Manual Módulo Profibus DP - PAC3200 (Inglês)

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Introduction 1

Safety instructions 2

Description 3
Installation 4
Expansion module

Configuring 6
Maintenance, service and
disposal 7
Interrupt, error, and system
messages 8

Troubleshooting/FAQs 9

Technical data 10

Dimension sheets 11

Appendix A

ESD directives B

List of abbreviations C

Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.

Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.

Prescribed Usage
Note the following:

This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only
in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage,
positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the

Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Ordernumber: A5E01168846B-04 Copyright © Siemens AG 2008.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 05/2008 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1 Purpose of this document ..............................................................................................................9
1.2 Orientation aids ..............................................................................................................................9
1.3 Scope of supply ...........................................................................................................................10
1.4 Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.......................................10
1.5 Technical support.........................................................................................................................11
1.6 Further documentation.................................................................................................................12
2 Safety instructions ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Safety notes .................................................................................................................................13
3 Description............................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Area of application .......................................................................................................................15
3.2 Features .......................................................................................................................................16
3.3 Tasks............................................................................................................................................16
3.4 Structure.......................................................................................................................................17
3.5 PROFIBUS functions ...................................................................................................................19
3.5.1 Modular system design ................................................................................................................19
3.5.2 Functions with limited support......................................................................................................20
3.5.3 Unsupported functions .................................................................................................................20
4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1 Procedure for installation and commissioning .............................................................................21
4.2 Unpacking ....................................................................................................................................22
4.3 Installation and connection ..........................................................................................................23
4.4 Equipotential bonding ..................................................................................................................26
4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up .................................................................................27
4.6 Disassembly.................................................................................................................................27

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Table of contents

5 Parameter assignment/Addressing .......................................................................................................... 29

5.1 Measured variables..................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Data formats of the energy counters........................................................................................... 33
5.3 Limit values ................................................................................................................................. 34
5.4 Digital input statuses and output statuses .................................................................................. 35
5.5 Cyclic data traffic......................................................................................................................... 35
5.5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 35
5.5.2 Basic type 1................................................................................................................................. 36
5.5.3 Basic type 2................................................................................................................................. 37
5.5.4 Basic type 3................................................................................................................................. 38
5.5.5 Freely definable basic type ......................................................................................................... 39
5.5.6 Digital status information in the cyclic channel ........................................................................... 40
5.5.7 Control bytes ............................................................................................................................... 41
5.6 Acyclic data traffic ....................................................................................................................... 42
5.6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 42
5.6.2 Content of the DPV1 data records .............................................................................................. 43
5.6.3 Basic type 1 and basic type 2 DS51 ........................................................................................... 46
5.6.4 Status of the output signals DS68............................................................................................... 46
5.6.5 Status of the input signals DS69................................................................................................. 47
5.6.6 Current DS72 .............................................................................................................................. 48
5.6.7 Voltage DS73 .............................................................................................................................. 49
5.6.8 Minimum and maximum power values DS74.............................................................................. 50
5.6.9 Minimum and maximum frequency and THD values DS76 ........................................................ 51
5.6.10 Status and diagnostics DS92 ...................................................................................................... 52
5.6.11 Commands DS93........................................................................................................................ 52
5.6.12 Current measured values, voltage measured values, and power measured values DS94........ 54
5.6.13 Operating hours and universal counter DS95............................................................................. 55
5.6.14 Settings for the SENTRON PAC DS131..................................................................................... 56
5.6.15 Limit value settings DS132.......................................................................................................... 57
5.6.16 Current DS202 ............................................................................................................................ 60
5.6.17 Voltage DS203 ............................................................................................................................ 61
5.6.18 Power DS204 .............................................................................................................................. 62
5.6.19 Energy counter DS205................................................................................................................ 63
5.6.20 Average power values over a demand period DS206 ................................................................ 64
5.6.21 I&M device identification DS255 ................................................................................................. 65
6 Configuring .............................................................................................................................................. 67
6.1 Default settings ........................................................................................................................... 67
6.2 Configuration scenarios .............................................................................................................. 67
6.3 Changing the address ................................................................................................................. 69
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file......................................................................................... 69
6.5 Information and settings on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device .............................. 78
7 Maintenance, service and disposal .......................................................................................................... 79
7.1 Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 79
7.2 Repair.......................................................................................................................................... 80
7.3 Disposal....................................................................................................................................... 80
7.4 Firmware update ......................................................................................................................... 81

4 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Table of contents

8 Interrupt, error, and system messages .................................................................................................... 83

8.1 Diagnostics concept.....................................................................................................................83
8.2 Slave diagnostics .........................................................................................................................83
8.3 Diagnostics LED ..........................................................................................................................85
8.4 Structure of the device statuses...................................................................................................87
8.5 Structure of the device diagnostics ..............................................................................................89
8.6 Device diagnostic messages .......................................................................................................91
8.7 Initializing the module ..................................................................................................................93
9 Troubleshooting/FAQs............................................................................................................................. 95
9.1 Power failure ................................................................................................................................95
9.2 Power failure during firmware update ..........................................................................................95
10 Technical data ......................................................................................................................................... 97
10.1 Standards.....................................................................................................................................97
10.2 Technical data..............................................................................................................................98
10.3 Communication interface ...........................................................................................................100
10.4 Labeling......................................................................................................................................102
11 Dimension sheets .................................................................................................................................. 105
11.1 Dimension sheets ......................................................................................................................105
A Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 107
B ESD directives ....................................................................................................................................... 109
B.1 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) ........................................................................................109
C List of abbreviations............................................................................................................................... 111
C.1 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................111
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 113
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 117

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Table of contents

Table 1-1 Contacts in your region - worldwide............................................................................................ 11
Table 1-2 Online service and support ......................................................................................................... 11
Table 1-3 Technical support........................................................................................................................ 12
Table 5-1 Available measured variables ..................................................................................................... 29
Table 5-2 Measured variables made available in Float format by the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module......................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 5-3 Available limit values................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-4 Available input statuses and output statuses.............................................................................. 35
Table 5-5 Structure of basic type 1 ............................................................................................................. 36
Table 5-6 Basic type 2 transfers the following input data............................................................................ 37
Table 5-7 Basic type 3 transfers the following input data:........................................................................... 38
Table 5-8 Structure of the further basic type............................................................................................... 39
Table 5-9 Structure of the 4 bytes of the digital status information - static diagnostics .............................. 40
Table 5-10 Structure of the control bytes ...................................................................................................... 41
Table 5-11 Data records for slot 1 of the SENTRON PAC devices .............................................................. 43
Table 5-12 DPV1 data records for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module .......................................... 44
Table 5-13 Causes for sending Error Code 1 ............................................................................................... 45
Table 5-14 Structure of data record DS51 - read access only...................................................................... 46
Table 5-15 Structure of data record DS68 - read access and write access.................................................. 46
Table 5-16 Structure of data record DS69 - read access only...................................................................... 47
Table 5-17 Structure of data record DS72 - read access only...................................................................... 48
Table 5-18 Structure of data record DS73 - read access only...................................................................... 49
Table 5-19 Structure of data record DS74 - read access only...................................................................... 50
Table 5-20 Structure of data record DS76 - read access only...................................................................... 51
Table 5-21 Structure of data record DS92 - read access only...................................................................... 52
Table 5-22 Structure of data record DS93 - write access only ..................................................................... 52
Table 5-23 Structure of data record DS94 - read access only...................................................................... 54
Table 5-24 Structure of data record DS95 - read access and write access.................................................. 55
Table 5-25 Structure of data record DS131 - read access and write access................................................ 56
Table 5-26 Structure of data record DS132 - read access and write access................................................ 57
Table 5-27 Structure of data record DS202 - read access only.................................................................... 60
Table 5-28 Structure of data record DS203 - read access only.................................................................... 61
Table 5-29 Structure of data record DS204 - read access only.................................................................... 62
Table 5-30 Structure of data record DS205 .................................................................................................. 63
Table 5-31 Structure of data record DS206 - read access only.................................................................... 64

6 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Table of contents

Table 5-32 Structure of data record DS255, IM0 data read access only.......................................................65
Table 5-33 Structure of data record DS255, IM1 data - read access and write access ................................66
Table 5-34 Structure of data record DS255, IM2 data - read access and write access ................................66
Table 5-35 Structure of data record DS255, IM3 data - read access and write access ................................66
Table 5-36 Structure of data record DS255, IM4 data - read access and write access ................................66
Table 6-1 Factory settings............................................................................................................................67
Table 6-2 GSD file extensions .....................................................................................................................70
Table 6-3 Naming the GSD file ....................................................................................................................70
Table 6-4 Procedure.....................................................................................................................................71
Table 6-5 Communication status with meaning ...........................................................................................78
Table 8-1 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device - slave
diagnostics ...................................................................................................................................83
Table 8-2 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device -
device diagnostics........................................................................................................................84
Table 8-3 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device -
interrupt messages ......................................................................................................................84
Table 8-4 Structure of the status specifier and the alarm specifier..............................................................84
Table 8-5 Status and fault display by the LED.............................................................................................85
Table 8-6 Structure of status 1 in byte 0 ......................................................................................................87
Table 8-7 Structure of status 2 in byte 1 ......................................................................................................88
Table 8-8 Structure of status 3 in byte 2 ......................................................................................................88
Table 8-9 Device diagnostics data Yes/No: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 10 ........................89
Table 8-10 Communication faults: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 11 and the interrupt
message in byte 18......................................................................................................................89
Table 8-11 Violation of the limits: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 12 and the interrupt
message in byte 19......................................................................................................................89
Table 8-12 Invalid values and invalid settings: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 13 and the
interrupt message in byte 20........................................................................................................90
Table 8-13 Implemented device diagnostic interrupts ...................................................................................91
Table 10-1 The device meets the following standards...................................................................................97
Table 10-2 Mechanical data for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module ...............................................98
Table 10-3 Electrical data for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module...................................................99
Table 10-4 Ambient and environmental conditions........................................................................................99
Table 10-5 Technical data for the communication interface ........................................................................100
Table 10-6 Pin assignment for the PROFIBUS connection .........................................................................101
Table A-1 Errors, comments, and suggestions for improvements .............................................................108
Table B-1 Protective measures ..................................................................................................................110
Table C-1 Meaning of abbreviations...........................................................................................................111

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Table of contents

Figure 3-1 Schematic view of the side and front of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module................ 17
Figure 3-2 Schematic view of the rear of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module ............................... 18
Figure 3-3 Power Monitoring Device: Modular concept ............................................................................... 19
Figure 4-1 Mounting the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module ............................................................... 24
Figure 4-2 Bus terminator of the ANSI TIA/EIA 485 A connection............................................................... 25
Figure 5-1 DPV1 telegram format read request ........................................................................................... 44
Figure 5-2 DPV1 telegram format read response ........................................................................................ 44
Figure 5-3 DPV1 telegram format write request........................................................................................... 44
Figure 5-4 DPV1 telegram format write response ........................................................................................ 44
Figure 5-5 DPV1 telegram format interrupt response .................................................................................. 44
Figure 5-6 DPV1 error telegram ................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 6-1 Configuring the integration of PROFIBUS using STEP 7 and the GSD file................................ 68
Figure 6-2 Setting the PROFIBUS address on the SENTRON PAC3200 ................................................... 78
Figure 10-1 9-pin sub D socket .................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 10-2 The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module with label............................................................ 102
Figure 10-3 Type plate of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module with order number (MLFB) and
serial number ............................................................................................................................ 103
Figure 11-1 Side view and front view with sub D socket .............................................................................. 105
Figure 11-2 Bottom view and top view with sub D socket ............................................................................ 105
Figure B-1 ESD work center ....................................................................................................................... 110

8 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose of this document
This manual is intended for:
● Planners
● Plant operators
● Commissioning engineers
● Service and maintenance personnel
This manual contains:
● Details of the design of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
● Permissible conditions of use for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Required basic knowledge

General knowledge in the fields of automation and electrical engineering is required to
understand this manual.

1.2 Orientation aids

General information
The manual includes the following orientation aids:
● Table of contents
● List of figures and tables
● List of abbreviations
● Glossary
● Index

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1.3 Scope of supply

1.3 Scope of supply

The package includes:
● The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
● The operating instructions for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Additional information
You can find more information in the manual "PAC PROFIBUS DP Expansion Module" on
the CD of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

1.4 Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device

CD contents
The CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device includes the following files:
● The manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in all
available languages
● The manual for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in all available
● The GSD files in all available languages for the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring
Device with the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Specific GSD file
This GSD file is only designed for the use of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
with a specific type of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

● The manual for the PAC RS485 expansion module in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the PAC RS485 expansion module in all available
● The software SENTRON powerconfig including online help in all available languages and
README file in English and German
● The Certificate of License in English and German
● The firmware update for the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device
● The language packages for the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device
● The firmware update for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
This CD is supplied with the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

10 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
1.5 Technical support

1.5 Technical support

Contact for technical problems and other questions

Help is available from:
● Service and support contacts in your region - worldwide
● Online service and support
● Technical support

Contacts in the region

Contacts in your region can provide support worldwide.

Table 1-1 Contacts in your region - worldwide

Utility Address, number

Internet: Service and support ( under
"Contact > Contacts Worldwide"

Support address:
Gleiwitzerstr. 555
D-90475 Nuremberg

Online support
This comprehensive information system is available day and night via the Internet. Online
service and support offers product support, services and support, and support tools from the

Table 1-2 Online service and support

Utility Address, number

Internet: Online service and support (

Technical support
Technical support offers:
● Expert advice on technical queries over a broad subject area
● Tailored services relating to our products and systems
If you require technical assistance or you have questions about the product, contact
Technical Support.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 11
1.6 Further documentation

Table 1-3 Technical support

Utility Address, number

Phone: +49 (0)180-50-50-222
Fax: +49 (0)180-50-50-223
Internet: Support request (

1.6 Further documentation

You can find more information, e.g. parameters, values, and setting options for the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in the following manuals:
● Manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
● Operating instructions for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
You can find more information on SIMATIC in the following manuals:
● SIMATIC "Configuring Hardware and Connections with STEP 7"
You can find more information on PROFIBUS in the:
● "PROFIBUS RS485-IS User and Installation Guideline" PROFIBUS RS485-IS User and
Installation Guide (
You can find more information on the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in the
operating instructions for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module.

See also
Technical support (Page 11)

12 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Safety instructions 2
2.1 Safety notes

General safety notes

Danger! High voltage
Will cause death or serious injury.
Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device.

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Safety instructions
2.1 Safety notes

14 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Description 3
3.1 Area of application
The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is designed for use with a SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device.

Area of application of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module connects the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Device to the PROFIBUS network. This integrates the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Device into power management systems and automation systems.
The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module therefore has to communicate with the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and the PROFIBUS DP masters.

Intended use of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is only intended for use with a SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device. The guidelines for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
also apply to the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module.

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3.2 Features

3.2 Features
You can use the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to access the measuring stations
during operation.

Features include:
● Communication based on the master-slave principle
● Function: PROFIBUS DP slave
● Configuration via the class 1 master and the class 2 master
● Cyclic data transfer
● Acyclic data transfer
● Separate GSD file for the Power Monitoring Device, e.g., SENTRON PAC3200. This
ensures correct project planning.
● Automatic detection of the baud rate
● Watchdog function
The PROFIBUS DP slave uses the response monitoring function to monitor data traffic. to
ensure that the PROFIBUS DP master is enabled and that data are being transferred.
● Generating diagnostic interrupts

3.3 Tasks

The tasks of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module are as follows:
● To supply values measured by the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device to the
● To receive information, e.g., commands, from the PROFIBUS DP master and send them
to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
● To ensure galvanic isolation between the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and

16 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
3.4 Structure

3.4 Structure

Structure of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module


Figure 3-1 Schematic view of the side and front of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

(1) Sub D socket

(2) Screw for mounting the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module on the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
(3) Ventilation slots
(4) LED

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3.4 Structure


Figure 3-2 Schematic view of the rear of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

(1) Sub D socket

(2) Screw for mounting the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module on the SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device
(3) Guide pins; their guide for correct position ensures that the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module is plugged into the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device correctly
(4) Pins

18 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
3.5 PROFIBUS functions

3.5 PROFIBUS functions

3.5.1 Modular system design

When addressing data, PROFIBUS assumes that the slaves have a modular physical design
or that they are structured internally into function units or "modules".

Modular system design

In acyclic data traffic, all data blocks enabled for write or read accesses are assigned to the
modules. You can address these data blocks with the help of the slot number and the index.
The slot number addresses the module and the index addresses the data blocks belonging
to the module. Each data block can be up to 240 bytes in size. Each slot has its own data
You can address each slot individually and access special information of the slot, such as its
I&M data.

,QGH[  ,QGH[  ,QGH[ 

ແ ແ ແ
,QGH[  ,QGH[  ,QGH[ 

Figure 3-3 Power Monitoring Device: Modular concept

Y Maximum number of slots for the relevant SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
X Number of the slot for a second expansion module.
The SENTRON PAC3200 supports only the expansion slot to which slot 0 is assigned.

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3.5 PROFIBUS functions

3.5.2 Functions with limited support

Functions with limited support

You can operate the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device downstream of a Y link
only in DPV0 mode. For this purpose, configure the SENTRON PAC3200 in the HW Config
as a DPV0 slave. All acyclic services and interrupts are switched off, as is usual with DPV0.
As a result, the SENTRON PAC3200 does not supply any diagnostic interrupts. Instead of
interrupts, the static diagnostic messages are made available again to the master in the
digital status information in the cyclic channel.

3.5.3 Unsupported functions

Unsupported functions
The following PROFIBUS functions are not supported:

20 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Installation 4
4.1 Procedure for installation and commissioning
The following system configuration information must be available:
● Installation location of the device
● Baud rate
● Planned PROFIBUS address

1. Mount the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module.
2. Connect the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
3. Connect the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to the PROFIBUS network.
4. Check all connections and settings.
5. Apply supply voltage to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. The
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and expansion module are then ready for
6. Set the language on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
7. Parameterize the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
8. Set the planned PROFIBUS address on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
9. Configure the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module. The STEP 7 hardware
configuration, for example, can be used as the configuring tool.
– Assign the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device to the PROFIBUS network.
– Link the device-specific GSD file for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module.
– Parameterize the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
– Transfer the parameter assignment to the PROFIBUS DP master.

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4.2 Unpacking

See also
Unpacking (Page 22)
Installation and connection (Page 23)
Equipotential bonding (Page 26)
Measures to be performed prior to start-up (Page 27)
Cyclic data traffic (Page 35)
Default settings (Page 67)
Configuration scenarios (Page 67)
Changing the address (Page 69)
Configuring by means of the GSD file (Page 69)
Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device (Page 10)

4.2 Unpacking
Observe the ESD guidelines. Open the packaging with care. Do not use excessive force.

After receiving the module, and before installing it, you should make the following checks:
● Check the packaging for damage.
● Make sure that the package contents are complete.
● Check the module for external damage.
Please contact your Siemens sales partner in the following cases:
● The packaging is damaged
● The contents of the package are not complete
● The module is damaged

Store the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in a dry place.

See also
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 109)

22 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
4.3 Installation and connection

4.3 Installation and connection

Avoid condensation
Sudden fluctuations in temperature can lead to condensation. Condensation can affect the
function of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module. Store the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module in the operating room for at least 2 hours before commencing

To install the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module you will need the following tool:
● A Z1 cross-tip screwdriver, 2.9 mm, cal ISO 6789

Install the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module before operating the SENTRON PAC.
Observe the ESD guidelines.

Faulty sub D connector and faulty connector to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Dirty or bent pins can affect the function of the connectors. The connectors can be
destroyed. Do not allow the pins to become dirty.
Make sure that:
• There are no metal parts between the pins.
• There are no metal parts adhering to the pins.
• The pins do not bend.
Do not touch the pins.

Do not cover the ventilation slots
If the ventilation slots are covered, the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module can
overheat. Make sure that the ventilation slots are not covered.

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4.3 Installation and connection

Figure 4-1 Mounting the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

1. Ensure safe isolation from supply.

2. Discharge yourself.
3. Mount the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
Ensure that the current terminals and voltage terminals are installed on the
SENTRON PAC before installing the expansion module.
4. Only attach the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to the plastic enclosure.
5. Connect the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to the SENTRON PAC. The guide
for correct position of the guide pins will help you to plug in the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module correctly. You can find more information about the slot in the
6. Tighten the SN62217-B3x22 screws connecting the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module to the SENTRON PAC with a torque of 0.5 Nm.
7. Plug the sub D connector into the sub D socket.
8. Screw the sub D connector into place.

More information
Installing the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
You can find information about how to install the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Device in the operating instructions and manual for the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device.

24 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
4.3 Installation and connection

Damage due to moisture
Moisture or wetness can affect the operating capability of the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module. Make sure that no moisture or wetness can find its way into the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module. Clean the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module using a dry, lint-free cloth only.
Do not operate the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in an environment affected
by high humidity or wetness. Note the environmental requirements of the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

Bus termination

Bus terminating resistor
There is no bus terminating resistor in the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module. The bus
terminator is provided by the PROFIBUS adaptor plug, which includes a bus terminating
resistor. You can find more information in the operating instructions for the PROFIBUS
adaptor plug.

If you use the recommended bus connector, you can switch the bus terminating resistor on
and off with a switch. If you do not use this bus connector, you must install a bus terminator
at the first and last device on the communication bus. Proceed as shown in the diagram






Figure 4-2 Bus terminator of the ANSI TIA/EIA 485 A connection

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 25
4.4 Equipotential bonding

More information
Bus connectors and PROFIBUS cables
You can find information about the bus connector and PROFIBUS cables, etc. in the catalog.
The cable length depends on the baud rate. At 12 Mbit/s, the maximum type A cable length
is 100 m. You can find more information about cable lengths for PROFIBUS communication
in section 22.1 of the standard IE 61158-2:2004

See also
Disassembly (Page 27)
Safety notes (Page 13)
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 109)
Unpacking (Page 22)
Measures to be performed prior to start-up (Page 27)

4.4 Equipotential bonding

Equipotential bonding of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module has a non-metal housing. You should therefore
carry out the equipotential bonding of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in
accordance with the PROFIBUS installation guidelines.

For further information

Refer to the "SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Network Manual".

See also
Further documentation (Page 12)

26 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up

4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up

Impairment and endangering of operation
Damaged components can impair and endanger operation. Never use damaged

Formation of condensation
Store the device in the service room for at least two hours before applying voltage to the
device for the first time. This will equalize the temperature and prevent the formation of

Once you have correctly installed the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module, you should
carry out the following checks:
1. Check that the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is connected to the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device correctly.
2. Check that the connector of the PROFIBUS cable is plugged into the sub D socket of the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module correctly and screwed down tightly.
3. Check that the ventilation slots are not covered.

4.6 Disassembly

1. Ensure safe isolation from supply.
2. Observe the ESD Guidelines. Discharge yourself. Only attach the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module to the plastic enclosure.
3. Unfasten the screws securing the sub D connector into the sub D socket.
4. Pull the sub D connector out of the sub D socket.
5. Unscrew the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module from the Power Monitoring Device.
6. Remove the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module from the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device.
7. If necessary, disassemble the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 27
4.6 Disassembly

More information
Disassembling the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
You can find information about how to disassemble the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device in the manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

See also
Installation and connection (Page 23)
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 109)
Technical support (Page 11)
Further documentation (Page 12)

28 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing 5
5.1 Measured variables

Measured variables of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device

The measured variables are provided by the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

Table 5-1 Available measured variables

Name Abb. Abb. Format Unit Value range Access

Voltage Va-n VL1-N Va-n Float V - R
Voltage Vb-n VL2-N Vb-n Float V - R
Voltage Vc-n VL3-N Vc-n Float V - R
Voltage Va-b VL1-L2 Va-b Float V - R
Voltage Vb-c VL2-L3 Vb-c Float V - R
Voltage Vc-a VL3-L1 Vc-a Float V - R
Current a IL1 Ia Float A - R
Current b IL2 Ib Float A - R
Current c IL3 Ic Float A - R
Apparent Power a VAL1 VAa Float VA - R
Apparent Power b VAL2 VAb Float VA - R
Apparent Power c VAL3 VAc Float VA - R
Active Power a ± WL1 ± Wa Float W - R
Active Power b ± WL2 ± Wb Float W - R
Active Power c ± WL3 ± Wc Float W - R
Reactive Power a ± varL1 ± vara Float var - R
Reactive Power b ± varL2 ± varb Float var - R
Reactive Power c ± varL3 ± varc Float var - R
Power Factor a |PFL1| |PFa| Float - 0 ... 1 R
Power Factor b |PFL2| |PFb| Float - 0 ... 1 R
Power Factor c |PFL3| |PFc| Float - 0 ... 1 R
THD-R Voltage a THD-VL1 THD-Va Float % 0 ... 100 R
THD-R Voltage b THD-VL2 THD-Vb Float % 0 ... 100 R
THD-R Voltage c THD-VL3 THD-Vc Float % 0 ... 100 R
THD-R Current a THD-IL1 THD-Ia Float % 0 ... 100 R
THD-R Current b THD-IL2 THD-Ib Float % 0 ... 100 R

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.1 Measured variables

Name Abb. Abb. Format Unit Value range Access

THD-R Current c THD-IL3 THD-Ic Float % 0 ... 100 R
Frequency f f Float Hz 45 ... 65 R
Average Voltage Vph-n VL-N AVG Vph-n AVG Float V - R
Average Voltage Vph-ph VL-L AVG Vph-ph AVG Float V - R
Average Current IAVG IAVG Float A - R
Total Apparent Power Total VA Total VA Float VA - R
Total Active Power Total W Total W Float W - R
Total Reactive Power Total var Total var Float var - R
Total Power Factor Total PF Total PF Float - R
Amplitude Unbalance - Voltage Unbal. V Unbal. V Float % 0 ... 100 R
Amplitude Unbalance - Current Unbal. A Unbal. A Float % 0 ... 200 R
Maximum Voltage Va-n ▲VL1-N ▲Va-n Float V - R
Maximum Voltage Vb-n ▲VL2-N ▲Vb-n Float V - R
Maximum Voltage Vc-n ▲VL3-N ▲Vc-n Float V - R
Max. Voltage Va-b ▲VL1-L2 ▲Va-b Float V - R
Max. Voltage Vb-c ▲Vb-c ▲Vb-c Float V - R
Max. Voltage Vc-a ▲VL3-L1 ▲Vc-a Float V - R
Maximum Current a ▲IL1 ▲Ia Float A - R
Maximum Current b ▲IL2 ▲Ib Float A - R
Maximum Current c ▲IL3 ▲Ic Float A - R
Maximum Apparent Power a ▲VAL1 ▲VAa Float VA - R
Maximum Apparent Power b ▲VAL2 ▲VAb Float VA - R
Maximum Apparent Power c ▲VAL3 ▲VAc Float VA - R
Maximum Active Power a ▲± WL1 ▲± Wa Float W - R
Maximum Active Power b ▲± WL2 ▲± Wb Float W - R
Maximum Active Power c ▲± WL3 ▲± Wc Float W - R
Maximum Reactive Power a ▲± varL1 ▲± vara Float var - R
Maximum Reactive Power b ▲± varL2 ▲± varb Float var - R
Maximum Reactive Power c ▲± varL3 ▲± varc Float var - R
Maximum Power Factor a ▲|PFL1| ▲|PFa| Float 0 ... 1 R
Maximum Power Factor b ▲|PFL2| ▲|PFb| Float 0 ... 1 R
Maximum Power Factor c ▲|PFL3| ▲|PFc| Float 0 ... 1 R
Maximum THD-R Voltage a ▲THD-VL1 ▲THD-Va Float % 0 ... 100 R
Maximum THD-R Voltage b ▲THD-VL2 ▲THD-Vb Float % 0 ... 100 R
Maximum THD-R Voltage c ▲THD-VL3 ▲THD-Vc Float % 0 ... 100 R
Maximum THD-R Current a ▲THD-IL1 ▲THD-Ia Float % 0 ... 100 R
Maximum THD-R Current b ▲THD-IL2 ▲THD-Ib Float % 0 ... 100 R
Maximum THD-R Current c ▲THD-IL3 ▲THD-Ic Float % 0 ... 100 R
Max. Frequency ▲f ▲f Float Hz 45 ... 65 R
Max. Average Voltage Vph-n ▲VL-N AVG ▲Vph-n AVG Float V - R
Max. Average Voltage Vph-ph ▲VL-L AVG ▲Vph-ph AVG Float V - R

30 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.1 Measured variables

Name Abb. Abb. Format Unit Value range Access

Max. Average Current ▲IAVG ▲IAVG Float A - R
Max. Total Apparent Power ▲Total VA ▲Total VA Float VA - R
Max. Total Active Power ▲Total W ▲Total W Float W - R
Max. Total Reactive Power ▲Total var ▲Total var Float var - R
Maximum Total Power Factor ▲Total PF ▲Total PF Float - R
Minimum Voltage Va-n ▼VL1-N ▼Va-n Float V - R
Minimum Voltage Vb-n ▼VL2-N ▼Vb-n Float V - R
Minimum Voltage Vc-n ▼VL3-N ▼Vc-n Float V - R
Min. Voltage Ua-b ▼VL1-L2 ▼Va-b Float V - R
Min. Voltage Ub-c ▼VL2-L3 ▼Vb-c Float V - R
Min. Voltage UL3-L1 ▼VL3-L1 ▼Vc-a Float V - R
Minimum Current a ▼IL1 ▼Ia Float A - R
Minimum Current b ▼IL2 ▼Ib Float A - R
Minimum Current c ▼IL3 ▼Ic Float A - R
Minimum Apparent Power a ▼VAL1 ▼VAa Float VA - R
Minimum Apparent Power b ▼VAL2 ▼VAb Float VA - R
Minimum Apparent Power c ▼VAL3 ▼VAc Float VA - R
Minimum Active Power a ± WL1 ▼± Wa Float W - R
Minimum Active Power b ± WL2 ▼± Wb Float W - R
Minimum Active Power c ± WL3 ▼± Wc Float W - R
Minimum Reactive Power a ▼± varL1 ▼± vara Float var - R
Minimum Reactive Power b ▼± varL2 ▼± varb Float var - R
Minimum Reactive Power c ▼± varL3 ▼± varc Float var - R
Minimum Power Factor a ▼|PFL1| ▼|PFa| Float - 0 ... 1 R
Minimum Power Factor b ▼|PFL2| ▼|PFb| Float - 0 ... 1 R
Minimum Power Factor c ▼|PFL3| ▼|PFc| Float - 0 ... 1 R
Min. Frequency ▼f ▼f Float Hz 45 ... 65 R
Min. Average Voltage Vph-n ▼VL-N AVG ▼Vph-n AVG Float V - R
Min. Average Voltage Vph-ph ▼V L-L AVG ▼Vph-ph AVG Float V - R
Min. Average Current ▼IAVG ▼IAVG Float A - R
Min. Total Apparent Power ▼Total VA ▼Total VA Float VA - R
Min. Total Active Power ▼Total W ▼Total W Float W - R
Min. Total Reactive Power ▼Total var ▼Total var Float var - R
Minimum Total Power Factor ▼Total PF ▼Total PF Float var - R
Limit Violations - - Unsigned - Byte 3 Bit 0 Limit 0 R
Device Diagnostics and Device - - Unsigned - Byte 0 System R
Status long status
Status of the Digital Outputs - - Unsigned - Byte 3 Bit 0 Output 0 R
Status of the Digital Inputs - - Unsigned - Byte 3 Bit 0 Input 0 R

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 31
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.1 Measured variables

Name Abb. Abb. Format Unit Value range Access

Active Tariff - - Unsigned - - R
Operating Hours - - Unsigned s 0 ... 999999999 RW
Universal Counter - - Unsigned - 0 ... 999999999 RW
Relevant Parameter Changes - - Unsigned - - R
Counter long
Counter All Parameter Changes - - Unsigned - - R
Counter Limit Violations - - Unsigned - - R
Demand Active Power - Import - - Float W - R
Demand Reactive Power - - - Float var - R
Demand Active Power - Export - - Float W - R
Demand Reactive Power - - - Float var - R
Maximum Active Power Reading - - Float W - R
during the period
Minimum Active Power Reading - - Float W - R
during the period
Maximum Reactive Power - - Float var - R
Reading during the period
Minimum Reactive Power - - Float var - R
Reading during the period
Demand Period - - Unsigned s - R
Time Since Start of the active - - Unsigned s - R
demand period long
Active Energy Import Tariff 1 - - Double Wh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Active Energy Import Tariff 2 - - Double Wh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Active Energy Export Tariff 1 - - Double Wh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Active Energy Export Tariff 2 - - Double Wh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Reactive Energy Import Tariff 1 - - Double varh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Reactive Energy Import Tariff 2 - - Double varh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Reactive Energy Export Tariff 1 - - Double varh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Reactive Energy Export Tariff 2 - - Double varh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Apparent Energy Tariff 1 - - Double VAh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW
Apparent Energy Tariff 2 - - Double VAh Overflow 1.0e+12 RW

Abbrev.: Abbreviation
R Read; read access
W Write; write access
RW Read Write; read and write access

32 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.2 Data formats of the energy counters

See also
Introduction (Page 35)
Data formats of the energy counters (Page 33)
Configuring by means of the GSD file (Page 69)
Limit values (Page 34)
Digital status information in the cyclic channel (Page 40)
Digital input statuses and output statuses (Page 35)

5.2 Data formats of the energy counters

Energy counter
The SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device delivers the measured variables listed in the
table below in Double format. The PROFIBUS DP expansion module makes these measured
variables available in Float format too. This means that they can be more easily evaluated in
SIMATIC, for example. Numbers in Float format are accurate to 7 decimal places.

Table 5-2 Measured variables made available in Float format by the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Name Format Value range

Active Energy Import Tariff 1 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Active Energy Import Tariff 2 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Active Energy Export Tariff 1 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Active Energy Export Tariff 2 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Reactive Energy Import Tariff 1 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Reactive Energy Import Tariff 2 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Reactive Energy Export Tariff 1 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Reactive Energy Export Tariff 2 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Apparent Energy Tariff 1 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
Apparent Energy Tariff 2 Float Overflow 1.0e+12
In the GSD file, the measured variables in Double format are indicated by (D), and the
measured variables in Float format by (F).

Resetting the energy counter
If you carry out calculations with these measured variables in Float format, e.g. to calculate
the daily or monthly consumption, inaccuracies arise in the case of values with more than 7
representable digits. You can ensure the accuracy of the measured values by resetting the
energy counter before the counter value exceeds 7 digits.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 33
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.3 Limit values

See also
Measured variables (Page 29)

5.3 Limit values

The SENTRON PAC offers limit values. These limit values are available via the PROFIBUS
in the "Limit violations" measured variable.

Limit values of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device

Table 5-3 Available limit values

Name Byte Bit Format Value range Access

Limit value logic 0 0 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 0 3 0 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 1 1 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 2 2 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 3 3 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 4 4 Bit 0,1 R
Limit value 5 5 Bit 0,1 R

R Read; read access

Limit violations can trigger diagnostic interrupts.

See also
Measured variables (Page 29)

34 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.4 Digital input statuses and output statuses

5.4 Digital input statuses and output statuses

Input statuses and output statuses of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
The following are available via the PROFIBUS:
● The input statuses of the internal input of the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring
Device in the measured variable "Status of the digital inputs"
● The output status of the internal output of the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring
Device in the measured variable "Status of the digital outputs"

Table 5-4 Available input statuses and output statuses

Name Length Byte Bit Value range Access

Digital input 0 32 bits 3 0 0,1 R
Digital output 0 32 bits 3 0 0,1 R

R Read; read access

See also
Measured variables (Page 29)
Status of the output signals DS68 (Page 46)
Status of the input signals DS69 (Page 47)

5.5 Cyclic data traffic

5.5.1 Introduction

In cyclic data traffic, each message frame transfers a fixed number of user data. Cyclic data
exchange is especially suitable for transferring information that is required continuously and
quickly. The time interval between two message frames depends on:
● The number of nodes
● The data volume
● Baud rate

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

All available data types that PROFIBUS can transfer are defined in the GSD file for the
associated SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. There are three basic types with
predefined measured variables for time-saving commissioning and efficient data transfer.
The user can also define individual measured variables to be transferred.

Choosing the basic type

You can configure each SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device individually. During the
configuration process you use the PROFIBUS DP configuring tool to select:
● The GSD file
● A suitable combination of basic type 1, basic type 2 and measured variables
● Any combination of basic type 3, basic type 2 and measured variables

Note the quantity structure
The maximum quantity structure for PROFIBUS is 244 bytes of input data and 2 bytes of
output data.

See also
Measured variables (Page 29)
Standards (Page 97)
Further documentation (Page 12)

5.5.2 Basic type 1

Basic type 1 contains the control bytes. The structure of basic type 1 is fixed. You cannot
change it. The length of the message is 20 bytes of input data and 2 bytes of control bytes
(output data). The following information is transferred in basic type 1.

Table 5-5 Structure of basic type 1

Number of bytes Data value Format Unit

0 ... 3 Digital status information Unsigned long -
4 ... 7 Phase current a Float A
8 ... 11 Phase current b Float A
12 ... 15 Phase current c Float A
16 ... 19 Total active power Float W

36 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

See also
Digital status information in the cyclic channel (Page 40)
Control bytes (Page 41)
Basic type 2 (Page 37)

5.5.3 Basic type 2

Basic type 2 is an extension of basic type 1. This means that you can easily add basic type 1
and basic type 2 during the project design phase. You can also use basic type 2 as a
separate module. The standard basic type 2 contains no control bytes. These are already
contained in basic type 1. You can also add the control bytes during the project design
phase. The structure of basic type 2 is fixed. You cannot change it. The message length is
24 bytes.

Table 5-6 Basic type 2 transfers the following input data

Number of bytes Data value Format Unit

0 ... 3 Voltage Va-b Float V
4 ... 7 Voltage Vb-c Float V
8 ... 11 Voltage Vc-a Float V
12 ... 19 Active Energy Import Tariff 1 Double Wh
20 ... 23 Total power factor Float -

See also
Basic type 1 (Page 36)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 37
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

5.5.4 Basic type 3

The structure of basic type 3 is fixed. You cannot change it. Basic type 3 contains the control
bytes. The message length is 112 bytes.
You cannot combine basic type 3 with basic type 1.

Table 5-7 Basic type 3 transfers the following input data:

Byte Data value Format Unit

0 ... 3 Digital status information Unsigned long -
4 ... 7 Voltage Va-n Float V
8 ... 11 Voltage Vb-n Float V
12 ... 15 Voltage Vc-n Float V
16 ... 19 Voltage Va-b Float V
20 ... 23 Voltage Vb-c Float V
24 ... 27 Voltage Vc-a Float V
28 ... 31 Current a Float A
32 ... 35 Current b Float A
36 ... 39 Current c Float A
40 ... 43 Power Factor a Float -
44 ... 47 Power Factor b Float -
48 ... 51 Power Factor c Float -
52 ... 55 THD-R Voltage a Float %
56 ... 59 THD-R Voltage b Float %
60 ... 63 THD-R Voltage c Float %
64 ... 67 THD-R Current a Float %
68 ... 71 THD-R Current b Float %
72 ... 75 THD-R Current c Float %
76 ... 79 Frequency Float Hz
80 ... 83 Average Voltage Float A
84 ... 87 Total Apparent Power Float VA
88 ... 91 Total Active Power Float W
92 ... 95 Total Reactive Power Float Var
96 ... 99 Total Power Factor Float -
100 ... 103 Amplitude Unbalance - Voltage Float %
104 ... 107 Amplitude Unbalance - Current Float %
108 ... 111 Demand period Unsigned long s

See also
Digital status information in the cyclic channel (Page 40)
Control bytes (Page 41)

38 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

5.5.5 Freely definable basic type

In another basic type you can specify individual values to be transferred. This basic type has
a maximum length of 244 bytes or 61 modules. You must observe the following structure:

Table 5-8 Structure of the further basic type

Number of bytes Data value Format Unit

0 ... 3 ••• ••• •••
• ••• ••• •••

236 ... 243 ••• ••• •••
This basic type contains no control bytes as standard. You can add individual control bytes
during the project design phase.

See also
Digital status information in the cyclic channel (Page 40)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 39
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

5.5.6 Digital status information in the cyclic channel

Digital status information

In cyclic data traffic the digital status information is sent on every data exchange at the
beginning of a basic type 1 and basic type 3 data structure. The status information is treated
as static diagnostics data for the device.
The digital status information is optional for the data structures of basic type 2 and the freely
configurable basic type. You can add the digital status information during the configuration

Table 5-9 Structure of the 4 bytes of the digital status information - static diagnostics

Byte Bit Description

Byte n 0 No synchronization pulse
System status 1 Device Configuration menu is active
2 Voltage out of range
3 Current out of range
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
Byte n + 1 8 Reserved
Device status 9 Maximum pulse rate exceeded
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
Byte n + 2 16 Relevant parameters changed
Device diagnostics 17 Upper or lower limit violation incoming or outgoing
18 Maximum pulse rate exceeded
19 Reserved
20 Reserved
21 Reserved
22 Reserved
23 Reserved

40 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.5 Cyclic data traffic

Byte Bit Description

Byte n + 3 24 Reserved
Component diagnostics 25 Reserved
26 Reserved
27 Reserved
28 Reserved
29 Reserved
20 Reserved
31 Reserved
The diagnostics information remains active until acknowledged. The status information
remains active as long as the cause exists. Status information is not acknowledged.

See also
Measured variables (Page 29)

5.5.7 Control bytes

The control bytes are delivered with basic type 1 and basic type 3 as standard. Alternatively
you can add the control bytes during the project design phase.
These commands can be used to clear the memory contents or to change the tariff, for
example. When you set a bit, the function belonging to the bit is activated. You must reset
the control bit afterwards. The class 1 master sends these commands to the PROFIBUS DP


Table 5-10 Structure of the control bytes

Byte Bit Activation Description

Byte n 0 Rising edge transition1) Reset the maximum values
1 Rising edge transition1) Reset the minimum values
2 Rising edge transition1) Reset the energy counter
3 Rising edge transition1) Acknowledge device diagnostics
4 Rising edge transition1) Synchronization of the demand period
5 - Reserved
6 - Reserved
7 - Reserved

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 41
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Bit Activation Description

Byte n + 1 8 Rising edge transition1) Switch to high tariff (HT)
9 Rising edge transition1) Switch to low tariff (LT)
10 Level sensitive Switch outputs:
• ON = 1
• OFF = 0
11 - Reserved
12 - Reserved
13 - Reserved
14 - Reserved
15 - Reserved
1) Only a change from 0 to 1 activates this function, e.g., changing bit 8 from 0 to 1 brings about a
changeover to the highest tariff. The value 1 or a reset from 1 to 0 has no effect.

See also
Basic type 1 (Page 36)

5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.1 Introduction

A DP-V1-enabled master of class 1 or a DP-V1-enabled master of class 2 must be available
for acyclic data traffic.

In addition to cyclic data traffic, acyclic data can be transferred, e.g. parameters, diagnostics
information, commands, further data. Acyclic data transfer takes place in parallel with cyclic
data traffic but with lower priority.
The class 1 master has send authorization and corresponds cyclically over the MS0 channel
consecutively with slave 1, slave 2 etc., by means of request and response. Following this, it
passes the send authorization to the class 2 master. The class 2 master can establish an
acyclic connection with any slave in the remaining time of the programmed cycle, and
exchange data with this slave over the MS2 channel. At the end of the current cycle time, it
returns the send authorization to the class 1 master. The class 1 master can exchange
acyclic data with slaves in a similar way over the MS1 channel.
Different data records have been defined for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
Each data record has a maximum length of 200 bytes. This supports the routing readiness of
the acyclic data.
The DPV1 protocol is used for acyclic data exchange between a PROFIBUS DP class 1
master or a class 2 master and the slave. The DPV1 protocol is downward compatible. This
allows you to connect PROFIBUS DP-V0 and PROFIBUS DP-V1 devices on one segment.

42 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

With a class 2 master, you can establish communication with slaves that
● have not been configured and parameterized by this master.
● still have a connection to a class 1 master.

Class 2 master
Simultaneously, connections with up to four class 2 masters are supported.

5.6.2 Content of the DPV1 data records

Definition of the DPV1 data records

The DPV1 data records are defined in a similar way to the SENTRON VL / WL circuit
breakers. The system has a modular design.

Data records for the SENTRON PAC devices

Table 5-11 Data records for slot 1 of the SENTRON PAC devices

Data record number Description Access

DS51 Basic type 1 and basic type 2 R
DS68 Status of the output signals RW
DS69 Status of the input signals R
DS72 Minimum and maximum current values R
DS73 Minimum and maximum voltage values R
DS74 Minimum and maximum power values R
DS76 Minimum and maximum frequency, THD values R
DS92 Status and diagnostics R
DS93 Commands W
DS94 Current measured values, voltage measured values, and R
power measured values
DS95 Operating hours and universal counter RW
DS131 Settings for the SENTRON PAC RW
DS132 Limit value settings RW
DS202 Current R
DS203 Voltage RW
DS204 Power R
DS205 Energy counter RW
DS206 Average power values over a demand period R
DS255 I&M device identification IM0: R
IM1 to IM4:

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 43
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Data records for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is assigned to slot 0.

Table 5-12 DPV1 data records for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Data record number Description Access

DS255 I&M data records RW

Abbreviation Meaning
R Read
W Write
RW Read and write

Telegram formats for DPV1


Figure 5-1 DPV1 telegram format read request


Figure 5-2 DPV1 telegram format read response


Figure 5-3 DPV1 telegram format write request


Figure 5-4 DPV1 telegram format write response

Ensure that the length is exactly correct when writing.


Figure 5-5 DPV1 telegram format interrupt response


Figure 5-6 DPV1 error telegram

44 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Function • If no error occurs: B#16#00

• If an error occurs: B#16#C0 is combined with the OR function
• If no DPV1 protocol element is used: B#16#C0
Error Decode Location of error detection: PAC PROFIBUS DP-V1 0x80 expansion module
Error Code 1 Error detection
Error Code 2 -


Table 5-13 Causes for sending Error Code 1

Error Code 1 Fault Meaning

0xA0 Reading error Occurs during read access to a DSx with
"Write only" access authorization
0xA1 Write error Occurs during write access to a DSx with
"Read only" access authorization
0xA9 The function is not supported Occurs during write access to I&M0 data
0xB0 Invalid index Occurs when DSx not implemented, e.g.:
• If the index in the I&M header of the DS255 is
• If the Extendet_Func_Num 0x08 in the I&M
header of the DS255 is missing.
0xB1 "Write" length error Occurs when length specification for Write DSx is
0xB2 Invalid slot Occurs when invalid slot specified for Read and
Write DSx
0xB5 Status conflict Occurs in the case of a Read DS255 without
previous indexing via the call mechanism

The structure of the error telegram and the error codes comply with the PROFIBUS standard

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.3 Basic type 1 and basic type 2 DS51

Data record DS51 contains basic type 1 and basic type 2.

Table 5-14 Structure of data record DS51 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 160 Struct Basic type 1
30 192 Struct Basic type 2
Total bytes: 54

5.6.4 Status of the output signals DS68

Data record DS68 contains the output signals.

Table 5-15 Structure of data record DS68 - read access and write access

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Unsigned long Status of the digital outputs (bit-coded)
14 32 Unsigned long Reserved
18 32 Unsigned long Reserved
22 32 Unsigned long Reserved
Total bytes: 26

See also
Digital input statuses and output statuses (Page 35)

46 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.5 Status of the input signals DS69

Data record DS69 contains the output signals.

Table 5-16 Structure of data record DS69 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Unsigned long Status of the digital inputs
14 32 Unsigned long Reserved
18 32 Unsigned long Reserved
22 32 Unsigned long Reserved
Total bytes: 26

See also
Digital input statuses and output statuses (Page 35)

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.6 Current DS72

Data record DS72 contains the maximum and minimum current values.

Table 5-17 Structure of data record DS72 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Maximum Current a
14 32 Float Maximum Current b
18 32 Float Maximum Current c
22 32 Float Max. Average Current
26 32 Float Minimum Current a
30 32 Float Minimum Current b
34 32 Float Minimum Current c
38 32 Float Min. Average Current
Total bytes: 42

48 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.7 Voltage DS73

Data record DS73 contains the maximum and minimum voltage values.

Table 5-18 Structure of data record DS73 - read access only

Byte Number of bits Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Maximum Voltage Va-n
14 32 Float Maximum Voltage Vb-n
18 32 Float Maximum Voltage Vc-n
22 32 Float Max. Voltage Va-b
26 32 Float Max. Voltage Vb-c
30 32 Float Max. Voltage Vc-a
34 32 Float Max. Average Voltage Vph-n
38 32 Float Max. Average Voltage Vph-ph
42 32 Float Minimum Voltage Va-n
46 32 Float Minimum Voltage Vb-n
50 32 Float Minimum Voltage Vc-n
54 32 Float Min. Voltage Va-b
58 32 Float Min. Voltage Vb-c
62 32 Float Min. Voltage Vc-a
66 32 Float Min. Average Voltage Vph-n
70 32 Float Min. Average Voltage Vph-ph
Total bytes: 74

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.8 Minimum and maximum power values DS74

Data record DS74 contains the maximum and minimum power values.

Table 5-19 Structure of data record DS74 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Maximum Apparent Power a
14 32 Float Maximum Apparent Power b
18 32 Float Maximum Apparent Power c
22 32 Float Maximum Active Power a
26 32 Float Maximum Active Power b
30 32 Float Maximum Active Power c
34 32 Float Maximum Reactive Power a
38 32 Float Maximum Reactive Power b
42 32 Float Maximum Reactive Power c
46 32 Float Maximum Power Factor a
50 32 Float Maximum Power Factor b
54 32 Float Maximum Power Factor c
58 32 Float Max. Total Apparent Power
62 32 Float Max. Total Active Power
66 32 Float Max. Total Reactive Power
70 32 Float Max. total power factor
74 32 Float Minimum Apparent Power a
78 32 Float Minimum Apparent Power b
82 32 Float Minimum Apparent Power c
86 32 Float Minimum Active Power a
90 32 Float Minimum Active Power b
94 32 Float Minimum Active Power c
98 32 Float Minimum Reactive Power a
102 32 Float Minimum Reactive Power b
106 32 Float Minimum Reactive Power c
110 32 Float Minimum Power Factor a
114 32 Float Minimum Power Factor b
118 32 Float Minimum Power Factor c
122 32 Float Min. Total Apparent Power

50 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Number of Format Description

126 32 Float Min. Total Active Power
130 32 Float Min. Total Reactive Power
134 32 Float Min. total power factor
Total bytes: 138

5.6.9 Minimum and maximum frequency and THD values DS76

Data record DS76 contains the maximum and minimum frequency values and the THD

Table 5-20 Structure of data record DS76 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Maximum THD-R Voltage a
14 32 Float Maximum THD-R Voltage b
18 32 Float Maximum THD-R Voltage c
22 32 Float Maximum THD-R Current a
26 32 Float Maximum THD-R Current b
30 32 Float Maximum THD-R Current c
34 32 Float Max. Frequency
38 32 Float Min. Frequency
Total bytes: 42

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.10 Status and diagnostics DS92

Data record DS92 contains status information and diagnostic information.

Table 5-21 Structure of data record DS92 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Unsigned long Device diagnostics and device status (bit-
14 32 Unsigned long Limit violations (bit-coded)
18 32 Unsigned long Relevant Parameter Changes Counter
22 32 Unsigned long Counter All Parameter Changes
26 32 Unsigned long Counter Limit Violations
Total bytes: 30

5.6.11 Commands DS93

Data record DS93 contains command information.

Table 5-22 Structure of data record DS93 - write access only

Byte Bit Number of Format Description

position bits
0 - 32 Struct Header
4 - 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 - 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 - 8 Unsigned char Command counter

52 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Bit Number of Format Description

position bits
11 0 11) Bit Reset the maximum values
1 11) Bit Reset the minimum values
2 11) Bit Resetting the energy counter
3 11) Bit Acknowledge device diagnostics
4 11) Bit Synchronization of the demand period
5 1 Bit Reserved
6 1 Bit Reserved
7 1 Bit Reserved
12 0 11) Bit Switch to high tariff (HT)
1 11) Bit Switch to low tariff (LT)
2 12) Bit Switch outputs (if parameterized)
3 1 Bit Reserved
4 1 Bit Reserved
5 1 Bit Reserved
6 1 Bit Reserved
7 1 Bit Reserved
13 0 11) Bit Reset the device to the factory settings
1 11) Bit Reset the device
(no change to the IP address)
2 1 Bit Reserved
3 1 Bit Reserved
4 1 Bit Reserved
5 1 Bit Reserved
6 1 Bit Reserved
7 8 Unsigned char Reserved
Total bytes: 15

1) "1" means: The action is executed.

"0" means: The action is not executed.
2) "1" means: Signal = 1
"0" means: Signal = 0

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 53
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.12 Current measured values, voltage measured values, and power measured values

Data record DS94 contains the current measured values, the voltage measured values, and
the power measured values.

Table 5-23 Structure of data record DS94 - read access only

Byte Number Format Description

of bits
0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Voltage Va-n
14 32 Float Voltage Vb-n
18 32 Float Voltage Vc-n
22 32 Float Voltage Va-b
26 32 Float Voltage Vb-c
30 32 Float Voltage Vc-a
34 32 Float Current a
38 32 Float Current b
42 32 Float Current c
46 32 Float Apparent Power a
50 32 Float Apparent Power b
54 32 Float Apparent Power c
58 32 Float Active Power a
62 32 Float Active Power b
66 32 Float Active Power c
70 32 Float Reactive Power a
74 32 Float Reactive Power b
78 32 Float Reactive Power c
82 32 Float Power Factor a
86 32 Float Power Factor b
90 32 Float Power Factor c
94 32 Float THD-R Voltage a
98 32 Float THD-R Voltage b
102 32 Float THD-R Voltage c
106 32 Float THD-R Current a
110 32 Float THD-R Current b
114 32 Float THD-R Current c

54 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Number Format Description

of bits
118 32 Float Frequency
122 32 Float Average Voltage Vph-n
126 32 Float Average Voltage Vph-ph
130 32 Float Average Current
134 32 Float Total Apparent Power
138 32 Float Total Active Power
142 32 Float Total Reactive Power
146 32 Float Total Power Factor
150 32 Float Amplitude Unbalance - Voltage
154 32 Float Amplitude Unbalance - Current
158 32 Float Current tariff
Total bytes: 162

5.6.13 Operating hours and universal counter DS95

Data record DS95 contains the value of the operating hours and the value of the
configurable universal counter.

Table 5-24 Structure of data record DS95 - read access and write access

Byte Number Format Description

of bits
0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Unsigned long Operating hours1)
14 32 Unsigned long Universal counter1)
Total bytes: 18
1) 0xFFFFFFFF means: No action.
Every other value is accepted.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 55
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.14 Settings for the SENTRON PAC DS131

Data record DS131 contains setting parameters for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring

Table 5-25 Structure of data record DS131 - read access and write access

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Unsigned long Connection type:
14 32 Unsigned long Voltage measurement using voltage
transformers Yes/No
18 32 Unsigned long Primary voltage
22 32 Unsigned long Secondary voltage
26 32 Unsigned long Current measurement using current
= Yes
30 32 Unsigned long Primary current
34 32 Unsigned long Secondary current
38 32 Unsigned long Inverted current Yes/No
42 32 Unsigned long Frequency
46 32 Float Zero point suppression level (% rated current)
50 32 Unsigned long Demand period
54 32 Unsigned long Synchronization
58 32 Unsigned long Digital input "Action" mode
62 32 Unsigned long Reserved
66 32 Unsigned long Digital input "pulse input" mode
70 32 Unsigned long Digital input "pulse input" mode (pulses per
kWh / kvarh)
74 32 Unsigned long Digital output switching function assignment to
a vector group
78 32 Unsigned long Digital output "action" mode
82 32 Unsigned long Digital output "limit violation" mode
86 32 Unsigned long Reserved
90 32 Unsigned long Digital output "energy pulse" mode
94 32 Unsigned long Digital output pulses per unit (pulses per
1000 Wh / VARh)
98 32 Unsigned long Digital output pulse length
102 32 Unsigned long Active language
106 32 Unsigned long Phase labels IEC/NAFTA
110 32 Unsigned long Universal counter source

56 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Number of Format Description

114 32 Unsigned long Display refresh time
118 32 Unsigned long Display contrast
122 32 Unsigned long BACKLIGHT LEVEL - Normal mode
126 32 Unsigned long BACKLIGHT DIMMED
130 32 Unsigned long Backlight time until dimmed
Total bytes: 134
1) This parameter is read-only.

See also
Further documentation (Page 12)

5.6.15 Limit value settings DS132

Data record DS132 contains parameters for setting the limit values.

Table 5-26 Structure of data record DS132 - read access and write access

Byte Number of Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned - Header coordination
1 8 Unsigned 0x00 Header reserved
2 8 Unsigned - Header slot number
3 8 Unsigned 0x00 Header sub-slot number
4 32 Unsigned 0x00 Reserved
8 16 Unsigned 0x00 Reserved
10 8 Unsigned 0x01 Index of the limit value data record
11 8 Unsigned 0x00 Reserved

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 57
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Number of Format Standard Description

12 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 0 ON/OFF
16 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
20 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
24 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
28 32 Unsigned 0 Source
32 32 Float 0 Value
36 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <
40 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 1 ON/OFF
44 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
48 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
52 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
56 32 Unsigned 0 Source
60 32 Float 0 Value
64 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <
68 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 2 ON/OFF
72 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
76 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
80 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
84 32 Unsigned 0 Source
88 32 Float 0 Value
92 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <

58 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Byte Number of Format Standard Description

96 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 3 ON/OFF
100 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
104 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
108 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
112 32 Unsigned 0 Source
116 32 Float 0 Value
120 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <
124 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 4 ON/OFF
128 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
132 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
136 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
140 32 Unsigned 0 Source
144 32 Float 0 Value
148 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <
152 32 Unsigned 0 Limit 5 ON/OFF
156 32 Float 0 Hysteresis
160 32 Unsigned 0 Delay
164 32 Unsigned 0 Operation in Limit Logic
168 32 Unsigned 0 Source
172 32 Float 0 Value
176 32 Unsigned 0 MODE ≥ / <
Total bytes:

See also
Further documentation (Page 12)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 59
Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.16 Current DS202

Data record DS202 contains the current values.

Table 5-27 Structure of data record DS202 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Current a
14 32 Float Current b
18 32 Float Current c
22 32 Float THD-R Current a
26 32 Float THD-R Current b
30 32 Float THD-R Current c
34 32 Float Average Current
Total bytes: 38

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.17 Voltage DS203

Data record DS203 contains the voltage values.

Table 5-28 Structure of data record DS203 - read access only

Byte Number of bits Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Voltage Va-n
14 32 Float Voltage Vb-n
18 32 Float Voltage Vc-n
22 32 Float Voltage Va-b
26 32 Float Voltage Vb-c
30 32 Float Voltage Vc-a
34 32 Float THD-R Voltage a
38 32 Float THD-R Voltage b
42 32 Float THD-R Voltage c
46 32 Float Average Voltage Vph-n
50 32 Float Average Voltage Vph-ph
Total bytes: 54

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.18 Power DS204

Data record DS204 contains the power values.

Table 5-29 Structure of data record DS204 - read access only

Byte Number of bits Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Apparent Power a
14 32 Float Apparent Power b
18 32 Float Apparent Power c
22 32 Float Active Power a
26 32 Float Active Power b
30 32 Float Active Power c
34 32 Float Reactive Power a
38 32 Float Reactive Power b
42 32 Float Reactive Power c
46 32 Float Power Factor a
50 32 Float Power Factor b
54 32 Float Power Factor c
58 32 Float Total Apparent Power
62 32 Float Total Active Power
66 32 Float Total Reactive Power
70 32 Float Total Power Factor
Total bytes: 74

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.19 Energy counter DS205

Data record DS205 contains the energy counter.

Table 5-30 Structure of data record DS205

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 64 Double Active Energy Import Tariff 11)
18 64 Double Active Energy Import Tariff 21)
26 64 Double Active Energy Export Tariff 11)
34 64 Double Active Energy Export Tariff 21)
42 64 Double Reactive Energy Import Tariff 11)
50 64 Double Reactive Energy Import Tariff 21)
58 64 Double Reactive Energy Export Tariff 11)
66 64 Double Reactive Energy Export Tariff 21)
74 64 Double Apparent Energy Tariff 11)
82 64 Double Apparent Energy Tariff 21)
Total bytes: 90
1) 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF means: No action.
Every other value is accepted.

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.20 Average power values over a demand period DS206

Data record DS206 contains the average power values over a demand period.

Table 5-31 Structure of data record DS206 - read access only

Byte Number of Format Description

0 32 Struct Header
4 32 Unsigned long Reserved
8 16 Unsigned short Reserved
10 32 Float Demand Active Power - Import
14 32 Float Demand Reactive Power - Import
18 32 Float Demand Active Power - Export
22 32 Float Demand Reactive Power - Export
26 32 Float Maximum Active Power Reading
during the period
30 32 Float Minimum Active Power Reading during
the period
34 32 Float Maximum Reactive Power Reading
during the period
38 32 Float Minimum Reactive Power Reading
during the period
42 32 Unsigned long Demand period
46 32 Unsigned short Time Since Start of the active demand
Total bytes: 50
The minimum values and the maximum values refer to the completed demand period. The
"demand period" and the "time since start of the demand period" refer to the current demand

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

5.6.21 I&M device identification DS255

Data record DS255 contains the I&M data for the unique identification of a SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device.

Addressing the I&M data records

I&M data records for the Address slot 1 and index 255.
I&M data records for the Address slot 0 and index 255.
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module:
You address slot 0 with the diagnostics address you have defined in the properties of the DP
slave in the HW Config, for example.

Table 5-32 Structure of data record DS255, IM0 data read access only

Byte Number of bits Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned char 0x08 Extended function NUM
1 8 Unsigned char 0x00 Reserved
2 16 Unsigned short 65000 I&M index:= I&M 0
4 80 10 bytes 0x00 I&M header
I&M data block 0
14 16 Unsigned short 42 IM0 manufacturer's ID1)
16 160 Char 20 - IM0 order number
36 128 Char 16 - IM0 serial number
52 16 Unsigned short - IM0 hardware version
54 32 1*char - IM0 firmware version
3*unsigned short
58 16 Unsigned short 0x0000 IM0 counter for changes
60 16 Unsigned short F600 IM0 profile ID
62 16 Unsigned short 0x00 IM0 Specific Profile ID
64 16 Char 2 101 IM0 version of the I&M data
66 16 Unsigned short 001F IM0 supported I&M data
Total bytes: 68
1) Standard: 42. "42" stands for Siemens AG.

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Parameter assignment/Addressing
5.6 Acyclic data traffic

Table 5-33 Structure of data record DS255, IM1 data - read access and write access

Byte Number of bits Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned char 0x08 Extended function NUM
1 8 Unsigned char 0x00 Reserved
2 16 Unsigned short 65001 I&M index:= I&M 1
4 80 10 bytes 0x00 I&M header
I&M data block 1
14 256 Char 32 20h IM1 plant identifier
46 176 Char 22 20h IM1 location identifier
Total bytes: 68

Table 5-34 Structure of data record DS255, IM2 data - read access and write access

Byte Number of bits Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned char 0x08 Extended function NUM
1 8 Unsigned char 0x00 Reserved
2 16 Unsigned short 65002 I&M index:= I&M 2
4 80 10 bytes 0x00 I&M header
I&M data block 2
14 128 Char 16 "YYY-MM-DD" IM2 installation date
30 304 Char 38 00h Reserved
Total bytes: 68

Table 5-35 Structure of data record DS255, IM3 data - read access and write access

Byte Number of bits Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned char 0x08 Extended function NUM
1 8 Unsigned char 0x00 Reserved
2 16 Unsigned short 65003 I&M index:= I&M 3
4 80 10 bytes 0x00 I&M header
I&M data block 3
14 432 Char 54 20h IM3 comment
Total bytes: 68

Table 5-36 Structure of data record DS255, IM4 data - read access and write access

Byte Number of bits Format Standard Description

0 8 Unsigned char 0x08 Extended function NUM
1 8 Unsigned char 0x00 Reserved
2 16 Unsigned short 65004 I&M index:= I&M 4
4 80 10 bytes 0x00 I&M header
I&M data block 2
14 432 Char 54 00h IM4 signature
Total bytes: 68

66 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Configuring 6
6.1 Default settings

Factory default settings

Table 6-1 Factory settings

Parameter Value
Address 126
Baud rate in bit/s Automatic recognition
Type of SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Automatic recognition
Device connected
Language The communication parameters are displayed in
the language set on the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device.
Default setting: English
Setting for data exchange Basic type 1

6.2 Configuration scenarios

In the SIMATIC environment you can configure the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Device and the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in the following way.
● Integration of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device via PROFIBUS using
STEP 7 and the device-specific GSD file

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 67
6.2 Configuration scenarios

Configuring the integration of PROFIBUS using STEP 7 and the GSD file





Figure 6-1 Configuring the integration of PROFIBUS using STEP 7 and the GSD file

Configuration with other tools
You can also use configuration modules from other manufacturers for the configuration.

68 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
6.3 Changing the address

6.3 Changing the address

Setting a unique address

Every device requires a unique address. The address is stored in the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module. Address 126 is used for commissioning purposes only. It must not be
used for data communication.
Change the address of each device before you begin transferring data. You can change the
● Via the menu of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
● With SENTRON powerconfig via the Ethernet interface
● With the PROFIBUS configuring software, e.g., STEP 7
● Via the PROFIBUS interface by means of a class 2 master

Address change on device immediately valid
When you change the address of the PROFIBUS DP slave on the SENTRON PAC, the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is automatically restarted as soon as you quit
the menu. The new address is then active. Reconfigure the PROFIBUS DP master with
the new address. Communication is interrupted until this change takes effect.

6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Task of the GSD file

The GSD file is a text file in ASCII format. It describes:
● The device features
● The communication characteristics
The GSD file makes this data available to the class 1 master. The GSD file is the basis for
the configuration of a device.
PROFIBUS devices have a unique PROFIBUS ID number and a GSD file. The GSD file is
matched to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. This supports correct project
planning and differentiation between devices at a project level.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 69
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Language of the GSD file

The GSD file is language-dependent.

Table 6-2 GSD file extensions

Language-dependent GSD file extension Language

GSE English (ANSI)
GSG German
GSF French
GSI Italian
GSP Portuguese
GSS Spanish
GSD Language-neutral (English IEC)

Naming convention of the GSD file

Table 6-3 Naming the GSD file

Name of the GSD file Meaning

SIEM8163.GSx GSD file for the SENTRON PAC3200 Power
Monitoring Device with a PAC PROFIBUS DP-V0
expansion module
SI018163.GSx Version "01" of the GSD file for the
SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device
with a PAC PROFIBUS DP-V1 expansion module

70 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Configuring by means of the GSD file, based on STEP 7

Table 6-4 Procedure

Sequence Screen
1 Start HW Config in

HW Config after start-up

2 Confirm in the
"Options" > "Install
GSD File" menu.

Call the "Install GSD File" function

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 71
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Sequence Screen
3 Select the directory
in which the GSD
file is stored.

Select the directory with the GSD file

72 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Sequence Screen
4 Install the GSD file.

Installing GSD file

On successful completion of the installation of the GSD file, the following message is displayed:

Installation of the GSD file successfully completed

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 73
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Sequence Screen
5 Add a rack and
insert in it the
modules that are
required, e.g., the
CPU with
interface. After
inserting the CPU,
a window is
opened. Enter the
address of the

Setting the PROFIBUS address of the master

6 Select the
Power Monitoring
Device in the
hardware tree:
Devices" >

Add the Power Monitoring Device to HW Config

74 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Sequence Screen
7 Drag the Power
Monitoring Device,
e.g., the
PAC3200, from the
hardware tree to
master system 1.

Set the address of

the PAC
expansion module.

Set the address of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

8 Click on the icon
for the
Power Monitoring

HW Config with the integrated PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 75
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Sequence Screen
9 Parameterize the
Power Monitoring
Device. To do this,
drag the
components onto
the slots one by

Parameterize the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module - example 1: Add basic type 1 to slot 1

Parameterize the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module - example 2: Assign individual

measured variables in connection with the freely definable basic type.

76 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
6.4 Configuring by means of the GSD file

Only one set of control bytes
There can only be one set of control bytes per device. If you add basic type 1 or basic type
3 during the parameterization stage, then you must not add control bytes separately.

Do not use the universal module
Because of the predefined data types and the available measured values, the use of the
STEP 7 universal module in the configuration is not supported.

See also
Default settings (Page 67)
Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device (Page 10)
Technical support (Page 11)
Measured variables (Page 29)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 77
6.5 Information and settings on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device

6.5 Information and settings on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring

When the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is mounted on the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device, you can read information about the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module, and set its address, on a separate screen form on the Power Monitoring Device.

Information and settings on the SENTRON PACxxxx Power Monitoring Device

In the main menu of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device, call
"Settings" > "PROFIBUS Module". You then see the following screen:

Figure 6-2 Setting the PROFIBUS address on the SENTRON PAC3200

You will find the following information listed in the upper half of the screen form:
● The order number
● The serial number of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
● The firmware version of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
● In the "DIAG" field, you can see the communication status of the PAC PROFIBUS DP
expansion module:

Table 6-5 Communication status with meaning

Status Meaning
BAUD_SRCH Searches the PROFIBUS master for the baudrate ID in bit/s.
WAIT_PRM The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is waiting for parameterization or
a request from the master.
PRM_FAULT Incorrect parameterization; e.g. wrong GSD file
WAIT_CFG Parameterization is OK. The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is waiting
for configuration.
CFG_FAULT Incorrect configuration telegram, e.g. an incorrect measured variable has been
DATA_EXCH Configuration is OK. Data is exchanged with a class 1 master.
CON_MC2 Configuration is OK. The connection with a class 2 master has been
"PROFIBUS Address":
Each expansion module requires a unique address. The address 126 is the default for
startup purposes. Change this address!

Valid address area: 1 ... 126

78 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Maintenance, service and disposal
7.1 Cleaning

Maintenance, service and disposal 7

7.1 Cleaning

The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is maintenance-free.

Damage due to detergents
Detergents can damage the device. Do not use detergents.

Faulty connector
Be careful not to bend the pins of the connector. Bent pins can destroy the connector.

1. Use only a dry, lint-free, antistatic cloth to clean the housing.

2. Clean the pins carefully using a brush.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 79
Maintenance, service and disposal
7.2 Repair

7.2 Repair


Loss of certification and warranty
If you open the module, the module certification will be lost and the Siemens warranty will
be invalidated. Only the manufacturer is permitted to carry out repairs on the module.
Return faulty or damaged modules to Siemens for repair or replacement.

If the module is faulty or damaged, proceed as follows:

1. Discharge yourself.
2. Remove the module.
3. Pack the module in a suitable manner to prevent it from being damaged during transport.
4. Return the module to Siemens. You can obtain the address from:
– Your Siemens sales partner
– Technical support

See also
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 109)
Disassembly (Page 27)
Technical support (Page 11)

7.3 Disposal

Disposal and recycling

Dispose of or recycle the module in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in
your country.

80 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Maintenance, service and disposal
7.4 Firmware update

7.4 Firmware update

You can configure the firmware of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module via the
Ethernet interface of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device, e.g. with
SENTRON powerconfig.

The following is required for updating the firmware of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
● the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device must be connected to
SENTRON powerconfig
● Menu visibility must be activated the menu "Options > Visible menus > Update
PROFIBUS module firmware" in SENTRON powerconfig

Firmware update with SENTRON powerconfig

1. Select the desired device in the configuration tree and connect it.
2. Click on the "Update PROFIBUS module firmware" option in the "Device" menu.
3. In the subsequent "Open" dialog box, select the firmware version you want to use for
4. Confirm your selection with "OK" and terminate the process by clicking "Cancel".
5. In the subsequent dialog box "Update firmware", click on "Yes" to back up the current
device configuration.
The current device configuration is saved in the configuration tree as
6. If you clicked on "Yes" in the subsequent dialog box, you will be informed of the firmware
update via the progress bar. - This process takes approximately 13 minutes.

Aborting the firmware update disables the functionality of the expansion module
Do not abort the firmware update! To update the firmware of the expansion module,
connect the SENTRON PAC and the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to a fail-
safe power supply.

7. As soon as the update has been carried out, SENTRON powerconfig informs you of the
8. Confirm the update with "OK".

See also
Technical support (Page 11)
Diagnostics LED (Page 85)
Power failure during firmware update (Page 95)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 81
Maintenance, service and disposal
7.4 Firmware update

82 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages 8
8.1 Diagnostics concept

Diagnostic information
The following PROFIBUS DP diagnostic information is available:
1. Slave diagnostics in accordance with standard
2. Enhanced diagnostics
– Device diagnostics with diagnostic interrupts
The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module reports device diagnostics to the master
in the form of interrupts. The master must acknowledge the interrupts.
Device faults or parameter errors are interrupt sources for diagnostic interrupts.
Interrupts are sent with high priority. Statuses are sent with low priority.

8.2 Slave diagnostics

Structure of the slave diagnostics

Table 8-1 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device -
slave diagnostics

To standard
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
Device status 1 to 3 PROFIBUS High byte Low byte
address of the 81 63
Manufacturer's ID2)
1) This is the address of the master that has parameterized the slave and that has read and write
access to the slave. If the value here is FFH, the slave has not been parameterized.
2) The manufacturer's ID identifies the slave model, e.g., "8163H" for the SENTRON PAC3200.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 83
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.2 Slave diagnostics

Table 8-2 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device -
device diagnostics
To standard Manufacturer-specific
Byte 6 Byte 7 Byte 8 Byte 9 Byte 10 Byte 11 Byte 12 Byte 13
Sign-Len Status Slot2) Specifier3) Device Communic Violation Invalid
Length of type1) diagnostics ation faults of the values and
device data limits invalid
diagnostics in Yes/No settings
1) Only "1" is currently supported for device diagnostics
2) Slot 0 for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module;
Slot 1 for the SENTRON PAC3200
3) You can find further information in the table "Structure of the status specifier and the alarm

Table 8-3 Structure of the slave diagnostics of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device -
interrupt messages
To standard Manufacturer-specific
Byte 14 Byte 15 Byte 16 Byte 17 Byte 18 Byte 19 Byte 20
Sign-Len Interrupt Slot2) Specifier3) Communication Violation of Invalid values
Length of type1) faults the limits and invalid
the settings
in bytes
1) Only "1" is currently supported for diagnostic interrupts
2) Slot 0 for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module;
Slot 1 for the SENTRON PAC3200
3) You can find further information in the table "Structure of the status specifier and the alarm

Table 8-4 Structure of the status specifier and the alarm specifier
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
No further differentiation - - - - - - 0 0
An error has occurred and the slot is defective - - - - - - 0 1
The error and slot fault have been corrected - - - - - - 1 0
The error has been corrected, the slot is defective - - - - - - 1 1
No additional acknowledgement required - - - - - 0 - -
Additional acknowledgement required. - - - - - 1 - -
Sequence number of the interrupt 0 ... 63 - - -

See also
Structure of the device diagnostics (Page 89)

84 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.3 Diagnostics LED

8.3 Diagnostics LED

The diagnostics LED indicates the communication status.

Table 8-5 Status and fault display by the LED

Color Status Description Measures

Green Off No voltage applied to the 1. Check that the PAC PROFIBUS DP
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module expansion module is connected to the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Device correctly.
2. Switch on the supply voltage to the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Green On PROFIBUS DP communications are -
OK. Cyclic data exchange with the
class 1 master.1)
Green Flashing PROFIBUS DP communications are -
OK. Data exchange with the class 2
Red Static Bus fault. Communication is not • Set a valid PROFIBUS address on the
possible. No communication with a SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
class 1 or class 2 master. Device.
• Check the bus installation.
• Check that the bus connector is
correctly inserted.
• Check if the connecting cable to the
PROFIBUS DP master has been
• Check the bus terminator.
Red Flashing Parameter assignment error: • Check the communication and the
• The slave has not been parameter assignment.
parameterized or has been wrongly • Check the PROFIBUS address.
parameterized. • Check whether the GSD file matches
• An incorrect station address has the firmware version and the hardware
been assigned. version of the expansion module.
• An incorrect GSD file has been

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 85
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.3 Diagnostics LED

Color Status Description Measures

Orange Static Communication between the Check the operating capability of the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
and the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device has been interrupted.
The orange LED lights up briefly, e.g. The usual diagnostics options on the
during the initialization phase master, e.g., error OB8x, are available for
• The LED turns green when use.
communication has been restored.
The LED lights up orange for a longer • Restart the device.
time: • Replace the expansion module and/or
An internal fault has occurred. the device.
Orange Flashing Hardware fault on the expansion Replace the PAC PROFIBUS DP
module or the SENTRON PAC Power expansion module and/or the SENTRON
Monitoring Device, e.g.: PAC Power Monitoring Device.
• 12 V too weak or not present
• SRAM fault
• Flash fault
• EEPROM fault
Green, red, Flashing A firmware update is active. Allow the firmware update to run to the end!
orange The firmware update lasts approximately
13 minutes.
1) A parallel connection to a class 2 master has no effect on the green status of the LED.
2) This is only the case if there is no connection to the class 1 master.

See also
Firmware update (Page 81)

86 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.4 Structure of the device statuses

8.4 Structure of the device statuses

Statuses 1 to 3 give an overview of the status of a PROFIBUS DP slave.

Status 1

Table 8-6 Structure of status 1 in byte 0

Bit Status Meaning Cause/remedy

0 1 The master cannot address Check:
the slave. • Is the correct PROFIBUS address set
The bit in the slave is always on the slave?
0. • Are the bus connectors connected?
• Has voltage been applied to the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
1 1 The slave is not yet ready for The slave is in the initialization phase. Wait
the data exchange. for a short time.
2 1 The configuration data sent to Check that the device-specific GSD file and
the slave by the master does the device belong together.
not match the actual
configuration of the slave.
3 1 External diagnostics have Evaluate the device diagnostics. Once all
been activated. errors have been remedied, bit 3 is reset.
4 1 The slave does not support Check the configuration.
the requested function.
5 1 The master cannot interpret Check the bus installation.
the answer from the slave.
6 1 The slave type does not match Match the actual configuration to the
the software configuration. planned configuration.
7 1 The slave was parameterized "1" is set whenever you access the slave
by a different master from the with a programming device or a different
one that currently has access master, for example.
to the slave. The PROFIBUS address of the master that
parameterized the slave can be found in
byte 3.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 87
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.4 Structure of the device statuses

Status 2

Table 8-7 Structure of status 2 in byte 1

Bit Status Meaning Cause/remedy

0 1 Parameters have to be Check:
reassigned to the slave. • The parameter assignment
• The configuration
• Whether the device-specific GSD file
and the Power Monitoring Device go
1 1 There is a diagnostic Clear the fault.
2 1 The bit in the slave is always -
set to "1".
3 1 Response monitoring is -
enabled for this slave.
4 1 The slave has received the The "FREEZE" function is not supported.
"FREEZE" control command. Check the configuration.
5 1 The slave has received the The "SYNC" function is not supported.
"SYNC" control command. Check the configuration.
6 0 This bit is always set to "0". -
7 1 The slave is deactivated. It Activate the slave from the master if
has been removed from the necessary.
current process.

Status 3

Table 8-8 Structure of status 3 in byte 2

Bit Status Meaning

0 ... 6 0 These bits are always set to "0".
7 1 There are more device diagnostic messages than can be displayed in the
diagnostic telegram.

88 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.5 Structure of the device diagnostics

8.5 Structure of the device diagnostics

The device diagnostics identify problems that occur while the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device is running.


Table 8-9 Device diagnostics data Yes/No: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 10

Bit Status Meaning

0 0 Reserved
1 0 Reserved
2 0 Reserved
3 0 Reserved
4 0 Reserved
5 0 Reserved
6 0 Reserved
7 1 The device diagnostics data are available.
0 The device diagnostics data are not available.

Table 8-10 Communication faults: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 11 and the interrupt
message in byte 18

Bit Status Message

0 1 Internal communication not ready
1 1 Internal communication is faulty
2 0 Reserved
3 1 Data invalid - internal fault (CRC error)
4 0 Reserved
5 1 Data invalid - internal fault (frame error)
6 1 Data invalid - internal fault (timeout)
7 1 Firmware PAC,Module incompatible

Table 8-11 Violation of the limits: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 12 and the interrupt
message in byte 19

Bit Status Message

0 1 Voltage out of range
1 1 Current out of range
2 1 Maximum pulse rate exceeded
3 1 Limit Violations
4 0 Reserved
5 0 Reserved
6 0 Reserved
7 0 Reserved

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 89
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.5 Structure of the device diagnostics

Table 8-12 Invalid values and invalid settings: Structure of the device diagnostics in byte 13 and the
interrupt message in byte 20

Bit Status Message

0 1 Output not remote operated
1 1 Invalid val. for Op.Hrs/Univ.Cnt.
2 1 Invalid val. for energy counter
3 1 Invalid settings for PMD
4 1 Invalid settings for limits
5 0 Reserved
6 0 Reserved
7 0 Reserved

See also
Device diagnostic messages (Page 91)
Slave diagnostics (Page 83)

90 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.6 Device diagnostic messages

8.6 Device diagnostic messages

SENTRON PAC diagnostic messages

You can call the device diagnostic interrupts online, in STEP 7 in the SIMATIC Manager, for

Table 8-13 Implemented device diagnostic interrupts

Message Meaning Remedy

Internal communication not ready Communication between the expansion -
module and the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device is not ready, e.g.,
during the initialization phase.
Firmware PAC,Module incompatible The firmware of the SENTRON PAC Update the firmware.
Power Monitoring Device and of the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
are not compatible.
Internal communication is faulty A permanent communication error has Replace the expansion module.
occurred between the SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device and the
expansion module.
Data invalid The actual data for the expansion The data are updated automatically.
module are not up-to-date. If the message does not disappear,
replace the expansion module.
Voltage out of range The measured voltage is at least 20 % Check:
over the normal value. • The voltage converter ratio
• The setting of the rated voltage
If these settings are correct and the
error persists, there is a safety
problem. Switch the device off.
Current out of range The measured current is at least 30 % There is a measuring error. If the error
over the normal value. persists, check the following:
• The dimensioning of the current
• The settings for the current
transformer on the SENTRON PAC.
Maximum pulse rate exceeded The maximum frequency of the pulse Check whether:
output does not represent the • The number of parameterized
measured energy. pulses is too low.
• The parameterized pulse is too
If necessary, adjust the relevant

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 91
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.6 Device diagnostic messages

Message Meaning Remedy

Limit Violations Since the last readout, at least one of -
the set limit violations has changes.
• Limit value exceeded
• Limit value no longer exceeded
Output not remote operated Data record DS68 has been sent to Set "remote output" in the "Action" field
change the status of the digital output, of the "Digital Output" (24.0) screen
but the parameter "Status of the digital form on the SENTRON PAC.
outputs" is not at "remote output"
Invalid val. for Op.Hrs/Univ.Cnt. Data record DS98 contains an invalid Check:
value for the operating hours or the • The settings on the SENTRON PAC
universal counter.
• The values
Invalid val. for energy counter Data record DS205 contains an invalid Check:
value for the energy counter. • The settings on the SENTRON PAC
• The values
Invalid settings for PMD Data record DS131 contains invalid Check:
settings for the Power Monitoring • The settings on the SENTRON PAC
• The values
Invalid settings for limits Data record DS132 contains an invalid Check:
value for the limit violations. • The settings on the SENTRON PAC
• The values

See also
Structure of the device diagnostics (Page 89)

92 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.7 Initializing the module

8.7 Initializing the module

Starting communication between the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module and the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
During the start phase the LED on the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module lights up
1. Power ON:
When the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device is switched on, the SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device and the PAC PROFIBUS DP are in the RESET position.
The diagnostics LED starts to show an orange light.
2. Initialization phase:
If a timeout occurs, PROFIBUS communication is started. The expansion module sends
this error as an interrupt with an error message to PROFIBUS.
Error messages, e.g.:
– Internal communication not ready
– Internal communication is faulty
3. Set the language:
When the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device is ready for communication, the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module checks the language on the SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device and sets this as its own language. If a problem occurs, the
default language of English is set and PROFIBUS communication is started. The
expansion module sends this error as an interrupt with an error message to PROFIBUS.
Error message, e.g.:
– Internal communication not ready
– Internal communication is faulty
4. Send parameters to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device:
The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module sends configuration parameters to the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device, e.g., the device address.
You can configure the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module:
– On the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in the "Settings" menu
If an error occurs, PROFIBUS communication is started. The expansion module sends
this error as an interrupt with an error message to PROFIBUS.
Error message, e.g.:
– Internal communication not ready
– Internal communication is faulty

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 93
Interrupt, error, and system messages
8.7 Initializing the module

5. Retrieve data from the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device:

When all parameters have been sent to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device,
the communication module loads the measured values and status bytes from the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device into its memory. If an error occurs, PROFIBUS
communication is started. The expansion module sends this error as an interrupt with an
error message to PROFIBUS.
Error message, e.g.:
– Data invalid.
When everything is in order, the orange diagnostic LED goes out.
6. The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module reads these data cyclically from the
SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.

94 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Troubleshooting/FAQs 9
9.1 Power failure

With the exception of the measurement data, all critical data for the expansion module are
retained, e.g., PROFIBUS address, serial number, etc.

Actions after rectifying the power failure

Switch on the power supply again.

9.2 Power failure during firmware update

Effect and measures

Power failure during firmware update disables the functionality of the expansion module
The firmware update lasts approximately 13 minutes. To update the firmware of the
expansion module, connect the SENTRON PAC and the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion
module to a fail-safe power supply.
If the power fails despite this security measure, try to start the firmware update of the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module again in SENTRON powerconfig. If this is not
possible, send the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module to Siemens. You can find more
detailed information on this in the chapter "Technical support".

See also
Technical support (Page 11)
Firmware update (Page 81)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 95
9.2 Power failure during firmware update

96 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Technical data 10
10.1 Standards


Table 10-1 The device meets the following standards

Standard Title
IEC 61158-2:2004 "Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial
control systems - Part 2: Physical layer specification and service definition"
IEC 61158-3:2003 "Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial
control systems - Part 3: Data link service definition"
IEC 61158-4:2004 "Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial
control systems - Part 4: Data link protocol specification"
IEC 61158-5:2004 "Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial
control systems - Part 5: Application layer service definition"
IEC 61158-6:2004 "Digital data communications for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial
control systems - Part 6: Application layer protocol specification"
IEC 61784-1:2004 PROFIBUS Standard

Other standards
In addition to the above-mentioned standards, those listed in the "SENTRON PAC3200"
manual also apply.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 97
Technical data
10.2 Technical data

10.2 Technical data

Mechanical data

Table 10-2 Mechanical data for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

Dimensions of housing (height x width x depth) 63 mm x 43 mm x 22 mm
Dimensions of housing with sub D socket 69 mm x 43 mm x 22 mm
(height x width x depth)
Overall depth of SENTRON PAC Power 73 mm
Monitoring Device with mounted
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module
Mounting position Vertical on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Housing design VDT 3400 structure 36
Tolerances According to DIN 16901:1982-11
Weight 45 g
Connector to SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring 14-pin connector
Length of cable Dependent on baud rate.
More information about cable lengths can be
found in section 21.1 of standard IEC 61158-
2:2004 and in IEC 61158-2:2003
Max. cable length for 12 Mbps1) 100 m (cable type A only)
Max. cable length for 9.6 kbps1) 1200 m
Non-volatile memory 256 kB
Power supply Power supplied by SENTRON PACxxxx
Cooling Passive air cooling in form of ventilation slots
Flammability class V-0
1) More information about cable lengths can be found in section 22.1 of standard IEC 61158-2.

98 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Technical data
10.2 Technical data

Electrical data

Table 10-3 Electrical data for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module

ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A1) Protective circuit for 5V±5%
PROFIBUS interface, galvanically isolated from
the device
Maximum current (of 5 V on PROFIBUS DP 10 mA, maximum
Electrical isolation between the SENTRON PAC 500 V
Power Monitoring Device and the PROFIBUS DP
Galvanic isolation In expansion module
Insulating voltage Max. 500 V
1) Formerly RS 485

Ambient and environmental conditions

Table 10-4 Ambient and environmental conditions

Ambient and environmental conditions Values

Degree of protection IP20
Permissible degree of pollution 2 in accordance with
IEC 61010-1:2001
Recycling symbol > PC / ABC <

Other technical data
The other mechanical and electrical data and ambient and environmental conditions are
identical to those for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. You can find more
information in the operating instructions and manual for the SENTRON PAC Power
Monitoring Device.

See also
Standards (Page 97)

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 99
Technical data
10.3 Communication interface

10.3 Communication interface

Technical data

Table 10-5 Technical data for the communication interface

Connector 9-pin, sub D socket
Thread UNC4-40
PROFIBUS DP data transfer: 9 600 / 19 200 / 45 4502) /, 93 750 / 187 500 /
supported baud rates in bit/s 500 000 / 1 500 000 / 3 000 000 / 6 000 000 /
12 000 000
Supported address area 1 to 126 1)
Supported communication protocols PROFIBUS-DPV1 for
• Cyclic data exchange with class 1 master
• Acyclic data exchange with class 1 master
and class 2 master
Bus cycle The bus cycle depends on:
1. The number of nodes
2. The data volume
3. Baud rate
1) Each device on the bus must have a unique address. Address 126 is only used for commissioning
purposes. It must not be used for data communication.
2) You can use 45 450 bit/s for PROFIBUS PA applications although physically only PROFIBUS DP
is supported. Connect a PROFIBUS PA gateway externally.

100 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Technical data
10.3 Communication interface

Pin assignment for the PROFIBUS DP connection

The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module uses a 9-pin sub D socket.



Figure 10-1 9-pin sub D socket

Table 10-6 Pin assignment for the PROFIBUS connection

Pin Designation Meaning Range

1 NC Not assigned -
2 NC Not assigned -
3 RxD/TxD-P Receive/transmit data-P ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A1)
4 Control-P (RTS) Control signal TTL
5 DGND PROFIBUS data reference potential GND
6 VP Power supply output 2) 5 VEXT / 10 mA
7 NC Not assigned -
8 RxD/TxD-N Receive/transmit data-N ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A1)
9 NC Not assigned -
1) Previously RS 485
2) Only for the bus terminating resistors

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 101
Technical data
10.4 Labeling

10.4 Labeling

The graphic below shows the positioning of the label on the housing of the
PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module.

Figure 10-2 The PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module with label

(1) Type plate

102 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Technical data
10.4 Labeling

Figure 10-3 Type plate of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module with order number (MLFB) and
serial number

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 103
Technical data
10.4 Labeling

104 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Dimension sheets 11
11.1 Dimension sheets

PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module


Figure 11-1 Side view and front view with sub D socket

Figure 11-2 Bottom view and top view with sub D socket

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 105
Dimension sheets
11.1 Dimension sheets

106 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Appendix A
Correction sheet
Have you noticed any errors while reading this manual? If so, please use this form to tell us
about them. We welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 107

Fax response

From (please complete):

To Name
A&D CD MM3 Company/Department
P.O. Box 1954
92220 Amberg / Germany
Fax: +49 (0)96-21-80-33-37

Manual title:

Table A-1 Errors, comments, and suggestions for improvements

108 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
ESD directives B
B.1 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD)
ESD components are destroyed by voltage and energy far below the limits of human
perception. Voltages of this kind occur as soon as a device or an assembly is touched by a
person who is not electrostatically discharged. ESD components which have been subject to
such voltage are usually not recognized immediately as being defective, because the
malfunction does not occur until after a longer period of operation.

ESD Guidelines

Electrostatic sensitive devices
Electronic modules contain components that can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.
These modules can be easily destroyed or damaged by improper handling.
• You must discharge your body electrostatically immediately before touching an
electronic component. To do this, touch a conductive, grounded object, e.g., a bare
metal part of a switch cabinet or the water pipe.
• Always hold the component by the plastic enclosure.
• Electronic modules should not be brought into contact with electrically insulating
materials such as plastic film, plastic parts, insulating table supports or clothing made of
synthetic fibers.
• Always place electrostatic sensitive devices on conductive bases.
• Always store and transport electronic modules or components in ESD-safe conductive
packaging, e.g. metallized plastic or metal containers. Leave the component in its
packaging until installation.

Storage and transport
If you have to store or transport the component in non-conductive packaging, you must first
pack the component in ESD-safe, conductive material, e.g., conductive foam rubber, ESD

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 109
ESD directives
B.1 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD)

The diagrams below illustrate the required ESD protective measures for electrostatic
sensitive devices.



Figure B-1 ESD work center

(1) ESD seat

(2) ESD standing position
(3) ESD seat and ESD standing position

Table B-1 Protective measures

a Conductive floor
b ESD table
c ESD footwear
d ESD smock
e ESD bracelet
f Cubicle ground connection

110 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
List of abbreviations C
C.1 Abbreviations


Table C-1 Meaning of abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CAN Controller Area Network
CE Communautés Européennes
CEI Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
CISPR Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSA Canadian Standards Association
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normierung e. V.
DP Distributed I/Os
DR Data record
ESD Electrostatic sensitive devices
EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European Standard
EU European Union
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GSD Device master data
HT High Tariff
HW Config "Hardware configuration" module in the SIMATIC Manager
I&M Information and Maintenance
ID Identification number
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP International Protection
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical
ISO International Standardization Organization
LED Light Emitting Diode
LT Low Tariff

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 111
List of abbreviations
C.1 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
MS0 Cyclic Master Slave Communication (master class 1)
MS1 Acyclic Master Slave Communication (master class 1)
MS2 Acyclic Master Slave Communication (master class 2)
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
PAC Power Analysis & Control
PMD Power Monitoring Device
RMS Root Mean Square
RS Formerly: Radio Selector; now usually: Recommended Standard
TIA Totally Integrated Automation
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
THD-R Relative THD
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
VDE Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology
RLO Result of logic operation

112 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04

Baud rate
The baud rate is the rate of data transmission. It indicates the number of bits transferred in
one second. All nodes on a PROFIBUS subnet must support the selected baud rate.

Shared transmission path over which all devices on the communication bus are connected. It
has two defined ends. In the case of PROFIBUS, the bus is a twisted pair or optical fiber

Bus system
All nodes physically connected to a bus cable form a bus system.

Class 1 DP master
The class 1 DP master handles user data traffic with the DP slaves assigned to it.

Class 2 DP master
The DP master provides services such as reading the input data, output data, diagnostics,
control bytes.

Cycle time
The cycle time of a PROFIBUS segment is made up of the number of nodes. It is set, for
example, in STEP 7 in the HW Config.

Cyclic execution
The DP master accesses the DP slaves regularly. In doing so, the DP master reads the input
data of the slaves and forwards output data to the slaves.

The detection, localization, visualization and further evaluation of errors, disturbances and
Diagnostics offers monitoring functions that automatically run while the system is in
operation. This reduces startup times and standstill times. Plant availability increases.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 113

Equipotential bonding
Electrical connection (equipotential bonding conductor) which brings the bodies of electronic
equipment and foreign conductive bodies to an equal or approximately equal potential. This
prevents disruptive or dangerous voltages between these bodies.

FREEZE is a control command from the PROFIBUS DP master to a group of PROFIBUS DP
Upon receiving the FREEZE control command, the PROFIBUS DP slave freezes the inputs
at their current states and transfers them to the PROFIBUS DP master in cycles. The
PROFIBUS DP slave freezes its input status again after each new FREEZE command.
The input data will be cyclically transferred to the PROFIBUS DP master again only after the
PROFIBUS DP master has issued the UNFREEZE control command.

When a master is in possession of the token, it can send data to other nodes and request
data from other nodes.

Device which can send, receive or amplify data on the bus, e.g., PROFIBUS DP master,

PROCESS FIELDBUS, a European process and fieldbus standard defined in the PROFIBUS
standard EN 50170, Volume 2 PROFIBUS. Specifies the functional, electrical and
mechanical characteristics of a serial bit stream fieldbus system.
PROFIBUS is a bus system that connects PROFIBUS-compatible automation systems and
field devices together at the cell level and field level.

PROFIBUS address
Every device on the communication bus receives a unique PROFIBUS address. The device
on the communication bus is identified on PROFIBUS with this address.
The factory address setting for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module is address 126.
Addresses 1 to 126 are permissible.

A slave can only exchange data after being requested to by the master.

114 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04

With the SYNC control command the PROFIBUS DP master prompts the PROFIBUS DP
slave to freeze the output statuses at their value at that moment. With the subsequent
frames, the PROFIBUS DP slave stores the output data, but the output statuses remain
After each new SYNC control command, the PROFIBUS DP slave sets the outputs it has
saved as output data. The outputs are not updated cyclically again until the PROFIBUS DP
master has sent an UNSYNC control command.

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 115

116 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04
Bus terminator, 25
Bus traffic, 16
Active energy export, 33
Active energy import, 33
Active energy import tariff 1, 37 CD
Active power Contents, 10
Total, 36 CFG_FAULT, 78
Acyclic data traffic, 19, 42 Change tariff, 41
Acyclic data transfer, 16 Class 1 master, 43, 78, 85
Address, 67, 69, 100 Class 2 master, 43, 78, 85
Change, 69 Cleaning, 25, 79
Address area Clear memory contents, 41
Supported, 100 Command information, 52
Valid, 78 Commands, 41, 43
Ambient conditions, 99 Commissioning, 69
ANSI TIA/EIA 485 A connection, 25 Communication, 85, 91, 93
ANSI TIA/EIA 485 A protective circuit, 99 Status, 78
Apparent energy, 33 Communication error
Apply supply voltage, 21 Permanent, 91
Area of application, 15 Communication faults, 89
Assembly, 21, 23 Communication interface, 100
Average Current, 43 Communication parameters, 67
Average Power, 43 Communication protocols
Average power values over a demand period, 43 Supported, 100
Average Voltage, 43 Communication status, 85
Avoid condensation, 23 Component diagnostics, 41
CON_MC2, 78
Condensation, 27
B Conductive floor, 110
Configuration, 16, 40
Basic type, 36
Configuration telegram
Basic type 1, 36, 37, 38, 41, 46, 67, 77
Incorrect, 78
Basic type 2, 36, 37, 46
Configure, 21
Length of message, 37
Connector, 100
Basic type 3, 36, 38, 41, 77
Defective, 79
Basic types, 43
Connector to SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
Baud rate, 16, 21, 26, 35, 67, 78, 100
Device, 98
Bottom view, 105
Technical problems, 11
Bus connector, 25, 87
Bus cycle, 100
In your region, 11
Bus fault, 85
Bus installation, 87
CD, 10
Bus terminating resistor, 25
Control bytes, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 77

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 117

Cooling, 98 E
Correction sheet, 107
Edge transition, 41
Cross-tip screwdriver, 23
Electrical data, 99
Cubicle ground connection, 110
Electrical isolation, 99
Current measured values, 43, 54
Electrostatic sensitive devices, 109
Current out of range, 91
Endangering of operation, 27
Current terminals, 24
Energy counter, 43, 63
Current values, 43, 48, 60
Reset, 41
Cyclic data exchange, 85
Enhanced diagnostics, 83
Cyclic data traffic, 35, 40
Environmental conditions, 99
Cyclic data transfer, 16
Equipotential bonding, 26
Error Code 1, 45
Error telegram, 44
ESD bracelet, 110
Data exchange ESD footwear, 110
Cyclic, 85 ESD Guidelines, 22, 23, 27, 109
Data invalid, 91 ESD protective measures, 110
Data traffic ESD seat, 110
Acyclic, 42 ESD smock, 110
Cyclic, 35, 40 ESD standing position, 110
Data volume, 35 ESD table, 110
Default settings, 67
Degree of protection, 99 F
Demand period, 64
Factory settings, 67
Fail-safe power supply, 95
Damage, 79
Fault display, 85
Device diagnostic interrupts, 91
Features, 16
Device diagnostics, 40, 41, 83, 84, 87, 89
Firmware incompatible, 91
Structure, 89
Firmware update, 10, 86, 95
Device diagnostics data, 89
Duration, 95
Device status, 40
DIAG, 78
Firmware version of the expansion module, 78
Diagnostic information, 41, 42, 52, 83
Flammability class, 98
Diagnostic interrupts, 83
Float format, 33
Diagnostic messages, 91
Fluctuations of temperature, 23
Diagnostic telegram, 88
Frequency, 43
Diagnostics address, 65
Frequency values, 51
Diagnostics LED, 85
Front view, 105
Digital data communications for measurement and
Function not supported, 45
control, 97
Functions with limited support, 20
Digital input, 35
Further basic type
Digital output, 35
Structure, 39
Digital status information, 36, 40
Dimensions of housing, 98
Disassembly, 28
Discharge, 24, 80, 109
Disposal, 80 Galvanic isolation, 16, 99
Double format, 33 Ground, 26
DPV1 data record, 43 GSD file, 10, 16, 21, 36, 87, 88
DPV1 protocol, 42 Language, 70
Guide pin, 18, 24

118 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04

Hardware fault, 86 Manufacturer's ID, 83
High tariff, 42 Master, 83, 87
Housing design, 98 Class 1, 43, 78, 85
Humidity, 25 Class 2, 43, 78, 85
HW Config, 71 Master-slave principle, 16
Maximum pulse rate exceeded, 91
Maximum values
I Reset, 41
Measured variables, 29, 36
I&M data, 65
Mechanical data, 98
I&M data records, 44, 65
Message frame, 35
I&M device identification, 43
Minimum values
IM0 data, 65
Reset, 41
IM1 data, 66
Moisture, 25
IM2 data, 66
Mounting position, 98
IM3 data, 66
IM4 data, 66
Index, 19
Index 255, 65
Initialization phase, 87, 93 Non-volatile memory, 98
Input data, 36, 37, 38 Number of nodes, 35
Input signals, 47
Installation guidelines, 26
Installation location, 21 O
Insulating voltage
Online support, 11
maximum, 99
Order number, 78, 103
Intended use, 15
Orientation aids, 9
Interrupt message, 90
Output data, 36
Interrupt type, 84
Output not remote operated, 92
interrupts, 83
Output signals, 46
Invalid index, 45
Overall depth, 98
Invalid settings, 90, 92
Invalid slot, 45
Invalid values, 90
Packaging, 22
L Parameter, 42
Parameter assignment, 85
Labeling, 102
Parameter assignment error, 85
Language, 67
Parameterize, 21
LED, 17, 85, 86, 93
Parameters for configuration, 93
Length of cable, 26, 98
Parameters for setting the limit values, 57
Level sensitive, 42
Perform checks, 22
Limit value settings, 43
Permissible degree of pollution, 99
Limit values, 34
Phase current, 36
Limit violations, 52, 92
Pin, 18, 23, 79
Loss of warranty, 80
PIN assignment, 101
Low tariff, 42
Power failure, 95
Power measured values, 54
Power on, 93

Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04 119

Power supply, 98 Station address

Fail-safe, 95 Incorrect, 78
Power values, 43, 50, 62 Status 1, 87
PRM_FAULT, 78 Status 2, 88
PROFIBUS adaptor plug, 25 Status 3, 88
PROFIBUS address, 21, 78, 85, 87, 95 Status and diagnostics, 43
PROFIBUS address of the master, 83 Status conflict, 45
PROFIBUS cable, 26 Status display, 85
PROFIBUS connection, 101 Status information, 41, 52
PROFIBUS DP master, 69 Status of the digital inputs, 47
PROFIBUS DP Master, 16, 21 Status of the digital outputs, 46
PROFIBUS DP slave, 16, 69 Status of the input signals, 43
PROFIBUS functions, 20 Status of the output signals, 43
PROFIBUS ID number, 69 Status type, 84
PROFIBUS network, 21 STEP 7, 91
Pulse rate, 40 Storage, 22, 109
Structure, 17
Sub D connector, 23, 24, 27
Q Sub D socket, 17, 18, 24, 27, 98, 100, 105
Quantity structure, 36
Address, 11
Online, 11
Technical, 11, 80
Support address, 11
Reactive energy export, 33 Switch outputs, 42
Reactive energy import, 33 Synchronization pulse, 40
Reading error, 45 System status, 40
Recycling, 80
Recycling symbol, 99
Repair, 80 T
Required basic knowledge, 9
Response monitoring, 16, 88
Switch, 42
RS 485, 25
Tasks, 16
RS 485 protective circuit, 99
Technical data, 100
Technical problems
Contact, 11
Technical support, 11, 80
Safe isolation from supply, 24 Telegram formats, 44
Serial number, 78, 103 Temperature compensation, 27
Set language, 21, 93 THD values, 43, 51
Setting parameters, 56 Thread, 100
Side view, 105 Tightening torque, 24
SIMATIC environment, 67 Tolerances, 98
SIMATIC Manager, 71 Tools, 23
Slave, 83, 85, 87 Top view, 105
Slave diagnostics in accordance with standard, 83 Total power factor, 37
Slot, 84 Transport, 109
Slot 0, 44, 65 Type plate, 102
Slot 1, 65
Slot number, 19
Specifier, 84

120 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04

Universal counter, 43, 55
Unpacking, 22
Update firmware, 91
User data, 94

Valid address area, 78
Ventilation slots, 17, 23, 27, 98
Violation of the limits, 89
Voltage, 37, 95
Voltage measured values, 54
Voltage out of range, 91
Voltage terminals, 24
Voltage values, 43, 49, 61

Watchdog function, 16
Weight, 98
Wetness, 25
Working hours counter, 43, 55
Working measured variables, 33
Write, 45
Write error, 45

Y link, 20

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122 Manual, 04/2008, A5E01168846B-04

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