Coordination Polymers: Stuart R. Batten
Coordination Polymers: Stuart R. Batten
Coordination Polymers: Stuart R. Batten
Coordination polymers
Stuart R. Batten*
Department of Chemistry, PO Box 23, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
The crystal engineering of coordination polymers has always held great potential for applications in many areas, such as molecular
magnetism, heterogeneous catalysis, molecular sieving and non-linear optics. In recent times that potential has been realised, with many
new materials with useful applications reported. In addition, many new interesting network topologies and unusual modes of
interpenetration have been discovered. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-0286 / 01 / $ – see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1359-0286( 00 )00031-0
108 S.R. Batten / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 5 (2001) 107 – 114
been reported [**6]. The cyanide moieties bridge between the coordination polymers of the dicyanamide (dca,
clusters and metal ions to give 2D and 3D networks. The N(CN) 2 2 ) ligand. The a-[M(dca) 2 ] compounds all have
colour of two of these compounds is reported to change rutile-like structures (Fig. 1) in which octahedral metal
with exposure to various chemical vapours. For example, centres are bridged by three-connecting dca ligands (which
the colour of one compound changes from orange to an coordinate through all three nitrogen atoms). Despite their
intense blue–violet on exposure to diethyl ether vapour. isomorphous structures, the magnetic properties vary wide-
The recent discovery [**7–9] of a new class of magneti- ly: Cr, Mn and Fe are spin-canted antiferromagnets (T N 5
cally ordering compounds has sparked a surge in interest in 47, 16, 19 K), Co and Ni are ferromagnets (T c 59, 20 K),
and Cu is a paramagnet. The b-[M(dca) 2 ] phase is formed potential for greater control over pore size and shape. Until
by tetrahedral metals [10], and is composed of (4,4) 2D recently, however, the usefulness of such materials was
sheets of metals bridged by m 2 ligands (the amide nitrogen limited by the loss of crystallinity of such materials after
does not coordinate). The effect of structure on magnetic removal of guest solvent molecules from the lattice, which
properties is illustrated by the fact that both phases can be was interpreted as a collapse of the porous framework.
isolated for M5Co, however while the a phase is a Recent work has reported a number of new coordination
ferromagnet, the b phase is a spin-canted antiferromagnet polymers that retain their porosity, and in some cases
(T N 59 K). The dimensionality of the dicyanamide coordi- remain single crystals, upon removal of solvent.
nation polymers can also be reduced by the introduction of One of the leading researchers in this area has been
terminal solvent ligands such as H 2 O, MeOH, EtOH, DMF Yaghi. He has synthesised a number of interesting such
and pyridine [11]. An unusual tube-like 1D polymer is materials using the polycarboxylate donor ligands bdc
formed when 2-aminopyridine is added to the reaction (1,4-benzenedicarboxylate) and btc (1,3,5-benzenetricar-
mixture [**12]; the topology of the tube is identical to the boxylate) [17–20]. The structure of Tb(bdc)NO 3 has a
square channels in the a-[M(dca) 2 ] rutile-like networks microporous (3,4)-connected net which is capable of
(Fig. 1). reversible molecular sorption and is stable in the absence
Polymorphism and pseudo-polymorphism is common in of guests [17]. The thermal removal of coordinated water
dca coordination polymers. In addition to the a and b molecules from the structure of Tb 2 (bdc) 3 (H 2 O) 4 results
forms of [M(dca) 2 ], a-[Cu(dca) 2 (pyz)] contains two inter- in a microporous structure which also has accessible metal
penetrating a-Po-like 3D networks, while the b form sites which may be used by re-absorbed water or ammonia
contains 2D (4,4) sheets [13]. Two compounds are isolated ligands [18]. Desolvation of Zn 2 (btc)NO 3 ?(EtOH) 5 H 2 O
from a reaction mixture containing Cu(I), dca and 4,49- results in a material in which reabsorption of ethanol
bipyridine whose formulae differ only by the number of vapour occurs in several stages that indicate the coordina-
solvent molecules in the structure; one contains 1D ladder- tively unsaturated zinc centres increase their coordination
like polymers while the other has a thick 2D layer structure number from 3 to 4, 4 to 5, and then 5 to 6 [19]. The most
[*14]. This latter compound displays 2D parallel inter- remarkable compound in this series to date is Zn 4 O(bdc) 3 ?
penetration, with each layer interlocked with four others. (DMF) 8 C 6 H 5 Cl, which is stable in air to 3008C and has a
The mean planes of the layers, however, are parallel but free pore volume of 55–60% [19,20]. The removal of the
not coincident, and thus the interlocking generates an solvent can be achieved without damage to the single
overall 3D structure rather than the usual formation of 2D crystals. The structure consists of an a-Po-like 3D network
layers. Cu(dca)(bpe), bpe51,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethene also in which Zn 4 O(RCO 2 ) 6 clusters, acting as the six-connect-
has an a phase (two-fold parallel interpenetration of (4,4) ing nodes, are connected by the bridging bdc ligands (Fig.
2D sheets) and a b phase (five interpenetrating diamond 2).
like nets in which the topology of interpenetration is
unprecedented) [*14].
A number of coordination polymers of the related
tricyanomethanide (tcm, C(CN) 2 3 ) ligand have also been
reported. Like their dca analogues, the M(tcm) 2 com-
pounds have rutile like networks, but the larger size of the
ligand results in two interpenetrating networks (Fig. 1)
[15]. An interesting series of compounds are formed by
Cu(I), tcm and either hexamethylenetetramine, 4,49-
bipyridine or 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethene [*16]. All three
compounds have topologically identical 2D (4,4) sheets
but display different methods of maximising packing
efficiency in the structure: interdigitation, interpenetration
and intercalation, respectively.
3. Microporous materials
6. Self-penetration
8. Conclusions
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DJ. Structural isomers of M(dca) 2 molecule-based magnets. Crystal like cavities with methane gas adsorption properties:
structure of tetrahedrally coordinated sheet-like b-Zn(dca) 2 and [hCu 2 (pzdc) 2 (L)j n ] (pzdc5pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylate; L5a pillar
b-Co / Zn(dca) 2 , and the octahedrally coordinated rutile-like a- ligand). Angew Chem Int Ed 1999;38:140–3.
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Mn(dca) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ?H 2 O, Mn(dca) 2 (C 2 H 5 OH) 2 ?(CH 3 ) 2 CO, best zeolite currently known.
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apym52-aminopyrimidine, dca5dicyanamide, N(CN) 2 . Chem the framework forming ligands without affecting the topology of the
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2. obtained from the author (SRB).
114 S.R. Batten / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 5 (2001) 107 – 114
[*39] Kepert CJ, Prior TJ, Rosseinsky MJ. A versatile family of inter- [*50] Kuhlman R, Schimek GL, Kolis JW. Inorganic–organic composites
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2000;122:5158–68. Describes formation of compounds containing 1999;18:1379–87. No comment is made of the fact that the structure
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