Reading Material - Non Readers

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The document shows examples of words containing different letter combinations and sounds to demonstrate phonics.

Common letter combinations include 'ai' in words like 'fair' and 'train', 'ar' in words like 'farm' and 'card', and 'ee' in words like 'seed' and 'green'.

Sounds demonstrated include long 'a' on page 15, 'h' on page 16, and 'sh' on page 21.


a m

ma am
sa as
sam mass
e (long e)
me see
ra ram ear
re ream
da dam dad
de deer deed
add mad sad
ed read seed
fee feed fear

reef free
is sis id if
mid did
dim miss
/ th /
the this
This is me.
This is Sam.
This is dad.
This is a mad deer.
The ram is sad.
The seed.
The ram is mad.
/ t/

at mat sat
rat fat that
it mitt sit
fit feet meet
eat meat seat
team tear tat
an man sand
tan fan than
dan and in
sin fin tin
nit seen mean
neat dean need
can cam cat cats
sack rack sick stick
tick strick act cast

This is a cat.
This cat is fat.
This is a sack.
This is a fat cat.
This is a fat rat.
The rat and a sack.
That is a mad man.
That is a ram.
That is a rack.
A man and a fan.
A man eats a fat seed.
It is a fat sack.
on of cot sock
rock not dot ton
font rod sot son
front stock cod dock

That is not a rock.
That is not a sock.
That is not a rod.
That is not a dot.
That is not me.
That is a man.
That is a fan.
a (long a)
aim aid air maid
main rain mail fair train
raise made same safe
fare dame fame frame
mane tame name rate
came care mate date
fate case
ham had hat has
hand hon he him
his hit hid hint
hair hate haste
us hut nut mud
run must fun cut
sun dust fund truck
rust rum drumcrust
sum suds nut mud
gas game gate grade
tag rag mug rug
hug tug frog dig
dog got gum gun
log lot lock lost
lad last land luck
lead leaf least lean
feel heel gill meal
mill hill fill lit
flee flag flat flame
/w /
we weed will wind
win wig with
was wag wand owl
sow down fowl
now cow how
/ sh /
she shot shock shut
ash mash sash rash
dash trash cash lash
wash fish dish wish
shame shade share
I am not a cat.
I am not sad.
I can eat a ham.
I made a wish.
I wish I had a cat.
I wish a hug.
I can run fast.
I can read.
I want a dog.
I can wash a dish.
I got a fish.
I can feed a cow.
I will win in a game.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
I _____ _____ ______ ______.
kid kiss kill kit
kick kin seek meek
take make rake fake
lake cake week shake

old own oak
row cord low show
go gold goat coat
nose cold sold sore
home hold dome told
van vase have vast
save cave wave shave
gave give live love
move stove vote
pan pad pad pack
past pants pig pick
pill pot post pose
map sup cap lap
mop sop top cop
hop shop crop drop
ship lips clips tip
egg end elf met
melt mend set self
red rest rent den
desk fell rent den
test tell ten net
nest hell help get
led wet went west
well shelf shell vest
pen pest less fled
flesh cleft crest tense
vent dent dentist trend
/ ch /
check chest chip
chill chick rich
fetch witch such
chat champ catch
match watch patch
chop chair chain
chase chit cheap
much beach peach
preach bleach reach
be bee beans
beads beak beat
big bill bit
bag back band
bad bake base
brake batch beef
boar board boast
bend best belt
bed bell bless
sing ring wing sling
king string swing
going loading washin
wishing running reading
shaking hopping dealing
singing telling showing
hoping beating getting
/ i /-ay
mind mile mild ride
rise ripe rifle file
fire fine five dive
tire nine hide hire
life line wife wild
wise shine kind kite
vise smile wide bite
yes yen yell yet
year yeast may say
day tray clay hay
gay lay way pay
bay happy many
lady ready sorry
her fern shower ever
tower cover hopper giver
shaver keeper over under
liver owner fever power
mover never shopper river
ax lax tax taxi
six fix mix text
next ox fox box
boxing relax wax
fixing mixing waxing
jam jack jump just
jug jot jog job
jeans jail jake jade
jibe jive jolt joke
jumping joking joy
moon mood soon roof
room doom foodfool
toon noon cool good
loop wood shoot pool
poor choose shoot book
spoon hood foot floor
hook shook coop look
took stood stool root
my dry fry fly
sty shy sly try
cry ply dryer flying
trying style buy
what when where
why white who
whom whole whale
wharf while which
whip whisk whisky
whip whisk whisky
whisker whisper whose
use mule mute
muse sure fume
tune cute cure
lure pure fuse
nude acute amuse
quit quote squat
squash squad squeak
squid squirre square
quart quad quest
request equip queen
queer quick quickly
quirk quitter quiver
quilt quench quarrel
quarter quarry
zip zap zoo zoom
buzz quiz zeal lazy
zipper maze haze gaze
buzzer blaze zebra zest
zigzag zinc zippy zone
breeze crazy braze dozen
freeze freezer frozen frizz
haze hazel hazing jazz
squeeze raze razor amaze
e at the end of the
Rule: If there is

word, a will be sounded as a

made male mane mate

same safe sale sane
stare share shape rate
shame dare date dame
fade fare fame frame
tale tame take taste
name care cane cave
case game gate gave
lame late wave waste
Rule: If there ise at the end of the
word, iwill be sounded as i
mine mile side site
rise ride ripe rifle
dine dive fire fine
file five time tire
nine hide hire life
line lite wise wire
wine wife wide while
shine kite vine vise
pile pine pride chime
bite bride jibe slid
e at the end of the
Rule: If there is

word, owill be sounded as o

mode mole more move
sore sole smoke store
stone rose role rope
robe dome dose drove
fore those tone note
nose tone core cove
home hose hole hope
wore shore bone broke
close pose pole phone
clone spoke throne vote
e at the end of the
Rule: If there is

word, uwill be sounded as u .

use mule mute muse

fume cute cure lure
pure fuse acute allure
accuse perfume
Combination of

air aim aid maid
fair rain drain train
main raise saint trait
mail laid fail faint
trail vain tail plain
pain nail hair gain
wait hail chair chain
praise quail slain pail
waist paint sail
Combination of

arm art arc are
dark darn far farm
tar tart tartar tardy
car card harm hard
war warm wart warrant
star start spark jar
farmer furrow fart march
mark marker mart dart
shark sharp marketlard
lark larva part party
barn barb bark barking
barber barrel yard vary
Combination of

may say stay slay
spray rays day tray
nay clay hay gay
lay way sway pay
play pray bay
Combination of

all mall small salt
fall hall call tall
wall ball taller tallest
caller calling falling stall
always altar rainfall
almost also alter

sang rang fang

tang clang hang
gang bang slang
meet see seem seed
deed feed teen teem
feet free tree trees
need creed heed deer
bleed deed flee green
glee heel sheep jeep
keep knee breed week
weed wheel sleep seek
eat ear meat seat
read ream dream dear
fear team tear treat
teat neat near cream
ears mead east bleach
beach clean beat beans
bear meal lead leaf
least heal heat jeans
lean peach plea pea
die died dried
fried flies tried
cried lie lied
applied vie vied
allied tie tied
drier diet replied
supplied necktied untie
might mighty sight fight
flight fright tight night
high height light plight
bright brightly fighting
lighting brightness upright
owl mow mowersow
down fowl town now
cow how gown wow
shower tower power vow
vowel chow brown plow
oak oar oat oath
soar soak soap moan
roam roar roast foam
toad coal coat coast
croak groan goal hoard
loam load loan loaf
loaves boar boat boast
board broad coach
oil soil foil toil
toilet coin loin point
boil noise join noisy
joining broiler boiling

soy toy boy coy
joy alloy destroy
employ deploy boys
morning sort sorry
form fort torn
norm corn lord
worm work worst
worn short shore
pork port born
report former forming
normal working worker
reform inform storm
out our outer outing
sound sour stout shout
sprout spout scout foul
round found flour noun
clouds count house gout
hound ground loud louse
bout blouse bounty
amount abound mount
mountain mounting mouse
song strong thong
gong long along
belong wrong stronger

urn surf surfing fur
furnish turn turning burn
return curl curler church
age wage rage stage
page sage cage gent
gentle gel bridge ledge
wedge hedge gem large
badge budge grudge
pledge judge urge beige

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