The Application of Sweep Frequency Respo
The Application of Sweep Frequency Respo
The Application of Sweep Frequency Respo
Abstract— Frequency response analysis (FRA) is a technique Offline FRA, which has been widely used for commissioning
used to diagnose the mechanical integrity of a transformer and condition monitoring. However, the interpretation and
winding; such diagnostic tools can be of enormous value since assessment of the results remains of research interest due to the
power transformers are a critical asset within any electrical sensitivity of the test to many different parameters [1]-[4].
network. To minimize the probability of an unexpected outage,
or prevent a catastrophic failure, maintenance and monitoring of Online FRA has the potential to be an integral part of a
power transformers is essential for utilities. Over the past couple smart grid asset management strategy. Cost minimization
of decades, FRA has been utilized as an off-line diagnosis drivers in utility company’s make desirable the replacement of
method. However, with the recent development in smart grid time based routine maintenance with condition based
systems, there is now a growing interest in the development of monitoring using automated monitoring and interpretation.
on-line FRA techniques. This paper proposes a technique for in- Online FRA has been a research topic over the past decade. In
service monitoring of power transformer winding deformation, the early stages, development of online FRA focused on
which uses a broad frequency sine wave voltage excitation signal Impulse FRA (IFRA) with uncontrolled signals, which occur in
and high frequency Current Transformers (CT) in conjunction nature like lightning or produced by switching in the power
with the bushings test taps. Experiments using this system were system. Since the frequency content of these signals is not
conducted and then validated on a single-phase 22kV/110V controlled, it typically requires a significant time and effort to
voltage transformer.
capture enough useful data for analysis.
Index Terms—Frequency Response, Power Transformers, Some of the researchers [5]-[9] favor the IFRA method
Transformer Diagnosis, Online Monitoring, Bushing Tap using transients from the network or injected signals. To obtain
Injection the response curve from the signals the common signal-
processing tools of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Wavelet
I. INTRODUCTION Transform (WT) are typically used.
Frequent monitoring of power transformers in power A review of online FRA literature shows that in this
stations and substations is a preventive action to reduce the risk application there has been little interest in using Sweep
of in-service failures and outages. Conventional test methods Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) for in-service
are often unable to detect mechanical deformations of the monitoring [10]-[13]. SFRA has the benefit of facilitating a
windings, except in severe cases. Short circuit impedance better signal to noise ratio and can produce almost constant
testing gives information about the winding only at power accuracy across the wide frequency range and there is a
frequency. FRA is a powerful tool, which gives comprehensive reduced need for complex signal processing. Therefore,
information on the winding mechanical structure and also the development of SFRA for an online application could be of
core and clamping structure. This is important as even slight significant benefit to industry.
winding deformation in the winding can develop into a failure
of the transformer under fault conditions. Any changes in the One of the challenges of in-service FRA is the need to have
active part of the transformer structure will cause relative safe access to the measurement points and safe operation of
changes in the internal inductive and capacitive network of the equipment when the transformer is energized. In addition, the
winding, resulting in changes in the frequency response of the measurement scenario is one where the transformer is
transformer. A variety of methodologies have been developed connected to the rest of the power grid (source, load, switches,
to measure the frequency response of a transformer including etc.). Thus when determining the response, it is the response of
Fig. 9 shows the zoomed view of the responses in the
frequency band 100kHz to 2MHz. When comparing the setup
B response to the setup A response, the resonance points
102 103 104 105 106 stayed the same at frequencies above 100 kHz but the anti-
TR1: Mag(Gain) resonance points either moved or disappeared. There is also an
approximately 13 dB drop in the magnitude of the response
Figure 2. Response of the injection CT and this is due to the high impedance of the bushing tap, which
is more dominant at lower frequencies.
When comparing the setup C response (CT plus bushing
tap) to setup B response (bushing tap) on the frequency axis
and above 100 kHz, the resonance and anti-resonance points
stayed the same. There is also an approximately 33 dB (max)
-40 drop in the magnitude of the response and this is due to the
-60 extra impedance that the CTs and bushing taps introduced to
-80 the circuit.
102 103
104 105 106 However, for an online FRA measurement the baseline will
TR1: Mag(Gain) be the measurement taken from the CTs through the bushing
taps (Setup C). Any fault or change in the winding changes the
Figure 3. Response of the measurement CT
response and the comparison of this against the baseline will be
indicative of a fault.
Setup B
Setup C
The load related impact on FRA has been experimentally TABLE III. FACTORS AFFECTING THE REPEATABILITY IN SUB-BANDS [15]
investigated on the transformer used in this research and only
slight changes in the FRA were detected in the frequency band 3kHz – 200kHz 200kHz – 1MHz 1Mz – 2MHz
of 100kHz to 2MHz. Temperature
F. Sensitivity of the response to input signal Tap Changer
Using the proposed setup C circuit, the excitation signal Tertiary winding
was injected into the first CT’s secondary with the earthing
strap passing through the CT core between the DDF point and Bushings
earth. By increasing the number of turns of the lead through Measurement
the core of the CT it was observed that the magnitude of the leads
signal follows the number of turns. Fig. 11, shows the result of Oil level
changing the number of turns from 3 to 9, showing good
3kHz – 200kHz 200kHz – 1MHz 1Mz – 2MHz
(Buckling in inner
Hoop tension
failure (Buckling
in outer windings)
Tilt in conductors
Axial collapse
Break of clamping
Figure 11. Input signal effect on FRA plates
Loose clamping
G. Discussion
Spiral tightening
This research work focused on SFRA and its potential to
Shifted regulating
become the preferred online monitoring tool for winding winding
deformation and movement in power transformers.
Changes in the RLC network [15] of the transformer will Distorted leads
affect the response and will be a part of the indications. A good
[2] Z. Wang, J. Li and D. M. Sofian, "Interpretation of Transformer FRA
Responses-Part I: Influence of Winding Structure," IEEE Transactions
on power delivery, vol. 24, No. 2, Apr. 2009.
3kHz – 200kHz 200kHz – 1MHz 1Mz – 2MHz [3] S. D. Mitchell and J. S. Welsh, "Modeling Power Transformers to
Support the Interpretation of Frequency-Response Analysis," IEEE
Transactions on power delivery, vol. 26, No. 4, OCT. 2011.
[4] H. Firoozi, M. Kharezi, H. Rahimpour and M. Shams, "Transformer
Multiple core
Fault Diagnosis using Frequency Response Analysis - Practical
Studies," Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), pp. 1-
Open circuit 4, Mar. 2011.
The authors would like to thank Sam Murali and Geoff [13] T. De Rybel, A. Singh, A. J. Vandermaar, M. Wang, J. R. Marti, and K.
Bateman from Aurecon for their support and thank Aurecon D. Srivastava, "Apparatus for Online Power Transformer Winding
Monitoring Using Bushing Tap Injection," IEEE Trans. Power Del.,
for providing of test equipment. Vol. 24, pp. 996-1003, 2009.
[1] R. Wimmer, S. Tenbohlen, M. Heindl, A. Kraetge, M. Kruger, and J. [15] J. L. Velásquez Contreras, M. A. Sanz-Bobi, M. Gutiérrez and A.
Christian, "Development of an Algorithm to Assess the FRA," 15th Alexander, "Knowledge Bases for the Interpretation of the Frequency
International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Aug. 2007. Response Analysis of Power Transformers," Nov. 2009: p. 6.