ABC Risk Classification

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RfQ description

Part number family

(e.g. A212 690 XX 20):


(e.g. X156)

Risk classification : A, B or C Assessment

1. Product- 1.1 Complexity (type and number of functions, level of system integration, number of variants, number of departments involved)
related high = 2, average = 1, low = 0
criteria 1.2 Product innovation (concept; design; material; function; appearance; feel)
(Product) Basically new = 2, part-criteria new = 1, known = 0
1.3 Critical problems in the past (field rejects; in-house problems)
No. of incidents : very frequent = 2, frequent = 1, low = 0
1.4 Launch problems in the past
high = 2, average = 1, low = 0
1.5 Development effort (expertise; different development areas involved)
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
2. Production 2.1 Process innovation
process- New technology for the supplier = 2, for the location = 1, none = 0
related 2.2 Predicted process stability (level of automation; manual production; production system; scrap levels)
criteria critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
(Process) 2.3 Production facility / machinery technology
New technology for the supplier = 2, for the location = 1, none = 0
2.4 Infrastructure (re number and complexity of sub-suppliers, location, logistics)
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
2.5 Delivery / call-off times (combination of long transport distances, range of variants, JIT- / JIS deliveries, several delivery locations)
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
3. Time-related 3.1 Procurement times for production facility and machines, if appropiate, related to the date for placing the order
criteria critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
3.2 Procurement times for tools, if appropiate, related to the date for placing the order
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
3.3 Procurement times for parts and basic materials
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
3.4 Critical timing issues in the past
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
3.5 Frequency of changes (effects on / by other delivered products / dependency on design and system)
high = 2, average = 1, low = 0
4. Supplier- 4.1 Supplier assessment (new supplier, reliability of deliveries, overall reliability, sub-supplier management)
related critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
criteria 4.2 New product for the supplier
new = 2, new for the location = 1, known to the supplier = 0
4.3 New supplier production location
new, no experience = 2, new, with experience = 1, a previous or known location = 0
4.4 Supplier project management (complexity of the supply chain, contact personnel, availability, general readiness, capacity, structure)
critical = 2, fairly critical = 1, not critical = 0
4.5 Problems with earlier (other) deliveries (launch; field and in-house problems)
very frequent = 2, frequent = 1, low = 0
Total points

Overall risk classification


Verification done by:

(Name, Department)



Dokumentennummer: 12.04.2005-XNCC-33ZT
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