John Yesua S. Hermo From BSME 2-1: Easy Eda Mini Project
John Yesua S. Hermo From BSME 2-1: Easy Eda Mini Project
John Yesua S. Hermo From BSME 2-1: Easy Eda Mini Project
This type of circuit can be used in traffic lights or any application that is related to
LED Programming. For example, if you want to make a road traffic light when the LED
blinks indicating for a person to stop. If you will put the left traffic light (LED Light from
the circuit) in a North-to-South crossing street, and you will put the right traffic light (LED
Light from the circuit) in a West-to-South crossing street; once the left LED will blink,
simultaneously the right LED will be open. Meaning; in the North-to-South crossing
street, cars will stop and simultaneously in the West-to-South crossing street, cars could
drive since the ‘red light’ is not turned on.
Let it be known that one of the functions of a transistor can be used as a switch
and a short or an open equivalent circuit.
Initially, the voltage source will supply 5V to the rightmost resistor which is
100Ohms, making the transistor in the right shorted. Now since the transistor on the
right is shorted, no electric flow on the right LED makes the LED open (no light would
Simultaneously, the current that is passing through the rightmost 1,000 Ohms
resistor, the capacitor is now charging. Once the capacitor is fully charged, it will supply
the rightmost LED; making it work (light would appear). As the capacitor is supplying the
rightmost LED, it is also supplying the leftmost transistor making it shorted.
Once the leftmost transistor is shorted, the current will flow from the leftmost 100
Ohms and since it shorted, the leftmost LED will be open (no light would appear). As the
current flows to the leftmost transistor, there is also current flowing from the leftmost
1,000 Ohms making the leftmost capacitor to charge.
Finally, the leftmost capacitor will be fully charged, it will supply the leftmost LED
and make the LED light work (light would appear). Simultaneously, as it supplies the
leftmost LED, it is also making the rightmost transistor to be shorted thus making the
LED in the light to open (no light would appear). The cycle will repeat and continue to
alternate the flashing of LED.
If you want to delay the flashing of LED light, like the example above for traffic
light or road light which has 30-45 seconds interval, then you can increase the value of
the capacitance of the capacitor for it takes a longer time to charge or fill up.