A Smart Solar Photovoltaic Remote Monitoring and Controlling
A Smart Solar Photovoltaic Remote Monitoring and Controlling
A Smart Solar Photovoltaic Remote Monitoring and Controlling
Abstract— Nowadays peoples facing the problem of limitation without human interference. The machine itself communicates
of non-renewable energy sources, so to solve this problem the with the web and from web real-time controlling as well as
best solution is to use renewable energy sources like solar energy. monitoring will be done.
Automation of the solar photovoltaic power generation is the aim The IoT technology is a system of computing devices and
of this research work. The Internet of Things platform is used to
monitor and control the generation of the solar power.
objects; those are provided with unique identity (ID) and have
Maintenance like photovoltaic array cleaning is also controlled the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring
by using IoT. Raspberry Pi module is used as processor and human-to-human interface. A thing in the Internet of Things
inbuilt WiFi module is used to communicate data with the cloud. can be a person, object etc that has built-in sensors to alert the
In this proposed system for improving the efficiency, one any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an
Arduino Uno microcontroller based assembly is added which is IP address and provided with the ability to transfer data over a
used to follow the sun’s position throughout the day for collecting network. A complete IoT system integrates four different
maximum possible solar energy. Collectively this proposed components devices/sensors, connectivity, data processing and
system improves efficiency, performance, maintenance, fault user interface platform. First sensors or devices collect data
detection and real time monitoring as well as controlling of solar
from their environment. Next, that data is sent to cloud. But it
photovoltaic power generation.
needs a way to get data. The sensors or devices can be
Keywords— Photovoltaic, Raspberry Pi 3, Internet of Things connected to the cloud through a variety of methods like WiFi,
(IoT), Arduino Uno, WiFi module; Bluetooth, and Zigbee. All these methods do the same task
getting data to the cloud. In this proposed system WiFi
I. INTRODUCTION 802.11n communication protocol is used to communicate with
the cloud. Once the data gets to the cloud then the software
Day by day the cost of non-renewable energy sources will perform processing on it. Next, the information is made
increasing rapidly and these types of sources are limited also, useful to the end user using IoT platform. The IoT system
so we need to solve this energy-related problem permanently integrates in four distinct parts first is sensors/devices in
using renewable energy sources [7][14]. A solar energy source sensing layer, connectivity in network layer, data processing
is the best source because solar energy is available at free of on cloud, and a user interface which is an application layer
cost, it is a pollution-free energy source, clean and it’s [11].
limitless. Nowadays Solar energy generation equipment cost is
also comparatively reduced [3]. Power generation from the The Raspberry Pi 3 b module is used as main processor in
solar power plant is not constant hence to know the current this proposed system for IoT application purpose. It is a
status of plant monitoring of solar power plant is essential. As capable little device that enables computing and doing
we know local monitoring is very difficult and requires more everything as a desktop computer able to do, from browsing
human efforts hence monitoring from the web from any area the internet, to making spreadsheets, word-processing etc [2].
throughout the world is essential [12]. Many companies are in The Solar Tracker generates more energy than fixed mounting
search of wire-free monitoring for increasing number of solar systems. Arduino Uno microcontroller is used for sun tracking
plants throughout the world. Unfortunately, the wireless concept, the Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on
technology for monitoring and controlling of the solar the ATmega328 [6]. The set up of proposed system includes
photovoltaic plant does not come with a basic package of solar the solar panel, Raspberry Pi 3 module, temperature sensor,
panel, but it as an option. The affordability and effectiveness current sensor, light dependent resistor (LDR), Arduino Uno,
of such technologies become much more attractive [4][8]. relay, servo motor, DC water pump and wiper. Software
Automation of each solar photovoltaic power generation is programming developed for this proposed system using
done then it is very easy to produce electricity from solar Python language and IoT platform used to user interface.
energy. Due to automation of solar power generation The organization of this paper is as follows chapter II
monitoring, controlling and maintenance of plant has done present's overview of proposed system, chapter III presents
how Raspberry Pi processor used for IoT application, chapter B. IoT Application for Solar PV Plant Controlling
IV present's working of the system, chapter V present's results
and analysis, in the chapter VI paper is concluded.
Fig. 1. Proposed IoT Application for Solar power plant A. Hardware Description
Monitoring Hardware is a physical device that can be touched or held,
like a hard drive or a mobile phone. Below figure 3 is an
image of the Raspberry Pi components that make up the
hardware. Raspberry Pi 3 B module is used as the main
processor in this proposed system. There are two models of IV. WORKING OF THE SYSTEM
Raspberry Pi model A and model B. The two are very similar;
with model B having a few more features than model A. A. How can hardware communicate with the IoT platform?
Model A has 256 MB of RAM whereas model B has 512 MB. In this proposed system, Raspberry pi internally have the
Model A secures one USB port, while model B considers two. WI-FI module. By using IoT technology, relay and motors can
Finally, model A has no Ethernet port, while the B occupies operate through Ubidots website by the user. No other person
one [1].
can access the devices without any permission of the owner.
The update will be uploaded in Ubidots with the date and time
as per the solar PV plant data. So user can easily find out the
B. Software Description
The operating system is the software that makes Raspberry errors and also email alert will send to the user.
pi work, like Windows on a PC; The Raspberry Pi contains it For sending data on the Ubidots IoT platform it is
in SD card. The software can be thought of as a program or a necessary to give unique token number and variable ID to all
collection of programs that instruct a computer on what to do devices which user want to monitor and control. Token
and how to do it, the recommended operating system is number and variable ID generate on the Ubidots IoT platform
Raspbian. Python is an interpreted language, which means that as per the devices used in system. That token number and
user can write a program or script and execute it directly rather variable ID must be assigned to correct device in Raspberry Pi
than compiling it into machine code. The development processor programming for getting correct data on IoT
environment of programming is with Python and the platform. In this way correct hardware will communicate with
Raspberry Pi is called IDLE, this differs from languages like C the IoT platform [1].The template is designed so that author
[1]. affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of
the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct
C. Wi-Fi 802.11n Module as possible (for example, do not differentiate among
In this proposed system for getting data on the IoT departments of the same organization). This template was
platform, data needs to transfer over a network and designed for two affiliations.
communicate with the cloud. For this reason, anyone
communication protocol must be used, Raspberry Pi 3b
module has an inbuilt Wi-Fi 802.11n; accordingly, it is used as
a communication protocol for this proposed system. Wi-Fi
802.11n is faster in data speed, less prone to interference, uses
the newest security; it is ready for next-gen multimedia. It has
the ability to convey and receive more than one data stream at
the same time. This is called multiple input multiple outputs
(MIMO). Use two data channels simultaneously to double the
data rate [8].
Fig. 3. Raspberry Pi 3 B Hardware Fig. 4. Implemented IoT based Smart Solar PV System
B. Working of the Proposed System Command from web interface goes to the web server and then
Figure 4 shows the photograph of the implemented smart goes to the internet.
solar photovoltaic system, to which user can monitor and
control remotely.
Fig. 5. Dashboard of IoT Platform Wi-Fi 802.11n receives command from the internet.
Raspberry Pi performs logic operation over the command
In this section discussion is on working of the proposed received and then as per command it controls output
system. First of all users connects Raspberry Pi with the peripherals. In this way proposed system perform a remote
computer for getting screen of Raspberry Pi IDLE Python then relay switching to control generation and switching of motor
turn on power supply of the system then turn on the hotspot driver IC to control motor. The solar tracker has played an
from any other device to give internet connection to the Wi-Fi. important role in increasing the efficiency of solar panels [5].
Then run Python IDLE program from Raspberry Pi computer The tracking system is designed such that it can trap the solar
screen, execution of the program starts in Raspberry Pi energy in three possible directions. At the same time solar
processor. tracking system will start. Solar tracking system can work only
The output of the temperature sensor, current sensor and when output from the two LDR’s are connected with Arduino
battery voltage, solar voltage is connected to the MCP3008 Uno microcontroller [6][7].
analog to the digital converter [13]. The converted output from
analog to the digital converter connected to general purpose TABLE I. DIFFERENT OUTPUTS OF LDR’S
input output pins (GPIO pins) of the Raspberry Pi. Raspberry LIGHT LDR
Pi processor performs processing on data received. Wi-Fi INTENSITY OUTPUT(V)
802.11n connects data with cloud thereafter anytime anywhere
user can monitor real time and historical data related solar PV Dark 0.50
plant. At the same time the user can see data on LCD mounted Average 3.25
on solar PV array field.
Next, step is connecting the mobile, laptop or PC with the Bright 4.12
internet, browse the Ubidots website and sign to IoT platform
of proposed system using unique user ID and password. Then
graphical User interface dashboard is available on screen of The principle of working the solar tracking system is done
device for monitoring as well as controlling switches are also by LDR. Two LDR are connected to Arduino Uno
available on same screen. Now, controlling of generation and microcontroller analog pin AO to A1 that acts as the input to
maintenance initiate from the Ubidots IoT website, there are the system. The built-in Analog-to-Digital Converter will
two online switches are available on website one is for convert the analog value of LDR and convert it into digital.
The inputs are from analog value of output voltages of LDR’s,
controlling relay hardware to ON/OFF the generation from
Arduino as the controller and the DC motor will be the output.
solar PV plant. Another switch is for to turn ON/OFF the DC If output voltage of one LDR is than the output voltage of
motor spray pump as well as motor used for the wiper. Correct other LDR, a difference will occur on node voltages sent to
command for the correct devices is possible only because of the respective Arduino channel to take necessary action. The
unique token number and variable ID given to devices. motor will move the solar panel to the position of the high
intensity LDR.