SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V7.0
SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V7.0
SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V7.0
PCS 7 Library 1
Driver blocks 3
Process Control System
PCS 7 V7.0 Asset Management
Safety Guidelines
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Siemens AG
A5E00807897-01 Copyright © Siemens AG 2006
Automation and Drives
11/2006 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 4848
Index Index-1
Click the "Block I/Os" command button to display a list of block I/Os for the
designated block.
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Here you can find a brief description of the block function.
You can find additional information about complex blocks in the "Operating
Principle" section.
Operating principle
Here you can find additional information about the function of specific inputs,
operating modes or time sequences, for example. You must be familiar with these
relationships in order to use the block effectively.
Calling OBs
Here you will find information on the organization blocks (OBs), in which the
described block must be installed. If the CFC is used, the block is automatically
installed in the cyclic OB (watchdog alarm) and in the OBs listed in the task list of
the block (e.g., in restart OB100).
CFC generates the required OBs during compilation. If you use the blocks without
CFC, you have to program these OBs and call their instance within the blocks.
Error handling
The Boolean block output ENO indicates the error in the CFC chart.
The value is equivalent to the BIE (binary result in STEP 7 STL, after ending the
block) or OK bit (in SCL notation) and indicates:
ENO = BIE = OK = 1 (TRUE) -> The result of the block is free of errors.
ENO = BIE = OK = 0 (FALSE) -> Invalid result or calculating conditions (for
example, input values and operating modes).
The FBs also return the inverted BIE at the QERR output of the instance DB:
Startup Characteristics
The different startup behaviors are as follows:
• Initial startup
The first call of the block in its OB. This is usually the OB that performs the
standard, process-specific operations (for example, the watchdog interrupt
The block enters a status that conforms to its input parameters, That is, the
default values (additional information in "I/Os") or values you have already
configured, for example, in CFC. The initial startup response is not described
separately unless the block does not conform to this rule.
• Startup
The block is executed once during CPU startup. The block is called in the
startup OB (where it is additionally installed either automatically in the ES or
manually in STEP 7). In this case, the startup characteristics are described.
Please note that the block outputs have default values and that these can take
effect during the CPU startup with other blocks, if these are processed first.
The correct startup response of the blocks is the responsibility of the project
Dynamic Response
A block assigned this function must be installed into a watchdog alarm OB. It
calculates its time constants/parameters on the basis of its sampling time (the time
interval between two consecutive cyclic processes).
In a CFC configuration on ES, the sampling time is also determined by the
segmentation of the runtime group, which ensures that the block is not executed in
every OB cycle.
This sampling time is entered at the I/Os, in the SAMPLE_T parameter.
When configuring with CFC, this occurs automatically once the block has been
inserted in the OB and the runtime group. For this reason, this input is set to hidden
in CFC.
In STEP 7 configuration, you must set the dynamic response manually.
Dynamic response is mentioned only if the block has been assigned this feature.
Message response
A block with message capability reports various events to the higher-level OS.
Existing parameters required for the generation of messages are documented.
Blocks not having message characteristics can be expanded with additional
interrupt blocks. A cross-reference to the message response is found in the
description of the message blocks.
The I/Os of the block represent its data interface. These I/Os can be used either to
enter parameter data in the block or to fetch results of the block operations.
The "I/O" table lists all I/O parameters of the block type. You can access these lists
using the engineering tools. They are in alphabetical order. Elements accessible
only via the block algorithm (internal values) are not listed.
The columns have the following meanings:
• I/O
Name of the parameter, derived from the English-language designation,
for example, PV_IN = Process Variable INput (process variable, control
SIMATIC naming conventions are followed.
The state of delivery of the block display in CFC is identified as follows:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible, standard characters = I/O is
• Meaning
Function (short description)
• Data type
S7 data type of the parameter (BOOL, REAL, etc.)
• Default Default initialization value of the block parameter (unless configured
• Type
The type of access of the block algorithm to the parameter; there are inputs,
outputs and retroactive inputs:
Abbreviation Type
I Input. Initialize block with parameters (representation in CFC: left-hand block side)
O Output. Output value. (representation in CFC: right-hand block side)
IO Input/Output. Retroactive input, set by the OS, the block can write it back
(representation in CFC: left-hand block side)
• Attr. (Attribute)
Additional features of the parameter when used under CFC
Input and in/out parameters which cannot be interconnected can be configured
(at online FCs, only the input/output parameters).
Output parameters cannot be configured. Their values can be transferred in
CFC by interconnecting them to an input of the same data type.
Additional properties of the parameter are specified as follows:
Abbreviation Attribute
C Controllable (only at a faceplate) Write access to this I/O is enabled at the OS. Hidden in
the CFC.
M MESSAGE ID of the message block (e.g., ALARM_8P); not configurable
This ID is assigned by the message server.
Q Interconnectable. The element can be interconnected with another output of the same
Parameters marked with "+" can be enabled for operating and monitoring via
the corresponding faceplate.
• Valid values
Additional limitation within the data-type range of values
Using the PID tuner, you can optimize the following control blocks:
How it works
Using the "Controller Optimization" function, you determine the optimal controller
setting for a particular controlled system. A wizard guides you through the
individual steps.
The measurement data of the controlled system is recorded. The optimal PID
parameters are computed by means of this data and prepared for further use.
You can find additional information on the use of the PID tuner in the
corresponding HELP file. Sie können diese Hilfe aufrufen, indem Sie im CFC einen
Baustein auf dem Plan selektieren und den Menübefehl Bearbeiten >
Regleroptimierung wählen.
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block CTRL_PID is a continuous PID controller used for setting up the following
standard controller circuits:
• Fixed-setpoint control
• Cascade control (single/multiple cascades)
• Ratio Control
• Synchro control
• Proportional control
In addition to its actual controller functions, the controller block provides the
following processing options:
• Modes: Manual mode, automatic or following mode
• Limit monitoring of the control variable and error signal as well as message
generation via the ALARM_8P block
• Disturbance variable input
• Setpoint following mode (SP = PV_IN)
• Setpoint value and process variable range setting (physical normalization)
• Setting the range of values for manipulated variables (physical normalizing)
• Dead band (on threshold) in the error signal branch
• Proportional, integral and derivative action, which can be enabled and disabled
• Proportional and derivative action in the feedback path.
• Operating point setting for P or PD controller mode
Operating principle
The block operates as (delayed derivative action) PID controller. The integrator
operates according to the trapezoid rule.
The input parameter LMNR_IN is displayed in the faceplate (loop display) as the
manipulated variable. If there is no position feedback available from the process,
you can interconnect the manipulated-variable output LMN with LMNR_IN in
CFC in order to display the manipulated variable in the loop display.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Signal Processing in the Setpoint and Actual-Value Branches of CTRL_PID
Generation of Manipulated Variables for CTRL_PID
Manual, Auto and Following Mode, and Cascading of CTRL_PID
CTRL_PID Mode Change
Error Handling of CTRL_PID
Startup Behavior, Dynamic Response and Message response of CTRL_PID
Block Diagram of CTRL_PID
Message Texts and Associated Values of CTRL_PID
Operating and Monitoring of CTRL_PID
Setpoint Generation
The setpoint SP can be fetched from three different sources. The table below
specifies which source is used, depending on the statuses of the SP_TRK_ON and
Internal Setpoint
The internal setpoint SP_OP is operated and limited via OP_A_LIM/OP_A_RJC
(range SP_LLM - SP_HLM).
External Setpoint
The external setpoint SP_EXT can be interconnected and is limited to the range
The change in the internal or external setpoint is limited to a maximum gradient
(SPDRLM, SPURLM), if the setpoint ramp has been enabled (SPRAMPOF = 0).
Tracked Setpoint
If SP_TRK_ON = 1, the process variable PV_IN is used as the setpoint. Following
mode of the setpoint to the actual value is enabled only in manual mode (for
internal setpoint and when SPBUMPON = 1), and is primarily used to provide an
adequate setpoint when switching from manual to auto mode.
Error signal
The error signal is generated based on the effective setpoint SP and the actual
value PV_IN and is available at the output ER after the dead band DEADB_W has
Error-Signal Monitoring
The error signal ER is monitored to alarm limits (ERL_ALM, ERH_ALM) using a
common hysteresis (ER_HYS) and displayed at the corresponding outputs
Actual-Value Monitoring
The actual value PV_IN is monitored to warning and alarm limits (PVL_ALM,
PVL_WRN, PVH_WRN, PVH_ALM) using a common hysteresis (HYS) and
displayed at the corresponding outputs (QPVL_ALM, QPVL_WRN, QPVH_WRN,
Physical Normalization
The error signal ER is normalized from the physical measuring range of the actual
value (NM_PVHR, NM_PVLR) to a percentage.
ERnormalized = ∗ 100
After the PID algorithm has been executed, the scaling of the manipulated variable
is converted from a percentage to the physical measuring range of the manipulated
LMN normalized
LMN = NM _ LMNLR + ∗ ( NM _ LMNHR − NM _ LMNLR )
Internal or external setpoints, actual values and the corresponding parameters are
entered in the physical measuring range of the actual value.
The manual value, following value of the manipulated variable, switching-in of
disturbance variables, as well as the corresponding parameters, are all entered in
the physical measuring range of the manipulated variable.
The controller GAIN is specified in normalized (dimensionless) format.
⎛ 1 TV ∗ s ⎞
LMN normalized = GAIN ∗ ⎜⎜1 + + ⎟⎟ ∗ ERnormalized
⎝ TN ∗ s 1 + TM _ LAG ∗ s ⎠
Refer to: Complex number
The manipulated variable is then denormalized.
This formula describes a standard case in which the proportional, integral, and
derivative components are enabled, and the proportional and derivative
components are not in a feedback path. (P_SEL = TRUE, TN <> 0,
For example, for TN = 0, an offset calculated from the physical variable
LMN_OFF (operating point) is added. You can find additional information in
"Block Diagram of CTRL_PID".
Manual operation
The manipulated variable is set by the operator at OS via the input MAN_OP. The
manipulated variable is operated and limited via the OP_A_LIM or OP_A_RJC
block (range MAN_HLM - MAN_LLM). The QVHL and QVLL output values of the
OP_A_LIM or OP_A_RJC block are passed on to the QLMN_HLM and
QLMN_LLM outputs.
Auto Mode
The PID algorithm calculates the manipulated variable. The control parameters
GAIN, TN, TV and TM_LAG cannot be interconnected by default. If they must be
interconnected for exceptional applications such as gain scheduling, the
corresponding system attribute "s7_link" must be modified. Please note that
parameter changes during auto mode may lead to surges of the manipulated
• The controller direction of control action can be reversed (rising error signal
causes a falling manipulated variable) by setting a negative proportional GAIN
value. The proportional action can be disabled by setting P_SEL = 0, The
integral action can be disabled by setting TN = 0. If the manipulated variable
LMN is limited for auto mode, the integrator is set to hold (anti-wind-up). The
direction of action of the integrator is reversed by inverting the sign at
parameter TN.
• Operating point (input LMN_OFF): In automatic mode, this value replaces the
integral action of the PID algorithm when the integral action is disabled. The
operating point is entered in the measuring range of the manipulated variable.
Following mode
In this state (LMN_SEL = 1) the manipulated variable is fetched from the
interconnected tracked value LMN_TRK and set at the output. The outputs
QLMN_HLM and QLMN_LLM are set to FALSE. "Following" operating mode takes
priority over all other operating modes, which means that you can use this input to
configure an emergency-off circuit for the system.
We also recommend that you set a directional lock of the integrator at the master
controller, which takes effect when the slave controller reaches a manipulated
variable limit, by interconnecting (with positive controller operating direction) the
INT_HPOS and INT_HNEG inputs of the master controller with the QLMN_HLM
and QLMN_LLM outputs of the slave controller.
Mode Change
This can be triggered either by operator control or via interconnected inputs.
External/Internal Setpoint
Changeover is carried out between the external and internal setpoint by OS
operation of the SPEXTSEL_OP input or interconnection of SPEXON_L. You must
set the corresponding enable inputs SPINT_EN, SPEXT_EN or the selection input
LIOP_INT_SEL to enable these changeovers.
If SPBUMPON = 1, the internal setpoint is replaced with the effective setpoint in
order to allow a bumpless changeover from external or following mode to internal
Changeover is carried out between manual and auto mode by OS operation of the
AUT_ON_OP input or interconnection of AUT_L. You must set the corresponding
enable inputs MANOP_EN, AUTOP_EN or the selection input LIOP_MAN_SEL to
enable this changeover.
QAUTOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from FALSE (manual mode) to TRUE
(auto mode).
QMANOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from TRUE (auto mode) to FALSE
(manual mode).
AUT_ON_OP is tracked or reset as required.
Notice: When this formula is applied, the integrator may be loaded with
extremely high numeric values if at the time of changeover the field value
overshoots, i.e., an extremely high proportional component has developed.
Additional measures have been implemented as of V6.0 to allow flexible
limiting of the integral component.
The derivative component is disabled and compensated.
Startup Characteristics
During CPU startup, the internal setpoint of the CTRL_PID is set in manual mode.
The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly. In CFC engineering, this is
handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you must manually enter this
call in the startup OB.
After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The CTRL_PID block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• The functions for monitoring the actual value and error signal limits,
• the CSF signal, which is referenced as a control system error by
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart,
The table lists message texts of the CTRL_PID block and their assignment to the
block parameters.
To print out this block diagram, open the "Print" dialog box and select the
"Landscape format" page setting. The diagram is then printed on two pages,
which you can attach to one another if required.
AUTOP_EN 1 = Enable AUTO mode BOOL 1 I Q
AUX_PRx Associated value x ANY 0 IO Q
BA_EN Release by BATCH BOOL 0 I Q +
BA_ID BATCH: Batch serial number DWORD 0 I Q +
BA_NA Batch name STRING '' I Q +
CSF Control System Fault BOOL 0 I Q
DEADB_W Dead band width REAL 0 I + >= 0
DFDB_SEL Set D action in feedback BOOL 0 I Q
(1 = enabled)
DISV Error variable REAL 0 I Q
ER Error signal REAL 0 O +
ER_HYS Hysteresis for monitoring the REAL 0.1 I + >= 0
error signal
ERH_ALM Error signal: REAL 100 I + > DEADBW
High limit alarm
ERL_ALM Error signal: REAL -100 I + < -DEADBW
Low limit alarm
GAIN Proportional gain REAL 1 I +
HYS Hysteresis REAL 5 I + >= 0
INT_HNEG Freeze integral component (neg. BOOL 0 I Q
1 = Enabled
INT_HPOS Freeze integral component (pos. BOOL 0 I Q
1 = Enabled
LIOP_INT_ 1 = Interconnection active BOOL 0 I Q
SEL 0 = Operator control enabled
LIOP_MAN 1 = Interconnection active BOOL 0 I Q
_SEL 0 = Operator control enabled
LMN Manipulated value output REAL 0 O
LMN_HLM High limit: manipulated variable REAL 100 I Q + LMN_HLM >
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP LMN_SEL - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon CTRL_PID
• Faceplate CTRL_PID
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
The CTRL_S controller block is a step controller for process-control systems in
which integral-action actuating elements (for example, motor-driven valves) are
used. The valves are controlled by means of two binary control signals.
The operating principle of the step controller is based on a combination of the PID
algorithm of a sampling controller and a downstream position controller. In the
process, the continuous control signal is converted into a sequence of control
The configuration can be used to activate or deactivate the following sub-functions
of the PID algorithm and thus adapt these to the process:
• Modes: Manual mode, automatic or tracking
• Monitoring limits of the control variable and error signal as well as message
generation via the ALARM_8P block
• Disturbance variable input
Operating principle
PI step controllers are commonly used applications. In this mode, the step
response of the controller is as follows:
P0 Starting pulse
P Sequential pulse
t0 Starting instant
te Duration of the starting pulse
ti Pulse width (= PULSE_TM)
tp Pause width
(depending on the parameter assignment, does therefore not correspond to
The faceplate (loop display) is displayed as the effective manipulated variable of input
parameter LMNR_IN. The position feedback is interconnected to this parameter.
Control input LMNR_ON can be used to set this variable in the control algorithm. If
LMNR_ON = 0, the controller operates without position feedback.
If oscillation develops at the control-valve action due to a lag in position feedback,
use a step controller without position feedback and switch the feedback to input
PV_IN. You can compensate the dead time response of the control valve at the PI
parameters GAIN and TN. Use CTRL_PID as the master controller (cf. cascade
control) for controlling the actual process.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Signal Processing in the Setpoint and Actual-Value Branches of CTRL_S
Generation of Control Signals for CTRL_S
Manual, Auto and Following Mode, and Cascading of CTRL_S
CTRL_S Mode Change
Error Handling of CTRL_S
Startup Behavior, Dynamic Response and Message response of CTRL_S
Block Diagram of CTRL_S
I/Os of CTRL_S
Message Texts and Associated Values of CTRL_S
Operating and Monitoring of CTRL_S
Setpoint Generation
The setpoint SP can be fetched from three different sources. The table below
specifies which source is used, depending on the statuses of the SP_TRK_ON and
Internal Setpoint
The internal setpoint SP_OP is operated and limited via OP_A_LIM/OP_A_RJC
(range SP_LLM - SP_HLM).
External Setpoint
The external setpoint SP_EXT can be interconnected and is limited to the range
The change in the internal or external setpoint is limited to a maximum gradient
(SPDRLM, SPURLM), if the setpoint ramp has been enabled (SPRAMPOF = 0).
Tracked Setpoint
If SP_TRK_ON = 1, the process variable PV_IN is used as the setpoint. Following
of the setpoint to the actual value is enabled only in manual mode (for internal
setpoint and when SPBUMPON = 1), and is primarily used to provide an
adequate setpoint when switching from manual to auto mode.
Error signal
The error signal is generated based on the effective setpoint SP and the actual
value PV_IN and is available at the output ER after the dead band DEADB_W has
Error-Signal Monitoring
The error signal ER is monitored to alarm limits (ERL_ALM, ERH_ALM) using a
common hysteresis (ER_HYS) and displayed at the corresponding outputs
Actual-Value Monitoring
The actual value PV_IN is monitored to warning and alarm limits (PVL_ALM,
PVL_WRN, PVH_WRN, PVH_ALM) using a common hysteresis (HYS) and
displayed at the corresponding outputs (QPVL_ALM, QPVL_WRN, QPVH_WRN,
Physical Normalization
The error signal ER is normalized from the physical measuring range of the actual
value (NM_PVHR, NM_PVLR) to a percentage.
ERnormalized = ∗ 100
Internal or external setpoints, actual values and the corresponding parameters are
entered in the physical measuring range of the actual value.
The operating range of the valve is normalized to 0 to 100. Manual values, tracking
values of the manipulated variable and disturbance variables are entered as
The controller GAIN is specified in normalized (dimensionless) format.
Control Signals
Control signals can be generated from various sources. The tables below specify
which source is used, depending on the statuses of the control inputs:
External: The setpoint is program-controlled and is set via interconnected inputs or by
(1): The setting is only checked when there is a changeover at the OS.
(2): Control signal operation may not be enabled. ( = not (LMNSOPON and (LMNUP_OP xor
LMNDN_OP)) ). Signal operation via LMNUP_OP or LMNDN_OP takes priority over
manipulated-variable operation via MAN_OP.
The analog manipulated variable of the PID algorithm is generated as follows:
⎛ 1 TV ∗ s ⎞
LMN un lim ited = GAIN ∗ ⎜⎜1 + + ⎟⎟ ∗ ERnormalized
⎝ TN ∗ s 1 + TM _ LAG ∗ s ⎠
Refer to: Complex number
This formula describes a standard case in which the proportional, integral, and
derivative actions are enabled, and the proportional and derivative actions are not
in a feedback path. (P_SEL = TRUE, TN <> 0, PFDB_SEL = FALSE und
For example, for TN = 0, an offset calculated from the physical variable LMN_OFF
(operating point) is added. For additional information, refer to the section "Block
diagram of the CTRL_PID".
The response threshold is set to minimum in the following cases (also if
• Manual or following mode of step controllers without position feedback
• Controllers without integral component (TN = 0 s)
Manual operation
Manual mode offers you three options for operating control signals:
• Manipulated variable preset via MAN_OP
• Stepping mode of MAN_OP
• Direct operation of control signals via actuating commands
Operation of MAN_OP via manipulated-variable preset or direct operation is only
possible in control systems with position feedback (LMNR_ON = 1). It is operated
and limited via OP_A_LIM or OP_A_RJC (range MAN_HLM - MAN_LLM). The
QVHL and QVLL output values of OP_A_LIM or OP_A_RJC are passed on to the
QLMN_HLM and QLMN_LLM outputs. The value of MAN_OP is then passed to
output LMN and the motor is traveled via the control signals until the value of the
position feedback LMNR_IN reaches the value of MAN_OP.
Direct operation of control signals via actuating commands is, however also
possible in control systems operating with and without position feedback. Signal
operation is enabled with LMNSOPON and the control signals are set with
LMNUP_OP or LMNDN_OP. The valve is then driven until the operation is disabled
or the end position is achieved.
Control signal operation takes priority over manipulated variable operation. If
MAN_OP is not the effective input signal, the value is tracked to LMNR_IN.
Auto Mode
The PID algorithm calculates the manipulated variable LMN. The control
parameters GAIN, TN, TV and TM_LAG cannot be interconnected by default. If
they must be interconnected for exceptional applications such as gain scheduling,
the corresponding s7_link system attribute must be modified. Please note that
parameter changes during auto mode may lead to surges of the manipulated
• The controller direction of control action can be reversed (rising error signal
causes a falling manipulated variable) by setting a negative proportional GAIN
value. The proportional action can be disabled by setting P_SEL = 0, the
integral action can be disabled by setting TN = 0. In the case of control
systems with position feedback, the integral action can be locked for a
particular direction by interconnecting input INTH_POS or INTH_NEG.
• Within the scope of the anti-windup measures, the integrator is automatically
stopped when the limit switch is tripped LMNR_HS or LMNR_LS or if the
position feedback LMNR_IN is active and exits the LMN_HLM, LMN_LLM
• Operating point (input LMN_OFF): In automatic mode, this value replaces the
integral action of the PID algorithm when the integral action is disabled. The
operating point is entered in the measuring range of the manipulated variable.
• The derivative action is a delaying component. It can be disabled by setting
TV = 0. You should set a meaningful ratio between the time lag constant
TM_LAG and the derivative time. This ratio is also referred to as derivative
gain (maximum of the unit response of the derivative component) and normally
lies in the range 5 < TV/TM_LAG < 10.
• Setting a proportional action in the feedback branch of the controller. When
PFDB_SEL = TRUE, the proportional action is set in the feedback of the
controller. In this case, a control step does not affect the proportional
component so that overshoot can be reduced or avoided when the setpoint
value changes without changing the tracking characteristics. Changing over
PFDB_SEL in auto mode leads to extreme surges of the manipulated
variables. Therefore we recommend that you change over PFDB_SEL in
manual mode.
• Setting a derivative action in the feedback branch of the controller. When
DFDB_SEL = TRUE, the derivative action is set in the feedback of the
controller. In this case, a control step does not affect the derivative component.
The changeover of DFDB_SEL is not bumpless.
The calculated manipulated variable is then converted into a sequence of actuating
pulses. The algorithm for generating the actuating pulse is influenced by the
following parameters:
• MTR_TM: Motor actuating time = Time required to cover the maximum travel
distance of the valve.
• PULSE_TM: Minimum pulse width. The smallest step a valve travels. Amounts
to 100%*PULSE_TM/MTR_TM.
• BREAK_TM: Minimum break time: After an actuating pulse has terminated, this
period must expire before a new pulse can be output.
• LMNR_HS, LMNR_LS: Limit switch. If one of the limit switches is set, the
corresponding output signal QLMNUP or QLMNDN is locked.
• At the negative edge of the motor-protection signal MSS, the motor protection
error is held and passed to output QMSS_ST. The parameter MSS_SIG is
used to specify whether only to display an error message (MSS_SIG = 0), or
whether the motor is to be limited irrespective of all other inputs and system
states (MSS_SIG = 1). The motor protection error (QMSS_ST = 1) is reported
to the OS. The operator can reset QMSS_ST via the ERROR input, or it is
reset automatically by setting an interconnection with L_RESET = 1.
• LMNR_ON: If LMNR_ON is used controlling is performed with position
feedback. The control input may not be changed over while an operation is
• DEADB_W: The dead band in the error signal is necessary in order to reduce
switching frequency of the controller as a result of minor error signal
fluctuations around zero. At the operating point of the loop, the error signal
changes around the value: (100% *PULSE_TM/MTR_TM) * Process gain.
Hence, the dead band should be greater than 50% of this value. If DEADB_W
is negative, the dead band is ignored.
Following mode
There are two options of handling control signals in following mode:
• Following via the external manipulated variable LMN_TRK
• Direct control of the control signals via the interconnected inputs LMNS_ON,
Following via an external manipulated variable LMN_TRK is only possible in control
systems with position feedback. The setting LMN_SEL = 1 is used the pass the
manipulated variable from the interconnected tracked value LMN_TRK to output
LMN. The valve is traveled via the control signals until the value of the position
feedback LMNR_IN has reached the value of LMN_TRK.
The following mode using LMNS_ON with direct connection of the control signals
over the LMNUP and LMNDN interconnected inputs has the highest priority of all
operating modes. If LMNS_ON is set, the control signals can only be set via the
inputs LMNUP or LMNDN. As long as LMNS_ON is set, all other influences on the
control signals are suppressed.
Mode Change
This can be triggered either by operator control or via interconnected inputs.
External/Internal Setpoint
Depending on the setting of the LIOP_INT_SEL selection input, changeover is
carried out between the external and internal setpoint by OS operation of the
SPEXTSEL_OP input or interconnection of SPEXON_L. You must set the
corresponding enable inputs SPINT_EN, SPEXT_EN to enable this changeover.
If SPBUMPON = 1, the internal setpoint is replaced with the effective setpoint in
order to allow a bumpless changeover from external or following mode to internal
Depending on the setting of the LIOP_MAN_SEL selection input, changeover is
carried out between manual and auto mode by OS operation of the AUT_ON_OP
input or interconnection of AUT_L. You must set the corresponding enable inputs
MANOP_EN, AUTOP_EN to enable this changeover.
QAUTOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from FALSE (manual mode) to TRUE
(auto mode).
QMANOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from TRUE (auto mode) to FALSE
(manual mode).
AUT_ON_OP is tracked or reset as required.
LMNSOPON and (LMNUP_OP xor 0 -
Special measures are applied for the modes listed below in order to ensure a
bumpless changeover:
• Setpoint external/setpoint tracking: If SPBUMPON = TRUE, the internal
setpoint SP_OP is set to the effective (external or tracked) setpoint.
• Auto mode: The manual value MAN_OP is tracked to the value of the effective
manipulated variable LMNR_IN.
• Following mode: When LMN_SEL is set, the manually input value MAN_OP is
tracked to the value of LMN_TRK. You can thus see up to which value the
valve is traveled. When LMN_SEL is canceled, MAN_OP will be reset to the
value of LMNR_IN, in order to ensure a bumpless changeover when MAN_OP
is set.
• Manual mode: In control systems with position feedback the integrator is
tracked to allow a bumpless changeover to auto mode.
Integrated component = manipulated variable ( in [%] ) minus the proportional
component minus the disturbance variable ( in [%] )
Startup Characteristics
During CPU startup, the internal setpoint of the CTRL_S is set in manual mode.
The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly. In CFC engineering, this is
handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you must manually enter this
call in the startup OB.
After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
MAN_OP and LMN with LMNR_IN are initialized during the startup. The integral
action is set to zero.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The CTRL_S block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• the functions for monitoring the actual value and system deviation limits
• the CSF signal QMSS_ST, which is referenced as a control system error by
means of interconnection
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart,
The table lists message texts of the CTRL_S block and their assignment to the
block parameters.
To print out this block diagram, open the "Print" dialog box and select the
"Landscape format" page setting. The diagram is then printed on two pages,
which you can attach to one another if required.
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon CTRL_S
• Faceplate CTRL_S
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
An analog value of the input U is not passed to output V until a definable number of
cycles DEADT have expired. The following equation applies:
V(t) = U(t-Tdead), where Tdead = DEADT ∗ Tsampling
You can find additional information about time 0 < t < Tdead in "Startup Behavior".
Operating principle
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
If the parameter DEADT is < 0 or if DEADT > 16, the value DEADT = 16 is used
internally for calculation, ENO = 0 or QERR = 1 is displayed.
Startup Characteristics
During a CPU startup or when the dead time parameter DEADT is modified, the
active input value U is written to the internal dead time buffer.
Dynamic response
The block is called in a watchdog interrupt OB in order to satisfy all block functions.
You can calculate the dead time Tdead according to the following formula:
• Tdead = DEADT ∗ Tsampling
Tsampling is equal to the sampling time of the block.
• When configuring with CFC, the higher-level runtime group of the block and its
sampling parameter may have to be taken into consideration.
Block DIF_P approximates a DT1 action and operates according to the trapezoid
v(s) = TD ∗ s / (TM_LAG ∗ s + 1) ∗ u(s)
Operating principle
The algorithm operates according to the trapezoid rule. The following steps are
carried out in addition:
• The high limit of output V is set to V_HL, the low limit to V_LL. Internal
calculation is not affected by the limiting function.
• The assigned output Q_HL or Q_LL is set when limiting is active.
• The parameter setting TD = 0 is allowed and results in V = 0 = const. Negative
values for TD are also allowed and have the effect of inverting the sign of the
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
In case of an overflow/underflow, the REAL value of the high/low limit is set in the
result V and ENO is set high. The following configuration errors will also lead to
ENO = 0 (QERR = TRUE) and V=0:
• V_LL > 0
• V_HL < 0
Startup Characteristics
After a CPU startup, the internal flag for the old value of input U is tracked to this
input. This ensures that the output value V is "0" during the first cyclic operation.
Dynamic Response
The block is called in a watchdog interrupt OB.
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block DIG_MON is used to monitor a digital process tag with chatter suppression.
Both the signal status and the state of the control system (external control system
faults, channel faults) belong to the measuring point. The parameter MSG_CLAS
can be used to determine the message class of the measuring point.
Operating principle
The block monitors changes of the digital value at input Ix. The timer is retriggered
at each edge of the input signal. After the waiting time set in SUPPTIME has
expired, the value of input Ix is passed to output Q.
This ensures that only the signals held at least until the period set in SUPPTIME
has expired will be passed to the output. Signals changing at a faster rate will not
be passed on.
When SUPPTIME < SAMPLE_T, the input value Ix will be passed to output Q.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
QERR=1 if the message-class configuration is invalid. An error message is not
output in this case. You can find additional information in "Message response".
Startup Characteristics
During CPU startup the old initial value Q is retained. Monitoring of changes is re-
enabled after the restart. The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly. In
CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you
must manually enter this call in the startup OB.
After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
Dynamic response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The DIG_MON block uses the ALARM_8P block (MSG_EVID) for generating
messages (1 to 6 and 8). Message 7 does not require acknowledgement and is
generated via NOTIFY (MSG_EVID1).
The following message triggers exist:
• A change of the output signal Q
• The CSF signal received as a control system error via interconnection.
Process messages (not the control system messages!) can be locked by setting
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart,
Message Classes
A change at output Q can be signaled to the OS with a selectable message class
by configuring the MSG_CLAS input.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DIG_MON
Operating and Monitoring of DIG_MON
Message No. Block Parameter Default Message Text Message Can be Suppressed
1 Q & MSG_CLAS = 1 $$BlockComment$$ AH MSG_LOCK
alarm high
2 Q & MSG_CLAS = 2 $$BlockComment$$ WH MSG_LOCK
warning high
3 Q & MSG_CLAS = 3 $$BlockComment$$ TH MSG_LOCK
tolerance high
4 Q & MSG_CLAS = 4 $$BlockComment$$ TL MSG_LOCK
tolerance low
5 Q & MSG_CLAS = 5 $$BlockComment$$ WL MSG_LOCK
warning low
6 Q & MSG_CLAS = 6 $$BlockComment$$ AL MSG_LOCK
alarm low
7 no
8 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
Message no.
Q & MSG_CLAS = 7 $$BlockComment$$ OR MSG_LOCK
Operator request
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters I - - - - MSG_LOCK BA_EN OCCUPIED
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - Q
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
• Block Icon DIG_MON
• Faceplate DIG_MON
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
The block coordinates the reading of the data set of blocks FM_CNT, FMCS_PID,
FMT_PID or READ355P. The block is installed and the parameters interconnected
by the driver generator.
It is possible to include data set reading blocks from other modules in the
Operating principle
The FM_CO block can start a maximum of 8 block chains.
The blocks connected to the output structure EN_COx check whether the current
coordination number (EN_COx.CO_ACT) corresponds to their own coordination
number. If this is the case, they read their data sets from the module and reduce
the coordination number EN_COx.CO_ACT by 1, so that the next block can read
out its data sets.
If the current coordination number of a sequence (EN_COx.CO_ACT) has a value
less than 1, the FM_CO block determines the highest number assigned in
sequence x based on its inputs ENCOx_yy. The inputs ENCOx_yy
(yy = coordination number) are provided by the data set reading blocks by
connecting to their respective coordination number. The highest coordination
number is the number for which ENCOx_yy = yy still applies. The FM_CO module
restarts the sequence in which it sets EN_COx.CO_ACT to this value.
This algorithm ensures that no more than one read data record operation ever
takes place at a given moment.
Calling OBs
The fastest watchdog alarm OB of all OBs, in which you have installed blocks
FM_CNT, FMCS_PID, FMT_PID or READ355P and also the OB100.
Use in CFC
When using the CFC function "Generate Module Drivers," the block is
automatically installed and the connections, such as those described under
"Installation regulation" are made.
If you install, delete or move blocks of an existing block chain in other OBs or
runtime groups, the driver generator must be called.
Should the sequence not start up as expected (after CPU restart) or not continue to
run (after downloading changes), you must set ACC_ID to 1.
Installation rules
An FM_CO is responsible for a DP master system (chain). On this DP master
system, a maximum of 8 DP slaves (only ET 200M) can be operated with at least
one FM 350, FM 355 or FM355-2 module. A station (19" frame) can include up to 4
FM 355 modules. An FM 355 can be configured for 1 to 4 controller channels, in
other words, a maximum of 16 control channels can be operated with one DP
In the following, only the FMCS_PID block , which also represents FM_CNT,
FMT_PID or READ355P is taken into consideration. The FM_CO must always be
installed before the first FMCS_PID block in the fastest watchdog alarm OB. The
output structure EN_COx for the rack x is connected to the input structures
EN_COx of all FMCS_PID blocks, which communicate to controller modules of
rack x. The output ENCO of each FMCS_PID block is connected to an input
ENCOx_yy (yy corresponds to the coordination number CO_NO assigned to each
FMCS_PID block) of the FM_CO block.
As described above, 8 DP slaves can be operated with one FM_CO block 8 on a
DP master system.
The selection of the watchdog alarm OB depends on the utilization of the CPU.
Please note that, when using 8 DP slaves, the CPU has no reserves for other
"Read data record" jobs because only up to 8 jobs can be buffered per DP master
system. As soon as a module is inserted this causes an overflow. It is
recommended that you operate a maximum of 6 DP slaves on one DP master
system. The remaining DP slaves must be distributed on other DP master systems
with further FM_CO blocks.
To achieve a constant time cycle for the read data of the FM 355, it is advisable to
install the blocks in an OB36 (50 ms). Make sure that with the number of blocks
you install means a maximum execution time for OB36 of approximately 25 ms. If
the FMCS_PID blocks to be processed exceed the runtime limit, group the DP
slaves with the FM 355 modules in fast and slow control loops.
Startup Characteristics
During the startup (restart), all outputs EN_CO_x.CO_ACT = 1 are set.
Dynamic response
Message response
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Fields of application
Block FMCS_PID is used to interface the FM 355 controller block.
It can be used for the C (continuous controllers) and S (step and pulse controllers)
module types. It does not in itself contain any control algorithms, since the control
functions are carried out exclusively on the module. You can use the FMCS_PID
block to monitor all relevant process variables and to change all relevant controller
Application examples of the FM 355 and detailed descriptions of the input and
output parameters can be found in the manual of the controller module FM 355.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The parameter CO_NO is parameterized
• The input EN_CO is connected to the output EN_CO_x of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack)
• Output ENCO is interconnected with input ENCOx_yy of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack, yy = coordination number).
You can find additional information about dependencies in "FM_CO".
Calling OBs
Watchdog OB: e.g., OB32
The block is be installed with the same instance in the startup block OB100
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Acquisition of Process Values Via the Process Image
Generation of Setpoints, Limits, Error Signals and Manipulated Variables
Manual, Auto and Following Mode
Mode Change
Safety Mode
Download Parameters to the Module
Read Data From the Module
Error Handling
Startup Behavior, Dynamic Response and Message response
Backup Mode of the FM 355
Message Texts and Associated Values of FMCS_PID
Operating and Monitoring of FMCS_PID Addressing
The controller channel of an FM 355 belonging to the instance is addressed via its
logical base address (set in HW Config) (LADDR input) and the controller channel
number (CHANNEL input, valid values = 1 to 4). 1 to 4 are the allowed values for
the CHANNEL input. ACC_MODE must be set to TRUE after a change is made to
The FM 355 module is monitored with the blocks of the PCS 7 Library. INput
MODE is interconnected with the OMODE output of the MOD_D1 block. The block
communicates only via the FM 355 control channel. Hence, the measurement
range coding in the low word of the output OMODE is irrelevant and assigned zero.
The FMCS_PID block forms the interface between the control module (FM 355)
and the blocks of the SIMATIC PCS 7 Library and can also be interconnected with
other SIMATIC S7 blocks.
The block and the controller module operate asynchronously to each other.
All the relevant process and disturbance variables are provided by the module and
can only be read by the block. The block can furthermore transfer various operating
modes and settings to the controller module.
The process values are read cyclically. (Exceptions: SP (setpoint from the FM), ER
(error), DISV (disturbance), LMN_A and LMN_B ). They are, however, only
updated after every 4th cycle. Additional information is available in "Acquisition of
Process Values Via the Process Image".
The parameters SP (setpoint from the FM), ER (error signal), DISV (disturbance
variable), LMN_A, and LMN_B can only be read from the FM 355 using "Read data
record" (SFC59). You can find additional information in "Read Via Data Record".
A quality code that can assume the following statuses is generated for process
values PV and LMN:
OP_SEL Input
As a rule, the FM 355 obtains its parameters via the block. Each change to a
parameter in the block is passed to the module. If, however, you want to change a
parameter directly at the FM 355 via the operator panel (OP), you first have to
enable this function at OP_SEL (OP_SEL = 1). OP_SEL must be reset if you want
to restrict operator control and configuration via the block again after the OP has
been used.
When configuration via the OP is enabled, the controller module does not accept
any parameters from the block. However, the blocks continues to update the
process variables SP_OP_ON, LMNOP_ON, SP_OP and LMN, thus allowing a
bumpless changeover to the mode in which configuration is carried out by the
block. The remaining parameters (for example, GAIN) are overwritten with the data
of the block instance when you set OP_SEL = 0. The entries made with the OP are
lost, if you have not entered the data in the block instance before reversing
Some of the parameters can be specified via the FMCS_PID block in addition to
the configuration tool. These two parameter sets may deviate. The SDB_SEL input
at the block is available to avoid such a conflict. SDB_SEL = 1 is used to specify
that the module only reads these parameters from the block and not from the
configuration tool. SDB_SEL = 0 is used to specify that the module should accept
these parameters from the configuration tool and from the block. Please note that
the parameters from the configuration tool are sent to the module after every
STOP-RUN transition of the CPU. The parameters of the block, on the other hand,
are sent to the module each time there is a change at the block input.
When configuration via the OP is permitted, the operator inputs are disabled with
the following exception: The operation OP_SEL = 0 (operation disable via OP) is
possible. Acquisition and Writing of Process Values Via the Process Image
Limit Generation
Depending on the input MONERSEL, the controller module monitors either the
process variable PV (MONERSEL = 0) or the error signal ER (MONERSEL = 1) for
warning and alarm limits (L_WRN, H_WRN, L_ALM, H_ALM). Monitoring is carried
out with the common hysteresis HYS.
The block makes the monitoring result available at the QL_WRN, QH_WRN,
QL_ALM and QH_ALM outputs. While monitoring the actual value PV, the block
signals any violation of the high and low limits, unless message suppression has
been enabled.
Error signal
The error signal is generated by the controller module, based on the active setpoint
SP and the process variable PV and is made available at output ER of the block.
After the dead band DEADB_W has expired, the error signal is processed further in
the PID algorithm. A disturbance variable is not added.
Manual mode
The manipulated variable is determined by operator control at input LMN_OP
(stepping mode is also possible here). When changing over to automatic mode, the
module takes over the manipulated variable set "manually" as the operating point.
"Manual mode" takes priority over "Following mode".
Manual mode for step controller:
Actuating commands can be used for direct control of the control signal for step
controllers. Signal operation is enabled with LMNSOPON and the control signals
are set with LMNUP_OP or LMNDN_OP. The valve is then driven until the
operation is disabled or the end position is achieved.
The control signal operation has priority over the manipulated value operation via
The LMN_OP input cannot be controlled when step controllers without position
feedback are used.
Auto Mode
The manipulated variable is calculated by the PID or fuzzy algorithm of the module.
The control parameters GAIN, TI, TD and TM_LAG can be interconnected.
The controller's direction of control can be reversed (rising error signal causes a
falling manipulated variable) by setting a negative proportional GAIN.
The integral action can be disabled by setting TI = 0.
The operator-controllable manipulated-variable input LMN_OP is tracked to the
LMN output so that bumpless changeover from automatic to manual mode is
External/Internal Setpoint
Changeover is carried out between the external and internal setpoint by OS
operation of the SPEXTSEL_OP input or interconnection of SPEXON_L. You must
set the corresponding enable inputs SPINT_EN, SPEXT_EN or the selection input
LIOP_INT_SEL to enable these changeovers.
SP_OP_ON must be set TRUE to enable operator control of the setpoint.
The operating mode is changed over by OS operation of the AUT_ON_OP input or
interconnection of AUT_L. You must set the corresponding enable inputs
MANOP_EN, AUTOP_EN or the selection input LIOP_MAN_SEL to enable this
LMNOP_ON must be set TRUE to enable manual control of the variable.
QAUTOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from FALSE (manual mode) to TRUE
(auto mode).
QMANOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from TRUE (auto mode) to FALSE
(manual mode).
AUT_ON_OP is tracked or reset as required.
Error Displays
Block FMCS_PID supplies the following error displays:
Startup Characteristics
During CPU startup or initial run of block FMCS_PID, the operating modes
MANUAL and INTERNAL are set.
In OB100, QDONE is set to 0.
After a CPU restart or when ACC_MODE is set to 1, the block is not operable for
up to approximately 30 seconds.
The block uses the first 30 seconds after a restart (OB100) or after ACC_MODE is
set to 1 to detect whether the block instance is installed in more than one OB. If
you then move the blocks to another OB, a restart must be performed or
ACC_MODE must be set to 1 after compiling and downloading (otherwise you will
receive the error message QPARF_FM = 1, and the block will not provide any
more data).
The configuration tool can be configured in HW Config with Save/Compile and
Download and written to the SDB (system data). These SDB parameters can
deviate from the block parameters. When SDB_SEL = 0, the SDB parameters
are sent to the module at every STOP-RUN transition of the CPU. The block
parameters are written to the module, however, a few cycles later. With
SDB_SEL = 1, the module does not load the SDB parameters at a STOP-RUN
transition of the CPU. This avoids a jump in the manipulated variable when the
SDB parameters deviate from the block parameters.
Dynamic Response
Message response
The FMCS_PID block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• the functions for monitoring the actual value/system deviation limits
• the function for monitoring the module hardware (executed primarily by the
MOD_D1 block)
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart,
Parameters with the same names as those related to FB "PID_CS" also have the
same meanings. You can find additional information in Manual Controller Module
FM 355, Structuring and Configuring.
Message No. Block Parameter Default Message Text Message Class Can be
Suppressed By
1 QPERAF/QMODF @6%d@/@7%d@/@8%d@ S -
controller channel error
2 QPARF_FM @6%d@/@7%d@/@8%d@ S -
controller channel
configuration error @5%d@
3 no message -
4 no message -
5 QH_ALM $$BlockComment$$ AH M_SUP_AL,
alarm high MSG_LOCK
6 QH_WRN $$BlockComment$$ WH M_SUP_ER,
warning high MSG_LOCK
7 QL_WRN $$BlockComment$$ WL M_SUP_ER,
warning low MSG_LOCK
8 QL_ALM $$BlockComment$$ AL M_SUP_AL,
alarm low MSG_LOCK
The FM 355 can be configured via HW Config by means of a configuration tool.
Other than the standard counting method 0 to n in PCS 7, this configuration tool
counts the controller and signal channels of a module from 1 to n. The displayed
FM 355 channel error number FM 355 is therefore one count lower than the
number in the configuration tool in the case of hardware errors.
12.10.2002 10.20 Origin FM 355 Wire Break AE Channel 02 Incoming.
However, this corresponds to wire break of the analog input channel 3 in the
configuration tool.
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon FMCS PID
• Faceplate FMCS PID
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Fields of application
The FMT_PID block is used to integrate the FM 355-2 temperature control
It can be used for the module types FM 355-2 C (C controller) and FM 355-2 S (S
and P controller). It does not itself contain a control algorithm, since the PID control
function is performed only on the module. You can use it to monitor all relevant
process variables and to change all relevant controller parameters. You can find
sample applications of the FM 355-2 and detailed descriptions on I/O parameters in
the Temperature-Controller Module FM 355-2 Manual.
The controller parameters can be set via the "Auto-tuning" function on the module
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The parameter CO_NO is parameterized
• The input EN_CO is connected to the output EN_CO_x of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack)
The output ENCO is connected to the input ENCOx_yy of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack, yy = coordination number).
You can find information about dependencies in the description of FM_CO.
Calling OBs
Watchdog OB: e.g., OB32
For additional startup recognition by the driver generator, the block is to be
installed in OB100.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Acquisition of Process Values Via the Process Image
Generation of Setpoints, Limits, Error Signals and Manipulated Variables
Manual, Auto and Following Mode
Mode Change
Safety Mode
Download Parameters to the Module
Read Data From the Module/Working With the Configuration Tool
Optimization (Overview)
Switching Between Different PID Parameter Sets
Error Handling
Startup Behavior, Dynamic Response and Message response
Backup Mode of the FM 355-2
Message Texts and Associated Values of FMT_PID
Operating and Monitoring of FMT_PID Addressing
The controller channel of an FM 355 belonging to the instance is addressed via its
logical base address (set in HW Config) (LADDR input) and the controller channel
number (CHANNEL input, valid values = 1 to 4). 0 to 3 are the allowed values for
the CHANNEL input. ACC_MODE must be set to TRUE after a change is made to
The FM 355-2 module is monitored with the PCS7 blocks of the PCS 7 Library. The
input MODE is connected to the output OMODE of the block MOD_D1. The block
communicates only via the FM 355-2 control channel. Hence, the measurement
range coding in the low word of the output OMODE is irrelevant and assigned zero.
As a rule, the FM 355-2 obtains its parameters via the block. However, you can
also bypass the block (using the configuration tool, for example). The parameters
of the FMT_PID are then updated automatically. This ensures that the parameters
in the FM 355-2 and in the block are always synchronized.
Some of the parameters can be specified via the block in addition to the
configuration tool. These two parameter sets may deviate. The SDB_SEL input at
the block is available to avoid such a conflict. SDB_SEL = 0 is used to specify that
the module should accept these parameters from the configuration tool and from
the block. Note that the parameters from the configuration tool are sent to the
module after every STOP-RUN transition of the CPU. The parameters of the block,
on the other hand, are sent to the module each time there is a change at the block
After HW Config in Run (CiR) is downloaded, the block parameters are not
adjusted to the active parameters on the module. Acquisition and Writing of Process Values Via the Process Image
Limit Generation
Depending on the input MONERSEL, the controller module monitors either the
process variable PV (MONERSEL = 0) or the error signal ER (MONERSEL = 1) for
warning and alarm limits (L_WRN, H_WRN, L_ALM, H_ALM). Monitoring is carried
out with the common hysteresis HYS.
The block makes the monitoring result available at the QL_WRN, QH_WRN,
QL_ALM and QH_ALM outputs. While monitoring the actual value PV, the block
signals any violation of the high and low limits, unless message suppression has
been enabled.
Error signal
The error signal is generated by the controller module, based on the active setpoint
SP and the process variable PV and is made available at output ER of the block.
After the dead band DEADB_W has expired, the error signal is processed further in
the PID algorithm. A disturbance variable is not added.
Manual operation
The manipulated variable is determined by operator control at input LMN_OP
(stepping mode is also possible here). When changing over to automatic mode, the
module takes over the manipulated variable set "manually" as the operating point.
"Manual mode" takes priority over "External Setpoint".
Manual mode for step controller:
Actuating commands can be used for direct control of the control signals for step
controllers. Signal operation is enabled with LMNSOPON and the control signals
are set with LMNUP_OP or LMNDN_OP. The valve is driven until the operation is
disabled or the end position is achieved.
The control signal operation has priority over the manipulated value operation via
The LMN_OP input cannot be controlled when step controllers without position
feedback are used.
Auto Mode
The manipulated variable is calculated by the PID or fuzzy algorithm of the module.
The control parameters GAIN, TI, TD and TM_LAG can be interconnected.
The controller's direction of control can be reversed (rising error signal causes a
falling manipulated variable) by setting a negative proportional GAIN.
The integral action can be disabled by setting TI = 0.
The operator-controllable manipulated-variable input LMN_OP is tracked to the
LMN output so that bumpless changeover from automatic to manual mode is
External/Internal Setpoint
Changeover is carried out between the external and internal setpoint by OS
operation of the SPEXTSEL_OP input or interconnection of SPEXON_L. You must
set the corresponding enable inputs SPINT_EN, SPEXT_EN or the selection input
LIOP_INT_SEL to enable these changeovers.
SP_OP_ON must be set TRUE to enable operator control of the setpoint.
The operating mode is changed over by OS operation of the AUT_ON_OP input or
interconnection of AUT_L. You must set the corresponding enable inputs
MANOP_EN, AUTOP_EN or the selection input LIOP_MAN_SEL to enable this
LMNOP_ON must be set TRUE to enable manual control of the variable.
QAUTOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from FALSE (manual mode) to TRUE
(auto mode).
QMANOP = TRUE: AUT_ON_OP can be set from TRUE (auto mode) to FALSE
(manual mode).
AUT_ON_OP is tracked or reset as required. Read Data From the Module/Working With the Configuration Tool
The channel-specific process variables are read by the controller module. You can
find additional information in "Function". The reading process can require several
block calls, in particular in the case of decentralized operation.
You can also bypass the block using the configuration tool, for example. The
parameters of the FMT_PID are then read and updated automatically by the
module. This ensures that the parameters in the FM 355-2 and in the block are
always synchronized.
Proceed according to the following sequence:
• Use the menu command Upload to PG to align the data management of the
configuration tool with the parameters that are effective in the module.
• In the configuration tool, click the "Download to module" command button.
The parameters are written.
• Transfer the modified parameters to the offline data management of the CFC
via Chart > Readback....
Optimization Sequence
The optimization sequence is as follows:
1. Create a stationary state
2. Set PID_ON = TRUE (if PID parameters are required)
3. Configure TUN_DLMN/TUN_CLMN
4. Set TUN_ON = TRUE (phase 1, ready for optimization)
5. Start the optimization using a setpoint step or by setting TUN_ST
If you have not made any configuration errors, the controller optimization is
now in phase 2 and STATUS_H is 0.
6. When the point of inflection has been reached (PHASE >= 3), evaluate the
diagnostics display at the STATUS_H parameter. Phase 0 is reached in a few
cycles for process type I and the optimization is completely ended. For process
types II and III, the optimization goes to Phase 7 (checking the process types).
If STATUS_H > 20000, a valuation error has occurred or the point of inflection
was not reached. In this case, repeat the procedure.
Once the optimization is completed, the parameters PFAC_SP, GAIN, TI, TD, D_F,
CON_ZONE and CONZ_ON are updated (for both the module and at FMT_PID).
The PI or PID parameter sets are saved on the FM 355-2.
More detailed information about the optimization procedure is available in the
manual for the FM 355-2 temperature controller module.
Startup Characteristics
During CPU startup, startup of the FM or initial run of the block, the operating
modes MANUAL and INTERNAL are set and the controller parameters are written
from the block to the module.
In OB100, QDONE is set to 0.
After a CPU restart or when ACC_MODE is set to 1, the block is not operable for
up to approximately 30 seconds.
The block uses the first 30 seconds after a restart (OB100) or after ACC_MODE is
set to 1 to detect whether the block instance is installed in more than one OB. If
you then move the blocks to another OB, a restart must be performed or
ACC_MODE must be set to 1 after compiling and downloading (otherwise you will
receive the error message QPARF_FM = 1, and the block will not provide any
more data).
The configuration tool can be configured in HW Config with Save/Compile and
Download to the SDB (system data). These SDB parameters can deviate from
the block parameters. When SDB_SEL = 0, the SDB parameters are sent to the
module at every STOP-RUN transition of the CPU. The block parameters are
written to the module, however, a few cycles later. With SDB_SEL = 1, the
module does not load the SDB parameters at a STOP-RUN transition of the
CPU. This avoids a jump in the manipulated variable when the SDB parameters
deviate from the block parameters.
Dynamic Response
Message response
The FMT_PID block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• the functions for monitoring the actual value/system deviation limits
• access errors on a module if no higher-level error exists
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart
and MSG_LOCK = TRUE or MSG_STAT = 21.
You can find additional information about the FM 355-2 parameters in the
Temperature Controller FM 355-2 Manual.
Message No. Block Parameter Default Message Text Message Class Can be
Suppressed By
1 QPERAF/QMODF @6%d@/@7%d@/@8%d@ S -
controller channel error
2 QPARF_FM @6%d@/@7%d@/@8%d@ S -
controller channel
configuration error @5%d@
3 no message -
4 no message -
5 QH_ALM $$BlockComment$$ AH M_SUP_AL,
alarm high MSG_LOCK,
6 QH_WRN $$BlockComment$$ WH M_SUP_ER,
warning high MSG_LOCK,
7 QL_WRN $$BlockComment$$ WL M_SUP_ER,
warning low MSG_LOCK,
8 QL_ALM $$BlockComment$$ AL M_SUP_AL,
alarm low MSG_LOCK
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon FMT_PID
• Faceplate FMT PID
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
Forms the time integral of the connected input value:
v(s) = 1 / (TI * s) * u(s)
Operating principle
Block INT_P functions by means of sum generation in accordance with the
trapezoid rule per sampling interval (SAMPLE_T). The result, V internal, lies within
the range V_HL - hyst to V_LL + hyst, as you can see in the figure. Subsequently
the value is written to the output V after an additional limitation to between V_LL
and V_HL.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
Apart from the errors recognized by the operating system, the following
configuration errors are also indicated by the block algorithm via ENO = 0 and
QERR = 1:
• V_LL ≥ V_HL (V = 0)
• SAMPLE_T ≤ 0 (calculation is continued internally with the substitute
value = 1)
• Hysteresis HYS < 0 (calculation is continued internally with the substitute
value = 1)
If TI = 0 then V = 0, if the value is within the limits of V_LL and V_HL, otherwise
V = limit value
Startup Characteristics
If the input parameter RESET = TRUE, the internal historical process data as well
as the output V are reset during startup. The historical process data is retained if
RESET = FALSE. The block must therefore additionally be called from the startup
OB (OB100).
Dynamic Response
The block must be installed in a watchdog interrupt OB.
INT_P structure
Block MEANTM_P is used to calculate a mean time value of an analog input signal
across a configurable past time period, in accordance with the equation:
Vn = ( U1 + U2 +...+Un) / n
where U1...Un are the detected values used for averaging.
Operating principle
During every execution of the block the arithmetic mean value is calculated from
the current input value U and the values saved during the time T_WINDOW. This is
then updated at the output V. The current input value then overwrites the oldest
historical process data.
• The time window across which averaging is to be carried out is entered in the
parameter T_WINDOW.
• The block determines the number n of values to be saved from the integer part
of the quotient T_WINDOW / SAMPLE_T.
• The block can save a maximum of 20 historical process variables internally. A
data reduction is carried out in case of a longer time window.
• The STOP_RES input has the following effect:
- If STOP_RES = "1", the calculation process is stopped. The output value
remains unchanged for the period.
- The mean time value calculation is reset by a falling edge 1 → 0.
• If SAMPLE_T or T_WINDOW is changed, the mean time value is reset.
T_WINDOW and SAMPLE_T must be parameterized in such a way that the
quotient T_WINDOW / SAMPLE_T is not greater than 32748.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
Error handling
Only by means of the operating system.
Startup Characteristics
If the block was active before the CPU stop, and continues to calculate afterwards,
the CPU out-time relative to T_WINDOW has to be taken into consideration. This
allows you to decide whether the result can still be used or whether the calculation
process has to be reset via the input STOP_RES.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called from a watchdog interrupt OB.
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block MEAS_MON is used to monitor a measured value (analog signal) with
regard to the limit pairs:
• warning limit (high/low)
• alarm limit (high/low)
Operating principle
The block monitors the measured value at input U. The high or low transgression of
a limit is indicated at a corresponding output and signaled if applicable. Further
information is available in the "Message response" section.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is in the same OB and after the block whose measured value is to
be monitored, and also in OB100.
Error handling
In the event of arithmetical errors the outputs ENO = 0 and QERR = 1 will be set.
Startup Characteristics
After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
Dynamic Response
No dynamic response. The block is to run in the same runtime group (see CFC)
with the measured-value producer.
Message response
The MEAS_MON block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• the functions for monitoring the measured value limits
• the CSF signal, which is referenced as a control system error by
Messages regarding limit infringements can be suppressed individually via the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles since restart have not yet elapsed or
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MEAS_MON
Operating and Monitoring of MEAS_MON
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters - - - MSG_LOCK BA_EN OCCUPIED
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon MEAS_MON
• Faceplate MEAS_MON
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
An input U is converted to output V in accordance with a non-linear characteristic
curve and with a maximum of 8 time slices.
Operating principle
After the N time slices have been specified (pairs of coordinates Ui,Vi with i = 1...N
in continuous sequence) and the configuration of the number N has been carried
out, the block operates as follows:
• linear interpolation between points
• extrapolation outside the last two points on the basis of the first two or the last
two points
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed.
Error handling
ENO = 0 and V = U are output if the following conditions are met:
• the number of time slices N < 2 or N > 8
• Ui > Ui + 1 for i = 1,2...N - 1
Block PT1_P operates in accordance with the equation:
v(s) = 1 / (TM_LAG ∗ s +1) ∗ u(s)
Operating principle
The input signal U is passed to the output V in accordance with the time constant
The STOP_RES input has the following effect:
• If STOP_RES = "1", the calculation process is stopped. The output value
remains unchanged for the period.
• The output is reset (V = U) by a falling edge 1 →? 0.
Calling OBs
This is the OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32).
Error handling
The configuration TM_LAG = 0 is permitted and means there is no lag, i.e., V = U.
In contrast, negative values for TM_LAG are seen as configuration errors and are
acknowledged with QERR = TRUE.
Limitation of the ramp of an analog signal
Operating principle
The block calculates the ramp of the input signal dU/dt and compares it with the
two limits URLM for positive changes or DRLM for negative changes (refer to the
table below).
• If the ramp (as a quantity) exceeds the respective maximum ramp (URLM or
DRLM), the output V is only changed by the permitted rate and the
corresponding limitation display QLIM_U or QLIM_D is set.
• If the ramp lies within the valid range, the input value is passed through (U = V)
and the values QLIM_U and QLIM_D are reset.
• If the input RATE_OFF=1, the ramp generation is disabled, so that V = U and
QLIM_U = QLIM_D = 0.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
If SAMPLE_T < 0, ENO = 0 or QERR = 1 is output.
Startup Characteristics
Output V is reset during the startup. The block must therefore additionally be called
from the startup OB (OB100).
Dynamic Response
The block must be called from a watchdog alarm OB.
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
The block is used to create a ratio, e.g., in a ratio control. It is also used to set
elements (for example, synchronization control loop), or to influence the reference
variable of a cascade.
Operating principle
The RATIO_P block operates in accordance with the equation: V = U1 * U2 +
U1 is derived by interconnection while U2 is selected dependent on the
internal/external operating mode.
Internal/External Changeover
The operating mode is selected by the following measures and indicated at the
output QIN_EX:
• Operation of the input IN_EX, when L_IE_ON = 0 and the enable signals
IN_OP_EN and EX_OP_EN are valid.
• interconnection of L_IN_EX, if L_IE_ON = 1
Internal: The parameter U2 in the formula is specified by operator control and,
after limiting to (U2_LL, U2_HL), incorporated in the formula. Operator control must
have been enabled at U2_OP_EN.
External: The parameter U2 is specified by interconnecting the input U2_EXT and,
after limiting to (U2_LL, U2_HL), incorporated in the formula. The controllable input
U2 is tracked to U2_EXT in order to enable smooth changeover to "internal".
Calling OBs
Block RATIO_P is installed in the OB which contains the block that utilizes the
result. Block RATIO_P must be installed upstream of this block (first calculate, then
Error handling
Arithmetic errors are indicated by ENO = 0 or QERR = 1.
Operator errors are displayed as a group at output QOP_ERR.
Startup Characteristics
No special measures.
Dynamic Response
If the result for the blocks with dynamic response is relevant (for example, ratio
control, synchro control), the block should be installed in the same OB, upstream of
these blocks.
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Operating and Monitoring of RATIO_P
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
0 = Internal
1 = External
IN_OP_EN 1 = Enable internal operation BOOL 0 I Q +
L_IE_ON 1 = Interconnection active BOOL 0 I Q +
0 = Operator control enabled
L_IN_EX Interconnectable input for IN_EX BOOL 0 I Q
MO_U1HR High display limit REAL 110 I +
MO_U1LR Low display limit REAL -10 I +
QC_U1 Quality Code for U1 BYTE 16#80 I
QERR 1 = Error output (inverted ENO) BOOL 1 O +
QIE_OP 1 = Operator-control enable, BOOL 0 O +
internal/external changeover
QIN_EX 0 = Internal BOOL 0 O +
1 = External
QOP_ERR 1 = Operator error output BOOL 0 O +
QU2_OP 1 =Enable operator input of U2 BOOL 0 O +
QVHL 1 = High limit of output value V BOOL 0 O +
QVLL 1 = Low limit of output value V BOOL 0 O +
U1 Input value REAL 0 I Q +
U2 Internal factor REAL 1 IO C +
U2_EXT External factor REAL 1 I Q +
U2_HL High limit of U2 REAL 1 I +
U2_LL Low limit of U2 REAL 0 I +
U2_OP_EN 1 =Enable operator input of U2 BOOL 1 I Q
V Output value REAL 0 O +
V_HL High limit of V REAL 100 I + V_HL>V_LL
V_LL Low limit of V REAL 0 I + V_LL<V_HL
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters QIN_EX - - - - -
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters - - - - - - QVLL QVHL
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon RATIO_P
• Faceplate RATIO_P
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
Block READ355P is used to read the digital and analog inputs of an FM 355 or
FM355-2 module.
Once the driver generator is complete, this block - along with blocks FMCS_PID
and FMT_PID - is in a block chain controlled by FM_CO.
You can find additional information in the description of FM_CO.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The parameter CO_NO is parameterized
• The input EN_CO is connected to the output EN_CO_x of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack)
• The output ENCO is connected to the input ENCOx_yy of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack, yy = coordination number)
Operating principle
If the in/out parameter EN_CO.CO_ACT = CO_NO is set, the block begins to
determine the following values by data set reading (SFC RED_REC):
• The CJ_TEMP parameter contains the cold junction temperature measured at
the cold junction in degrees C or in degrees F (depending on the selected
temperature unit). If no "thermocouple" sensor type was selected or if the set
cold junction temperature was selected for all analog inputs with
"thermocouple" sensor type, the CJ_TEMP parameter has the value "0.0".
• The parameters DI_0 through DI_7 indicate the actual status of the digital
inputs 0 through 7.
Startup Characteristics
Dynamic Response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
I/Os of READ355P Addressing
You address the controller channel of an FM 355 belonging to the instance using
the logical base address (set with HW Config, LADDR input).
The FM 355 module is monitored with the blocks of the PCS 7 Library. The input
MODE is connected to the output OMODE of the block MOD_D1. Since the block
communicates with the FM 355 only over read data record, the part of the
measurement range coding in the low word of the OMODE output is irrelevant and
is set to zero here.
Together with a controller block the block is used to implement a split-range
Operating principle
The block is installed in the run sequence downstream of the controller block. The
controller output of the controller block is interconnected with the input U of the
SPLITR_P block. The neutral position and the dead band zone are set by means of
the corresponding parameters. V1 and V2 are adapted to the physical variable by
configuring the high/low limits of V1 and V2. The transfer characteristics have the
following appearance:
Calling OBs
The OB in which the controller block runs whose manipulated variable is
Error handling
ENO = 0 is output at the following errors:
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
The block is used to drive motors with 2 directions of rotation
(clockwise/counterclockwise). A maximum of 2 feedback signals, which are
generated by auxiliary contactors, are monitored.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Operating principle
Various inputs are available for controlling the motor. They are implemented in a
concrete hierarchical dependency to each other and to the motor states. In
particular the interlock, the feedback or rotary direction monitoring and the motor
protective circuit-breaker influence the control signals QSTART (1: on, 0: off) and
QDIR (1: counterclockwise, 0: clockwise).
The allocation of priorities to individual input variables and events with regard to
their influence on the control signals is shown in the following table. The
subsequent sections provide further details.
Priority: Event:
High Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 1
⇑ Waiting time at change of rotary direction
LOCK = 1
LOCK_ON = 1 (with LOCK_DIR)
⇓ Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 1
Low Automatic/Manual mode
No effect Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 0
Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 0
Control system error, operator error
This changeover is carried out either by means of OS operation of AUT_ON_OP or
via the interconnection at input AUT_L, provided the functions required are
enabled. The set mode is indicated at output QMAN_AUT (1 = Auto, 0 = Manual).
• Manual mode: This operating mode permits control either at the OS or via
interconnectable inputs.
- OS operation (LINK_MAN = 0): Either the OS: FORW_ON inputs are set
for clockwise, or REV_ON for counterclockwise direction, or MOT_OFF is
used to switch off. The corresponding enable parameters FW_OP_EN,
RV_OP_EN or OFFOP_EN must be set.
- Operation via interconnectable inputs (LINK_MAN = 1): The commands
are set via the inputs L_FORW, L_REV and L_OFF. You can interconnect
these inputs to allow tracking or local control, for example. Note that you
must set the switches LINK_MAN, LIOP_SEL and AUT_L by means of a
suitable logic.
• Auto mode: An automatic function block interconnection is used to set the
inputs AUTO_ON (1 = on, 0 = off) or AUTO_DIR (1 = counterclockwise,
0 = clockwise).
The interlock function takes priority over all other control signals and errors - with
the exception of the motor protective circuit-breaker when a corresponding enable
signal is set (MSS_OFF = 1) and the time monitoring function during a reversal of
the rotary direction. When LOCK is set, the motor is switched off directly. The
motor is switched on directly when LOCK_ON is set, provided that LOCK is not
also set. LOCK_DIR is used to set the desired rotary direction at LOCK_ON = 1.
The monitoring logic monitors the agreement between the control commands
QSTART or QDIR and the process variable feedbacks FB_ON or FB_DIR and
outputs the actual status via QRUN and QSTOP. It sets a monitoring error
(QMON_ERR = 1) if after the period TIME_MON no feedback corresponding to
QSTART or QDIR has been set, or if it changes unexpectedly without a request by
If there is no feedback, either QSTART can be interconnected with FB_ON and
QDIR with FB_DIR or monitoring can be disabled by setting MONITOR = 0.
The FAULT_OFF parameter determines the significance of a monitoring error. If
FAULT_OFF = 1, the motor is switched off when a fault occurs. This error status
does not affect the control outputs when FAULT_OFF = 0.
Motor Protection
At the negative edge of the motor-protection signal MSS, the motor protection error
is held and passed to output QMSS_ST. The parameter MSS_OFF is used to
specify whether only to indicate the error status (MSS_OFF = 0), or whether the
motor is to be limited irrespective of all other inputs and system states
(MSS_OFF = 1).
Bumpless Changeover
In order to ensure bumpless changeover to manual mode in all operating modes,
the manual values FORW_ON, REV_ON and MOT_OFF are always corrected to
the current values of QSTART and QDIR (exception: change in the direction of
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Error handling
The motor protection error (QMSS_ST = 1) and the monitoring error
(QMON_ERR = 1) are reported to the OS and influence the block operating
principle as described above. The operator can either reset these states via the
RESET input, or automatically at the next positive edge at MSS by interconnecting
L_RESET with a "1" signal. The control system fault CSF is merely reported to the
OS and applied to the group error QGR_ERR alongside with the motor protection
and monitoring errors. It does not have any further influence on the block algorithm.
Operator errors are indicated at output QOP_ERR without message.
Startup Characteristics
When the CPU starts, the MOTOR block is switched to manual mode and the OFF
command is output. A prerequisite is that the block must be called in the startup
OB. In CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools,
you must manually enter this call in the startup OB. After startup, the messages will
be suppressed during the number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
The START_OFF input is used to specify whether the motor controls are to be
switched off when the CPU is started (START_OFF = 1) or whether the last
operating state is held.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The MOT_REV block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• Control System Fault
• Motor protective circuit-breaker signals and monitoring errors (runtime error)
• the CSF signal, which is referenced by interconnection
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired since the restart or if
MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOT_REV
Operating and Monitoring of MOT_REV
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
AUTO_DIR AUTO mode rotary direction: BOOL 0 I Q
1 = Anticlockwise
0 = Clockwise
1 = ON
0 = OFF
AUTOP_EN 1 = Enable AUTO mode BOOL 1 I Q
1 QMSS_ST $$BlockComment$$ S -
Motor protection
2 QMON_ERR $$BlockComment$$ S -
3 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
4 AUX_PR04
5 AUX_PR05
6 AUX_PR06
7 AUX_PR07
8 AUX_PR08
9 AUX_PR09
10 AUX_PR10
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon MOT_REV
• Faceplate MOT_REV
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block MOT_SPED is used to control two-speed motors (slow/rapid). The two
feedback signals output by the contactor relays can be monitored.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Operating principle
Various inputs are available for controlling the motor. They are implemented in a
concrete hierarchical dependency to each other and to the motor states. In
particular the interlock, the feedback monitoring and the motor protective circuit-
breaker functions influence the control signals QSTART (1: on, 0: off) and
QSPEED (1: rapid, 0: slow).
The allocation of priorities to individual input variables and events with regard to
their influence on the control signals is shown in the following table. The
subsequent sections provide further details.
Priority: Event:
High Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 1
⇑ LOCK = 1
Priority: Event:
LOCK_ON = 1 (with LOCK_SPD)
⇓ Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 1
Low Automatic/Manual mode
No effect Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 0
Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 0
Control system error, operator error
Deceleration times during changeover from rapid speed to slow speed must be
set by means of an external timer (on delay).
The operating mode is changed over either by means of OS operation of
AUT_ON_OP or via the interconnection at input AUT_L, provided the functions
required are enabled. The set operating mode is indicated at output QMAN_AUT
(1: Auto, 0: Manual).
• Manual mode: This operating mode permits control either at the OS or via
interconnectable inputs.
- Operator control at the OS (LINK_MAN = 0): The following inputs can be
operated at the OS: SP1_ON for slow speed, SP2_ON for rapid speed or
MOT_OFF for switching off the motor. The appropriate parameters
(S1_OP_EN, S2_OP_EN or OFFOP_EN) must be set accordingly.
- Operation via interconnectable inputs (LINK_MAN = 1): In this case the
commands are input at L_SP1, L_SP2 and L_OFF. You can interconnect
these inputs to allow tracking or local control, for example. Note that you
must set the switches LINK_MAN, LIOP_SEL and AUT_L by means of a
suitable logic.
• Auto mode: An automatic function block interconnection outputs the auto
mode instructions to the inputs AUTO_ON (1: ON, 0: OFF) or AUTO_SPD (1:
fast, 0: slow).
The interlock function takes priority over all other control signals and errors - with
the exception of the motor protection when the corresponding enable signal is set
(MSS_OFF = 1). When LOCK is set, the motor is switched off directly. The motor is
switched on directly when LOCK_ON is set, provided that LOCK is not also set.
LOCK_SPD is used to specify the desired speed for LOCK_ON = 1 (1: rapid, 0:
The monitoring logic monitors consistency between the control commands
QSTART or QSPEED and the actual-value feedback signals FB_ON or
FB_SPEED and outputs the actual state via QRUN and QSTOP. It sets a
monitoring error (QMON_ERR = 1) if after the period TIME_MON has expired no
feedback corresponding to QSTART or QSPEED is set or if it changes
unexpectedly without a request by QSTART or QSPEED.
If there is no feedback, either QSTART can be interconnected with FB_ON and
QSPEED with FB_SPEED or monitoring can be disabled by setting MONITOR = 0.
The FAULT_OFF parameter determines the significance of a monitoring error. If
FAULT_OFF = 1, the motor is switched off when a fault occurs. This error status
does not affect the control outputs when FAULT_OFF = 0.
Motor Protection
At the negative edge of the motor-protection signal MSS, the motor protection error
is held and passed to output QMSS_ST. The parameter MSS_OFF is used to
specify whether only to indicate the error status (MSS_OFF = 0), or whether the
motor is to be limited irrespective of all other inputs and system states
(MSS_OFF = 1).
Bumpless Changeover
In order to ensure bumpless changeover to manual mode in all operating modes,
the manual values SP1_ON, SP2_ON and MOT_OFF are always corrected to the
current values of QSTART and QSPEED.
Error handling
The motor protection error (QMSS_ST = 1) and the monitoring error
(QMON_ERR = 1) are reported to the OS and influence the block operating
principle as described above. The operator can either reset these states via the
RESET input, or automatically at the next positive edge at MSS by interconnecting
L_RESET with a "1" signal. The control system fault CSF is merely reported to the
OS and applied to the group error QGR_ERR alongside with the motor protection
and monitoring errors. It does not have any further influence on the block algorithm.
Operator errors are indicated at output QOP_ERR without message.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Startup Characteristics
When the CPU starts, the MOTOR block is switched to manual mode and the OFF
command is output. The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly. In
CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you
must manually enter this call in the startup OB. After startup, the messages will be
suppressed during the number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
The START_OFF input is used to specify whether the motor controls are to be
switched off when the CPU is started (START_OFF = 1) or whether the last
operating state is held.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The MOT_SPED block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• Control System Fault
• Motor protective circuit-breaker signals and monitoring errors (runtime error)
• the CSF signal, which is referenced by interconnection
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired since the restart or if
MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_SPED
Operating and Monitoring of MOT_SPED
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
AUTO_ON AUTO mode: 1 = ON, 0 = OFF BOOL 0 I Q
AUTO_SPD Automatic speed value: BOOL 0 I Q
1 = rapid
AUTOP_EN 1 = Enable AUTO mode BOOL 1 I Q
AUX_PRx Associated value x ANY 0 IO Q
BA_EN Release by BATCH BOOL 0 I Q +
BA_ID BATCH: current batch number DWORD 0 I Q +
BA_NA Batch name STRING[32] 0 I Q +
CSF Control System Fault BOOL 0 I Q
FAULT_OFF 1 = Motor OFF in case of fault BOOL 1 I Q
FB_ON Feedback: 1 = ON BOOL 0 I Q
FB_SPEED Speed feedback: BOOL 0 I Q
1 = rapid
L_OFF AUTO mode: 1 = Motor off BOOL 0 I Q
L_RESET Interconnectable RESET input BOOL 0 I Q
L_SP1 AUTO mode: 1 = Clockwise rotation BOOL 0 I Q
L_SP2 AUTO mode: 1 = Anticlockwise BOOL 0 I Q
rotation ON
LINK_MAN 0 = Operator input enabled, BOOL 0 I Q
1 = Manual control via L_SP1,
1 QMSS_ST $$BlockComment$$ S -
Motor protection
2 QMON_ERR $$BlockComment$$ S -
3 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon MOT_SPED
• Faceplate MOT_SPED
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block MOTOR is used to control motors by means of a control signal (on/off). The
motor speed feedback (on/off) can be monitored optionally. This motor speed
feedback signal is provided by a contactor relay.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Operating principle
Various inputs are available for controlling the motor. They are implemented in a
concrete hierarchical dependency to each other and to the motor states. In
particular the locking, the feedback monitoring and the motor circuit breaker
influence the control signals QSTART.
The allocation of priorities to the individual input variables and events with regard to
their influence on the control signal is shown in the following table. The subsequent
sections provide further details.
Priority: Event:
High Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 1
⇑ LOCK = 1
⇓ Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 1
Low Automatic/Manual mode
No effect Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 0
Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 0
Control system error, operator error
The operator modes are changed over either by means of OS operation with
AUT_ON_OP (LIOP_SEL = 0) or the interconnection of the AUT_L input
(LIOP_SEL = 1). If the OS system is used, the corresponding enable signals
AUTOP_EN and MANOP_EN must be set. The set operating mode is indicated at
the output QMAN_AUT (1: Auto, 0: Manual).
• Manual mode: Operations are performed by the OS system via the input
MAN_ON, if the corresponding enable signals ON_OP_EN and OFFOP_EN
are set.
• Auto mode: An automatic unit outputs the control commands via the
interconnected input AUTO_ON.
The interlock function takes priority over all other control signals and errors - with
the exception of the motor protection when the corresponding enable signal is set
(MSS_OFF = 1). When LOCK is set, the motor is switched off directly. The motor is
switched on directly when LOCK_ON is set, provided that LOCK is not also set.
The monitoring logic monitors consistency between the control command QSTART
and the process variable feedback FB_ON and outputs the actual state via QRUN
and QSTOP. It sets a monitoring error (QMON_ERR = 1) if after the period
TIME_MON no feedback corresponding to QSTART has been set or if it changes
unexpectedly without a request by QSTART.
If there is no feedback, either QSTART can be interconnected with FB_ON or
monitoring can be disabled by setting MONITOR = 0.
The FAULT_OFF parameter determines the significance of a monitoring error. If
FAULT_OFF = 1, the motor is switched off when a fault occurs. This error status
does not affect the control outputs when FAULT_OFF = 0.
Motor Protection
At the negative edge of the motor-protection signal MSS, the motor protection error
is held and passed to output QMSS_ST. The parameter MSS_OFF is used to
specify whether only to indicate the error status (MSS_OFF = 0), or whether the
motor is to be limited irrespective of all other inputs and system states
(MSS_OFF = 1).
Bumpless Changeover
In order to ensure a bumpless changeover to manual mode, the manual value
MAN_ON is always corrected to the current value of QSTART.
Error handling
The motor protection error (QMSS_ST = 1) and the monitoring error
(QMON_ERR = 1) are reported to the OS and influence the block operating
principle as described above. The operator can either reset these states via the
RESET input, or automatically at the next positive edge at MSS by interconnecting
L_RESET with a "1" signal. The control system fault CSF is merely reported to the
OS and applied to the group error QGR_ERR alongside with the motor protection
and monitoring errors. It does not have any further influence on the block algorithm.
Operator errors are indicated at output QOP_ERR without message.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Startup Characteristics
When the CPU starts, the MOTOR block is switched to manual mode and the OFF
command is output. A prerequisite is that the block must be called in the startup
OB. In CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools,
you must manually enter this call in the startup OB. After startup, the messages will
be suppressed during the number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
The START_OFF input is used to specify whether the motor controls are to be
switched off when the CPU is started (START_OFF = 1) or whether the last
operating state is held.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The MOTOR block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• Control System Fault
• The signals of the motor protective circuit-breaker and the monitoring error
(runtime error)
• The CSF signal which is referenced as a control system error by
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired since the restart or if
MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOTOR
Operating and Monitoring of MOTOR
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
1 = ON
0 = OFF
AUTOP_EN 1 = Enable AUTO mode BOOL 1 I Q
AUX_PRx Associated value x ANY 0 IO Q
BA_EN Release by BATCH BOOL 0 I Q +
BA_ID BATCH: current batch number DWORD 0 I Q +
BA_NA Batch name STRING 0 I Q +
CSF Control System Fault BOOL 0 I Q
FAULT_OFF 1 = Motor OFF in case of fault BOOL 1 I Q
FB_ON Feedback: 1 = ON BOOL 0 I Q
L_RESET Interconnectable RESET input BOOL 0 I Q
LIOP_SEL Interconnectable input for BOOL 0 I Q
manual/auto changeover (AUT_L)
1 = Interconnection is active
0 = Operator control is enabled
LOCK 1 = Lock (OFF) BOOL 0 I Q +
LOCK_ON 1 = Lock (ON) BOOL 0 I Q +
MAN_ON Mode input BOOL 0 IO C +
1 = ON, 0 = OFF
MANOP_EN 1 = Enable manual mode BOOL 1 I Q
MONITOR Monitoring: 1 = ON BOOL 1 I +
MSG_ACK Message acknowledged WORD 0 O
1 QMSS_ST $$BlockComment$$ S -
Motor protection
2 QMON_ERR $$BlockComment$$ S -
3 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon MOTOR
• Faceplate MOTOR
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block VAL_MOT is used to control motor-driven valves by means of two control
signals. The valve can be stopped at any position. The two position feedback
signals (open/closed) can be optionally monitored. The position feedback signals
are generated by limit switches.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Operating principle
Various inputs are available for controlling the motor-driven valve. These are
implemented in a defined hierarchical dependency to each other and to system
states. In particular the interlock, the feedback or rotary direction monitoring and
the motor protective circuit-breaker influence the control signals QSTART (1: motor
on, 0: motor off) and QOC (1: open, 0: close).
The allocation of priorities to the individual input variables and events with regard to
their influence on the control signal is shown in the following table. The subsequent
sections provide further details.
Priority: Event:
High Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 1
⇑ Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 1
Waiting time at change of rotary direction
V_LOCK = 1
⇓ VL_HOLD = 1
Low Automatic/Manual mode
No effect Motor protection fault, if MSS_OFF = 0
Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 0
Control system error, operator error
The operating mode is changed over either by means of OS operation of
AUT_ON_OP or via the interconnection at input AUT_L, provided the functions
required are enabled. The set operating mode is indicated at output QMAN_AUT
(1: Auto, 0: Manual).
• Manual mode: This operating mode permits control either at the OS or via
interconnectable inputs.
- OS operation (LINK_MAN = 0): The input OPEN_VAL is used for opening,
CLOS_VAL for closing or STOP_VAL for stopping. The functions required
(OP_OP_EN, CL_OP_EN or ST_OP_EN) must be enabled.
- Operation via interconnectable inputs (LINK_MAN = 1): In this case the
commands are set at the inputs L_OPEN, L_CLOSE and L_STOP, You
can interconnect these inputs to allow tracking or local control, for
example. Note that you must set the switches LINK_MAN, LIOP_SEL and
AUT_L by means of a suitable logic.
• Auto mode: An interconnected automatic function block outputs its
instructions to the inputs AUTO_ON (1: on, 0: off) or AUTO_OC (1: open, 0:
The interlock function takes priority over all other control inputs and is only
overridden by a motor protection fault or monitoring error if the relevant enable
signals have been set (MSS_OFF = 1, FAULT_OFF = 1). If V_LOCK is set, the
motor-driven valve is brought to its idle position, which is defined by SS_POS. It is
opened or closed respectively by VL_OPEN or VL_CLOSE. VL_HOLD blocks the
automatic and manual inputs and holds the last status request. The priorities of the
individual interlock inputs are described in the "Operating Principle" section.
The monitoring logic (enabled with MONITOR = 1) verifies consistency between
the setpoint status (determined in QSTART and QOC) and the process variable
feedback of the valve (provided by FB_OPEN and FB_CLOSE). If the setpoint
status has not been reached after the monitoring time TIME_ON has expired,
output QMON_ERR will be set. QMON_ERR is set immediately if the feedback
changes without a reason (command).
If no feedback signals are connected, a MONITOR = 0 signal must be output to the
monitoring function. The monitor assumes in this case that the setpoint state of the
valve has been reached within the time TIME_ON.
In error-free monitoring operation, the QOPENING and QCLOSING outputs
indicate whether the valve is currently opening or closing, and the QOPENED and
QCLOSED outputs indicate whether the valve has reached a final position.
If the valve is stopped at an intermediate position, the direction of movement is
indicated with QOPENING = 0 or QCLOSING = 0, while 0 will indicate the final
The FAULT_OFF parameter determines the significance of a monitoring error. If
FAULT_OFF = 1, the motor is switched off when a fault has been detected and the
valve holds its current position. This fault status has no effect on the control outputs
when FAULT_OFF = 0, and the block thus behaves as if the monitoring function
were switched off and indicates the monitoring error only at the QMON_ERR
The TIME_OFF parameter determines the waiting time until the motor can be
switched on again. QSTART = FALSE if the valve has reached the final position. A
motor restart in reverse direction is not performed if QSTART = TRUE unless the
set period TIME_OFF has expired. You can find additional information in
"Reversing the Direction of Travel".
Motor Protection
At the negative edge of the motor-protection signal MSS, the motor protection error
is held and passed to output QMSS_ST. The MSS_OFF parameter determines
only to indicate the error status (MSS_OFF = 0), or that the motor is switched off
irrespective of all other inputs and system states (MSS_OFF = 1) and that the
valve idles in its current position.
Bumpless Changeover
In order to ensure bumpless changeover to manual mode in all operating modes,
the manual values OPEN_VAL, CLOS_VAL and STOP_VAL are always tracked to
the current values of QSTART and QDIR (exception: change in the direction of
Error handling
The motor protection error (QMSS_ST = 1) and the monitoring error
(QMON_ERR = 1) are reported to the OS and influence the block operating
principle as described above. The operator can either reset these states via the
RESET input, or automatically at the next positive edge at MSS by interconnecting
L_RESET with a "1" signal. The control system fault CSF is merely reported to the
OS and applied to the group error QGR_ERR alongside with the motor protection
and monitoring errors. It does not have any further influence on the block algorithm.
Operator errors are indicated at output QOP_ERR without message.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Startup Characteristics
When the CPU starts, the VAL_MOT block is switched to manual mode and the
HOLD command is output. The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly.
In CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you
must manually enter this call in the startup OB. After startup, the messages will be
suppressed during the number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The VAL_MOT block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
The following message triggers exist:
• Control System Fault
• Motor protective circuit-breaker signals and monitoring errors (runtime error)
• the CSF signal, which is referenced as a control system error by
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired since the restart or if
MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of VAL_MOT
Operating and Monitoring of VAL_MOT
1 = CLOSE valve
CSF 1 = External error BOOL 0 I Q
FAULT_OFF 1 = Motor OFF in case of fault BOOL 1 I Q
FB_CLOSE Feedback: 1 = CLOSED BOOL 0 I Q
FB_OPEN Feedback: 1 = OPENED BOOL 0 I Q
L_CLOSE AUTO mode: 1 = CLOSE valve BOOL 0 I Q
L_OPEN AUTO mode: 1 = OPEN valve BOOL 0 I Q
L_RESET Interconnectable RESET input BOOL 0 I Q
L_STOP AUTO Mode: 1 = STOP valve BOOL 0 I Q
LINK_MAN 0 = Operator input enabled BOOL 0 I Q
1 = Manual control via L_OPEN,
LIOP_SEL Interconnectable input for BOOL 0 I Q
manual/auto changeover (AUT_L)
1 = Interconnection is active
0 = Operator control is active
MANOP_EN 1 = Enable manual mode BOOL 1 I Q
MONITOR 1 = Monitoring ON BOOL 1 I +
MSG_ACK Message acknowledged WORD 0 O
MSG_EVID Message number DWORD 0 I M
MSG_STAT Error message status WORD 0 O
1 QMSS_ST $$BlockComment$$ S -
Motor protection
2 QMON_ERR $$BlockComment$$ S -
3 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon VAL_MOT
• Faceplate VAL_MOT
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Block VALVE is used to operate control valves (open/close fittings) by means of
one control signal (open/close). The position of rest of the valve can be the closed
or opened state. The two position feedback signals (open/closed) can be optionally
monitored. The position feedback signals are generated by limit switches.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Operating principle
Various inputs are available for controlling the valve. They are implemented in a
defined hierarchical relationship to each other and to the valve states. In particular
the locking and feedback monitoring influence the control signal QCONTROL.
The allocation of priorities to the individual input variables and events with regard to
their influence on the control signal is shown in the following table. The subsequent
sections provide further details.
Priority: Event:
High V_LOCK = 1
⇑ VL_CLOSE = 1
⇓ Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 1
Low Automatic/Manual mode
No effect Monitoring error, if FAULT_OFF = 0
Control system error, operator error
Position of Rest
The position of rest of the controlled valve is signaled at input SS_POS (1: open, 0:
closed). This only affects the definition of the control output QCONTROL (0: rest
position, valve terminated). The commands on input side remain unaffected (a "1"
signal at the input always means "open").
Example: When SS_POS = 1 (valve in rest position "open"), control output
QCONTROL = 1 signal actuates the "Close valve" command.
The operating mode is changed over either by means of OS operation of
AUT_ON_OP or via the interconnection at input AUT_L, provided the functions
required are enabled. The set operating mode is indicated at output QMAN_AUT
(1: Auto, 0: Manual).
• Manual mode: Input MAN_OC is operated via the OS. The corresponding
enable parameters (OP_OP_EN or CL_OP_EN) must be set.
• Auto mode: The interconnection of the automation system outputs the control
commands to input AUTO_OC (1: open, 0: close).
The interlock function takes priority over all other control signals and errors. If
V_LOCK is set, the valve is set to its rest position (QCONTROL = 0). If V_LOCK is
not set, a locking state (open/closed) can also be selected directly via the inputs
VL_OPEN and VL_CLOSE. The signal VL_CLOSE locks VL_OPEN.
The monitoring logic verifies consistency between the output control command
QCONTROL and the process variable feedback of the valve (FB_OPEN,
FB_CLOSE). If the end position has not been reached after the monitoring time
TIME_MON has expired, output QMON_ERR will be set. QMON_ERR is set
immediately if the feedback changes without a reason (command). and the valve
will be de-energized.
If no limit feedback is connected, the status of MONITOR must be set to "0" and be
reported to the monitoring function, which then assumes that the limit of the valve
has been reached within the time TIME_MON. Until then, QOPENING or
QCLOSING is displayed.
When the monitor operates error-free, the outputs QOPENING and QCLOSING
indicate whether the valve is opening or closing, while the outputs QOPENED and
QCLOSED show whether the valve has reached the limit position.
The inputs NO_FB_xx and NOMON_xx are used to configure whether there is no
feedback of the "open" and "closed" (NO_FB_xx = 1) states, or whether the
existing feedback should not be evaluated (NOMON_xx = 1), for example due to
the failure of the limit switch.
The parameter FAULT_SS defines the significance of the monitoring error. If
FAULT_SS = 1, the motor is brought to the rest position defined in SS_POS in
case of an error. The error has no effect on the control outputs if FAULT_SS = 0.
Bumpless Changeover
In order to ensure a bumpless changeover to manual mode, the manual value
MAN_OC is always tracked to the current value of QCONTROL.
Error handling
The monitoring error (QMON_ERR = 1) is reported to the OS and influences the
block operating principle as described above. It can be reset by operating RESET,
or automatically by means of an interconnection with the positive edge of
L_RESET. The control system fault CSF is merely reported to the OS and applied
to the group error QGR_ERR along with monitoring. It does not have any further
influence on the block algorithm.
Operator errors are indicated at output QOP_ERR without message.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example, OB32)
and OB100.
Startup Characteristics
During a CPU startup, the VALVE block is switched to manual mode and the
QCONTROL= 0 (rest position) signal is output. The block must be called in the
startup OB accordingly. In CFC engineering, this is handled by the CFC. Using the
basic STEP 7 tools, you must manually enter this call in the startup OB. After
startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
At the START_SS input parameter you can decide either to set the valve to safety
state when the CPU is started (START_SS = 1) or to retain its last operating state.
Dynamic Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message response
The VALVE block uses the ALARM_8P block for generating messages.
Messages are triggered by the following control system faults:
• the monitoring error (runtime error)
• the CSF signal, which is referenced as a control system error by
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired since the restart or if
MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of VALVE
Operating and Monitoring of VALVE
1 = OPEN
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
1 QMON_ERR $$BlockComment$$ S -
2 CSF $$BlockComment$$ S -
External error
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon VALVE
• Faceplate VALVE
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
Block ADD4_P calculates the sum of up to 4 values:
V = U1+...+ Un (n ≤ 4)
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed is the calling OB.
Error handling
In case of an overflow/underflow, the REAL value of the high/low limit is set in the
result V. ENO will be set low and QERR high.
Block ADD8_P calculates the sum of up to 8 values
V = U1 + U2 + U3 +...+ Un (n ≤ 8)
Error handling
In case of an overflow/underflow, the REAL value of the high/low limit is set in the
result V and ENO is set to 0.
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed is the calling OB.
Block AVER_P calculates the mean time value of an active parameter based on
the time which has passed since its start. The equation below is used:
V = (N ∗ Vold + U) / (N+1)
• U = Applied parameter
• V = Current mean
• Vold = Mean of the cycles executed since the start
• N = Number of cycles used for mean
Mode of operation
Operating principle of the block:
• Calculation is started with a positive edge at the RUN input. An existing result
V is overwritten by the input value U. You will find more information in "Startup
• In the subsequent cycles, the result is recalculated in output V and the cycle
counter N is incremented.
• The calculation is terminated by resetting the RUN input and the actual values
of the results V and N are saved.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 32) and OB 100.
Error handling
Arithmetic errors are indicated by ENO = 0 or QERR = 1. Arithmetic errors occur
when the range limits of the REAL data type exceed the results of the formula
described above. The value of V from the previous cycle is retained in this case. If
V takes the value = #+INF or #-INF because of the corresponding value of U, there
is also an arithmetic error in the next cycle.
Startup Characteristics
During the initial run and during a CPU startup:
• The input value U is written to output V.
• The cycle counter N is reset.
The block is called in the startup OB accordingly.
Time Response
The block is called in a watchdog interrupt OB in order to satisfy all block functions.
The user can calculate the time Tmean based on the following equation:
Tmean = N ∗ Tsampling
A positive edge of the binary input signal I0 increments or decrements the counter
value V, according to the set mode.
Mode of operation
Block COUNT_P operates according to the following principle:
• The mode can be set at the MODE parameter:
- MODE = 0 = Up counter
- MODE = 1 = Down counter
• Block operation as incremental counter:
- Every positive edge at the I0 input increments the counter.
- When the high limit V = V_HL is reached, the counter is not incremented
further and output QVHL is set high.
- When the mode is reversed to "Down count", output V is decremented at
the next positive edge of I0 and QVHL is reset.
- RESET = 1 sets V = V_LL, QVLL = 1, QVHL = 0, and the internal edge flag
is corrected to the input value.
• Block operation as decremented counter:
- Every positive edge at the I0 input decrements the counter.
- When the lower limit V = V_LL has been reached, the counter is not
decremented further and output QVLL is set high.
- When the mode is reversed to "Up count", the output V is incremented at
the next positive edge of I0 and QVLL is reset.
- RESET = 1 sets V = V_HL, QVHL = 1, QVLL = 0, and the internal edge
flag is corrected to the input value.
Calling OBs
This is only the OB into which you install the block (for example, OB 32).
Error handling
Arithmetic errors are indicated by ENO = 0 or QERR = 1.
Startup Characteristics
During the initial run and during a CPU startup, the block performs one RESET,
according to the operating mode set. You can find additional information in
"Operating Principle, RESET".
Time Response
n.a. However, it is advisable to install the block in the OB that also contains the
edge triggering block.
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The DOSE block is used for upsizing or downsizing batches in single-component
dosing with weighing devices and also for dosing using volumetric measuring
devices. When flow meters are used, the integral flow value should be made
available at input PV_IN. As long as dosing is active, output Q is set. This output
makes it possible to control the equipment that allows dosing. At the end of dosing
an automatic correction for dribbling can be made which will become active at the
next dosing. The initial dribbling is specified at the input DRIBB.
The dosing value is monitored against the setpoint for exceeding or falling below
tolerance and the results supplied to two corresponding outputs at the end of the
dosing process.
Operating Modes
The internal/external modes can be set either with the operator input
SPEXTSEL_OP or the switched input SPEXON_L. The switched input
SPEXTON_L is only effective if the input SPEXT_ON = True. The result switches
between the "internal setpoint" and "external setpoint":
• Internal. The setpoint is input by the operation of SP_OP and limited to
• External. The setpoint (SP) is obtained from SP_EXT and limited as described
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 32) and OB 100.
Start of Dosing
Dosing starts as follows:
• Dosing is started by operating the input START_OP or by the rising edge of the
interconnected signal L_START in the same block.
• You have to wait until the scales stands still, i.e. STNDSTLL = 1. If there is no
standstill signal available, this input must be configured with 1. This is followed
by tarring: in other words, the current process variable PV_IN is brought into
the tare memory.
• Depending on whether batching is upward or downward (selected via
REVERSE), the current dosing value PV_OUT is calculated as follows:
- REVERSE = 0: PV_OUT = PV_IN - TARA (PV_IN rises)
- REVERSE = 1: PV_OUT = TARA - PV_IN (PV_IN falls)
• Q, QSTRTDOS is set and QEND_DOS, QTOL_P, and QTOL_N reset. You
can find additional information in "Component Change".
End of Dosing
The final phase of dosing takes place in the following steps:
• As soon as PV_OUT ≥ SP - DRIBB_F, Q is reset. If STNDSTLL = 1 is also set,
QSTRTDOS is also reset.
• As soon as standstill is signaled (STNDSTLL = 1), a counter with the time [s]
specified under RELAXTME is loaded and then decremented cyclically by the
sampling time SAMPLE_T. The settling time (QRELXING = 1) runs as long as
the counter is > 0.
• Once the settling time has elapsed, an underdosing or overdosing will be
evaluated in accordance with the configured tolerance limits TOL_N and
TOL_P, and a dribbling correction will be carried out, provided DRIB_COR = 1.
• If the dosing quantity is within the tolerance band, the end of dosing
(QEND_DOS = 1) is set.
Component Change
If there is a component change, set COMP_CHG = 1 before you start dosing.
When dosing is started (QSTRTDOS = 1), the dribbling value set at this point in
DRIBB is passed to the output DRIBB_F.
Dribbling Correction
If a dribbling correction is requested (DRIB_COR = 1), the dribbling value is
calculated as follows:
DRIBB_F = DRIBB_F - ( SP - PV_OUT ) * DCF / 100
The following condition must be satisfied:
The correction factor DCF is limited internally to 0 - 100.
You can find additional information about the dribbling value in "Component
• When overdosing occurs (PV_OUT > SP + TOL_P), QTOL_P and
QEND_DOS are set.
• In the event of underdosing (PV_OUT < SP - TOL_N) only QTOL_N is set. It is
possible to make it up by hand. As soon as this is terminated, the end of the
dosing process is indicated (QEND_DOS = 1). The block outputs are not
updated until the next dosing process is started.
Post Dosing
Only when there has been underdosing is it possible to make the quantity up by
hand, which is achieved via the operation of POSTDOSE or the interconnectable
input L_PDOSE.
• Set DRIB_COR = 1
• With the rising edge of the signal, signal QSTRT_DOS for the start of dosing is
set for the time PDOS_TME. This procedure can be repeated until either the
setpoint has been exceeded or the end of the procedure has been
acknowledged by operating the ACK_TOL_OP input or the interconnectable
• After acknowledgment, the end of dosing (QEND_DOS = 1) is displayed and
no further updating of the outputs undertaken.
• The dosing process is paused when needed with the PAUSE_OP command or
with the interconnectable input PAUSE. The interconnectable input PAUSE is
only effective if the input LIOP_SEL = True. When overdosing occurs
(PV_OUT > SP + TOL_P), QTOL_P and QEND_DOS are set.
• Pause "End" continues the dosing process. The pause must be ended when
overdosing occurs in order to start a new dosing process.
If necessary, the dosing procedure can be terminated prematurely by means of the
CANCEL_OP instruction or via the interconnectable input CANCEL. After this a
new dosing run can be started.
Error handling
Operator errors of the various operator control blocks which are detected will be
OR-ed and routed to the group output QOP_ERR. In the event of arithmetical
errors the status at the output ENO is set low and QERR is set high.
Startup Characteristics
At CPU startup, "Abort dosing" will be simulated but without generating a message.
The block must be called in the startup OB accordingly. In CFC engineering, this is
handled by the CFC. Using the basic STEP 7 tools, you must manually enter this
call in the startup OB. After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the
number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
Time Response
The block must be called via a watchdog interrupt OB. The sampling time of the
block is set in parameter SAMPLE_T.
Message Capability
The DOSE block uses the ALARM8_P (MSG_EVID) block to generate messages.
The message "Acknowledgement request" does not have to be acknowledged and
is generated via NOTIFY (MSG_EVID1).
The following message triggers exist:
• the functions for monitoring the dosing value limits
• reaching of the dosing end or aborting of the dosing process
• the CSF signal, which is referenced as a control system error by
Messages regarding limit infringements can be suppressed individually via the
corresponding M_SUP1 to 3 inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart
and MSG_LOCK = TRUE or MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of DOSE
Message Texts and Associated Values of DOSE
Operator Control and Monitoring of DOSE
The first three of the associate values of the message block are assigned SIMATIC
BATCH data, the fourth is reserved for PV_OUT and the remaining ones
(AUX_PRx) can be assigned freely.
5 AUX_PR05
6 AUX_PR06
7 AUX_PR07
8 AUX_PR08
9 AUX_PR09
10 AUX_PR10
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon DOSE
• Faceplate DOSE
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Block ELAP_CNT is used to measure the operating hours of units.
Mode of operation
Block ELAP_CNT detects the time as long as the ON_OFF input = 1, meaning that
the connected unit is operational. The value SAMPLE_T[s]/3600 is added to the
value HOURS at every execution. The output HOURS thus specifies the number of
operating hours.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 32) and OB 100.
Error handling
Arithmetic errors are indicated by ENO = 0 or QERR = 1.
Startup Characteristics
No special measures. After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the
number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
Time Response
The block function only makes sense in a watchdog interrupt OB. In order to
ensure correct time acquisition, it should be installed (in CFC) in the runtime block
of the control block of the monitored unit also.
Message Capability
The ELAP_CNT block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
Messages are triggered by the functions for monitoring the operating hour limits.
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart
and MSG_LOCK = TRUE or MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of ELAP_CNT
Operator Control and Monitoring of ELAP_CNT
All associated values (AUX_PRx) of the message block can be freely assigned by
the user.
1 AUX_PR01
2 AUX_PR02
3 AUX_PR03
4 AUX_PR04
5 AUX_PR05
6 AUX_PR06
7 AUX_PR07
8 AUX_PR08
9 AUX_PR09
10 AUX_PR10
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters ON_OFF - - - - MSG_LOCK - -
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon ELAP_CNT
• Faceplate ELAP_CNT
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The INTERLOK block is used to implement a standardized status display lock,
which can be called on the OS. The block can be assigned a maximum of 10 input
signals, which can each be inverted as required.
Mode of operation
The first five inputs I1_1 to I1_5 form a group. Each signal can be linked logically
either directly or inverted by setting the corresponding inputs NEG1_1 to NEG1_5.
The type of logic operation of the first group is set at the AND_OR1 parameter.
NEGRES_1 = 1 inverts the result of Q1 used to form Q via AND_OR3. Output Q1,
however is not inverted.
The same applies to the second group of five inputs.
The two group results can be operated linked logically by an AND/OR operation.
With input OVERWRITE = 1 the output Q can be set to low when an interlock is
active (Q = 1) and is only possible if OVERW_EN = 1. Input OVERWRITE = 0 if
OVERW_EN = 0 or if the interlock condition is not satisfied. Q_OVERWR = 1 at the
output indicates that output Q has been overwritten.
The following applies only if input CHECK_EN = TRUE:
The output parameter FIRST_I contains the number (1 to 10) of the input Ix which
was first TRUE or inverted FALSE. If several conditions are set simultaneously, the
lowest number is entered in FIRST_I. A positive edge at input RESET sets
FIRST_I equal to zero, if none of the above conditions are satisfied. Output Q is
usually interconnected with RESET.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is in the same OB and after the last block whose signals are to be
displayed on the INTERLOK.
Error handling
Only by means of the operating system.
Startup Characteristics
No special measures are required.
Time Response
The block does not have a time response.
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Operator Control and Monitoring of INTERLOK
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters - - - I1_5 I1_4 I1_3 I1_2 I1_1
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters - - Q I2_5 I2_4 I2_3 I2_2 I2_1
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon INTERLOK
• Faceplate INTERLOK
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
The LIMITS_P block is used to limit an analog variable to an adjustable range.
Mode of operation
Block LIMITS_P passes the analog input value U to the output V as long as it lies
within the set limits.
• If the value is outside the low limit, the low limit value is output. If the value is
outside the high limit, the high limit value is output.
• The active limitation is indicated at the set binary outputs. A hysteresis can be
set in order to avoid dithering of the display when the input value fluctuates
around the limit.
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed.
Error handling
If V_HL - V_LL ≤ HYS, QVHL and QVLL can be 1 simultaneously. A plausibility test
of V_LL and V_HL is not implemented.
Arithmetic errors are indicated by ENO = 0 or QERR = 1. Arithmetic errors occur
when the range limits of the REAL data type exceed the results of the formula
described above. The value of V from the previous cycle is retained in this case. If
V takes the value = #+INF or #-INF because of the corresponding value of U, there
is also an arithmetic error in the next cycle.
Block MUL4_P multiplies up to 4 values
V:= U1∗...∗Un (n ≤ 4).
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed.
Error handling
In case of an overflow/underflow, the REAL value of the high/low limit is set in the
result V. ENO will be set low and QERR high.
Block MUL8_P multiplies up to 8 values
V:= U1∗U2∗U3∗...∗Un (n ≤ 8).
If you want to multiply a maximum of 4 values, use MUL4_P instead of MUL8_P in
order to reduce computation time.
Calling OBs
The OB in which the block is installed.
Error handling
In case of an overflow/underflow, the REAL value of the high/low limit is set in the
result V. ENO will be set low and QERR high.
The OB1_TIME block provides information relating to the degree of CPU utilization.
Mode of operation
Block OB1_TIME is installed in OB 1.
• The block is reset (i.e. CNT, MAX, MIN, MEAN and the internal ACT_TME are
reset, MIN = 2147483000) and started by a negative edge (1 Æ 0) at input
STOP_RES. The current system time is determined and saved internally under
• In each execution cycle, the block determines the system time of day in ms,
saves it internally in ACT_TIME and calculates the maximum value since the
reset time (MAX), the root mean square value (MEAN) and the minimum value
(MIN) of the time that has passed since its last execution
(OB_1_TIME = ACT_TIME-L_TIME). Counter CNT is then incremented by 1
and L_TIME = ACT_TIME is reset. The root mean square value is calculated
as follows:
CNT + 1
CNT ∗ MEAN 2 + OB1 _ TIME 2 )
• The calculated values must be interpreted by the commissioning personnel in
order to derive the degree of CPU utilization.
• A 1 at the input STOP_RES causes the block algorithm not to be processed
further (processing is "halted). ENO is reset during this time to 0.
Calling OBs
OB 1
Startup Characteristics
Reset to default values.
Message Capability
Error handling
Only by means of the operating system.
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Block SWIT_CNT is used to count unit switching operations.
Mode of operation
Block SWIT_CNT counts the switching operations at a positive edge (0 Æ 1) at
input ON_OFF and outputs the result at the output V. The maximum count value is
limited to 2 high 31 switching operations, since it is of the data type DINT.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is in the same OB and after the block which supplies switching
signals, also in OB 100.
The counter output V can be tracked to the value VTRACK_OP by setting
TRACK_OP via the OS or by interconnecting TRACK. VTRACK_OP can, in turn be
controlled by the operator.
Monitor Limits
A warning or alarm limit can be set at each of the inputs VWH and VAH. When
these are exceeded, the count value V generates a display (at
QH_WRN/QH_ALM) and, if necessary, a message. You can find additional
information in "Message Capability".
Error handling
Upon a counter overflow of V, the error output QERR is set for one cycle and a
control system message is transmitted. The counter is then resumed at "0".
Operator errors are displayed at output QOP_ERR.
Startup Characteristics
During startup (OB 100), output V = 0 is set. After startup, the messages will be
suppressed during the number of cycles set at RUNUPCYC.
Time Response
The block must be executed in the same runtime group (for CFC planning) as the
control block of the unit to be monitored and recognize the edges reliably.
Message Capability
The SWIT_CNT block uses the ALARM_8P block to generate messages.
Messages are triggered by the functions for monitoring the switching operation
Messages regarding limit violation can be suppressed individually by setting the
corresponding M_SUP_xx inputs. The process messages (not process control
messages!) can be completely blocked with MSG_LOCK.
QMSG_SUP is set if the RUNUPCYC cycles have not expired yet since a restart
and MSG_LOCK = TRUE or MSG_STAT = 21.
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of SWIT_CNT
Operator Control and Monitoring of SWIT_CNT
All the associated values (AUX_PRx) of the message block can be freely assigned
by the user.
Bit no.: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameters ON_OFF - - - - MSG_LOCK - -
Bit no.: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Parameters OOS QMSG_SUP - - - - - -
The 16-bit input USTATUS (data type WORD) uses the high bits (bits 16 - 31). You
can use these bits as you wish.
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon SWIT_CNT
• Faceplate SWIT_CNT
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
Calling OBs
The conversion block must be installed in the OB upstream of the block that
evaluates the conversion result.
Block R_TO_DW converts a REAL number to a double word (DW). REAL numbers
between 0 and 4294967000 are accepted.
Error handling
If the values are outside the limits specified above, ENO = 0 and the low limit ( = 0)
or high limit ( = 4294967000) will be set.
In this chapter we shall introduce the operator control blocks and show how they
can be used to operate block parameters.
The table below provides an overview of the operator-control blocks. These are
implemented as FBs that require an instance DB each for each application.
General I/Os
The operator-control blocks (refer to the figure above) are assigned defined I/Os for
the operation of binary and analog values. The significance of their I/Os is the
same for all operator control blocks as well for operator control blocks that process
only analog values (in the picture indicated by brackets).
The function of these I/Os is described briefly below.
• EN is used to set/reset the block algorithm.
- EN = 1: The block is called from the OB in which it is installed.
- EN = 0: The block call is skipped in the OB.
• X (representative identifier for the operator controlled input) is written as an IO
type by the OS, sampled by the AS block and overwritten, if appropriate. This
input is retroactive and may not be interconnected.
• X_HL and X_LL define the high and low operation limits of X (only for analog-
value operation). Operating values which violate these limits will either be
limited or rejected, depending on the type of the operator control block.
• ENO indicates the validity of the result Xok (1 = OK, 0 = invalid).
• QERR = Inverted ENO (stored in the block instance).
• A logic "1" at the QOP_ERR parameter indicates an operator control error. The
output will be reset again at the next cycle (sampling time).
• Xok (representative identifier for the effective active output) contains the valid
output value, depending on the operator-control-block type and operating
mode. It is made available by means of an interconnection to the AS block
whose input is to be operated. Depending on the operator-control block, the
specific identifier is then V or Q_1, for example.
• QxHL and QxLL indicate violation of the high/low operation limits for X (analog-
value operations only). Operating values violating these limits will either be
limited or rejected, depending on the type of the operator-control block.
. . *)
. . *)
*) Online help is available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Block OP_A is a basic operator-control block for processing analog values of an
AS block, without limit monitoring and operator enable functions.
Mode of operation
Block OP_A operates according to the following principle:
OP_A structure
• The value of U is written via the OS controls.
• LINK_U is assigned an external value (configured or interconnected).
• LINK_ON enables the external/internal value:
- LINK_ON = 1: LINK_U is passed to V.
- LINK_ON = 0: U is passed to V.
• BTRACK allows tracking of an operator controlled input U (only if
LINK_ON = 1).
- BTRACK = 1: U is tracked to the value of LINK_U. Hence, it is ensured that
a surge will not occur at output V during a transition to LINK_ON = 0
- BTRACK = 0: U retains its previous (operated) value, which is enabled
again after the transition to LINK_ON = 0.
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB upstream of the block
that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following error displays exist:
• ENO = 0, only by system controls (no particular handling in the block)
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. The output QOP_ERR can be interconnected with a message block in order to
report operator errors. You can find additional information in "Message Blocks".
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of OP_A
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_A
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_A
• Faceplate OP_A
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
. . *)
. . *)
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The operator control block OP_A_LIM (operation analog limited) processes the
analog value of a block.
Operator control outside the operating limits is limited to respective violated limit
value. Instead of the operating value (U), an interconnected or configured value
(LINK_U) can be checked (LINK_ON = 1).
Mode of operation
Operating principle of the block:
OP_A_LIM structure
• The value of U is written via the OS controls. The operator control is set as
- enabled if OP_EN = 1,
- disabled if OP_EN = 0.
• LINK_U is assigned an external value (configured or interconnected).
• LINK_ON passes the limited external/internal value to U_LL or U_HL:
- LINK_ON = 1: The limited value LINK_U is passed to V.
- LINK_ON = 0: The limited value U is passed to V and written back to input
U, i.e., input U may change due to a modification of the operation limits,
without operator control.
• BTRACK allows tracking of the operator controlled input U (only if
LINK_ON = 1)
- BTRACK = 1: The operator input U is tracked to the limited value LINK_U.
Hence, it is ensured that a surge will not occur at output V during a
transition to LINK_ON = 0
- BTRACK = 0: U retains its previous (operated) value, which is returned to
output V after the transition to LINK_ON = 0.
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB and upstream of the
block that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following errors are displayed:
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. Outputs QOP_ERR or QOP_LIM can be interconnected with a message block
in order to report operator errors. You can find additional information in "Message
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of OP_A_LIM
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_A_LIM
Message Blocks
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_A_LIM
• Faceplate OP_A_LIM
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The operator control block OP_A_RJC (operation analog rejected) processes the
analog value of a block.
Any operation outside the operating limits will be discarded. Instead of the
operating value (U), an interconnected or configured value (LINK_U) can be
checked (LINK_ON = 1). In this case the block limits the value according to
Mode of operation
Operating principle of the block:
OP_A_RJC structure
• The value of U is written via the OS controls. The operator control is set as
- enabled if OP_EN = 1,
- disabled if OP_EN = 0.
• LINK_U is assigned an external value (configured or interconnected).
• LINK_ON passes the limited external/internal value to U_LL or U_HL:
- LINK_ON = 1: Limited LINK_U value is passed to V.
- LINK_ON = 0: The old (limited) U value is passed to V and written back to
input U, i.e. input U may change due to a change of operating limits and
without operator intervention.
• BTRACK allows tracking of an operator controlled input U (only if
LINK_ON = 1).
- BTRACK = 1: The operator input U is tracked to the limited value LINK_U.
Hence, it is ensured that a surge will not occur at output V during a
transition to LINK_ON = 0
- BTRACK = 0: U retains its previous (operated) value, which is returned to
output V after the transition to LINK_ON = 0.
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB and upstream of the
block that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following errors are displayed:
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. Outputs QOP_ERR or QOP_RJC can be interconnected with a message
block in order to report operator errors. You can find additional information in
"Message Blocks".
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of OP_A_RJC
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_A_RJC
Message Blocks
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_A_RJC
• Faceplate OP_A_RJC
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The operator-control block OP_D is used to control the digital value of a block by
means of two pushbuttons. If the operator enters a valid value, it is output to the Q
Mode of operation
Operating principle of the block:
OP_D structure
• I0 is written via the OS controls. Operator control is set at two separate inputs:
- OP_EN0 = 1 for "0" operation
- OP_EN1 = 1 for "1" operation
• LINK_I is assigned a configured or interconnected external value.
• LINK_ON enables the external/internal value:
- LINK_ON = 1: LINK_U is passed to Q0,
- LINK_ON = 0: The entered I0 value is passed to Q0.
• BTRACK allows tracking of the operator controlled input I0 (only if
LINK_ON = 1).
- BTRACK = 1: The operator input I0 is tracked to LINK_I. In order to ensure
that a surge does not occur at output Q0 during the transition of
LINK_ON = 0.
- BTRACK = 0: I0 retains its last (entered) value, which is returned to output
Q0 after the transition to LINK_ON = 0.
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB and upstream of the
block that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following errors are displayed:
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. The output QOP_ERR can be interconnected with a message block in order to
report operator errors. You can find additional information in "Message Blocks".
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of OP_D
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_D
Message Blocks
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_D
• Faceplate OP_D
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
The operator-control block OP_D3 is used to perform a logical one-of-three digital-
value operation. If one of the three operator inputs I1, I2 or I3 is set, the
corresponding output is set to 1 and the other outputs are reset, in as far as the
operation is permissible.
Mode of operation
The block operates according to the following principle: The expression x = 1..3 is
used here as index for the respective three inputs/outputs:
OP_D3 structure
• The OS control system sets the inputs I1, I2 and I3 simultaneously ("1" to the
input to be enabled and "0" to the other two). Three separate inputs are used
for enabling/disabling operator control:
- OP_EN_Ix = 1 : Enables operator control of input Ix
- OP_EN_Ix = 0 : Disables operator control of input Ix
• Each LINK_Ix is assigned an external configured or interconnected value.
• LINK_ON enables the external/internal values:
- LINK_ON = 1: LINK_Ix are processed and passed to Qx.
- LINK_ON = 0: Operator controlled Ix inputs are processed and passed to
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB and upstream of the
block that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following errors are displayed:
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. The output QOP_ERR can be interconnected with a message block in order to
report operator errors. You can find additional information in "Message Blocks".
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
I/Os of OP_D3
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_D3
Message Blocks
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_D3
• Faceplate OP_D3
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Operator-control block OP_TRIG is used to implement single-pushbutton control
(compare with RESET pushbutton).
Mode of operation
Operating principle of the block:
OP_TRIG structure
• The operator sets a logical 1 at input I0, if this is permitted by OP_EN = 1.
Output Q0 is set to 1 for the duration of one cycle (sampling time) and is then
reset. The operator input I0 is reset by the operator-control block after
• The interconnectable input (LINK_I) is redundant to the operator input. At its
positive edge a logical "1" is set at output Q0 for the duration of one cycle
(sampling time) and is then reset. LINK_I does not have any influence on the
operation enable function QOP_EN.
• The block's interconnectable input (SIGNAL) is displayed on the OS. It does
not have any function and is only used for the OS display. It is advisable to
interconnect the signal to be reset, since it does not make any sense to use of
the single-cycle output signal Q0 of the block.
Calling OBs
The operator-control block must be installed in the same OB and upstream of the
block that utilizes operator control.
Error handling
The following errors are displayed:
Time Response
Message Capability
n.a. The output QOP_ERR can be interconnected with a message block in order to
report operator errors. You can find additional information in "Message Blocks".
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Operator Control and Monitoring of OP_TRIG
Message Blocks
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon OP_TRIG
• Faceplate OP_TRIG
Note: Online help and the PCS 7 FACEPLATES Manual are only available if the
PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is installed!
Area of Application
The message block MSG_NACK is used to generate user-specific messages,
which do not require an acknowledgement (process messages).
The block can generate up to eight user-specific messages of this type.
Mode of operation
Messages not requiring acknowledgement are output via NOTIFY_8P. The output
of individual or all messages can be locked.
• I_1 to I_8: Changes at these monitored signals are reported. Each of these
signals is assigned a configurable message text, which you can adapt and then
use again in the OS configuration.
Each change in these inputs triggers the output of a message to the OS,
provided the message function is not locked.
• MSG_LOCK: Allows process-specific locking of messages output at this block.
At the positive edge of the lock signal, all active process messages are reset,
and thus reported outgoing to the OS.
• AUX_PR01 to AUX_PR10: These inputs can be interconnected to random
values of any data type. These values are referred to as associated values, are
limited to 16 characters and included in the message to the OS providing more
detailed information on the event triggering the message.
• The operator can lock the messages of a process tag at the OS. The OS
reports this status to the corresponding message block that returns a
confirmation (via its NOTIFY_8P) to the OS. The message is then entered as
acknowledgement and gone in the message event log of the OS.
• QMSG_SUP indicates that message suppression is enabled.
• The OS system evaluates MSG_STAT, QMSG_ERR and MSG_ACK.
Calling OBs
The message block must be installed in the OB where reporting occurs (e.g.,
OB 35) and also in OB 100.
Error handling
Error handling of block MSG_NACK is limited to the evaluation of the error
information of ALARM_8P. You can find additional information in Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions.
You can find information about the error information of the MSG_STAT parameter
in the online help under NOTIFY_8P; STATUS Parameter.
Startup Characteristics
During startup, the message block suppresses all messages, including control
system messages. The duration (number of cycles) of message suppression is set
in the RUNUPCYC parameter. During restart, this parameter value is loaded into
an internal counter and decremented each time the block is executed. Messages
will not be generated unless this counter value is equal to zero.
Messages are generated via NOTIFY_8P (SFB 35). NOTIFY_8P is assigned 8
digital inputs and 10 associated values. Every recognized edge transition at one or
more digital inputs triggers a message. The associated values are assigned
consistent to the message at the time of edge evaluation. All eight signals are
assigned a common message number (MSG_ID), which is subdivided at the OS
into 8 messages. The ES assigns the message number automatically by calling the
message server.
Message Text
Each block message has a default message text and is assigned to an internal or
external block parameter and to a message class (operating message – without
acknowledgment). You can change the message texts as part of configuration.
Associated Values
The associated values can be assigned in differing numbers and sequence to
every message. Associated values not used in the block algorithm can be
interconnected freely as input parameters AUX_PRx at the block.
Permitted data types of associated values: BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, CHAR,
*1) The associated values are assigned to NOTIFY_8P. Permitted data types of
associated values: BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, CHAR, INT, DINT, REAL and
The MESSAGE block is used to generate configurable (requiring
acknowledgement) messages and forms the interface between the block outputs
whose changes are to be reported and the S7 block ALARM_8P.
Mode of operation
The block inputs can be used to assign individual message to the monitored
signals and also to enable or lock messages depending on the process status.
• I_1 to I_8: Changes at these monitored signals are reported. Each of these
signals is assigned a configurable message text (24 characters), which you
can adapt and then use again in the OS configuration.
Each change in these inputs triggers the output of a message to the OS,
provided the message function is not locked.
• I_1ISCSF to I_8ISCSF: By parameterizing with "1," the associated message
within the block is handled like an I&C system message (CSF). With this
parameter, you thereby specify whether the message of the corresponding
input (I_1...I_8) is locked by the input parameter MSG_LOCK=1 (I_x = 0) or not
locked (I_x = 1).
• MSG_LOCK: Allows process-specific locking of messages output at this block.
At the positive edge of the lock signal, all active process messages (not control
system messages) are reset, and thus reported outgoing to the OS.
• AUX_PR01 to AUX_PR10: These inputs can be interconnected to random
values of any data type. These values are referred to as associated values, are
limited to 16 characters and included in the message to the OS You can use
this to describe the cause of the message in detail.
• The operator can lock the messages of a process tag at the OS. The OS
reports this status to the corresponding message block that returns a
confirmation (via its ALARM_8P) to the OS. The OS enters the message
acknowledgement and reports it as gone in the message event log.
• QMSG_SUP indicates that the messages are being suppressed.
• The OS system evaluates MSG_STAT, QMSG_ERR and MSG_ACK.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the OB (e.g., OB 32) in which the events to be
monitored are detected and also in OB 100.
Error handling
Error handling of block MESSAGE is limited to the evaluation of the error
information of ALARM_8P. You can find additional information in Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions.
You can find information about the error information of the MSG_STAT parameter
in the online help under NOTIFY_8P; STATUS Parameter.
Startup Characteristics
During startup, the message block suppresses all messages, including control
system messages. The duration (number of cycles) of message suppression is set
in the RUNUPCYC parameter. During restart, this parameter value is loaded into
an internal counter and decremented each time the block is executed. Messages
will not be generated unless this counter value is equal to zero.
Messages are generated via ALARM_8P (SFB 35). All the blocks use the PMC
communication channel. The ALARM_8P is assigned 8 digital inputs and 10
associated values. Every recognized edge transition at one or more digital inputs
triggers a message, irrespective of an acknowledgment. The associated values are
assigned consistent to the message at the time of edge evaluation. All eight signals
are assigned a common message number (MSG_ID), which is subdivided at the
OS into 8 messages. The ES assigns the message number automatically by calling
the message server.
Message Text
Each block message has a default message text and is assigned to an internal or
external block parameter and to a specific message class. You can change the
message texts and message class as part of configuration. The block algorithm is
not affected by a change in the message class.
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MESSAGE
*1) The following data types of associated values are permitted: BOOL, BYTE, WORD,
Associated Values
The associated values can be assigned in differing numbers and sequence to
every message. Associated values not used in the block algorithm can be
interconnected freely as input parameters AUX_PRx at the block.
Permitted data types of associated values: BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, CHAR,
2.7 Appendix
The table below contains technical data relating to the technological blocks. The
table columns have the following meanings:
• Block type name
The symbolic identifier in the symbol table of the library for the relevant FB or
FC. Must be unique within the project.
• FB/FC no.
Block number
• Typical runtime
CPU runtime for processing the corresponding block program under normal
circumstances (for example, for a driver, this is the execution time in the
watchdog-alarm OB, without generation of a channel error message)
The table below shows the runtime of blocks in a 417-4 CPU. The block
runtime on other CPUs depends on the CPU performance.
• Block length in load/work memory
Memory requirement of the program code, once for each block type
• Length of instance data in load/work memory
Memory requirement of an instance DB
• Temporary memory
The local-data memory required in a priority class when the block is called.
This limit is CPU specific. When it is exceeded, you have to check the CPU
configuration and, if necessary, distribute it amongst the OBs to meet the
actual requirements.
• Multiple Instance Block
The blocks specified are used by the technological block, must be
implemented in the user program They can be found in the same library.
• The descriptions of the driver blocks specify the OBs in which the blocks are
installed. Please note that not all OBs listed will be generated for all CPUs. You
can find additional information in the online help of the particular OB.
• If the driver generator uses the driver blocks of PCS 7 Library V6.0 or higher,
you require a firmware version V3.1 or higher on the CPU.
• The CFC function "Generate module drivers" interconnects and configures
the listed I/Os automatically. The function is called and executed if hardware
modifications are detected when compiling the program.
Signal-Processing Blocks
The driver blocks of the available PCS 7 Library offer three types of channel blocks
for signal processing:
1. Standard channel blocks::
These blocks are used only for processing the signals of S7-300/400 SM
modules. Use these standard blocks if you want to optimize memory and
runtime utilization and do not need to process any PA devices.
7. Universal channel blocks::
These blocks are used for processing the signals of S7-300/400 SM modules
or PA field devices. The advantage of these blocks is that you can create CFC
charts irrespective of the hardware I/O to be used later. A disadvantage of
universal blocks is that they make increased demands on memory and
runtime. These blocks do not have Message response.
8. PA channel blocks:
These blocks are designed especially for use with PA field devices. In
particular, you should use these blocks if you want to make use of the special
features of these devices. By contrast to CH blocks, the PA channel blocks
process not only the signal itself, but also all variables according to the target
device configuration selected in the hardware configuration.
9. FF channel blocks::
These blocks are especially designed for use with FF field devices and the
Profibus slave AB7000. The blocks are used similar to the corresponding PA
channel blocks and are similar in terms of their functionality.
10. Special channel blocks
These blocks are required for special applications such as controlling and
reading the counter or frequency values of FM 350-1/-2 modules and
8-DI NAMUR modules of the ET 200iSP, as well as for signal preparation of
ET 200S motor starter modules.
Fields of application
Block CH_AI is used for processing analog-input-value signals from S7-300/400
SM analog input modules.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog interrupt OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Input MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding OMODE_xx output
of the MOD block.
The quality code is derived from internal events, such as channel errors, higher
priority errors or from simulation, and from a quality code that is directly returned
from the device (QC parameter).
The quality code directly returned from the device may assume values from 16#00
– 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. These values can be
mapped to the values listed above and can be viewed in the "QC_MS" table of the
current LIB readme.
You must connect the symbol generated in HW Config (symbol table) for the
analog input channel with the VALUE input parameter.
The reaction of the modules to a wire break in the 4 mA to 20 mA signal range is
not uniform. Either 16#7FFF (overflow) or 16#8000 (underflow) is written to the
process image as a raw value, depending on the module. The CH_AI channel
block outputs an overflow (QCHF_HL = TRUE) or an underflow
(QCHF_LL = TRUE) as appropriate alongside with QBAD = TRUE.
Exception: If you enabled "Diagnostics interrupt" at the analog input module in
HW Config, only QBAD = TRUE will be set if a diagnostics interrupt is triggered
when a "Channel error" is detected (for example, a wire break).
The selected hysteresis must lie within the overshoot and undershoot range of
the module. Values outside the NAMUR range are also possible if the module
does not automatically limit the measured values.
Normal Value
The raw value is converted to its physical value based on the settings at input
parameters VLRANGE, VHRANGE and MODE (for further information, refer to
section "OMODE_xx"). These values are written to the OVLRANGE and
OVHRANGE outputs in order to allow the interconnection of the VLRANGE and
VHRANGE settings with other block parameters. The conversion algorithm is
based on a linear input signal. The program returns a percentage value when
VLRANGE = 0 and VHRANGE = 100. If VHRANGE = VLRANGE is set, the analog
input module returns its input signal (for example, mA) according to the MODE
setting. Set VLRANGE = 0 and VHRANGE = 1 if the raw value is already a
physical value. The Quality Code is set to QUALITY = 16#80.
When operating in PTC measurement mode, the analog value contains an
encoded binary signal. Output REAL output returns the following information:
• Measured resistance < response value Æ Output = 0.0
• Measured resistance > response value Æ Output ≠ 1.0.
This only applies to the settings VLRANGE = 0 and VHRANGE = 1 at the input
parameters. You may only set 0 or 1 at the simulation and substitute values SIM_V
and SUBS_V.
The raw value derived from the measuring mode "External or internal
comparison of thermocouples" is converted into the physical variable +/- 80 mV
for the S7 300 modules. Determine the temperature using the corresponding
conversion tables.
The physical equivalent in [mV] is returned by the module as raw value. Set
VHRANGE and VLRANGE to +/- 80 mV.
The value of input parameter SIM_V input is output with quality code
QUALITY = 16#60 when input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE. QBAD = TRUE: reset
due to a higher priority error. You also need to set a valid mode of operation at the
Low Word of input MODE when operating in simulation mode. QBAD = 1 is output
otherwise. Simulation takes highest priority. The simulation value is converted into
a raw value based on the operating mode and on the input parameters VHRANGE
and VLRANGE. This value is verified similar to the raw value from the process
image. This also allows simulation of the QBAD, QCHF_LL and QCHF_HL states.
The status QBAD = TRUE cannot be simulated if VLRANGE > VHRANGE. The
QCHF_LL and QCHF_HL outputs are set according to the value of SIM_V.
QSIM = TRUE if the block is in simulation state.
Substitute value
The program outputs the value of input parameter SUBS_V if input parameter
SUBS_ON = TRUE, LAST_ON = FALSE and the raw value is invalid. The quality
code is set to QUALITY = 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
retained at output V for the duration of one cycle . The V_DELTA value should be
selected with due care. If the value is too low the quality code may flutter
between16#80 and 16#44, regardless whether or not raw value is OK.
• ABS (V - V_LAST) > V_DELTA: For the duration of one cycle V = V_LAST
• The quality code is set to QUALITY = 16#44, DELTA_ON=1 and QBAD = 0.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated. The raw value is considered invalid if an
invalid operating mode is set at the low word of input parameter MODE.
Startup Characteristics
The accept value delay is started when CNT_LIM is # 0.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_AO is used for processing analog-output-value signals from S7-300/400
SM analog output modules.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog interrupt OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MODE input is interconnected to the corresponding OMODE_xx output of
the MOD block.
• The CH_AO block is installed downstream of the MOD block assigned to it in
If you do not use the CFC function "Generate module drivers", make sure the
CH_AO block is installed downstream of its assigned MOD block in OB100.
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The symbol (symbol table) generated in HW Config for the analog output channel
must be interconnected to the VALUE output.
Normal Value
• Parameters ULRANGE and UHRANGE map the process value U to the non-
linearized VALUE (quantization steps) of the analog output module according
to the MODE. Example: In operating mode 4 mA to 20 mA (16#0203), the non-
linearized value for 4 mA is output if U = ULRANGE and the non-linearized
value for 20 mA is output if U = UHRANGE.
• The block switches the parameters UHRNAGE and ULRANGE through to the
outputs OVHRANGE and OVLRANGE. Setting value limits NM_LMNHR and
NM_LMNLR of the controller CTRL_PID.
• PHYS_LIM can be used to set the limits for the non-linearized VALUE. The
default setting of PHYS_LIM = 0 limits the value at output VALUE to the default
limits of the module. According to the example above, the block calculates the
non-linearized value for 20 mA if U > UHRANGE, and the non-linearized value
for 4 mA if U < ULRANGE. As a result, the quality codes 16#56 (high value
limited) and 16#55 (low value limited) are applied at the QUALITY output
instead of 16#80 (valid value).
• If you want to output analog values outside the normalization limits up to the
physical limits of the module, set PHYS_LIM = 1. The output values are limited
only if, taking the example above, you exceed the module limit values by
specifying U = 200 (36 mA) or U = -50 (-4 mA) when ULRANGE = 0 and
UHRANGE = 100. The output values are then limited to the physical limits
specified in the data sheets of the modules and the corresponding quality
codes are output.
• The outputs QCHF_HL and QCHF_LL also provide information on whether
output value limits have been set.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE is set, the value of SIM_V is output with
quality code (QUALITY) = 16#60. QBAD = TRUE is reset. Simulation takes highest
priority. If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE.
I/O Fault
If the high byte of the MODE input parameter is set to 0 (value status), the quality
code QUALITY = 16#00 is set. The current non-linearized value is always written to
the process image (partition).
Value Limiting
You can limit very low or very high process values that would lead to an error
(QBAD = TRUE) before they are entered in the process image (partition).
If the LIMIT_ON switch = TRUE, the process values (U) are limited as follows:
• to V_HL, if U > V_HL and
• to LL_V, if U < V_LL.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated. If an invalid operating mode was set in the
low word of the MODE input, the digitized output value will be set to 0 and
QUALITY = 16#00 is output.
Startup Characteristics
The MOD blocks set the LSB in byte 2 of their OMODE_xx output parameters in
OB100. If the block detects this code, it responds with an acknowledgement and:
If START_ON is not set, computes the process value U and writes the result to the
process image. Otherwise, the non-linearized value corresponding to the
START_U process value is written to the process image.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional Information
Further information is available in the section::
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
The block CH_CNT is used for controlling and reading count or measured values of
an FM 350-1 or FM 350-2 module.
Calling OBs
Cyclic OB (recommendation 00 ms) in which the data will be received and
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The LADDR and CHANNEL inputs are configured.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODEx output of the FM_CNT
• The FM_DATA structure is interconnected with the structure of the same name
of the FM_CNT block.
"FM 350" refers to the FM 350-1 and FM 350-2 modules in the following.
If an FM 350-2 module is being used, the block writes the LOAD_VALx (load count
value immediately), PREP_VALx (load count value in preparation) or CMP_VALx
(comparison value) parameters to the module (x = channel number) via data
records. If in the block the parameter LOAD_DIR = TRUE is set then it writes
LOAD_VALx. When LOAD_PRE = TRUE is set, it writes PREP_VALx. The
CMP_VALx parameter is written after every change.
Über den Eingang MODE wird mitgeteilt, wie der Zähl- und/oder Messwert im
Prozessabbild vorliegt. If the high word of the input parameter MODE = 16#40xxxx
(value status = higher-level error, QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the count or measured
value is treated as invalid.
Status QCOMP1 (comparator 1), QCOMP2 (comparator 2), QZERO (zero
crossing), QOFLW (overflow), and QUFLW (underflow) are automatically
acknowledged. They are active for at least one cycle.
The measured value is output as numeric value by the FM350. Additional
information in this regard is available in the manual for the module.
Quality Code
Under quality code signal states of the MODE input of the CH_CNT block are
The table below shows the quality code of the result and its possible statuses:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The quality code is saved in Byte 2 and 3 of the MODE parameter.
1. Depending on the base address of the FM 350 module create icons for the
required numeric count or measuring values in the icon table. Note the
• FM350-1: Count or measured value is always in the process image
- Select "ED basic address of the module (e.g., ED512)" as address
• FM350-2: Count or measured value of the desired channel is in the process
- In "HW Config FM350-2 Configure Counter" you can specify where count
or measured value will be stored in the process image. Depending on the
configuration of User_Type1 or User_Type2, you must select EW for
WORD or ED for DWORD. The address is calculated according to the
following table:
Even for non-set inputs USE_CNT or. USE_MSRV a read-out can be executed
via data records, if at on a different instance of CH_CNT (other channel) of the
associated FM350-2 the inputs USE_CNT or USE_MSRV are set.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE is set, the value of the input parameter
SIM_V is output with quality code QUALITY = 16#60 and QBAD = FALSE is set.
Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the simulation status,
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, then the value of input parameter SUBS_V
is output as a substitute value, if the count or measured value is invalid. The quality
code will be set to QUALITY = 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
In H systems, the upstream MOD_1 block evaluates redundancy of the DP master
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
During startup and restart, the parameters CMP_VAL0 and CMP_VAL1 (FM 350-1
only) (comparison value; CMP_VAL1,2,3 too for dosing (FM 350-2)) are sent to the
FM 350 by the FM_CNT block.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional Information
Further information is available in the section::
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_CNT1 is used to control and read a count or frequency value from an 8-
DI NAMUR module of the ET 200iSP. The block supports the following
configurations of the module:
• 2 counters or 1 counter cascaded
• 2 frequency measurements
Calling OBs
Cyclic OB (recommendation 00 ms) in which the data will be received and
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Inputs LADDR, LADDR1 and CHANNEL are configured.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODEx output of the MOD_D1
The driver generator sets the module mode configured in HW Config at the MODE
input of the MOD_D1 block on the appropriate channel. The input MODE (see
above) contains the information as to how the counted or frequency value exists in
the process image. If the high word of the input parameter MODE = 16#40xxxx
(value status = higher-level error, QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the count or frequency
value is treated as invalid.
Depending on the mode, either two independent counters (16 bits) or one counter
(32 bits) exist in the process image. The CHANNEL input specifies the module
counter for which the block is responsible.
The counter function can be controlled by signals that can be influenced both over
the digital inputs of the module or over the user data of the process image.
Please note that the signals of the digital inputs are ORed with the equivalent
signals from the PIO in the module.
The in/out parameters RES_CNT and RES_DO are always reset to zero. After
resetting, a renewed reset is possible at the earliest in the next cycle but one (rising
The count value or frequency value and their states are stored in the process
image and are indicated at the following block outputs:
Quality Code
The table below shows the quality code of the result and its possible statuses:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
In HW Config, it is possible to use only digital signals DI2 to DI7 of the module
(HW Config channel 2 to 7 = DI) instead of the control signals GATE 1 to RSA2. In
this configuration of the DI NAMUR module, the states of outputs QGATE, QZERO,
QRES_CNT and QRES_DO are based on the inputs of the block.
When using the digital control signals GATE 1 to RSA2 of the module (HW Config
channel 2 to 7 = CONTROL), conflicts with the block digital signals may arise
depending on the signal state. In this case, the digital signals do not take effect. If
you want control over the block, you must not assign the control signals in
HW Config.
You must connect the symbol (from the symbol table) for the counted or frequency
value with the VALUE input parameter.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE is set, the value of the input parameter
SIM_V is output with quality code QUALITY = 16#60 and QBAD = FALSE is set.
Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, then the value of input parameter SUBS_V
is output as a substitute value, if the count or measured value is invalid. The quality
code will be set to QUALITY = 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Higher-level block MOD_D1 evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated. Exception: LOAD_VAL is checked for valid
input values. You can find additional information in "Function and Operating
Startup Characteristics
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_DI processes the digital input signals of S7-300/400 SM digital input
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32).
Use in CFC
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" when used automatically
interconnects the MODE input with the corresponding output OMODE_xx of the
MOD block.
Quality Code
The program generates a quality code of the resultant value which may assume
the states shown below:
The quality code is derived from internal events, such as channel errors, higher
priority errors or from simulation, and from a quality code that is directly returned
from the device (QC parameter).
The quality code directly returned from the device may assume values from 16#00
– 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. These values can be
mapped to the values listed above and can be viewed in the "QC_MS" table of the
current LIB readme.
The symbol generated in HW Config (symbol table) for the digital input channel
must be interconnected with the VALUE input. If the process image (partition) also
contains the value status of the digital input channel, you must interconnect the
corresponding symbol with input VALUE_QC and set input PQC = TRUE.
Normal Value
The digital value of the process image (partition) and the quality code
QUALITY = 16#80 are returned to output Q.
If input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SIM_I is output
to the output parameter Q with quality code QUALITY = 16#60. QBAD = TRUE is
reset. Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute value
When input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE and the digital value of the process
image (partition) is invalid, the function outputs the signal QBAD = 1 and the value
at input parameter SUBS_I with quality code QUALITY = 16#48 to output
parameter Q.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_DO processes the digital output signals of S7-300/400 SM digital output
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• interconnects the MODE input with the corresponding OMODE_xx output of
the MOD block.
• The CH_DO block is installed downstream of the MOD block assigned to it in
Quality Code
The quality code may assume the following states:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. These values can be
mapped to the values listed above and can be viewed in the "QC_MS" table of the
current LIB readme.
The symbol generated with HW Config (symbol table) for the digital output channel
must be interconnected to the VALUE input.
Normal Value
The digital value is written to the process image (partition) and QC
(QUALITY) = 16#80.
When input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SIM_I will be
written to the process image (partition) and quality code QUALITY = 16#60 is set.
QBAD = TRUE is reset. Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the
simulation status, QSIM = TRUE.
I/O Fault
If the high byte of the MODE input parameter is set to 0 (value status), the quality
code QUALITY = 16#00 is set. The function always writes the actual non-linearized
value to the process image (partition).
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
The MOD blocks set the LSB in byte 2 of their OMODE_xx output parameters in
OB100. If the block detects this code, it responds with an acknowledgement and:
If START_ON is not set, it writes the process value I to the process image;
otherwise it substitutes this process value with START_I.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_MS is used for processing the signals of an ET 200S motor-starter
Calling OBs
Cyclic OB (recommendation 00 ms) in which the data will be received and
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The CH_MS block is installed downstream of the MOD block assigned to it in
• The MODE input is interconnected to the corresponding OMODE_xx output of
the MOD block.
• Inputs IN_x and outputs OUT_x are interconnected with the motor-starter-
module icons.
The inputs shown in the schematic are acquired from the process image and
applied individually to the output.
The 6-bit value supplied by the motor starter module specifies the motor-current
ratio I cur/I rated
(I rated = measurement operating current set in HW Config). The value is specified
with one place before the decimal point (bit 5) and five places after the decimal
point (bit 4 to bit 0). The maximum ratio for I cur/I rated is therefore 1.96875
(approx. 197 %).
I ratio = I rated x value (bit 5 to bit 0)
The bits for the "motor current" ratio are grouped and output as a REAL value.
If the high byte of the MODE input parameter = 16#40xxxxxx (value
status = higher-level error, QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the digital values are treated as
Quality Code
The table below shows the quality code of the result and its possible statuses:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The quality code is saved in Byte 2 and 3 of the MODE parameter.
You interconnect the first symbol of the symbols generated by HW Config (symbol
table) for the inputs of the motor started module with the VALUE input.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SIM_U (is
encoded like the structure of the two bytes of the process input image) is output
with quality code QUALITY = 16#60. QBAD = TRUE is reset. Simulation takes
highest priority. If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
No substitute value can be set.
The higher-level block evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems operating
in an H system.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
During startup and the initial run, the current process values of the inputs are
written to the process image.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
Fields of application
Block CH_U_AI processes the analog input signals of S7-300/400 SM analog input
modules of a PA field device (PA profile 3.0 Analog Input) or a HART field device
(primary or secondary variables).
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Input PA_ON is configured in accordance with the I/O devices used (S7 signal
modules [= 0] or PA field devices or primary/secondary variables of a HART
field device [= 1]).
• The icon for the quality code of the analog input channel is interconnected with
input QC (for PA devices).
• Input MODE is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx of
the MOD block (or of the PADP block).
Quality Code
The table below shows the quality code of the result and its possible statuses:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The symbol generated in HW Config for the symbol table of the analog input
channel has to be interconnected to the input parameter VALUE or (with
PA_ON = TRUE) OUT (process value) and QC (Quality Code).
The reaction of the modules to a wire break in the 4 mA to 20 mA signal line is
not uniform. Depending on the module either 16#7FFF (overflow) or 16#8000
(underflow) is written to the process image as a non-linearized value. Channel
block CH_U_AI then correspondingly outputs either an overflow
(QCHF_HL = TRUE) or an underflow (QCHF_LL = TRUE) signal, each together
with QBAD = TRUE.
Exception: If you have set the "Diagnostic alarm" of the analog input module in
HW Config, only QBAD = TRUE will be set if a diagnostic alarm is triggered after
a "Channel error" has occurred (e.g., due to a wire break).
The limits that can be selected must lie within the overshoot and undershoot
range of the module. Values outside the NAMUR range are also possible, if the
module does not automatically limit the measured values.
Normal Value
Only if PA_ON = FALSE: The non-linearized value is adjusted to its physical value
based on the VLRANGE, VHRANGE and MODE input parameters (see also
"OMODE_xx"). These values will be written to the outputs OVLRANGE and
OVHRANGE to allow the interconnection of the settings of VLRANGE and
VHRANGE to other block I/Os. The conversion algorithm depends on a linearized
input signal. If VLRANGE = 0 and VHRANGE = 100, you obtain a percentage
value. If VHRANGE = VLRANGE is set, you obtain the analog input module’s input
signal (e.g., mA) according to the MODE setting. If the non-linearized value is
already a physical value, set VLRANGE = 0 and VHRANGE = 1. The Quality Code
is set to QUALITY = 16#80.
When operating in PTC measurement mode, the analog value contains an
encoded binary signal and the REAL output provides the following information:
• Measured resistance < response value Æ output = 0.0
• Measured resistance > response value Æ output ≠ 0.0.
This only applies when you set the input parameters VLRANGE = 0 and
VHRANGE = 1. You should only set 0 or 1 for the simulation and substitute values
In the measuring mode "External or internal comparison of thermocouple
values", the physical unit is adapted to the +/- 80 mV range in S7 300 modules.
You have to determine the temperature by means of the corresponding
conversion tables.
If the physical equivalent in mV is delivered by the module as a non-linearized
value, set VHRANGE and VLRANGE +/- 80 mV.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the SIM_V input parameter is
output with quality code QUALITY = 16#60. QBAD = TRUE: reset due to a higher-
level error (QMOD_ERR = TRUE). A valid operating mode also has to be set in the
low word of input MODE in simulation mode. Otherwise, QBAD = 1 is output.
Simulation takes highest priority. The simulation value is converted into a non-
linearized value, based on the operating mode and the input parameters
VHRANGE and VLRANGE. This value is verified in the same as a non-linearized
value from the process image, which also allows simulation of the QBAD,
QCHF_LL and QCHF_HL states.
If VLRANGE > VHRANGE, the status QBAD = TRUE can not be simulated. The
QCHF_LL and QCHF_HL outputs are set according to the value of SIM_V.
Substitute Value
When input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE and the non-linearized value is invalid,
the value at input parameter SUBS_V will be output as a substitute. The quality
code will be set to QUALITY = 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Value Limiting
When PA_ON = TRUE, you can set a limiting filter for process values of the
process image (partition).
If the switch LIMIT_ON = TRUE, the process values (V) are limited as follows:
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated. In case of invalid operating mode settings
in the low word of input parameter MODE, it is assumed that the non-linearized
value is invalid.
Startup Characteristics
The accept value delay is started when CNT_LIM is # 0.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional Information
Further information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_U_AO processes analog output signals of S7-300/400 SM analog output
modules or of PA field devices (PA profile 3.0 Analog Output, only REAL values
[e.g., SP] with quality code are output).
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog interrupt OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block,
that from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that
form the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The PA_ON input is configured in accordance with the I/O devices used (S7
signal modules [= 0] or PA field devices [= 1]).
• The icon for the quality code of the analog output channel is interconnected
with the QC_SP output (for PA devices).
• Input MODE is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx of
the MOD block (or of the PADP block).
• The CH_U_AO block is installed downstream of the MOD/PADP block that is
assigned to it in OB100.
If you do not use the CFC function "Generate module drivers", you have to
ensure that the CH_U_AO block is installed downstream of the MOD/PADP
block assigned to it in OB100.
Quality Code
The quality code may assume the following states:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The symbol (symbol table) generated in HW Config for the analog output channel
must be interconnected to the VALUE output.
For PA field devices (PA_ON = TRUE), you must interconnect the icon for the
REAL value with the O_SP output parameter.
Normal Value
• Only if PA_ON = FALSE: The ULRANGE and UHRANGE parameters map the
process value U to the non-linearized VALUE (quantization steps) of the
analog output module according to the MODE. For example, in operating mode
4 mA to 20 mA (16#0203), the non-linearized value for 4 mA is output if
U = ULRANGE and the non-linearized value for 20mA is output if
• The block switches the parameters UHRNAGE and ULRANGE through to the
outputs OVHRANGE and OVLRANGE. Setting value limits NM_LMNHR and
NM_LMNLR of the controller CTRL_PID.
• PHYS_LIM can be used to set the limits for the non-linearized VALUE. The
default setting of PHYS_LIM = 0 limits the value at output VALUE to the default
limits of the module. In accordance with the above example, the block
calculates the non-linearized value for 20 mA if U > UHRANGE and for 4mA if
U < ULRANGE. The quality codes 16#56 (high value limited) and 16#55 (low
value limited) are applied accordingly at the QUALITY output, instead of 16#80
(valid value).
• If you want to output analog values outside the normalization limits up to the
physical limits of the module, set PHYS_LIM = 1. The output values are limited
only if, taking the example above, you exceed the module limit values by
specifying U = 200 (36 mA) or U = -50 (-4 mA) when ULRANGE = 0 and
UHRANGE = 100. The output values are then limited to the physical limits
specified in the data sheets of the modules and the corresponding quality
codes are output.
• The QCHF_HL and QCHF_LL outputs also provide information on whether
output-value limits have been set.
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE is set, the value of SIM_V is output with
quality code (QUALITY) = 16#60. Reset due to a higher-priority error
(QMOD_ERR = TRUE). Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the
simulation status, QSIM = TRUE.
I/O Fault
If the high byte of the MODE input parameter is set to 0 (value status), the quality
code QUALITY = 16#00 is set. The actual raw value is always written to the
process image (partition).
Value Limiting
Only if PA_ON = FALSE: You can limit very low or very high process values that
would lead to an error (QBAD = TRUE) before they are entered in the process
image (partition).
If the switch LIMIT_ON = TRUE, the process values (U) are limited as follows:
• to V_HL, if U > V_HL and
• to LL_V, if U < V_LL.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated. If an invalid operating mode was set in the
low word of the MODE input parameter, the digitized output value will be set to 0
and QUALITY = 16#00 is output.
Startup Characteristics
The MOD blocks set the LSB in byte 2 of their OMODE_xx output parameters in
OB100. If the block detects this code, it responds with an acknowledgement and:
• If START_ON is not set, computes the process value U and writes the result to
the process image.
If START_ON is set, the non-linearized value corresponding to the START_U
process value is written to the process image.
• When PA field devices are enabled (PA_ON = TRUE), the actual REAL value
with quality code is written to the process image.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_U_DI processes digital input signals of S7-300/400 SM digital input
modules or of PA field devices (PA profile 3.0 Discrete Input).
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog interrupt OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The PA_ON input is configured in accordance with the I/O devices used (S7
signal modules [= 0] or PA field devices [= 1]).
• The icon for the quality code of the digital input channel is interconnected with
input QC (for PA devices).
• Input MODE is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx of
the MOD block (or of the PADP block).
Quality Code
The program generates a quality code of the resultant value which may assume
the states shown below:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The symbol generated in HW Config (symbol table) for the digital input channel
must be interconnected to the VALUE input. If the process image (partition) also
contains the value status of the digital input channel, you must interconnect the
corresponding symbol with input VALUE_QC and set input PQC = TRUE.
When using PA field devices (PA_ON = TRUE), interconnect the symbol generated
in HW Config (symbol table) for the digital input channel with input I_OUT_D.
Normal Value
The digital value of the process image (partition) and the quality code
QUALITY = 16#80 are returned to output Q.
If the SIM_ON input parameter = TRUE, the value of the SIM_I (PA_ON = FALSE)
or SIM_OUT (PA_ON = TRUE) input parameter is output with quality code
QUALITY = 16#60 to the output parameter Q. reset due to a higher-priority error
(QMOD_ERR = TRUE). Simulation takes highest priority.
If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE.
Substitute Value
When input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE and the digital value of the process
image (partition) is invalid, the function outputs the signal QBAD = 1 and the value
at input parameter SUBS_I with quality code QUALITY = 16#48 to output
parameter Q.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block CH_U_DO process digital output signals of S7-300/400 SM digital output
modules or of PA field devices (PA profile 3.0 Discrete Output = only SP or
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog interrupt OB3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB32) and restart OB100.
With the PCS 7 it is not intended that other blocks will be inserted between the
plant block and the output driver.
If you deviate from this principle, ensure that when interconnecting the block, that
from the outputs of the plant block until the output driver, that all blocks that form
the output signal are installed in the same OBs.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The PA_ON input is configured in accordance with the I/O devices used (S7
signal modules [= 0] or PA field devices [= 1]).
• The icon for the quality code of the digital output channel is interconnected with
the QC_SP output (for PA devices).
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding OMODE_xx output
of the MOD block (or of the PADP block).
• The CH_U_DO block is installed downstream of the MOD/PADP block that is
assigned to it in OB100.
If you do not use the CFC function "Generate module drivers", you have to
ensure that the CH_U_DO block is installed in OB100 after its assigned MOD-
/PADP block.
Quality Code
The quality code may assume the following states:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The symbol generated with HW Config (symbol table) for the digital output channel
must be interconnected to the VALUE input.
When PA field devices (PA_ON = TRUE) are used, the symbol generated in the
symbol table for the process value with QC must be interconnected to output
variable O_SP.
Normal Value
The digital value is written to the process image (partition) and QC
(QUALITY) = 16#80.
If the SIM_ON input parameter = TRUE, the block writes the value of the SIM_I
(PA_ON = FALSE) or SIM_SP (PA_ON = TRUE) input parameter to the process
image (partition) and sets QC QUALITY = 16#60. QBAD = TRUE: QBAD is always
reset. Simulation takes highest priority. If the block is in the simulation status,
I/O Fault
If the high byte of the MODE input parameter is set to 0 (value status), the quality
code QUALITY = 16#00 is set. The function always writes the actual non-linearized
value to the process image (partition).
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
The MOD blocks set the LSB in byte 2 of their OMODE_xx output parameters in
OB100. If the block detects this code, it responds with an acknowledgement and:
• If START_ON is not set, writes process value I to the process image.
• Otherwise, START_I is used instead of process value I.
When PA field devices (PA_ON = TRUE) are used, the actual BYTE value and the
QC are written to the process image.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
The CONEC block monitors the status of AS connections and reports the
corresponding error events.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When using the CFC function "Generate module drivers", the CONEC block is
automatically installed in the OBs listed above.
The messages "Failure or loss of redundancy connection ID" are generated by
each CPU of the two connected AS except when the CPU of an AS fails (or both
Whether or not a message is sent depends on the connection ID.
If the connection ID >= 16#C00, no message is generated.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is limited to the evaluation of the error information of
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
Startup Characteristics
The CONEC block initializes the messages of ALARM_8P.
If there is a CPU with SFC87, connection diagnostics is initialized. After this, there
is a waiting time of approx. 1 minute in the cyclic interrupt OB before the
connection diagnostics messages are generated.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
You can find additional information in "Message response".
Message response
The block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of CONEC
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of CONEC
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
Block DPDIAGV0 monitors the status of the modules of an ET 200S operating as a
DPV0 slave (IM 151-1 High Feature) downstream of a Y link.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is integrated in the run sequence downstream of block OB_DIAG1.
• The following inputs are configured:
- SUBN_1ID (ID primary DP master system)
- SUBN_2ID (ID secondary DP master system)
- RACK_NO (rack/station number)
• The following I/Os are interconnected:
- the OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block with the DPDIAGV0-block INOUT structures of the same
- EN_Mxx with EN of the OB_DIAG1 block and the DPDIAGV0 block at
each ET 200S
- the DPA_M_xx outputs with the DPA_M input and EN_Mxx output with EN
of a MOD_4 block.
If you do not wish to use the CFC function "Generate module drivers" for online
editing of the inputs of the SUBNET block SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0) and
SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1), set input ACC_ID = TRUE at the relevant block.
This verifies the Link states and updates output values.
Downstream of a Y-Link you may only operate non-redundant devices.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
The system verifies that the ET 200S is available.
Overload Behavior
Determined and carried out at the higher-ranking OB_DIAG1 block.
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block DREP evaluates diagnostic data output by a SIMATIC diagnostic repeater for
PROFIBUS DP. This repeater must be connected to a DP master.
Calling OBs
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OB_DIAG1 is installed in the run sequence upstream of the DREP block.
• The following addresses are configured:
- the diagnostic address DADDR of the diagnostics repeater
- the geographical address (SUBN_ID and PADP_ADR)
• The following I/Os are interconnected:
- the OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the OB_DIAG1 block with the INOUT structures of the same name of the
DREP block
- the EN input with the output of an AND block
- the inputs of the AND block with the EN_SUBx outputs (x = number of the
DP master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx
(xxx = rack/station number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_F of the
OB_DIAG1 block
- EN_DIAG with the EN_DIAG output of the OB_DIAG1 block.
Bit Description
A.0 1: Indefinite error location and cause (possibly electromagnetic interference)
A.1 CPU redundancy loss
A.2 1: - -
A.3 1: Further measurement circuits at the segment, the other diagnostic repeater is connected with
its segment DP2
A.4 1: Further measurement circuits at the segment, the other diagnostic repeater is connected with
its segment DP3
A.5 1: - -
A.6 1: 1 = Indefinite error cause
A.7 1: 1 = Critical message frame error rate
B.0 1:- -.
B.1 1: - -
B.2 1: - -
B.3 1: - -
B.4 1: - -.
B.5 1: - -
B.6 1: - -.
B.7 1: - -
C.0 1: 1 = Segment automatically switched off due to continuous zero level on the line.
C.1 1: 1 = Segment automatically switched off due to dithering line level.
C.2 1: - -
C.3 1: - -
C.4 1: More than 32 nodes connected to the measurement segment
C.5 1: The distance of the node to the diagnostic repeater exceeds the permitted line length
C.6 1: The maximum permitted number of diagnostic repeaters connected in series has been
C0.7 1: - -
The outgoing message will be generated when all segment bits are equal to zero.
You must call HW Config in order to analyze details on events output by the
diagnostic repeaters.
An appropriate incoming/outgoing message is going to be generated for the
segments (DP2 or DP3) as a result of the following events recognized by a
diagnostics repeater:
Bit Description
A.0 1: -
A.1 1:-
A.2 1: -
A.3 1: -
A.4 1: -
A.5 1: -
A.6 1: -
A.7 1:
B.0 1: 1 = Wire break at signal line A.
B.1 1: 1 = Short-circuit to shielding at signal line B
B.2 1: -
B.3 1: 1 = Short-circuit to shielding at signal line A
B.4 1: 1 = Wire break at signal line B.
B.5 1: -
B.6 1: 1 = Wire break at signal line A and/or B, or the terminating resistor is missing
B.7 1: 1 = Short-circuit signal line A <-> B, or an additional terminating resistor has been installed
C.0 1: -
C.1 1: -
C.2 1: -
C.3 1: -
C.4 1: -
C.5 1: -.
C.6 1: -
C0.7 1: -
Error handling
The block evaluates the error information of ALARM_8P and writes it to the
corresponding output parameters. You can find additional information in "Error
Information of Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
The block reports a diagnostics error if an error occurs when it attempts to read
access diagnostics data, or if any other disruption corrupts diagnostic data.
Startup Characteristics
ALARM_8P messages are initialized by the DREP block that uses SFC13
(DPNRM_DG) to read current diagnostic information from the diagnostic repeater.
Overload Behavior
The interconnected OB_DIAG1 locks the call of DREP for diagnostics if an
overload has occurred.
Dynamic response:
Message response:
The multiple instance ALARM_8P are only called if a message is to be output by
this instance. It is only at this point that previously acknowledged messages are
updated by the corresponding ALARM block. If the connection to WinCC is down,
each ALARM_8P instance can hold up to two message statuses of its event ID
(usually two messages maximum). Dithering messages can be suppressed via the
DELAY input.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DREP
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DREP
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for DREP".
Fields of application
Block DREP_L evaluates diagnostic data output by a SIMATIC diagnostic repeater
for PROFIBUS DP. The diagnostic repeater (after DPV0) must be connected
downstream of a Y link (after DPV1).
Calling OBs
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OB_DIAG1 is installed in the run sequence upstream of DREP_L.
• The following addresses are configured:
- the diagnostics address of the DP/PA link (DADDR) upstream of the
diagnostic repeater
- the geographical address (SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, RACK_NO and
• The following I/Os are interconnected:
- the OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the OB_DIAG1 block with the DREP_L INOUT structures of the same
- The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
the inputs of the AND block with the EN_SUBx outputs (x = number of the
DP master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx
(xxx = rack/station number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_F of the
OB_DIAG1 block
- EN_DIAG with the EN_DIAG output of the OB_DIAG1 block.
Failure and return of the diagnostics repeater are detected by the interconnected
block OB_DIAG1 and passed on to the block to report "DR failure".
If an error occurs, an incoming "line error" group message is generated for each
segment (DP2 or DP3) when a diagnostic repeater detects the error event (bits in
the diagnostic message frame indicating the cause of error):
Bit Description
A.0 1: Indefinite error location and cause (possibly electromagnetic interference)
A.1 CPU redundancy loss
A.2 1: - -
A.3 1: Further measurement circuits at the segment, the other diagnostic repeater is connected with
its segment DP2
A.4 1: Further measurement circuits at the segment, the other diagnostic repeater is connected with
its segment DP3
A.5 1: - -
A.6 1: 1 = Indefinite error cause
A.7 1: 1 = Critical message frame error rate
B.0 1:
B.1 1:
B.2 1: - -
B.3 1:
B.4 1:
B.5 1: - -
B.6 1:
B.7 1:
C.0 1: 1 = Segment automatically switched off due to continuous zero level on the line.
C.1 1: 1 = Segment automatically switched off due to dithering line level.
C.2 1: - -
C.3 1: - -
C.4 1: More than 32 nodes connected to the measurement segment
C.5 1: The distance of the node to the diagnostic repeater exceeds the permitted line length
C.6 1: The maximum permitted number of diagnostic repeaters connected in series has been
C0.7 1: - -
The outgoing message will be generated when all segment bits are equal to zero.
You must call HW Config in order to analyze details on events output by the
diagnostic repeaters.
Bit Description
A.0 1: -
A.1 1:-
A.2 1: -
A.3 1: -
A.4 1: -
A.5 1: -
A.6 1: -
A.7 1:
B.0 1: Wire break at signal line A
B.1 1: Short-circuit to shielding at signal line B
B.2 1: -
B.3 1: Short-circuit to shielding at signal line A
B.4 1: Wire break at signal line B
B.5 1: -
B.6 1: Wire break at signal line A and/or B, or the terminating resistor is missing
B.7 1: Short-circuit signal line A <-> B, or an additional terminating resistor has been installed
C.0 1: -
C.1 1: -
C.2 1: -
C.3 1: -
C.4 1: -
C.5 1: -.
C.6 1: -
C0.7 1: -
Error handling
The block evaluates the error information of ALARM_8P and writes it to the
corresponding output parameters.
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
The block reports a diagnostics error if an error occurs when it attempts to read
access diagnostics data, or if any other disruption corrupts diagnostic data.
Startup Characteristics
ALARM_8P messages are initialized by the DREP_L block that uses SFB52
(RDREC) to read current diagnostic information from the diagnostic repeater.
Overload Behavior
The upstream OB_DIAG1 block locks the call of DREP_L for diagnostics if an
overload has occurred.
Dynamic response:
Message response:
The multiple instance ALARM_8P are only called if a message is to be output by
this instance. It is only at this point that previously acknowledged messages are
updated by the corresponding ALARM block. If the connection to WinCC is down,
each ALARM_8P instance can hold up to two message statuses of its event ID
Dithering messages can be suppressed via the DELAY input.
The block generates the messages listed below:
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DREP_L
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DREP_L
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for DREP".
Fields of application
Block FM_CNT is used to configure and control modules FM 350-1 and FM 350-2.
It writes the counter states, limits and comparison values of the FM 350-2 module.
Calling OBs
OB100 and the cyclic OB (100 ms recommended) used for transmitting data.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is installed in the cyclic OB upstream of the CH_CNT blocks.
• The block runtime group is installed in OB100 downstream of MOD_D1.
inputs are configured.
• MODEx inputs are interconnected with the OMODEx outputs of the MOD_D1
• The FM_DATA output structure is interconnected with the structure of the
same name of the CH_CNT block.
• The OMODEx output is interconnected with the MODE input of the CH_CNT
• The OUT structure CPU_DIAG of OB_BEGIN is interconnected with the
INOUT structure of the same name of FM_CNT.
• The EN_CO input structure is interconnected with the EN_CO_x output
structure of the FM_CO block (x = number of the rack).
• The output ENCO is connected to the input ENCOx_yy of the FM_CO block
(x = number of the rack, yy = coordination number).
The logical base address of the module is entered in the LADDR connection by the
CFC driver generator.
Higher-level block MOD_D1 evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system. Redundancy for two FM 350-1 or FM 350-2 modules is
not supported and must be controlled by the user outside of the block.
MODE Setting
Signal states of the MODE_xx or QMODE_xx of the FM_CNT block are described
under the MODE settings.
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 8 signal channels. Their
default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, the operating mode
of the FM 350 module needs to be set at the MODE_xx input (the CFC driver
generator takes care of this for you).
The module recognizes the following modes:
Continuous counting 16#xx01 The FM 350 counts continuously, starting with the current
counter state, after the internal gate opens.
One-time counting 16#xx02 The FM 350 counts from the start value to the end value
after the internal gate opens.
Periodic counting 16#xx03 The FM 350 counts between the start value and the end
value after the internal gate opens.
Frequency measurement 16#xx04 The FM 350 determines the frequency pulse sequence at
the input.
Speed measurement 16#xx05 The FM 350 determines the speed of the device
connected to the input.
Period duration 16#xx06 The FM 350 determines the duration of the pulse
measurement sequence at the input.
Dosing 16#xx07 Four channels of the FM 350-2 are used for dosing.
The count and measured values can be registered for the FM 350-2 module both
through the process image and through "Read data record" (slower update).
If the count and measured values of a channel are available in the process image,
then they must be flush in the process image. The following variants are possible.
MODE is formed by the linking the operating mode code and the access type.
Example: Count and measured value in "Dosing" mode from the data type
DWORD is not in the process image MODE = 16#C007.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
Each time the system or FM 350-1/FM 350-2 starts up, the block performs a new-
start coordination with the module. The CMP_VALx parameters are subsequently
loading in the FM 350.
ALARM_8P is initialized.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
The block reports operation and data errors for the FM 350-1 module and data
errors for FM 350-2 using ALARM_8P. The message function can be disabled by
setting EN_MSG = FALSE. The MOD_D1 block reports diagnostic alarms from the
FM 350-1 or FM 350-2.
Additional Information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of FM_CNT
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Message Texts and Associated Values of FM_CNT
Fields of application
Block IM_DRV is used to transfer changes in process signals with timestamps and
events not specific to signals (special messages) to the OS.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Alternatively to OB40, the block can be integrated into another process interrupt
OB (OB41 to OB47).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The IM_DRV block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the RACK-
block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The logical address LADDR is configured with the logical address of the IM
(diagnostics address). If you operate the DP master system in DPV1 mode, the
input address of the IM is entered.
• The S_CH_xxx inputs are configured.
• The RAC_DIAG structure of the RACK block is interconnected with the
structure of the same name of the IM_DRV block.
Every signal provided with a time stamp by the IM has a unique assignment to its
slot in connection with the corresponding channel number. There are 128 inputs of
the WORD data type for 128 signals. The slot number of the affected digital input
module is entered in the higher-priority byte and the channel number (signal of the
digital input module) is entered into the lower-priority byte. The slot and signal
number of the process signal are entered into the block input (S_CH_xxx)
(hexadecimal format).
In HW Config you have set digital signal 10 of a digital input module in slot 5 of an
ET 200M to an exact 10 ms timestamp. The number 16#050A is entered at the first
available input S_CH_xxx of the IM_DRV.
Description of Functions
In an AS the block IM_DRV forms the link between an IM and the OS (WinCC). It
fetches message data from IM message buffers (max. of 20 messages each) and
transfers these to the corresponding OS by means of the message function
ALARM_T. The ALARM_T function is an ALARM_8P block whose time stamps for
its 8 messages are entered in the first associated value in a byte array.
Operating principle
• Process interrupt: The IM generates a process interrupt for incoming
messages. The time-stamp status, including the number of the IM data record
to be fetched and the number of messages in the data record, are fetched from
the start information of the process interrupt OB and stored for cyclic
processing. The interrupt stack can hold up to 17 process interrupts; If this
maximum is exceeded, all new information will be lost.
• Cyclic processing: If any messages are queued in the stack, SFC59 (RD_REC,
read data record) reads the respective data record (message buffer). If the
stack contains several data records, it will fetch the record that contains the
oldest messages (oldest process alarm). The block instance temporarily stores
a maximum of 20 messages of a data record.
The IM can enter new messages in a data record after it reads the record. If all
data records are in use, the IM enters "buffer overflow error" (incoming) as the
last message in the message buffer. It enters "(outgoing) buffer overflow error"
as the first message in the next free record. Message data received within the
interval between a buffer overflow and the enabling of a record will be lost.
The function compares the slot/channel number of the stored messages with
the input parameters of the slot-/channel-number block (S_CH_xxx). If
identical, the message of the corresponding event ID (EV_ID_xxx) and signal
number (1 to 8) of the ALARM_T block is assigned. and enters the message
timestamp (8 bytes) in the ARRAY of byte (index corresponding to the signal
number of the ALARM_T). After all the messages have been assigned, the
block calls the ALARM_T blocks in order to transfer the new messages to the
OS. Errors that may occur during data communication between the block and
IM 153 are reported with an ALARM_8P block (for example, an I/O access
error). The signals returned by the ALARM_T and ALARM_8P blocks
(STAT_xx, M_ACK_xx) are available at the block output. If STAT_xx = 11 (the
previous job is still busy), it calls the ALARM_T/ALARM_8P block again in the
next cycle. Messages may be lost in all other situations. If no agreement can
be found with the input parameters in a message, the QBPARF output is set to
TRUE for the duration of one cycle (see "Error Handling"). The event will be
reported (see "Message response").
See also Addressing.
The function writes the logical address of the IM (corresponds to the diagnostic
address or the input address of the IM for the DP master system in DP V1 mode)
determined in HW Config to the driver block input (LADDR). Any change to the
LADDR block input will initiate a scan cycle, according to the startup characteristics
of the block.
Process signals which require a timestamp and are detected via an IM must be
configured accordingly in HW Config.
Error handling
Configuration error:
QBPARF Faulty block configuration: The slot/channel number of an IM message does not agree with
any slot/channel number of the block input parameters (message is lost).
Rack error:
QRACKF Failure of the IM rack, or IM failure
IM Startup Behavior
During startup/restart of the IM, the system will generate process interrupts once
again for those records which were occupied prior to restart but had not been
The message "Startup data (incoming)" is entered as the first message of the first
free data record. After restart, the system checks all monitored digital signals for
changes, outputs a message if appropriate and finally generates the message
"Startup data (outgoing)".
Time stamping in H systems equipped with two IM units is redundant under the
following conditions:
• both IM units communicate via the communication (K) bus,
• no error has occurred during the update of the active and passive IM.
The SUBNET and RACK blocks report loss of redundancy (failure of an IM),
separately from the IM_DRV block.
Time stamping is interrupted for the duration of the changeover between the active
<-> passive IM. This period of interrupt is indicated by the special message
"Changeover at redundancy start/end".
The active IM usually reports the current I/O status to the passive IM. The message
"Redundancy_Info_Loss" (incoming) will be output if this communication is
disrupted. If the I/O statuses of the active and passive IM have been aligned, the
message "Redundancy_Info_Loss" (outgoing) is output.
Dynamic response
Message response
The block uses one ALARM_8P block and 17 ALARM_T blocks, which are
installed as multiple instance blocks. The eight timestamp values assigned to each
of the ALARM_T block calls are transferred by means of an ARRAY [0..65] of
BYTE. The structure of the ARRAY is as follows:
The format identifier of bytes 0 - 1 specifies the bit coding of the timestamp
structure (8 bytes are assigned to one timestamp value):
Year Month
Day Hours
Minutes Seconds
1/10 s 1/100 s 1/1000 s Weekday
The driver block outputs the timestamps provided by the IM in ISP format and
without any changes.
In cyclic operation of the driver, the ALARM_T blocks and the ALARM_8P process-
control message block are called only if the signal states have changed. This
avoids unnecessary runtime.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of IM_DRV
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Message Texts and Associated Values of IM_DRV
Messages not based on signals are referred to as special messages. The message
buffer may contain the following special messages that are generated with
ALARM_8P_00 (multiple-instanced call of the ALARM_T). The function writes the
format identifier and the eight timestamp values to the first associated value
Fields of application
Block MOD_1 monitors up to 16 channels of S7-300/400 SM modules without
diagnostic functions (no mixed modules). H systems support only the modules
installed in switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_1 block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the RACK-
block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx inputs (mode of module channels xx) are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_1.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs are interconnected with the outputs EN_SUBx (x = number of the
DP Master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx (xxx = Rack/station
number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_Mxx (xx = Module number) of the
RACK block.
Block MOD_1 analyzes all events affecting a module and its channels in non-cyclic
mode and forms the channel-specific MODE and value status (quality code) for the
signal processing blocks. ALARM_8P reports the events.
The block is enabled by the higher-level RACK block during runtime. The
diagnostic event is entered in the CPU_DIAG start information of the OB_DIAG
block. A MODE_xx input exists for each signal channel of the module, which is
used for the input of module channel configuration data created in HW Config. The
function writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter, but
only during startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual
channel value status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive,
the system sets OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx.
The following events will lead to the value status "invalid value due to higher-level
error" (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
• Events evaluated by the RACK block:
"Module removed" and "I/O access error" events are reported to the OS by means
of ALARM_8P. The diagnostics interrupt function distinguishes between module
and channel errors, whereby each channel is assigned a message ID.
The system verifies during startup that the module is available (plugged), reads the
module status information provides these data as service output parameters
You can find additional information about the errors in Reference Manual
System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions.
The higher-level RACK block monitors the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
MODE Setting
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 16 signal channels. Their
default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to set the
type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog module at
the MODE_xx input.
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
If you make changes to the MODE_xx input configurations during runtime, they
are not accepted at the outputs until you set the ACC_MODE input to 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_1 uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The inputs DELAY1 and
DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access error messages. At DELAY1
you can specify which time in seconds the block waits for higher-priority errors
(rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error (OB85 has occurred
until it outputs the message. The message is output only under the condition that
no higher-priority error is reported within this delay time. DELAY2 determines the
number of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority error has been reported
outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as well. The default of both
values is 2 seconds.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_1
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_1/MOD_2
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for MOD_1,
MOD_2, MOD_3".
Fields of application
Block MOD_2 monitors up to 32 channels of S7-300/400 SM modules without
diagnostics functions (no mixed modules). H systems support only the modules
installed in switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_2 block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the
RACK-block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx inputs (mode of module channels xx) are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_2.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs are interconnected with the outputs EN_SUBx (x = number of the
DP Master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx (xxx = Rack/station
number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_Mxx (xx = Module number) of the
RACK block.
Block MOD_2 analyzes all events affecting a module and its channels in non-cyclic
mode and forms the channel-specific MODE and value status (quality code) for the
signal processing blocks. ALARM_8P reports the events.
Runtime of the block is enabled by the RACK master block. The diagnostic event is
entered in the CPU_DIAG start information of the OB_DIAG block. A MODE_xx
input exists for each signal channel of the module, which is used for the input of
module channel configuration data created in HW Config. The function writes
MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter, but only during
startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual channel value
status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive, the system sets
OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx.
The following events will lead to the value status "invalid value due to higher-level
error" (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
• Events evaluated by the RACK block:
"Module removed" and "I/O access error" events are reported to the OS by means
of ALARM_8P. The diagnostics interrupt function distinguishes between module
and channel errors, whereby each channel is assigned a message ID.
The system verifies during startup that the module is available (plugged), reads the
module status information provides these data as service output parameters
You can find additional information about the errors in Reference Manual System
Software for S7-300/40 System and Standard Functions.
The higher-level RACK block monitors the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
MODE Setting
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 32 signal channels. Their
default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to set the
type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog module at
the MODE_xx input.
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_1 uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The inputs DELAY1 and
DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access error messages. At DELAY1
you can specify which time in seconds the block waits for higher-priority errors
(rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error (OB85 has occurred
until it outputs the message. The message is output only under the condition that
no higher-priority error is reported within this delay time. DELAY2 determines the
number of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority error has been reported
outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as well. The default of both
values is 2 seconds.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_2
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block MOD_3 monitors up to 16 channels of S7-300/400 SM mixed (I/O) modules
without diagnostics functions. H systems support only the modules installed in
switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_3 block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the
RACK-block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx inputs are configured.
• The logical addresses LADDR and LADDR1 are configured.
• The structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of the
RACK block are interconnected with the MOD_3 structures of the same name.
Block MOD_3 cyclically analyzes all events affecting a module and forms the
channel-specific MODE and value status (quality code) for the signal processing
blocks. ALARM_8P reports the events. The message function can be disabled.
Runtime of the block is enabled by the RACK master block. The diagnostic event is
entered in the CPU_DIAG start information of the OB_BEGIN block.
A MODE_xx input exists for each signal channel of the module, which is used for
the input of module channel configuration data created in HW Config. Inputs
available for channel encoding: MODE_00 … MODE_15 -> maximum of 16 input
channels. MODE_16 … MODE_31 -> maximum of 16 output channels.
The function writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter,
but only during startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual
channel value status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive,
the system sets OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx.
The following events will lead to the value status "invalid value due to higher-level
error" (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
• Events evaluated by the RACK block:
"Module removed" and "I/O access error" events are reported to the OS by means
of ALARM_8P. The diagnostics interrupt function distinguishes between module
and channel errors, whereby each channel is assigned a message ID.
The system verifies during startup that the module is available (plugged), reads the
module status information provides these data as service output parameters
You can find additional information about the errors in Reference Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions.
Block MOD_3 supports chain redundancy of H systems operating with distributed
I/O. If you want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID (connection
to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs of the SUBNET block with
the numbers of the redundant chains. If the segments are not redundant, the value
16#FF (default) must be set at the remaining input.
MODE Setting
MODE_xx input parameters are available for a maximum of 2 x 16 signal channels.
Their default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to
set the type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog
module at the MODE_xx input.
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
Block MOD_3 uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The inputs DELAY1 and
DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access error messages. At DELAY1
you can specify which time in seconds the block waits for higher-priority errors
(rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error (OB85 has occurred
until it outputs the message. DELAY2 determines the number of seconds the block
waits after the higher-priority error has been reported outgoing until it outputs the
queued I/O access error as well. The default of both values is 2 seconds. The
message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_3
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_3
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
Block MOD_4 monitors modules (up to 16 channels) of an ET 200S operating as a
DPV0 slave (IM 151-High Feature) downstream of a Y link.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block MOD_4 is installed in its runtime group downstream of the OB_DIAG1
runtime group, which is used for the ET 200S downstream of a Y link, in the
above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx inputs (mode of module channels xx) are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
Block MOD_4 analyzes all events related to an ET 200S module acyclically. It
forms the channel-specific MODE and the value status for the signal processing
blocks. ALARM_8P reports events separately for each module.
The block runtime is enabled by the higher-ranking DPDIAGV0 block. The event to
be evaluated is available at input DPA_M. possible byte assignments:
0000000 = Module OK
0000001 = Module error
0000010 = Wrong module
0000011 = Module missing
00001xx = ET 200S failure; x = irrelevant
A MODE_xx input exists for each signal channel of the module, which is used for
the input of module channel configuration data created in HW Config. The function
writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter, but only
when the module status changes, during startup/initial startup, or if you set
ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual channel value status is written to the most
significant byte. If the result is positive, the system sets
OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx.
The following events will lead to the value status "invalid value due to higher-level
error" (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
• Events evaluated by the OB_DIAG1 block:
You can not operate redundant DP slaves downstream of a Y-Link.
MODE Setting
MODE_xx input parameters are available for a maximum of 2 x 16 signal channels.
Their default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to
set the type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog
module at the MODE_xx input.
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about the run sequence in
"Error information of output parameter MSG_STAT".
Startup Characteristics
A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_4 uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The message function can be
disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
The block forms the maintenance status MS.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_4
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_4
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
Block MOD_CP monitors a CP 341 or CP 441 serial communication module.
H systems only support modules in switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_CP block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the
RACK-block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_CP.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs are interconnected with the outputs EN_SUBx (x = number of the
DP Master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx (xxx = Rack/station
number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_Mxx (xx = Module number) of the
RACK block.
The actual value status of the communication channel is written to the most
significant byte. If the result is positive, the system sets
OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx.
The following events will lead to the value status "invalid value due to higher-level
error" (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
• Events evaluated by the RACK block:
The higher-level RACK block monitors the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Overload Behavior
The MOD_CP block counts OB82 calls. The counter is reset in OB1. If more than
five OB82 events occur in succession before the cycle control point is reached
(OB1), these events are discarded and the message "OB82 DP master failure: x
Rack: y Slot: z" is output.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_CP uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The inputs DELAY1 and
DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access error messages. At DELAY1
you can specify which time in seconds the block waits for higher-priority errors
(rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error (OB85 has occurred
until it outputs the message. The message is output only under the condition that
no higher-priority error is reported within this delay time. DELAY2 determines the
number of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority error has been reported
outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as well. The default of both
values is 2 seconds.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_CP
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_CP
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Fields of application
The block MOD_D1 monitors diagnostics-capable, max. 16-channel S7-300/400
SM modules (no hybrid modules) and with redundant configuration of the power
supplies of an ET 200iSP. H systems support only the modules installed in
switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_D1 block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the RACK-
block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx (mode of the channels xx of the module), SUBN1_ID,
SUBN2_ID, and SUBN_TYP inputs are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_D1.
Even if you operate a HART module in the HART operating MODE =16#070C,
possible HART protocol errors/configuration changes are masked by the MOD_D1
driver block and not signaled as channel error.
The higher-level RACK block monitors the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
MODE Setting
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 16 signal channels. Their
default setting is "Zero" (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to set the
type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog module at
the MODE_xx input.
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
HART modules with read/write access to the process image are configured in the
same way as input modules. The set I/O range must always be identical.
Example: SM332 AO 2x0/4..20mA HART 332-5TB00-0AB0:
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Following a diagnostic alarm, you will also find detailed module diagnostic
information in the MODDIAG0 to MODDIAG8 output parameters. You can find
additional information in Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400
System and Standard Functions; Diagnostic Data, Byte 0 to Byte 8.
The CHDIAG00 to CHDIAG15 output parameters contain detailed channel-status
information. You can find additional information in Reference Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions; Structure of Channel-
Specific Diagnostic Data.
The system resets this diagnostic information after a diagnostic alarm has been
reported outgoing (no further channel or module errors are queued).
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported at the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Overload Behavior
The MOD_D1 block counts OB82 calls. The counter is reset in OB1. If more than
two OB82 events occur in succession before the cycle control point (OB1) is
reached, these are discarded and a message "Failure OB82 DP Master: x Rack: y
Slot: z" is output.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_CP uses ALARM_8P to report module errors. The function also calls
ALARM_8P_2 and ALARM_8P_3, which are both relevant for channel-specific
errors. The inputs DELAY1 and DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access
error messages. At DELAY1 you can specify which time in seconds the block waits
for higher-priority errors (rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error
(OB85 has occurred until it outputs the message. The message is output only
under the condition that no higher-priority error is reported within this delay time.
DELAY2 determines the number of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority
error has been reported outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as
well. The default of both values is 2 seconds.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_D1
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_D1
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_D2
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Fields of application
Block MOD_D2 monitors up to 32 channels of S7-300/400 SM modules with
diagnostics functions (no mixed modules). H systems support only the modules
installed in switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_D2 block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the RACK-
block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx (mode of the channels xx of the module), SUBN1_ID,
SUBN2_ID, and SUBN_TYP inputs are configured.
• The logical basic address of the LADDR module is configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_D2.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs are interconnected with the outputs EN_SUBx (x = number of the
DP Master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, with EN_Rxxx (xxx = Rack/station
number) of the SUBNET block and with EN_Mxx (xx = Module number) of the
RACK block.
The block supports segment redundancy of CPU 417H for distributed I/O. If you
want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0)
and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs with the numbers of the redundant
chains. If segment redundancy doe not exist, the (default) value 16#FF must be set
at the remaining input.
MODE Setting
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 32 signal channels. Their
default setting is zero (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you need to set the
type and, if appropriate, the coding of the measuring range of an analog module at
the MODE_xx input.
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information about error handling in
"Error Information of Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Following a diagnostic alarm, you will also find detailed module diagnostic
information in the MODDIAG0 to MODDIAG10 output parameters. You can find
additional information in Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400
System and Standard Functions; Diagnostic Data, Byte 0 to Byte 10.
The CHDIAG00 to CHDIAG31 output parameters contain detailed channel-status
information. You can find additional information in Reference Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions; Structure of Channel-
Specific Diagnostic Data.
The system resets this diagnostic information after a diagnostic alarm has been
reported outgoing (no further channel or module errors are queued).
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_D2 uses ALARM_8P_1 to report module errors. In addition, the error blocks
ALARM_8P_2, ALARM_8P_3, ALARM_8P_4 and ALARM_8P_5 are called. The
inputs DELAY1 and DELAY2 are used to delay the output of I/O access error
messages. At DELAY1 you can specify which time in seconds the block waits for
higher-priority errors (rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error
(OB85 has occurred until it outputs the message. The message is output only
under the condition that no higher-priority error is reported within this delay time.
DELAY2 determines the number of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority
error has been reported outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as
well. The default of both values is 2 seconds.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_D2
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Fields of application
Block MOD_HA reports diagnostic events of a HART field device that is connected
to a channel of an SM 300 HART module (6ES7 331-7TB00-0AB0 or
6ES7 332-5TB00-0AB0) (ET 200M) or ET 200iSP HART module
(6ES7 134-7TD00-0AB0, 6ES7 134-7TD50-0AB0 or 6ES7 135-7TD00-0AB0).
H systems support only the modules installed in switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is installed downstream of the MOD_D1 block that is responsible for
the HART module.
• LADDR (logical basic address of the HART module) is configured.
• The geographical addresses SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, RACK_NO, SLOT_NO,
and CHAN_NO (channel number of the HART module to which the HART field
device is connected) are configured.
• The CPU_DIAG structures of the OB_BEGIN block are interconnected.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs are interconnected with the outputs EN_SUBx (x = number of the
DP master system) of the OB_BEGIN block, EN_Rxxx (xxx = rack/station
number) of the SUBNET block, and EN_Mxx (xx = module number) of the
RACK block and MODE with OMODE_xx of the MOD_D1 block.
Bit Meaning
0 Primary variable out of limits (field device)
1 Non-primary variable out of limits (field device)
2 Analog output saturated (field device)
3 Analog output current specified (field device)
4 More statuses available (field device)
5 Reserved for maintenance alarm (field device)
6 Reassignment of parameter of the field device
7 Malfunction of the field device
With an ET 200M with two-channel HART modules, the channel type 16#61 or
16#63 is generated during diagnostics. Here, bit 5 in byte 8 for channel 0 and byte
9 for channel 1 in the additional alarm information means "HART channel error". If
bit 5 = TRUE, the additional diagnostic data is read with SFB52 (RDREC) as
• with data record 128 for channel 0
• with data record 129 for channel 1
The structures of the diagnostic data records 128 for channel 0 and 129 for
channel 1 are identical and return detailed HART diagnostic information on the
previous transfer. The table below shows the specific error messages/warnings.
(Note: The table in the PCS 7 Library Manual is clearer and easier to read
because it has table lines, in contrast to the online help.)
Byte/Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0: general 1 = mod no. of the (triggering) client, polling address (of the HART transducer),
ule if module comm. no. = 0 always 0 for monodrop
1: fault channel HART HART HART device more rejected 0 = not
groups fault channel slave command status <> status command used
= (L+, fault commu- error 0 (e.g.
group error DrBr) nication configu-
the? bytes - 2 8 8 9 - - -
2: HART cf = HART parity overrun framing wrong wrong too many wrong
"communi- access error in error in error in checksum char chars in telegram
cation faults" not response response response in timing response timing
Field device possible response
Byte/Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 to 6: Broadcast system time: milliseconds (10s and 100s digits), seconds, minutes and hours
timestamp in two-digit BCD code respectively. If the timestamp function does not exist: Content = 0
7: last HART or module command
8: HART ce 1 "Communication error bits" of the "slave", (first status byte)
0 "Command response" list - no errors, but warnings
9: HART ds Device status bits (second status byte)
Two HART status bytes are reserved in the HART protocol for the indication of
errors and warnings and are entered in the diagnostic data records 128 and 129
without changes: The meaning of the HART status bytes is defined in the HART
• First HART status byte (meaning depends on bit 7):
- Bit 7 = 1: Communication error during the transmission of a HART
command to the field device
- Bit 7 = 0: Only a warning the field device transmits in return to a command
• Second HART status byte: Device status of the HART field device after a
communication error has occurred
(otherwise, byte = 0)
Bit No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
HART Faulty Configu- Complete "More Fixed Saturated Non- Primary
device function ration restart status" analog analog primary variable
status: of the field changed available output output variable out of range
"field- device (CC)" current out of
device- "configu- range
status" ration
MODE is written to the low word of output parameter OMODE, but only during
initial startup/startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual channel value
status is written to the most significant byte. If valid, OMODE = 16#80xxxxxx. The
MOD_D1 block contains the events that lead to the value status "invalid value due
to higher-priority error" (OMODE = 16#40xxxxxx) or to channel error
(OMODE = 16#00xxxxxx).
HART errors are output by the OMODE block as "channel error".
The higher-level RACK block evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system. Redundant HART field devices are not supported.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of OMODE.
ALARM_8P will be initialized.
Overload Behavior
The MOD_HA block counts OB82 calls. The counter is reset in OB1. A diagnostic
message will not be generated if more than five OB82 events occur before the
cycle control point is reached (OB1). A "multiple diagnostic alarm" message will not
be generated, since the MOD_D1 block takes over this action.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_HA reports diagnostic information of a HART field device by means of
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_HA
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_HA
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
The block MOD_MS monitors the diagnostics-capable, max. 16-channel motor
starter modules (ET 200S). H systems support only the modules installed in
switched racks.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MOD_MS block is installed in its runtime group downstream of the RACK-
block runtime group in the above-mentioned OBs.
• The MODE_xx, SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, and SUBN_TYP inputs are
• The logical addresses LADDR and LADDR1 are configured.
• The OUT structures CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of
the RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of MOD_MS.
Distinguishes between module errors and channel errors. The following events
(channel errors) are indicated with 16#40xxxxxx ("higher-priority error") in OMODE.
At the same time, output parameter QMODF = TRUE:
• Configuration/parameter assignment error
• Overload
• Short-circuit
• Error
• Actuator OFF
• Wire break
• Safety-related shutdown
• High limit overshot
• Undershoot of low limit
• Supply voltage missing
• Switching element overload
• External error
ALARM_8P is used to report "module removed", "I/O access error" and the above
"channel error" events to WinCC.
The system verifies during startup that the module is available (plugged), reads the
module status information provides these data as service output parameters
Detailed information about the errors is entered in the DIAG_INF output parameter
of data type STRUCT.
You can find additional information in the "Service Information" section and in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; Diagnostic Data, Byte 0 to Byte 8, Structure of Channel-Specific
Diagnostic Data.
The block supports segment redundancy of CPU 417H for distributed I/O. If you
want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0)
and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs with the numbers of the redundant
chains. If segment redundancy doe not exist, the (default) value 16#FF must be set
at the remaining input.
MODE Setting
The MODE_xx input parameters are available for up to 16 signal channels. Their
default setting is zero (no signal). For each signal channel xx, you must define the
type (digital input or digital output) of the motor-starter modules at the MODE_xx
You can find additional information in "MODE Settings".
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
Service Information
To analyze errors, read the module-status information entered during startup via
the structured MOD_INF output parameter. You can find additional information in
Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard
Functions; System-Status List, Module-Status Information.
Following a diagnostic alarm, you will also find detailed module diagnostic
information in the MODDIAG0 to MODDIAG8 output parameters. You can find
additional information in Reference Manual System Software for S7-300/400
System and Standard Functions; Diagnostic Data, Byte 0 to Byte 10.
The CHDIAG00 to CHDIAG15 output parameters contain detailed channel-status
information. You can find additional information in Reference Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions; Structure of Channel-
Specific Diagnostic Data.
Of the motor starter module channels, only channel 0 is assigned the diagnostic
function. The error code is stored in CHDIAG00 to CHDIAG03. Further information
on this can be found in the reference manual ET 200S, Motor Starter Safety
Technology SIGUARD; Diagnostics and Monitoring by the user program.
The system resets this diagnostic information after a diagnostic alarm has been
reported outgoing (no further channel or module errors are queued).
Startup Characteristics
After a restart/initial startup, the system verifies that the module is available under
its logical base address. A restart (OB100) is reported at the LSB in byte 2 of the
outputs OMODE_xx.
Dynamic response
Message response
MOD_MS reports module and motor-starter errors by means of ALARM_8P_1 and
ALARM_8P_2. The DELAY1 and DELAY2 inputs are used to delay the I/O-access-
error message. At DELAY1 you can specify which time in seconds the block waits
for higher-priority errors (rack failure or removal/insertion) after an I/O access error
(OB85 has occurred until it outputs the message. DELAY2 determines the number
of seconds the block waits after the higher-priority error has been reported
outgoing until it outputs the queued I/O access error as well. The default of both
values is 2 seconds.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_MS
Maintenance StatusMS Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_MS
Maintenance Status MS
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Fields of application
Block OB_BEGIN is used for CPU diagnostics of the automation system (AS). By
installing the block in CFC, the system creates all acyclic run sequences (OBs) for
the driver blocks of the PCS7 Library.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, OB_BEGIN is
installed automatically in the above-mentioned OBs.
Error handling
Block OB_BEGIN evaluates error information from ALARM_8P and writes it to the
relevant output parameters.
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
If the block installation sequence OB_BEGIN, xx blocks, ..., OB_END is not
observed in an OB, the message "OB_END installation error, no OB8x processing"
is output and QERR = TRUE is set. In this case, the acyclic OBs do not evaluate
the data and the downstream blocks will not be enabled.
Error information at output parameter STATUS of SFB54 (RALRM) is handled as
• The values 16#8096, 16#80A7,16#80C0, 16#80C2, 16#80C3 or 16#80C4 at
STATUS[2] and STATUS[3] indicate temporary error events. STATUS[3] of the
corresponding OB will be set in the structure CPU_DIAG = 16#C4.
Downstream blocks can read access the diagnostic data asynchronously.
• After any other error event, SFC6 (RD_SINFO) reads the startup information
once again and the message "OB_BEGIN diagnostic error RALRM
STATUS = xxxxxxxx" will be output. OB1 generates the outgoing message
after a delay time of approximately 10 seconds has expired.
Startup Characteristics
Block OB_BEGIN initializes the messages of ALARM_8P. In H systems
(CPU_DIAG.H_MODE = TRUE), the current status of the two H CPUs is
determined by reading SSL71 (see "Function and Operating Principle").
Overload Behavior
Outgoing messages of OB121, OB122 and OB88 are generated with a delay time
of approximately 10 seconds. This on the one hand prevents blocking of the
WinCC connection due to a high message transfer volume of these OBs, while
OB events may be lost on the other.
Dynamic response
Message response
ALARM_8P multiple instances are only called if OB_BEGIN is to output a
message. It is only at this point that previously acknowledged messages are
updated by the corresponding ALARM block. If the connection to WinCC is down,
each ALARM_8P can hold up to two message statuses of its event ID
The CPU generates a programming error (OB121) only as incoming event. OB1
resets the relevant message to outgoing status. In order to avoid an excessive
number of programming error messages, these will not be reported as outgoing
until a delay time of 10 seconds has expired. The same applies to direct access
errors (OB122) and OB88 events.
The block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_BEGIN
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
The structure of the CPU_DIAG is integrated as OUT in the OB_BEGIN block and
in all other blocks with this I/O as IN_OUT (column: "Type").
*) You can find additional information in the CPU Manual.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_BEGIN
Maintenance Status MS
Messages 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are only incoming events. They are reset to "outgoing"
status during the normal run sequence (OB1).
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Fields of application
The block OB_DIAG is an interface block for linking DP V0 slaves, that are not
supported by the PCS 7 driver blocks. The block is used to avoid a CPU stop if
there is an defective DP slave. It detects a DP slave failure. It indicates the
preferred channel of the active DP slave in an H system.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence of the following OBs (carried out
automatically in CFC):
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The OB_DIAG block is installed downstream from the SUBNET block.
• The RACK_NO, DADDR, SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, and SUBN_TYP inputs are
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs will be interconnected with output EN_SUBx (x = DP master
system ID) of the OB_BEGIN block and with output EN_Rxxx
(xxx = rack/station number) of the SUBNET block.
• The CPU_DIAG OUT structure of the OB_BEGIN block and SUB_DIAG of the
SUBNET block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of block OB_DIAG.
Overload Behavior
Block OB_DIAG1 counts the frequency of the calls of the acyclic OB82, and OB86
blocks (not in the case of DP master-system failure, see SUBNET block). If the
counter DIAG82_CNT is > 5 or if DIAG86_CNT is > 5, then EN_F = FALSE is set
(disable function block). The counters are reset in OB1. In all other OBs the output
EN_F = TRUE (enable function block) will be set.
If OB82 or OB86 fail, then OB_BEGIN reports in this failure in OB1, OB82 or OB86,
including the geographical address of the DP slave.
Due to the disable OB82 or OB86 is not analyzed if there is overload. The outputs
cannot correspond to the current slave status. After a wait time of approximately 1
minute in the case of OB86 failure the status of the DP slave is checked and the
variable EN_86DIAG is set to TRUE. The DP slave status update may require
several cycles.
If an OB82 failure is present, then the variable EN_82DIAG is set to TRUE. The
interconnected DP slave block can then fetch the current diagnostic data of the
The block supports redundant DP master systems in an H system (only distributed
I/Os). If you want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID
(connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs of the
OB_DIAG1 block with the numbers of the redundant DP master systems. If the DP
master systems are not redundant, the value 16#FF (default) must be set at the
remaining input.
Startup Characteristics
Availability of the slave is verified. In H systems the preferred channel of the slave
is determined (active slaves only).
Error handling
No plausibility checks are implemented as regards the input parameter.
Message response
See OB_BEGIN block
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block OB_DIAG1 monitors failure and return of DP or PA slaves (referred to as
"slaves" hereafter). The slaves can be connected to a DP V0 or V1 DP master
system, or to a DPV1 DP/PA Link (Y-Link). OB_DIAG1 locks further evaluation if a
slave is defective (frequent producer) in order to avoid a CPU stop. It indicates the
preferred channel of the active slave in an H system. The indicated preferred
channel 1 (SUBN1ACT ) is always set TRUE if the active slave operates
downstream from a DP/PA Link (Y-Link).
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
The driver generator only installs the block into OB55, OB56 and OB57 if
diagnostics messages are to be expected from these locations; i.e., the OB5x are
not entered in this block’s task list.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OB_DIAG1 is installed downstream of the SUBNET/DPAY_V1 block
(when used downstream of a DP/PA or Y link).
SUBN_TYP inputs are configured.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs will be interconnected with output EN_SUBx (x = DP master
system ID) of the OB_BEGIN block and with output EN_Rxxx
(xxx = rack/station number) of the SUBNET block.
• The CPU_DIAG OUT structure of the OB_BEGIN block and SUB_DIAG of the
SUBNET block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of block OB_DIAG.
• RAC_DIAG is interconnected with its internal OUT structure RAC_DIAG when
used in a DP master system.
• RAC_DIAG_I is interconnected with the OUT structure RAC_DIAG of the
DPAY_V1 block when used downstream of a Y link
The DP master systems or DP/PA Links (Y-Link) must be operated in DPV1 mode
Failure and return of a slave are reported via ALARM_8P. The message function
can be disabled with EN_MSG = FALSE.
The "Device failure" message can be disabled with EM_MSG_D = FALSE (see
"Message response").
Overload Behavior
Block OB_DIAG1 counts the frequency of the calls of the acyclic OB55, OB56,
OB57, OB82, and OB86 blocks (not in the case of DP master-system failure, see
SUBNET block). If the block is installed downstream of a DP/PA or Y l-Link, the
calls will be counted in OB83, rather than in OB86. The following section deals only
with OB86.
Each OB is assigned a counter that is checked for the condition > 5. If this
condition is satisfied, the block sets EN_F = FALSE (disable function block). The
counters are reset in OB1. In all other OBs the output EN_F = TRUE (enable
function block) will be set.
OB_DIAG1 reports failure of the blocks mentioned above in OB1, OB82 or OB86,
including the geographical address of the slave.
The event is not evaluated in the downstream blocks, due to the locking of OB55,
OB56, OB57 or OB82 on overload. The outputs cannot correspond to the current
slave status. After a waiting time of approx. 1 minute, the slave status is verified
and the outputs are updated after an OB86 failure. The slave status update may
require several cycles.
The variable EN_DIAG is set TRUE after approx. 1 minute if an OB82 has failed.
The interconnected DP slave block can then fetch the current diagnostic data of
the slave and update its own database. The same goes for OB55, OB56 or OB57.
The "outgoing" message of the failure is generated when the OB lock is canceled
and either a new event has occurred for this OB or the wait time has expired.
The block supports redundant DP master systems in an H system (only distributed
I/Os). If you want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID
(connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs of the
OB_DIAG1 block with the numbers of the redundant DP master systems. If the DP
master systems are not redundant, the value 16#FF (default) must be set at the
remaining input.
Startup Characteristics
Availability of the slave is verified. In H systems the preferred channel of the slave
is determined (active slaves only).
Error handling
The block evaluates error information of ALARM_8P and writes it to the relevant
output parameter.
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
Message response
The multiple instance ALARM_8P are only called if a message is to be output by
this instance. It is only at this point that previously acknowledged messages are
updated by the corresponding ALARM block. If the connection to WinCC is down,
each ALARM_8P instance can hold up to two message statuses of its event ID
(usually two messages maximum). The block generates the messages listed
If the diagnostic blocks (e.g., MOD_PAL0) of a device also report the failure of a
device, the "Device failure" message can be disabled with EN_MSG_D = FALSE
(this is automatically performed by the driver generator).
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_DIAG1
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_DIAG1
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
The OB_END block is used to reset the stack pointer of OB_BEGIN.
Calling OBs
The OB_END block is the final entry in an OB that contains an OB_BEGIN block.
OB_END must not be installed in OBs that do not contain an OB_BEGIN block.
OB100 Restart:
OB121 Programming error
OB122 I/O access error
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, OB_END is installed
automatically in the above-mentioned OBs of the run sequence.
The OB_END block decrements the stack pointer (NUM_CNT) of OB_BEGIN. In
case of an interruption, it enters the last interrupted OB number read from the CPU
stack into the CPU_DIAG structure.
Error handling
Startup Characteristics
Dynamic response
Message response
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block OR_M_16 is used to form a module-granular value status based on two
redundant signal modules.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in OB100 and in the fastest OB before the channel
block CH_x that is interconnected with OR_M_16.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OR_M_16 is installed upstream of its interconnected CH_x channel
blocks in their OB.
• MODE1_x inputs are interconnected with the OMODE_xx outputs of the
MOD_x block in the primary module.
Redundancy of the modules in an H system is monitored in a higher priority
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
The outputs OMODE_xx are updated when the "Startup" bit is set.
ALARM_8P will be initialized.
Message response
OR_M_16 uses ALARM_8P for reporting. The message function can be disabled
by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OR_M_16/OR_M_32
Maintenance Status MS
Additional Information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message texts and associated values of OR_M_16C
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message texts and associated values of OR_M_8C
Message texts and associated values of OR_M_16C
Maintenance Status MS
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Description of OR_M_16
Message Texts and Associated Values of OR_M_16/OR_M_32
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block OR_M_8C is used to form a channel-granular value status based on two
redundant signal modules.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in OB100 and in the fastest OB before the channel
block CH_x that is interconnected with OR_M_8C.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OR_M_8C is installed upstream of its interconnected CH_x channel
blocks in their OB.
• MODE1_x inputs are interconnected with the OMODE_xx outputs of the
MOD_x block in the primary module.
• MODE2_x inputs are interconnected with the OMODE_xx outputs of the
MOD_x block in the redundant module.
• The MOD_INF1 input structure is interconnected with the MOD_INF output
structure of the MOD_x block in the primary module.
• The MOD_INF2 input structure is interconnected with the MOD_INF output
structure of the MOD_x block in the redundant module.
• The ACTIV_H and ACTIV_L inputs are interconnected with the outputs of the
same name of the RED_STATUS block in the redundant module.
• The OMODE_xx outputs are interconnected with the relevant CH_x channel
• The OUT structure CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block is interconnected with
the INOUT structures of the same name of block OR_M_8C.
• The inputs RACKF1 and RACKF2 are interconnected with the outputs
• The inputs CH_INF_H and CH_INF_L are interconnected with the same name
outputs of RED_STATUS.
Redundancy of the modules in an H system is monitored in a higher-level
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
The outputs OMODE_xx are updated when the "Startup" bit is set.
ALARM_8P will be initialized.
Message response
OR_M_8C uses ALARM_8P for reporting. The message function can be disabled
by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message texts and associated values of OR_M_8C
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Fields of application
Block PO_UPDAT safeguards the functions "Hold last value" and "Apply substitute
value" of the output modules when a CPU is restarted (OB100).
Run Sequence
Block PO_UPDAT must be installed as the final element in OB100. When using the
CFC function "Generate module drivers", the PO_UPDAT block is automatically
installed in OB100.
Description of Functions
When a CPU is restarted (OB100), the CH_DO and CH_AO blocks write the start
values to the process image. The PO_UPDAT block sends all process image
(partition)s to the modules at the end of OB100 in order for these values to be
active immediately after the CPU transition to RUN. Output PO_MAP indicates the
process image partitions which have been updated or are used in the system
(BIT0: Process image 0, BIT15: Process image partition 15).
Additional information
Additional information is available in the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks Description of PS
Fields of application
Block PS monitors the status of a rack power supply and reports corresponding
error events.
Calling OBs
The PS block must be installed in the run sequence of the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is installed in the run sequence downstream of the RACK block.
• The SLOT_NO input (slot number of the power supply) is configured.
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
Its inputs are interconnected with the output EN_SUBx of the OB_BEGIN
block, the output EN_Rxxx of the SUBNET block and the output EN_Mxx of the
RACK block.
• The OUT structure CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block and RAC_DIAG of the
RACK block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same name
of the PS block.
• If there is a battery failure, the battery must always be replaced with the power
supply turned on. Then press the button "FMR". In all other situations, the
block does not reset a reported error.
• For redundant power-supply modules in a rack with a standard CPU, a
corresponding message is sent for both power-supply modules in the event of
a battery error or power-supply error. You can tell which module is affected by
its illuminated "BATTF" LED.
In a redundant system, the block is also installed extra for the power supply of the
redundant rack.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is limited to the evaluation of the error information of
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Startup Characteristics
The PS block initializes the messages of ALARM_8P.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
You can find additional information in "Message response".
Message response
After OB81 or OB83 is called, the block analyzes the status of the power supply of
the rack assigned to it. It generates the messages for "Backup battery failure",
"Backup voltage failure" and "24 V supply failure" or "Module removed" or "Wrong
or faulty module" with ALARM_8P. The message function can be disabled by
setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PS
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks I/Os of PS
The factory setting of the block representation in CFC is identified in the "I/O"
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PS
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
The RACK block monitors the status of a rack and reports the corresponding error
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The RACK block is installed in the run sequence downstream of the
SUBNET block.
• The RACK_NO, DADDR, SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, and SUBN_TYP inputs are
• The EN input is interconnected with the output of an AND block,
whose inputs will be interconnected to the output EN_SUBx of the OB BEGIN
block and to the output EN_Rxxx of the SUBNET block.
• The CPU_DIAG OUT structure of the OB_BEGIN block and SUB_DIAG of the
SUBNET block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of the RACK block.
The block evaluates error events and uses the diagnostic address DADDR of the
DP slave to determine the currently active preferred channel (SUBN1ACT,
SUBN2ACT) of redundant PROFIBUS DP interfaces.
If you want to modify the SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID
(connection to CPU 1) inputs online without using the CFC function "Generate
module drivers", you must set input ACC_ID = TRUE in order to update the output
In H systems with distributed I/O devices, the RACK block supports redundancy of
the DP Master systems. If you want to use this function, you must configure the
SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs of
the RACK block with the numbers of the redundant DP master systems. If there is
no redundancy, the remaining input must be assigned the value 16#FF (default).
With redundant central racks, the two RACK blocks inserted in the system chart
are only responsible for enabling lower-level block chains. Their maintenance
status MS is therefore irrelevant. The "Good" and "Not redundant" state is always
shown in the corresponding faceplate and block icon because the bits 0 to 16 of
the MS are always "0" in this case.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is limited to the evaluation of the error information of
You can find additional information in "Error Information of Output Parameter
Startup Characteristics
The RACK block initializes ALARM_8P messages. It checks availability of the
station and, in H systems, determines the preferred channel of the station.
The structure SUB_DIAG.V1_MODE (0 = compatibility mode, 1 = DPV1 mode) will
be transferred to the structure RAC_DIAG.V1_MODE.
Overload Behavior
The RACK block counts the OB86 calls (exception: DP master-system failure, see
SUBNET block). The counter is reset in OB1. If more than two OB86 events occur
successively before the cycle control point (OB1) is reached, these will be
discarded and a message "Failure OB86 DP Master:x " output. When an OB86 call
is discarded, the rack (station) is registered as having failed.
Dynamic response
See "Message characteristics"
Message response
After its call by OB70, OB72, OB85 or OB86, the block analyzes the status of its
assigned CPU, DP master and DP slaves. If the rack (station) loses redundancy or
fails, the block outputs corresponding messages via ALARM_8P. The message
function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
The block generally reports only the events generated in the rack monitored it
monitors. Redundancy loss and station failures which are caused by the failure of a
DP masters or of a CPU, are initially neither signaled nor indicated at the outputs
The DELAY input is used to delay the output of error messages for outgoing
higher-priority errors. This delay time is configurable. For example, when the RACK
block recognizes an outgoing error at an interconnected DP master, it initially
assumes that there is a faulty assigned DP slave in the rack it monitors and sets
the corresponding output SUBNxERR. The error status is not reset until the DP
slave returns (in this case: OB86, OB70). The RACK blocks delay error messages
relevant to any slave failure states for a time in seconds as specified in DELAY, in
order not to trigger the output of surge of messages from DP slaves which are not
yet synchronized after the master has returned. An error message is not output to
the OS unless the DP slave has reported its return before this delay time has
Note: Do not set the value of DELAY too high, since messages reporting faulty DP
slaves or their removal during a master failure will be output too late to the OS after
the DP master returns.
The RACK block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of RACK
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of RACK
Maintenance Status MS
Fields of application
Block RCV_341 is used for receiving serial data via the CP 341 module.
Calling OBs
OB100 and the cyclic OB (100 ms recommended) assigned to receive the data.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The RACK_NO, SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, and SLOT_NO inputs are configured.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODE_00 output of the
MOD_CP block.
• Insert the RCV_341 block into your CFC chart.
• Set the logical basic address of the CP 341 module at the block input LADDR.
• Define the input buffer for user data in a block (referred to as RCV_DATA in
the following).
• Install RCV_DATA downstream of the RCV_341 block in the same cyclic OB.
The input buffer definition can be a simple variable or an array of variables. All
S7 data types except ANY are permitted in the variable definitions.
• Apply the input buffer to the output of the RCV_DATA block,
• and then interconnect this output with the R_DATA input of the RCV_341
• To control and evaluate received data, define the following I/O at the
RCV_DATA block and interconnect them with the corresponding I/O of the
RCV_341 block:
Block RCV_341 is ready to receive data when EN_R = TRUE. If NDR = TRUE,
new data are stored in the data area of the RCV_DATA block you have
interconnected with R_DATA. Variable LEN indicates the length of data received.
You must save the new data received in your block or set EN_R = FALSE, since all
data will be overwritten in the next cycle.
When the variable ERROR = TRUE, an error event is entered in STATUS. (The
meaning of these event IDs is described in the CP 341 Manual.). Event class 8 is
to be evaluated according to the selected transmission type in order to determine
how to handle faulty received data.
For error cases (ERROR = TRUE), you should not set Reset (R = TRUE) for
STATUS = 16#1E0D.
In other cases, we recommended that you set R = TRUE for one cycle.
• Procedure DK 3964R
This procedure does not require the assignment or evaluation of further
variables of the RCV_341 block.
You can find additional information in the CP 341 Manual.
Higher-level block MOD_CP evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system. Redundant serial communication is not supported and
must thus be controlled manually by the user, separately from this block.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of output OMODE.
ALARM_8P will be initialized.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
The block uses ALARM_8P to report diagnostic information of P_RCV_RK. The
message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of RCV_341
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Further information is available in the section:
Message Texts and Associated Values of RCV_341
Fields of application
Block SND_341 is used for transmitting serial data via the CP 341 module.
Calling OBs
OB100 and the cyclic OB (100 ms recommended) used for transmitting data.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The RACK_NO, SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, and SLOT_NO inputs are configured.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODE_00 output of the
MOD_CP block.
• Install the SND_341 block into your CFC chart.
• Set the logical basic address of the CP 341 module at the block input LADDR.
• Define the send buffer for user data in a block (referred to as SND_DATA in
the following).
• Install SND_DATA upstream of SND_341 in the same cyclic OB. The send
buffer definition can be a variable or a structure of variables. All S7 data types
except ANY are permitted in the variable definitions.
• Apply the send buffer to the output of the SND_DATA block
• and then interconnect this output with the S_DATA input of the SND_341
block. The length of the interconnected data structure determines the length of
the protocol to be transmitted.
• To control and evaluate transmitted data, define the following I/O at
SND_DATA and interconnect them with the corresponding I/O of SND_341:
Block SND_341 initializes a send request when input REQ = TRUE. If the send
request is completed successfully (DONE = TRUE), a new send request is
initialized automatically, provided that REQ = TRUE. If the data to be sent are not
yet available, you have to set REQ = FALSE. When the variable ERROR = TRUE,
an error event is entered in STATUS. You can find the meanings of the event
numbers in the CP 341 Manual. Event class 7 is to be evaluated according to the
selected transmission type in order to determine how to handle faulty data or data
not transmitted.
• Procedure DK 3964R
This procedure does not require any further evaluation or assignment of
variables at SND_341.
You can find additional information in the CP 341 Manual.
• Remote coupler RK 512
These variables (hidden inputs) of SND_341 are to be set:
Byte Meaning
1 MODBUS slave address
2 MODBUS function code
3 See function code x
4 See function code x
Byte Meaning
CRC Check (message frame checksum)
Higher-level block MOD_CP evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system. Redundant serial communication is not supported and
must thus be controlled manually by the user, separately from this block.
Error handling
The input parameters are not validated.
Startup Characteristics
A restart (OB100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of OMODE.
ALARM_8P will be initialized.
Overload Behavior
Dynamic response
Message response
The block uses ALARM_8P to report diagnostic information of P_SND_RK.
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of SND_341
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional information
Further information is available in the section:
Message Texts and Associated Values of SND_341
Fields of application
Block SUBNET is used to reduce processing times of the acyclic OB. Only the
blocks actually affected can be called in case of an acyclic event.
Calling OBs
Block SUBNET must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Runtime groups with driver blocks are created, organized by racks.
• The SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID and SUBN_TYP inputs are configured.
• EN_Rxxx outputs are interconnected with the relevant blocks (e.g., RACK).
• The INOUT structure CPU_DIAG is interconnected with the OUT structure of
the OB_BEGIN block.
• The INOUT structure SZL_71 is interconnected with the OUT structure of the
OB_BEGIN block.
• The OUT structure SUB_DIAG is interconnected with the INOUT structures of
the relevant blocks (e.g., RACK).
The SUBNET block supports redundancy of DP master systems of the 414-H/417-
H CPU when operating with distributed I/O. If you want to use this function, you
must configure the SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection
to CPU 1) inputs with the numbers of the redundant DP master systems. If there is
no redundancy, the remaining input must be assigned the value 16#FF (default).
Error handling
The block handles only the error information of ALARM_8P.
You can find additional information about error handling in "Error Information of
Output Parameter MSG_STAT".
Overload Behavior
The SUBNET block counts the OB86 calls (only failures). The counter is reset in
OB1. If more than two OB86 failure events occur successively before the cycle
control point (OB1) is reached, these are discarded and a message "Failure OB86
DP Master system:x" is output. If an OB86 call is rejected, the DP master system is
registered as having failed.
Dynamic response
Message response
After being called by an OB86, OB70 and OB72, the block analyzes the status of
its assigned DP master system, generates corresponding messages relevant to
redundancy loss or DP Master system failure and then outputs this message via an
The message function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE.
The SUBNET block generally reports only events triggered in the DP master
system it monitors.
Exception: If there is a CPU failure in the H system, the following messages are
• in a primary DP master system: message "DP master failure"
• in a redundant DP master system: message "DP master redundancy loss"
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of SUBNET
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
The maximum number of racks is determined by the address volume of
PROFIBUS. All available CPUs can thus be used. The entire address volume is
used by the CPU 417-4.
Additional information
Additional information is available in the sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of SUBNET
Maintenance Status MS
Area of Application
The block DIAG_AB evaluates the status word of an AB7000 slave and
acknowledges newly reported errors via the control word of the slave.
Calling OBs
The cyclic OB and OB 100
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is installed in the run sequence in front of the block MOD_PAL0 or
block MOD_PAX0 which are also installed by the driver wizard. The install is
executed in the same cyclic OB as the associated signal processing blocks
• Parameters are assigned to the input LADDR_C with the address control word
of the AB7000.
• Parameters are assigned to the input LADDR_S with the address control word
of the AB7000.
• The OUT structure CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block is interconnected with
the INOUT structures of the same name of DIAG_AB.
• The input mode of the DIAG_AB block is interconnected with the output
OMODE_00 of the PADP_L10 or PADP_L01 block.
• The input PA_DIAG of the DIAG_AB block is interconnected with the output
PA_DIAG of the PADP_L10 or PADP_L01 block.
• The output OMODE of the DIAG_AB block is interconnected with the input
MODE_00 of the MOD_PAL0 or MOD_PAX0 block.
• The output ODIAG of the DIAG_AB block is interconnected with the input
PA_DIAG of the MOD_PAL0 or MOD_PAX0 block.
The outputs SR_CODE and SR_DATA show the last values of a status tab sent by
the AB7000. The meaning of SR_DATA depends on SR_CODE:
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Initialization of outputs OMODE with 16#80000001 ("valid value") and ODIAG with
16#00000000 ("no error")
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block DPAY_V0 monitors the status of a DP/PA or Y link as a V0 slave (IM 157)
and reports the corresponding error events.
The DP/PA link operates as a PA master for the lower-level PA field devices and
as a slave on the DP bus.
The Y link operates as a DP master for the lower-level DP field devices and as a
slave on the higher-level DP bus.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 70 I/O redundancy error
OB 72 CPU redundancy error
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is integrated in the run sequence downstream from the
SUBNET block and upstream from the PADP_L0x block.
• RACK_NO (rack/station number) is configured.
• SUBN_TYP (internal/external Profibus interface) is parameterized.
• SUBN1_ID (ID of the master systems) is parameterized.
• SUBN2_ID (ID of the redundant master system) is parameterized.
• DADDR (diagnostic address of the DP/PA or Y link) is configured.
• DPPA_xx (slave xx address), 1st module (slot) address of slave xx in the link,
number of slots of the slave xx are configured.
• The CPU_DIAG OUT structures of the OB_BEGIN block and SUB_DIAG of the
SUBNET block are interconnected with the INOUT structures of the same
name of DPAY_V0.
• In the case of PA or DP field devices, they are interconnected with PADP_L0x.
SFC 13 (DPNRM_DG, read diagnostic data consistently) reads the diagnostic data
(OB 82). The reading process can take several cycles (OB 1). It is therefore
possible in a few rare cases that the triggering diagnostic event cannot be
Diagnostic user data contain information about the status of the link and of
connected field devices. The structure DPPA_ST indicates the link status.
The status of a field device is entered in the structure DPA_M_xx.
A field device can have a maximum of 32 slots (modules). Three block types are
available, according to the number of slots on the field device:
• PADP_L00 (field device with max. 7 slots)
• PADP_L01 (field device with max. 16 slots)
• PADP_L02 (field device with max. 32 slots)
The structure DPA_M_xx is interconnected to the structure DPA_M and the output
EN_Mx with EN of one of the PADP_Lxx blocks (carried out by the CFC function
"Generate module drivers").
The DPA_M_xx structure consists of two DWORD value (S_01 for modules 1 to 16
and S_02 for modules 17 to 32) and one BOOL value (S_ERR = DP/PA field
device faulty). Two bits of the DWORD are assigned to each slot of the DP/PA field
device, whereby bit 0 and bit 1 belong to slot 1 (module 1) of the DP/PA field
device, etc. These bits are defined as follows:
If the diagnostics alarm applies to the entire DP/PA field device, then
DPA_M_xx.S_ERR = TRUE is set.
If you do not wish to use the CFC function "Generate module drivers" for online
editing of the inputs of the SUBNET block SUBN1_ID (connection to CPU 0) and
SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1), set input ACC_ID = TRUE at the relevant block.
This verifies the Link states and updates output values.
The block supports redundant DP master systems in an H system (only distributed
I/Os). If you want to use this function, you must configure the SUBN1_ID
(connection to CPU 0) and SUBN2_ID (connection to CPU 1) inputs of the
SUBNET block with the numbers of the redundant DP master systems. If the DP
master systems are not redundant, the value 16#FF (default) must be set at the
remaining input.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is limited to the evaluation of the error information of
Startup Characteristics
The block initializes the messages of ALARM_8P. Availability of the link is verified.
in H systems, determines the preferred channel of the link.
Overload Behavior
The block counts OB 86 (no DP master system failure, see SUBNET block) and
OB 82 calls. Both counters are reset in OB 1. If more than five OB 86 events occur
in succession before the cycle control point is reached (OB 1), these events are
discarded and the message ""DP-Link DP-Master:x Rack:y: Multiple failure" or the
message "DP-Link Master:x Rack:y: recursive alarm (OB 82)" is output. 1 minute
later the status of the link will be re-checked.
Time Response
Message Capability
After its call by OB 70, OB 72, OB 85 or OB 86, the block analyzes the status of its
assigned CPU, DP master and link If the link loses redundancy or fails, the block
outputs corresponding messages via ALARM_8P.
The block generally reports only the events generated in the link that it monitors.
Redundancy loss and link failures which are caused by the failure of a DP masters
or of a CPU, are initially neither signaled nor indicated at the outputs SUBN1ERR
The DELAY input is used to delay the output of error messages for outgoing
higher-priority errors. This delay time is configurable. When the block recognizes
an outgoing error at an interconnected DP master, it initially assumes that there is
a faulty assigned DP slave in the link it monitors and sets the corresponding output
SUBNxERR. The error status is not reset until the DP slave returns (in this case:
OB 86, OB 70). The blocks delay error messages relevant to any slave failure
states for a time in seconds as specified in DELAY, in order not to trigger the
output of surge of messages from DP slaves which are not yet synchronized after
the master has returned. An error message is not output to the OS unless the DP
slave has reported its return before this delay time has expired.
Do not set the value of DELAY too high, since messages reporting faulty DP slaves
or their removal during a master failure will be output too late to the OS after the
DP master returns.
The block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DPAY_V0
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of DPAY_V0
Maintenance Status MS
Area of Application
Block DPAY_V1 enables field-device-specific blocks installed downstream of the
DP/PA or Y links.
The DP/PA link operates as a PA master for the lower-level PA field devices and
as a slave on the DP bus.
The Y link operates as a DP master for the lower-level DP field devices and as a
slave on the higher-level DP bus.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 55 Status interrupt
OB 56 Update interrupt
OB 57 Manufacturer-specific alarm
OB 70 I/O redundancy error
OB 72 CPU redundancy error
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 83 Removal/insertion alarm
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is integrated in the run sequence downstream of block OB_DIAG1.
• SUBN_1ID (ID of primary DP master system) is configured.
• SUBN_2ID (ID of secondary DP master system) is configured.
• RACK_NO (rack/station number) is configured.
• The OUT structure CPU_DIAG of the OB_BEGIN block is interconnected with
the INOUT structures of the same name of DPAY_V1.
• The OUT structure CPU_OB_5X of the OB_BEGIN block is interconnected
with the INOUT structures of the same name of DPAY_V1.
• EN_Mxx is interconnected with EN of OB_DIAG1 and PADP_L10 for each field
OB5x characteristics
Enables the output for the relevant field device.
The redundancy is evaluated in OB_DIAG1.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
The block initializes its outputs.
Overload Behavior
OB_DIAG1 disables the block on overload.
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
The block FF_A_AI processes (cyclic service) the PA profile "Transmitter" of an FF
field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the analog input channel is interconnected with
input QC_W.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODE_00 output of the
MOD_PAL0 block or MOD_PAX0 block.
Linking in ASSET
The block FF_A_AI can be linked in ASSET. Additional information is available in
the section Linking FF Devices in ASSET.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code, that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC-W).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF. The imaging of these values on the displayable values listed
above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table of the current LIB readme. The Quality
Codes 16#84-16#87 and 16#90 – 16#93 of the FF field device are analyzed like
the Quality Codes 16#80 – 16#83. If the Quality Code 16#80 (valid value) and a
process value (input VALUE) with the bit pattern 16#7FFFFFFF (invalid value) from
the FF device are transferred, then this is handled the same as Quality Code
16#00 (invalid value) by the FF field device.
In addition to the status byte and to improve interconnectability, the output interface
provides further Boolean (BOOL) values, which contain important details. They
conform to bit combinations specifications in PROFIBUS PA 3.0 "General
The block recognizes a higher-level error, for example, failure of a DP/PA link, via
the MODE input parameter.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#80, then the values in the process image
(partition) are valid.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#40 (value status = higher-level error), the analog
value is treated as invalid.
The mode of the input parameter MODE_LW is not considered.
You must configure an icon for the analog input channel in the icon table and
connect it with the input VALUE. The icon for the Quality Code of the analog input
channel interconnects the CFC function "Generate Module Driver with the input
parameter QC_W.
When input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input parameter SIM_V is
output with Quality Code (QUALITY =) 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority.
QBAD is always set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SUBS_V is
output as a value if the values are invalid. The Quality Code (QUALITY) is set to
16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Value Limiting
You can limit the maximum low and high range of process variables in the process
image (partition).
LIMIT_ON = TRUE limits process variables (V):
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
The block FF_A_AO processes (cyclic service) the PA profile "Actuator" of an FF
field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32) and restart OB 100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODE_00 output of the
MOD_PAL0 block or MOD_PAX0 block.
Linking in ASSET
The block FF_A_AO can be linked in ASSET. Additional information is available in
the section Linking FF Devices in ASSET.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code, that comes directly from the device
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF. The imaging of these values on the displayable values listed
above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table of the current LIB readme. The Quality
Codes 16#84-16#87 and 16#90 – 16#93 of the FF field device are analyzed like
the Quality Codes 16#80 – 16#83. If the Quality Code 16#80 (valid value) and an
associated process value (inputs I_RCAS_OUT or I_READBACK) with the bit
pattern 16#7FFFFFFF (invalid value) from the FF device are transferred, then this
is handled the same as Quality Code 16#00 (invalid value) by the FF field device.
The data of the FF field device, as well as the process variable (READBACK) and
the discrete position feedback (READBACK) are read cyclically from the process
image (partition). Optionally you can also read the active reference variable
(RCAS_OUT) and the detailed device information (CHECKBACK). The device
information is available at the block output in bit segments. The data is read from
the process image (partition). In order to improve the interconnectability, important
detailed information is provided by the status bytes read (ST_READBACK) or
ST_RCAS_OUT (if READBACK is not available) as Boolean (BOOL) values at the
output interface. These conform to the bit combinations specified in PROFIBUS PA
"General Requirements".
If a higher-level error has occurred (QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the data continue to be
written to the process image (partition) and no data are read from the process
image (partition). As long as the higher-priority error exists, the last values are held
with QBAD = TRUE.
The status byte of the reference variable (ST_RCAS_IN) is pre-defined with
zero. The reference variable only becomes active in the FF field device if you set
the quality code to 16#80.
You must interconnect each used connection of the block with the icons configured
in the HW Config or in the icon table according to its user data configuration:
In addition the quality code of the used I/Os must be interconnected with the icon
configured in the HW Config:
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input SIM_SP (and the
option SIM_RCAS_IN) is output with Quality Code (QUALITY) = 16#60. Simulation
takes highest priority. QBAD is set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Value Limiting
You can limit the maximum low and high range of process variables in the process
image (partition). The process variables "V" (READBACK and RCAS_OUT) are
limited when LIMIT_ON = TRUE:
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL.
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
The block will run through one time in OB 100 at system start. The output and
in/out parameters are calculated.
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section: Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
The block FF_A_DI is for reading in (cyclical service) Digital values (Discrete Input)
from an FF device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The symbol for the quality code of the digital input channel is interconnected
with the input QC_W.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the appropriate OMODE_00 output of
the MOD_PAL0 block or MOD_PAX0 block.
Linking in ASSET
The block FF_A_DI can be linked in ASSET. Additional information is available in
the section Linking FF Devices in ASSET.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code, that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC-W).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF. The imaging of these values on the displayable values listed
above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table of the current LIB readme. The Quality
Codes 16#84-16#87 and 16#90 – 16#93 of the FF field device are analyzed like
the Quality Codes 16#80 – 16#83.
The block recognizes a higher-level error, for example, failure of a DP/PA link, via
the MODE input parameter.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#80, then the values in the process image
(partition) are valid.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#40 (value status = higher-level error,
QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the process value is treated as invalid.
The mode of the input parameter MODE_LW is not considered.
In HW Config, you must configure an icon for the digital input channel and connect
it with the input I_OUT_D_W. The CFC function "Generate module drivers"
interconnects the icon for the quality code of the digital input channel with the input
parameter QC_W.
When input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input SIM_I is output with
Quality Code (QUALITY =) 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority. QBAD is
always set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SUBS_I is
output as a value if the process values are invalid. The Quality Code (QUALITY) is
set to 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Area of Application
Block FF_A_DO (cyclic service) is used for the output of digital values (SP or
RCAS_IN, max. 8) via an FF field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32) and restart OB 100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The MODE input is interconnected with the OMODE_00 output of the
MOD_PAL0 block or MOD_PAX0 block.
Linking in ASSET
The block FF_A_AI can be linked in ASSET. Additional information is available in
the section Linking FF Devices in ASSET.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code, that comes directly from the device
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF. The imaging of these values on the displayable values listed
above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table of the current LIB readme. The Quality
Codes 16#84-16#87 and 16#90 – 16#93 of the FF field device are analyzed like
the Quality Codes 16#80 – 16#83. The data of the FF field device, the status of the
valve (READBACK), the process value of the valve setting in the state RCAS
(RCAS_OUT), and the detailed device information (CHECKBACK) are read
cyclically from the process image (partition) as an option. The device information is
available at the block output in bit segments.
In order to improve the interconnectability, the output interface provides BOOL
values that contain important details read from the status bytes. These conform to
the bit combinations specified in PROFIBUS "General Requirements". If
READBACK and RCAS_OUT exist simultaneously, the detailed information is
derived from the READBACK status byte.
If a higher-level error has occurred (QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the data continue to be
written to the process image (partition) and no data are read from the process
image (partition). As long as the higher-priority error exists, the last values are held
with QBAD = TRUE.
The default value of the setpoint status byte (ST_SP) and of the reference
variable (ST_RCAS_IN) is zero. The setpoint and the reference variable become
active in the PROFIBUS PA field device only if you set the corresponding status
byte to 16#80.
You must interconnect each used connection of the block with the icons configured
in the HW Config:
In addition the quality code of the used I/Os must be interconnected with the icon
configured in the HW Config:
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input parameter SIM_SP
(and option SIM_RCAS_IN, if selected) is output with the quality code
(QUALITY) = 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority. QBAD is set to FALSE. If
the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
The block will run through one time in OB 100 at system start. The output and
in/out parameters are calculated.
Time Response
Message Capability
Area of Application
Block MOD_PAL0 reports the maintenance status of a PA field device that is
operated as a DPV0 slave downstream of a DP/PA link DPV1. The PA field
devices must conform to the PROFIBUS V3.0 profile.
Calling OBs
The cyclic OB and OB 100
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is integrated in the run sequence upstream of block PA_x.
inputs are configured.
• The block inputs are interconnected with the following outputs:
- Output PA_DIAG of block PADP_L10
- Outputs OMODEx of block PADP_L10
- Outputs QMODF and QPERAF of block PADP_L10
- Output structure RAC_DIAG of block OB_DIAG1
- Input QC_x with PA-field-device-status icon
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" can only be used if the PA field
device belongs to slave family 12.
The higher-level block evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems operating
in an H system.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Initialization of ALARM_8P and NOTIFY_8P.
Time Response
Message Capability
The block reports by means of ALARM_8P and NOTIFY_8P.
The block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_PAL0
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_PAL0
Maintenance Status MS
PA-Field-Device Status and Diagnostic Information
PA-Field-Device Status
You can find additional information about status icons for the maintenance status
(MS) in "Maintenance Status MS".
Diagnostic Information
The structure of the PA_DIAG parameter is as follows:
2 0 Device error Q 7
1 Maintenance requested Q 5
2 Device is in function test or in simulation or is being 0
operated locally (maintenance)
3 The process conditions do not allow the return of valid 0
values, set when the quality is "uncertain due to process,
no maintenance" or "bad due to process, no maintenance".
Reserved for PNO, default 0
Area of Application
Block MOD_PAX0 reports the maintenance status of a PA field device operated as
a DPV0 slave in a DP master system. The PA field devices must conform to the
PROFIBUS V3.0 profile.
Calling OBs
The cyclic OB and OB 100
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The block is integrated in the run sequence upstream of the PA_x block.
• The SUBN1_ID, SUBN2_ID, SUBN_TYP, PADP_ADR, PROF_V30 inputs are
• The inputs are interconnected with the following outputs:
- Output PA_DIAG of block PADP_L10
- Outputs OMODEx of block PADP_L10
- Outputs QMODF and QPERAF of block PADP_L10
- Output structure RAC_DIAG of block OB_DIAG1
• Input QC_x is interconnected with the PA-field-device-status icon.
• Output OMODExx is interconnected with the MODE input of the PA_x block.
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" can only be used if the PA field
device belongs to slave family 12.
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
The higher-level block evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems operating
in an H system.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Initialization of ALARM_8P and NOTIFY_8P
Time Response
Message Capability
The block uses ALARM_8P and NOTIFY_8P
The block generates the following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_PAX0
Maintenance Status MS
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of MOD_PAX0
Maintenance Status MS
PA-Field-Device Status and Diagnostic Information
Area of Application
Block PA_AI processes (cyclic service) the "Transmitter" PA profile of a
PROFIBUS 3.0 class A and B PA field device or a primary or secondary variable of
a HART field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the analog input channel is interconnected with
input QC.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx
of the PADP_L0x block.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The symbol of the analog input channel is generated and entered in the symbol
table via HW Config. You must interconnect it with the VALUE input. The QC icon
for the analog input channel automatically interconnects the CFC function
"Generate module drivers" with input parameter QC.
When input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input parameter SIM_V is
output with Quality Code (QUALITY =) 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority.
QBAD is always set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SUBS_V is
output as a value if the values are invalid. The Quality Code (QUALITY) is set to
16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Value Limiting
You can limit the maximum low and high range of process variables in the process
image (partition).
LIMIT_ON = TRUE limits process variables (V):
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block PA_AO processes (cyclic service) the "Actuator" PA profile of a PROFIBUS
PA 3.0 class A and B PA field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32) and restart OB 100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the analog output channel O_SP is
interconnected with the output QC_SP and other selected options.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx
of the PADP_L0x block.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC_X, X = parameter name).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from 00 -
FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these values on
the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table of the
current LIB readme.
The data of the PROFIBUS PA field device, as well as the process variable
(READBACK) and the discrete position feedback (POS_D) are read cyclically from
the process image (partition). Optionally you can also read the active reference
variable (RCAS_OUT) and the detailed device information (CHECKBACK). The
device information is available at the block output in bit segments. The data is read
from the process image (partition). In order to improve the interconnectability,
important detailed information is provided by the status bytes read
(ST_READBACK) or ST_RCAS_OUT (if READBACK is not available) as Boolean
(BOOL) values at the output interface. These conform to the bit combinations
specified in PROFIBUS PA "General Requirements".
If a higher-level error has occurred (QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the data continue to be
written to the process image (partition) and no data are read from the process
image (partition). As long as the higher-priority error exists, the last values are held
with QBAD = TRUE.
The status byte (ST_RCAS_IN) is pre-defined with zero. The reference variable
only becomes active in the PROFIBUS field device if you set the quality code to
You have to interconnect one of the icons configured using HW Config (for
example, SP) for the analog output channel (PROFIBUS PA 3.0 profile "Analog
Output") with the corresponding I/O:
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input SIM_SP (and the
option SIM_RCAS_IN) is output with Quality Code (QUALITY) = 16#60. Simulation
takes highest priority. QBAD is set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status,
QSIM = TRUE is set.
Value Limiting
You can limit the maximum low and high range of process variables in the process
image (partition). The process variables "V" (READBACK and RCAS_OUT) are
limited when LIMIT_ON = TRUE:
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL.
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
The block will run through one time in OB 100 at system start. The output and
in/out parameters are calculated.
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block PA_DI (cyclic service) is used for reading in digital values (discrete input) via
a PROFIBUS PA field device class A and B.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the digital input channel is interconnected with
input QC.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx
of the PADP_L0x block.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The block recognizes a higher-level error, for example, failure of a DP/PA link, via
the MODE input parameter.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#80, then the values in the process image
(partition) are valid.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#40 (value status = higher-level error,
QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the process value is treated as invalid.
The operating mode set in the low word of the MODE input parameter will be
The symbol generated with HW Config in the symbol table for the digital input
channel has to be interconnected to the I_OUT_D input. The CFC function
"Generate module drivers" interconnects the icon for the quality code of the digital
input channel with the input parameter QC.
When input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input SIM_I is output with
Quality Code (QUALITY =) 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority. QBAD is
always set to FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SUBS_I is
output as a value if the process values are invalid. The Quality Code (QUALITY) is
set to 16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block PA_DO (cyclic service) is used for the output of digital values (SP/RCAS_IN,
max. 8) to a PROFIBUS PA field device class A and B.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32) and restart OB 100.
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the digital output channel O_SP is
interconnected with the output QC_SP and other selected options.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx
of the PADP_L0x block.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC_X, X = parameter name).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
The data of the PROFIBUS field device, the status of the valve (READBACK), the
process value of the valve setting in the state RCAS (RCAS_OUT), and the
detailed device information (CHECKBACK) are read cyclically from the process
image (partition) as an option. The device information is available at the block
output in bit segments.
In order to improve the interconnectability, the output interface provides BOOL
values that contain important details read from the status bytes. These conform to
the bit combinations specified in PROFIBUS "General Requirements". If
READBACK and RCAS_OUT exist simultaneously, the detailed information is
derived from the READBACK status byte.
If a higher-level error has occurred (QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the data continue to be
written to the process image (partition) and no data are read from the process
image (partition). As long as the higher-priority error exists, the last values are held
with QBAD = TRUE.
The default value of the setpoint status byte (ST_SP) and of the reference
variable (ST_RCAS_IN) is zero. The setpoint and the reference variable
become active in the PROFIBUS PA field device only if you set the
corresponding status byte to 16#80.
You have to interconnect one of the icons configured using HW Config (for
example, SP) for the digital output channel (PROFIBUS PA 3.0 profile "Analog
Output") with the corresponding I/O:
If the input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of the input parameter SIM_SP
(and option SIM_RCAS_IN, if selected) is output with the quality code
(QUALITY) = 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority. QBAD is set to FALSE. If
the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
The block will run through one time in OB 100 at system start. The output and
in/out parameters are calculated.
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block PA_TOT processes the cyclic parameters of the "Totalizer" PA profile of a
PA field device, in accordance with PROFIBUS PA 3.0 class A and B.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• The icon for the quality code of the analog input channel is interconnected with
the input QC and other selected options.
• The MODE input is interconnected with the corresponding output OMODE_xx
of the PADP_L0x block.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#80, then the values in the process image
(partition) are valid.
• If the MODE high byte = 16#40 (value status = higher-level error,
QMOD_ERR = TRUE), the analog value is treated as invalid.
Quality Code
A quality code (QUALITY output) is generated for the result value that can adopt
the following values:
The quality code is formed from internal events, such as channel error, higher-level
error or simulation and from a quality code that comes directly from the device
(parameter QC).
The quality code that comes directly from the device can take on values from
16#00 – 16#FF in accordance with PROFIBUS requirements. The imaging of these
values on the displayable values listed above is shown in the table "QC_MS" table
of the current LIB readme.
You must interconnect the symbol generated under HW Config in the symbol table
for the analog input channel with the TOTAL input. The CFC function "Generate
module drivers" automatically interconnects the QC icon of the analog input
channel with input parameter QC and, if they exist, to output parameters
If input parameter SIM_ON = TRUE, the value of input SIM_V is output with Quality
Code (QUALITY =) 16#60. Simulation takes highest priority. QBAD is always set to
FALSE. If the block is in the simulation status, QSIM = TRUE is set.
Substitute Value
If input parameter SUBS_ON = TRUE, the value of input parameter SUBS_V is
output as a value if the values are invalid. The Quality Code (QUALITY) is set to
16#48 and QBAD = 1.
Value Limiting
You can limit the maximum low and high range of process variables in the process
image (partition).
LIMIT_ON = TRUE limits process variables (V):
• To V_HL, if V > V_HL
• To LL_V, if V < V_LL
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Area of Application
Block PADP_L00 monitors DP/PA field devices operating as DPV0 or DPV1 slaves
downstream of a DP/PA or Y link that is operated as a DPV0 slave. The PA field
devices must conform to the PROFIBUS V3.0 profile. Individual blocks must be
available for the diagnostic and signal processing functions of DP field devices. H
systems support only the PA field devices connected to an active DP/PA link.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block PADP_L00 is integrated in the run sequence downstream of block
• The MODE_xx input (mode of slot xx of a field device) is configured.
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" can only be used if the PA field
device belongs to slave family 12.
An input (MODE_xx) exists for each slot (module) of the DP/PA field device that is
used to read in HW Config data for the slots (modules).
At DP field devices the user must enter his code manually at the MODE input.
The function writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter,
but only during startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual
slot value status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive, the
system sets OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx. The following events are evaluated by
block DPAY_V0 and lead to the value status "Invalid value" due to a higher-level
error (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
Higher-level block DPAY_V0 evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart or an initial start the system verifies that the PA field device is
available under its logical base address. A restart (OB 100) is reported via the LSB
in byte 2 of the outputs OMODE_xx.
Time Response
Message Capability
The block uses ALARM_8P to report field device errors and generates the
following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L00
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L00
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L01
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L02
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Area of Application
Block PADP_L01 monitors DP/PA field devices operating as DPV0 or DPV1 slaves
downstream of a DP/PA or Y link that is operated as a DPV0 slave. The PA field
devices must conform to the PROFIBUS V3.0 profile. Individual blocks must be
available for the diagnostic and signal processing functions of DP field devices. H
systems support only the PA field devices connected to an active DP/PA link.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence of the following OBs (carried out
automatically in CFC):
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" can only be used if the PA field
device belongs to slave family 12.
An input (MODE _xx) exists for each slot (module) of the DP/PA field device. that is
used to read in HW Config data for the slots (modules).
At DP field devices the user must enter his code manually at the MODE input.
The function writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter,
but only during startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual
slot value status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive, the
system sets OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx. The following events are evaluated by
block DPAY_V0 and lead to the value status "Invalid value" due to a higher-level
error (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
The block uses ALARM_8P to report diagnostic interrupts specific to a field device
to WinCC. It distinguishes between the field device and its slots, and assigns a
message number to each slot.
The "Device failure" message can be disabled with EM_MSG_D = FALSE.
Higher-level block DPAY_V0 evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart or an initial start the system verifies that the PA field device is
available under its logical base address. A restart (OB 100) is reported via the LSB
in byte 2 of the outputs OMODE_xx.
Time Response
Message Capability
The block uses ALARM_8P to report field device errors and generates the
following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L01
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Area of Application
Block PADP_L02 monitors DP/PA field devices operating as DPV0 or DPV1 slaves
downstream of a DP/PA or Y link that is operated as a DPV0 slave. The PA field
devices must conform to the PROFIBUS V3.0 profile. Individual blocks must be
available for the diagnostic and signal processing functions of DP field devices. H
systems support only the PA field devices at an active DP/PA-Link.
Calling OBs
Block PADP_L02 must be installed in the run sequence in the following OBs:
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block PADP_L02 is installed in the run sequence downstream of DPAY_V0.
• The MODE_xx input (mode of slot xx of a field device) is configured.
• The PADP_ADR input (DP/PA slave address downstream of a DP/PA or Y
link) is configured.
• The input DPA_M is interconnected with the output DPA_M_xx of the block
An input (MODE_xx) exists for each slot (module) of the DP/PA field device that is
used to read in HW Config data for the slots (modules).
At DP field devices the user must enter his code manually at the MODE input.
The function writes MODE_xx to the low word of the OMODE_xx output parameter,
but only during startup/initial startup or if you set ACC_MODE = TRUE. The actual
slot value status is written to the most significant byte. If the result is positive, the
system sets OMODE_xx = 16#80xxxxxx. The following events are evaluated by
block DPAY_V0 and lead to the value status "Invalid value" due to a higher-level
error (OMODE_xx = 16#40xxxxxx):
Higher-level block DPAY_V0 evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems
operating in an H system.
Modifications of parameters at the MODE_xx inputs during runtime are not
accepted at the outputs until input ACC_MODE = 1.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
After a restart or an initial start the system verifies that the PA field device is
available under its logical base address. A restart (OB 100) is reported via the LSB
in byte 2 of the outputs OMODE_xx.
Time Response
Message Capability
The block uses ALARM_8P to report field device errors and generates the
following messages in the OBs listed below:
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of PADP_L02
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Area of Application
Block PADP_L10 monitors DPV0 PA field devices with a maximum of 16 slots,
which are operated as DPV0 slaves on a DP master system directly or via a DP/PA
coupler. The DP/PA coupler is connected downstream of a DPV1 DP/PA link. The
PA field devices must conform to the PROFIBUS V3.0 profile. H systems support
only the PA field devices at an active DP/PA-Link.
Calling OBs
The block must be installed in the run sequence downstream from the OB_DIAG1
block in the following OBs (carried out automatically in CFC):
OB 1 Cyclic program
OB 55 Status interrupt (only if a PA slave is required)
OB 56 Update interrupt (only if a PA slave is required)
OB 57 Update interrupt (only if a PA slave is required)
OB 82 Diagnostic interrupt
OB 83 Removal/insertion alarm (failure/return of a field device)
OB 85 Program runtime error
OB 86 Rack failure
OB 100 Restart (warm start)
Use in CFC
When the CFC function "Generate module drivers" is used, the following occurs
• Block OB_DIAG1 is installed in the run sequence upstream of PADP_L10.
The CFC function "Generate module drivers" can only be used if the PA field
device belongs to slave family 12.
Description of Functions
Block PADP_L10 analyzes all events affecting a PA field device acyclically. It forms
the slot-specific MODE (PA_MODE) and the value status for signal processing
blocks. The permissible PA_MODE is defined for PA field devices.
When operating with modular PA field devices (DPV0), the next block
(MOD_PAX0/MOD_PAL0) always reports the events in slot 0 of the PA field device
in the DP/PA link. The affected MOD_PAX0/MOD_PAL0 block is enabled.
Mode of operation
Block PADP_L10 runtime is enabled by the higher-level OB_DIAG1 block. The
event to be evaluated is entered in the start information (CPU_DIAG) of
OB_BEGIN. Block PADP_L10 checks the geographical address and the number of
slots (SLOT_NO) of the PA field device in order to determine whether it is
responsible for this event.
In the case of a diagnostic event (OB 82, OB 55, OB 56, OB 57), SFB 54 is used to
synchronously read the data from OB_BEGIN.
If diagnostic data of OB_BEGIN could not be read synchronously or by means of a
request of OB_DIAG1 (EN_DIAG = TRUE), SFC13 is used to read these
diagnostic data asynchronously.
Byte 9 of the additional alarm information contains the slot number of the field
device that has triggered the diagnostic alarm. The corresponding slot will be
The following diagnostic data are interpreted as higher-priority error in the block:
With a DPV0 PA field device, the diagnostic data are always assigned to slot 0.
It is also possible to generate slot-specific diagnostics for DPV1 PA field devices.
These have not yet been defined. With a DPV1 field device, only the field-device
slot that triggered diagnostics is enabled. Evaluation of the coding in the context of
higher-level errors at the slot-specific OMODExx outputs is based only on the
diagnostic information at slot 0.
The higher-level block evaluates the redundancy of DP master systems operating
in an H system.
OMODE Structure
You can find additional information in "OMODE".
You can find additional information in "Addressing".
Error handling
The plausibility of input parameters is not checked.
Startup Characteristics
A restart (OB 100) is reported via the LSB in byte 2 of the outputs OMODE_xx.
Time Response
Message Capability
Additional Information
For more information, refer to the section:
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
3.4 Appendix
3.4.1 Addressing
If you do not use the CFC function "Generate module drivers", you must set the
logical basic address of the module created with HW Config at the LADDR input
parameter. If input SUBN_TYP = FALSE, the RACK of the module is connected to
an integrated DP interface (distributed I/O device interface) of the CPU module by
means of a line. Otherwise, you must set SUBN_TYP = TRUE.
The following points are generally to be observed for all SM and PA modules:
• The basic address of modules equipped only with inputs, i.e., modules which
write data only to the input area of the CPU process image, can be fetched
directly from HW Config.
For example: the module SM331 AI 8x12Bit 331-7KF01-0AB0:
• The MSB (most significant bit) must be set in the basic address fetched from
HW Config for modules equipped only with outputs, i.e., modules which read
data only from the output area of the CPU process image.
For example, module SM 332 AO 4x12Bit 6ES7 332-5HD01-0AB0:
• The basic address of the input range must be set at input LADDR and the
basic address of the output range from HW Config must be set at input
LADDR1 for mixed modules, i.e., modules which write data to the input area
and read data from the output area of the CPU process image;
for example, module SM 323 DI/O 8x24V/05A 6ES7 323-1BH81-0AA0:
Resistive thermocouple
+ linearization 3-wire connection 2#1001 Pt 100 climate range 2#0000 16#0900
Pt 200 climate range 2#0111 16#0907
Pt 500 climate range 2#1000 16#0908
Pt 1000 climate range 2#1001 16#0909
Ni 100 climate range 2#0001 16#0901
Ni 1000 climate range 2#1010 16#090A
Pt 100 standard range 2#0010 16#0902
Pt 200 standard range 2#0011 16#0903
Pt 500 standard range 2#0100 16#0904
Pt 1000 standard range 2#0101 16#0905
Ni 100 standard range 2#1011 16#090B
Ni 1000 standard range 2#0110 16#0906
Ni 120 standard range 2#1100 16#090C
Ni 120 climate range 2#1101 16#090D
Cu10 climate range 2#1110 16#090E
Cu10 standard range 2#1111 16#090F
Ni 200 standard range 2#10000 16#0910
Ni 200 climate range 2#10001 16#0911
Ni 500 standard range 2#10010 16#0912
Ni 500 climate range 2#10011 16#0913
Pt 10 GOST climatic 2#10100 16#0914
Pt 10 GOST Standard 2#10101 16#0915
(TK = 3910)
The mode settings for external and internal thermocouple compare is adapted to
the behavior of the S7-300 modules. Additional information in this regard is
available in the description for Block CH_AI .
OMODE Structure
The table below shows the structure and meaning of the outputs OMODE_xx of
data type DWORD:
16#80010203 = value state "valid value", restart has been carried out, current 4
mA to 20mA.
Signal processing driver blocks of the FF field device [FF_A_xx], xx = AI, DI, AO,
Summarized for one field device [ST_MUX]
You will find a description of the text libraries for individual blocks in the following
Text Library for MOD_1, MOD_2, MOD_3, MOD_D2, MOD_CP
Text Library for MOD_D1
Text Library for MOD_MS
Text Library for MOD_PAL0, MOD_PAX0
Text Library for OB_BEGIN
Text Library for DREP, DREP_L
Text Library for PADP_L00, PADP_L01, PADP_L02
The table below contains technical data relating to the driver blocks. The table
columns have the following meanings:
• Block type name
The symbolic identifier in the symbol table of the library for the relevant FB or
FC. Must be unique within the project.
• Object name
Consists of the block type (FB, FC) and number.
• Typical runtime
CPU runtime for processing the corresponding block program under normal
circumstances (for example, for a driver, this is the execution time in the
watchdog-alarm OB (OB 3x), without generation of a channel error message)
The table below shows the runtime of blocks in a 417-4 CPU. The block
runtime on other CPUs depends on the CPU performance.
• Block length in load/work memory
Memory requirements of the program code, once for each block type.
• Length of instance data in load/work memory
Memory requirement of an instance DB.
• Temporary memory
The local-data memory required in a priority class when the block is called.
This limit is CPU specific. When it is exceeded, you have to check the CPU
configuration in the local-data memory and, if necessary, distribute it amongst
the OBs to meet the actual requirements.
• Multiple Instance Block
The specified blocks are used by the driver block and must exist in the user
program. They can be found in the same library.
*) Online help is only available if the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is
Area of Application
The block is used to monitor three analog process variables for overshooting three
limits It reports the wait status of the process variables
• When overshooting a limit
• Via the device-based quality code or
• Via binary message inputs.
The block does not contain any technology or device based processing parts and
consequently is not taken into account by the driver generator.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 32) and OB 100.
For each PV_x, an input (RESETx), and an output (QRESETx) are available that
can be used to reset the count value of the PV_x in the technology block (e.g.
interconnection of output QRESETx with input RESET of the COUNT_P block).
If MONITOR = 0, then the three process variables and their quality code are not
analyzed, rather just the 7 inputs (MESSAGE1, ... , MESSAGE7).
The states are created with ALARM_8P for messages requiring acknowledgment,
and with NOTIFY_8P for those not requiring acknowledgment. The message
function can be disabled by setting EN_MSG = FALSE. In this case MS = 8 is set.
The detail diagnostics are shown in the diagnostics view of the faceplate via the
Boolean inputs DIAG1 to DIAG16.
If one of the inputs is set to 1, then the status display is shown in front of the
corresponding text.
The tests for the relevant inputs DIAG1 through DIAG16 are entered in the
parameter data of the EDD for the relevant instance (see also section PLT ID).
If one of the inputs DIAG1 to DIAG16 is set to TRUE, then if an internal alarm is
triggered through PV_0, PV_1 or PV_2, the message, the explanatory text
"Additional status available" is output.
Die PLT-ID is a connection parameter between a PDM object (parameter data
EDD) and the faceplate in the maintenance station. The PLT-ID is linked to the
PDM object.
The PDM object is generated in the SIMATIC Manager as follows:
1. Select View > Process Device Plant View in the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Select Insert > SIMATIC PDM > TAG.
3. Highlight the inserted TAG object and select in the context menu SIMATIC
PDM > Device Selection...
4. In the tree structure CFC > DATA_OBJECTS > CFC >, select AssetMon and
close the dialog with "OK".
5. In the context menu select Open Object and enter all necessary data in the
parameterization screen form.
6. Select File > Save.
The parameterization screen form will close.
7. Highlight the TAG object and select Tools > SIMATIC PDM > Create PLT-ID.
You can then assign parameters for the generated PLT-ID at the associated
parameter "PLT_ID".
The PLT-IDs cannot be changed or deleted individually.
The table applies exclusively for the MS and not for the quality code displays of the
individual process values, these are created exclusively by the QC_x parameters.
The priority is analogous to the MS coding, Consequently the following applies:
The greater the value of the MS the higher the priority. Please see the
QC_MS_STAT table in the LIB readme for the priorities.
Error handling
In the event of arithmetical errors the outputs ENO = 0 and QERR = 1 will be set.
Startup Characteristics
After startup, the messages will be suppressed during the number of cycles set at
Time Response
Message Capability
The block reports by means of ALARM_8P and NOTIFY_8P.
Additional Information
You will find more information on this subject in the following sections:
Operator Control and Monitoring of ASSETMON
Message Texts and Associated Values of ASSETMON
Maintenance Status MS
PA Field Device Status and Diagnostic Information
Notes on Using Driver Blocks
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Associated Values
You can find the message texts and their text numbers in "Text Library for
Additional Information
You can find additional information in the following sections:
• Block Icon Asset Management
• Faceplate ASSETMON
Note: Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
*) Online help is only available if the PCS 7 FACEPLATES software package is
Area of Application
The block CPU_RT is installed by the CFC in the OB 100, OB 1, in all OB 3x as
well as OB 8x, if this is used by the user program.
The CPU_RT determines the runtime of the individual OBs and their participation in
the cycle time. It executes suitable actions for which parameters have been
assigned by the user in limits to ensure operability of the AS.
This situation is designated as emergency operation and is made clearly visible by
a process control message. In addition buffered start events (OB 3x still in process)
are detected and displayed. The loss of start events is reported as error.
Use in CFC
When compiling a CFC a chart is automatically created with the designation
@CPU_RT. The CPU_RT block is then already contained herein.
Never attempt to insert the CPU_RT block in a different block because this is a
system block.
Older CPUs do not support the SFC 78. Use the SZL112 to check whether the
SFC 78 is available.
The status of the CPU_RT is reset when downloading.
2. Stage: Now all previously excluded OB 3x will likewise not be processed for a
cycle. If this does not have a steadying effect all OB 3x will be interrupted after
each processing one more time.
Assign the parameters at CPU_RT for each OB 3x on the following inputs:
OB3x_ATTN = TRUE The OB participates in the measures to prevent the overload. Preset is
Parameters can be assigned for the maximum number of SFC 43 calls at the input
MAX_RTRG. If the maximum number x is overshot then the CPU goes into stop.
The number x is reset if an OB 1 call takes place again.
If you assign parameter MAX_RTRG = 0 then the function "Stop avoidance at
overload" is switched off.
When the measures are effective, i.e. OB 1 is run through again, then the
calculation is made at that point, as to whether a reversal of the measures would
again result in overload. If yes the measures remain intact. Only if safe operation
would be possible will these measures be reversed in stages.
If thereafter the total sum of the OBs is still below MAX_VAL, then after a number
of cycles in the slowest OB (UndoCycle), it will continue to be decremented until
the used cyclic OBs have reached the reduction factor 1.
Thereafter for the OBs (OB3x_ATTN = FALSE) excluded by the user, the reduction
will be set to 0.
Finally for all other cyclic OBs the reductions will be set to 0.
If no SFC 78 is present, then the time at which reversal of the stop avoidance
measures can be triggered cannot be calculated.
The reversal of reductions is triggered when the slowest OB has again processed a
number of cycles.
The value of the UndoCycle in this case should not be too low, to avoid a frequent
oscillation between stop avoidance measures and normal operation.
For reduction in the CFC two parameters are available at the CPU_RT block for
each cyclic OB.
OB3x_N_START The start value for reduction is specified by the input OB3x_N of the CPU_RT and
also in OB3x_N_CNT.
OB3x_N_CNT The counter is lowered at each OB call for the sequence in the CFC For
OB3x_N_CNT <= 0 there is complete OB processing and OB3x_N_START will be
re-entered in OB3x_N_CNT.
The CPU block is also called in case of reduction so that in emergency operation
an evaluation of the averaged cycle time is possible.
Error handling
If the read-out of data from the cyclic OB fails for the CPU_RT block, then
ERR_NUM = 1 is set and the CPU_RT block is not further processed, because this
data is the basic prerequisite for practical processing.
Startup Characteristics
Calculations with the SFC 78 are restarted only after a number of cycles
(RunUpCyc) after restart. The RunUpCyles are counted down in the slowest cyclic
Time Response
Message Capability
The block reports via the OB_BEGIN
Online help and the "PCS 7 FACEPLATES" Manual are only available if the
"PCS 7 FACEPLATES" software package is installed!
Additional Information
You will find more information on this subject in the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_BEGIN
Maintenance Status MS
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Additional Information
You will find more information on this subject in the following sections:
Message Texts and Associated Values of OB_BEGIN
Maintenance Status MS
Area of Application
The block MS_MUX determines the maintenance status (MS) of a functional unit
consisting of multiple FF field devices, by selecting the worst individual status of
the FF field devices.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
Installation in ASSET
Information on installing the block MS_MUX is available in the section Integrating
FF devices in ASSET.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Area of Application
The block STATEREP is used for status display of a module that is designed for
automatic hiding of messages.
Error handling
If more than one parameter is set, then the block outputs the messages
QSTATE=0 as well as QERR=1.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Area of Application
The block ST_MUX determines the status of an FF field device by selecting the
worst of the signal processing blocks FF_A_DI, FF_A_AI, FF_A_DO and FF_A_AO
of the field device.
Calling OBs
The calling OB is the watchdog alarm OB 3x into which you integrate the block (for
example, OB 32).
If different states with highest priority are present then the value of the first ST_x
input is used.
The priority of the states (MS) is listed in a table of the current LIB readme.
Installation in ASSET
Information on installing the block ST_MUX is available in the section Integrating
FF devices in ASSET.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
4.6 Appendix
The table below contains technical data relating to the driver blocks. The table
columns have the following meanings:
• Block type name
The symbolic identifier in the symbol table of the library for the relevant FB or
FC. Must be unique within the project.
• Object name
Consists of the block type (FB, FC) and number.
• Typical runtime
CPU runtime for processing the corresponding block program under normal
circumstances (for example, for a driver, this is the execution time in the
watchdog-alarm OB (OB 3x), without generation of a channel error message)
The table below shows the runtime of blocks in a 417-4 CPU. The block
runtime on other CPUs depends on the CPU performance.
• Block length in load/work memory
Memory requirements of the program code, once for each block type.
• Length of instance data in load/work memory
Memory requirement of an instance DB.
• Temporary memory
The local-data memory required in a priority class when the block is called.
This limit is CPU specific. When it is exceeded, you have to check the CPU
configuration in the local-data memory and, if necessary, distribute it amongst
the OBs to meet the actual requirements.
Area of Application
The REC_BO block represents a simple user interface to SFB 13 "BRCV".
It receives 128 BOOL values via an MPI, PROFIBUS or Ethernet connection from
another S7 CPU. This CPU needs to call the function-block type "SEND_BO"
(FB 207) of the PCS 7 Library in order to send data. In STEP 7, a homogeneous
connection must be configured for both communication partners and downloaded
to the AS.
Data are only available after the job is completed, and after a 0 -> 1 transition of
the signal at output NDR.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 35).
Mode of operation
The internal SFB 13 "BRCV" allows a maximum of 128 Boolean values to be
exchanged between communication partners. Data are received by the operating
system of the CPU and entered in the instance DB of the receive FB (REC_BO).
Before new data can be received, the operating system must transmit an internal
acknowledgment of data received.
Data are entered in the data block asynchronously to user-program execution.
After "REC_BO" has been called, instance-DB data may not be computed as long
as the current job is busy (NDR = 0). If the job is completed without error, output
NDR = 1 for the duration of one cycle. In the next cycle, the FB automatically
outputs the receive enable signal to the CPU operating system (NDR is reset to 0
as of this call).
The receive enable signal can be effective prior to the first incoming receive job. In
this case, the receive enable signal is stored by the operating system.
The ID parameter represents the I/O number specified in your I/O configuration.
and is applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
The R_ID parameter is a random number (suggestion: message frame ID).
However, it must be identical at the corresponding send and receive blocks and is
applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
The "REC_BO" block must be called for each ID/R_ID pair and in each program
cycle (cyclically or also via timeout alarm). Each message frame requires two calls
of "REC_BO".
The outputs ERR (error) and STAT (status) indicate specific error information
relevant to SFB 13 (see "Error Handling").
If an error occurs, substitute values can be output as received data.
Error handling
Error handling of block REC_BO is restricted to the error information of the lower-
level SFB 13, "BRCV". You can find additional information in Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions. for information on the
outputs ERR and STAT).
If input SUBS_ON = TRUE, substitute values will be output to REC_MON (number
of cycles) if receive errors occur or if new data are not received.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Area of Application
The REC_R block represents a simple user interface to SFB 13 "BRCV".
It receives 32 BOOL and 32 REAL values via an MPI, PROFIBUS or Ethernet
connection from another S7 CPU. This CPU needs to call the function-block type
"SEND_R" (FB 209) of the PCS 7 Library in order to send data. In STEP 7, a
homogeneous connection must be configured for both communication partners and
downloaded to the AS.
Data are only available after the job is completed, and after a 0 -> 1 transition of
the signal at output NDR.
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 35).
Mode of operation
The internal SFB 13 "BRCV" allows a maximum of 32 BOOL and 32 REAL values
to be exchanged between communication partners. Data are received by the CPU
operating system and entered in the instance DB of the receive FB (REC_R).
Before new data can be received, the operating system must transmit an internal
acknowledgment of data received.
Data are entered in the instance DB asynchronously to user-program execution.
After "REC_R" has been called, instance-DB data may not be computed as long as
the current job is busy (NDR = 0). If the job is completed without error, output
NDR = 1 for the duration of one cycle. In the next cycle, the FB automatically
outputs the receive enable signal to the CPU operating system (NDR is reset to 0
as of this call).
The receive enable signal can be effective prior to the first incoming receive job. In
this case, the receive enable signal is stored by the operating system.
The ID parameter represents the I/O number specified in your I/O configuration.
and is applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
Error handling
Error handling of block REC_R is restricted to the error information of the lower-
level SFB 13, "BRCV". You can find additional information in Manual System
Software for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions. for information on the
outputs ERR and STAT).
If input SUBS_ON = TRUE, substitute values will be output to REC_MON (number
of cycles) if receive errors occur or if new data are not received.
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
Area of Application
The SEND_BO block represents a simple user interface to SFB 12 "BSEND".
It sends up to 128 BOOL values via an MPI, PROFIBUS or Industrial Ethernet
connection to another S7 CPU. This CPU needs to call the function-block type
"REC_BO" (FB 208) of the PCS 7 Library in order to receive data.
Data are only consistently available at "REC_BO" once the job has been
completed (i.e., after the acknowledgment DONE = TRUE has been received). This
acknowledgment is indicated by the signal at output CIW changing to 0.
If parameter FAST = 1, the FB enables the transmission of one message frame
with each FB call, since it calls SFB 12 "BSEND" twice internally (a positive at
control input REQ is required in order to enable SFB 12). However, such periodic
send requests should only be initiated if sufficient time is available between two FB
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 35).
Mode of operation
The internal SFB 12 "BSEND" allows the exchange of 128 BOOL values between
the communication partners. The CPU operating system sends those data to the
communication partner and writes them automatically to the instance DB of the
receiving FB (REC_BO). Before any new 128 BOOL values are sent, the system
waits for the operating system to transfer an internal acknowledgment for the
values that have just been sent.
Data transfer is initiated if control input COM = 1 when the block is called. The
block must be called at least once (regardless of the cycle) in order to transfer all
data. It transfers the job to the CPU operating system for complete processing of
the job. Further calls of the block with the same ID and R_ID during data transfer
are permitted; however, they do not have any function, i.e., the block can be called
only once in each cycle. Instead, the value 11 is output at STAT. Data are read
from the user memory asynchronously to user-program execution. CIW = 0 if the
job was completed without errors. (if an error has occurred, ERR = 1. The request
will be resumed automatically until all data have been transferred). If input
COM = 0, data transfer will be aborted and not resumed, and CIW = 0.
The ID parameter represents the I/O number specified in your I/O configuration.
and is applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
The R_ID parameter is a random number (suggestion: message frame ID).
However, it must be identical at the corresponding send and receive blocks and is
applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
If parameter FAST = 1, a new message frame can be transferred with each call of
the FB. In this case the FB internally calls SFB 12 "BSEND" twice, since a positive
edge at control input REQ is required to enable SFB 12. When the FB is called in
each cycle, one message frame can be transferred per cycle. However, such
frequent send requests are only advisable in the following situations:
• There is sufficient time between two FB calls to transfer the message frame.
• The call of the "REC_BO" in the receiving CPU is faster than that of the
"SEND_BO" in the sending CPU (the receiving CPU requires two calls
(= 2 cycles) of "REC_BO" for each message frame).
If parameter FAST = 0, a new send request can be initiated only at every second
FB call.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is restricted to the error information of the lower-level
SFB 12, "BSEND". You can find additional information in Manual System Software
for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions. for information on the outputs
ERR and STAT).
(If an error has occurred, the request will be repeated automatically until data have
been transferred).
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
Area of Application
The SEND_R block represents a simple user interface to SFB 12 "BSEND".
It is driven by changes and sends up to 32 BOOL and 32 REAL values via an MPI,
PROFIBUS or Industrial Ethernet connection to another S7 CPU. This CPU needs
to call the function-block type "REC_R" (FB 210) of the PCS 7 Library in order to
receive data.
Data are only consistently available at "REC_R" once the job has been completed
(i.e., after the acknowledgment DONE = TRUE has been received). This
acknowledgment is indicated by the signal at output CIW changing to 0.
If parameter FAST = 1, the FB enables the transmission of one message frame
with each FB call, since it calls SFB 12 "BSEND" twice internally (a positive at
control input REQ is required in order to enable SFB 12). However, such periodic
send requests should only be initiated if sufficient time is available between two FB
Calling OBs
This is the watchdog alarm OB into which you install the block (for example,
OB 35).
Mode of operation
The block monitors the data at 32 BOOL and 32 REAL inputs in order to detect
changes to previously received data. A hysteresis HYS_R_xx (absolute value) is
set for REAL values (R_xx) in every monitoring cycle. The default value for
HYS_R_xx is zero (no hysteresis). Data transfer can be locked or forced via the
EDC_MIN and EDC_MAX parameters.
At EDC_MIN, you set the number of cycles to wait until the next send request,
regardless of any changes in data.
At EDC_MAX, you set the number of cycles to wait after the last valid data transfer
until the next transfer of actual input data, regardless of any changes in data or
whether changes of REAL values are within the set hysteresis.
The theoretical time based on the set number of cycles cannot be guaranteed due
to the asynchronous data transfer between "SEND_R" and "REC_R" (see below).
The internal SFB 12 "BSEND" can be used to exchange 32 BOOL values between
the communication partners. They are sent to the partner by The CPU operating
system transfers the data to the communication partner and writes the data
automatically to the instance DB of the receiving FB (REC_R) by the operating
system. Before the new values are sent, the system waits for the operating system
to transfer an internal acknowledgment for the values that have just been sent.
Data transfer is initiated if control input COM = 1 when the block is called. The
block must be called at least once (regardless of the cycle) in order to transfer all
data. It transfers the job to the CPU operating system for complete processing of
the job. Further calls of the block with the same ID and R_ID during data transfer
are permitted; however, they do not have any function, i.e., the block can be called
once in each cycle. Instead, the value 11 is output at STAT. Data are read from the
user memory asynchronously to user-program execution. CIW = 0 if the job was
completed without errors. (if an error has occurred, ERR = 1. The request will be
resumed automatically until all data have been transferred). If input COM = 0, all
incomplete data transfers will be aborted and not resumed and CIW = 0.
The ID parameter represents the I/O number specified in your I/O configuration.
The parameter is assigned only at the first call after a cold restart.
The R_ID parameter is a random number (suggestion: message frame ID).
However, it must be identical at the corresponding send and receive blocks and is
applied only at the first call after a cold restart.
If parameter FAST = 1, a new message frame can be transferred with each call of
the FB. In this case the FB internally calls SFB 12 "BSEND" twice, since a positive
edge at control input REQ is required to enable SFB 12. When the FB is called in
each cycle, one message frame can be transferred per cycle.
However, such frequent send requests are only advisable in the following
• There is sufficient time between two FB calls to transfer the message frame.
• The call of the "REC_R" in the receiving CPU is faster than that of the
"SEND_R" in the sending CPU (the receiving CPU requires two calls (= 2
cycles) of "REC_R" for each message frame).
If parameter FAST = 0, a new send request can be initiated only at every second
FB call.
Error handling
Error handling of the block is restricted to the error information of the lower-level
SFB 12, "BSEND". You can find additional information in Manual System Software
for S7-300/400 - System and Standard Functions. for information on the outputs
ERR and STAT).
(If an error has occurred, the request will be repeated automatically until data have
been transferred).
Startup Characteristics
Time Response
Message Capability
The factory setting of the block display in CFC is identified in the "I/O" column:
I/O name in bold characters = I/O is visible; I/O name in standard characters = I/O
is hidden.
You can find explanations of and information about the abbreviations used in
"General Information About Block Description".
5.5 Appendix
In the following table, you will find the technical data for the communication blocks.
The table columns have the following meanings:
• Block type name
The symbolic identifier in the symbol table of the library for the relevant FB.
Must be unique within the project.
• Object Name
Block number
• Typical runtime
CPU runtime for processing the corresponding block program under normal
circumstances (for example, for a driver, this is the execution time in the
watchdog-alarm OB, without generation of a channel error message)
The table below shows the runtime of blocks in a 417-4 CPU. The block
runtime on other CPUs depends on the CPU performance.
• Block length in load/work memory
Memory requirement of the program code, once for each block type
• Length of instance data in load/work memory
Memory requirement of an instance DB
• Temporary memory
The local-data memory required in a priority class when the block is called.
This limit is CPU specific. When it is exceeded, you have to check the CPU
configuration and distribute it amongst the OBs to meet the actual
Attributes of a block with regard to its application in the AS (FB, FC), ES (display in
the library or in CFC, display for testing and commissioning) and OS (texts for
messages and operations, corresponding faceplate for visualization in the OS).
Object of a library or block structure, subdivided into function blocks (executable on
an automation system) and faceplates (executable on an OS). The block has
aspects for AS, OS and ES, which are defined by their attributes. Both block types
are configured in ES. The library contains the block type. ES is used to create an
instance data block and to configure it further.
Block Body
Section of the block type with function-specific information (for example, values in
data blocks, program code of functions).
Block Header
Section of the block type with management information on its assignment (for
example, type name, block name, etc.).
Block Library
Software package that contains block types with common features. Installation via
Block Type
Library object, which transfers its object properties to the corresponding instance
data block when used in a block structure. The block type (method, database and
aspect definition) is stored in the ES.
Bus system for data exchange between components.
Data Block
Used for storing data which are processed by programs or functions.
Driver Block
Block for reading/writing AS values to/from a module. It forms the software
interface to the field process, converts physical values into process variables (and
vice versa) and provides additional information with regard to the availability of the
hardware addressed.
Enable Input
Used to enable/disable processing of an FB (only exists in CFC display mode).
Block which is executable on the OS and used to operate and monitor the
corresponding AS block. It is supplied for certain block types in the libraries.
Included in the faceplate function is the verification of manipulated values.
Fetch Principle
The value which is interconnected to an input of a block is only updated (fetched)
by the method associated with the block of the interconnected input - and not
earlier. If this block is not processed, the input will not have an updated value.
Defined in IEC 1131-3 as a software unit, which when executed delivers a single
result (which can also be a complex data type) and which does not have the
capability of saving data (memory).
The essential difference between an FC and an FB is the lack of a database
(instance DB). The result of the FC call must therefore either be saved explicitly by
the user or be used immediately. The ES (CFC chart) displays the FC similarly to
an FB.
Function Block
IEC TC65/WG6 draft standard of May 1995 defines this term as follows:
A function block (FB instance) is a functional software unit, which consists of a
designated individual copy of the data structure defined by the function block type
and retains its data structure for the duration of one call of the function block.
The main features of the FB instance are as follows:
• Type and instance identifier
• I/O events, which use algorithms of the OB in which the FB instance is
processed or are used by these algorithms.
• I/O variables, which are read or changed respectively by the FB algorithm.
• Functional features, which are defined by the type description and are
generally implemented via the FB algorithm.
Initial Startup
In the context of blocks, the term refers to the initial block execution after has been
instantiated. This routine sets a defined state of the block parameters and
operating modes.
Process by means of which a block (FB or FC) in an OB is logged in for
processing. Usually an existing processing sequence must be observed, which is
why the term "install" is used.
Instance DB
Data block derived from a block type. Serves as storage unit for a defined
application of this type. In a project, for example the "control" block type is
represented by several instances (instance DBs) in order to be able to save the
respective setpoint value, operating mode, parameters, etc. for each control task.
Reference value for an analog variable. Triggers a reaction when the value is
reached or exceeded.
Least Significant Bit/Byte = Bit/Byte in a word or double word with the lowest value
Message Classes
Classification of messages based on their cause. The following message classes
are used in the SIMATIC process control system:
1. Process messages; triggered when process-specific monitoring values (for
example, alarms, warnings, high/low tolerances, general process messages)
are reached or exceeded.
2. Process-control messages; output by the control system (system messages) or
the I/O units (errors in the field), or for preventive maintenance.
3. Requests for operator input which, in the case of certain operation sequences,
draw the operator's attention to the necessity of an operator intervention (for
example, request to acknowledge a stepping operation manually in order to
enable transition) or operation logs.
Part of the tasks of an OS, which allows visualization of process parameters and
states in various forms (numerical, graphical).
Most Significant Bit/Byte = Bit/Byte in a word or double word with the highest value
Operating Mode
Characteristic of a block, which marks a certain application-specific processing
phase of block program execution in various situations.
MANUAL operating mode at a controller block signifies a program sequence in
which the controller algorithm is not executed and the output (manipulated)
variable is set manually by operator control, for example.
Operator Control
Operator control of values or states at a block. Changes are usually entered on the
OS, verified and transferred via the CS to the operator control block in the
automation system. The AS finally verifies received data before they are assigned
to the block, since process conditions may have changed during the data transfer.
Operator Text
Text which is assigned to a block input and used for picture display or for logging
operations on the OS.
Operator-Control Block
This block verifies operator input at the OS and, if valid, transfers it to its
interconnected block input in the automation system. It also allows
acknowledgement of this input at the operator station.
Picture Element
Object of the faceplate. Corresponds to a specific I/O element of a block type.
Redundancy may be defined as the use of multiple components so that the same
task can be carried out by a different component, should the need arise (for
example, in case of errors or faults).
Sampling time
Time interval between two consecutive block execution cycles in a processing
class with a constant cycle time (e.g., watchdog alarm OB). The sampling time is
determined by the ES on the basis of the configured runtime group.
Standard Block/Faceplate
Generic term for all objects in standard libraries which are supplied by Siemens.
CPU transition from STOP (internal STOP, i.e. CPU is ready) to RUN (e.g. user
program execution) mode. The following startup modes can be distinguished on
the basis of the organization blocks (CPU-specific):
• Cold restart; results and statuses are ignored during an interrupt (OB 100).
• Restart; results and states of the user program at the interrupt are taken into
Startup Characteristics
Transition of a block into a defined state after its execution in a startup OB. In this
library only a cold restart is relevant (OB 100).
*1) If the block is used for operation messages, the inputs I_1, ... have to be
supplied with pulses. Assignment of the static value "1" would lead to multiple
Executable status of a block, during which the block program overwrites a (tracked)
parameter with the value of another parameter (tracking value), i.e., the user can
force a defined parameter value which is usually determined by a process or
User Block/Faceplate
Generic term for all user objects (customer, engineering office, department
engineering a project for a customer or a project) in user-specific libraries.