Terms of Reference (Template) : Consultant Services For Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

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Terms of Reference (Template):

Consultant services for research, monitoring and

The following provides an overview of the minimum content required when developing a Terms of
Reference (TOR) for a study, evaluation, or other types of evidence generation for MSI country programmes.
Research managers are responsible for drafting Terms of Reference for research and consultants are
not normally involved in this process. Once a Terms of Reference is complete, the position is usually
advertised in local press or website which should include a short summary of the requested piece of

Insert Country Programme logo on 1st page and name in header on 2nd page

Insert Title:

1. Background
General narrative, to include as a minimum:
 Short description of MSI country programme and its work
 Origins and context of the study
 Detail on previous projects or research related to this study/analysis

2. Purpose and objectives

To include as a minimum:
 Purpose of the study/analysis, including rationale and how the evidence will be used
 Research questions to be answered by the study/ analysis
 Research location and population (or dataset)

3. Scope of work
Summary of the proposed consultant’s scope of work, i.e. a broad description of the study/analysis and
which exact pieces the consultant will be responsible for.

 Note that it’s possible to contract out a study completely (from protocol development, designing data
collection tools, obtaining ethical approvals, hiring and training data collectors, managing data
collection, data entry/cleaning/transcription/translation, data analysis/validation, report writing, and
evidence dissemination) or in pieces (e.g. managing the first stages in-house and only contracting a
consultant to conduct the data collection, data entry, analysis and report writing). Whatever elements
you include, it is important to check for the relevant skillsets when assessing bids, to ensure the
consultant can meet all deliverables.
Terms of Reference
MSI Reproductive Choices

4. [optional] Existing information sources

Detail any relevant sources and documentation for the study, including description on the quality and
reliability of any datasets / resources. If no existing information sources remove this section.

5. Methodology
To include as a minimum:
 Outline the key principles behind the study and the expected methodological approach, including
whether qualitative or quantitative or mixed methods are expected [Note: if you are including
research design in the scope of work, you may not need to elaborate on the methodology at this
stage, as the consultants will suggest one]
 Outline the desired analysis approach included preferred analysis software
 Provide a breakdown of the primary activities and milestones (including a detailed timetable) that will
be necessary for delivery of the study.
 Include detail on the stakeholders / study population to be consulted during the work.

6. Skills and qualifications

Provide detail on the essential and desirable competencies and experience that the consultant / agency will
need to deliver the work.

7. Logistics and procedures

Use this section to detail any resources that will be available to the consultant / agency such as country
transport, translation/transcription and logistical support, team support, office space etc. In addition, this
section should be used to detail, as a minimum, the procedures that MSI / country programme will apply
with regards to:
 Who will be responsible for compiling initial documentation and an indication of the time this will take
to collate internal documentation (in particular, for evaluations)
 Ethics review procedures, if required [Note for research involving MSI’s clients or provider, this will
likely need review from MSI’s independent ERC]
 Fieldwork planning (travel, length of data collection, etc.)
 Inception, work planning and review meetings
 Review/ commenting on study outputs (including timescales)
 Quality assurance of study outputs (including timescales)
 Dissemination requirements

8. Outputs/deliverables
The TOR should require the consultant / agency to produce, as a minimum, the following outputs:

 Protocol, work plan and / or study method outline (to be developed and delivered during inception
phase of study)

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Terms of Reference
MSI Reproductive Choices

 Evaluation Study / Research Report (to include a set of actionable recommendations). Include
desired format and length of these outputs (e.g report of no more than 25 pages, or PowerPoint
presentation of no more than 20 slides)
 Delivery timescales (submission dates, and duration of study) should be clearly stated for these and
any other outputs.

9. Reporting and contractual arrangements

Include the names, contact details and contractual responsibilities of the Research Manager, or other country
programme team member who will support the development and delivery of the study. This section should
also include detail on the roles and responsibilities of any other people who will oversee the study, e.g.
Regional Research Manager, collaborating agencies etc. Also state the rights and ownership of data and
work, and extent to which documentation will be distributed.

10. Remuneration
The consultant will submit their own budget, however you need to as a minimum indicate the payment
schedule (i.e. What proportion of the payment will be paid at different stages of the research/analysis) . In
addition, if there are strict limits or conditions to your budget, you may choose to include some guidance here
to help the consultant draw up a feasible budget. You could include a budget ceiling or range, as well as
information such as:
 Costs to be covered and not covered
 How invoicing and payment will work

11. Submission of proposals and selection process

Explain what is required for from interested individuals / agencies who wish to apply - note your procurement
team likely have specific requirements for what to include here. As a minimum, this should include:
 Curriculum vitae for all lead consultants, including references
 Short proposal addressing the above terms of reference, outlining sufficient detail about the
methodology to assess if it would allow them to answer the research questions
 Budget broken down by each activity, including expenses incurred.
 Deadline for submission of bids, where applications should be submitted and process for short listing
final consultants / agencies.
 Contact details for any questions

Attach any information that will closely inform the development of proposals in response to the TORs, such
 Project documentation for any relevant projects (important for an evaluation)
 Details of any monitoring or results frameworks that have direct relevance to the study
 Guidance Notes such as Ethics and/or report writing

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