Rad - SPR - Research Project Proposal Instructions
Rad - SPR - Research Project Proposal Instructions
Rad - SPR - Research Project Proposal Instructions
Research project proposals must contain, but not necessarily be limited to, the following essentials:
• Introduction / Problem Statement - A clear, concise statement of the problem to be solved by the
proposed research, usually in one to three sentences. Justifications and explanations belong in
the "background" section.
• Objectives - A concise statement identifying the purpose or products of the research. The
objective(s) should be phrased in positive terms (e.g., to develop, to determine, measure, rather
than broad generalities, such as, to investigate, to study).
• Background - A statement placing the research project in its proper context with ODOT’s or other
potential user operations.
o Include the findings of the literature search. These findings should demonstrate
either that there has been no other research on the problem with the same approach or
that the proposed research project will extend, modify or refine prior research. Relate the
proposed research to past research accomplishments either by the ODOT or others, and
as appropriate show how it builds upon rather than duplicates any previous research. A
complete literature search that includes TRIS is required for all project proposals.
o This section should be written so that a person with a technical background, not
necessarily in the subject being researched, can understand it. It should define key
terms, such as, processes, equipment so the reader quickly grasps the picture. Images
are often very helpful in this process. This section should explain the options for
approaching and solving the problem, then explain which approach will be taken in the
project and why. The scope of the research and the basic parameters being investigated
should also be included.
Work Plan
The plan or approach intended to be used should be fully described and specify in detail how the
research project will be structured and performed to meet each research objective. The work plan must
identify major operational phases and relate these phases to manpower requirements, time schedule and
cost estimates and provide the following information as applicable:
Tasks to be Performed
Describe the proposed tasks that will be followed to complete the project.
Anticipated Benefits
Enumerate the benefits anticipated from the research, such as, better service to the public, savings of
time or money, increased safety, improved aesthetic quality or preservation of the environment. Cost-
benefit ratios, net-present value and cost effectiveness measures should be considered. All assumptions,
data and calculations must be shown.
A statement identifying specific areas of potential application of the research findings such as: changes in
specifications, standards, policy, training, practice, procedure, software and instructions for computer
application, and how the findings will ultimately resolve/reduce the problems. If the research findings
cannot be applied immediately, this portion of the research proposal should identify the additional steps
necessary to complete for the application to begin (additional research, field testing).
Expected Deliverables
Describe the proposed deliverables, such as, software, databases, specification changes, etc. as a result
of the project, including the reports to be prepared such as monthly, annual and final reports. Research
project reports should document the research performed and indicate what project objectives have been
Time Schedule
Include a bar chart to illustrate the interrelationship and scheduling of the operational phases and tasks of
the research project. If properly prepared, this chart can also be used as a progress chart in semi-annual
reporting where required.
The research personnel who will be conducting the research shall have been deemed qualified by the PI
prior to the start of the research. Include a statement on the availability of skilled personnel for the
research project and availability time frame.
Describe the facilities to be used to conduct the research project. Periodic lab inspections by ODOT
representatives may be conducted during the performance of the contract. Any infractions noted at the
time of such inspections will be brought to the attention of the PI who is responsible for taking the
corrective actions.
Specialized nonexpendable equipment, or instruments to be constructed, purchased or rented,
including computer charges and software licenses are subject to DEPARTMENT review and
Provide a detailed list identifying each piece of equipment, and/or instrument, however, the
components of each piece need not be listed. As previously mentioned, subject to
DEPARTMENT review and approval.