Sigmund Freud and Freudian Revolution
Sigmund Freud and Freudian Revolution
Sigmund Freud and Freudian Revolution
By bringing the content of the unconscious into conscious awareness, people are then
able to experience catharsis and gain insight into their current state of mind. Through this
process, people are then able to find relief from psychological disturbances and distress.
Bringing information from the unconscious into consciousness can lead to catharsis and
allow people to deal with the issue
Emotional and psychological problems such as depression and anxiety are often rooted
in conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind
A skilled analyst can help bring certain aspects of the unconscious into awareness by
using a variety of psychoanalytic strategies such as dream analysis and free association
History of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to
psychology. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on
behavior. Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id,
the ego, and the superego.
Freud's theories of psychosexual stages, the unconscious, and dream symbolism remain
a popular topic among both psychologists and lay persons, despite the fact that his work
is sometimes viewed with skepticism by many today.
Many of Freud's observations and theories were based on clinical cases and case studies,
making his findings difficult to generalize to a larger population. Regardless, Freud's
theories changed how we think about the human mind and behavior and left a lasting
mark on psychology and culture.
Another theorist associated with psychoanalysis is Erik Erikson. Erikson expanded upon
Freud's theories and stressed the importance of growth throughout the lifespan. Erikson's
psychosocial stage theory of personality remains influential today in our understanding
of human development.
The unconscious mind includes all of the things that are outside of our conscious
awareness. These might include early childhood memories, secret desires, and hidden
drives. According to Freud, the unconscious contains things that may be unpleasant or
even socially unacceptable. Because these things might create pain or conflict, they are
buried in the unconscious.
While these thoughts, memories, and urges might be outside of our awareness, they
continue to influence the way that we think, act and behave. In some cases, the things
outside of our awareness can influence behavior in negative ways and lead to
psychological distress.
The conscious mind includes everything that is inside of our awareness. The contents of
the conscious mind are the things we are aware of or can easily bring into awareness.
Id: Freud believed that personality was composed of three key elements. The first of these
to emerge is known as the id. The id contains all of the unconscious, basic and primal
Ego: The second aspect of personality to emerge is known as the ego. This is the part of
the personality that must deal with the demands of reality. It helps control the urges of
the id and makes us behave in ways that are both realistic and acceptable. Rather than
engaging in behaviors designed to satisfy our desires and needs, the ego forces us to
fulfill our needs in ways that are socially acceptable and realistic. In addition to
controlling the demands of the id, the ego also helps strike a balance between our basic
urges, our ideals, and reality.
Superego: The superego is the final aspect of personality to emerge and it contains our
ideals and values. The values and beliefs that our parents and society instill in us are the
guiding force of the superego and it strives to make us behave according to these
A defense mechanism is a strategy that the ego uses to protect itself from anxiety. These
defensive tools act as a safeguard to keep the unpleasant or distressing aspects of the
unconscious from entering awareness. When something seems too overwhelming or
even inappropriate, defense mechanisms help keep the information from entering
consciousness in order to minimize distress.