Z = Jωl While Capacitors Are Represented: Summary And Review

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SUMMARY AND REVIEW • The impedance of a capacitor is 1/jωC .

• The impedance of an inductor is jωL .
This chapter dealt with the steady-state response of circuits to sinusoidal
excitation. This is a limited analysis of a circuit in some respects, as the ❑ Impedances combine both in series and in parallel combinations in the
transient behavior is completely ignored. In many situations, such an same manner as resistors. (Example 10.6)
approach is more than adequate, and reducing the amount of information we ❑ All analysis techniques previously used on resistive circuits apply to
seek about a circuit speeds up the analysis considerably. The fundamental circuits with capacitors and/or inductors once all elements are replaced
idea behind what we did was that an imaginary source was added to every by their frequency-domain equivalents. (Examples 10.5, 10.7, 10.8,
real sinusoidal source; then Euler’s identity converted the source to a com- 10.9, 10.10, 10.11)
plex exponential. Since the derivative of an exponential is simply another ❑ Phasor analysis can only be performed on single-frequency circuits.
exponential, what would otherwise be integrodifferential equations arising Otherwise, superposition must be invoked, and the time-domain partial
from mesh or nodal analysis become algebraic equations. responses added to obtain the complete response. (Example 10.12)
A few new terms were introduced: lagging, leading, impedance, ad- ❑ The power behind phasor diagrams is evident when a convenient forcing
mittance, and a particularly important one phasor. Phasor relationships function is used initially, and the final result scaled appropriately.
between current and voltage gave rise to the concept of impedance, where (Example 10.13)
resistors are represented by a real number (resistance, as before), and
inductors are represented by Z = jωL while capacitors are represented
by − j/ωC(ω being the operating frequency of our sources). From that READING FURTHER
point forward, all the circuit analysis techniques learned in Chaps. 3 to A good reference to phasor-based analysis techniques can be found in:
5 apply. R. A. DeCarlo and P. M. Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, 2nd ed. New York:
It might seem odd to have an imaginary number as part of our solution, Oxford University Press, 2001.
but we found that recovering the time-domain solution to our analysis is
Frequency-dependent transistor models are discussed from a phasor perspec-
straightforward once the voltage or current is expressed in polar form. The tive in Chap. 7 of:
magnitude of our quantity of interest is the magnitude of the cosine func-
W. H. Hayt, Jr., and G. W. Neudeck, Electronic Circuit Analysis and
tion, the phase angle is the phase of the cosine term, and the frequency is
Design, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1995.
obtained from the original circuit (it disappears from view during the analy-
sis, but the circuits we are analyzing do not change it in any way). We con-
cluded the chapter with an introduction to the concept of phasor diagrams. EXERCISES
Prior to inexpensive scientific calculators such tools were invaluable in an-
10.1 Characteristics of Sinusoids
alyzing many sinusoidal circuits. They still find use in analysis of ac power
1. Evaluate the following: (a) 5 sin (5t − 9◦ ) at t = 0, 0.01, and 0.1 s; (b) 4 cos 2t
systems, as we see in subsequent chapters.
and 4 sin (2t + 90◦ ) at t = 0, 1, and 1.5 s; (c) 3.2 cos (6t + 15◦ ) and
A concise list of key concepts of the chapter is presented below for 3.2 sin (6t + 105◦ ) at t = 0, 0.01, and 0.1 s.
the convenience of the reader, along with the corresponding example 2. (a) Express each of the following as a single cosine function: 5 sin 300t,
numbers. 1.95 sin (πt − 92◦ ), 2.7 sin (50t + 5◦ )  10 cos 50t. (b) Express each of
❑ If two sine waves (or two cosine waves) both have positive magnitudes the following as a single sine function: 66 cos (9t − 10◦ ), 4.15 cos 10t,
10 cos (100t − 9◦ ) + 10 sin (100t + 19◦ ).
and the same frequency, it is possible to determine which waveform is
leading and which is lagging by comparing their phase angles. 3. Determine the angle by which v1 leads i1 if v1 = 10 cos (10t − 45◦ ) and i1
is equal to (a) 5 cos 10t; (b) 5 cos (10t − 80◦ ); (c) 5 cos (10t − 40◦ );
❑ The forced response of a linear circuit to a sinusoidal voltage or current (d) 5 cos (10t + 40◦ ); (e) 5 sin (10t − 19◦ ).
source can always be written as a single sinusoid having the same 4. Determine the angle by which v1 lags i1 if v1 = 34 cos (10t + 125◦ ) and i1
frequency as the sinusoidal source. (Example 10.1) is equal to (a) 5 cos 10t; (b) 5 cos (10t − 80◦ ); (c) 5 cos (10t − 40◦ );
(d) 5 cos (10t + 40◦ ); (e) 5 sin (10t − 19◦ ).
❑ A phasor has both a magnitude and a phase angle; the frequency is
understood to be that of the sinusoidal source driving the circuit. 5. Determine which waveform in each of the following pairs is lagging: (a) cos 4t,
sin 4t; (b) cos (4t − 80◦ ), cos (4t); (c) cos (4t + 80◦ ), cos 4t; (d) −sin 5t, cos
(Example 10.2) (5t + 2◦ ); (e) sin 5t + cos 5t, cos (5t − 45◦ ).
❑ A phasor transform may be performed  on any sinusoidal function, and 6. Calculate the first three instants in time (t > 0) for which the following
vice versa: Vm cos(ωt + φ) ↔ Vm φ. (Example 10.3) functions are zero, by first converting to a single sinusoid: (a) cos 3t − 7 sin 3t;
❑ When transforming a time-domain circuit into the corresponding (b) cos (10t + 45◦ ); (c) cos 5t− sin 5t; (d) cos 2t + sin 2t− cos 5t + sin 5t.
frequency-domain circuit, resistors, capacitors, and inductors are replaced 7. (a) Determine the first two instants in time (t > 0) for which each of the
functions in Exercise 6 are equal to unity, by first converting to a single
by impedances (or, occasionally, by admittances). (Examples 10.4, 10.6) sinusoid. (b) Verify your answers by plotting each waveform using an
• The impedance of a resistor is simply its resistance. appropriate software package.


8. The concept of Fourier series is a powerful means of analyzing periodic 11. Assuming there are no longer any transients present, determine the current
waveforms in terms of sinusoids. For example, the triangle wave in Fig. 10.45 labeled iL in the circuit of Fig. 10.47. Express your answer as a single sinusoid.
can be represented by the infinite sum
8 1 1 1
v(t) = 2 sin πt − 2 sin 3πt + 2 sin 5πt − 2 sin 7πt + · · ·
π 3 5 7
where in practice perhaps the first several terms provide an accurate enough
25 cos 100t A 1 10 mH 2
approximation. (a) Compute the exact value of v(t) at t = 0.25 s by first
obtaining an equation for the corresponding segment of the waveform.
(b) Compute the approximate value at t = 0.25 s using the first term of the
Fourier series only. (c) Repeat part (b) using the first three terms. (d) Plot v(t)
using the first term only. (e) Plot v(t) using the first two terms only. ( f ) Plot ■ FIGURE 10.47
v(t) using the first three terms only.
15  12. Calculate the power dissipated in the 2  resistor of Fig. 10.47 assuming there
v(t) (V) are no transients present. Express your answer in terms of a single sinusoidal
1 + + 13. Obtain an expression for vC as labeled in Fig. 10.48, in terms of a single sinu-
3 cos 40t V – vC 2 mF soidal function. You may assume all transients have died out long before t = 0.

14. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor of the circuit depicted in Fig. 10.48
t (s)
1 2 3 at t = 10 ms and t = 40 ms.
■ FIGURE 10.48 15. Obtain an expression for the power dissipated in the 10  resistor of Fig. 10.49,
–1 assuming no transients present.

■ FIGURE 10.45
9. Household electrical voltages are typically quoted as either 110 V, 115 V,
or 120 V. However, these values do not represent the peak ac voltage. Rather, cos 6t A 10  0.2iL 0.5 H
they represent what is known as the root mean square of the voltage, defined as

1 T 2
Vrms = Vm cos2 (ωt) dt
T 0 ■ FIGURE 10.49
where T = the period of the waveform, Vm is the peak voltage, and ω = the
waveform frequency ( f = 60 Hz in North America). 10.3 The Complex Forcing Function
(a) Perform the indicated integration, and show that for a sinusoidal voltage, 16. Express the◦
following complex numbers in rectangular form: (a) 50/−75◦ ;
Vm (b) 19e j30 ; 2.5/−30◦ + 0.5/45◦ . Convert the following to polar form:
Vrms = √ (c) (2 + j2)(2 − j2); (d) (2 + j2)(5/22◦ ).
2 ◦
17. Express the following in polar form: (a) 2 + e j35

;(b) (j)(j)(j); (c) 1. Express
(b) Compute the peak voltages corresponding to the rms voltages of 110, 115, the following in rectangular form: (d) 2 + e j35 ; (e) − j9 + 5/55◦ .
and 120 V.
18. Evaluate the following, and express your answer in polar form:
10.2 Forced Response to Sinusoidal Functions (a) 4(8 − j8); (b) 4/5◦ − 2/15◦ ; (c) (2 + j9) −5/0◦ ; (d) − 3/40◦ + 2;
10 + 5 j
(e) (10 + j5) (10 − j5) (3/40◦ ) + 2.
10. If the source vs in Fig. 10.46 is equal to 4.53 cos (0.333 × 10−3 t + 30◦ ) V,
(a) obtain is, iL, and iR at t = 0 assuming no transients are present; (b) obtain 19. Evaluate the following, and express your answer in rectangular form:
an expression for vL (t) in terms of a single sinusoid, valid for t > 0, again (a) 3 (3/30◦ ); (b) 2/25◦ + 5/−10◦ ; (c) (12 + j90) − 5/30◦ ;
assuming no transients are present. 10 + 5 j
(d) + 2/60◦ + 1; (e) (10 + 5 j) (10 − 5 j) (3/40◦ ) + 2.
8− j
is 10  iL 20. Perform the indicated operations, and express the answer in both rectangular
and polar forms:
+ 2 + j3 10/25◦ 3/15◦
(a) − 4 ; (b) + j2 ;
+ iC 1 + 8/90◦ 5/−10◦ 3 − j5
vs 1 vL 3 mH +

– +
5 sin 20t V 130 mF vC (1 − j)(1 + j) + 1/0◦ ◦ j
– (c) (3/−90 ) + .

iR – −j 5/−45◦
21. Insert an appropriate complex source into the circuit represented in Fig. 10.50,
■ FIGURE 10.46 ■ FIGURE 10.50 and use it to determine steady-state expressions for iC(t) and vC(t).

22. For the circuit of Fig. 10.51, if is = 5 cos 10t A, use a suitable complex source I10 + V –
replacement to obtain a steady-state expression for iL(t).
23. In the circuit depicted in Fig. 10.51, is is modified such that the 2  resistor is 10 
replaced by a 20  resistor. If iL(t) = 62.5 /31.3◦ mA, determine is.
Vs +
24. Employ a suitable complex source to determine the steady-state current iL in – 25 
the circuit of Fig. 10.52.
iL ■ FIGURE 10.53

is 2 0.4 H 5 sin (35t – 10) V 0.01 F 0.4 H 35. The circuit of Fig. 10.53 is shown represented in the phasor (frequency) do-
main. If I10 = 4/35◦ A, V = 10/35◦ , and I = 2/35◦ A, (a) across what type of
element does V appear, and what is its value? (b) Determine the value of Vs.

■ FIGURE 10.51 ■ FIGURE 10.52 10.5 Impedance and Admittance

36. (a) Obtain an expression for the equivalent impedance Zeq of a 1  resistor in
10.4 The Phasor series with a 10 mH inductor as a function of ω. (b) Plot the magnitude of Zeq
as a function of ω over the range 1 < ω < 100 krad/s (use a logarithmic scale
25. Transform each of the following into phasor form: (a) 75.928 cos (110.1t); for the frequency axis). (c) Plot the angle (in degrees) of Zeq as a function of ω
(b) 5 cos (55t − 42◦ ); (c) − sin (8000t + 14◦ ); (d) 3 cos 10t − 8 cos (10t + 80◦ ). over the range 1 < ω < 100 krad/s (use a logarithmic scale for the frequency
26. Transform each of the following into phasor form: (a) 11 sin 100t; axis). [Hint: semilogx() in MATLAB is a useful plotting function.]
(b) 11 cos 100t; (c) 11 cos(100t − 90◦ ); (d) 3 cos 100t – 3 sin 100t. 37. Determine the equivalent impedance of the following, assuming an operating
27. Assuming an operating frequency of 1 kHz, transform the following phasor frequency of 20 rad/s: (a) 1 k in series with 1 mF; (b) 1 k in parallel with
expressions into a single cosine function in the time domain: (a) 9/65◦ V; 1 mH; (c) 1 k in parallel with the series combination of 1 F and 1 H.
2/31◦ 38. (a) Obtain an expression for the equivalent impedance Zeq of a 1  resistor in
(b) A; (c) 22/14◦ − 8/33◦ V.
4/25◦ series with a 10 mF capacitor as a function of ω. (b) Plot the magnitude of Zeq
28. The following complex voltages are written in a combination of rectangular as a function of ω over the range 1 < ω < 100 krad/s (use a logarithmic scale
and polar form. Rewrite each, using conventional phasor notation (i.e., a for the frequency axis). (c) Plot the angle (in degrees) of Zeq as a function of
2− j 6/20◦ ω over the range 1 < ω < 100 krad/s (use a logarithmic scale for the frequency
magnitude and angle): (a) V; (b) − jV; (c) ( j)(52.5/−90◦) V. axis). [Hint: semilogx() in MATLAB is a useful plotting function.]
5/45◦ 1000
29. Assuming an operating frequency of 50 Hz, compute the instantaneous voltage 39. Determine the equivalent admittance of the following, assuming an operating
at t = 10 ms and t = 25 ms for each of the quantities represented in Exercise 26. frequency of 1000 rad/s: (a) 25  in series with 20 mH; (b) 25  in parallel with
10 mF 20 
20 mH; (c) 25  in parallel with 20 mH in parallel with 20 mF; (d) 1  in series
30. Assuming an operating frequency of 50 Hz, compute the instantaneous voltage with 1 F in series with 1 H; (e) 1  in parallel with 1 F in parallel with 1 H.
at t = 10 ms and t = 25 ms for each of the quantities represented in Exercise 27.
40. Consider the network depicted in Fig. 10.54, and determine the equivalent
31. Assuming the passive sign convention and an operating frequency of 5 rad/s, 25  55  20 mH impedance seen looking into the open terminals if (a) ω = 1 rad/s;
calcualte the phasor voltage which develops across the following when driven (b) ω = 10 rad/s; (c) ω = 100 rad/s.
by the phasor current I = 2/0◦ mA: (a) a 1 k resistor; (b) a 1 mF capacitor;
(c) a 1 nH inductor. 41. Exchange the capacitor and inductor in the network shown in Fig. 10.54,
■ FIGURE 10.54 and calculate the equivalent impedance looking into the open terminals if
32. (a) A series connection is formed between a 1  resistor, a 1 F capacitor, and a ω = 25 rad/s.
1 H inductor, in that order. Assuming operation at ω = 1 rad/s, what are the
magnitude and phase angle of the phasor current which yields a voltage of 42. Find V in Fig. 10.55 if the box contains (a) 3  in series with 2 mH; (b) 3  in
1/30◦ V across the resistor (assume the passive sign convention)? (b) Compute series with 125 μF; (c) 3 , 2 mH, and 125 μF in series; (d) 3 , 2 mH, and
the ratio of the phasor voltage across the resistor to the phasor voltage which + 125 μF in series, but ω = 4 krad/s.
3 –20 A
appears across the capacitor-inductor combination. (c) The frequency is doubled. V 43. Calculate the equivalent impedance seen at the open terminals of the network
 = 2 krad/s
Calculate the new ratio of the phasor voltage across the resistor to the phasor – shown in Fig. 10.56 if f is equal to (a) 1 Hz; (b) 1 kHz; (c) 1 MHz; (d) 1 GHz;
voltage across the capacitor-inductor combination. (e) 1 THz.
33. Assuming the passive sign convention and an operating frequency of 314 rad/s, ■ FIGURE 10.55
calculate the phasor voltage V which appears across each of the following 10 mH
when driven by the phasor current I = 10/0◦ mA: (a) a 2  resistor; (b) a 1 F
capacitor; (c) a 1 H inductor; (d) a 2  resistor in series with a 1 F capacitor; a
(e) a 2  resistor in series with a 1 H inductor. (f) Calculate the instantaneous
value of each voltage determined in parts (a) to (e) at t = 0. 60  60  60  30 ␮F
34. In the circuit of Fig. 10.53, which is shown in the phasor (frequency) domain,
I10 is determined to be 2/42◦ mA. If V = 40/132◦ mV: (a) what is the likely b
type of element connected to the right of the 10  resistor and (b) what is its
value, assuming the voltage source operates at a frequency of 1000 rad/s? ■ FIGURE 10.56


44. Employ phasor-based analysis to obtain an expression for i(t) in the circuit of 51. With regard to the two-mesh phasor-domain circuit depicted in Fig. 10.60,
Fig. 10.57. calculate the ratio of I1 to I2 if V1 = 3/0◦ V, V2 = 5.5/−130◦ V, and
V3 = 1.5/17◦ V.
52. Employ phasor analysis techniques to obtain expressions for the two mesh cur-
rents i1 and i2 as shown in Fig. 10.61.
i1 330 mF i2
4 cos (100t – 20) A 5 1 mF 20 mH

+ +
2.5 cos (10t + 9) V – 1H 5i1

■ FIGURE 10.57
■ FIGURE 10.61
45. Design a suitable combination of resistors, capacitors, and/or inductors which
has an equivalent impedance at ω = 100 rad/s of (a) 1  using at least one 53. Determine IB in the circuit of Fig. 10.62 if I1 = 5/−18◦ A and I2 = 2/5◦ A.
inductor; (b) 7/10◦ ; (c) 3 – j4 .
j3.8  1 IB
46. Design a suitable combination of resistors, capacitors, and/or inductors which
has an equivalent admittance at ω = 10 rad/s of (a) 1 S using at least one
capacitor; (b) 12/−18◦ S ; (c) 2 + j mS. V2

10.6 Nodal and Mesh Analysis
I1 j2  2 I2
47. For the circuit depicted in Fig. 10.58, (a) redraw with appropriate phasors and
impedances labeled; (b) employ nodal analysis to determine the two nodal
voltages v1(t) and v2 (t).
■ FIGURE 10.62
2.2 mF
v1(t) v2(t) 54. Determine V2 in the circuit of Fig. 10.62 if I1 = 15/0◦ A and I2 = 25/131◦ A.
55. Employ phasor analysis to obtain an expression for vx as labeled in the circuit
of Fig. 10.63.
3 cos (100t + 62) A 10 mH 2 3 5 2 cos 80t A
4.7 mF

2 4.7  890 mF

■ FIGURE 10.58 2

48. For the circuit illustrated in Fig. 10.59, (a) redraw, labeling appropriate phasor +
and impedance quantities; (b) determine expressions for the three time-domain +
100 mH
4 cos 20t V vx 1
mesh currents. –

1.5 cos (10t – 42) mA
■ FIGURE 10.63
56. Determine the current ix in the circuit of Fig. 10.63.
v1(t) 57. Obtain an expression for each of the four (clockwise) mesh currents for the cir-
cuit of Fig. 10.64 if v1 = 133 cos (14t + 77◦ ) V and v2 = 55 cos (14t + 22◦ ) V.
100 mH
I1 I2 0.4 
2.5 cos 10t mA 220 mF 2

0.8  100 mF 0.6 

j30  55  – j20 
■ FIGURE 10.59
+ +
– 28 mH 32 mH –
+ + +
49. Referring to the circuit of Fig. 10.59, employ phasor-based analysis techniques V1 V2 V3
– – –
to determine the two nodal voltages.
50. In the phasor-domain circuit represented by Fig. 10.60, let V1 = 10/−80◦ V, Ref.
V2 = 4/−0◦ V, and V3 = 2/−23◦ V. Calculate I1 and I2. ■ FIGURE 10.60 ■ FIGURE 10.64

58. Determine the nodal voltages for the circuit of Fig. 10.64, using the bottom Zf 65. The (2 − j)  impedance in the circuit of Fig. 10.69 is replaced with a (1 + j)
node as the reference node, if v1 = 0.009 cos (500t + 0.5ο) V and v2 = 0.004  impedance. Perform a source transformation on each source, simplify the
cos (500t + 1.5ο) V. C1 resulting circuit as much as possible, and calculate the current flowing through
+ – the (1 + j)  impedance.
59. The op amp shown in Fig. 10.65 has an infinite input impedance, zero output Vi
impedance, and a large but finite (positive, real) gain, A = −Vo /Vi .(a) Con- – + + 66. With regard to the circuit depicted in Fig. 10.70, (a) calculate the Thévenin
struct a basic differentiator by letting Z f = R f , find Vo/Vs, and then show that Vs Vo equivalent seen looking into the terminals marked a and b; (b) determine the

Vo /Vs → − jωC1 R f as A → ∞. (b) Let Zf represent Cf and Rf in parallel, – Norton equivalent seen looking into the terminals marked a and b; (c) compute
find Vo/Vs, and then show that Vo /Vs → − jωC1 R f /(1 + jωC f R f ) as the current flowing from a to b if a (7 – j2)  impedance is connected across
A → ∞. them.
■ FIGURE 10.65
60. Obtain an expression for each of the four mesh currents labeled in the circuit of
Fig. 10.66. a

+ –
22 30 A j10 
i2 70 mH –j34 

250 mF 250 mF b
+ 3 +
9 cos 20t V – – 9 sin 20t V ■ FIGURE 10.70
i1 i3

67. In the circuit of Fig. 10.71, is1 = 8 cos (4t − 9◦ ) mA, is2 = 5 cos 4t and vs3 =
■ FIGURE 10.66 2 sin 4t. (a) Redraw the circuit in the phasor domain; (b) reduce the circuit to a


+ single current source with the assistance of a source transformation; (c) calcu-
late vL(t). (d) Verify your solution with an appropriate PSpice simulation.
10.7 Superposition, Source Transformations, and Thévenin’s is1 is2 5 mH vL
Theorem 68. Determine the individual contribution of each source in Fig. 10.72 to the volt-
– age v1(t).
61. Determine the individual contribution each current source makes to the two
nodal voltages V1 and V2 as represented in Fig. 10.67. ■ FIGURE 10.71
i1 1
–j5 k
V1 V2 + v1 –

50 mF 2

3 –41 mA 3 k –j3 k j8 k j2 k 5 13 mA

3 k

50 mH 3 sin 20t A –
2.1 cos 20t V

■ FIGURE 10.67 I2

■ FIGURE 10.72
62. Determine V1 and V2 in Fig. 10.68 if I1 = 33/3◦ mA and I2 = 51/−91◦ mA.
63. The phasor domain circuit of Fig. 10.68 was drawn assuming an operating – j5  69. Determine the power dissipated by the 1  resistor in the circuit of Fig. 10.73.
frequency of 2.5 rad/s. Unfortunately, the manufacturing unit installed the V2 Verify your solution with an appropriate PSpice simulation.
wrong sources, each operating at a different frequency. If i1(t) = 4 cos 40t mA
and i2(t) = 4 sin 30t mA, calculate v1(t) and v2(t). I1 j3  2 1 5
64. Obtain the Thévenin equivalent seen by the (2  j)  impedance of Fig. 10.69,
and employ it to determine the current I1.
5 cos 20t A 15 mF 25 mF 110 cos 20t V
V1 V2 1F + VL – –
(2 – j)  ■ FIGURE 10.68 a
1.5 24 A j2  4 10  2 38 A + ■ FIGURE 10.73
1 0 V – 0.25VL
70. Use ω = 1 rad/s, and find the Norton equivalent of the network shown in
Fig. 10.74. Construct the Norton equivalent as a current source IN in parallel
■ FIGURE 10.69 ■ FIGURE 10.74 with a resistance RN and either an inductance LN or a capacitance CN.


10.8 Phasor Diagrams Chapter-Integrating Exercises

71. The source Is in the circuit of Fig. 10.75 is selected such that V = 5/120◦ V. 76. For the circuit shown in Fig. 10.79, (a) draw the phasor representation of the
(a) Construct a phasor diagram showing IR, IL, and IC. (b) Use the diagram to circuit; (b) determine the Thévenin equivalent seen by the capacitor, and use it
determine the angle by which Is leads IR, IC, and Is. to calculate vC(t). (c) Determine the current flowing out of the positive refer-
ence terminal of the voltage source. (d) Verify your solution with an appropri-
ate PSpice simulation.
1 + vC –
+ 15 mF
Is +
j10 S –j2 S 1S V 5 sin (20t + 12) V – 100 mH 2 150 mH 2 sin (20t + 45) A

■ FIGURE 10.79
■ FIGURE 10.75
77. The circuit of Fig. 10.79 is unfortunately operating differently than specified;
the frequency of the current source is only 19 rad/s. Calculate the actual capac-
72. Let V1 = 100/0◦ V, |V2 | = 140 V, and |V1 + V2 | = 120 V. Use graphical itor voltage, and compare it to the expected voltage had the circuit been operat-
methods to find two possible values for the angle of V2. ing correctly.
73. (a) Calculate values for IL, IR, IC, VL, VR, and VC for the circuit shown in 78. For the circuit shown in Fig. 10.80, (a) draw the corresponding phasor repre-
Fig. 10.76. (b) Using scales of 50 V to 1 in and 25 A to 1 in, show all seven 1 + sentation; (b) obtain an expression for Vo /Vs ; (c) Plot |Vo /Vs |, the magnitude
quantities on a phasor diagram, and indicate that IL = IR + IC and Vs = of the phasor voltage ratio, as a function of frequency ω over the range 0.01 ≤
+ vo(t)
VL + VR. vs(t) 1H
– ω ≤ 100 rad/s (use a logarithmic x axis). (d) Does the circuit transfer low fre-
– quencies or high frequencies more effectively to the output?
IL 79. (a) Replace the inductor in the circuit of Fig. 10.80 with a 1 F capacitor and
j2.5  ■ FIGURE 10.80 repeat Exercise. 10.78. (b) If we design the “corner frequency” of the circuit

as the frequency at which the output is reduced to 1/ 2 times its maximum
+ VL – IR IC value, redesign the circuit to achieve a corner frequency of 2 kHz.
+ + 80. Design a purely passive network (containing only resistors, capacitors, and

Vs = 100 0 V VR 2 VC – j1  inductors) which has an impedance of (22 − j7)/5/8◦  at a frequency of
– – f = 100 MHz.

■ FIGURE 10.76

74. In the circuit of Fig. 10.77, (a) find values for I1, I2, and I3. (b) Show Vs, I1, I2,
and I3 on a phasor diagram (scales of 50 V/in and 2 A/in work fine). (c) Find Is
graphically and give its amplitude and phase angle.

Is I3

I1 50  30 
Vs = 120 0 V – I2
40 30  – j30  j40 
+ V1 – IC

5 + – j4  +
■ FIGURE 10.77
Vs VR 3 j2  V2

75. The voltage source Vs in Fig. 10.78 is chosen such that IC = 1/0◦ A. (a) Draw –
a phasor diagram showing V1, V2, Vs, and VR. (b) Use the diagram to deter-
mine the ratio of V2 to V1. ■ FIGURE 10.78

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