Best RGDS, Tjandra S Right The First Time..Yes, We Can !

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"Lina Darmali" <[email protected]>

To: "Dwi L Perkasa" <[email protected]>, "dwi lestyawan"
<[email protected]>
Cc: "Widjaya Goenawan" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 10:42:26 AM
Subject: Re: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Dear Pak Dwi, mohon difollow up prosedur selanjutnya utk Maritsa Sebagai acting MM
per mei-July 

Kompensasi tunjangan jabatan sebesar RP. 1.800.000,- per bulan ditambahkan dari
package salary dia saat ini. Mohon dibuatkan perhitungan nya untuk approval BOD.

Terlampir KPI yang menjadi parameter performance dari Maritsa dalam masa acting.

Terima kasih

From: "Tjandra Suwarto" <[email protected]>

To: "lina darmali" <[email protected]>, "Widjaya IP"
<[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 6:20:51 PM
Subject: RE: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Malam Pak Wi and Lina,

Sesuai WA and email before ..approved. Hrs jelas ke Icha juga..agar ngak ada salah
paham kyk kasus Handi Export. Thanks.

Best Rgds,
Tjandra S

Right The First Time..Yes,We Can !

-------- Original message --------

From: Lina Darmali <[email protected]>
Date: 4/27/22 15:00 (GMT+07:00)
To: Tjandra Suwarto <[email protected]>, Widjaya IP
<[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Dear Pak Tjandra dan Pak Widjaya,

Sebagai KPI dari Icha yang akan acting sebagai Marketing Manager dengan masa
probation 3-6 bulan kedepan adalah sbb:
1. Sales Revenue/Achievement
As a marketing manager, you want to track how much impact your marketing efforts
have on the sales revenue. Don’t lose sight of what’s important.

2. Brand Awareness Campaign

       Customer Count
       Customer Lifetime Value
       Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
       Churn (Customer Attrition Rate)
How good are you at keeping your customers?
       Customer satisfaction
How satisfied and contented are your customers?
       Campaign Reach
3. Engagement Rate
When you initiate a conversation with potential customers, how many of them do
actually respond?
For most businesses today, marketing is about more than eyeballs. Blogs and social
media allow businesses to have conversations with their customers and understand
more about their needs. Again, the form that engagement KPIs take will be specific to
your business and the channel.
KPI In Action: Monitor engagement rate in real time, especially when you’re running a
campaign. Look at net sentiment, as well, when analyzing social engagement. A high
engagement rate with strongly negative sentiments is generally not good for the
Each social media platform has its own algorithm that impacts engagement rate. You
can set a target engagement rate or a benchmark based on industry standards or based
on your own goals.
 4. Conversion rates
How do you turn reach and engagement into customers?
Some businesses focus only on website traffic or the number of followers on social
media. But the point of those reach and engagement numbers is to generate leads that
your sales team can turn into customers.
Understanding the ratio of hits/clicks/opens to leads and customers helps you to weed
out the least useful tactics.

5. Marketing Return on Investment (MROI) dan Marketing Return on Advertisement

Marketing return on investment (MROI) is also called return on marketing investment
(ROMI). However you call it in your organization, both refer to the amount that a
company gets for spending their marketing dollars.
Mohon approvalnya untuk bisa diproceed akan berlaku per tanggal 1 May -July akhir
(utk dievaluasi)
Dengan tambahan Tunjangan sebesar Rp. 1.800.000,- perbulan 

Take home Pay Maritsa saat ini Rp. 11.200.000,-  + Tunjangan Acting Mkt Mgr Rp.
1.800.000,- = Rp. 13.000.000,-

Thanks in advance.

Lina D.

From: "Widjaya IP" <[email protected]>

To: "Tjandra Suwarto" <[email protected]>
Cc: "lina darmali" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 6:19:21 PM
Subject: Re: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Malam P Tjandra

Tks approval nya.

Usulan dibawah sudah di diskusikan dengan B Lina  (saya hanya pesan untuk
dibuatkan secara tertulis KPI nya dan di TTD ;
kuantitatif/kualitatif dan tenggat waktunya jadi jelas komitment/parameter nya).
Kita coba sebagai 'acting MM' terlebih dahulu.


From: "Tjandra Suwarto" <[email protected]>

To: "Lina Darmali" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Widjaya Goenawan" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 6:05:44 PM
Subject: RE: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Malam Lina,
Good Ideas....saran sy test sbg Acting Mrktg Mgr...dan tunjangan Rp 2 juta per
bulan...dan KPI jelas. Jd kalau dia lulus...kita officially announce. Recruit staff Mrktg
setuju. Thanks.

Malam Pak Wi 

Any input. Thanks

Best Rgds,
Tjandra S
Right The First Time..Yes,We Can !

-------- Original message --------

From: Lina Darmali <[email protected]>
Date: 4/20/22 16:41 (GMT+07:00)
To: Tjandra Suwarto <[email protected]>
Cc: Widjaya IP <[email protected]>
Subject: Plan Promotion untuk Maritsa sebagai Marketing Manager

Dear Pak Tjandra dan Pak Widjaya,

Bersama ini saya ingin menyampaikan bahwa Maritsa ini saya challenge / dipromote
sebagai Marketing Manager 

Maritsa dirasakan cukup baik mengenal dunia digital, KOL, Branding dan cara kerjanya
juga cepat dan responsif

Sebagai percobaan, saat event Launching Nefertiti kemaren, saya sengaja assigned
Icha sebagai PIMPRO (pimpinan project)
dan tek tok antara saya, Icha dan EO cukup baik dan planning nya rapih.

nanti dibawah Icha , saya perlu nyari 1 candidate social media expert (staff/executive)

mohon saran dan arahan nya atas sugestion ini.

TErima kasih.

Right the First Time...Yes,We Can !

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