12. Simplify the following Boolean function in product-of-sums form by means of a four-variable map.
Draw the logic diagram with (a) OR-AND gates; (b) NOR gates.
F(w, x, y, z) = ∑ (2 , 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7 , 11, 14 , 15)
13. Simplify the Boolean function F together with the don't-care conditions d in
(1) sum-of-products form and (2 ) product-of-sums form.
F(w, x, y, z) = ∑ (0, 1, 2 , 3, 7, 8, 10)
d(w, x, y, z) = ∑ (5 , 6, 11, 15)
14. Using the Truth Table , derive the Boolean expression for the S (sum) output of the full-adder in
sum-of-products form. Then by algebraic manipulation show that S can be expressed as the
exclusive-OR of the three input variables. S = x ⊕ y ⊕ z
15. A majority function is generated in a combinational circuit when the output is equal to 1 if the input
variables have more 1's than O's. The output is 0 otherwise. Design a three-input majority function.
16. Design a combinational circuit with three inputs x, y, z and three outputs A, B, C. When the binary
input is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the binary output is one greater than the input. When the binary input is 4, 5, 6,
or 7, the binary output is one less than the input.
17. Show that a JK flip-flop can be converted to a D flip-flop with an inverter between the J and K
18. Using the information from the characteristic table of the JK flip-flop listed, derive the excitation
table for the JK flip-flop and compare your answer with Table 3.
19. A sequential circuit has two D flip-flops A and B, two inputs x and y, and one output z. The flip-flop
input equations and the circuit output are as
DA = x'y + xA
DB = x'B + xA