Question No. 1 Is Compulsory.: Pages: 5
Question No. 1 Is Compulsory.: Pages: 5
Question No. 1 Is Compulsory.: Pages: 5
2. a) Differentiate between (i) tree and co tree (ii) links and twigs. (2)
b) Determine Va and Vb, from the given circuit. (7)
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B B3B163 Pages: 5
Question No. 4 is compulsory.
4. a) In the network shown the switch is moved from a to b (steady
( teady state was achieved in
position a). Find v(ff). (6)
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B B3B163 Pages: 5
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B B3B163 Pages: 5
b) Plot the magnitude and phase response for the transfer function, V2/V1 of an RC
two port network (Integrator) (5)
7. a) Find the transmission parameters for the two port network shown. (8)
b) Two identical sections of a network shown in the figure are connected in series.
obtain the Z parameters of the combination and verify by direct calculation (8)
c) Define resonance. Find the condition for resonance in a series RLC circuit (4)
8. a) For the network shown ,derive the open circuit admittance parameters and draw its
equivalent circuit (10)
9. a) A series RLC circuit has R=25Ω, L=0.41H, C=0.01µF. calculate the resonant
frequency.If 1V source of the same frequency as the resonant resonant frequency is
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B B3B163 Pages: 5
applied to this circuit, calculate the frequencies at which the voltage across L and Cis
maximum. Calculate the voltages. (8)
b) Consider a single tuned circuit. Determine the resonant frequency, the output
voltage at resonance and the maximum output voltage. Assume Rs>>ωrL1 and K=0.9
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