Control Room and Laboratory Bui Rev.1

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Location :
Area :Control Room And Laboratory Building
Luas :40000x14000
Jumlah Lantai : 2 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda :4850+6650+5000+6000+5250

Ceklist Material Control Room And Laboratory Building

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs

1 Base plate kolom Plate 19mm 0.30 0.50 149.15 17.00 380.33 2.55
2 Anchour M25x650 Anchour M25x650 68.00
3 Kolom WF 450 WF 450x200x9x14 7.74 76.00 12.00 7054.32 92.82
4 Stifner Kolom Plate 8mm 0.10 0.49 62.82 216.00 631.63 10.05
5 And plat 18mm Plate 18mm 0.80 0.21 141.09 24.00 568.88 4.03
6 Baut M19x75 M19x75 180.00
7 Rafter WF 450x200x9x14 WF 450x200x9x14 6.96 76.00 12.00 6347.52 83.52
8 Rafter WF 450x200x9x14 WF 450x200x9x14 0.80 76.00 24.00 1459.20 19.20
9 Kolom H-Beam H-Beam 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 mm 3.70 49.92 12.00 2216.30 44.40 49.91667
10 Stifner Kolom Plate 8mm 0.20 0.20 62.82 48.00 114.66 1.83
11 Kolom WF 450 WF 450x200x9x14 4.49 76.00 6.00 2045.16 26.91
12 Rafter WF 450x200x9x14 WF 450x200x9x14 6.96 76.00 6.00 3173.76 41.76
13 Cut WF 450 WF 450x200x9x14 0.80 76.00 12.00 729.60 9.60
14 And plate 18mm Plate 18mm 0.80 0.21 141.30 12.00 284.86 2.02
15 Baut M19x75 M19x75 90.00
16 Balok induk WF 350 WF 350x175x7x11 4.82 49.60 18 4303.296 86.760
17 And plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.2 0.35 94.061 72 474.066 5.040
18 Baut M19x75 M19x75 216.00
19 Girder As 1. WF 350x175x7x11 4.84 49.60 2 480.128 9.680
20 Girder As 1'. WF 350x175x7x11 6.6 49.60 8 2618.880 52.800
21 And plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.2 0.35 94.061 40 263.370 2.800
22 Girder As 1''. WF 250x125x6x9 12.2 29.60 2 722.240 24.400
23 And plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.25 0.125 94.061 12 35.273 0.375
24 Baut M16x65 M16x65 72.00
25 Balok anak 2'. AS A~E WF 350x175x7x11 22.3 49.60 5 5530.400 111.500
26 And plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.2 0.35 94.061 40 263.370 2.800
27 Baut M19x75 M19x75 240.00
28 Balok Girder As 1A~F WF 250x125x6x9 27.7 29.60 5 4099.600 138.500
29 And plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.2 0.25 94.061 50 235.152 2.500
30 Baut M16x65 M16x65 300.00
31 Balok Girder ELV.4.75 Wf 200x100x5,5x8 12.2 21.3 5 1299.300 61.000
32 And plate 10mm Plate 10mm 0.2 0.12 78.272 60 112.712 1.440
33 Baut M16x65 M16x65 180.00
34 Sagrod Dia.12mm Sagrod Dia.12mm 6.7 0.62 20 81.071 131.467
35 Ikatan Angin Dia.16mm Besi polos Dia. 16mm 6.6 1.58 24 250.800 158.400
36 Plate ikatan angin Plate 8mm 0.06 0.15 62.82 48.00 27.14 0.43
37 Baut M16x65 M16x65 96.00
38 Gording
39 CNP.150 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 29 6.76 12 2352.480 348.000 29
40 CNP.150 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 13.16 6.76 12 1067.539 157.920 13.16
41 Plat dudukan gording Plate 8mm 0.10 0.10 62.82 240.00 143.23 2.28
42 Cladding Tegak
43 CNP.150 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 28.2 6.76 10 1906.320 282.000
44 CNP.150 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 14.6 6.76 8 789.568 116.800
45 CNP.150 CNP 150x50x20x3.2 11.7 6.76 6 474.552 70.200
46 Plate cladding 6mm Plate 6mm 0.08 0.3 47.030 116 130.933 2.78
47 Baut M12x55 M12x55 296
48 UNP.150 UNP 150x75x6.5 34 18.67 1 634.667 34.000
49 Tangga Stair Plant 1
50 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 3.37 24.67 2 166.253 6.740
51 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 1.06 24.67 2 52.293 2.120
52 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 2.17 24.67 2 107.053 4.340
53 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 2.13 24.67 2 105.080 4.260

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Location :
Area :Control Room And Laboratory Building
Luas :40000x14000
Jumlah Lantai : 2 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda :4850+6650+5000+6000+5250

Ceklist Material Control Room And Laboratory Building

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs
54 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 1.18 24.67 2 58.213 2.360
55 End plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.3 0.15 94.061 2 8.465 0.090
56 Anchour M12x300 Anchour M12x300 4.00
57 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 0.35 3.75 36 47.250 12.600
58 Baut M12x65 M12x65 72
59 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 0.8 23.37 18 336.528 14.400
60 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 3.375 62.32 1 210.330 3.375
61 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 1.5 3.75 4 22.500 6.000
62 Baut M12x65 M12x65 20
63 WF.250x125x6x9 WF 250x125x6x9 0.9 29.60 3 79.920 2.700
64 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.9 5.44 16.8 82.253 15.120
65 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 5.84 5.44 2.4 76.247 14.016
66 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.8 5.44 4.8 20.890 3.840
68 Tangga Stair Plant 2
69 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 5.84 24.67 2 288.107 11.680
70 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 1.42 24.67 2 70.053 2.840
71 End plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.3 0.15 94.061 2 8.465 0.090
72 Anchour M12x300 Anchour M12x300 4.00
73 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 0.35 3.75 36 47.250 12.600
74 Baut M12x65 M12x65 72
75 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 0.8 23.37 18 336.528 14.400
76 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 3.375 62.32 1 210.330 3.375
77 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 1.5 3.75 1 5.625 1.500
78 Baut M12x65 M12x65 10
79 WF.250x125x6x9 WF 250x125x6x9 0.9 29.60 1 26.640 0.900
80 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.9 5.44 14 68.544 12.600
81 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 5.84 5.44 2 63.539 11.680
82 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.8 5.44 4 17.408 3.200
84 Tangga Stair Plant 3
85 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 5.84 24.67 2 288.107 11.680
86 UNP.200 UNP 200x80x7.5 1.42 24.67 2 70.053 2.840
87 End plate 12mm Plate 12mm 0.3 0.15 94.061 2 8.465 0.090
88 Anchour M12x300 Anchour M12x300 4.00
89 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 0.35 3.75 36 47.250 12.600
90 Baut M12x65 M12x65 72
91 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 0.8 23.37 18 336.528 14.400
92 Plate Gratting Plate Gratting 3.375 62.32 1 210.330 3.375
93 Siku Support Gratting Siku 50x50x5 1.5 3.75 1 5.625 1.500
94 Baut M12x65 M12x65 10
95 WF.250x125x6x9 WF 250x125x6x9 0.9 29.60 2 53.280 1.800
96 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.9 5.44 14 68.544 12.600
97 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 5.84 5.44 2 63.539 11.680
98 Railling Ø2'' Railling Ø2'' 0.8 5.44 4 17.408 3.200
99 WF.250x125x6x9 WF 250x125x6x9 0.9 29.60 1 26.640 0.900

Jumlah Sub Total 3,691 56,988

Jumlah Total 60,679.09
Tanggal :
Check By QC

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Location :
Area :Control Room And Laboratory Building
Luas :40000x14000
Jumlah Lantai : 2 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda :4850+6650+5000+6000+5250

Ceklist Material Control Room And Laboratory Building

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs

3,691 41.199 56,988 2344.85766666667 2048.16

Rekap Kebutuhan Material Control Room And Laboratory Building

Baut/Angkur Berat Luas Plate Lembar Plate Berat Panjang Batang Stok Order
Titik/ Pcs Kg m2 Lembar (1,22*2,44) Kg m Per 6 m/12 m

Base Plate 19mm 2.55 0.86

Anchour M25x650 68.00 3.273695 233.74
Anchour M12x300 12.00 0.443682 5.59
WF 450x200x9x14 273.81 22.8175 239.33
WF 350x175x7x11 260.74 21.728
WF 250x125x6x9 169.20 14.1
Wf 200x100x5,5x8 61.00 5.083
Plate 18mm 6.05 2.03
Plate 12mm 13.79 4.63
Plate 10mm 1.44 0.48
Plate 8mm 14.59 4.90
Plate 6mm 2.78 0.94
Plate Gratting 53.33
UNP 200x80x7.5 48.86 8.14
UNP 150x75x6.5 34.00 5.67
H-Beam 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 mm 44.40 3.700
CNP 150x50x20x3.2 974.92 162.49
Baut M12x55 296.00 0.048805 15.17
Baut M12x65 256.00 0.057679 15.50
Baut M16x65 648.00 0.10254 69.77
Baut M19x75 726.00 0.211334 161.10
Sagrod Dia.12mm 131.47 10.956 261.54
Siku 50x50x5 46.80 7.8
Besi polos Dia. 16mm 158.40 13.2
Railling Ø2'' 87.94 14.66

cek tonase - - -

Baut/Angkur Berat Luas Plate Lembar Plate Berat Panjang Batang Stok Order
Titik/ Pcs Kg m2 Lembar (1,22*2,44) Kg m Per 6 m/12 m

Base Plate 19mm 380.33 2.55

Anchour M25x650 68.00 233.74 3.273695
Anchour M12x300 12.00 5.59 0.443682
WF 450x200x9x14 20,809.56 273.81
WF 350x175x7x11 12,932.70 260.74
WF 250x125x6x9 5,008.32 169.20
Wf 200x100x5,5x8 1,299.30 61.00
Plate 18mm 853.74 6.05
Plate 12mm 1,296.63 13.79
Plate 10mm 112.71 1.44
Plate 8mm 916.66 14.59
Plate 6mm 130.93 2.78
Plate Gratting 1,640.57 53.33

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Location :
Area :Control Room And Laboratory Building
Luas :40000x14000
Jumlah Lantai : 2 Lantai
Jarak Antar Kuda-Kuda :4850+6650+5000+6000+5250

Ceklist Material Control Room And Laboratory Building

No Uraian Kode Material Jumlah Plate Jumlah Profil Baut/Angkur
Panjang Lebar Berat jenis Jumlah Berat total Luas Plate Panjang Berat Jenis Jumlah Berat total Panjang Jumlah
Satuan m m kg/m2 Pcs Kg m2 m kg/m Pcs Kg m Pcs
UNP 200x80x7.5 1,205.21 48.86
UNP 150x75x6.5 634.67 34.00
H-Beam 200 x 200 x 8 x 12 mm 2,216.30 44.40
CNP 150x50x20x3.2 6,590.46 974.92
Baut M12x55 296.00 15.17 0.048805
Baut M12x65 256.00 15.50 0.057679
Baut M16x65 648.00 69.77 0.10254
Baut M19x75 726.00 161.10 0.211334
Sagrod Dia.12mm 81.07 131.47
Siku 50x50x5 175.50 46.80
Besi polos Dia. 16mm 250.80 158.40
Railling Ø2'' 478.37 87.94

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