Combining Machine Learning and Agent-Based Modeling To Study Biomedical Systems
Combining Machine Learning and Agent-Based Modeling To Study Biomedical Systems
Combining Machine Learning and Agent-Based Modeling To Study Biomedical Systems
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
School of Data Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
last touched: 01 June 2022
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Journal/format: Frontiers in Systems Biology, Special Issue on "Combining Mechanistic Modeling with Ma-
chine Learning to Study Multiscale Biological Processes"
Keywords (Frontiers submission system requires at least 5): agent-based modeling (ABM); machine learn-
ing; integrative modeling; rule inference; reinforcement learning; neural network; surrogate model; super-
vised & unsupervised learning; genetic algorithm; parameter sampling
Abbreviations, acronyms: ABM, agent-based model; AI, artificial intelligence; ANN, artificial neural net-
work; BN, Bayesian network; DNN, deep neural network; DR, diabetic retinopathy; EHR, electronic health
record; FCM, fuzzy c-means; GA, genetic algorithm; ML, machine learning; PDE, partial differential equa-
tion; RL, reinforcement learning; RWE, real-world evidence; SA, sensitivity analysis;
Machine Learning & Agent-based Modeling of Biomedical Systems
2.1 Overview of agent-based modeling: Motivation, general approach, and example applications 2
2.2 What is ML, and why might it be synergistic with ABM for biomedical systems? 4
3.1 Overview and motivation: Where do ABM rules come from? 6
3.2 Supervised learning on training datasets to determine agent behavior 6
3.3 Expert knowledge-driven supervised learning approaches in ABMs 7
3.4 Reinforcement learning to determine agent behavior in multicellular ABMs 9
4.1 Genetic algorithms 11
4.2 An overview of surrogate models 12
4.3 ML approaches to enable continuity to emerge from discrete ABM rules 12
FIGURES appended
Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a well-established computational paradigm for simulating complex systems
in terms of the interactions between individual entities that comprise the system’s population. Machine
learning (ML) refers to computational approaches whereby algorithms use statistical methods to ‘learn’
from data on their own, i.e. without imposing any a priori model/theory onto a system or its behavior.
Biological systems—ranging from molecules, to cells, to entire organisms, to whole populations and even
ecosystems—consist of vast numbers of discrete entities, governed by complex webs of interactions that
span various spatiotemporal scales and exhibit nonlinearity, stochasticity, and variable degrees of coupling
between entities. For these reasons, the macroscopic properties and collective dynamics of biological sys-
tems are generally difficult to accurately model or predict via continuum modeling techniques and mean-
field formalisms. ABM takes a ‘bottom-up’ approach that obviates common difficulties of other modeling
approaches by enabling one to relatively easily create (or at least propose, for testing) a set of well-defined
‘rules’ to be applied to the individual entities (agents) in a system. Evaluating a system and propagating its
state over a series of discrete time-steps effectively simulates the system, allowing various observables to
be computed and the system’s properties to be analyzed. Because the rules that govern an ABM can be
difficult to abstract and formulate from experimental data, at least in an unbiased way, there is a uniquely
synergistic opportunity to employ ML to help infer optimal, system-specific ABM rules. Once such rule-sets
are devised, running ABM calculations can generate a wealth of data, and ML can be applied in that context
too—for example, to generate statistical measures that accurately and meaningfully describe the stochastic
outputs of a system and its properties. As an example of synergy in the other direction (from ABM to ML),
ABM simulations can generate plausible (realistic) datasets for training ML algorithms (e.g., for regulariza-
tion, to mitigate overfitting). In these ways, one can envision a variety of synergistic ABM⇄ML loops. This
Review aims to summarize how ABM and ML have been integrated in diverse contexts that span spatial
scales including multicellular, or tissue-level scale biology, and human population-level scale epidemiology.
Rapid advances in experimental methodologies now enable us to obtain massive quantities of data describ-
ing the individual entities in a population, such as single cells within complex, multicellular tissues, or indi-
vidual patients in large-scale epidemiological systems. Hence, a growing focus of systems biology and bio-
medical research involves elucidating patterns in large datasets—what are the associations between the
discrete, individual entities themselves, and what are the mechanisms by which the behaviors, states and
interactions of these autonomous agents contribute to population-wide outcomes? For example, single-
cell RNA sequencing (Hwang et al., 2018; Potter, 2018; Kulkarni et al., 2019), single-cell proteomics (Irish et
al., 2006; Marx, 2019), and flow cytometry (Wu et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2013; Chen et al., 2019; Argüello et
al., 2020) provide snapshots of an individual cell’s state at a single point in time. Yet, understanding the
tissue–level and organ–level implications of these single-cell data requires a fundamentally different set of
analytical approaches, with the capacity to spatiotemporally integrate potentially disparate data along at
least two ‘dimensions’: across entire populations of entities, as well as across multiple scales (cellular →
organismal). For instance, using single-cell RNA-Seq one can detect the presence and quantify the amount
of RNAs in each of the cells in a tumor, but these data alone cannot illuminate how that particular collection
of tumor cells, which undergo different behaviors (e.g., proliferation and migration) as dictated by their
unique cellular states, contribute to tissue-level and organ-level outcomes such as angiogenesis and me-
Epidemiological datasets have similarly expanded in recent years (Andreu Perez et al., 2015; Ehrenstein
et al., 2017; Saracci, 2018). Many factors have driven this growth, including: (i) improved standardization
and systematization of electronic health records (EHRs; (Andreu Perez et al., 2015; Booth et al., 2016; Casey
et al., 2016; Ponjoan et al., 2019)), with concomitantly increased storage, more sophisticated cyberinfra-
structure (e.g., cloud computing) and improved data-mining capacities, (ii) adoption of high-resolution, di-
agnostic medical imaging (Backer et al., 2005; Smith-Bindman et al., 2008; Andreu Perez et al., 2015; Preim
et al., 2016), (iii) acquisition of genomic and other ‘omics’ big data, largely via next-generation sequencing
(Thomas, 2006; Andreu Perez et al., 2015; Maturana et al., 2016; Chu et al., 2019), (iv) technologies such
as wearable patient health sensors (Atallah et al., 2012; Andreu Perez et al., 2015; Guillodo et al., 2020;
Perez-Pozuelo et al., 2021), and (v) acquisition of spatial and environmental data from geographical infor-
mation systems (GIS; (Krieger, 2003; Rytkönen, 2004; Andreu Perez et al., 2015)). Despite these many
technological advances, without a sound analytical and methodological framework to integrate and then
explore these data it remains difficult to understand how, for example, certain lifestyle behaviors or
healthcare policies might contribute to the spread of disease in a population of unique individuals. The
quantitative determination and forecasting of how individual mechanisms contribute to system-level out-
comes (known as "emergent properties") is critical to creating targeted treatments, mitigating disease
spread and, ultimately, guiding more informed healthcare policies. As described by Bonabeau (2002), this
general type of problem—deciphering the global, collective behavior that emerges in a complex system,
composed of a statistically large collection of (locally) interacting, individual components—is particularly
amenable to agent-based modeling (ABM).
ABM is now a well-established computational paradigm for simulating a system’s population-level out-
comes based on interactions between individual entities in the population. Such an approach or ABM
‘mindset’ (Bonabeau, 2002) is necessarily bottom-up, and the general method has been applied to domains
ranging from the dynamics of macroscopic systems, such as global financial markets (Bonabeau, 2002), to
the microscopic dynamics of mRNA export from the cellular nucleus (Soheilypour and Mofrad, 2018). ABMs
simulate spatially-discrete, autonomous individuals, or ‘agents’, that follow relatively simple probabilistic
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‘rules’ at discrete time-steps. Rules are formulated to describe the discrete, well-defined, individual be-
haviors that a single agent can enact depending upon (and possibly in response to) both its own state and
its local environment. The agents—which can represent proteins, biological cells, individual organisms, or
really any definable entity (e.g., individual traders in a stock market)—exhibit specific behaviors over time,
and the collection of these behaviors (e.g., patterns of pairwise interactions) gives rise to population-level
outcomes in the system/ensemble, such as in embryonic development (Longo et al., 2004; Robertson et
al., 2007; Thorne et al., 2007a), blood vessel growth (Peirce et al., 2004; Thorne et al., 2011; Walpole et al.,
2015), disease progression within a given organism (Martin et al., 2015; Virgilio et al., 2018), or infectious
disease spread among subsets of organisms in a population (Cuevas, 2020; Rockett et al., 2020). As noted
in a recent study that developed a "biological lattice-gas cellular automaton" (BIO-LGCA) for the collective
behavior of cellular entities in complex multicellular systems (Deutsch et al., 2021), classical, on-lattice
ABMs and cellular automata are essentially equivalent approaches.
The discretized nature of ABMs, in time and space, allows them to capture the spatial heterogeneities
that are inherent to most complex dynamical systems, biological or otherwise. These heterogeneities, in
turn, enable ABMs to be stochastic and, thus, capable of emulating how real biological processes may pro-
gress towards potentially different outcomes (i.e., non-deterministic behavior), based on (i) heterogene-
ity/variation among the agents (i.e., inherent variability stemming from the uniqueness of each individual),
or (ii) variability in the environment and the coupling of agents to that potentially dynamic environment
(i.e., spatial inhomogeneities). Moreover, ABMs can quantitatively predict numerous outcomes for a dy-
namical system that may be difficult or impossible to quantify experimentally, at least not with sufficient
spatial and temporal resolutions. ABMs can also be leveraged to predict system behaviors in response to
a range of different perturbations and initial conditions, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding
of biomedical systems than is accessible via experimentation alone. Another key benefit of ABM is that its
accuracy as a modeling approach does not suffer from the requirement of average-based assumptions for
a system (fully-mixed, mean-field approximations, etc.), in contrast to partial differential equation (PDE)–
based approaches or other modeling frameworks that treat a system as a smooth continuum, free of sin-
gularities and irregularities. Combined with methodological approaches such as sensitivity analysis (ten
Broeke et al., 2014; ten Broeke et al., 2016; Ligmann-Zielinska et al., 2020), these attributes make ABMs
particularly useful tools for examining the dependencies of population-level phenomena on the behaviors
and interactions of the individuals that comprise the population (e.g., using ABM simulations to map a
‘response surface’, in terms of some underlying set of features/explanatory variables (Willett et al., 2015)).
ABMs have been used extensively to model multicellular processes, such as tissue patterning and mor-
phogenesis (Robertson et al., 2007; Thorne et al., 2007a; Thorne et al., 2007b; Taylor et al., 2017), tumor-
igenesis (Wang et al., 2007; Gerlee and Anderson, 2008; Zangooei and Habibi, 2017; Oduola and Li, 2018;
Warner, 2019), vascularization (Walpole et al., 2015; Walpole et al., 2017; Bora et al., 2019), immune re-
sponses (An, 2006; Bailey et al., 2007; Woelke et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2018), and pharmacodynamics (Hunt
et al., 2013; Cosgrove et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2015; Ji et al., 2016; Gallaher et al., 2018). In the field of
epidemiology, ABMs have also been used to represent human individuals in a population in order to study
infectious disease transmission and to create simulations of disease spread in a cohort of individuals over
time (Marshall and Galea, 2015; Çağlayan et al., 2018; Tracy et al., 2018; Cuevas, 2020; Rockett et al., 2020);
note that in epidemiological, geographic, social, economic and some other settings, the terms ABM and
‘microsimulations’ are often used interchangeably (Heard et al., 2015; Bae et al., 2016; Ballas et al., 2019).
While ABMs have been applied widely and fruitfully in biomedical research, they are not without recognized
limitations. For example, the rules that govern ABMs can be difficult to abstract and formulate from ex-
perimental data alone, at least in a minimally-biased way. In addition, running ABMs can be computation-
ally expensive, and selecting statistical measures that accurately and meaningfully summarize stochastic
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outputs can be challenging (ten Broeke et al., 2016). We propose that some of these constraints and limi-
tations may be alleviated by leveraging machine learning (ML) approaches as part of an ABM pipeline.
Machine learning is a vast set of approaches whereby algorithms use statistical methods to ‘learn’ from
data on their own—that is, without being explicitly programmed to do so. In ML, whatever relationships,
patterns or other associations that may latently exist in a body of data are gleaned from the data, without
requiring an a priori theory or model to specify the details of the possible relationships in advance. Given
that, note that some general form for a model must be posited—e.g., we assume datasets can be fit by a
linear function, can be represented by a neural network, exist as natural clusters of associations, or so on;
how these unavoidable assumptions manifest is known as an ML algorithm’s inductive bias.
Armed with a model, and as put by Alpaydin (2021), "it is not the programmers anymore but the data
itself that defines what to do next". How this learning is achieved can be understood by considering ML,
most generally, as a way to determine a function that optimally maps a dataset (captured as a set of inde-
pendent variables, often termed ‘features’) to a set of results/outcomes (dependent variables): that is, we
wish to find a function ℱ that maps the data to the ‘results’, {𝒹} ⟼ {𝓇}, where the ‘map’ can be as simple
as a linear model (i.e., weighted sum of linear terms) or as complex as a deep neural network (DNN) with
many thousands of ‘hyperparameters’ (weights between neurons, activation thresholds, etc.); in the latter
case, it is the DNN’s pattern of connectivities and weights that defines the functional map. We generally
seek a map that is ‘optimal’ in terms of minimizing the error between predicted outcomes and preexisting
outcomes that are already known (as a ‘ground truth’) for a given subset of data (the ‘training set’). The
‘learning’ part of machine learning is essentially the iterative approximation of parameters to optimize a
model against an objective function (again, a functional form is assumed in advance, when deciding to
model data via one approach or another). This process, in turn, simply means finding a set of weights/pa-
rameters that optimizes the map’s fitness, which corresponds to minimizing the model’s prediction error;
fundamentally, these ‘weights’ can be as simple as the numerical coefficients of the variable terms in the
optimization function (complexity stems from there being myriad such parameters), and minimizing the
mean-squared error is mathematically equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the (normally-distributed)
data being observed under our (optimized) linear model. Reaching this point of having optimized the pa-
rameters, we are said to have a "trained model"; the second stage of an ML project is generally the "infer-
ence stage", wherein a trained model is then utilized to make predictions. This latter stage involves apply-
ing the trained model across new/unseen data (i.e., individual data items), which can take the form of either
test datasets (while still developing/validating the model) or else real-world data (if the model is being
deployed for production purposes, e.g. as part of a computational pipeline for automated tagging of chest
X-rays in a clinic).
Numerous useful reviews of ML and deep learning (DL) in the biosciences have appeared in recent
years. As but one example, Ching et al. (2018) have thoroughly reviewed the challenges and opportunities
posed by applications of ML to big data in the biosciences; while focused on deep learning (LeCun et al.,
2015; Goodfellow et al., 2016; Tang et al., 2019), many of the principles of that review apply to ML broadly
(e.g., viewing deep networks as analogous to ML’s classic regression methods, but sufficiently generalized
so as to allow for nonlinear relationships among features). In the biomedical realm, ML has emerged as a
powerful and generalized paradigm for integrating data to classify and predict phenotypes, genetic similar-
ities, and disease states within various biological processes; here, again, numerous reviews are available
(Chicco, 2017; Park et al., 2018; Serra et al., 2018; Jones, 2019; Nicholson and Greene, 2020; Su et al., 2020;
Peng et al., 2021; Tchito Tchapga et al., 2021).
While that which precisely distinguishes an algorithm as a machine learning algorithm (cf. statistical
modeling, for example) is debatable, here we consider ML algorithms as broadly defined by Mitchell’s cri-
terion (Mitchell, 1997): an algorithm is said to ‘learn’ if it improves its performance, 𝒫, with respect to a
task, 𝒯, via execution of some computational processes, ℰ. ML algorithms broadly fall into four main types,
depending chiefly on the role of labeled data in the training and learning process (note that the distinctions
between some of these types are blurred): Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Semi-supervised
learning, and Reinforcement learning. (i) Supervised learning algorithms infer relationships between inde-
pendent and dependent variables by applying a model that was trained against prior data of known type
(Bhavsar and Ganatra, 2012; Singh et al., 2016); these ‘ground-truth’ data consist of (accurately) ‘labeled’
samples which can be split in various ways (e.g., into ‘training’, ‘test’ and ‘validation’/‘development’ sets)
as part of the model-training regiment. (ii) In unsupervised learning, an ML algorithm autonomously iden-
tifies patterns, trends or ‘groupings’ (clusters) in a dataset, with zero human intervention in the form of
prior knowledge about the ‘correct’ associations—i.e. only unlabeled data (unannotated by human experts)
are available for use (Gentleman and Carey, 2008; Kassambara, 2017). (iii) Semi-supervised learning can be
employed when large volumes of data are available but only a small fraction of it is (correctly) labeled—i.e.
the training set contains both labeled and unlabeled data, with a preponderance of the latter. Here, we
consider "informed ML" (von Rueden et al., 2021), or "expert knowledge–driven" ML, as a form of semi-
supervised learning, wherein the modeler may manually adjust model weights based on known behaviors
of the system. (iv) In reinforcement learning, the ML process acts via a set of rules (‘policies’) and series of
system ‘states’ (akin to ABM), and is rewarded or punished based on the result of a ‘move’; the ML algo-
rithm evolves the system via state transitions so as to maximize rewards in a given environment (Sutton,
1992; Kaelbling et al., 1996; Kulkarni, 2012), and in that way it ‘learns’.
A rich variety of learning algorithms fall within these broader categories, as summarized by the sample
inventory of ML approaches in Table 1. While that Table is not comprehensive, each of the ML methods
listed there have been widely applied to study and analyze various types of biological systems (proteins,
networks, tissues, etc.). Notwithstanding its many major successes, there are a few significant limitations
associated with the application of ML to biology. Creating an accurate and robust ML model requires large
amounts of experimental data, such as patient data, cellular-scale measurements, ‘omics’ data, etc.; such
data may be challenging to obtain for various reasons, including measurement inaccuracies, inherent spar-
sity of datasets, or other concerns such as paucity of health data stemming from privacy policies. Perhaps
most fundamentally vexing for modelers, ML architectures and algorithms generally pursue optimality cri-
teria in a manner that yields "black-box" solutions, and unfortunately the internal mechanisms that may
link predictor and outcome variables remain unknown; thus, ML algorithms often do not illuminate the
causal mechanisms that underlie system-wide behavior. For these reasons, "explainable AI" has become a
highly active research area (Jiménez-Luna et al., 2020; Confalonieri et al., 2021; Vilone and Longo, 2021).
With their respective strengths and limitations, the ABM and ML methodologies can be viewed as com-
plementary approaches for modeling biological systems—particularly for systems and problems wherein
the strengths of one type of methodology (ABM or ML) can be leveraged to address specific shortcomings
of the other. For example, ML algorithms (e.g. DNNs) are often criticized because their predictions are
arrived at in a black-box manner; in addition, most supervised algorithms require large amounts of accu-
rately labeled training data, and overfitting is a common pitfall in many ML approaches. ABMs, on the other
hand, (i) are built upon explicit representations/formulations of the precise interactions between system
components (these are ‘low-level’, and thus relatively easily formulated), and (ii) can easily generate, via
suites of simulations, large quantities of output data. Similarly, while the creation of rules in ABMs is fre-
quently accomplished by manual and subjective curation of the literature, which can lead to a biased or
oversimplified abstraction of the true biological complexity, ML approaches such as reinforcement learning
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can be used to computationally infer optimal rule-sets for agents and their interactions. Thus, there is a
naturally synergistic relationship between these pairs of relative strengths and weaknesses of ABM and ML.
Inspired by this potential synergy, in the remainder of this Review we highlight published studies that
have integrated ML with ABMs in the following ways, in order to create more advanced and accurate com-
putational models of biological systems, at both the multicellular and epidemiological scales:
Learning ABM Rules via ML: Reinforcement learning and supervised learning methods can be
used to infer and refine agent rules, which are critical inasmuch as these rules are applied at each
discrete time step and, thus, largely define the ABM.
Surrogate Models of ABMs: Supervised learning algorithms can be trained to create surrogate
models of an ABM, which assist in calibrating the ABM and mitigates the computational costs of
having to execute numerous ABMs.
Exploring ABMs via ML: ML methods can help explore the complex, high-dimensional parameter
space of an ABM, in terms of sensitivity analysis, model robustness, and so on.
As an overview of the high-level organization of this Review, Figure 1 schematizes how individual studies,
reported in the recent literature, have integrated ML into each step of formulating and analyzing an ABM.
Instead of manually estimating DR stage advancement probabilities from the literature, these rules were
computationally learned by training a multivariate logistic regression model on a dataset describing 535 DR
patients. The logistic regression algorithm learned a function relating individual patient features to the
probability of DR stage advancement, and at the beginning of every simulated year in the ABM this function
was used to determine whether each human agent would advance to the next stage of DR. This approach
showed that a simulated cohort of 501 patients had no significant differences from an actual live-patient
cohort. Moreover, the logistic regression method was useful in identifying key predictors of DR stage ad-
vancement (Day et al., 2013). Finally, note that this example illustrates the general principle that regression
models are highly applicable to constructing rules when large volumes of patient data are available.
Another study (Alexander Jr et al., 2019) evaluated multiple supervised learning methods to predict, in
the context of an ABM platform, individual DR patient responses to pregabalin, a medication that targets
the gabapentin receptor and which is used to treat several conditions, including diabetic neuropathy. The
study found that ‘ensemble’ methods that combined several instance-based learning methods, including
supervised k-nearest neighbors and fuzzy c-means, yielded the highest classification accuracy (Alexander Jr
et al., 2019).
Much recent effort in biomedical informatics has focused on developing approaches to automatically
and systematically extract and infer statistically rigorous new information—so-called "real-world evidence"
(RWE)—from primary data sources such as electronic health records (EHRs). The general aims of such
efforts are manifold, including discovery of new uses for drugs already known to be safe and efficacious (an
approach known as ‘repurposing’) and, ultimately, to reach high-confidence, clinically-actionable recom-
mendations (e.g., a particular drug for a specific indication), ideally in a personalized, ‘precision medicine’
manner. A potentially synergistic interface can be found between ABMs and RWE-related studies, for ex-
ample by using raw (low-level), patient-derived data to both develop ABMs (define rule-sets, parameteri-
zations, etc.) and also deploy them for predictive purposes. For instance, real-world data about the spread
of COVID-19 in hospitals and other settings have been used to develop and deploy ABMs for use in opti-
mizing policy measures and exploration of other epidemiological questions (Gaudou et al., 2020; Hinch et
al., 2021; Park and Sylla, 2021); also broadly notable, recent ABM-based studies of "information diffusion"
have been used in the development of advanced community health resources (Lindau et al., 2021) and to
examine how "medical innovation" might propagate among specific communities, such as cardiologists
(Borracci and Giorgi, 2018).
Other studies have demonstrated the utility of ML algorithms in ABM rule generation, even when there is
limited available training data. Some studies train supervised learning algorithms on available data and
augment the learned functions with expert knowledge. Bayesian networks (BNs), for example, are a com-
mon supervised learning algorithm that is paired with expert knowledge. First, the BN is trained on datasets
to determine conditional probabilities of a certain event occurring based on predictor values, such as the
probability of a sick individual infecting a healthy individual given the physical distance between them.
Then, in a type of approach that has been termed "informed ML" (von Rueden et al., 2021), domain experts
can subjectively adjust these learned probabilities based on experience and published literature. One study
(Abdulkareem et al., 2019) used this approach to determine human agent rules in a previously developed
ABM of cholera spread in Kumasi, Ghana. That work (Figure 2) compared four different BNs, trained with
varying combinations of survey data and expert opinion support, to define a rule on whether a human
agent would decide to use river water based on varying levels of (i) visual pollution, (ii) media influence, (iii)
communication with neighbors, and (iv) past experience. The ABM was found to be most accurate when
the BNs combined low-level data with expert knowledge; this is somewhat unsurprising, as the available
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training data were from a limited number of participants that did not holistically represent the modeled
population. Moreover, the study found that a "sequential learning" approach further improved the accu-
racy of the ABM. Sequential learning refers to training the BN in an ‘online’ manner, simultaneously with
the ABM simulation, such that the BN is re-trained on data that are generated during the ABM simulation.
This study shows not only that Bayesian networks are a viable learning algorithm to incorporate expert
opinion into ABMs when the available training data is limited, but also that the feedback process in sequen-
tial learning can further improve the accuracy of a learning algorithm by utilizing data generated by the
ABM simulation. In another study, Augustijn et al. (2020) took an alternative approach to determining
human agent water use in the aforementioned cholera–spread ABM: that work trained decision trees on
the same training dataset as the earlier study (Abdulkareem et al., 2019) in order to determine whether an
agent will use river water based on the same predictor variables. The decision tree scheme differs from
the BN approach in that the decision tree does not require expert opinion or sequential learning, and de-
rives (novel) agent rules from scratch by determining a tree-like model/path of how each agent considers
the predictor variables to arrive at a decision regarding usage of river water. The decision tree-based ap-
proach yielded ABM predictions with different numbers of infected individuals (Augustijn et al., 2020). This
discrepancy is predictable because, as outlined in Figure 3, the two different ML integrations led to two
fundamentally different rulesets, thus affecting the emergent properties/outcomes of the system. That
these different integrations of ML in these two studies yielded different ABM results underscores the im-
portance of testing multiple ML approaches and integration strategies in order to assess which method will
yield the highest accuracy ABMs.
Supervised learning approaches that are expert knowledge–driven have also been applied in studies
that integrate artificial feed-forward neural networks (ANNs) into ABMs of multicellular systems. As the
predecessors of today’s deep neural networks (DNNs), information processing in ANNs is inspired by the
hierarchical, multi-layered, densely-interconnected patterns of signaling and information flow between lay-
ers of neurons in our brain. In an ANN, each neuron (or ‘hidden unit’) processes input variables, e.g. via a
linear summation, and ‘decides’ how to pass this information on to the next neuron (downstream), the
decision being based on whether or not the computed numerical values exceed an activation threshold.
(The foundations of NNs are treated in the classic text by Haykin (1998).) Ideally, the input variables capture
salient features about a system in terms of its dynamics, local environment, and so on; non-numerical in-
formation (e.g., categorical data) can be captured as input via a process known as feature encoding. Also,
note that both the activation function and the neuron’s input-combining function can range from relatively
simple (e.g., weighted linear combination of arguments) to more sophisticated schemes.
As an example, one study incorporated an expert knowledge-based feed-forward ANN to determine
cellular behavior based on environmental conditions in an ABM of tumor growth (Gerlee and Anderson,
2007). Within the ABM, each cellular agent encoded an ANN that decided cell phenotype based on inputs
describing a cell’s local environment, such as the number of cellular neighbors, local oxygen concentration,
glucose concentration, and pH (Gerlee and Anderson, 2007). Each ANN processed these inputs to select
one from a limited number of discrete phenotypic responses, such as proliferation, quiescence, movement,
or apoptosis. Also, in that work the connection weights and activation thresholds of each neuron were
manually set, thus ‘tuning’ the ANN such that overall cellular behavior resembled that of cancer cells (i.e.,
a certain percentage of cells in the population had each of the output phenotypes), instead of training the
ANN on actual cellular data. As cells proliferated, they implicitly passed on their ANN to successive gener-
ations. Genetic mutations were incorporated into the simulation model by introducing random fluctuations
in the ANN weights and thresholds when passed on to daughter cells (Gerlee and Anderson, 2007). These
simulated genetic mutations allowed the authors to study clonal evolution in tumors and the environmental
factors that contribute to the emergence of the glycolytic phenotype—a cellular state characterized by
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upregulated glycolysis, and which is known to increase the invasiveness of a tumor (Gerlee and Anderson,
2007; 2008).
The above ANN framework was incorporated into follow-up studies aimed at modeling drug delivery
and hypoxia. Those further studies increased the complexity of the cellular ANN by adding growth and
inhibitory factors as inputs (Kazmi et al., 2012a; Kazmi et al., 2012b), and also by introducing infusion of a
bioreductive drug into the ABM; these studies explored the effects of protein binding on drug transport
(Kazmi et al., 2012a; Kazmi et al., 2012b). Other studies used a similar ANN architecture to pinpoint effects
of hypoxia on tumor growth (Al-Mamun et al., 2014), and explored the efficacy of a chemotherapeutic
agent, maspin, on tumor metastasis (Al-Mamun et al., 2013; Al-Mamun et al., 2016). Overall, this design
scheme—i.e., ‘embedding’ ANNs into the agent entities of an ABM—illustrates an intriguing and creative
type of synergy that is possible between ML and ABM–based approaches.
Another type of learning algorithm used in multicellular ABMs is reinforcement learning (RL), which learns
cellular behaviors as ‘policies’ that maximize a (cumulative) reward based on the surrounding environment
and transitions of the system from one ‘state’ to the next (Table 1). The RL approach can be largely viewed
as being a type of agent-based Markov decision process (Puterman, 1990). The key elements of this ap-
proach are four interrelated concepts: (i) the state that is occupied by an agent at a given instant (e.g., a
cell can be ‘quiescent’ versus ‘proliferating’); (ii) the action which an agent can take (e.g., apoptose versus
divide); (iii) a probabilistic policy map, specifying the chance (and rewards) of transitions between a given
combination of states and actions (call it {𝑠𝑖 , 𝑎}) to a new state, 𝑠𝑖+1 (in other words, the conditional prob-
ability of taking action 𝑎 and thus adopting state 𝑠𝑖+1 , while in state 𝑠𝑖 ); and (iv) the notion of a reward,
value or return (these interrelated quantities can be treated as equivalent for present purposes), which is
computed both instantaneously, for incremental state transitions 𝑖 → 𝑖 + 1, as well as cumulatively (a
global reward value, for the entire/completed process; ultimately, RL methods seek to maximize this latter
quantity). The reward function can be formulated by the modeler to promote expected cellular behaviors,
such as elevated metabolism in the presence of glucose or contact inhibition when surrounded by cells
(Kaelbling et al., 1996; Kulkarni, 2012).
Recent studies of multicellular systems (Zangooei and Habibi, 2017; Wang et al., 2018; Hou et al., 2019)
have exploited a type of ‘model-free’ RL algorithm known as Q-learning (Table 1) to quantitatively learn
which cellular behavior, or action, an agent should take on, based on its surroundings (environmental con-
text). In this approach, state-action pairs (see above) are mapped to a reward space by a quality function,
Q, which can be roughly viewed as the expectation value of the reward over a series of state-action pairs
(i.e., a series of actions and the successive states that they link). Q-learning seeks state-action policies which
are optimal in the sense of maximizing the overall/cumulative reward. As one might imagine, achieving
this goal involves both exploration and exploitation in the solution space: (i) roughly speaking, ‘exploration’
means sampling new, potentially distant regions of a system’s universe of possible state-action pairs under
the current policy (this can be viewed as a long-term/delayed reward), whereas (ii) ‘exploitation’ means
(re)sampling an already characterized and advantageous region of the space (e.g., a local energy minimum);
the exploration/exploitation trade-off enters the Q equation as the (adjustable) learning rate. Intuitively,
one can imagine that more exploration occurs relatively early in an RL episode (at which point the solution
space, or policy space, has been less mapped-out), whereas the balance might shift towards exploitation in
later stages (once the algorithm has learned more productive/rewarding types of actions, corresponding
to particular regions of the state-action space).
As an example of the applicability of this type of ML in ABMs, one study developed a 3D hybrid agent-
based model of a vascularized tumor, wherein a Q-learning algorithm dynamically determined individual
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Machine Learning & Agent-based Modeling of Biomedical Systems
cell phenotypes based on features of their surrounding environment (Figure 4), such as local oxygen and
glucose concentrations, cell division count, and number of healthy and cancerous neighbors (Zangooei and
Habibi, 2017). Comparison with predictions from other, validated ODE-based models (Wodarz and
Komarova, 2009; Gerlee, 2013) indicated that the ABM could accurately recapitulate cell phenotype selec-
tion and angiogenesis behaviors.
Q-learning has also been used to model cell migration behaviors in multicellular systems. Cell migration
is an intricate and challenging process to model because a subtle combination of chemotactic gradients,
cell substrate interactions, and other factors influence the direction of movement. One study used Q-
learning to develop cell migration rules in an ABM of C. elegans embryogenesis (Wang et al., 2018). The
study trained a deep-Q network that optimizes individual cell migratory behaviors in the system. Deep-Q
networks are a deep-RL approach which integrate deep NNs (e.g., deep convolutional neural nets) with the
Q-learning framework to improve the power and efficiency of a basic RL approach (Alpaydin, 2021); this
improvement is achieved by virtue of using a DNN, versus a variant of Bellman’s equation from dynamic
programming (Eddy, 2004), to represent and optimize the Q-function mentioned above (which, again, un-
derlies the mapping of state-action pairs and probabilistic policies to the reward space). In a similar way,
Q-learning also has been used to define cell migration behaviors in leader-follower systems (Hou et al.,
2019). In these contexts in particular, RL methods can be seen as a complement to popular ‘swarm intelli-
gence’-based approaches (Table 1), such as the particle-swarm, ant-colony, and dragonfly optimization al-
gorithms (Meraihi et al., 2020; Jin et al., 2021).
parameter values. The RF hierarchically orders input parameters by Gini index, which is a measure of vari-
ance that relates to the probability of incorrectly classifying an output, were the input parameter randomly
chosen from the list of all input parameters (the greater the variance, the greater the degree of misclassi-
fication). Viewing the Gini index as a measure of feature importance, a parameter with a higher Gini value
can be seen as more disproportionately influencing the outcome (relative to other parameters), as the
model is more likely to produce wrong (misclassified) output if that parameter value was randomly chosen.
After training the RF, this study selected the top three parameters associated with each cell type in the
model for calibration with a GA (Garg et al., 2019). This integrative and multipronged approach reduced
the number of parameters required for calibration via the GA, thereby improving the computational effi-
ciency of the overall model calibration process.
Supervised learning algorithms that create a more easily evaluated "meta model" or "surrogate model" of
an original ABM can also significantly reduce computational burden and make model calibration processes
more computationally tractable. As schematized in Figure 5, this approach involves evaluating the ABM on
an initial set of parameter combinations by computing the fitness, given an objective function constructed
by the modeler. Then, a supervised learning algorithm is trained on this data in order to create a surrogate
ML model that can predict ABM outputs for various initial parameter combinations. Finally, parameter-
calibration approaches, such as GAs, particle swarm optimization or other methodologies amenable to vast
search spaces (Table 1), can be applied to this surrogate model. Often, the surrogate model runs signifi-
cantly faster than the ABM because the inference stage in an ML pipeline involves simply applying the al-
ready-trained model to new data (also, the ML model/function is evaluated for single data items instead of
an entire simulation). In order to reduce the run-time of an epidemic model, Pereira et al. (2021) employed
this general strategy by training a deep neural network (DNN) on data generated by ABM simulations. Ap-
plication of the DNN (i.e., inference) was more computationally efficient than executing numerous ABM
simulations; and, unlike the ABM, the DNN run-time did not increase as the number of ABM agents in-
creased. This DNN-based surrogate model was then used for parameter calibration (Pereira et al., 2021).
Other studies have taken similar approaches, for example by using regression algorithms to train surrogate
models of the ABM (Tong et al., 2015; Li et al., 2017; Sai et al., 2019).
A recent microsimulation study (Cevik et al., 2016), tracking the progression of breast cancer in women,
used a novel "active learning" approach for parameter calibration. In that work, a surrogate ensemble of
ANNs (a ‘bag’ of ANNs, or ‘bagANN’) was trained based on ABM-generated training datasets. Then, the
bagANN model was used to predict fitness for untested parameter combinations. Parameter combinations
with low predicted fitness were reevaluated by the ABM, and a refined training dataset was developed to
further train the bagANN. The bagANN was repeatedly trained on parameter combinations with increasing
fitness, until the fitness converged at some maximal value. In this way, the overall computational pipeline
essentially consisted of an iterative ‘bouncing’ between the ML (bagANN, in this case) and the ABM stages.
This study revealed that an active learning approach could find the optimal parameter combination by
evaluating only 2% of the parameter space that had been required to be sampled in a prior study devoted
to calibrating the same model (Batina et al., 2013; Cevik et al., 2016).
Surrogate ML models also present novel opportunities to capture continuous system behaviors via ABMs.
ABMs of multicellular interactions can represent cell-cell interactions, such as migration, adhesion and pro-
liferation, that occur over discrete time steps. However, these discrete cell-cell behaviors stem from mo-
lecular processes that occur over an effectively continuous time domain, such as the rapid expression of
proteins driven by complex intracellular signaling cascades. Multiscale models attempt to represent phe-
nomena that span intra-cellular and inter-cellular biological scales in a more realistic and accurate manner
than is otherwise possible; this is pursued by employing continuous approaches that predict intracellular
signaling dynamics, and using these predictions to update the discrete rules describing cell-cell behaviors.
However, a key challenge in these multiscale models is the increased computational cost of evaluating a
continuum model of reaction kinetics at each discrete time-step of an ABM.
A recent study leveraged the training of surrogate models to improve the computational efficiency of
a multiscale model of immune cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment (Cess and Finley, 2020).
That work employed an ODE–based mechanistic model in order to predict macrophage phenotype, based
on surrounding cytokine concentrations, and an ABM to represent resultant interactions between cells in
the tumor. To mitigate the computational burden of evaluating the mechanistic model at each time step,
the group trained a neural network on the mechanistic model in order to reduce the model to "a simple
input/output system", wherein the inputs were local cytokine concentrations and the outputs were cell
phenotype. The NN achieved an accuracy exceeding 98%, and—by revealing that the detailed, intracellular
mechanistic model could be reduced to a simple binary model—reduced the overall computational com-
plexity of the hybrid, multi-scale ABM (Cess and Finley, 2020).
reduce overall tumor cell count. In the GA approach, optimal parameters were found by iteratively select-
ing parameter combinations that reduced mean tumor cell count. The active learning approach involved
training a surrogate RF classifier on the ABM, such that the RF predicts whether a set of input ABM param-
eters would yield mean tumor cell counts less than a predefined threshold. Then, in a divide-and-conquer–
like strategy, the active learning approach selectively samples ‘viable’ parameter subspaces that yield tu-
mor cell counts less than the threshold in order to find a solution (Ozik et al., 2019). That work illustrates
the possibilities of integrating ML-guided adaptive sampling strategies with ABM-based approaches.
A combination of supervised and unsupervised learning methods have been leveraged to use ABM
simulations to create predictive models. A recent study (Nsoesie et al., 2011) evaluated seven different
classification algorithms in terms of their abilities to predict the full epidemic curve (i.e., the graphical rep-
resentation of population-level disease incidence over time, from the first to last infection), given a partial
epidemic curve of only the early, middle, or late stages of disease transmission. The study trained these
classification algorithms on simulation data from an influenza ABM that modeled the transmission of influ-
enza virus between human agents. Six different variations of the influenza ABM were used to generate a
dataset of partial epidemic curves and their corresponding full epidemic curves. Then, supervised learning
algorithms were trained to classify partial epidemic curves into one of the six full-epidemic curve categories.
The study found that RF classifiers yielded the highest accuracy, whereas linear discriminant analysis had
the lowest accuracy (Nsoesie et al., 2011). Another study (Sheikh-Bahaei and Hunt, 2006) used unsuper-
vised fuzzy c-means (FCM) classification to predict the biliary transport and excretion properties of new
drugs, based on similarities to previously simulated drugs in an ABM of the interactions between in silico
hepatocyte and drug agents. The study first parametrized biliary transport and excretion properties of ex-
perimentally tested drugs in the ABM using a parameter tuning algorithm. Then, the FCM approach was
used to cluster and characterize the degree of similarity of a new drug with previously encountered drugs.
Based on the degrees of similarity to previously encountered drugs identified by FCM, the biliary transport
and excretion properties of the new drug was estimated as a weighted average of that of previously en-
countered drugs (Sheikh-Bahaei and Hunt, 2006). These examples demonstrate how supervised and unsu-
pervised ML algorithms can be used synergistically with ABMs to predict outcomes for epidemiological and
multicellular systems.
Finally, unsupervised ML algorithms have also been used to discover relevant patterns in the results of
ABM simulations, such as identifying how differences in single-cell properties in a tumor give rise to distinct
tumor spatial organizations. One study (Karolak et al., 2019) co-varied cell radius, cell division age and cell
sensitivity to contact inhibition, in a 3D ABM of tumorigenesis, to enable the creation of a simulated library
of multicellular tumor organoids. Then, the study ran unsupervised k-medians clustering on this library of
multicellular tumor organoids to identify four different classes of tumor organoids. The study found that
these four classes of organoids respond differently to drug treatment, and identifying which class a real
tumor falls into can guide therapy design (Karolak et al., 2019).
In this Review, we have summarized how several recent lines of work have incorporated ML in each stage
of developing and deploying ABMs of multicellular and/or epidemiological systems—from defining agent
behaviors and optimal rule-sets to tuning model parameters and quantitatively exploring a model’s sensi-
tivity and features of its parameter space. Our review of the literature suggests three guiding principles
when using ML algorithms in conjunction with ABMs. First, the biological scale of the system (molecular,
cellular, organismal, epidemiological, etc.) and the type of data available about the system directly impact
the type of ML algorithms (supervised, expert knowledge-driven, unsupervised, reinforcement learning,
etc.) that are applicable to determining agent behaviors. Second, the specific type of ML algorithm used
with an ABM strongly impacts the emergent results and veracity of predictions by the ABM; therefore, it is
critical to evaluate multiple ML-ABM integration schemes and select the algorithmic approach with highest
accuracy and/or similarity to the decision-making structure of the (actual) modeled system. Finally, open-
access publication and open-source distribution of validated, clearly-explained and shareable models—
which the ABM and related modeling communities can apply, extend, and learn from—is critical in order
to advance new techniques and synergistic approaches at the junction of the ML and ABM ecosystems;
indeed, this latter point is essentially a call to apply the "FAIR Principles" of scholarly research (Findability,
Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability (Wilkinson et al., 2016)) to the ABM field.
ML is a broad term encompassing a variety of predictive algorithms that each require different levels
of data availability for decision making. A chief requirement of supervised learning algorithms, for example,
is a large amount of accurately-labeled data for purposes of training and testing. Depending on the biolog-
ical scale of the modeled system, such datasets may or may not be available, thereby affecting the applica-
bility of supervised learning algorithms to ABM. Many epidemiological systems have extensively used sur-
vey data and electronic health records to associate patient features (e.g., age, sex, drug use), with disease
states, such as diabetic retinopathy or lung cancer stage. Because of the generally high availability of large
epidemiological datasets, many epidemiological ABMs have trained supervised learning algorithms on
these data to determine agent rules and behaviors in their models (Day et al., 2013; Alexander Jr et al.,
2019; Augustijn et al., 2020). In contrast to epidemiological systems, multicellular systems often lack com-
prehensive data about the detailed mechanisms that drive complex cellular behaviors. In multicellular sys-
tems, a range of cellular behaviors, such as migration, proliferation, apoptosis or necrosis, are contingent
upon several dynamic and spatiotemporal cues, such as nutrient availability, local cytokine concentrations
and intracellular protein expression levels. Current experimental methodologies are challenged to create
datasets that associate these spatiotemporal features of the environment with cellular behaviors across
the broad populations of heterogeneous cells that comprise various tissues; thus, training supervised learn-
ing algorithms to predict cellular behavior based on environmental features is not currently a routine pos-
sibility for those sorts of systems. However, several ABMs have augmented the lack of data in this area
with either expert-knowledge–driven machine learning (Gerlee and Anderson, 2007; 2008; Kazmi et al.,
2012a; Kazmi et al., 2012b; Al-Mamun et al., 2013; Al-Mamun et al., 2014; Al-Mamun et al., 2016) or RL
algorithms (Zangooei and Habibi, 2017; Wang et al., 2018; Hou et al., 2019) to define cellular behaviors
within a multicellular ABM. While these recent approaches are not trained on actual experimental datasets,
they do enable each cell to autonomously make decisions based on their local environment, thereby real-
istically modelling cell-to-cell heterogeneity within multicellular systems. These studies illustrate that the
limited availability of training data does not necessarily have to be a severe (i.e., prohibitive) constraint in
synergistically integrating ML and ABMs.
Much effort in ML is devoted to procuring datasets that suffice for training, particularly in deep learning
and classification tasks (whether it be for image recognition, speech processing, etc.). While data accuracy
and volume have always been key, the importance of data relevance (to the problem at hand) is being
increasingly appreciated as part of a recent "data-centric" shift in AI (Ng, 2022), and ABMs could play a
significant role in that context. As described in Goodfellow et al. (2016), one approach to data augmenta-
tion is to simply "create fake data and add it to the training set"; for example, for image-related tasks one
might obtain ‘fake’ new data from starting images by applying affine transformations, subjecting images to
masks or filters, altering intensities, hues, saturation, and so on. We propose that future ML algorithms
can leverage ABM’s capacity to efficiently generate large volumes of plausible/reliable simulation data to
produce new datasets for ML training workflows.
Different ML algorithms can rely on fundamentally different computational methods and criteria to
make decisions. For example, a logistic regression model relies on a weighted linear combination of pre-
dictor variables to classify an object, whereas a naive Bayes model uses conditional probabilities in address-
ing the same task. Depending on the data, the two modeling approaches can make slightly divergent pre-
dictions from the same datasets. Thus, when integrated with an ABM, different ML algorithms will impact
the accuracy of the ABM in simulating real-world systems and the kinds of predictions the ABM generates.
For example, two previously discussed studies took alternative approaches to use ML to define the rule
that determines human agent water use in an ABM of cholera spread (Abdulkareem et al., 2019; Augustijn
et al., 2020). One study trained Bayesian networks to define agent behaviors, while the other used decision
trees to derive the same agent rule. The ABM using the decision tree approach yielded higher predictions
for the number of infected individuals; this discrepancy is unsurprising, as the two ABM approaches differ
in the fundamental ways in which each agent behaves. Considering how the different integrations of ML
in these two studies yield different ABM results shows the importance of testing multiple ML integration
strategies to assess the respective accuracies of the methods.
To circumvent the issue of different ML integration strategies yielding different results, several studies
have tested a variety of ML integrations within their ABM prior to deriving model predictions (Sheikh-Bahaei
and Hunt, 2006; Nsoesie et al., 2011; Alexander Jr et al., 2019; Gaudou et al., 2020; Hinch et al., 2021).
These studies suggest that the computational method underlying an ML algorithm should relate to how an
(actual) agent could plausibly make decisions in a real-world environment. For example, whether a cell
decides to proliferate, migrate or adhere to its neighbors may be a result of combining weighted inputs
from signaling cascades, similar to the linear weighted sum found in logistic regression models. Alterna-
tively, when a human decides whether or not to use a particular water source they may (implicitly) evaluate
a series of binary questions, similar to the trajectory through a decision tree.
Finally, we note that the intersection of ML and ABM is a nascent and rapidly-growing field, made pos-
sible by the increased publication of peer-reviewed, reproducible and shareable ABMs. In order to facilitate
the continued growth of this field, it is imperative to publish models that are validated for given biological
contexts, well-documented and maintained, transparent and freely available (open-access, open-source),
and otherwise readily usable by all researchers in the many ABM-related communities.
We thank Bill Basener, Phil Bourne and Lei Xie for helpful discussions, support, and reading of the manu-
script. Portions of this work were supported by NSF CAREER award MCB-1350957 and the UVA School of
Data Science. Note that this review provides only a glimpse of ML and ABMs, reflecting our own familiarity
with a subset of many potential topics; absence of specific citations reflects only space constraints and not
opinions about the significance or merit of earlier work by others.
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Table 1. This taxonomy of ML algorithms organizes a few popular approaches using a scheme based on Mitchell’s
definition of ML. Specifically, we list (i) the type of Task each algorithm can address, (ii) how the algorithm measures
the Performance with respect to that task (an "objective function" typically quantifies accuracy), and (iii) the learning
process, or Experience, by which an algorithm tunes parameters (generally by optimizing the Performance function)
to improve its accuracy for a given task (estimation, classification, etc.). This Table is meant to be viewed flexibly. For
instance, though often associated with supervised learning, neural networks span multiple types of ML; as an example,
autoencoders are often built via NNs to learn optimal representations/models from unlabeled data by minimizing a
"reconstruction error" for generating original/input data from a compressed (latent space) representation, and in that
way can be viewed as a form of unsupervised learning.
Type of ML Sample
(category, or Task Performance Experience
"learning style")
Linear Regres- Predict a continuous out- Sum of squared errors Iteratively, via gradient
Supervised, including semi-supervised or "expert-knowledge driven"
Logistic Regres- Predict discrete outcomes Logarithmic loss (or Iteratively, via gradient
sion (e.g., binary) from input data ‘cross-entropy loss’) func- descent
(i.e., at least some labeled data are used)
Naïve Bayes Predict data labels based on Negative joint likelihood For a given problem in-
naive prior probability distri- function stance, the class label
butions (assumes independ- yielding the largest
ent features) probability (i.e., a maxi-
mum a posteriori
[MAP] decision rule)
Decision Trees Predict the sequence of pre- Gini index (relates to the Can alter number of
dictor variables that classify a relative mean absolute levels, node-splitting
sample within a particular difference); seek a tree functions (e.g., based
category (vs others) that accounts for most of on Kullback-Leibler
the data, without exces- div), try ensemble
sive number of levels methods (random for-
Support Vector Computes hyperplane that Maximize margin of the Use gradients of a loss
Machine (SVM) optimally separates points in decision boundaries function (e.g., hinge
a dataset, e.g. for classifica- (‘buffer’ between hyper- loss) to update weights
tion or regression tasks plane and nearby ‘sup- 𝑤i’s, thus iteratively
port vectors’) maximizing margin
𝑘-means clus- For a collection of unlabeled Gives set of maximal dis- Iterate between two
tering (other ex- data, creates 𝑘 ‘natural’ tances between 𝑘 cen- stages: (i) assign point
ample families grouping (or sets of associa- troids in unlabeled data- 𝑥i to nearest cluster
(only unlabelled data)
Type of ML Sample
(category, or Task Performance Experience
"learning style")
(either model-based or model- Q-Learning Determines a policy (transi- Q is the action-value Classic way is to itera-
tion probabilities for function that is iteratively tively improve Q by up-
Reinforcement learning
Genetic algo- Find approximate solutions A given trial solution(/in- A subset of the fittest
rithms (GAs) to an optimization problem, dividual) is evaluated individuals (chromo-
generally occupying an ex- against an objective func- somes yielding optimal
ceedingly high-dimensional tion (fitness function); no- values against the fit-
parameter space; the solu- tably, in GAs these func- ness function) are se-
tions, or individuals compris- tions can have properties lected, along with a
ing the population, are en- that challenge traditional randomly chosen sub-
coded as chromosomes (e.g., optimization approaches set; these parents re-
as binary strings). (e.g., discontinuous, non- produce via operations
differentiable, highly non- like crossover (splicing
linear). chromosomes), muta-
tions, etc. (biological
evolution). Thus, the
population of individu-
als evolves towards
Other, related approaches
FIGURE 1. This schematic overview of how ML can aid the various stages in the development and applica-
tion of an ABM also offers representative examples of the various types of synergistic ML-ABM couplings
(numbers correspond to literature citations).
FIGURE 2. Application of ML to define rulesets in epidemiological (left) and multicellular (right) ABMs. In
these two illustrative examples, ML-related stages are in red or blue while ABM-related steps are high-
lighted in yellow. In both contexts, individual agents survey environmental variables at a given time-step
of the simulation. These environmental variables form the input for an ML algorithm that outputs a deci-
sion for the agent to enact. The left example refers to an ABM developed to simulate cholera spread in
Kumasi, Ghana, wherein supervised learning algorithms trained on survey data were used to select the
most probable behavior based on environmental variables (Abdulkareem et al., 2019; Augustijn et al.,
2020). Several other epidemiological ABMs have leveraged large datasets to train supervised learning al-
gorithms to determine agent behavior (Day et al., 2013; Abdulkareem et al., 2019; Alexander Jr et al., 2019;
Augustijn et al., 2020). The right-hand example refers to multicellular ABMs that simulate individual cell
behaviors in a tissue selected based on Q-learning (Zangooei and Habibi, 2017) or ANN approaches (Gerlee
and Anderson, 2007; 2008; Kazmi et al., 2012a; Kazmi et al., 2012b; Al-Mamun et al., 2013; Al-Mamun et
al., 2014; Al-Mamun et al., 2016; Abdulkareem et al., 2019).
FIGURE 3. Contrasting two applications of supervised learning algorithms to define agent rulesets in epide-
miological ABMs. Two studies applied ML to define agent rulesets in an ABM developed to simulate cholera
spread in Kumasi, Ghana. The first study (top) applied a naive Bayes model to predict water usage of indi-
vidual agents based on environmental variables (Abdulkareem et al., 2019), while the second study (bot-
tom) trained a decision tree to derive agent behavior based on the same environmental variables (Augustijn
et al., 2020). The two ML-ABM integrations predicted different numbers of total infected individuals in the
population, illustrating that the ML algorithm used to predict agent behavior can impact the overall trends
predicted by an ABM.
FIGURE 5. Training surrogate ML models can reduce the computational burden of ABM calibration. Because
of the need to repeatedly evaluate potentially complex numerical expressions for multiple agents over sev-
eral timesteps, parameterizing ABMs can be computationally expensive. Once trained (i.e., as applied in
the inference stage), ML models are generally less computationally costly because they entail evaluating a
single function to generate a prediction. Several studies (Tong et al., 2015; Cevik et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017;
Sai et al., 2019; Pereira et al., 2021) have leveraged this advantage of ML by first evaluating an ABM for a
limited range of parameters and then creating a ‘surrogate’ dataset that relates the ABM parameters to
final error. Next, a surrogate supervised learning algorithm can be trained on this data and researchers can
then use the surrogate model to explore broader regions of the original ABM’s parameter space.
FIGURE 6. Application of ML to parameter space exploration of ABMs. ABMs can be used to generate vast
volumes of data and explore how system perturbations affect population-level outcomes in the model.
After generating simulation data from an ABM, ML can be used to characterize patterns in the ABM (Karolak
et al., 2019). Simultaneously, the data generated by ABMs can be used to train more robust ML algorithms
(Sheikh-Bahaei and Hunt, 2006; Nsoesie et al., 2011).