Legal Cheek Virtual Vacation Scheme in Partnership With The University of Law Activity: Assessing Your Employability
Legal Cheek Virtual Vacation Scheme in Partnership With The University of Law Activity: Assessing Your Employability
Legal Cheek Virtual Vacation Scheme in Partnership With The University of Law Activity: Assessing Your Employability
The following are some of the skills most often asked for by legal recruiters, including some of the additional skills that trainees of the 2020s will
need. On a score of 0-5 (where 0 is poor and 5 is high), see if you can ‘score’ yourself out of 5 for each skill. Think about your education, activities
and interests and work experience, and write down specific examples of the evidence you have for each. Identify whether you need to ‘boost’ a
particular area and, if possible, come up with some ideas for specific actions you could take. For ideas on the kinds of actions you can take, visit:
Score: /5
Problem Solving
Score: /5
Working in a Team
Score: /5
Working Independently
and using Initiative
Score: /5
Drive, Initiative and
Score: /5
Taking Responsibility
Score: /5
Communication Skills
Written and Oral
Score: /5
Legal Cheek Virtual Vacation Scheme in partnership with The University of Law
Activity: Assessing your Employability
Score: /5
Analytical Skills/
Problem Analysis
Score: /5
Leadership Potential
Score: /5
Motivating Others
Score: /5
Interpersonal Skills
Score: /5
Sound Judgment
Score: /5
Score: /5
Attention to Detail
Score: /5
Legal Cheek Virtual Vacation Scheme in partnership with The University of Law
Activity: Assessing your Employability
Score: /5
Score: /5
Score: /5
Score: /5
Commercial Awareness
Score: /5