IOT Based Health Monitoring System

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10 XII December 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

IOT Based Health Monitoring System

Prof. Mukund Kulkarni1, Vedant Parvekar2, Prathmesh Nagpure3, Swapnil Mhoprekar4, Gautam Mudawadkar5, Shrutika
Nandurkar6, Niharika Hande7
HOD, Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
SY Computer Science Student, Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune,

Abstract: Applications for MHealth (Mobile Health) and E-Health (Healthcare assisted by ICT) enable many ordinary people to
improve, support, and aid their health. This paper offers another online platform for periodically checking a person's health
metrics. This gives doctors and other medical professionals the chance to monitor a patient's health using variables like body
temperature, blood pressure, etc. Additionally, these data (the parameter readings) can be retrieved and stored. One's
information is recorded upon registering (creating an account) on the website, and health measurements are tracked as and
when the user logs in, delivering a personalised medical history. The website also has a function that allows users to periodically
update their profile information, such as their height, weight, and age. The Arduino IDE, ESP8266, sensors, Arduino Uno,
Django Python Web Framework, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap were used to construct the project.
Keywords: Arduino, Django, IoT, Patient monitoring, Sensors, ThingSpeak

Food choices, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption, among other things, are all contributing to an increase in the number of
people with chronic diseases today. The symptoms, development and treatment choices for chronic diseases are diverse. If not
diagnosed and treated early enough, some of these diseases can be fatal. Body temperature and high blood pressure are two of the
most common chronic conditions that can be controlled and tracked. Patients usually take a long time to adjust to and accept the
reality of their illness due to their impairment. The reason for this is because people with these conditions require regular monitoring
by their doctors in order for them to review their status and identify the best treatment options.
The increasing usage of mobile technology and smart gadgets in the realm of health has had a huge impact on the world. Health
professionals are increasingly utilising the benefits that these technologies give, resulting in significant advancements in clinical and
non-clinical health care. Similarly, many ordinary people benefit from MHealth (Mobile Health) and E-Health (Healthcare
supported by ICT) applications to improve and assist their health. Because of their user-friendly interface, these applications have
functioned as a safe refuge for these users. The internet of things is making it easier to link devices to the internet and transmit real-
time patient health information to professionals who can help.


Several research papers related to the IOT based health monitoring system were reviewed for this project.

This paper elaborates an IOT-enabled health monitoring system that uses wearable sensors to measure EMG, ECG, temperature,
blood glucose levels and muscle activity. For storage, cloudlet computing and processing were used, as well as pattern recognition
and machine learning algorithms.[1]
A patient monitoring system for doctors that benefits both the patient and the hospital has been elaborated in this paper. The doctors
are provided with the patient's heart rate and patient's body temperature remotely through IOT.[2]
This paper elaborates on an IoT-enabled health monitoring system. The system utilised various sensors to measure pulse rate, body
temperature, as well as surrounding humidity and temperature and displayed these parameters on a LCD.[3]
This article details the creation of an architecture based on an ontology capable of monitoring patient health and recommending
fitness routines to patients with chronic conditions.[4]
The objective of this research is to connect IoT technology with health monitoring in order to make it more personalised and timely.
This research aims to look into a variety of wearable health monitoring modules that people can use to track their heart rate, blood
pressure, pulse, body temperature, and other physiological data. To enable real-time monitoring, the data is integrated through IoT
for processing, linking, and computing.[5]

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 803
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

This paper analyses parameters such as body temperature, blood pressure, pulse sensor, and GPS to track the patient’s current
location in this project using Arduino where the collected data is sent to Arduino and analysed.[6]
The various ML methods that can be implemented to analyse IOT healthcare data such as supervised, unsupervised and regression
techniques are discussed in detail in this research paper.[7]
This paper describes a machine learning model that is a multi-layer feed-forward neural network and it needs many machine’s input
parameters for model training. This paper introduces 17 different models to diagnose the health of the machine.[8]
The system described in this research paper introduced smart healthcare to monitor the basic important signs of patients like heart
rate, body temperature, and some measures of hospital room condition such as room humidity, the level of CO and CO2 gases.[9]
This paper outlines a patient monitoring system with the goal of developing a system capable of monitoring important health metrics
comprising heart rate, pulse oximetry and body temperature. The data is sent to the cloud platform using MQTT connection.[10]
The goal of this study is to create a monitoring system that will allow clinicians to monitor asthmatic patients from afar. Patients
will be able to use several sensors to detect oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate, body temperature, humidity, volatile gases, room
temperature, and electrocardiogram (ECG) and have the results displayed in an app.[11]
This paper describes a system that monitors and tracks different vital signs of patients in healthcare facilities and automatically
detects anomalous conditions. The design, implementation, preliminary testing and analysis of the system are presented.[12]


The objective of this project is to determine the patient’s body temperature, pulse rate and surrounding temperature, humidity and
air quality and send all the real time data to a website.
For that purpose we have utilized MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter sensor to monitor the oxygen saturation (SPO2) and heart rate
(BPM), DS18B20 Body Temperature sensor to monitor body temperature, DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor for monitoring
surrounding temperature and humidity, MQ135 Air quality sensor to monitor the quality of the air in the surrounding environment,
Arduino microcontroller to receive all sensor inputs both in analog and digital format and ESP8266 module to receive the data from
Arduino and transmit it on the internet using its WiFi capabilities. The reason for using Arduino microcontroller is that Arduino has
14 digital and 6 analog pins for sensor inputs whereas ESP8266 has 16 digital inputs and 1 analog pin which was insufficient given
that we needed 4 analog inputs for the project.
First, the circuit was designed in the proteus software. The connections were tested and finalised in the software before actually
being put into practice. The real hardware was then set up according to the software design using breadboards, resistors and jumper
wires along with sensors and microcontrollers. The next step is to properly read values from all the sensors. Arduino IDE has been
used to code the hardware setup. Initially, the necessary libraries are imported that facilitate reading the sensor values as well as
linking the Arduino and NodeMCU. In the void loop, 115200 baud rate is selected for reading value and pins for all sensors are
defined. Variables are declared in the main loop that will store the sensor value data. In case the values are null, then the serial
monitor prints failed to connect the sensor. Otherwise, the serial monitor will show the readings for the sensors.

Fig 1.1 Block Diagram

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 804
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Fig1.2 Circuit Diagram

After reading the values from Arduino, the next task is to send data to ESP8266, hence the connections to the tx and rx port of the
arduino for serial communication are made. The baud rate of NodeMCU is specified as 9600, so the data is sent from Arduino to
NodeMCU by defining the baud rate of Arduino uno in myserial.begin() function. The data obtained is stored in a variable and
converted to float datatype before sending it to the Thingspeak platform for cloud storage. For this purpose, Thingspeak and
NodeMCU need to be connected. Firstly, a Thingspeak channel is created with the specified fields defined. Thereafter the libraries
needed for the Thingspeak connection are imported, the channel ID is registered, and the API key is written. Once the Wi-Fi module
is enabled, the values from the Arduino are converted to float datatype and sent to Thingspeak by using the setField() and
writeFields() methods. The Wi-Fi connection of NodeMCU is established by providing the mobile data hotspot username and
This data is then downloaded from Thingspeak cloud and then checked and translated into the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
format using Django, a full-stack Python web framework. The logged-in user gets connected to every record. Because of this
account based architecture, only the user who is logged in can view the user specific health parameters and previous records.
Additionally, each time the screen is reloaded, the database fetches data from the sensors connected to the user and new values and
graphs are displayed on the website.
By clarifying the records based on the username, the user with his previous data can obtain these records. New users can register on
the website by providing their username, first name, last name, sex, age, weight, height, blood group and password on the
registration page. Also, one can add their profile picture for public display. Using the website's edit profile feature, these parameters
can be modified later. The web pages for the website were designed using Figma design software and the entire frontend was
created using HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap.

Fig 1.3 Login Page

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 805
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

Fig 1.4 Register Page

Fig 1.5 Home Page

Fig 1.6 Hardware Setup

Fig 1.7 Serial Monitor output of NodeMCU

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 806
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

A prototype of the proposed sensing system is shown in Fig. 1.6. An Arduino Uno microcontroller, a Esp8266 Wi-Fi module, a
MAX30102 pulse oximeter sensor, a DS18B20 body temperature sensor, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor, and a MQ-135
air quality sensor are all included in this prototype's hardware. Using a laptop or power bank, the microcontroller and Wi-Fi module
are powered. The Arduino Uno is connected to all of the sensors. The Arduino Uno is connected to sensors and the Wi-Fi module
using jumper wires. To record their health parameters, users must first register on the website. The user must enter their name,
gender, age, blood type, height, weight, email, profile picture, username, and password in order to create an account.
While not all fields are required, the username and password are. Whenever it's more convenient, the profile contents can be added
through the website's "Edit Profile" page. The user must log in with the same username and password they used to create their
account. The health parameters are detected as soon as one logs in. Through the Wi-Fi module, this sensed data is sent to the
ThingSpeak cloud and saved in the SQLite database along with the timestamp. The Django website is used to access the data in this
case, where it can be used to view graphs and visualisations as well as old records and the timestamp. Once the user logs in, these
are displayed on the dashboard.

Although the Internet of Things (IOT) has a lot of potential in healthcare, it still has a long way to go before it can be fully
adopted. The following are the risks and drawbacks of employing linked devices in healthcare:
The risk of failure of hardware components is a major concern in the project. Many times the sensor stops working due to some
internal faults, which is one of the drawbacks of this hardware project and due to this, one cannot be completely reliant. Another
major issue with the project is the faulty readings by sensors, due to many factors like internal compensation, loose connection or
default error of scale.
Integration with software and transferring of data can raise problems as well. Sometimes, the hardware connection is done properly
but while integrating with software, one might face many issues, certain libraries are required to be imported before connecting with
different sensors and the code must be written properly with respect to the pin connections. The system appears fragile, is not
portable, and has loose connections, thus it is not durable.


This system is currently provided with only four parameters. In the future, more sensors could be added to obtain more data and
hence provide more efficient analysis and be helpful for healthcare professionals. Different datasets could be utilised to predict the
emergence of various diseases. By incorporating machine learning techniques, the created data in the database can be immensely
useful in forecasting a person's future health conditions and any probability of diseases. Mobile application for this project can be
created so that it can be easily accessible.
The option for downloadable personalised health profile can be added as well for presenting one’s profile to a health care
professional. This may include the user’s profile with age, gender, height, weight, etc. along the current and some previous medical
data. Also, this system could be developed to be more compact and user-friendly. This system's portability problem can be solved
by permitting fixed connections and making the interface more durable.
The provision for a doctor's account can be added as well so that they may monitor the health of his or her patients in real-time.
Additionally, the user's medical history option can be introduced so that the user may be able to view his/her previous check-up
dates and the results during those check-ups as well.
During situations like a pandemic, patients' health could be monitored remotely. Personal health monitoring could be beneficial for
those living in remote areas. Early diagnosis could be achieved.

In the domain of health monitoring, the Internet of Things (IOT) is widely regarded as one of the most practical technologies for
remote value tracking. An IoT based health monitoring system using different sensors has been developed in this paper. Various
sensors were used to monitor body temperature, oxygen level, humidity, air quality index and temperature of the surroundings.
These all values are sent to ThingSpeak and then with the help of API keys these health parameters are displayed on a user-friendly
website. Hence, through this project we are able to take a step towards smart healthcare and help people monitor their health
themselves with ease.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 807
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XII Dec 2022- Available at

We would like to express our gratitude to our respected Director Prof. (Dr.) R.M. Jalnekar, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,
Pune for their constant moral support and encouragement. We would also like to thank our project guide and HOD of
Multidisciplinary Engineering Prof. Mukund Kulkarni Sir for his advice and helping us in successfully completing our project work.


©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 808

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