Assessment OF Learning: Field Study (Summative Assessment)
Assessment OF Learning: Field Study (Summative Assessment)
Assessment OF Learning: Field Study (Summative Assessment)
Assessment OF Learning
FS 1 13
(Summative Assessment)
1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any. If there are, select one best
portfolio from what you examined.
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My Learning Artifacts.
3. Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/researched by you' accomplish
Observation Sheet #
4. Put a check in the right column. What a Portfolio Includes
1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for selection of pieces of evidence to show that
what the student was supposed to learn was learned?
I think it is the developmental because this portfolio is an ongoing observation of each child’s
development and comprises of photos, work samples, skills checklist and teacher comments that
will provide families with information on their child’s participation and progress.
Learning Episode 13: Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) FieldStudy 1 3
2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of portfolio
does this fall?
This elements falls under the developmental portfolio.
3. Where and when does the teacher make sure of each of the 3 types of portfolio?
Portfolios provide both formative and summative opportunities for monitoring progress toward
reaching identified outcomes. This allow students to document aspects of their learning that do
not show up well in traditional assessment. It is useful to showcase periodic or end of the year
accomplishment of students such as in poetry, reflections on growth, samples of best works, etc.
Teachers uses portfolio to keep on tract on students performances at school.
Have portfolio made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort exerted on
portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and development of learners’
metacognitive process that result from the use of portfolio?
Portfolios are customized log time period documentation of pupil mastery course material. An
essential element of portfolios is student reflections on their personal gaining knowledge of and
development in the direction of the mastery of the material documented in the portfolio. As such,
portfolios are windows on metacognition process of students. Portfolios are by their nature long
term records of student progress and achievement they can be used to assess programs, courses
or projects. Although the aspect of long term change in student content knowledge and
metacognition may not be marked when portfolios are used to assess courses, the process of
portfolio development tends to focus students on deciding what the essential elements of learning
are and what samples of their work best display these elements.
Learning Episode 13: Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) FieldStudy 1 4
Name: ________________________________
1. Observe a teacher in the classroom.
2. Note his/her questions both oral and written.
3. Score him/her according to the level of questions that he/she asks from remembering to
creating and metacognition and self-system thinking. You may also refer to written tests
for samples of questions in the various levels.
4. Make tally, then get the total. Use Table 1 and Table 2 separately.
Cognitive Tally of
Processes (Bloom Cognitive Processes Assessment
as revised by Rank (and Kendall and Rank Tasks / Total
Anderson and Marzano) Questions
Self-system Thinking 6 / 1
Metacognition 5 0
Creating 6-Highest / 1
Evaluating 5 /// 3
Understanding / 2 Comprehension 2 // 2
Metacognition 5 0
Rank Rank
1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of assessment questions? Lowest number?
The cognitive still that had the highest number of assessment questions is the remembering while
metacogniton is the lowest.
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about Resource
Teacher's level of questions?
It reveals that the teacher thinks that her students can handle higher-level thinking questions.
And I think challenging all students through higher-order questioning is one of the best ways to
Learning Episode stimulate learning
13: Assessment and
of Learning enhance
(Summative brain development—regardless of age.
Assessment) FieldStudy 1 10
3. Based on Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy, which are the highest cognitive skills? Give an
example of an assessment question for each of the two highest cognitive skills-
metacognitive skills and self-system thinking.
Based on Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy, creating and self-system thinking are the highest
cognitive skills. Example question for self-system thinking is “Why is the lesson important to
you?” while in metacognitive is “Did I understand the pattern of the lesson?”
If you were to rate yourself on HOTS - where will you be from a scale of I to 5 (5 as highest)
where will you be?
I will rate myself 4.
As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the development of learners' HOTS?
As a future teacher, I can contribute to the development of learner’s HOTS, by helping them to
determine and understand their own strengths and challenges. You can do this by showing them
how they can ask themselves good questions. That leads us to the next strategy. I will also lead
the students through the process of how to connect one concept to another. By doing this, I am
teaching them to connect what they already know with what they are learning. This level of
thinking will help students learn to make connections whenever it is possible, which will help
them gain even more understanding. I will teach students to make inferences by giving them
“real-world” examples. I will encourage students to ask questions, and if for some reason you
can’t get to their question during class time, show them how they can answer it themselves or
have them save the question until the following day.
1. What parts must a TOS contain to ensure test content validity?
Learning Episode 13: Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) FieldStudy 1 12
These parts of the Table of Specification ensures content validity of a test:
number of items
number of hours
There is a need for number of items per cognitive level because it tells how many items or
questions each topic should have base on the number of hours spent in discussing the
particular topic.
3. With OBE in mind, is it correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first column? Why or
why not?
I think yes because the learning outcome of the students is the top priority in every lesson
that a teacher discussed.
4. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?
Yes, because there are teacher who do not use TOSs but still they have evidence because
they have lesson plan and results of the assessment is recorded although it may not be
detailed. Aside from that, it is fine as long as the lessons objective is achieved at the end of
the lesson.
Read this conversation and reflect on teachers' assessment practices. Write your reflections here.
Did you have a similar experience? Reflect on it- Will the required use of Table of
Specifications as guide in test construction solve the problem of misaligned tests?
Yes, very lots similar, I even have had many skilled like that before.There are clearly
teachers who use to trick their students.They will talk a subject for the complete week and
unexpectedly withinside the assessments, you'll simply amazed that every one of the subject she
placed on the assessments are very some distance from what she discussed. Students gets
confuse. In effects they will fail withinside the topics in any other case were given one hundred
withinside the assessments due to the fact it's far very easy, like it's far taken from the
assessments of decrease grades school. Teachers should avoid doing that because it is not proper
anymore. Students will lost trust and might not respect that kind of teacher. They will also think ,
the teacher is lazy or he/she does not master the subject matter. He is not good in his chosen
field.Also it will be unfair on the part of students because there will be no learning happen.It is a
waste of time and energy. On my part, I will never do that to my students because I know how it
feels and Idon’t want mystudents to hate me because when teacher practice that kind of habits,
they also make biased grades to students . I want my students to remember me in unforgetable
good memories with them not in a way that they will remember me because of the badexperience
they have with me.
A. Sample Students’ Report Card
1. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What things are you
required to do with this new grading system which you were not asked before?
The same as before written and performance tasks are still administered to assess the
content and performance standards that describe what learners are expected to
demonstrate. The only new features that I observe in the latest grading system is
minimum of four written works and four performance tasks is expected from our pupils
within a quarter preferably integrating two or more competencies. Pupil’s portfolio is
2. Which do you prefer — the old or the new grading system? Why?
The new grading system is advantageous to teachers since it has minimal requirements
for grading pupils unlike the old grading system.
C. Interview of 5 Students
What the students like about the new grading period is that it focused more on their
performance towards the lessons.
2. Do you have problem with the new grading system. If there is, what?
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why or why
Yes it does. As a student I became more focused on learning and doing the performance
task well. I exert most of my efforts making sure that I did the performance task right.
4. Which do you prefer - the old or the new grading system? Why?
As a student I prefer the new grading system because it focuses more on activities and
performances rather than quizzes and test. And I think we students can learn more
through hands on activities.
These are found in the curriculum guides. All grades will be based on the weighted raw
score of the learners’ summative assessments. Grades will be based on standards-
competency grading system.
2. How do you compute grades per quarter for Grades I to 10 and Grades Il to 12. Give an
STEP 1: Grades from all student grades are added up. This results in the total score for
each component, namely Written Works, Performance Tasks and Quarterly Assessment.
Raw scores from each component have to be converted to a Percentage Score. This is to
ensure that values are parallel to each other.
STEP 2: The sum of each component is converted to percentage score. To compute the
percentage score (PS), divide the raw score by the highest possible score then multiply
the quotient by 100%.
STEP 3: Percentage score are then converted to Weighted Scores to show the importance
of each components in promoting learning in the different subjects.
5. What are the bases for learners' promotion and retention at the end of the school year?
Decisions of promoting or retaining a learner at the end of the school year must be applied
based on evidence and judiciously. Example is a final grade of 75 or higher in all learning
areas allows the student to be promoted to the next grade level.
Analyze data and information gathered from the interview and from your review of an unused
Student's Report Card and the DepEd grading system.
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?
Teachers and students have different peculiarities and preference. Hence, some of them
will agree with the grading system and some of them will not agree. Maybe, some
teachers and students are comfortable with the new system and it might be hassle for
others.What is the good points of the new grading system according to teachers?
According to students?
Based on the new curriculum and grading system, teachers are challenged to be the
facilitators of learning and they are tasked to assist the learners by giving them the right
knowledge about a certain topic, as well as making them understand of their common
objectives. Do you favor the distribution of percentages of written work, performance
tasks and quarterly assessment?
3. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?
Yes, I do like the experience the idea of computing grades because I became excited to
know the average grades of the students.
In an era where the emphasis is self-directed learning and demonstration of competencies -
knowledge, skills and values learned (outcomes-based education) - do grades really matter?
Grading generally hinders learning. It may motivate students to succeed at school by passing
tests and so on, but it's often harmful to true learning. (Succeeding at school is not necessarily the
same thing as learning the subjects taught at school.) But yes, grades are important at school as
they decide which university you will go when you grow up.
1. Observe how cards are distributed on Card Distribution Day. Describe how cards are
It is done at the end of every quarter where the learners’ performance was reported to parents
and then the teacher gives comments to the student’s performance at school.
2. Describe how the Resource Teachers communicated learners' assessment results and
grades to parents.
The resource teacher communicates through parent-teacher conference. This is the time
in where the teacher was able to report the performance of every student to their parents
at school. And the parents are free to ask questions to the teacher regarding with their
child’s school performances.
3. Did parents raise questions or concerns? If yes, what were their questions/concerns?
Some of the parents raise questions and concerns to the teacher like what
recommendation can the teacher give to the parents that will help their children improve
their school performances.
4. How did the Resource Teacher handle their questions and concerns? What answers did
Learning Episode 13: Assessment give?(Summative Assessment)
Learning FieldStudy 1 20
The teacher handles their questions and concerns by giving the parents tips and advices that
can help their children get better grades at school.
1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do you
give feedback?
I give feedbacks to my student when they are reciting even if their answer is correct or
incorrect to motivate them. I’m giving feedbacks by saying Very good, excellent and etc.
whenever they answer.
2. How do you report students' performance to parents? Does the school have a regular way
of reporting grades to parents?
I am reporting the grades of my students thru Parents and Teachers Conference Meeting
(PTC Meeting). It is held every end of the grading period.
3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you address
One of the problems that I encountered is when there is a parents that is questioning the low
grades of his son. I handled it calmly; I let them saw the exam grades, performance grades
etc. of his son, so they will know why his son got a low grade
1. Does your child's Report Card give you a clear picture of how your child is performing?
Yes it does. It allows me to see how much effort she puts on every activities they do.
2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why?
None. Because I think everything I need to know about my child’s performance at school are
already indicated on their school report card.
3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
Yes. Because I am able to talk to the teacher about my concern regarding with my child’s
performance at school.
There should be a giving of awards like ribbons and certificates to the students who did great
in class to inspire them more.
1. What were the most common issues raised on students' performance?
It is the student’s behavior in class. Parents are most interested in knowing how their children
behave in class.
Grading practices should be so clear that students should be able to tell teachers and/or parents
what grade they have received, even before the teacher calculates it. Supportive: Feedback to
students is timely so that students can improve their performance on tests, projects and
1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do reporting so that it will
result to effective learning?
For me, the best way to report the grades tothe parents is you must first introduce to
theparents the grading system. You should also presentto them how to compute it and so
they are nowaware of it. Then explain and present theperformance of the learner and how
they interact intheir daily lives in school. For me, you shouldhonestly report the real
performance of the student,not in a frank way, but in a way that the parents willknow the
performance of the student. In that way,parents will help the teacher to encourage
theirlearner to participate and encourage them to giveextra effort especially in the class.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Name of FS Student:_____________________________Date Submitted: _______________________
Learning Episode 13: Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) FieldStudy 1 21
Year & Set: IV-Set-A-MT (8:30AM-11:30AM)___________ Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education__
Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2 1
Observation Sheet
Learning Artifacts
(Based on
Overall Score Transmutation)
__________________________________________ _________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date