then we may safely cling to it They begin arriving at 4 am. In the morning, so they will be
and submit to its governance. Dare we do the same when men are guaranteed a seat at the evening service. Some do not leave
in control? Not unless we are anxious to commit spiritual suicide. until after 3 am. Both Hill and Kilpatrlck take turns preaching.
The SDA church has given us no reason to be comfortable in the The revival continues 4 nights a week In Pensacola, a city of
belief that God is in control of the system. With reference to this nearly 300,000, and has Inspired the 2.5 million-member Assem-
church, Jesus says, blies of God denomination (with headquarters in Springfield,
“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold Missouri, which traces its roots to a massive outpouring of a
nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth (Rev 3:16).” spirit in 1914) to get all its member churches invaded by the spirit.
He represents Himself, not as being in control of this sys- Nearly 5.000 ministers have already attended three pastors'
tem, but rather, as standing on the outside, pleading for admit- conferences at Brownsville, so they can get a spirit also – and
tance. Is it a “benefit” to be under the governance of such a share It widely when they return home. The April 1997 confer-
system? No! Rather, let us recognize that there is but One Media- ence has been sold out for months.
tor between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5). Visitors regularly journey there from all over the world to
Through Him, and Him only, we have access to the very throne behold for themselves, the "Pensacola Outpouring" in the hopes
and heart of the King of the universe. Through Him we have that they might be spirit-filled before their departure.
access to the mind of God. The privilege of discerning the will of Meanwhile, the crime rate has dropped dramatically in
our Father, not through erring, corrupt, finite men with political Pensacola: the spirit wants folk to believe it is from heaven .
agendas, but rather, through personal, direct communication.
“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house (continued from page 2)
of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my between Jesus and the people. The Eucharist in the Mass is the
laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and pivot of this control.
I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: If Jesus can be reduced to a physical item such as the wafer,
And they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and then the priest can build a fence around God and place himself in
every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all control of the gate. Then no-one can come to God without the
shall know me, from the least to the greatest.” (Heb priest's permission. To "receive Jesus" the Catholic must attend
8:10,11) & mass and have his god placed on his tongue by the priest. There
is no other way he can get to his god. The priest has full power
over this God. If the priest chooses not to turn the wafer into the
"body, blood, soul and divinity" of Jesus, he has this power.
“ Not by its name, but by its fruit, is the value of a tree Even after the priest performs this blasphemous fantasy, the wafer-
determined. If the fruit is worthless, the name cannot god is still under the power of the priest who may refuse to give
save the tree from destruction. John declared to the Jews it to anyone. [As the Pope did, mentioned above]. Without the
that their standing before God was to be decided by their regular receiving of communion through the Eucharist, heaven is
character and life. Profession was worthless. If their life denied. [According to Catholic belief].
and character were not in harmony with God's law, they Thus if the pope accepted the Protestant position that com-
were not His people.” munion is only symbolic of the redemptive work of the crucifix-
DA - 107 ion, then he would have to admit that man could go straight to
Christ for salvation.

(The following article was taken from the SDA web site on the W HEALTH CORNER
internet.) God’s Plan For My Health
by Howard Williams
Adventist Leaders Pay Tribute to Mother Teresa
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA ... [ANN] “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste
Following the death of Mother Teresa on September 6, Sev- places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many gen-
enth-day Adventist church leaders paid tribute to her life and erations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the
work. breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in (Isa 58:12 ).”
Speaking from Hosur, India, Dittu Abraham, Communication
director for the Southern Asian Division of the Adventist Church,
expressed the sense of loss. This text in Isaiah 58:12 best describes our goal here, at Res-
“India leads the world in mourning the loss of the simple, yet toration Ministries. It is our prayerful desire that we might be
great woman Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to the service used of God in restoring “the paths to dwell in.”
of the poor, the sick, the dying and the rejected of every hue,” How can we know for certain that we are on the right path? In
said Abraham. this age of deception and abounding iniquity, how can we dis-
In an official letter of condolence to the Indian Ambassador cern the will of God. We can thank God for the assurance that
in Washington, D.C. John Graz, Public Affairs director for the “My sheep hear my voice.” As we submit ourselves to the guid-
Seventh-day Adventist World Church Headquarters in Silver ance of God through His word and His Holy Spirit, we have the
Spring, Maryland, USA, spoke of being “deeply moved by the confidence that we will be given the ability to discern between
death of Mother Teresa. On behalf of the 20 million Seventh-day truth and error.
Adventists living in 209 countries, we wish to send to you and However, God has provided a special avenue of help for the
your country our sincere condolences.” remnant of Israel; an aid which is too often ignored and de-
Graz also expressed appreciation to the country of India for spised, but which is of critical importance in helping us to over-
its democracy and religious freedom that gave Mother Teresa come sin, and to understand the purposes of God as well as the
the opportunity to live and express her faith. pitfalls of the enemy in these closing moments of time. This spe-
“She was a strong example of humanity and service to the cial assistance which God has given, is the Health Reform mes-
poorest members of society. Through her ministry in Calcutta, sage. We can only know the will of the Lord and the paths to
she opened the heart and eyes of millions of people everywhere dwell in as we follow the plan which God Himself has laid down in
in the world in regard to our common responsibilities for the his word. The scriptures not only show the way to restore the
neediest. Her life was a strong message of justice and generosity, spiritual side of man, but also give practical help for restoring
crossing over the borders of religion, culture, and nationalities,” man physically.
said Graz. God’s basic guideline for restoring man may be easily remem-
Ray Dabrowski, Communication director for the Seventh- bered using the acronym, “MY HEALTH”
day Adventist World Church Headquarters in Silver Spring, M – uch water
Maryland, USA, paid a personal tribute to Albanian Mother Y – our faith in God
Teresa. H – aving enough sunlight
“Her death has touched me in a special way because I met E – xercise
her in Albania. She was establishing her ministry of charity there,
and I was working with our church’s response to the acute needs A – dequate rest
in that country. I was humbled by her words to me. ‘God bless L – ots of fresh air
you for helping my people.’ Her example of a selfless life will T – emperate
continue to challenge me, though now she is gone,” said
H – ealthful diet
Church pastor Eric Kujur, minister of the Calcutta Adventist If we would escape the condemnation of sin, then we must
church endorsed the tributes from a local perspective. “The walk in harmony with the ten commandments of God. If we would
church joins the rest of Christianity and the world in mourning escape the effects of sickness, then we must walk in harmony
the loss of a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ (a dedicated with the laws of health.
worshipper of Mary), who epitomized His life in every gesture, Please notice that in Isaiah chapters 58:8 when God promises
word and action.” that the light of His people will shine forth, if they will live in
Seventh-day Adventist leaders in India will be attending her harmony with His wishes, He says, “Then shall thy health spring
state funeral on September 13, (on the Sabbath) in Calcutta at forth speedily.” It is God’s will that we should be healthy.
the headquarters of the order she founded, the Missionaries of However, the converse is also true. If we disobey the laws of
Charity. [Jonathan Gallagher] God which are designed for our health and happiness, then the
sure result will be our eventual destruction, both physically and
Quite often when a man thinks spiritually.
As we look at this subject in our next few issues, please keep
His mind is getting broader in mind the fact that true wisdom comes only through obedience
it’s only His conscience stretching to God’s word. &

Campmeeting Notice
Most of you already know about our upcoming campmeeting in December, at Copper in St. James. This is just a little notice to remind
you about it and to fill you in on some of the details. This meeting will begin officially on Wednesday the 24th of December. But it is hoped
that most people will come in from the day before and settle in so that we can get off to an early start on the 24th. We will break officially
on the Sunday following, which will be the 28th.
At this meeting we are expecting to have some visitors with us from the USA. Brothers Lynnford Beachy and Allen Stump have both
confirmed that they will be coming, as well as another brother and his family (wife and daughter).
Articles you will need:
Sleeping bag or equivalent bedding, including foam for mattress.
Personal toilet articles
eating utensils (spoon, cup, plate etc.)
Bible and Hymnbook
pen and notepad
• For those who are travelling by public transportation a vehicle will come to pick you up at the gas station at Montpelier at 6.00 PM
Tuesday, Dec. 23, and at 12.00 noon Wednesday Dec. 24.
• Each person is asked to make a contribution of $500.00 towards the cost of food.
• Please indicate very early whether or not you will be attending, by filling in the attached form and sending it to the listed address, or by
contacting brother David Clayton.
Montego Bay

Bay to

m Mo

Top of
Campsite Richmond
S hill
oad fro

at “Copper”
Main r

gas station To
Cambridge To

la mar

Name: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Number of persons coming with me: ------------------------------------------------------------

Amount enclosed: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick, Manchester, Jamaica W.I.

Morning Manna the Father. Do you have the same determination? If it is
your purpose to rise early and you have not been able to do
so, perhaps it is because you do not retire early enough in
A precious brother and sister I know once composed the evening. Too often our schedules are like a roller-
and sang a song entitled, "Early Morning Dew Drops." This coaster. This is not the best recipe for success.
song, sung in a very sweet and cheerful manner, spoke of
rising early to read God's word. It encouraged others to Even the world recognizes the principle of early to bed
share of the feast of which the singers were no doubt par- and early to rise. In 1733, Benjamin Franklin began pub-
taking. lishing Poor Richard’s Almanack. In the October 1734
edition he noted: "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a
When I hear this song, it always reminds me of the man healthy, wealthy, and wise." One Christian writer has
story of the children of Israel gathering the manna. God insightfully noted, "Men of business can be truly successful
told His people that He would “rain bread from heaven” only by having regular hours for rising, for prayer, for meals,
for them. (Exodus 16:4) The manna was to be found early and for retirement. If order and regularity are essential in
in the morning. After the sun waxed hot, it melted and was worldly business, how much more so in doing work for
gone. The manna was real, literal, physical food for God's God!" (Gospel Workers, 1892 edition. p. 168)
people. It was also symbolic of spiritual food. Notice what
Jesus taught the people: I believe that the great majority of the most precious
moments I have had in study and prayer have been during
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that the early morning hours. A physician once told me that the
bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread ionization of the air is even best in the morning for our
from heaven. For the bread of God is he which cometh brains to function properly. God's program just cannot be
down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Then improved upon! The more morning manna 1 receive, the
said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And more I want ! However, 1 cannot get that morning manna
Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh without getting up early and I cannot get up early without
to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall going to bed early. I want to encourage you. and ask that
never thirst. (John 6:32-35) you would support me in God's program of early morning
manna. How can we each do that? One way we can en-
The inspired words of Jesus are to be spiritual food to courage each other is by respecting the evening time of
us as the morning manna was physical food for the chil- one another. I want everyone to know that my phone is
dren of Israel. When was it to be found? Early in the morn- available to ring twenty-four hours a day. If anybody has
ing! Let's talk straight for a moment. Too many are missing an emergency anytime of the day, feel free to call us if
the blessing of the morning manna because they are burn- needed. However, for all normal, non emergency calls, I
ing the midnight oil! When a person stays up late regularly, am asking that you keep your calls to us between the hours:
it will be impossible for that person to arise early when the of 6:00 .4. M. and 8:00 P. M EST. This will allow us to have
manna is freshest without sacrificing health. It is very dif- some precious family time together and to be able to retire
ficult to rise early with a clear mind when we do not retire at a reasonable hour. For my part of the bargain, 1 will
at a proper time in the evening. refrain from contacting you late in the evening unless there
is an emergency. This is a fair and reasonable agreement,
True temperance includes resting at the proper times. don't you think so? I am glad you do. May God bless you to
While we have no authority to prescribe specific times for get your "early morning dew drops" and eat of the heav-
everyone rising and retiring, God's program is an early one.* enly manna!
When God wanted to send messages to Israel, He sent
them prophets early in the morning. "And now, because ye * We recognize that there are people whose work schedule
have done all these works, saith the LORD, and I spake often carries into the evening or night hours. We recognize that
unto you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not; they are free to decide how to arrange their schedule and to
and I called you, but ye answered not. . . . Since the day decide what constitutes "early' for them.
that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto
this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the
prophets, daily rising up early and sending them." (Jeremiah
7: 13, 25)

Jesus is our example in all things. What does the Bible

say concerning Him and early rising? "And in the morning,
rising up a great while before day, he went out, and de-
parted into a solitary place, and there prayed." (Mark 1:35)
Jesus was determined to receive His morning manna from

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