Hit Material Maintenance Warehouse Rev.1

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Location :
Area : Maintenance Warehouse
Luas : 15000x10000
Jumlah Lantai : 1 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda : 5000x3

Ceklist Material: Maintenance Warehouse

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs

1 Base plate 1 Plate 18mm 0.23 0.35 141.300 8 90.997 0.644
2 Anchor M19x650 Anchor M19x650 32
3 Kolom Wf 300x150x6.5x9 Wf 300x150x6,5x9 5.046 36.7 8 1481.506 40.368
4 Stifner Kolom Plate 8mm 0.075 0.29 62.819 48 65.583 1.044
5 Plate dudukan cladding Plate 8mm 0.075 0.14 62.819 40 26.384 0.420
6 Plate dudukan cladding Plate 8mm 0.1 0.14 62.819 40 35.179 0.560
7 Baut M12x55 M12x55 160
8 Rafter Wf 300x150x6.5x9 Wf 300x150x6,5x9 4.759 36.7 8 1397.242 38.072
9 Cut Wf 300x150x6.5x9 Wf 300x150x6,5x9 0.493 18.35 16 144.745 7.888
10 End pate Plate 16mm 0.537 0.17 125.638 16 183.512 1.461
11 Baut M19x70 M19x70 120
12 Rafter kantilever Wf 250x125x6.5x9 0.849 29.6 8 201.043 6.792
13 Plate rafter kantilever Plate 16mm 0.255 0.125 125.638 8 32.038 0.255
14 Baut M16x65 M16x65 48
15 CNP Cladding
16 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 17 6.76 10 1149.200 170.000
17 Cladding arah memendek CNP 150x50x20x3.2 5.15 6.76 20 696.280 103.000
18 Plat cladding Plate 8mm 0.075 0.14 62.819 30 19.788 0.315
19 Plat cladding Plate 8mm 0.1 0.14 62.819 30 26.384 0.420
20 Baut M12x55 M12x55 120
21 Base plate 2 Plate 18mm 0.2 0.2 141.300 2 11.304 0.080
22 Anchor M19x650 Anchor M19x650 8
23 Kolom tengah H-150x150x7x10 H-150x150x7x10 5.8 31.5 2 365.400 11.600
24 Stifner Kolom tengah Plate 8mm 0.07 0.29 62.819 16 20.404 0.325
25 Rangka siku talang Siku 50x50x5 17 3.75 12 765.000 204.000 3.75
26 Rangka siku talang Siku 50x50x5 1.5 3.75 23 127.500 34.000 3.75
27 Seng galvalum 0.3mm Seng galvalum 0.3mm 36 0.995 0.000 35.82
28 CNP 150x65x20x3.2 CNP 150x65x20x3.2 17 7.52 14 1788.967 238.000
29 Plat 8mm Plate 8mm 0.075 0.14 62.819 56 36.938 0.588
30 Plat 8mm Plate 8mm 0.15 0.14 62.819 56 73.875 1.176
31 Baut M12x55 M12x55 224
32 Sagrod Dia.12mm Sagrod Dia.12mm 5.8 0.62 23 81.071 131.467 11.33333
33 Mur M12 Mur M12 56
34 Sagrod tegak Sagrod Dia.12mm 4.2 0.62 12 31.080 50.400
35 Mur M12 Mur M12 48
36 Ikatan angin Dia.19mm Ikatan angin Dia.19mm 6.9 1.58 12 131.100 82.800
37 Bracing siku kantilever Siku 75x75x6 5.918 6.87 3 121.970 17.754
39 UNP 150x75x6.5 UNP 150x75x6.5 7 18.67 3 392.000 21.000
40 Siku 80x80x8 Siku 80x80x8 0.15 9.66 6 8.694 0.900
41 Baut M16x55 M16x55 12
42 Girder Wf 250xx125x6.5x9 Wf 250x125x6.5x9 4.8 29.6 16 2273.280 76.800
43 Plate gusset Plate 10mm 0.175 0.29 78.272 32 127.114 1.624
44 Baut M16x65 M16x65 128

Jumlah Sub Total 749 11,156

Jumlah Total 11,905.58
Tanggal :
Check By QC

( ) ( ) ( )

749 44.73144 11,156 1234.840666667 956

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Location :
Area : Maintenance Warehouse
Luas : 15000x10000
Jumlah Lantai : 1 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda : 5000x3

Ceklist Material: Maintenance Warehouse

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs
Rekap Kebutuhan Material Maintenance Warehouse
Baut/Angkur Berat Luas Plate Lembar Plate Berat Panjang Batang Stok Order
Titik/ Pcs Kg m2 Lembar (1,22*2,44) Kg m Per 6 m/12 m

Base Plate 18mm 0.724 0.24

Anchor M19x650 40.00 1.890886 79.42
Wf 300x150x6,5x9 86.328 7.194
Wf 250x125x6.5x9 83.592 6.97
H-150x150x7x10 11.6 0.967
UNP 150x75x6.5 21 3.50
CNP 150x65x20x3.2 238 39.67
CNP 150x50x20x3.2 273 45.50
Plate 16mm 1.71564 0.58
Plate 10mm 1.624 0.55
Plate 8mm 4.8478 1.63
Sagrod Dia.12mm 181.867 15.156
Siku 80x80x8 0.9 0.15
Siku 75x75x6 17.754 2.959
Siku 50x50x5 238 39.67
Baut M12x55 504.00 0.048805 25.83
Baut M16x55 12.00 0.086764 1.09
Baut M16x65 176.00 0.10254 18.95
Baut M19x70 120.00 0.15572 19.62
Mur M12 104.00 0.008874 0.97
Ikatan angin Dia.19mm 82.8 6.9 145.88
Seng galvalum 0.3mm 36 0.995 0.000 35.82 12.03

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