Vijay Lamba
Vijay Lamba
Vijay Lamba
1. Name
2. Fathers Name 3. Address for Correspondence Dr.VIJAY KUMAR LAMBA Sh. TARA CHAND LAMBA Dr. Vijay K. Lamba Deptt. Of Electronics & Communication Engineering Haryana College of Technology & Management, Kaithal, NH-65, Ambala Road, Kaithal-136027 Haryana (INDIA) Mobile +91-9416590582 E-mail: [email protected] Professor School of Electronics &Communication Engineering Quantum & Modern Physics, Nano & Molecular Electronics; VLSI Fabrication, Energy Harvesting; MEMS/NEMS
5. (i) Date of Birth 17/11/1972 (ii) Place of Birth Vill. Achina; Distt Bhiwani, Haryana 7. Nationality Citizen of India by birth 8. Whether married or single? Married 9. Employment: Give particulars concerning all periods of employment of a professional nature:
S.N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of employer Trans Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Navi Nagar, Mumbai BRCM Engg. College Bahal Guru Jambeshwar University, Hissar BRCM Engg. College Bahal HCTM College kaithal HCTM College kaithal HCTM College kaithal Date of joining leaving 01/05/1996 30/06/1998 01/06/2000 23/01/2003 01/06/2005 16/01/2006 1/11/2008 01/08/2010 14/07/2001 25/04/2005 14/01/2006 31/10/2008 31/07/2010 Till now Position Jr. Engg. Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Astt. Professor Assoc. Professor Professor
12. Education:
Exams Passed Name of Institution Univ./Board Year of Passing B.Sc. Govt. College Bhiwani MDU Rohtak 1995 M.Sc. Dept of Physics Punjab University Chd 2000 M.E/M.Tech. Dept of Electronics GNDU Amritsar Dec 2002 Ph.D Dept of Electronics GNDU Amritsar 2009 Any other Exam. P.G. Diploma in Logistic Management, RIE New Delhi; 1996 Ph.D Details Department: Electronics Technology, GNDU Amritsar Field of Specialization: Nano Electronics, Modeling & Simulation Subject: Electronics & Communication Engineering Topic of Thesis: Modeling & Simulation of Charge transport in Nano MOSFETs Name with Designation Guide Dr. Derick Engles, Professor, Dept of ECE, GNDU Amritsar Co-Guide Dr. S.S. Malik, Professor, Dept of Physics GNDU Amritsar Date of Enrolment: 25/09/2006 Award of degree: Oct, 2009
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15. Experience of supervising research or administration (Give details): No of students Enrolled/Registered for Ph.D Degree:
S.N . 1 2 Title of Thesis Modeling and Tailoring of Transport Properties of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNTs) Modeling & Simulation of Electron Transport through Nanometer-Scale Metal-Molecules/Oxide Junctions Modeling and Simulation of electronic properties of graphene for nano devices Modeling of Bond-Length Alternation, Geometric & Electronic Structures for Molecular Wires & BioMolecules University Dept. Of Ele. & Comm., Banasthali University Dept. Of Electronics Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Dept. Of Ele. & Comm., Banasthali University Dept. Of Chemistry, Banasthali University
Candidate Status Registered Registered
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Sandeep Dhariwal Deptt. Of Electronics Technology, HCTM kaithal Ravinder Sawhney Deptt. Of Electronics Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Vipin Kumar Dept. Of Ele. & Comm., RPIIT, Karnal Suman J. Engles Dept of Chemistry Guru nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Registered Registered
16. References:
Dr. Derick Engles (Professor) Ph.D, Supervisor Dept. of Electronics Technology Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India [email protected] Dr. Swapan k. Pati (Professor) Attached for visiting fellowship at JNCSAR for 2010-11 TSU Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bangalore, India-560 064 [email protected] Dr. B. V. Babu (Professor) Examiner, Ph.D thesis Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS Pilani) City PILANI - 333031 (Rajasthan) India [email protected]
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INFROM (European project) Grant for Nano Formulation 2010., presenting paper at Nano Formulation 2010 DST Fellowship- SR/ITS/2009/01596 for visiting USA in 2009 Nano-DDS Fellowship(USA) , for presenting paper at Fort Launderdale, FL; USA in 2009 AICTE Fellowship (Under TG Scheme, no 1-7RID/TR(192) for visiting USA in 2008 CSIR-UGC-JRF Fellowship 2001 President of Hostel Management Committee, at IIT Khharagpur