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Noncommunicable diseases progress monitor 2022

ISBN 978-92-4-004776-1 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-004777-8 (print version)

© World Health Organization 2022

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ii Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Acknowledgements.............................................................................................................................................................................................. iv


Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Explanatory notes....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Progress monitoring indicators ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4


References........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Country profiles................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Indicator Definitions and Specifications ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205

iii Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by
Leanne Riley and Melanie
Cowan from the Surveillance,
Natalia Fedkina, Heba Fouad,
Alexandra Fleischmann, Larry
Grummer-Strawn, Kaloyan
Monitoring and Reporting Kamenov, Doris Ma Fat,
Unit, Noncommunicable Bente Mikkelsen, Ghada
Diseases Department, World Nasr, Marine Perraudin, Ivo
Health Organization (WHO). Rakovac, Manju Rani, Dag
Rekve, Stefan Savin, Marcus
Contributions to the Stahlhofer, Josaia Tiko, Alena
report were made by the Usava, Nola Vanualailai,
following colleagues in WHO Benoit Varenne, Cherian
Headquarters and Regional Varghese, Hongyi Xu and
Offices: Fiona Bull, Roberta Temo Waquanivalu.
Caixeta, Bochen Cao, Shelly
Chadha, May Cho, Alison Sincere thanks to all WHO
Commar, Carolina B. Chávez Member States for their
Cortés, Katia De Pinho assistance in reporting data
Campos, Cheick Diallo, Katrin to WHO which allowed
Engelhardt, Kaia Engesveen, compilation of these indicators.

iv Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

FOREWORD The COVID-19 pandemic
has severely disrupted health
systems, economies and
key policies in areas including
tobacco and alcohol control,
reducing salt intake, increasing
societies. In many countries, this physical activity, management
has set-back efforts to protect of diabetes, and vaccination
people from noncommunicable against human papillomavirus.
diseases (NCDs).
This Progress Monitor tracks
In 2015, all countries the performance of countries
committed in the Sustainable against an agreed set of
Development Goals to markers, and shows that 77
reduce premature deaths countries have fully achieved
from NCDs by a third by 2030 more indicators in 2022
(target 3.4.1). Right now, compared with 2020, when
few countries are on track to the previous monitoring report
achieve this target. was published. More countries
are running campaigns to
In a world filled with reduce tobacco use and
uncertainty, a silver lining for developing clinical guidelines
NCDs is that we know both for NCD management. We
how to prevent them and how have also seen progress in
to manage them. This report efforts to improve nutrition
presents evidence-based and food environments.
policies that represent the
most effective and cost- However, there are also
effective actions for countries challenges. Premature NCD
to protect their citizens from mortality has increased in
the death and disability more than 20 mostly low- and
wrought by NCDs. middle-income countries.
Rates of diabetes and obesity
The path to success for NCDs are on the rise. Fifty-four
is a long one. But we know countries have lost ground,
what it looks like. Return achieving fewer indicators
on investment analysis of than in 2020, and there have
the WHO “best buys” for been major declines in physical
NCDs shows that with the activity awareness campaigns,
right strategic investments, NCD surveillance and the
countries facing the greatest development of integrated
burden of premature NCD NCD plans.
deaths can change their
disease trajectory. They can This is not just about meeting
deliver significant health a target. The COVID-19
and economic gains for their pandemic has highlighted
citizens by focusing on a few how people with NCDs

v Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

are at increased risk of This report lays out the targets
severe disease or death for reducing NCDs and how
from COVID-19. To protect to get there. What must come
the health of its citizens, now is action at the national
no country can afford not and community level. This
to invest in NCDs and can help to secure a healthy
strengthen health services future for millions of people.
as part of its preparedness SDG target 3.4.1 is more than
for future pandemics and a number: it is a promise to
humanitarian emergencies. save lives.


World Health Organization

vi Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

INTRODUCTION Noncommunicable diseases
(NCDs), such as cardiovascular
diseases, cancer, diabetes
of progress being made
against NCDs. It also serves to
highlight challenges and areas
and chronic respiratory requiring further attention.
diseases, are the leading
global cause of death and are In May 2015 the World Health
responsible for 74% of deaths Organization published
worldwide. These NCDs share a Technical Note (1) on
key modifiable behavioural how WHO would report in
risk factors like tobacco use, 2017 to the United Nations
unhealthy diet, lack of physical General Assembly on the
activity, and the harmful use of progress achieved in the
alcohol, which in turn lead to implementation of national
overweight and obesity, raised commitments included
blood pressure, and raised in the 2011 UN Political
cholesterol, and ultimately Declaration and the 2014
disease. They continue to be UN Outcome Document on
an important public health NCDs. The Technical Note
challenge in all countries, was updated in September
including low- and middle- 2017 to ensure consistency
income countries where more with the revised set of
than three quarters of NCD WHO ‘best-buys’ and other
deaths occur. recommended interventions
for the prevention and control
Effectively tackling NCDs and of noncommunicable diseases
their key risk factors requires which were endorsed by
a detailed understanding the World Health Assembly
of the current status and in May 2017. The Technical
progress being made at the Note outlines a set of ten
country level. Feasible and progress monitoring indicators
cost-effective interventions intended to show the progress
exist to reduce the burden and achieved in countries in the
impact of NCDs now and in implementation of selected
the future. Tracking national national commitments
implementation of a key set of included in the 2014 Outcome
tracer actions linked to these Document. The ten NCD
interventions allows for global progress monitoring indicators
benchmarking and monitoring are as follows:

1 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Consider setting
national NCD targets
for 2025:
Member State has set
time-bound national targets
based on WHO guidance

Member State has a functioning

system for generating reliable
cause-specific mortality data on
a routine basis

Member State has a STEPS Consider developing

survey or a comprehensive
health examination survey
national multisectoral
every 5 years policies and plans to
achieve the national
targets by 2025:
Reduce risk factors Member State has an operational
multisectoral national strategy/
for NCDs, building on action plan that integrates the major
guidance set out in NCDs and their shared risk factors

the WHO Global NCD

Action Plan:
Member State has implemented
the following five demand-
reduction measures of the WHO
FCTC at the highest level of

Reduce affordability by
increasing excise taxes and
prices on tobacco products

Eliminate exposure to second-

hand tobacco smoke in all
indoor workplaces, public
places and public transport
Implement plain/standardized
packaging and/or large graphic health
warnings on all tobacco packages

Enact and enforce comprehensive

bans on tobacco advertising,
promotion and sponsorship

Implement effective mass media

campaigns that educate the public
about the harms of smoking/tobacco
use and second-hand smoke

2 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented, as Enact and enforce restrictions
appropriate according to national on the physical availability of
circumstances, the following three retailed alcohol (via reduced
measures to reduce the harmful use hours of sale)
of alcohol as per the WHO Global
Strategy to Reduce the Harmful
Use of Alcohol:

Enact and enforce bans or

comprehensive restrictions on
exposure to alcohol advertising
(across multiple types of media)

Increase excise taxes on

alcoholic beverages
Member State has
implemented the following
four measures to reduce
unhealthy diets: Adopt national policies to
reduce population salt/
sodium consumption

Adopt national policies that

limit saturated fatty acids and
Legislation/regulations fully virtually eliminate industrially
implementing the International produced trans fatty acids in
Code of Marketing of Breast- the food supply
milk Substitutes
WHO set of recommendations
on marketing of foods and non-
alcoholic beverages to children

Member State has implemented

at least one recent national public
awareness and motivational
communication for physical activity,
including mass media campaigns for
physical activity behavioural change

Strengthen health
systems to address Member State has evidence-based
national guidelines/protocols/standards
NCDs through for the management of major NCDs
people-centred through a primary care approach,
recognized/approved by government or
primary health care competent authorities
and universal health
coverage, building Member State has provision of drug
on guidance set out therapy, including glycaemic control, and
counselling for eligible persons at high
in WHO Global NCD risk to prevent heart attacks and strokes,
Action Plan: with emphasis on the primary care level

3 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

This report presents information for each country
EXPLANATORY NOTES related to their achievement of the NCD progress
monitoring indicators. The profiles also include
information on the population, percentage
and number of deaths from NCDs, and the risk
of premature death from the four main NCDs
(cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or
chronic respiratory diseases) – the indicator used to
monitor the Sustainable Development Goal target
3.4 on NCDs. The data presented in the country
pages are derived from several sources, each of
which is explained in the following notes.

Progress monitoring NCD CCS questionnaire

indicators was completed through an
online web-based platform
Details of the progress by the NCD focal points
monitoring indicators, or designated colleagues
including detailed definitions, within the Ministry of
specifications, data sources Health (MOH) or a national
and assessment criteria institute or agency in all
are included in Annex. For WHO Member States (194
each indicator the following countries) between May
symbols denote the level and September 2021. The
of achievement: ● = fully questions were developed
achieved, ◐ = partially in a manner intended to
achieved, ○ = not achieved, obtain objective information
“NA” = not applicable to about adequacy of capacity
country due to national and countries were required
situation, “DK” = country to provide supporting
responded “don’t know” to documentation to enable
that question in the survey, review by WHO in order
and “NR” = no response or to validate the responses.
missing data. Where discrepancies were
noted between the country
Assessment of indicators 1, response and the documents
3, 4, 7a, 7b, 7c, 8, 9 and 10 provided for validation, a
were taken from Member clarification request was
State responses to the 2021 returned to the country for
NCD Country Capacity their consideration and an
Survey (NCD CCS). The 2021 updating of their response.

4 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Assessment of indicators 7a, 3.5 and who thus have data
7b and 7c were additionally only from the previous round
reviewed against responses (2016) of the survey.
obtained by WHO in the
2nd Global Nutrition Policy Indicator 7d achievement
Review and supporting status was based on the
documentation contained in analysis by WHO, UNICEF,
the WHO Global database and IBFAN/ICDC of copies
on the Implementation of of all national legislation
Nutrition Action (GINA). on the International Code
of Marketing of Breast-milk
Assessment of indicator 2, Substitutes for the production
related to the system for of the report on Marketing
generating mortality data, was of breast-milk substitutes:
based on data collected by National implementation of
WHO and stored in the WHO the International Code Status
mortality database through a Report 2020.
routine annual call for data.
Assessment of indicator 5
was based on data collected The 2019 population
from Member States in 2021 estimates from the 2019
for the production of the United Nations Population
WHO Report on the Global Division World Population
Tobacco Epidemic. The WHO Prospects (2) are reported in
assessment was shared with each profile.
national authorities for review
and approval. Mortality
Indicator 6 achievement status Percentage of deaths from
was based on the responses of NCDs and total number of
country focal points, officially NCD deaths are reported for
nominated by the Ministry of 2019 for all countries with
Health, to the 2019 Global a population greater than
survey on progress on SDG 90,000. These data were
health target 3.5 conducted drawn from the 2019 Global
by WHO. Responses were Health Estimates from the
reviewed and validated by World Health Organization
WHO, and subsequently (3). Total number of deaths
endorsed by the Member by age and sex were
States. This indicator is estimated for each country
marked with a cross for those by applying these death rates
countries who did not respond to the estimated populations
to the 2019 Global survey on prepared by the United
progress on SDG health target Nations Population Division

5 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

in its 2019 revision (2). Vital 2019 using age-specific death
registration systems which rates (in 5-year age groups,
record deaths with sufficient e.g. 30-34… 65-69, for those
completeness and quality of between 30 and 70) of the
cause of death information combined four main NCD
were used as the preferred categories, for each Member
data source. Detailed State (4). Using the life table
information on methods for method, the risk of death
mortality and causes of death between the exact ages of 30
estimates were published and 70, from any of the four
previously (4). causes and in the absence of
other causes of death, was
The risk of premature calculated using the equation
death from target NCDs below. The ICD codes used
presented in the profiles are: Cardiovascular disease:
is the probability of dying I00-I99, Cancer: C00-C97,
between ages 30 and 70 Diabetes: E10-E14, and
years from the four main Chronic respiratory disease:
NCDs and was estimated for J30-J98.

Mx = Total deaths from four NCD causes between exact age (X) and exact age (x+5)
Total population between exact age (x) and exact age (x+5)

Five-year death rates were then translated into the probability of

death for each NCD using the following formula:

Mx x 5
qx =
1 + *5Mx x 2.5

The unconditional probability of death, for the 30-70 age range,

was calculated last:

q30 = 1 – ∏ (1 – q ) *
5 x

x = 30

6 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

REFERENCES 1. http://www.who.int/nmh/events/2015/technical-note-en.
pdf?ua=1, accessed 21 March 2022.

2. World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1.

New York, United Nations, Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, Population Division, 2019.

3. Global Health Estimates 2019: Deaths by Cause, Age, Sex,

by Country and by Region, 2000-2019. Geneva, World Health
Organization; 2020.

4. WHO methods and data sources for country-level causes of

death 2000-2019. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2020.

7 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


38,042,000 50% 126,800 35%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

10 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,881,000 94% 29,300 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

11 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


43,053,000 79% 161,300 14%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns NR

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

12 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


77,100 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

13 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


31,825,000 32% 72,600 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies DK
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

14 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Antigua and Barbuda

97,100 85% 550 18%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

15 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


44,781,000 77% 267,600 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

16 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,958,000 89% 22,500 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

17 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


25,203,000 89% 146,600 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

18 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


8,955,000 91% 77,300 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

19 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,048,000 90% 74,200 27%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets DK

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

20 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


389,000 75% 2,000 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

21 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,641,000 86% 4,000 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

22 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


163,000,000 70% 557,200 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

23 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


287,000 83% 2,800 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

24 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


9,452,000 93% 107,700 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

25 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,539,000 86% 97,400 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

26 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


390,000 65% 1,200 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

27 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,801,000 39% 36,400 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

28 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


763,000 73% 3,300 18%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

29 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Bolivia (Plurinational
State of)
11,513,000 73% 62,800 18%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

30 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Bosnia and Herzegovina

3,301,000 94% 35,700 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

31 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,304,000 46% 9,400 27%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

32 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


211,000,000 75% 1,026,000 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

33 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Brunei Darussalam

433,000 85% 1,900 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NA
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NA Not applicable

34 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


7,000,000 95% 101,200 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

35 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Burkina Faso

20,321,000 35% 52,800 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

36 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,531,000 37% 28,200 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

37 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Cabo Verde

550,000 70% 2,000 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

38 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


16,487,000 68% 65,400 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

39 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


25,876,000 38% 74,100 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

40 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


37,411,000 90% 249,800 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

41 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Central African Republic

4,745,000 32% 18,100 36%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

42 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


15,947,000 27% 40,100 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity DK

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

43 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


18,952,000 85% 93,300 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

44 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,434,000,000 90% 9,058,000 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

45 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


50,339,000 76% 181,100 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

46 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


851,000 45% 2,200 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

47 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,381,000 39% 13,500 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

48 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Cook Islands

17,500 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

49 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Costa Rica

5,048,000 82% 19,600 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

50 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Côte d’Ivoire

25,717,000 36% 69,600 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

51 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,130,000 92% 47,400 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

52 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,333,000 83% 92,300 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

53 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,199,000 90% 6,100 8%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys DK

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD DK

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

54 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,689,000 89% 101,500 14%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

55 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea
25,666,000 80% 180,700 24%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

56 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Democratic Republic
of the Congo
86,791,000 34% 246,300 24%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

57 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,772,000 90% 48,400 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

58 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


974,000 52% 3,800 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

59 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


71,800 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

60 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Dominican Republic

10,739,000 72% 52,400 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

61 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


17,374,000 76% 61,100 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

62 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


100,400,000 86% 492,500 28%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

63 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

El Salvador

6,454,000 65% 26,500 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

64 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Equatorial Guinea

1,356,000 33% 3,400 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

65 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


3,497,000 49% 13,700 27%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

66 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,326,000 92% 14,000 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

67 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,148,000 46% 5,400 35%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

68 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


112,100,000 43% 271,300 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

69 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


890,000 85% 6,000 38%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

70 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,532,000 93% 51,300 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

71 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


65,130,000 87% 521,700 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

72 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,173,000 45% 6,500 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

73 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,348,000 37% 5,300 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

74 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


3,997,000 93% 49,800 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

75 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


83,517,000 91% 765,900 12%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

76 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


30,418,000 45% 86,300 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

77 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,473,000 83% 104,500 12%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

78 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


112,000 83% 840 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies DK
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

79 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


17,581,000 62% 58,600 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

80 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


12,771,000 33% 36,000 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

81 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,921,000 33% 5,400 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

82 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


783,000 70% 5,600 29%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

83 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,263,000 65% 62,900 31%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

84 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


9,746,000 71% 39,300 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

85 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


9,685,000 94% 119,500 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

86 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


339,000 89% 2,100 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

87 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,366,000,000 66% 6,047,000 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

88 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


270,600,000 76% 1,386,000 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

89 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

82,914,000 81% 296,400 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

90 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


39,310,000 67% 107,200 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

91 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,882,000 90% 27,900 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

92 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


8,519,000 85% 38,800 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

93 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


60,550,000 91% 590,500 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

94 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,948,000 79% 15,300 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

95 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


126,900,000 85% 1,146,000 8%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

96 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,102,000 80% 23,000 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

97 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


18,551,000 87% 110,100 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

98 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


52,574,000 41% 120,000 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

99 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


118,000 73% 940 51%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

100 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,207,000 79% 6,500 12%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

101 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


6,416,000 82% 24,400 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

102 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Lao People’s
Democratic Republic
7,169,000 65% 28,500 27%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

103 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,907,000 92% 27,400 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

104 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


6,856,000 89% 33,500 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

105 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,125,000 45% 16,100 43%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity NR

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

106 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,937,000 32% 11,600 18%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies DK
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies DK
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity DK

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

107 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


6,777,000 75% 20,400 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

108 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,760,000 91% 38,300 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

109 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


616,000 89% 3,800 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

110 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


26,969,000 45% 80,200 26%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

111 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


18,629,000 40% 43,500 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

112 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


31,950,000 73% 135,700 18%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

113 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


531,000 85% 1,100 12%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

114 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


19,658,000 30% 46,700 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

115 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


440,000 90% 3,400 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

116 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Marshall Islands

58,800 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

117 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,526,000 37% 9,700 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

118 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,270,000 88% 10,100 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

119 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


127,600,000 80% 572,400 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

120 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Micronesia (Federated
States of)
114,000 79% 820 46%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

121 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


39,000 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

122 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


3,225,000 83% 19,300 35%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

123 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


628,000 94% 6,800 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD DK

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

124 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


36,472,000 84% 207,700 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

125 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


30,366,000 36% 102,500 31%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

126 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


54,045,000 71% 275,200 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

127 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,495,000 43% 7,900 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

128 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,800 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

129 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


28,609,000 66% 117,300 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

130 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


17,097,000 88% 135,100 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

131 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

New Zealand

4,783,000 90% 29,800 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

132 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


6,546,000 82% 26,300 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

133 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


23,311,000 30% 55,600 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

134 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


201,000,000 27% 447,800 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

135 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,600 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity DK

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response DK Don’t Know

136 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

North Macedonia

2,083,000 96% 24,100 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

137 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,379,000 87% 35,500 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

138 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,975,000 80% 13,000 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

139 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


216,600,000 60% 974,400 29%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

140 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


18,000 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

141 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


4,246,000 78% 15,700 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

142 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Papua New Guinea

8,776,000 62% 37,800 36%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

143 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


7,045,000 75% 25,800 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

144 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


32,510,000 73% 102,900 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

145 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


108,100,000 70% 511,700 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

146 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


37,888,000 90% 360,400 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD DK

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

147 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,226,000 87% 96,600 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

148 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,832,000 77% 3,500 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

149 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Republic of Korea

51,225,000 78% 230,000 7%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets DK

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity NR

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response DK Don’t Know

150 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Republic of Moldova

4,043,000 89% 36,700 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

151 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


19,365,000 91% 235,400 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

152 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Russian Federation

145,900,000 89% 1,598,000 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

153 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


12,627,000 50% 32,400 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

154 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Saint Kitts and Nevis

52,800 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

155 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Saint Lucia

183,000 82% 1,200 18%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

156 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Saint Vincent and the
111,000 79% 740 21%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

157 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


197,000 82% 990 31%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

158 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

San Marino

33,900 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

159 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Sao Tome and Principe

215,000 58% 580 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

160 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Saudi Arabia

34,269,000 73% 105,200 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

161 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


16,296,000 45% 38,900 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

162 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


8,772,000 95% 109,600 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

163 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


97,700 79% 610 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

164 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Sierra Leone

7,813,000 34% 22,900 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies DK
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

165 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,804,000 75% 20,100 9%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

166 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,457,000 89% 44,700 15%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes NR

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

167 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


2,079,000 90% 18,400 11%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

168 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Solomon Islands

670,000 67% 3,200 39%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices NR
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

169 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


15,443,000 30% 50,700 30%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

170 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

South Africa

58,558,000 51% 254,700 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

171 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

South Sudan

11,062,000 28% 25,300 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

172 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


46,737,000 91% 387,300 10%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

173 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Sri Lanka

21,324,000 83% 120,500 13%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

174 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


42,813,000 54% 130,100 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

175 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


581,000 79% 3,500 23%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

176 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


10,036,000 89% 82,100 8%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

177 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


8,591,000 90% 61,900 8%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ○
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

178 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Syrian Arab Republic

17,070,000 75% 67,200 22%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

179 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


9,321,000 73% 36,600 28%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

180 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


69,626,000 77% 380,400 14%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

181 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


1,293,000 53% 4,000 20%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

182 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


8,082,000 41% 22,700 24%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity DK

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

183 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


104,000 79% 490 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

184 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Trinidad and Tobago

1,395,000 83% 7,800 17%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ◐

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ◐

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD DK

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

185 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,695,000 86% 58,100 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

186 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


83,430,000 90% 389,100 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

187 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


5,942,000 72% 26,700 28%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

188 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


11,700 - - -
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs† NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions NR
C increased excise taxes NR

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ◐

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes NR No Response

189 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


44,270,000 36% 81,300 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

190 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


43,994,000 92% 545,900 26%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

191 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

United Arab Emirates

9,771,000 77% 16,100 19%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ◐

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

192 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
67,530,000 88% 541,700 10%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ●
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability NR
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

NR No Response

193 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

United Republic of
58,005,000 34% 110,600 17%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

194 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

United States of America

329,100,000 88% 2,600,000 14%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

195 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


3,462,000 86% 29,800 16%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes DK

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

196 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


32,982,000 85% 145,000 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ●
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ●
C marketing to children restrictions ●
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes

197 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


300,000 74% 1,600 40%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ○
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ◐
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ○

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ●

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

198 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of)
28,516,000 65% 112,000 15%
Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ◐

2 Mortality data ●

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ●
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures: †
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions DK
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ●

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

† See Explanatory Notes DK Don’t Know

199 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Viet Nam

96,462,000 81% 592,300 21%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ●

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ●

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ●

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ●
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ◐
E mass media campaigns ●

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ◐
C increased excise taxes ◐

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

200 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


29,162,000 50% 85,600 28%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ◐
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ◐
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ●
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ●
C increased excise taxes ●

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity DK

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ○

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

DK Don’t Know

201 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


17,861,000 35% 42,100 25%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ◐

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ◐

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ●
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ◐
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ◐

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ●

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

202 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


14,645,000 39% 46,200 28%

Total Percentage of Total number of Probability of premature
population deaths from NCDs NCD deaths mortality from NCDs

1 National NCD targets ○

2 Mortality data ○

3 Risk factor surveys ○

4 National integrated NCD policy/strategy/action plan ○

5 Tobacco demand-reduction measures:

A increased excise taxes and prices ○
B smoke-free policies ◐
C large graphic health warnings/plain packaging ○
D bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship ○
E mass media campaigns ○

6 measures:
Harmful use of alcohol reduction measures:
A restrictions on physical availability ◐
B advertising bans or comprehensive restrictions ○
C increased excise taxes ○

7 Unhealthy diet reduction measures:

A salt/sodium policies ○
B saturated fatty acids and trans-fats policies ○
C marketing to children restrictions ○
D marketing of breast-milk substitutes restrictions ●

8 Public education and awareness campaign on physical activity ○

9 Guidelines for management of cancer, CVD, diabetes and CRD ◐

10 Drug therapy/counselling to prevent heart attacks and strokes ○

fully achieved partially achieved not achieved

203 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has set time-bound national targets based
on WHO guidance

Country has set national NCD targets. The NCD-related targets should be
time-bound and based on the 9 voluntary global targets and the WHO Global
Monitoring Framework.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if a country responds “Yes” to the
question “Are there a set of time-bound national targets for NCDs based on
the 9 voluntary global targets from the WHO Global Monitoring Framework for
NCDs?” and provides the needed supporting documentation. Targets must be
time-bound, based on the 9 global targets, and need to address NCD mortality,
as well as key risk factors in the country and/or health systems.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
the question “Are there a set of time-bound national targets for NCDs based on
the 9 voluntary global targets from the WHO Global Monitoring Framework for
NCDs?”, but the targets do not cover two of the three areas addressed in the 9
global targets (including mortality) or they are not time-bound.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their targets when submitting their
response to the NCD CCS. WHO will confirm that document provided is indeed
a set of national NCD targets, addressing NCD mortality, as well as key risk
factors in the country, and/or health systems, based on the 9 global targets, and
that these targets are time-bound (e.g. include such language as “by 2025”).
Where discrepancies are noted, these are referred back to the country for
clarification and modification.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years
Links to tool

206 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has a functioning system for generating reliable
cause-specific mortality data on a routine basis

Country has a vital registration system that captures deaths and the causes of
death routinely. The International Form of Medical Certificate of the Cause of
Death is completed by certifiers. The International Classification of Diseases
(ICD) is used to code the causes of death. The data compiled are made
available to policy-makers and researchers.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

The WHO collects mortality data, including cause of death, from civil
registration systems in the WHO mortality database through a routine annual
call for data. Data are considered to generate reliable cause-specific mortality
data on a routine basis if:
• Data from the five most recent reporting years are, on average, at least
70% usable. Usability is calculated as
• (Completeness (%))*(1- Proportion Garbage)1
• At least five years of cause-of-death data have been reported to the
WHO in the last 10 years.
• The most recent year of data reported to the WHO is no more than five
years old.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country meets all of the above
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country does not meet all of
the above criteria but has submitted some vital registration data to WHO.

Data validation process

Data submitted are verified and inconsistencies are referred back to countries
to resolve.

Expected frequency of data collection


Links to tool

1. For further details, see page 5 of the following document: http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_


207 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has a STEPS survey or a comprehensive health
examination survey every 5 years

Country has completed a STEPS survey or another risk factor survey which
includes physical measurements and biochemical assessments covering the
key behavioural and metabolic risk factors for NCDs. Country must indicate
that survey frequency is at least every 5 years.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes” to each
of the following for adults: “Have surveys of risk factors (may be a single RF or
multiple) been conducted in your country for all of the following:” “Harmful
alcohol use” (optional for the Member States where there is a ban on alcohol),
“Physical inactivity”, “Tobacco use”, “Raised blood glucose/diabetes”, “Raised
blood pressure/hypertension”, “Overweight and obesity”, and “Salt / Sodium
intake”. For risk factors “Raised blood glucose/diabetes”, “Raised blood
pressure/hypertension”, and “Overweight and obesity”, the data must be
measured, not self-reported. Additionally, for each risk factor, the country must
indicate that the last survey was conducted in the past 5 years (i.e. 2016 or later
for the 2021 CCS survey responses) and must respond “Every 1 to 2 years” or
“Every 3 to 5 years” to the subquestion “How often is the survey conducted?”.
The country must also provide the needed supporting documentation.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country responds that at
least 3, but not all, of the above risk factors are covered, or the surveys were
conducted more than 5 years ago but less than 10 years ago.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their survey report(s) when submitting
their response to the NCD CCS. Where discrepancies are noted, these are
referred back to the country for clarification and modification. Data are also
checked against the STEPS tracking system which records details of STEPS
surveys undertaken by countries.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

208 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


Member State has an operational multisectoral national strategy/action

plan that integrates the major NCDs and their shared risk factors

Country has a multisectoral, national integrated NCD and risk factor policy/
strategy/action plan that addresses the 4 main NCDs (cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease) and their main risk factors
(tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol).
“Multisectoral” refers to engagement with one or more government sectors
outside of health. “Operational” refers to a policy, strategy or action plan
which is being used and implemented in the country, and has resources and
funding available to implement it.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes”
to the questions “Does your country have a national NCD policy, strategy
or action plan which integrates several NCDs and their risk factors?” and
to the subquestion “ Is it multisectoral?”. Countries also have to respond
“operational” to the subquestion “Indicate its stage” and “Yes” to all of the
subquestions pertaining to the 4 main risk factors and 4 main NCDs: “Does
it address one or more of the following major risk factors?” “Harmful use of
alcohol” (optional for the Member States where there is a ban on alcohol),
“Unhealthy diet”, “Physical inactivity”, “tobacco” (all 4 must have “Yes”)
and “Does it combine early detection, treatment and care for:” “Cancer”,
“Cardiovascular diseases”, “ Chronic respiratory diseases” and “Diabetes”
(all 4 must have “Yes”). Country must also provide the needed supporting

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their policy/strategy/action plan when
submitting their response to the NCD CCS. Where discrepancies are noted,
these are referred back to the country for clarification and modification.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

209 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented measures to reduce affordability by increasing
excise taxes and prices on tobacco products

Country has total taxes set at a level that accounts for more than 75% of the
retail price of tobacco products.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Data collected from governments for the production of the WHO Report on
the Global Tobacco Epidemic.
Total taxes (including excise tax, value added/sales tax, import duties (where
applicable) and any other taxes levied) are calculated as a proportion of the
price of the tobacco product. Currently, this is calculated in relation to the most
sold brand of cigarettes.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country has total taxes
more than 75% of the price of the most sold brand of cigarettes.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country has total taxes
from 51% up to 75% of the retail price of the most sold brand of cigarettes.

Data validation process

WHO assessment is shared with national authorities for review and approval.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

210 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented measures to eliminate exposure to second-hand
tobacco smoke in all indoor workplaces, public places and public transport

Country has all public places completely smoke-free (or at least
90% of the population covered by complete subnational smoke-free
legislation).“Completely” means that smoking is not permitted, with no
exemptions allowed, except in residences and indoor places that serve as
equivalents to long-term residential facilities, such as prisons and long-
term health and social care facilities such as psychiatric units and nursing
homes. Ventilation and any form of designated smoking rooms and/or
areas do not protect from the harms of second-hand tobacco smoke, and
the only laws that provide protection are those that result in the complete
absence of smoking in all public places.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Legal instruments are analysed for the production of the WHO Report on the
Global Tobacco Epidemic.
Legislation (including implementing rules and regulations) is assessed to
determine whether smoke-free laws adopted as of 31 December 2020
provided for a complete indoor smoke-free environment at all times, in
all the facilities of each of the following eight places: health care facilities;
educational facilities other than universities; universities; government
facilities; indoor offices and workplaces not considered in any other category;
restaurants or facilities that serve mostly food; cafes, pubs and bars or facilities
that serve mostly beverages; public transport.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if all eight categories of public places
listed above are completely smoke-free in the country (or at least 90% of the
population covered by complete subnational smoke-free legislation).
This indicator is considered partially achieved if three to seven public places
are completely smoke-free.

Data validation process

WHO assessment is shared with national authorities for review and approval.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

211 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented plain/standardized packaging and/or large
graphic health warnings on cigarettes packages

Country mandates plain/standardized packaging and/or large graphic
warnings with all appropriate characteristics. Appropriate characteristics for
large graphic warnings include:
• specific health warnings mandated;
• appearing on individual packages as well as on any outside packaging
and labelling used in retail sale;
• describing specific harmful effects of tobacco use on health;
• are large, clear, visible and legible (e.g. specific colours and font style and
sizes are mandated);
• rotating health warnings and/or messages;
• pictures or pictograms; and
• written in (all) the principal language(s) of the country.
Appropriate characteristics for plain/standardized packaging include:
• restrictions or prohibitions on the use of logos, colours, brand images
or promotional information on packaging other than brand names and
product names displayed in a standard colour and font style;
• standardized shape, size and materials of tobacco packaging; and
• no advertising or promotion inside or attached to the package or
tobacco product.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Legislation (including implementing rules or regulations) adopted as of 31
December 2020 is assessed to determine the size of the warnings (the front
and back of the cigarette pack are averaged to calculate the percentage of
the total pack surface area covered by warnings) and warning characteristics.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country has plain/
standardized packaging and/or large graphic health warnings which are
defined as covering on average at least 50% of the front and back of the
package with all appropriate characteristics as detailed above.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if there are medium-size
warnings, which are defined as covering on average between 30 and 49% of
the front and back of package, with some or all appropriate characteristics, or
large warnings that are missing some appropriate characteristics.
For countries with a law requiring plain/standardized packaging and/or large
graphic warnings but with no implementing rules or regulations yet adopted
as of 31 December 2020, this indicator will not be considered fully achieved.

212 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Data validation process
WHO assessment is shared with national authorities for review and approval.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

213 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has enacted and enforced comprehensive bans on tobacco
advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Country has a ban on all forms of direct and indirect advertising. Direct
advertising bans include: national television and radio; local magazines
and newspapers; billboards and outdoor advertising; point of sale (indoor).
Indirect advertising bans include: free distribution of tobacco products in the
mail or through other means; promotional discounts; non-tobacco products
identified with tobacco brand names (brand stretching); brand names of non-
tobacco products used for tobacco products (brand sharing); appearance of
tobacco brands (product placement) or tobacco products in television and/or
films; and sponsorship (contributions and/or publicity of contributions).

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Legislation is assessed to determine whether the law completely bans all
forms of direct and indirect tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country has a ban on all forms
of direct and indirect advertising.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country has a ban on
national TV, radio and print media, but not on all other forms of direct and/or
indirect advertising.

Data validation process

WHO assessment is shared with national authorities for review and approval.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

214 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented effective mass media campaigns that educate
the public about the harms of smoking/tobacco use and second-hand smoke

Country has implemented a national anti-tobacco mass media campaign
designed to support tobacco control, of at least 3 weeks duration with all
appropriate characteristics. Appropriate characteristics include:
• campaign was part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme;
• before the campaign, research was undertaken or reviewed to gain a
thorough understanding of the target audience;
• campaign communications materials were pre-tested with the target
audience and refined in line with campaign objectives;
• air time (radio, television) and/or placement (billboards, print advertising, etc.)
was obtained by purchasing or securing it using either the organization’s own
internal resources or an external media planner or agency (this information
indicates whether the campaign adopted a thorough media planning and
buying process to effectively and efficiently reach its target audience);
• the implementing agency worked with journalists to gain publicity or
news coverage for the campaign;
• process evaluation was undertaken to assess how effectively the
campaign had been implemented;
• an outcome evaluation process was implemented to assess campaign
impact; and
• the campaign was aired on television and/or radio.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Eligible campaigns are assessed according to the appropriate
characteristics to determine whether it signifies the use of a
comprehensive communication approach.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country has a campaign
conducted with at least seven appropriate characteristics including airing on
television and/or radio.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country has a campaign
conducted with one to six of the appropriate characteristics.
Data validation process
WHO assessment is shared with national authorities for review and approval.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

215 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has enacted and enforced restrictions on the physical availability
of retailed alcohol (via reduced hours of sale)

Country has a licensing system or monopoly on retail sales of beer, wine,
Country has restrictions for on-/off-premise sales of beer, wine, spirits
regarding hours, days and locations of sales.
Country has legal age limits for being sold and served alcoholic beverages.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Data is collected through the WHO Global survey on progress on SDG health
target 3.5.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if:
• a licensing system or monopoly exists on retail sales of beer, wine and spirits;
• restrictions exist for on- and off-premise sales of beer, wine, and spirits
regarding hours and locations of sales and restrictions exist for off-
premise sales of beer, wine, and spirits regarding days of sales; and
• legal age limits for being sold and served alcoholic beverages are 18
years or above for beer, wine, and spirits.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if there are any, but not all,
positive responses to the three indicators above.

Data validation process

Focal points, officially nominated by the Ministry of Health, respond to the
Global survey on progress on SDG health target 3.5 . Responses are reviewed
and validated by WHO, and subsequently endorsed by the Member States.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 3-4 years

Links to tool

216 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has enacted and enforced bans or comprehensive restrictions
on exposure to alcohol advertising (across multiple types of media)

Country has regulatory or co-regulatory frameworks for alcohol advertising
through different channels (public service/national TV, commercial/private
TV, national radio, local radio, print media, billboards, points of sale, cinema,
internet, social media).
Country has a detection system for infringements on marketing restrictions.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Data is collected through the WHO Global survey on progress on SDG health
target 3.5.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if:
• restrictions exist on alcohol advertising for beer, wine, and spirits
through all channels; and
• detection system exists for infringements on marketing restrictions.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if there are restrictions on at
least public service/national TV, national radio and billboards but no detection
system exists for infringements.

Data validation process

Focal points, officially nominated by the Ministry of Health, respond to the
Global survey on progress on SDG health target 3.5 . Responses are reviewed
and validated by WHO, and subsequently endorsed by the Member States.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 3-4 years

Links to tool

217 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022


Member State has increased excise taxes on alcoholic beverages

Country has excise tax on beer, wine, spirits.
Country adjusts level of taxation for inflation for alcoholic beverages.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Data is collected through the WHO Global survey on progress on SDG health
target 3.5.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if:
• excise tax on all alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, and spirits) is
• there are no tax incentives or rebates for production of other alcoholic
beverages; and
• adjustment of level of taxation for inflation for beer, wine, and spirits is
This indicator is considered partially achieved if there is excise tax on alcoholic
beverages as specified above.

Data validation process

Focal points, officially nominated by the Ministry of Health, respond to the
Global survey on progress on SDG health target 3.5 . Responses are reviewed
and validated by WHO, and subsequently endorsed by the Member States.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 3-4 years

Links to tool

218 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has adopted national policies to reduce population salt/
sodium consumption

Country has implemented national policies to reduce population salt/sodium
consumption, including reformulation of food products; establishment of
a supportive environment in public institutions to enable lower sodium
options to be provided; behaviour change communication and mass media
campaigns; and front-of-pack labelling.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
the question “Is your country implementing any policies to reduce population
salt consumption?” and to the subquestions “Are these targeted at: product
reformulation by industry across the food supply; regulation of salt content of
food served in specific settings such as hospitals, schools, workplaces; public
awareness programme; front-of-pack nutrition labeling? (must have “Yes” to
product reformulation by industry across the food supply and/or regulation of
salt content of food, and “Yes” to public awareness programme and nutrition
labeling”). Country must also provide the needed supporting documentation.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
the question “Is your country implementing any policies to reduce population
salt consumption?”, and “Yes” to at least one of the four subquestions “Are
these targeted at: product reformulation by industry across the food supply;
regulation of salt content of food served in specific settings such as hospitals,
schools, workplaces; public awareness programme; front-of-pack nutrition

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their policy(ies) when submitting their
response to the NCD CCS. Responses are cross-validated with data obtained
through the Global Nutrition Policy Review and the WHO Global database on the
Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA). Where discrepancies are noted, these
are referred back to the country for clarification and modification.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

219 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has adopted national policies that limit saturated fatty acids and
virtually eliminate industrially produced trans-fatty acids in the food supply

Country has implemented a policy(ies) to limit saturated fatty acids and
virtually eliminate industrially produced trans-fats in the food supply.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
the questions “Is your country implementing any national policies to reduce
population saturated fatty acid intake?” and “Is your country implementing
any national policies to eliminate industrially produced trans-fatty acids in the
food supply?”, and provides the needed supporting documentation.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
either of the aforementioned questions.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their policy(ies) when submitting their
response to the NCD CCS. Responses are cross-validated with data obtained
through the Global Nutrition Policy Review and the WHO Global database
on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA). Where discrepancies
are noted, these are referred back to the country for clarification and

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

220 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented the WHO set of recommendations on
marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children

Country has implemented a policy(ies) to reduce the impact on children of
marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages high in saturated fats, trans-
fatty acids, free sugars, or salt.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes” to the
question “Is your country implementing any policies to reduce the impact on
children of marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages high in saturated
fats, trans-fatty acids, free sugars, or salt?”, and provides the needed
supporting documentation.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of their policy(ies) when submitting their
response to the NCD CCS. Responses are cross-validated with data obtained
through the Global Nutrition Policy Review and the WHO Global database
on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA). Where discrepancies
are noted, these are referred back to the country for clarification and

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

221 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has legislation/regulations fully implementing the International
Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

Country has implemented legislation/regulations that fully implement the
International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

Copies of all laws and regulations on the International Code of Marketing of
Breast-milk Substitutes are compiled by WHO every two years. WHO routinely
requests countries to submit copies of Code legislation when they learn
of changes. Additionally, copies of legislation were obtained from UNICEF
and IBFAN/ICDC and legal databases (Lexis/Nexis and FAO-LEX), EUR-LEX,
national gazettes and internet search engines.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country is assessed as having
national legal measures categorized as “substantially aligned with the Code”,
whereby countries have enacted legislation or adopted regulations, decrees
or other legally binding measures encompassing all or nearly all provisions of
the Code and subsequent WHA resolutions.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country is assessed as
having national legal measures categorized as “Moderately aligned with the
Code” or having “Some provisions of the Code included”, whereby countries
have enacted legislation or adopted regulations, decrees or other legally
binding measures encompassing at least some provisions of the Code and
subsequent WHA resolutions.

Data validation process

WHO, UNICEF, and IBFAN/ICDC analyse all legislation and regulations to
determine which provisions of the Code were covered. The various provisions
are scored in terms of their alignment with the Code and a total score
being calculated as a weighted sum, with the total ranging from 0-100. The
legislation is then classified into four categories:
• Substantially aligned with the Code: score of 75 to 100;
• Moderately aligned with the Code: score of 50 to < 75;
• Some provisions of the Code included: score of < 50;
• No legal measures.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

222 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has implemented at least one recent national public awareness
programme and motivational communication for physical activity, including mass
media campaigns for physical activity behavioural change

Country has implemented at least one recent (within the past 2 years) national
public awareness programme on physical activity.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country responds “Yes” to
the following question: “Has your country implemented any national public
education and awareness campaign on physical activity within the past 2 years?”
and supporting documents provide clear evidence demonstrating that one or
more of the following activities have been undertaken within the past 2 years:
1. national public-facing mass media education and awareness campaign on
physical activity, AND/OR
2. national promotional initiatives supporting a regional or multi-country
physical activity (sports) campaigns aimed at increasing awareness and
encouraging participation in physical activity (e.g. European Sports Week,
Caribbean Wellness Week), AND/OR
3. regular promotional days, held across the year, on physical activity either
using the same theme (e.g. “car-free” Sundays) or a physical activity
theme is clearly linked with the implementation of multiple health
promotion days (e.g. World Heart Day, World Diabetes Day). Undertaking
a single promotional day per year is not sufficient to fulfil this criteria.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the supporting documents provide
evidence demonstrating that the country has implemented in the past 2 years
one or more community-based initiatives or programmes promoting physical
activity and/or increasing access to opportunities for physical activity in community
settings (e.g. through schools, parks, workplace, health care) but without any
evidence of a public-facing mass media education and awareness campaign.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of any documentation of the
programme and/or a link to the programme website when submitting their
response to the NCD CCS. Where discrepancies are noted, these are referred
back to the country for clarification and modification.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

223 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/standards for
the management of major NCDs through a primary care approach, recognized/
approved by government or competent authorities

Government approved evidence-based national guidelines/protocols/
standards for the management (diagnosis and treatment) of the four main NCDs
– cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is based on the number of countries who indicate that national
guidelines/protocols/standards exist for all four NCDs (cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases).
This indicator is considered fully achieved if national guidelines/protocols/
standards exist for all four NCDs (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer
and chronic respiratory diseases), and the country provides the needed
supporting documentation.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country has guidelines/
protocols/standards for at least two of the four NCDs (cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases), but not for all four.

Data validation process

Countries are asked to submit a copy of the guidelines/protocols/ standards
when submitting their response to the NCD CCS. Where discrepancies are
noted, these are referred back to the country for clarification and modification.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

224 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

Member State has provision of drug therapy, including glycaemic control, and
counselling for eligible persons at high risk to prevent heart attacks and strokes,
with emphasis on the primary care level

Country has provision of drug therapy (including glycaemic control for
diabetes mellitus and control of hypertension using a total risk approach),
and counselling to individuals who have had a heart attack or stroke and to
persons with high risk (≥ 30%, or ≥20%) of a fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular
event in the next 10 years.

Data collection tool and achievement criteria

WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey tool – The NCD CCS is completed by a
team at the country level to ensure a comprehensive response is compiled.
This indicator is based on the number of countries who respond “more than
50%” to the question “What proportion of primary health care facilities are
offering cardiovascular risk stratification for the management of patients at
high risk for heart attack and stroke?”. Additionally, countries must have said
all the following drugs were “generally available” in the primary care facilities
of the public health sector: insulin, aspirin, metformin, thiazide diuretics, ACE
inhibitors or Angiotensin II receptor blockers (at least one of the two), CC
blockers, statins, and sulphonylurea(s).
This indicator is considered fully achieved if the country reports that more
than 50% of primary health care facilities are offering cardiovascular risk
stratification for the management of patients at high risk for heart attack and
stroke and that all drugs listed above were generally available in the primary
care facilities of the public health sector.
This indicator is considered partially achieved if the country reports
that between 25% to 50% of primary health care facilities are offering
cardiovascular risk stratification for the management of patients at high
risk for heart attack and stroke and that all of the drugs listed above were
generally available in the primary care facilities of the public health sector.

Data validation process

NCD focal points, officially nominated by the Ministry of Health, provide the
official response to WHO through the NCD Country Capacity Survey tool.

Expected frequency of data collection

Every 2 years

Links to tool

225 Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022

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