Mod 3
Mod 3
Mod 3
• At the txr,the msgs are encoded by using encoder ,txd via channel .
• At the receiving end, the msgs are first decoded in the decoder & the
original msgs are recovered.
xi Binary seq
DMS Source Encoder
Let X be a DMS( discrete memoryless source) with finite entropy H(x) & an
alphabet {x1….xm} with probabilities P(xi).
Let a binary code assigned to symbol xi by the encoder having length ni is
measured in bits.
m1 C1= 00 n1=2 2
m2 C1=01 n2=2 1
m3 C2=10 n3 =3 1
m4 C3=11 n4=4 0
m2 C2=10 n2=2
m3 C3=110 n3=3
m4 C4=111 n4=3
L = σ𝑚
𝑖=1 𝑃 𝑥𝑖 𝑛𝑖 =
𝐻 𝑥 𝐻 𝑥
𝜂= =
𝐿 𝐿ത log 𝑀
b) d)
c) e)
2/9/2022 Nithya M,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE 23
Nyquist rate and Nyquist Interval
• When the sampling rate becomes exactly equal to 2fm samples per second, it
is called Nyquist rate.
• It is also called minimum sampling rate fs=2fm
• Maximum sampling interval is called Nyquist interval Ts=1/2fm
• When the CT band limited signal is sampled at Nyquist rate, fs=2fm, the
sampled spectrum Y(w) contains non overlapping Y(w) periodically.
• But the successive cycles of Y(w) touches each other .
• So original spectrum X(w) can be recovered from the sampled spectrum by
using a LPF with cut off frequency wm.
• The reconstruction filter has a well defined transition band which makes it
physically realisable.
2/9/2022 Nithya M,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE 4.36
2/9/2022 Nithya M,Asst.Prof, Dept of ECE 4.37
Reconstruction filter :LPF
• voice telephony applications