Assignment - Boolean Algebra
Assignment - Boolean Algebra
Assignment - Boolean Algebra
Topic – 1
Boolean Operations and Logic Gates
Exam Practice
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Mark]
Question 1:
Write the Sum of Product (SOP) form of the function F(P, Q, R)for the following truth
table representation of F:
Question 2:
Write the Product of Sum (POS) form of the function F(X, Y, Z)for the following truth
table representation of F:
Question 3:
Write the Product of Sum (POS) form of the function G (U,V,W) for the following truth
table representation ofG:
Question 4:
Write the Sum of Product (SOP) form of the function F(A, B, C) for the following truth
table representation of F:
Question 5:
Write the dual of the boolean expression
(A+0).(A.1. ).
Question 6:
Give the dual of the boolean function .(Y + Z) + .( + )
Question 7:
Seven inverters are cascaded one after another. What is the output, if the input is 1?
Question 8:
Represent F(a, b) = a.b using only NOT and OR gates.
Question 9:
Find the complement of the following boolean function F1 = A.B + . ;
Question 10:
State the distributive laws of boolean algebra. How do they differ from the distributive
laws of ordinary algebra?
Question 11:
How many input combinations can be there in the truth table of a logic system having
(N) input binary variables?
Question 12:
Why are NAND and NOR gates called Universal gates?
Which gates are called Universal gates and why?
Question 13:
Draw a logic circuit diagram for the boolean expression A.(B + ).
Question 14:
Draw a logic circuit diagram for the boolean expression .(B + C).
Question 15:
Express P + .R in canonical SOP form.
Question 16:
Draw a logic circuit diagram for the following boolean expression . ( + Z)
Short Answer Type Questions [2 Marks]
Question 17:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:
Question 18:
Interpret the following logic circuit as boolean expression:
Question 19:
Verify the following using boolean laws:
A + C = A + .C + B.C
Question 20:
Obtain the boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below:
Question 21:
Represent the boolean expression X. + Y. using only NAND gate.
Question 22:
Represent the boolean expression (X + )Z with the help of NAND gate only.
Question 23:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:
Question 24:
Verify the following boolean expression using truth table:
(i) X.X = 0
(ii)X+ 1=1
Question 25:
Name the law shown below and verify it using a truth table.
A+B.C = (A+B).(A + C)
Question 26:
Name the law shown below and verify it using a truth table:
X + .Y = X+Y
Question 27:
Draw the logic circuit for a half adder using NOR gate only.
Question 28:
Draw the logic circuit for a half adder using NAND gate only.
Question 29:
State and prove DeMorgan’s laws in boolean algebra.
State DeMorgan’s laws. Verify one of the DeMorgan’s laws using a truth table.
Question 30:
Draw a logic circuit diagram for full adder. Give the truth table for full adder.
Question 31:
Verify the following algebraically:
.Y + X. = ( + ).(X + Y)
Question 32:
Given the following circuit:
Question 33:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:
Question 34:
Verify .Y + X. + . = + using truth table.
Question 35:
State and verify absorption law using truth table.
Question 36:
Represent (P + R) in POS form.
Question 37:
Convert the following boolean expression into the equivalent canonical Product of
Sum (POS) form
A. .C + .B.C + .B.
Question 38:
State and verify distributive law in boolean algebra.
Question 39:
Convert the following boolean expression into its equivalent canonical Sum of
Product (SOP) form.
( + v + ).(u + + ).(u + v + w)
Question 40:
State and verify associative law.
Question 41:
Given the following truth table, derive a Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum
(POS) form of boolean expression from it:
Question 42:
Question 43:
Question 44:
Design a circuit (3 inputs) which gives a high output only when there is even number
of low or high inputs.
Question 45:
A boolean function F defined on three input variables X, Y and Z is, if and only if
number of 1 input is odd. Draw the truth table for the above function and express it in
canonical SOP form.
Topic – 2
Karnaugh Map (K-Map)
Exam Practice
Short Answer Type Questions [3 Mark]
Question 1:
Obtain the minimal form for the following boolean expression using Karnaugh’s map:
F(A, B, C, D) = ∑(1,3, 4,5,6,7,12,13)
Question 2:
Obtain the minimal form for the following boolean expression using Karnaugh’s map:
H (P, Q, R, S)=∑(0, 1,2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15)
Question 3:
What is the simplified boolean expression for the following K-map:
Question 4:
Simplify the expression:
Question 5:
Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map: F (A, B, C,D) = ∑(2,3,
4,5,6,7,8,10,11 )
Question 6:
Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map: F(U, V, W, Z) = ∑(0, 1, 2, 4,
5, 6, 8, 10)
Question 7:
Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map:
F(A,B, C, D) = ∑(3, 4,5,6,7,13,15)
Question 8:
Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map:
F(A,B,C,D) = ∑(0,1,2,3,4,5,10,11,15)
Question 9:
Reduce the following boolean expression using K-map :
F(P, Q, R, S) = ∑(1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,15)
Question 10:
Simplify using Karnaugh’s map for:
Question 11:
In the K-map shown below, which of the groupings shown in the K-map represents
legal grouping?
Question 12:
Draw the K-map and give the reduced SOP expression for the following truth table: