Removal of (Doffing) Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe) For Aerosol Generating Procedures (Agps)

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Removal of (doffing) personal protective

equipment (PPE) for aerosol generating
procedures (AGPs)
PPE should be removed in an order that Where possible (dedicated The FFP3 respirator should be
minimises the potential for cross isolation room with ante room) the removed in the anteroom/lobby. In
contamination. Unless there is a dedicated process should be supervised by a the absence of an anteroom/lobby,
isolation room with ante room, PPE is to buddy at a distance of 2 metres to remove FFP3 respirator in a safe area
be removed in as systematic way before reduce the risk of the healthcare (e.g., outside the isolation room).
leaving the patient’s room i.e. gloves, then worker removing PPE and All PPE must be disposed of as
gown and then eye protection. inadvertently contaminating healthcare (including clinical) waste.
The FFP3 respirator must always be themselves while doffing.
removed outside the patient’s room.

The order of removal of PPE is as follows:

1 Gloves – the outsides of the gloves are contaminated

Firstly: Then: Clean hands with
alcohol gel
• grasp the outside • slide the fingers of
of the glove with the un-gloved hand
the opposite under the remaining
gloved hand; glove at the wrist
peel off • peel the remaining
• hold the removed glove off over the first
glove in gloved glove and discard

2 Gown – the front of the gown and sleeves will be contaminated

Unfasten Pull gown away from the Turn the gown
neck then neck and shoulders, inside out, fold or
waist ties touching the inside of the roll into a bundle
gown only using a peeling and discard into a
motion as the outside of lined waste bin
the gown will be

Eye protection (preferably a Respirator – In the absence of an

3 full-face visor) - the outside will 4 anteroom/lobby remove FFP3 respirators in 5
be contaminated a safe area (e.g., outside the isolation room).
Wash hands
Clean hands with alcohol hand rub.
To remove, use both hands to handle with soap
the retraining straps by pulling away Do not touch the front of the respirator and water
from behind and discard. as it will be contaminated
• lean forward slightly
• reach to the back of the head
with both hands to find the
bottom retaining strap and
bring it up to the top strap
• lift straps over the top of
the head
• let the respirator fall away from
your face and place in bin

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