Design and Construction of The Circuits

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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)

ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

Design And Construction Of The Circuits For

An Iot-Based, Stand-Alone, Solar Powered
Street Light With Vandalisation Monitoring And
Tracking Mechanism
Archibong, Ekaette Ifiok1 Ozuomba, Simeon2
Department of Physics Department of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering , University of
University of Uyo Uyo
[email protected]
[email protected]

Maduka Nosike Chinwike3 Etinamabasiyaka Edet Ekott4

Department of Physics Department of Physics
University of Uyo University of Uyo

Abstract— In this paper, the design and Things (IoT), IR sensor module, Light Dependent
construction of the circuits for an IoT-based, stand- Resistor (LDR), LED array, Wi-Fi, lithium batteries,
alone, solar powered street light with vandalisation Depth of Discharge (DoD) User Interface (UI),
monitoring/tracking mechanism is presented. The entire Smart, ULN2003 Driver
system circuit consists of two major sub-circuits. One of
them is basically for vandalisation tracking employing
the Electron 3G IoT module and the tracking is I. INTRODUCTION
implemented using triangulation approach. The other Street light is a raised source of light on the edge of a path
circuitry generally is designed to achieve energy saving, or road. The main purpose of street lighting is to illuminate
as well as remote vandalisation monitoring. The circuits the environment during the night time. Nowadays, to avoid
have two major sections which are; the power section accidents and provide general safety along the roads, street
and the sensor/intelligent section. This system focuses on lighting is a major requirement [1]. Street lights play an
power conservation, energy efficiency, compact size, important role in reducing risks of night time accidents,
automation and intelligence, and ultimately, discouraging crime and enhancing the security of an
vandalisation monitoring. The system is designed in environment for habitation. The different types of street
such a way that it automatically switches the street light lights include: Metal halide street lights which are very
ON and OFF by the application of the light dependent brightly coloured street lights [2], High Pressure Sodium
resistor (LDR). In addition, it also saves power by (HPS) street lights which are high intensity discharge
utilizing infrared (IR) sensors together with the Arduino lamps. HPS is the most commonly used street lights in
Wi-Fi module to control the dimming and brightening many countries all over the world, Low Pressure Sodium
of the street light thereby increasing the overall life span (LPS) street lights, Light Emitting Diode (LED) street
of the LED array. Finally, the design includes creating a lights which are very efficient in energy savings and
user interface (UI) to aid remote vandalisation produce more light than incandescent bulbs [3] among
monitoring whereby the street lights can communicate others.
with control persons at the control station via Wi-Fi. Notably, the need for sustainable and cleaner energy
This is achieved with the ESP8266MOD Arduino Wi-Fi sources has necessitated the exploration of available
module which serves as the controller ( brain) of the renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is generated
system. The system uses a 20W, 18V solar panel and has from natural sources such as; wind, sun, rain, tides, and can
a battery bank of capacity 19.8Ah. The module used for be generated repeatedly because they are abundantly
lighting is a 32-bit LED array. Lithium-ion batteries available. They are, by far the cleanest sources of energy
were used in this work and they require a lot of that are naturally available on the planet [4]. The need to
carefulness since over-charging can result in fire provide sustainable power supply and curb vandalisation of
explosions. Therefore, the power section of the design street lights necessitated this study. The system is solar
includes LM 2596 and LM 317 regulators which serve powered, with a battery bank to store energy for later use.
as the solar charge controllers at constant voltage and The batteries used here are the cylindrical lithium batteries
constant current respectively, to check the charging and which have a good Depth of Discharge (DoD) and have
discharging function of the batteries. The circuits were higher energy densities. Their charging and discharging
designed employing the DipTrace software and the functionalities need to be critically considered since over-
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design. Implementation charging can result in fire explosions and over-discharging
was done by employing the process of etching. can reduce the overall performance of the batteries, hence
shorten its lifespan. It also takes advantage of the emerging
Keywords—Triangulation, Base station, GSM internet of things (IoT) technology to carry out remote
module, GPS, Arduino Wi-Fi module, Internet of vandalisation monitoring/tracking. The ESP8266MOD
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

module used in this design is based on the ATMega328P carried out based on the days of autonomy (3 days) after
with an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module integrated in it. It has which sizing the capacity of the solar charge controller was
integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that gives access to Wi-Fi done. Secondly, the circuits were developed using the
network. This module is needful in providing support for DipTrace software and printed on a PCB sheet then the
Over-The-Air (OTA) programming and transmission. The process of press-and-peel was carried out. Thirdly, the
system makes use of two IR sensor modules, one for process of etching was done and the board was drilled.
sensing vehicular movement (car-sense), and the other for Lastly, the different components were mounted on the
sensing the presence of human, a possible theft threat board and the whole system was assembleda.
(human-sense). Essentially, the human-sense IR, following A. Features of the Proposed System
a pre-set program, triggers an alarm when it senses human
presence. The purpose of the alarm is to alert the locals of The components used in this design are: Arduino Wi-Fi
the area of a possible theft and ward off the vandal. module (ESP2866MOD), IOT module (Particle Electron
II. METHODOLOGY 3G), Flying Fish infrared sensor (IR) module with
First, the requisite meteorological data for the case study adjustable distance, ULN2003 driver IC, LED array, LDR,
site was acquired after which the daily load demand for the SARODA SP09-05 model solar panel rated 18V,
stand alone street light system was determined [5, 6]. The 20W,18650 cylindrical lithium-ion batteries rated
meteorological data for the case study site and the daily 2200mAh, 3.7V a computer and a wireless router. The
load profile are the basis on which the sizing of the PV schematic representation of the entire system is presented in
array was done. Sizing of the battery (stoarge bank) was Figure 1.

Figure 1. Features of the proposed system

B. Working Principle of the Infrared (IR) Sensor Module and triggers the alarm while the system and OTA to the
control station in real time. A schematic showing the
The IR sensors in this work perform two separate functions. working principle of the IR sensor is presented in Figure 2
From 11pm, the car-sense IR senses vehicular movement to .The IR sensor module chosen for this design is the Flyng
brighten up the light and hold it for 2 minutes till the car Fish Module FC-51 model and has a detection distance of 2
passes, after which it switches back to the “DIM” state. The ~ 30cm and aworking voltage: 3 - 5VDC [7].
secon IR sensor (human sense), senses the presence of a
vandal few centimetres close to the top of the installation

Figure 2. A schematic of the working principle of the IR sensor

system to make certain decisions and perform certain
C. IoT Tracking Mechanism action. This decision allows the system to perform such
The IoT/tracking section of the design is dependent on actions as, sending an Over the Air (OTA) message to the
embedded systems that communicate with one another and control station and automatically adjusting the
the cloud. The transmitted data is processed by a set of devices/sensors without the need for human inputs. The
program installed on the IoT device which allows the
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

circuit design for the vandalisation tracking is as presented defined as a process by which a radio transmitter’s location
in Figure 3. is determined by either measuring the radial distance or the
In this circuit, there are two IR sensors. One is tagged direction of the received signal from two or three base
“human-sense” while the other is tagged “car-sense”. The stations [8]. This process is used to pinpoint the geographic
human-sense IR is controlled by a time-based (11pm) location of a cell phone. Triangulation is also based on
program to allow for remote over-the- air [OTA] trigonometric proposition. This is a process of determining
transmission to the IoT whenever there is a security threat coordinates of vertices of figures using one known side and
on the installation. Once IR (human-sense)senses a two known angles [9, 10]. The distance (d) of the object
possible vandalisation threat, it send an OTA message to from a point situated at the baseline (l) is determined thus
the control station for operatives to take action. In a [11]:
situation where the vandal is able to make away with any sin 𝛼 𝑥 sin 𝛽
part of the installation, the IoT will be used to track the sin(𝛼+ 𝛽)

vandal via a method called “triangulation”. Triangulation is (1)

Figure 3. Circuit diagram of the IoT tracking mechanism

The distance between two masts can be known because Through a special algorithm which includes Network
nowadays, all existing communication masts owned by Measurement Report (NMR) which contains all the cell
different network providers have their coordinates on the information, and signal strengths, the system calculates the
Google satellite. The distance between two known masts in distance of the IoT device from a point located at right
relation with the IoT module that is being tracked is known angles to the baseline. This measurement predictsa more
as the baseline denoted as l in(1). The IoT module is precise location of the IoT module which is housed in the
embedded with a GSM module, hence has GPS features. In installation part that is being tracked. All of these is
order to track the IoT module, the network masts detect the achieved by a set of pre-programmed instructions installed
Region of Interest (RoI) using the GPS transmission of the in the IoT device.
IoT in a triangular manner as presented in Figure 4.
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

Figure 4. Triangulation process of a mobile device

advent of fully programmable IC chips and this has
The circuit diagram of the smart and compact stand-alone lessened, or almost eliminated the need for calculations in
street light is comprised of different modular circuits circuits. Nowadays, the calculations are converted into
encapsulated into one. The circuits has two major sections source codes and uploaded into the programmable chips.
which are; the power section and the sensor/intelligent The different segments of the circuit are discussed in the
section. The rest of the components are the buzzer and the following sections. The circuit diagram of the entire stand-
ULN2003 chip which basically employs the transistor- alone street light is as presented in Figure 5.
transistor-logic (TTL). Innovation has brought about the

Figure 5. Circuit diagram of the stand-alone street light.

Firstly, unregulated signal of 18V comes in from the solar
D. Power Section panel. This signal is full of noise in form of ripples due to
The power section comprises of the solar PV module rated the unstable weather conditions therefore a capacitor with
at 20 W, 18 V, two LM2596 variable switching regulators an ambient value of 1000µF is used to filter this signal of
denoted as B1 and B2, LM 317 which is a constant current noise. In this work, three batteries of cell rating 2.2Ah,
regulator, a power bank of Lithium-ion batteries rated 3.7V are being combined in series to give the required
19.8Ah, 11.1 V, a diode and a resistor. The power section power. Most consumer oriented lithium ion batteries charge
of the design is presented in Figure 6. The regulators (LM up to a maximum voltage of 4.2V per cell with a tolerance
2596, LM 317) serve as the solar charge controllers at of 50mV (plus or minus) [12, 13, 14]. Therefore, the
constant voltage and constant current respectively, to check required system voltage is given as:
the charging and discharging function of the batteries.
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ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020
𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 4.2 x 3 = 12.6 V
𝑚𝑎𝑥. 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑥 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 (2)

Figure 6. Power supply section of the circuit design

level for these lithium-ion batteries is 2.8V to 3.0V [12].
It is therefore safe to choose 12 V as the required regulated Recalling that in this work there are three batteries in series,
voltage coming into the circuit. With this, the LM 2596 the minimum discharge voltage would be 8.4V. The
(BI) in Figure 3 (the power supply section of circuit) is potential difference across the cells would be:
tuned to regulate the input voltage to a constant voltage of 12 – 8.4 = 3.6V
12 V. In other words, the regulator sets the voltage limit at From the datasheet, the cell resistance of the battery is
12V, so at any point, the batteries will not experience any about 23mΩ. Assuming there is no current limiting device,
voltage more than 12V. The regulated 12V goes out via pin the theoretical current is given by applying (3) as:
3 of the regulator to Vin (pin 3) of the constant current 𝐼= (5)
regulator (LM 317). Since the battery is rated at 2.2A per 3.6
cell, it is required that a constant charge of 2A be used to 𝐼= = 156.5A.
charge the batteries. The internal reference voltage of the Obviously, 156.5A is too high to pass through the
LM 317 is 1.25V. Since a constant charging current of 2A electronic circuit. It would burn the system. This proves
is required, to determine the amount of resistance needed to why the current limiting regulator is needful. However,
produce only 2A for charging, Ohms law is therefore once the battery charges up to 12V, the potential difference
applied as follows [15]: are zero so ideally, no current should flow. Nevertheless,
V = IR this is not so. There will still be trickles of current, about
(3) 1mA, flowing to the batteries.
Where V = 1.25 V, I = 2 A The current flows through output Vout (pin 2 of the LM 317)
𝑉 to charge the batteries. At this point, a diode is connected in
𝑅= (4)
𝐼 series with the batteries to avoid reverse voltage. The 11.1V
R= = 0.63Ω goes into the power pin (pin 1) of the second variable
There is hardly a 0.63Ω resistor, hence the next higher or switching regulator B2. The regulator, unlike the first one,
lower value is chosen, 0.43Ω. This 0.43Ω resistor creates a is tuned to regulate the voltage to 5V which is required to
resistance such that the total current going in to charge the power the electronic boards. Lastly, an appropriate heat
batteries does not exceed 2A. Once the battery is fully sink is installed in the circuit board to expel the heat
charged, the charge begins to trickle (trickle charging). generated in the system in order to prevent premature
However, the trickle current is not harmful to the batteries. failure of the LED lamp.
The 2A output current is fed back to the adjust pin (ADJ) of C. The Sensor/Intelligence Section
the LM317. The feedback process ensures that the current
is maintained at 2A. However, there is still the presence of The sensor/intelligence section comprises of the Arduino
noise/ripples in this current, so it is filtered by a 1000µF Wi-Fi module, the IR sensors, the buzzer, LED array rated
capacitor to get rid of the noise. A diode is connected in at 6V, 3.2W, the LDR and the ULN2003 driver as shown in
series with the batteries to prevent reverse voltage. The Figure 7. The regulated 5V output from pin 3 of the
constant current regulator is very important in this circuit to LM2596 feeds into the main positive supply (Vin) of the
limit the current charging the batteries to avoid over- Arduino Wi-Fi module and this is what powers the board.
charging and possible explosion. The minimum discharge The Wi-Fi module further regulates the received 5V to
3.3V which is a safe voltage to power the LDR and the
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ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

required voltage rating for the IR sensors. It is important to voltage. Outputs D0 to D4 on the Wi-Fi module are bi-
power the LDR with 3.3V so that in case a higher voltage is directional control pins, but are set to be uni-directional
mistakenly fed in through the analog pin (A0), the Wi-Fi output pins in this work. ULN2003 is basically an IC chip
board would not be damaged. When the weather is very of transistors which is powered by its common (COM) and
bright, the resistance of the LDR turns low, therefore the ground (GND) pins by 5V directly from the 5 V regulating
voltage is high and vice versa. This voltage is fed into the LM2596. D1 is an LED that blinks to show that charging is
analog pin (A0) of the Wi-Fi module which is programmed ongoing.
to turn on the street light on receiving a certain pre-set

Figure 7. The sensor/intelligence section

The datasheet of the ULN2003 driver records that its 𝑅= = 275Ω
maximum output clamp current is 0.5A. The input voltage
Therefore, the ideal value of the current limiting resistor to
of the LED lamp is 6V. Its power output is 3.2W. In order
be connected in series with the LED array is 275Ω or the
to determine how many pins of the driver can be used to
next higher value of standard resistors. When the LDR
power the lamp, (4) is applied thus:
𝑃 senses darkness, its resistance increases and it feeds a low
𝐼= (6) voltage to the analog pin of the Arduino Wi-Fi module
Where V = 6V, and P = 3.2W, then , 𝐼 = = 0.53A. (A0). When the Wi-Fi module receives this input, it
instructs pin 15 (D0) to switch to a high state. This high
This means that the current that will be flowing through one
signal is then fed into the driver at pin 16 (IN1) which in
pin is 0.53A. This is obviously a bit higher than the rated
turn sends a low signal through pin 16 (OUT 1) to turn on
maximum current of the driver. To allow for a safe flow of
the LED lamp. Subsequently, when the LDR senses enough
current, three pins are connected together as seen in the
daylight, (say from 6 am), its resistance becomes low, and it
circuit diagram in Figure 4, totaling (0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 =
sends a high voltage to the analog pin of the Wi-Fi module.
1.5A). With this connection, the LED lamp can be safely
As the module receives this high voltage, it instructs pin 15
powered by the driver without burning out any pin. Again,
(D0) to switch to a low state. This low signal is then fed
a resistor is connected in series with the LED lamp to limit
into the driver at pin 16 (IN1) which in turn sends a high
the power flowing across the lamp. The value of resistor to
signal at OUT 1 to turn off the light. In order to achieve
be used is determined as follows:
𝑉 energy saving, a program is uploaded to the Arduino Wi-Fi
𝑅 = 𝑟𝑒𝑠 (7) board such that from 11pm, when there is less traffic and
Where Ires is the current across resistor and is determined by minimal road usage by pedestrians, the street lights
calculating 60% of If [16]. If is the maximum forward switches to a dim state but switches back to its full bright
current of the resistor and is usually 20mA. Therefore, Ires state on sensing vehicular movement. The sensor that does
gives 12 mA. The voltage drop (Vres) across the resistor is the vehicle sensing is the “car-sense” IR module. When this
given as: sensor picks up IR reflections from a moving vehicle, it
𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 𝑉𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡 − 𝑉𝑓 (8) triggers pin D6 of the Wi-Fi board and the board sends a
Where Vbatt is the battery voltage (11.1V), and Vf is the command to turn the light from dim state to full bright
forward voltage drop across the LED usually between 1.8V state. These dimming and brightening functions are
to 2.2V. The LED lamp chosen for this work is arranged in achieved through pulse width modulation.
a 4S8P combination. Hence there are four resistors The other IR sensor is tagged “human-sense”. The purpose
connected in series with a forward voltage drop of 1.8 x 4 = of this IR sensor module is to detect possible theft threat by
7.2V (considering minimum Vf). sensing human presence 15cm close to the top of the street
𝑉𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 11.1 − 7.8 = 3.3V light installation. When human presence is sensed, it sends
Since all variables are known, therefore applying (5) gives: a signal through D5 to the Wi-Fi module which by a pre-set
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

program, triggers the buzzer which would alert the locals of the PCB design, preparation of the Copper Cloud Board,
that location. At the same time, an over the air (OTA) imprinting on the copper cloud board, etching process,
message is sent to the control station, alerting the operator drilling, mounting and assembly.
of a possible theft. Both IR sensor modules are powered by PCB Design of the Circuit
3.3V VCC via the pins denoted as IR-N as shown in Figure The PCB design as printed out is presented in Figure 8. The
5. The system is also able to detect a faulty street light and copper cloud board was cut according to the size of the
send notifications to the control station. PCB print-out. After cutting, the surface was scrubbed with
D. Construction of the Circuit an abrasive paper and washed. This process ensures that the
board has a clean surface which is necessary to achieve a
The following materials were used for the construction of good print on the board. The cut and cleaned board is as
this work: press and peel paper, copper cloud board, seen in Figure 9.
pressing iron, ferric chloride anhydrous and hot water. The
different steps taken during the construction are; printing of

Figure 8. Printout of PCB design

Figure 9 Preparation of the copper cloud board

Imprinting on the Copper Cloud Board iron to hard press the printout on the board as shown in
The next step involves imprinting the PCB design on the Figure 10. After pressing, the PCB sheet is peeled off
copper cloud board. This was achieved by using a pressing leaving only the connection lines on the board.

Figure 10. Imprinting on the PCB board

Etching Process
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

Etching is the process of using strong acid to cut into Figure 11. After five minutes, the board is removed and
unmarked or unprotected prats of a metal in order to create washed with soap and water to get rid of all the residual
a design. In this work, the acid used was ferric chloride acid. This process removes all the copper on the board
anhydrous mixed with hot water. The printed board was except the parts preserved by the design.
dipped into the mixture for about five minutes as shown in

Figure 11. Etching process

Drilling, Mounting and Assembly Process the holes. The assembled board is as shown in Figure 12.
This process involves using a drilling machine to bore holes Finally, the whole system is assembled in its casing.
in the board. The components are soldered or mounted on

Figure 12. The assembled board

Battery Equalisation and Combination preserve the battery life. After equalisation, the batteries
The lithium batteries were first of all, connected in parallel were arranged in parallel and glued together using a glue
and charged using a DC power supply at 3.8 V. It is gun as shown in Figure 13. Thereafter, the batteries were
important to match the capacity of the batteries before soldered together using a conducting metal.
combining in order to ensure optimum performance and

Figure 13. Battery equalisation and arrangement

the system, were taken into consideration in sizing the solar
III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS PV module. The required capacity for the solar PV module
The requisite meteorological data for Uyo metropolis which is 15.02W. However, a 20W, 18V solar PV module was
showed clearly, the months of lowest solar irradiation in chosen for this work. The internal layout of the system’s
Akwa Ibom State as July and August, was retrieved from circuitry is shown in Figure 14.
the NASA website. The daily load profile of the system was The IoT –based, stand-alone, solar powered street light with
determined to be 44.5Wh/day, while the required minimum vandalisation monitoring was designed and constructed.
battery capacity was calculated to be 16.4Ah. However, in Once the system is switched on, it takes about two (2)
this work 19.8Ah was chosen for ease of battery minutes to boot. The Wi-Fi module is recognised by the
equalisation and balancing. The month with the lowest solar router as a mini server and a UI page pops up on the
irradiation, which according to the meteorological data is computer or mobile phone at the control station can be
August, together with the calculated daily load profile of accessed Wi-Fi.
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Science and Technology Publishing (SCI & TECH)
ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

The UI page as shown in Figure 15 shows the state of the darkness to send a low input voltage signal to the analog
street light, indicating whether it is “ON” or “OFF”, the pin of the Wi-Fi module. The LED array will come “ON”
state of the buzzer, whether it is “ON/OFF”, the traffic with full brightness till 11pm. Again, it is assumed that the
density, if it is “IDLE” or “BUSY” and the clock. The last traffic density is reduced from 11pm, therefore the LED
parameter on the first page is “configuration” which pops array switches to the “DIM” state. At this moment, only
another page when activated. It is a dynamic system in that one of the indicators on the IR sensor (car-sense) blinks,
it updates the different parameters on the UI as they occur indicating that the IR sensor module is powered.
in real time. Each street light is assigned a certain IP However, when the IR (car-sense) senses movement of a
address by the wireless router, and this distinguishes the vehicle, it sends a signal to the Wi-Fi module to switch the
lights from each other. This is necessary in order to be able light to its full bright state and maintain the “BRIGHT”
to identify the particular street light where there is activity, state for two (2) minutes before switching back to the
or that is faulty and needs attention. “DIM” state. Overall, the design and construction of this
The Arduino Wi-Fi module, being the brain of the system, study was successful and the system functioned as
is programmed to turn on the street light by 6pm. It is designed. The implemented system with its features is as
assumed that by 6pm, the LDR would have sensed enough shown in Figure 16.

Figure 14. The internal layout of the system

Figure 15. The first UI page at the control station

Figure 16. The implemented stand-alone street light
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ISSN: 2632-1017
Vol. 4 Issue 7, July - 2020

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