06.24.2022 - 06.30.2022 - Gov. Wolf Calendar
06.24.2022 - 06.30.2022 - Gov. Wolf Calendar
06.24.2022 - 06.30.2022 - Gov. Wolf Calendar
All Day RON CT
Travel to WHP
TBD - Travel to CT
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Bill review/signing: HB 1849, HB 2496, SB 403, SB 709, SB 915 -- Governor's Office
8:06 AM - 8:25 AM 8:06 (LIVE at 8:07) Interview - KDKA w/Larry Richert & Kevin Battle -- Beth to connect - call in to
(backup )
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM TWW/Kensinger/Rementer/Landis/Ruiz - prep for Digital Taping Time -- Governor's Office
Travel to Washington, DC
6:15 PM - 6:45 PM Ambassador of India reception; POC Suja Menon -- India House, 2700 Macomb St., NW,
Washington, DC
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Arrive at Holding Room -- Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Chesapeake 10, 201 Waterford
St., National Harbor, MD
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 2022 SelectUSA Investment Summit - Governor Plenary Panel: Broadband Infrastructure: Increasing
Digital Access & Inclusion; POC Sarah Donofrio or Jack Groarke -- Gaylord
National Resort & Convention Center, Potomac Ballroom, 201 Waterford St., National Harbor, MD
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM TWW/Groarke meeting w/Australia IFM Investors -- Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center,
Mezzanine Room 3, 201 Waterford St., National Harbor, MD
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM DGS Lean Update Call -- Governor to call Sec. Topper