كتاب الصوم

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Assalamu alaykum Dear students,

Moving forward, you will be expected to make contributions to the the PowerPoint by producing
slides on a rotating basis. Each week a different student will be will be appointed with the task to
make slides for the content covered throughout that week. I will regularly be checking to ensure
that slides are being produced in a timely manner.
You can create the slides during lesson if it suits you, or after the lesson.
Please remember this is will serve as revision material for exams so be sure to include all relevant
You will need to highlight the different views, evidences and reasoning.
For the time being, please do not alter the design or format; stick to the same font and style. If
need be, I will edit it later.
The next slide has the rota for the next module. Any students not included will be given a chance in
the following module. Please DO NOT make any changes or edits to the rota.

09/05/2022 Ishrat R 13/06/2022 Hadia R


16/05/2022 Tasneem E 20/06/2022 Anisa A

23/05/2022 Mariyah M 27/06/2022 Sana P

04/07/2022 Rakshaan A

06/06/2022 Aliyah P 18/07/2022


•The Order of the chapters in Hidaayah; Tahaarah, Salaah, Zakaat, sawm,

•Zakaat comes before sawm because that is the order mentioned in surah
Baqarah and the Hadeeth compilations
•There are two types of Ibaadah:
•Badni Amal (Just Physical worship/bodily action E.G: salah and sawm
• ……… Amal : Physical worship and financial worship) E.G: zakat and
How does it start? First thing is that we look for the new moon.

When do you look for the new moon? Before Ramadan in Shaban

If you see the new moon on 29th night that means that next day is a first Ramadan and if you don’t see the moon then you
assume is not Ramadan next day it will be 30th of Shaban which means the following day after that will be the first Ramadan it
doesn’t matter where there you see the moon or not is going to be the 1st of Ramadan.

Nakli dalil Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that fast upon seeing the new moon and break your fast (celebrating Eid) upon seeing the new
After 29th of fast you start to looking for the moon if you didn’t find the moon therefore the next day will be the 30th of Ramadan
and Eid will be on 1st of shawwal.

If the moon is not clear due to the cloudy weather, then you should complete the duration of 30th days of Ramadan

Aqli dalil if the sighting of the moon hasn’t happened on 29th day then month will remain so complete the duration of 30th days.

Sana A
‫ ﯾوم اﻟﺷك‬- Day of doubt means the 30th day of Shaban is unclear where the moon hasn’t been sighted because its unclear so
therefore if it's going to be Ramadan or not.

Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said: we shouldn’t fast on that day where it is a doubt in it that if it is a Ramadan except that it can be a nafil one.

‫ أﺣدھﺎ‬- If someone fast on that day thinking its Ramadan then it is ‫ ﻣﻛروه‬because the hadith of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do not fast on that
day if you want to then make it nafil.

The another reason that it is resemblance with the Jews because they increase their duration in fasting. The Jews increase their
time of fast. We Muslim breaks our fast as soon as its maghrib time we don’t delay in it.

When you not sure if it’s the 1st day of Ramadan you shouldn’t be assuming and do your fard fast.

If person chose not to fast on that day as he’s aware that the moon hasn’t been seen then there is no qa'dah on him. And now they
found out that it is the 1st Ramadan they missed the moon then he does not need to make qa'dah of that as it’s the meaning of
once thought.

Sana A
‫ﯾوم اﻟﺷك‬
Person intends another wajib

Person didn't make intention of Ramadan fast he

Person fasted by making intention of Ramadan
made intention of another wajib - it is ‫ﻣﻛروه‬
- it is ‫ﻣﻛروه‬
The intention to keep another wajib on ‫ﯾوم اﻟﺷك‬. It
‫ ﺛم إن ظﮭر أﻧﮫ ﻣن رﻣﺿﺎن‬- apparent that it is from becomes ‫ ﻣﻛروه‬but less than the previous one.
Ramadan then it is allowed because the
intention of wajib being found. ‫ وإن ظﮭر أﻧﮫ ﻣن ﺷﻌﺑﺎن‬- apparent that it is from shaban.
1. Nafil fast (because he wasn't meant to fast).
The fast will be considered as nafil because
he’s forbidden from doing another wajib on
that day.
2. The wajib fast that he intended (MOST
CORRECT VIEW). This will be valid because
that which has been prohibited is fasting the
fast of ramadan on ‫ ﯾوم اﻟﺷك‬and he’s not
keeping the ramadan fast so it is allowed.
Sana A
Third scenario - fasting with intent of a voluntary (nafl) fast Tasneem

Intention: 1) Intending a nafl fast on yawm-ul-shaq ( so he will be

fasting 30th sha’baan or 1st day of Ramadan).
Ruling - Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) says it is not makrooh as hadith says
you can. Imam Shafi’ (ra) says it is makrooh for the one who doesnt
fast this day habitually as this is ‫ ﺳﺑﯾل اﺑﺗداء‬- never done it before but
on the day of doubt he decides to start fasting.

Fasting a nafl fast is better Not fasting a nafl fast is better

If this fast conforms

with a fast he does
habitually e.g., a
Some say that if you
monday or thursday
fast the last few days of
fast, or fasting the last
Sha’baan (3+ days) and
few days (3+) days of Better opinion to avoid
he does not fast this
sha’baan it is better to Better opinion to avoid confusion - the general
habitually then it is
fast. confusion - mufti/jurist public should listen to
better not to fast.
should fast with a nafl the issue of ruling of the
Some say that even if it intention out of caution. mufti. They should hold
Reason - To avoid the
is not your habit to fast off until zawaal time.
apparent meaning of
the last few day of
the prohibition (out of
Sha’baan you should
still fast a nafl as this is
what Aisha and Ali (ra)
used to do.
Fourth scenario - fasting but intention is not fully confirmed Tasneem

Intention: 1) If it is Ramadan he will fast the fast of Ramadan.

2) If it is not Ramadan (30th Sha’baan) he will not fast .
Ruling - He will not be considered someone who is fasting

He will find out it is Ramadan He will find out it is not

and therefore will have fasted Ramadan and therefore will
a Ramadan fast have chosen not to fast.

Reason - He has not

made a conclusive
His fast will not be valid decision. He is placing a Reason - nothing will be
as a Ramadan fast. He limit on his fasting He will not be fasting as considered in this case.
will be considered one outside the limit of this was his intention. It is not Ramadan and
who hasn’t fasted. making a confirmed he is not fasting.
decision (zawaal) and
this is not allowed.
Fifth scenario (part one) Intention: 1) If it is Ramadan he will fast the fast of Ramadan. Tasneem
2) If it is not Ramadan (30th Sha’baan) he will fast another
Ruling - either intention is makrooh. He is skipping through two intentions
both of which are makrooh.
*The only valid intention you can have is of a nafl*

He will find out it is Ramadan He will find out it is not

and therefore will have fasted Ramadan and therefore will
a Ramadan fast have fasted another waajib.

Reason - due to the His fast of “another Reason - It will be made

waajib intention being waajib” will not be valid. nafl without a qadha
His fast will be valid as fulfilled It will be made a nafl and not with one as it
a Ramadan fast. (there is less going fast where it is waajib was not his original
back and forth for this not to do qadha if it is intention to fast a nafl
one). missed. fast.
Fifth scenario (part two) Intention: 1) If it is Ramadan he will fast the Ramadan fast. Tasneem
2) If it is not Ramadhan (30th Sha’ban) he will fast a nafl fast.
Ruling - This is makrooh as half of his intention is still fardh on him. He
made an intention on the day of doubt that was fardh on him and this is
*the only valid intention you can have is nafl*

He will find out it is Ramadan He will find out it is not

and therefore will have fasted Ramadan and therefore will
a Ramadan fast have fasted a nafl fast.

Reason - His nafl is valid

as it was his original
intention but there is no
qada required as there
His nafl will be valid as it
was uncertainty (it could
was his original intention
Reason - due to the have still been
His fast will be valid as a but it is waajib for him not
waajib intention being Ramadhan).
Ramadan fast. to do qada if for some
reason he couldn't do the
*This is not the same as
with normal nafl fasts that
have been intended as
they require qada if not
Mariyah M

Regarding the one who saw the moon on the day of doubt
Whoever sees the moon on his own (the sighter) he fasts even if the imam does
not accept his sighting due to the hadith “Fast with its (the moon’s) sighting and do
not fast with its sighting” [and he saw the moon apparently].

But what if the sighter broke the fast? (on the day of doubt when he saw the moon
and confirmed for himself it was Ramadan): There are two opinions,

Sighter breaks fast on


Imaam Shafi’s (RA) view: He Imam Abu Hanifa’s (RA) view: If

does Qada (make up) and kaffara judge rejects his sighting then the
(expiation) if fast broken through sighter only does qada (make up)
intercourse. and no kaffara (expiation)
Mariyah M

In normal circumstances….
One one intentionally breaks a Ramadan fast through eating, drinking or
intercourse then they have to do kaffara (expiation) which is:

- Freeing a slave and if this cannot be done then

- Fasting 60 consecutive days or
- Paying fidya

If one breaks a nafl fast then qada is needed with no kaffara

Mariyah M

Continued scenario: Imam Abu Hanifa’s view explained

According to Imam Abu Hanifa: He does a make-up fast with no expiation
regardless of how he broke the fast if the judge rejected his sighting with evidence
from legal rulings (ie for a valid reason) and it was a claim that his sighting was a
mistake, then this causes doubt in the sighters sighting and so expiation is
dropped because of these doubts. However if the sighter broke his before the
leader rejected his sighting then there is differences of opinion amongst our
scholars in it.
Mariyah M

Continued scenario: Imam Shaafi’s view explained

According to Imam Shafi: upon him is a make-up and expiation if he broke his fast
through sexual intercourse (which is the severest degree of breaking a fast) due to
two reasons: the reason based on logic(actuality) in that he was sure that that day
was the day of Ramadan due to his sighting and in regards to legal rulings he was
fasting a ramadan fast as he had sighted the moon so legally he broke a ramadan
fast and so th legal punishment of expiation is applied.
Mariyah M

And on completing Ramadaan early for the sighter

If one fasted because he saw the moon but the imam rejected his sighting
however he decided to fast anyways, then he would technically have completed
Ramadaan a day early. He should still fast the final day with the imam and not
stop fasting out or precaution by delaying his fasting period. However if he does
stop fasting, there is no expiation upon him taking his perspective into account.

Sighting the moon with an obstruction in the sky

● Obstruction can be defined as: clouds, dust, smoke, fog etc
● Imaam must accept the testimony in sighting the new moon of any one just person
who can be a women, man, slave or a free person.
● The reason why all these type of peoples testimony will be acccepted even if in
some matters the womens testimony is only half and two is required but this is
areligious matter which is wajib on every muslim so we will acept this testiomny like
a khabr wahid ( a hadeeth with few narrations).
● We will not take an open liars testimony.
● Imam Tahawi says you can take the testimony of a just and an unjust person, this
means that if a person is not an open sinner then it is okay to take his testimony,
because we aren't perfect as long as the person is not a known sinner, e.g a drunk
● The testimony of a person who has previously wrongly accused someone of zina
but has repented can also be taken.

Sighting the moon on Eid:

Chapter regarding which nessicates the qadah and kaffarah
Ruling is that: if you drink, eat or have sexual relations your fast doesn’t break.

Analogy and imam malik Imam abu hanifah

Breaks the fast Does not break the fast

The comparison that the analogy

and imam Malik compare it to is
If speaking in salah intentionally or
unintentionally then the salah breaks ‫ ﻣﺗﻔق ﻋﻠﯾﮫ‬hadith narrated by imam abu
and you have to do it again Hurairah: ive eaten and I have drank
forgetfully whilst I have been fasting
so the messenger said Allah has
made you eat and made you drink

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