Mission Planner Guide

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UAV Mission Planner

Technical Report · October 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24955.82722

0 3,778

1 author:

Christoph Reudenbach
Philipps University of Marburg


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radio-tracking.eu View project

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Package ‘uavRmp’
October 11, 2017
Type Package
Title UAV Mission Planner
Version 0.5.1
Date 2017-10-10
Encoding UTF-8
Maintainer Chris Reudenbach <[email protected]>
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission Planner provides an easy to use workflow for planning au-
tonomous obstacle avoiding surveys of rtf-UAVs to retrieve aerial or spot related data. It cre-
ates either intermediate flight control files for the DJI phantom x UAVs or ready to upload con-
trol files for the pixhawk based flightcontroller as used in the 3DR Solo. Additionally it con-
tains some useful tools for digitizing and data manipulation.
URL https://github.com/gisma/uavRmp
BugReports https://github.com/gisma/uavRmp/issues
LazyData TRUE
License GPL (>= 3) | file LICENSE
Depends R (>= 3.1.0)
Imports stringr, sp, raster, htmlwidgets, htmltools, rgdal, rgeos,
gdalUtils, geosphere, tools, maptools, log4r, zoo, data.table,
spatial.tools, devtools, sf, roxygen2, methods
RoxygenNote 6.0.1
SystemRequirements GNU make
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, mapview
VignetteBuilder knitr
NeedsCompilation no
Author Chris Reudenbach [cre, aut],
Sebastian Richter [ctb],
Lars Opgenoorth [ctb],
Florian Detsch [ctb],
Hanna Meyer [ctb]

2 makeAP

Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2017-10-11 08:33:55 UTC

R topics documented:
makeAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
makeTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
maxpos_on_line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
read_gpx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
soloLog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
solo_upload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
sp_line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
sp_point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
tutdata_dem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
tutdata_flightarea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
tutdata_flighttrack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
tutdata_position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
tutdata_waypoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
uavRmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
vecDraw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Index 18

makeAP UAV Mission Planning tool for autonomous monitoring flight tasks
with respect to DSM/DEM, orthophoto data retrieval.


The basic idea is to provide an easy to use workflow for controlling rtf-UAVs for planning au-
tonomous surveys to retrieve aerial data sets.


makeAP(projectDir = tempdir(), locationName = "flightArea",

surveyArea = NULL, flightAltitude = 100, launchAltitude = NULL,
followSurface = FALSE, followSurfaceRes = NULL, demFn = NULL,
altFilter = 1, horizonFilter = 30, terrainSmooth = FALSE,
flightPlanMode = "track", presetFlightTask = "remote", overlap = 0.8,
maxSpeed = 20, maxFlightTime = 10, picRate = 2, windCondition = 0,
uavType = "solo", cameraType = "MAPIR2", cmd = 16, uavViewDir = 0,
djiBasic = c(0, 0, 0, -90, 0), dA = FALSE, heatMap = FALSE,
picFootprint = FALSE, rcRange = NULL, copy = FALSE)
makeAP 3

projectDir character path to the main folder where several locations can be hosted, default
is tempdir()
locationName character path to the location folder where all tasks of this plot are hosted,
default is "flightArea"
surveyArea you may provide either the coordinates by c(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2,lon3,lat3,launchLat,launchLon)
or an OGR compatible file (prefunable to find an inherited method for function
‘makeAP’ for signature ‘"missing"’erably geoJSON or KML) with at least 4
coordinates that describe the flight area. The fourth coordinate is the launch
position. You will find further explanation under seealso.
flightAltitude set the default flight altitude of the mission. It is assumed that the UAV is started
at the highest point of the surveyArea otherwise you have to defined the position
of launching.
launchAltitude absolute altitude of launching position. It will overwrite the DEM based estima-
tion if any other value than -9999
followSurface boolean TRUE performs an altitude correction of the mission’s flight altitude
using additional DEM data. If no DEM data is provided and followSurface is
TRUE, SRTM data will be downloaded and used. Further explanation at seealso
horizontal step distance for analyzing the DEM altitudes
demFn filename of the corresponding DEM data file.
altFilter if followingTerrain is equal TRUE then altFilter is the threshold value of
accepted altitude difference (m) between two way points. If this value is not
exceeded, the way point is omitted due to the fact that only 99 way points per
mission are allowed.
horizonFilter integer filter size of the rolling filter kernel for the flight track. Must be multi-
plied by the followSurfaceRes to get the spatial extent
terrainSmooth terrain smoothiiing switch
flightPlanMode type of flight plan. Available are: "waypoints", "track", "manual".
(DJI only) strongly recommended to use "remote"
Options are: "simple_ortho" takes one picture/way point, "multi_ortho"
takes 4 picture at a waunable to find an inherited method for function ‘makeAP’
for signature ‘"missing"’unable to find an inherited method for function ‘makeAP’
for signature ‘"missing"’ypoint, two vertically down and two in forward and
backward viewing direction and an Angele of -60deg, "simple_pano" takes a
360 deg panorama picture and "remote" which assumes that the camera is con-
trolled by the remote control (RC)
overlap overlapping of the pictures in percent (1.0 = 100)
maxSpeed cruising speed
maxFlightTime user defined estimation of the lipo lifetime (20 min default)
picRate fastest stable interval (s) for shooting pictures
4 makeAP

windCondition 1= calm 2= light air 1-5km/h, 3= light breeze 6-11km/h, 4=gentle breeze 12-
19km/h 5= moderate breeze 20-28km/h
uavType type of uav. currently "djip3" and "solo" are supported
cameraType depending on uav system for dji the dji4k is default for solo you can choose
GP3_7MP GP3_11MP and MAPIR2
cmd mavlink command
uavViewDir dview direction of uav
djiBasic c(0,0,0,-90)
curvesize (DJI only) controls the curve angle of the uav passing way points. By
default it is set to (= 0.0).
rotationdir (DJI only) camera control parameter set the UAV basic turn direction
to right (0) or left (1)
gimbalmode (DJI only) camera control parameter 0 deactivates the gimbal con-
trol 1 activates the gimbal for focusing POIs 2 activates the gimbal for focus and
interpolate a field of view in an angel of gimbalpitchangle
gimbalpitchangle (DJI only) vertical angle of camera +30 deg..-90 deg
actiontype (DJI only) individual actionype settings of the camera c(1,1,...)
actionparam (DJI only) corresponding parameter for the above individual ac-
tiontype c(0,0,...) uavViewDir viewing direction of camera default is 0
dA if TRUE the real extent of the used DEM is returned helpful for low altitudes
flight planning
heatMap switch for calculating the overlapping factor on a raster map
picFootprint switch for calculating the footprint at all way points
rcRange range of estimated range of remote control
copy copy switch

makeAP (Make UAV Remote Controlled Survey) creates either intermediate flight control files for
the DJI phantom x UAVs or ready to upload control files for the 3DR Solo. The DJI control files
are designed for using with the proprietary litchi flight control app exchange format, while the 3DR
Solo files are using the MAVLINK common message set, that is used by the PixHawk flight con-
troller family. Both are implemented very rudimentarily.

The reason using DJI is their absolute straightforward usage. Everybody can fly with a DJI but the
price is a hermetically closed system. Only the litchi app provides additionally to a cloud based
mission planner an offline/standalone interface to upload a CSV formated way point file for au-
tonomous flights to the Phantom.

PixHawk/3DR Solo:
The open uav community is focused on the PixHawk autopilot unit and the Mission Planner soft-
ware. It is well documented and several APIs are provided. Nevertheless a terrain following au-
tonomous flight planning tool is not available. makeAP creates static implementation of the MAV
format that is ready to be uploaded directly on the Pixhawk controller using the solo_upload func-
makeAP 5

Take care! There are still a lot of construction zones around. This script is far beyond to be in a ma-
ture state. Please control and backup all controls again while planning and performing autonomous
flight plans and missions. You will have a lot of chances to make a small mistake what may yield in
a damage of your UAV or even worse in involving people, animals or non-cash assets. Check your
risk, use parachute systems and even if it is running like a charm, keep alert!

To use the script you need to install quite a lot of R-packages and at least the binary GDAL tools as
well as SAGA GIS and GRASS GIS according to your system needs. Please find more information
at the giswerk.org: uav based Remote Sensing at giswerk.org). https://gisma.github.io/

See Also
The underlying concept, a tutorial and a field guid can be found in the package vignettes. See
browseVignettes("uavRmp") or vignette(package = "uavRmp") or at Github uavRmp


## Not run:
# Depending on the arguments, the following spatial data sets can returned

# lp the planned launching position of the UAV.

# wp waypoints inclusive all information
# oDEM the original (input) digital surface model (DSM)
# rDEM the resampled (used) DSM
# fp optimized footprints of the camera
# fA flight area with at least 2 overlaps
# rcA area covered by the RC according to the range and line of sight
# hm a heatmap abundance of pictures/pixel (VERY SLOW, only if heatMap = TRUE)

## for visualisation and vecDraw load mapview


## (1) get example DEM data

demFn <- system.file("extdata", "mrbiko.tif", package = "uavRmp")
tutorial_flightArea <- system.file("extdata", "flightarea.kml", package = "uavRmp")

## (2) simple flight, 100 meters above ground

## assuming a flat topography,

fp <- makeAP(surveyArea = tutorial_flightArea,

demFn = demFn)

## (3) typical real case scenario

6 makeTP

## Flight altitudes BELOW 50 m is ambitious and risky

## You have to use a high quality high resulution DSM
## (here simulated with a standard DEM)

fp <- makeAP(surveyArea=tutorial_flightArea,
followSurface = TRUE,
flightAltitude = 45,
demFn = demFn,
windCondition = 1,
uavType = "solo",
followSurfaceRes = 5,
altFilter = .75)

## (5) view results

mapview::mapview(fp3$wp,cex=4, lwd=0.5)+
mapview::mapview(fp3$lp,color = "red", lwd=1,cex=4)+
mapview::mapview(fp3$fA,color="blue", alpha.regions = 0.1,lwd=0.5)+

## (4) digitize flight area using leafDraw()

## save vectors as "kml" or "json" files
## provide full filename + extension!


## End(Not run)

makeTP Flight Track Planning tool


makeTP generates a flight track chaining up point objects with respect to a heterogenous surface
and known obstacles as documented by an DSM for taking top down pictures. It creates a single
control file for autonomous picture retrieval flights.


makeTP(projectDir = tempdir(), locationName = "treePos",

missionTrackList = NULL, launchPos = c(8.772055, 50.814689),
demFn = NULL, flightAltitude = 100, climbDist = 7.5,
aboveTreeAlt = 15, circleRadius = 1, takeOffAlt = 50,
presetFlightTask = "remote", maxSpeed = 25, followSurfaceRes = 5,
altFilter = 0.5, windCondition = 1, launchAltitude = -9999,
uavType = "solo", cameraType = "MAPIR2", copy = FALSE)
makeTP 7

projectDir character path to the main folder where several projects can be hosted, default
is tempdir()
locationName character base name string of the mission, default is "treePos"
character filename of the mission tracklist (target positions), default is NULL
launchPos list launch position c(longitude,latitude), default is c(8.772055,50.814689)
demFn character filename of the used DSM data file, default is NULL
flightAltitude numeric set the AGL flight altitude (AGL while the provided raster model
represents this surface) of the mission, default is 100 default is (= 0.0). If
set to -99 it will be calculated from the swath width of the pictures. NOTE:
This makes only sense for followingTerrain = TRUE to smooth curves. For
flightPlanMode = "waypoint" camera actions (DJI only EXPERIMENTAL)
are DISABLED during curve flights.
climbDist numeric distance within the uav will climb on the caluclated save flight altitude
in meter, default is 7.5
aboveTreeAlt numeric minimum flight height above target trees in meter, default is 15.0
circleRadius numeric radius to circle around above target trees in meter, default is 1.0
takeOffAlt altitude numeric climb altitude of the uav at take off position in meter, default
is 50.0
character (DJI only EXPERIMENTAL). NOTE: it is strongly recommended
to use the default "remote"
Further options are:
"simple_ortho" takes one picture/waypoint, "multi_ortho" takes 4 picture
at a waypoint, two vertically down and two in forward and backward viewing
direction and an angele of -60deg, "simple_pano" takes a 360 deg panorama
picture and "remote" which assumes that the camera is controlled by the remote
control (RC)
maxSpeed numeric cruising speed, default is 25.0
numeric, default is 5 meter.
altFilter numeric allowed altitude differences bewteen two waypoints in meter, default
is 0.5
windCondition numericoptions are 1= calm 2= light air 1-5km/h, 3= light breeze 6-11km/h,
4=gentle breeze 12-19km/h 5= moderate breeze 20-28km/h, default is 1
launchAltitude numeric altitude of launch position. If set to -9999 a DEM is required for
extracting the MSL, default is -9999
uavType character type of UAV. Currently "djip3" and "solo" are supported, default is
cameraType character, default is "MAPIR2".
copy boolean copy used file to data folder default is FALSE
8 maxpos_on_line

## (1) get example DEM data
dsmFn <- system.file("extdata", "mrbiko.tif", package = "uavRmp")
tutorial_flightArea <- system.file("extdata", "positions.csv", package = "uavRmp")

## (2) make position flight plan

makeTP <- makeTP(missionTrackList= tutorial_flightArea,
demFn = dsmFn,
uavType = "solo",
launchPos = c(8.679,50.856))

maxpos_on_line applies a line to a raster and returns the position of the maximum value


applies a line to a raster and returns the position of the maximum value


maxpos_on_line(dem, line)


dem raster object

line sp object

## load DEM/DSM
dem <- raster::raster(system.file("extdata", "mrbiko.tif", package = "uavRmp"))

## generate extraction line object

line <- sp_line(c(8.66821,8.68212),c(50.83939,50.83267),ID="Highest Position")

## extract highest position

read_gpx 9

read_gpx Read GPX file


Read a GPX file. By default, it reads all possible GPX layers, and only returns shapes for layers
that have any features.


read_gpx(file, layers = c("waypoints", "tracks", "routes", "track_points",



file a GPX filename (including directory)

layers vector of GPX layers. Possible options are "waypoints", "tracks", "routes",
"track_points", "route_points". By dedault, all those layers are read.


if the layer has any features a sp object is returned.


cloned from tmap


## for visualisation we are using mapview

## assign GPX file
gpxFN <- system.file("extdata", "flighttrack.gpx", package = "uavRmp")

## read it
gpx <- read_gpx(gpxFN, layers=c("tracks"))

## plot it
10 soloLog

soloLog Download, reorganize and export the binary log files from 3DR Solo
Pixhawk controller or the telemetry log files from the Solo radio con-
trol unit

Wraps the mavtogpx.py converter as provided by the dronkit library). It downloads and optionally
converts the most important 3DR Solo logfiles. Optionally you may import the geometries and data
as sp object.

soloLog(logFileSample = "recent", logSource = "rc", logDest = tempdir(),
downloadOnly = FALSE, netWarn = FALSE, renameFiles = TRUE,
makeSP = FALSE)

logFileSample character , options are: recent download the most recent logfile, all down-
loads all logfiles, or a plain number e.g. 2 for a specific logfile. Note the teleme-
try logfiles are numbering from 1 to 9 only, the most recent one is not numbered.
The binary logfiles from the pixhawk are numbering continously but only the
last 50 files or so will exist.
logSource character, options are: rc = logfiles from the radio control, pixhawk = logfiles
from the flightcontroller, default is set to rc. The radio control is providing
the last ten telemetry data files, while the flight controller provides the latest 50
binary logfiles.
logDest character (existing) destination path to which the logs should be downloaded
downloadOnly logical wether to only download the files or also convert and rename them,
default is set FALSE
netWarn logical wether to warn and waits before starting a connection to the controller.
helps while testing due to occassional wifi shutdowns of the Solo, default is set
renameFiles logical renames the log and gpx files according to the time period, default is
set TRUE
makeSP logical wether returning an sp object from the gpx files or not, default is

for using the Solo stuff is tested only for Linux and the bash shell under Windows 10. You need to
install the following python libs:
sudo pip install pymavlink
solo_upload 11

sudo pip install dronekit-sitl

sudo pip install dronekit

Additionally you need sshpass:

sudo apt-get install sshpass

And please rememeber - you need to be connected at least to a running 3DR Solo radio control
and if you want to donload data from the Pixhawk to a Solo UAV

## Not run:
## download recent telemetry log file from controller and convert it to gpx
soloLog(logFiles = "solo.tlog")

## download the last available logfile from the radio control


## download ALL logfiles from the radio control

soloLog(logFiles = "all")

## download ALL telemetry logfiles from the flight controller

soloLog(logSource = "pixhawk",logFiles = "all")

## download telementry logfile number 5 from the remote control

soloLog(logSource = "rc",logFiles = "5")

## End(Not run)

solo_upload Upload MAV compliant mission File to a 3DR Solo

solo_upload provides a crude interface to upload the Solo mission file to the 3dr SOLO

solo_upload(missionFile = NULL, connection = "udp:",
prearm = "-1")

missionFile mission file to upload
connection a valid connection string to the Solo default is "udp:"
prearm character controls the prearm status of the Solo prearm check
12 sp_line

-3=Skip Baro
-5=Skip Compass
-9=Skip GPS
-17=Skip INS
-33=Skip Params/Rangefinder
-65=Skip RC
127=Skip Voltage
default is -1

Find more information at prearm safety,

Mission import export script.

Becareful with fooling around with the prearm stuff. It is kind of VERY sensitive for the later
autonomous flights!
For using the Solo stuff you need to install:
sudo pip install pymavlink;
sudo pip install dronekit-sitl;
sudo pip install dronekit;
sudo apt-get install sshpass
Additionally you need to be connected to a running 3DR Solo uav

wp <- system.file("extdata", "MAVLINK_waypoints.txt", package = "uavRmp")
## Not run:
solo_upload( missionFile = wp)

## End(Not run)

sp_line create an spatiallineobject from 2 points

create an spatiallineobject from 2 points, optional export as shapefile

sp_line(Y_coords, X_coords, ID, proj4 = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs",
export = FALSE)

Y_coords Y/lat coordinates
X_coords X/lon coordinates
sp_point 13

ID id of line
proj4 projection
export write shafefile default = F

## creating sp spatial point object
line <- sp_line(c(8.770367,8.771161,8.771536),c(50.815172,50.814743,50.814875),ID="go for it")

## plot it

sp_point create an spatialpointobject from 1 points


create an spatial point object from 1 point and optionally export it as a shapefile


sp_point(lon, lat, ID = "point",

proj4 = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs", export = FALSE)


lon lon
lat lat
ID name of point
proj4 projection
export write shafefile default = F

## creating sp spatial point object
point <- sp_point(8.770362,50.815240,ID="Faculty of Geographie Marburg")

## plot it
14 tutdata_flightarea

tutdata_dem DEM data set of Marburg-Biedenkopf


DEM data set resampled to 20 m resolution




DEM data set of Marburg-Biedenkopf


Faculty of Geography UAV derived data from Marburg University Forest first campaign

tutdata_flightarea Flight area planning example data


Flight area planning example data as typically needed for planning an autonomous survey flight


Flight area planning example data


Faculty of Geography Marburg

tutdata_flighttrack 15

tutdata_flighttrack GPX example data

GPX example data as derived by a 3DR Solo flight

GPX example data

Faculty of Geography UAV derived data from Marburg University Forest first campaign

tutdata_position position example data

position data for planning a single flight task with focus on known objects

Virtual object position coordinates example data

Faculty of Geography UAV derived data from Marburg University Forest first campaign

tutdata_waypoints MAVLINK waypoint example data

Waypoint file

MAVLINK waypoint example data

Faculty of Geography UAV derived data from Marburg University Forest first campaign
16 vecDraw

uavRmp UAV Mission Planner

The package provides some mission planning functionality for dealing with Unmanned Aerial Ve-
hicles. The focus is set on an easy to use workflow for planning autonomous obstacle avoiding
surveys of rtf-UAVs to retrieve aerial or spot related data. It provides either intermediate flight
control files for the DJI phantom x UAVs or ready to upload control files for the pixhawk based
flightcontroller as used in the 3DR Solo. Additionally it contains some useful tools for digitizing
and data manipulation.

The package provides some mission planning functionality for dealing with Unmanned Aerial Ve-

It is important to keep in mind that all auxilliary external binaries like GDAL or SAGA need to be
installed properly. correctly on your system.

Chris Reudenbach Lars Opgenoorth Sebastian Richter Florian Detsch Hanna Meyer
Maintainer: Chris Reudenbach <[email protected]>

vecDraw digitizing vector features using a simple leaflet base map

vecDraw is designed for straightforward digitizing of simple geometries without adding attributes.
It provides a bunch of leaflet base maps and optionally a sf* object can be loaded for orientation.

vecDraw(mapCenter = NULL, zoom = 15, line = TRUE, rectangle = TRUE,
poly = TRUE, circle = TRUE, point = TRUE, remove = TRUE,
position = "topright", maplayer = c("CartoDB.Positron", "OpenStreetMap",
"Esri.WorldImagery", "Thunderforest.Landscape", "OpenTopoMap"),
overlay = NULL, preset = "all", locPreset = "muf", cex = 10,
lwd = 2, opacity = 0.7)
vecDraw 17

mapCenter center of the leaflet map
zoom set initial zoom level of leaflet map
line enable/disable line tool
rectangle enable/disable polygon tool
poly enable/disable polygon tool
circle enable/disable circle tool
point enable/disable point tool
remove enable/disable the remove feature of the draw tool
position toolbar layout (topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft)
maplayer string as provided by leaflet-provider
overlay optional sp* object may used for orientation
preset character default is "uav" for line based mission digitizing, "ext" for rectangles,
NULL for all drawing items
locPreset character location preset, default is "muf" for Marburg University Forest, "tra"
Traddelstein, "hag" Hagenstein, "baw" Bayerwald.
cex size of item
lwd line width of item
opacity opacity of item

Yu can either save the digitized object to a json (JS) or kml (KML) file.

# fully featured without overlay

# preset for digitizing uav flight areas using Meuse data set as overlay
sp::coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
sp::proj4string(meuse) <-CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
m <- sp::spTransform(meuse,CRSobj = sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
vecDraw(overlay = m, preset = "uav")

# preset for digitizing simple rectangles extents

vecDraw(preset="ext",overlay = m)

∗Topic datasets
tutdata_dem, 14
tutdata_flightarea, 14
tutdata_flighttrack, 15
tutdata_position, 15
tutdata_waypoints, 15
∗Topic package
uavRmp, 16

makeAP, 2
makeTP, 6
maxpos_on_line, 8

read_gpx, 9

solo_upload, 11
soloLog, 10
sp_line, 12
sp_point, 13

tutdata_dem, 14
tutdata_flightarea, 14
tutdata_flighttrack, 15
tutdata_position, 15
tutdata_waypoints, 15

uavRmp, 16
uavRmp-package (uavRmp), 16

vecDraw, 16


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