Happy For No Reason - Manual

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The document discusses building happiness from the inside out using 7 steps and various techniques for stress relief, well-being and lifelong learning.

Some techniques mentioned are Spring Forest Qigong exercises, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Sedona Method exercises, HeartMath Quick Coherence technique.

Some programs mentioned for lifelong learning are Seeds of Enlightenment, Effortless Success, Sonic Access, and Radiance Pure Energy.

Happy for No Reason

Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey

Happy for No Reason

7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
Marci Shimoff

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This guidebook is for your personal use only and is to be used with the audio sessions of the Happy for No Reason
personal learning course. “Happy for No Reason” is a registered trademark of Marci Shimoff.
All worldwide rights are reserved and owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part may be reproduced or
distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
prior written permission.
Copyright MMVIII by Learning Strategies Corporation.
All music, including the Happy for No Reason song, composed and produced by Paul Hoffman. Copyright MMVIII,
Pablo Bo Tunes/ASCAP, www.SuccessSongs.com.
“Accelements,” “EasyLearn,” “Genius Code,” “Natural Brilliance,” “Paraliminal,” and “PhotoReading” are
worldwide trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation. All rights reserved.“Diamond Feng Shui,” “Diamond
Dowsing,” and the “Diamond Feng Shui Diamond” are trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond. “Effortless Success”
is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, LP. “Holosync” is a registered trademark of, and is licensed by,
Centerpointe Research Institute. “No Matter What!” is a trademark of Motivating the Masses, LLC. “Radiance” is
a trademark of Deirdre Hade. “Spring Forest Qigong” is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin.
Used with Permission:
“The Solutions Focus Technique” – Based on “The Solutions Focus” by Paul Z. Jackson and Mark McKergow,
Nicholas Breck Publishing, 2002.
“M-Power March” – Morter HealthSystem. Special thank you to Dr. M.T. Morter Jr. To learn more visit www.Morter.com.
“The Work Mini-Worksheet” – Byron Katie. ©2008 Byron Katie Inc. All rights reserved. www.TheWork.com.
“The Letting Go Exercise” – From The Sedona Method; Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and
Emotional Well-Being by Hale Dwoskin, www.Sedona.com.
“The Quick Coherence® Technique” – Institute of HeartMath. Quick Coherence is a registered trademark of
HeartMath®, LLC.
“Breathing the Universe Exercise” – Spring Forest Qigong
“The Identifying Your Passions Exercise” – Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood. The Passion Test is a registered
trademark of Enlightened Alliances, LLC.
“Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)” – Nicholas Ortner
“Tailbone Tapping Exercise” – Spring Forest Qigong
“Cupping Exercise” – Spring Forest Qigong
“The Four-Part Mood Type Questionnaire” from The Mood Cure – Julia Ross. Copyright © 2002 by Julia Ross.
Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1-935200-00-0
First Edition September 2008
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Happy for No Reason
7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out

Happy for No Reason Guidebook

I. Gearing Up for Your Journey

Building Your Home for Happiness................................................................... 4
Raising Your Happiness Set-Point...................................................................... 4
What This Course Contains.............................................................................. 5
How to Get the Most from Your Course ........................................................... 6

II. Mapping Your Destination

Getting Focused................................................................................................ 9
Clarifying Your Personal Happiness Goals......................................................... 9
Assessing Your Starting Point........................................................................... 10
Creating Your Time Line................................................................................. 11
Committing to Your Destination..................................................................... 12

III. Building Your Home for Happiness

Your Guide to the Seven Steps......................................................................... 13
Step 1 – The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness........................ 14
Step 2 – The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think............. 23
Step 3 – The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead............................................... 33
Step 4 – The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy................................. 41
Step 5 – The Pillar of the Soul: Plug Yourself In to Spirit................................. 51
Step 6 – The Roof: Live a Life Inspired by Purpose.......................................... 58
Step 7 – The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships .............................. 66

IV. Living in Your Home for Happiness

Assessing Your Progress.................................................................................... 73
Your Happy for No Reason Plan for Life......................................................... 79
Happiness Boosters.......................................................................................... 80
Happy for No Reason Troubleshooting Guide................................................. 87
Expansion and Contraction Chart................................................................... 90
Tools for Lifelong Learning............................................................................. 93

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Happy for No Reason
Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey


Congratulations on your decision to cultivate a life of deep and lasting happiness!
I am so excited to be a part of your journey to uncover the kind of happiness that does not
depend on circumstances but that comes from within. Your Happy for No Reason personal
learning course offers you a breakthrough approach to being happy.
This journey you are about to embark on will equip you with powerful transformational
tools so you can take a quantum leap in the level of joy, contentment, and expansion that
you experience day to day.
Today, science is cracking the happiness code, and you are about to discover the key. As you
explore the Seven Steps to becoming happy from the inside out, you’ll build a Home for
Happiness inside yourself that is unshakable. By completing the Happy for No Reason personal
learning course and integrating its specific practices, you’ll join thousands of others who have
adopted a new paradigm of happiness and are living the life of their dreams.
Before we get started, I would like to introduce you to a few key concepts that you’ll need
for your journey.

Building Your Home for Happiness

Through my research, I have discovered that there are seven specific steps to becoming
Happy for No Reason. To make these seven steps easy to remember, I created a simple
analogy that is the basis of this program. I will be referring to this analogy many times
throughout the course: Creating a life of happiness is like building a beautiful home.
A well-built home has seven main components: a foundation, four pillars, a roof, and a
garden. In the same way, happiness is created by lovingly attending to the seven main areas of
life: personal power, mind, heart, body, soul, purpose, and people. In the sections that follow,
I will guide you through the Seven Steps to build an unshakable inner Home for Happiness.

Raising Your Happiness Set-Point

Scientists have discovered that each of us is born with something called a “happiness set-
point,” which acts like an inner thermostat that determines how much happiness we are
able to experience. No matter what happens to us, whether good or bad, we tend to hover
around our predisposed range of happiness, unless we deliberately do something to change it.

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Happy for No Reason
Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey

Here is some startling information about the forces that

determine our happiness set-point:

• 50 percent of it is determined by genetics;

• 10 percent is determined by our circumstances; while
an astonishing
• 40 percent is determined by our habits of thought
and behavior! n Genetics
n Circumstances
n Habits of Thought and Behavior
This means that in the same way you can raise the thermostat
at home to get comfortable on a cold day, you can also raise
your happiness set-point to experience more joy, spontaneity, and fulfillment in your life.

What This Course Contains

Your course includes this Happy for No Reason Guidebook and eight audio CDs, which contain:

• A course introduction.
• The Seven Steps to being happy from the inside out.
• Fourteen interviews with experts in a wide range of fields.
• Exercises for centering yourself, relaxing, and promoting your well-being.
• Accelerated learning components to help you learn effectively and efficiently.
In this guidebook you’ll find the directions for your journey, including which audio
sessions to listen to and which exercises to complete at each step along the way. All the
materials that will support your growth and help you raise your level of happiness are here.
Your journey has four distinct phases:

• Gearing Up for Your Journey – This section introduces the key ideas and
transformational tools you’ll use to build your inner Home for Happiness.

• Mapping Your Destination – Here you’ll determine your personal happiness goals—
where you want to be at the completion of this course.

• Building Your Home for Happiness – In this section, you’ll explore the Seven
Steps of Happiness and the 21 Happiness Habits. You’ll complete corresponding
exercises that will enhance your experience.

• Living In Your Home for Happiness – This section includes an assessment,

Happiness Booster exercises, and other happiness resources to help you maintain a
state of inner peace and well-being.

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Happy for No Reason
Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey

How to Get the Most from Your Course

The journey you are about to take will be more enjoyable and rewarding if you follow a few
simple guidelines.

Complete Each Step in Order

The Seven Steps to becoming happy from the inside out were deliberately designed so that
the completion of one step leads logically and seamlessly into the next. You’ll experience
richer and more immediate results if you complete all components of each step before
moving forward.
You can do this entire happiness program in eight weeks, planning and mapping your
journey in week one and then devoting one week to each of the Seven Steps. Or, you may
choose a pace that feels comfortable to you.

Take Advantage of the Unique Learning Tools

Several accelerated learning components are included in the course. Use them as
recommended to benefit from their proprietary message delivery techniques. They will
enhance your ability to absorb and process the information in the course.

Paraliminal Learning Technology

The first accelerated learning component is your Happy for No Reason Paraliminal on CD 1. Be
sure to listen to the recording with stereo headphones. Paraliminals activate both hemispheres of
your brain. In one ear, one voice guides you through a step-by-step process of transformational
change, and in the other ear, a second voice gently guides you with a metaphor to help you
integrate all that you are learning. The two voices speaking at the same time automatically
bypass the limitations of your conscious mind, sending the messages directly to the inner mind
where they guide your behavior to more spontaneously accomplish your goals.
Your Paraliminal also includes Holosync audio technology. Holosync audio tones, which
you might hear as a hum, are part of the recording and increase your ability to benefit and
learn from this Paraliminal session.
Centerpointe Research Institute’s Holosync audio technology, when listened to with stereo
headphones, creates the electrical brain wave patterns of many desirable states. These states
include deep meditation, increased creativity, focus and concentration, and accelerated
learning ability. Using Holosync creates new neural pathways between the left and right
brain hemispheres, balancing the brain, enhancing mental/emotional health, improving
mental functioning and self-awareness, and healing unresolved emotional problems.
A much deeper and more powerful version of Holosync can be found in Centerpointe’s
ongoing program, The Holosync Solution. For more information about this program and
how Holosync can accelerate mental, emotional, and spiritual growth, and to receive a free
Holosync demo CD, visit www.Centerpointe.com.

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Happy for No Reason
Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey

Fast Finish Technology

Another accelerated learning component is called Fast Finish. On CDs 2 through 8, you’ll
find a Fast Finish following the course content tracks of each step.
With Fast Finish, each of the Happy for No Reason steps from the course are compressed
so that you can listen to each recording at speeds many times faster than normal. Each of
the seven Fast Finish segments begins slightly faster than normal then increases in speed
in a stepwise fashion. The audio becomes exceedingly fast, almost too fast to consciously
understand unless you remain relaxed and focus your mind on letting the meaning in.
You can benefit from Fast Finish in two primary ways. First, according to research, the best
time to review something is immediately after learning it. The review helps solidify the
learning you have gained; it makes it more available to you later. The second way to benefit
from compressed speech learning is to listen to an entire learning session at fast speed before
studying it in detail at regular speed. This gives the mind a preview, what experts call an
advanced organizer, which makes everything feel more familiar and actually become more
easily assimilated.

Meditative Practices
In addition, your course includes three valuable practices to help you envision what you
want and help you integrate new Happiness Habits that empower you on your journey.

• The Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5) reinforces the positive things you’ll
learn regarding happiness, supports you in envisioning your heart’s desires, and
evokes in you the feeling of already having what you want in your life.

• The Centering Practice (CD 1, Track 6) helps you relax and feel more centered as
you picture beauty and peace all around you.

• The M-Power March Exercise (CD 2, Track 6) helps you reset your central nervous
system, clear subconscious blocks, activate forgiveness, and establish new patterns
to promote well-being.

Use the Guidebook to Support Your Journey

This guidebook provides the assessment tools and Happiness Habit exercises that support
your audio coaching sessions. There are important points of information and opportunities
to discover unique tips and techniques to support your happiness journey.
Take your time as you answer the thought-provoking questions and do the exercises. Feel free
to take notes regarding your discovery process. Your observations of your experience as you do
these exercises will help you uncover your personal version of deep and meaningful happiness.

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Happy for No Reason
Section I: Gearing Up for Your Journey

For additional information about the methods and tools used in this course, you will find a
complete list of resources at www.LearningStrategies.com/Happy/Resources.
Listening to the audio sessions is a good start, completing the exercises is the key, and
raising your level of happiness is the wonderful result. Remember, you are in charge of your
own happiness. Every time you do one of the exercises, you are choosing to take another
step on the journey toward your personal fulfillment and joy!

Utilize the Secret Formula for Manifesting

The Law of Attraction tells us that what we focus on expands. By applying the following
process—Intention/Attention/No Tension—you’ll gain greater clarity about what you want
to accomplish and multiply your efforts as you move through this program.

• Intention: Be clear about what you want—in this case, greater happiness.

• Attention: What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life. Put your
attention on happiness by incorporating the Happiness Habits you’ll be learning
into your daily life.

• No Tension: Let go and relax. As you practice each habit, be easy with yourself and
trust that you are removing the blocks to experiencing greater happiness.

This process will help you to more seamlessly implement the Happiness Habits you are
about to learn.
As you begin your journey to deepening happiness, please know that I am honored to be
your guide.

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Happy for No Reason
Section II: Mapping Your Destination


You are embarking on a journey to greater happiness, and like any journey, this one begins
by taking an honest assessment of where you are right now in relationship to where you
would ultimately like to be. In this section, you’ll clarify your goals, declare your underlying
intention, and commit to a realistic timeline to work through the course materials.

Getting Focused
Start by listening to the following audio sessions: the course introduction, the Paraliminal,
and the visualization.

Course Content
First, listen to the Introduction to the course on CD 1, Tracks 1 and 2.

Next, listen to the Paraliminal Introduction on CD 1, Track 3, and then the Happy for No
Reason Paraliminal on CD 1, Track 4. I suggest listening to the Paraliminal at least three
times for maximum results.

Listen to the Visualization Exercise on CD 1, Track 5, at least once.

Clarifying Your Personal Happiness Goals

Answer the following questions to determine your underlying intention for this course.

What do you hope to gain as a result of completing this course?




How much time would you like to spend working through this material?



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Happy for No Reason
Section II: Mapping Your Destination

What obstacles do you anticipate may arise to slow your progress or sabotage your results?





What support or solutions can you put into place to address any potential obstacles?





If there were just one key thing that you could take away from the Happy for No Reason
personal learning course, what would it be?





Assessing Your Starting Point

The diagram that follows is intended as a visual representation of the current condition of
your inner Home for Happiness. As you complete the assessment questions in the sections
that follow, you’ll be instructed to fill in the numbers that correspond to each section of
your Home for Happiness in the diagram.

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Happy for No Reason
Section II: Mapping Your Destination


Pillar Pillar Pillar Pillar

of the of the of the of the
Mind Heart Body Soul

The Garden

The Foundation

Creating Your Time Line

By committing to a specific date by which you’ll start and end this course, you can plan
around potential distractions and set yourself up to succeed. The time line is up to you; what’s
important is that you see the course through to completion. Choose a schedule that is realistic
for you, and do your best to stick to it. The rewards will be well worth the time spent.

My Happy for No Reason

Start Date End Date
Course Schedule
Step 1 – The Foundation

Step 2 – The Pillar of the Mind

Step 3 – The Pillar of the Heart

Step 4 – The Pillar of the Body

Step 5 – The Pillar of the Soul

Step 6 – The Roof

Step 7 – The Garden

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Happy for No Reason
Section II: Mapping Your Destination

Committing to Your Destination

Finally, listen to the M-Power March Exercise on CD 2, Track 6, at least once.
This is a great balancing exercise that will help you feel more empowered and allow you to
process thoughts and emotions more quickly and effectively.
By clarifying your starting point and charting your course, your journey to greater
happiness has already begun. Know that the time and energy you are investing in yourself
will be returned as your inner core of happiness expands week by week.
Next you’ll construct an unshakable Home for Happiness within yourself by moving
through each of the Seven Steps: The Foundation, The Pillar of the Mind, The Pillar of the
Heart, The Pillar of the Body, The Pillar of the Soul, The Roof, and The Garden.
Let’s start building!

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness


Your Guide to the Seven Steps

Now you’ll begin to build your inner Home for Happiness by putting your attention on the
seven essential steps: The Foundation, The Pillar of the Mind, The Pillar of the Heart, The
Pillar of the Body, The Pillar of the Soul, The Roof, and The Garden.
For each of the Seven Steps, I recommend you use the following process.

1) Course Content
Begin each step by listening to the course content tracks that are listed. This will introduce
you to powerful information and tools that will help you build your Home for Happiness.

2) Expansion and Contraction Scale

As you move through the Seven Steps, you’ll recall a specific situation in your life relative to
the step you are exploring and rate how that situation impacted your experience of expansion
or contraction.

3) Centering (optional)
To enhance your learning, take time to center yourself using the Centering Practice.

4) Assessment
There are three Happiness Habits for each step. You may benefit from one more than
another. In the Assessment process you’ll answer three questions to determine which
Happiness Habit is best for you to develop first.

5) Happiness Habits
In this segment you’ll learn the latest tools or technology to increase your happiness set-
point. Of the three exercises presented, you’ll complete the one that matches the question
you scored lowest on in the Assessment—that’s where you have the most room to grow!

6) Happiness Commitments
As you do the happiness exercises and consider your thoughts, reactions, and feelings, you’ll
identify commitments you can make to yourself to instill greater happiness within.

7) Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will help your subconscious mind fully support
your shift to being Happy for No Reason. You’ll imagine having fully achieved ownership for
your own happiness, creating the future you desire.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Step 1 ­– The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness

As a solid foundation is the cornerstone of every home, taking

personal responsibility is the key to creating lasting happiness.
The moment you let go of the notion that other people or outside
circumstances have the power to make or break your happiness,
you reclaim your ability to consciously respond—instead of
unconsciously react—to the events of your life.

In this step, you’ll establish a strong base for your inner Home for Happiness. As you do
this step, any time you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4)
and Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 2, Tracks 1 through 4, and related interviews with Jack Canfield (Track 7)
and Lisa Nichols (Track 8).

List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.



List the two main points from the interviews with Jack Canfield and Lisa Nichols that you
feel are most important for you to remember and apply.



Expansion and Contraction Scale

Consider the situation that follows to rate your feelings on the range provided in the
Expansion and Contraction Scale. Feelings of contraction include unhappiness, fear,
pessimism, low energy, unease, malaise, and separation. Feelings of expansion include
happiness, love, optimism, flow, acceptance, vitality, ease, well-being, and connection.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 1 ­– The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness

Recall a recent situation in your life in which you found yourself complaining, feeling regret
or shame, or blaming someone (including yourself ) for your experience. In the following
space, write a brief description of the situation.




On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



As you take more responsibility for your happiness in each moment, you’ll experience an
expanded state of vitality, freedom, and possibility.
Here are some of the gifts of claiming ownership of your own happiness. You’ll:

• Respond like a victor

• Focus on solutions
• Look for the lesson and the gift
• Make peace with yourself

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the best
place for learning.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Consider each question below, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 1
How often do you complain, feel sorry for yourself, or focus on what is not working?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Question 2
How often do you blame other people or circumstances, justify your behavior, or make
excuses when things do not turn out the way you think they should?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Question 3
How often do you feel guilt, regret, or shame for what has happened in your life?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so
you can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest
score. Choose the Happiness Habit below that numerically corresponds to this question (if
Question 2 rated lowest, then complete Happiness Habit 2). You may repeat this exercise
until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

Happiness Habit 1 – Solutions Focus Technique

The average person complains seventy times per day. Complaining not only robs us of
contentment in the moment, it acts as a negative vacuum that draws to us more of what we
don’t want. The following exercise, adapted from the Solutions Focus Technique and used
with permission of Mark McKergow and Paul Z. Jackson, liberates the energy that was
once used to complain and directs it toward creating more happiness in your life.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 1 ­– The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness

To get started, write down your answers to the questions below.

1. Think of a situation that you’ve been complaining about. Rate how you feel about it on
a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is “I’m the least satisfied with the situation” and 10 is “I’m
the most satisfied.” Enter your score here: _____.
(If you rated your situation a 1, please skip to Question 3.)

2. Now, write down what you’re doing (as many things as you can think of ) that has
resulted in you rating your level of satisfaction at the number you scored and not lower.





3. What would be the first tiny signs that your satisfaction has increased by one point?
Think carefully, and write down as many things as you can.





4. In light of what you have written above, what are the first small steps you could take
in the next 24 hours to increase your satisfaction with this situation?





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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Begin taking some of the actions you listed in Question 4. Become aware of the moments when
you feel a little more satisfied, and build on whatever it is you’re doing to continue that experience.

Happiness Habit 2 – Look for the Lesson and the Gift

It’s been said that when one door closes, another door opens. We can choose to dwell
on our upsets and disappointments, or we can look for the blessings and opportunities
that are available in every situation. This exercise will support you in acknowledging and
appreciating the gifts that are all around you.

1. Recall a specific situation that has caused you to feel wronged or to blame others.
Picture the person or people involved, the setting, and what was said or done. Write
a brief description of it here.




2. Now, imagine taking several steps back and observing the situation from a distance,
as though you were watching a movie on a screen. What do you see?




3. What part of the sequence of events that transpired do you take responsibility for?
Did you ignore signs that should have clued you in that there was a problem? Did
you act in a way that might have provoked an undesirable result? Did your attitude
or behavior escalate the situation?




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Happy for No Reason
Step 1 ­– The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness

4. What lesson or wisdom can you glean from what happened? Do you need to practice
more patience or establish better boundaries? Do you need to listen more, or speak less?





5. If this event had, in fact, happened for a higher purpose, what would that be?





6. Having found the lesson of this situation, what is the most important thing for you to
remember in order to avoid similar experiences in the future?





Happiness Habit 3 – Make Peace with Yourself

The following exercises will help you develop the habit of making peace with
yourself. Do the one that appeals to you most.

Option 1: M-Power March

This exercise puts the central nervous system into a more balanced state so it can
process thoughts and emotions more efficiently and effectively.
Left Leg Extension

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

1. Stand up straight: alert, yet comfortable and relaxed.

2. Take an extended step with your left foot, keeping your back
(right) foot firmly on the floor (and both feet facing forward).
Bend your left knee slightly, just enough so that you can still keep
the heel of your back foot on the floor.
3. Raise your right arm to about a 45-degree angle. Your left arm will
automatically move back to help you balance, so go ahead and
stretch your left arm downward behind you at about a 45-degree
angle. Your position at this point is left leg and right arm stretched
forward, right leg and left arm stretched back.
4. Now, turn your head toward the side of the extended right arm;
look up; close your eyes and s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Right Leg Extension

5. While you are in your extended position, think of something about which you feel
regret, shame, or guilt. Take a deep breath and focus on feeling “forgiveness.” Hold
both your breath and position for five to ten seconds.
6. Exhale and repeat the maneuver with the opposite leg and arm. Repeat the sequence
three times.

Option 2: Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono is a practice from the ancient Huna tradition in Hawaii. This exercise
allows you to cleanse your self-judgments and to make peace with yourself. The technique
is simple but effective. When you have a negative thought or feel negative energy toward
yourself, say the following to yourself:

• I am sorry.
• Please forgive me.
• Thank you.
• I love you.

Continue to say these short phrases until you feel that you’ve released some of the negative
energy. Doing this on a regular basis will help you to feel lighter, have more energy, and
make peace with yourself.

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for this habit.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 1 ­– The Foundation: Take Ownership of Your Happiness

Happiness Habit 1
How can you assume greater responsibility and ownership for your own happiness?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 2
What are three things you can do to stop complaining, blaming, and feeling shame?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 3
What will support you in looking for the lesson and the gift in every situation?
My Happiness Commitment:





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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Time Line Exercise

Psychological research has proven that whatever we fully imagine vividly and with
strong emotion is regarded as real by our subconscious mind. In this neuro-linguistic
programming Time Line Exercise, your subconscious mind will automatically record what
you imagine and help you create it in your future.
Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each step before closing your
eyes and doing it in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to take full responsibility for your happiness.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why
you want to be fully empowered in relation to your happiness. Now imagine a line
extending in space, connecting your past, present, and future—the past extends far
behind you and the future far out in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line until
you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as a more
self-empowered person. See yourself having achieved this state. Consider the following
questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations you have. Make them
bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy your experience being
there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you have attained a higher level of

responsibility and ownership of your happiness?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying, and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to take full responsibility for your happiness.

Congratulations on completing Step 1 – The Foundation!

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Happy for No Reason
Step 2 ­– The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Step 2 – The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

The mind is a miraculous tool. It makes a wonderful servant,

but a terrible master. As we learn to question the validity of our
thoughts, release those that keep us stuck in repetitive cycles of negativity,
and savor those that bring us joy, we strengthen The Pillar of the Mind.

Now you’ll explore how your thoughts affect your happiness. As you do this step, any time
you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4) and Visualization
Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 3, Tracks 1 through 4, and related interviews with Hale Dwoskin (Track 6) and
John Assaraf (Track 7).
List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.



List the two main points from the interviews with Hale Dwoskin and John Assaraf that you
feel are most important for you to remember and apply.



Expansion and Contraction Scale

Write down two or three judgmental thoughts that you have repeatedly and which produce
negative feelings in you.





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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you feel:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



Negative thoughts siphon our energy and bring us down. By practicing the art of questioning
negative thoughts, we lessen their impact dramatically, and our inner experience shifts from
pessimism and irritability to satisfaction, peace, and gratitude. The next time you notice your
thoughts spiraling down toward the negative, challenge them by:

• Questioning your thoughts

• Going beyond the mind and letting go
• Savoring the good

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and generate an
ideal state for learning.

Consider each question that follows, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 4
Do you tend to believe every negative thought that crosses your mind?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

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Happy for No Reason
Step 2 ­– The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Question 5
Do you find it difficult to let go of your negative thoughts?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Question 6
Do you pay more attention to the negative thoughts and worries in your life than to the
positive ones?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so you
can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable before moving on.

Happiness Habit 4 – Question Your Thoughts

The following exercise, excerpted from Byron Katie’s “The Work,” is a powerful technique
for self-discovery. In the spaces below, write down a thought or belief that leaves you feeling
angry, sad, or disappointed. For example, “My spouse never listens to me.” Then, challenge
this thought in writing by answering the following questions.

State a thought or belief that generates stress or unhappiness within you:



1. Is it true? ______ The answer is either a “yes” or a “no.”

If the answer is “no,” skip to Question 3.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true? Using the example, you would ask yourself,
“Can I ever really know when someone is listening or not? Are people sometimes
listening when they appear not to be?” ______

3. How do you react when you believe that thought? What happens? How do you treat
yourself and others when you believe that thought?




4. Who would you be without that thought? How would you live life differently if you
did not believe that thought?




Turn the thought around. Continuing the example from above, “My spouse doesn’t listen
to me,” becomes “I don’t listen to my spouse,” or “I don’t listen to myself.” List as many
turnarounds as you can think of.





How is the turnaround as true or truer than the original thought?





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Happy for No Reason
Step 2 ­– The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

For each turnaround, find two genuine examples of how the turnaround is true in your life.
This is not about blaming yourself or feeling guilty. It’s about discovering alternatives that
can bring you peace.





When we do The Work, we free ourselves from the effects of believing stressful thoughts such
as “I’m not good enough,” “He doesn’t love me,” “She doesn’t understand me,” “I’m too fat,”
“I need more money,” or “Something terrible is going to happen.” We can turn our stress,
frustration, and anger into a freedom that we never dreamed possible.

Happiness Habit 5 ­– Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go

The following exercise, “The Letting Go Process,” is an introduction to The Sedona Method.
It will support you in releasing limitations that obstruct your happiness. To begin, make
yourself comfortable and turn your attention inward. Your eyes may be open or closed.

1. Bring to mind an issue that is troubling you, and then allow yourself to feel whatever
you’re feeling in this moment. This does not have to be a strong feeling. In fact, if
you’re feeling numb, flat, cut off, or empty inside, those are feelings that can be let go
of just as easily as the more recognizable ones. Just welcome the feeling and allow it to
be as fully as you can.
This instruction may seem simplistic, but it needs to be. Most of us live in our
thoughts, pictures, and stories about the past and the future, rather than being aware of
how we actually feel in this moment. The only time that we can actually do anything
about the way we feel (and, for that matter, about our businesses or our lives) is NOW.

2. Ask yourself: Could I let this feeling go?

This question is merely asking you if it is possible to take this action. “Yes” and “no” are
both acceptable answers. You’ll often let go even if you say “no.” All the questions used
in this process are deliberately simple. They are not important in and of themselves but
are designed to point you to the experience of letting go.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

3. Ask yourself this simple question: Would I let this go? In other words: Am I willing to
let it go?
If the answer is “no,” or if you are not sure, ask yourself: Would I rather have this
feeling, or would I rather be free? Even if the answer is still “no,” go on to Step 4.

4. Ask yourself this simpler question: When? This is an invitation to just let it go now.
You may find yourself easily letting go. Remember that letting go is a decision you
can make any time you choose.

5. Repeat the preceding four steps as often as needed until you feel free of that
particular feeling.
NOTE: You’ll probably find yourself letting go a little more at each step of the
process. The results at first may be quite subtle, but if you are persistent, the results
will become increasingly more noticeable. You may find that you have layers of
feelings about a particular topic, so be patient. However, what you let go of is gone
for good, and you’ll feel lighter and more peaceful.

Happiness Habit 6 – Incline Your Mind Toward Joy

The following two exercises will help you focus your mind on joy. Choose the one that
most appeals to you.

Option 1: The Daily Happiness Awards

This exercise builds greater awareness, humor, and appreciation for life’s blessings.
1. Throughout the day, look around you as though your job in life is to hand out awards to
everyone and everything you encounter. Be creative! For example, as you look at flowers,
notice the one that might win the “Most Unusual Color” award, or find one that seems
to have struggled to survive, and give it the “Best Blossom of the Day” award. Look for
extraordinary smiles, efficient service, or ingenious solutions to everyday challenges.
There is no limit to the type or number of awards you can give in a day.

2. Invite other family members or friends to play this game, and at the end of the day,
share with each other the awards you have given out that day.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 2 ­– The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Option 2: Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a method for releasing negative energy that was
developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford University engineering graduate and ordained minister.
It’s based on the findings of Dr. Roger Callahan, a clinical psychologist who discovered the
breakthrough Thought Field Therapy in the 1980s.
EFT is a technique to relieve pressure and blockage in the meridian points and meridian lines
of the body. By tapping a sequence of specific points on your body, you can release negative and
painful emotions and increase the flow of vitality and well-being throughout body and mind.
EFT involves numerous points on the body, including the ones used in this basic sequence
offered by Nicolas Ortner, producer of the film Try It On Everything, a documentary about EFT:
1. Karate Chop – The outer edge of hand that would land a karate chop
2. Eyebrow – The inner edge of the eyebrow closest to the bridge of the nose
3. Side of Eye – The hard area where brow ends between eye and temple
4. Under Eye – The hard area under the eye that merges with the cheekbone
5. Under Nose – The point centered between the nose and upper lip
6. Chin – The point between the bottom of the lower lip and chin
7. Collarbone – The point just below the hard ridge of the collarbone
8. Underarm – The point on the side of the body four inches beneath the armpit
9. Head – The crown, center, and top of head

9. Head
1. Karate Chop

2. Eyebrow

3. Side of Eye

4. Under Eye

5. Under Nose

6. Chin

7. Collarbone

8. Underarm

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

To begin this exercise, take a moment to touch each of these EFT points, making a mental
note of how each one feels. They may feel different before and after using EFT.
Next, identify an issue or problem that you would like to release. For example, “My job is
really frustrating me.” Think about how this situation is affecting you emotionally.
Now, create a “setup” statement by adding an affirmation of yourself as a person. For
example, “Even though my job frustrates me, I deeply and profoundly love and accept
myself.” Repeat this statement three times out loud while simultaneously tapping the
Karate Chop point of one hand using four fingers of the opposite hand.
Then, tap the following sequence of points using two to four fingertips of one hand: Head,
Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin, Collarbone, Underarm, and back to
Head. Tap each point five to seven times at a moderate pace (about two taps per second) before
moving to the next point. As you tap, repeat a simple reminder phrase, such as “job frustration.”
Finally, take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Focus on your problem again, and gauge how
you feel. Has your frustration level diminished? Did you feel a release of your emotions? By
consistently and frequently practicing EFT, you can release negative emotions, relax more
completely, and make yourself feel better.

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

Happiness Habit 4
What reminders can you put into place that will help you question the truth of your
negative thoughts when they arise?
My Happiness Commitment:





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Happy for No Reason
Step 2 ­– The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Happiness Habit 5
What actions or practices will support you in letting go of thoughts and beliefs that lead to
stress or unhappiness?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 6
How can I savor the positive more in my life?
My Happiness Commitment:





Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to let your thoughts support your happiness.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why you
want your thoughts to support your happiness. Now imagine a line extending in space,
connecting your past, present, and future—the past extends far behind you and the
future far out in front of you.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality
as a person who has happiness-promoting thoughts. See yourself having achieved
this state. Consider the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and
sensations you have. Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the
volume. Enjoy your experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you have learned to question and release your
negative thoughts and incline your mind toward joy?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying, and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to have your thoughts support your happiness.

Congratulations on completing Step 2 – The Pillar of the Mind!

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Happy for No Reason
Step 3 ­– The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead

Step 3 – The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead

Love is the most powerful energy on the planet. Gratitude, compassion,

appreciation, and joy are all variations of love. Anger, guilt, sadness, and
worry are all variations of fear. Love expands us while fear contracts us.
As we project our love outwardly, we receive it inwardly. An open, full,
and loving heart is a key to being Happy for No Reason.

Now you’ll learn how to let love lead in your life. As you do this step, any time you like, revisit
the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4) and Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 4, Tracks 1 through 4, and related interviews with Deborah Rozman (Track 6)
and Fred Johnson (Track 7).
List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.



List the two main points from the interviews with Deborah Rozman and Fred Johnson that
you feel are most important for you to remember and apply.



Expansion and Contraction Scale

Think about a recent situation in which you felt anger and resentment toward someone
whom you were unwilling to forgive or in which you felt your heart was shut down. Briefly
describe the situation.




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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



People who let love lead in their life experience a sense of expansion, openness, and
connection. Ways to let love lead more in your life are to be:

• Grateful
• Compassionate
• Generous
• Forgiving
• Kind

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the
best place for learning.

Consider each question that follows, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 3 ­– The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead

Question 7
How often do you express gratitude in your life—either silently or aloud?
1 2 3 4 5
Not at All Sometimes Often

Question 8
Do you find yourself holding grudges and feeling angry, hurt, or resentful?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Question 9
Is it easy for you to be loving toward others and to wish others well?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so you
can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

Happiness Habit 7 – Focus on Gratitude

The following exercises will help you explore the power of gratitude. Choose the one that
most appeals to you.

Option 1: HeartMath’s Quick Coherence Technique

This technique reconnects you with the powerful energy of your heart to help release stress,
balance your emotions, and feel better fast. Once you have learned the technique, it only
takes a minute to do.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

1. Heart Focus
Gently focus your attention in the area of your heart. If you like, you can put your
hand over your heart to help draw your awareness to that area. If you find your mind
wandering, just keep shifting your attention back to the area surrounding your heart.

2. Heart Breathing
As you focus on the area of your heart, imagine that your breath is flowing in and
out through your heart center. This supports your mind in staying focused on the
exercise and allows your respiration and heart rhythms to synchronize. Breathe slowly
and gently until your breathing feels smooth and balanced, not forced. Continue to
breathe with ease until you find a natural inner rhythm that feels good to you.

3. Heart Feeling
As you continue to breathe, recall a time when you felt good inside, and see if you
can re-experience that feeling in the present moment. This could be a feeling of
appreciation for a special person or pet, a place you enjoy, or an activity that brought
you joy. Rather than focusing on the particular person or activity, allow yourself to
feel good feelings that the person or activity elicited within you. If you cannot feel
anything, it’s okay, just do your best to cultivate a sincere attitude of appreciation
or care. Once you have found a positive feeling or attitude, you can sustain it by
continuing your heart focus, heart breathing, and heart feeling.

Option 2: Theme for the Day

This exercise is from Brother David Steindl-Rast, Benedictine monk and the founder of the
Network for Grateful Living, who has developed a unique way to increase feelings of deep
peace by focusing on gratitude.
Each day Brother David picks a “theme for the day.” It can be anything: water, the sky,
a specific color, people, a food, or a certain technology. Once a theme is selected, he uses
that stimulus as a reminder to express gratitude for the present moment. For example, if
he selects water as the theme of the day, every time he encounters water while brushing his
teeth, doing the dishes, and so on, he uses this catalyst as an opportunity to feel grateful.
Pick your own theme each day, notice it, and allow it to remind you to drop in to a state of
pure appreciation.

Happiness Habit 8 – Practice Forgiveness

This exercise guides you through a powerful forgiveness process that helps you develop
compassion and understanding for others.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 3 ­– The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead

1. Find a quiet place to sit where you won’t be disturbed.

2. Close your eyes and think of someone toward whom you are holding anger, hatred, or
resentment in your heart.

3. Take a couple of deep breaths and let yourself feel your feelings without having to do
anything about them. Just notice them.

4. Now, realize that the person’s hurtful actions cannot be changed. It’s in the past, and there
is absolutely nothing that can be done to affect it now. Feel the finality of that.

5. Also realize that this person may never change. They are the way they are. Take a few
deep breaths as you accept the truth of that.

6. Now, see that the person is the way they are—and did whatever they did— because
they have some pain, some lack, or some woundedness. They may not even realize it
themselves, but it’s there. People only hurt others because they are hurt themselves. See
this person through the eyes of compassion, and see if you can empathize with their
suffering. Imagine them as a child who is hurting, lashing out at others because of the
intensity of their own pain. Can you feel compassion for them?

7. Sit quietly for a minute or two more, just feeling the expansion that compassion—in
any amount—brings to your heart.

NOTE: It’s okay if you still feel angry; the purpose of this exercise is to begin to release
the pain in your heart, not to excuse anyone for their actions. Keep repeating this
exercise until you feel a shift, however small, in your heart. Your forgiveness will grow
as you feel more compassion.

Happiness Habit 9 – Spread Lovingkindness

This exercise helps expands your capacity for compassion by guiding you through the process
of wishing lovingkindness for yourself and others.

1. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Close your eyes.

2. Take slow, deep breaths, being aware of the breath as it enters and leaves your body. Let
your thoughts come and go easily.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

3. Repeat the following phrases silently:

May I be safe.
May I be happy.
May I be healthy.
May I live with ease.

Continue feeling these wishes toward yourself for a minute or two or until you
experience a sense of peace inside.

4. Now, move onto your friends and family. Picture one of them as you send the
following wishes silently:

May you be safe.

May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you live with ease.
Continue sending these wishes until you feel a flow of love in your heart.

5. Now send these wishes to all the living beings around the world. Continue until you
feel a sense of expansion in your heart.

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

Happiness Habit 7
What are three ways you can consciously practice gratitude during your day?
My Happiness Commitment:




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Happy for No Reason
Step 3 ­– The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead

Happiness Habit 8
What situations in your life are in need of more compassion and forgiveness, and how can
you be more compassionate and forgiving in your life?
My Happiness Commitment:




Happiness Habit 9
What situations in your life are in need of your lovingkindness? What actions can you take to
express your love in these areas?
My Happiness Commitment:




Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to let love lead in your life.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why you
want to let love lead in your life. Now imagine a line extending in space, connecting
your past, present, and future—the past extends far behind you and the future far out
in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as a
person who lets love lead in their life. See yourself having achieved this state. Consider
the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations you have.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy your
experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you have learned to feel gratitude, forgive
easily, and spread lovingkindness?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to let love lead in your life.

Congratulations on completing Step 3 – The Pillar of the Heart!

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Happy for No Reason
Step 4 ­– The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

Step 4 – The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

Happiness and health create a positive feedback loop; improving one

automatically improves the other. The way you eat, breathe, move,
and rest can help release endorphins and other happiness chemicals
that make you feel better while encouraging the creation of immune-
boosting T-cells. When your cells are happy, you are happy!

In this step you’ll consider how enhancing your physical health and well-being enhances your
happiness. As you do this step, anytime you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal
(CD 1, Track 4) and Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 5, Tracks 1 through 4, and related interviews with Chunyi Lin (Track 6) and
Dr. Sue Morter (Track 7).
List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

List the two main points from the interviews with Chunyi Lin and Dr. Sue Morter that you
feel are most important for you to remember and apply.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

Expansion and Contraction Scale

Recall a time when you felt drained, exhausted, and not at ease in your body. In the following
space, describe the details about how you were caring for yourself at that time. Were you
listening to your body’s needs? What were your habits of eating, sleeping, and exercising?




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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



Well-being in the body translates to well-being in the mind and emotions. Here are some
ways to enhance happiness on all levels of your being:

• Eating fresh, whole foods

• Having a balanced system
• Breathing deeply from the abdomen
• Drinking plenty of water
• Moving your body
• Smiling
• Listening to what your body needs and desires

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the
best place for learning.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 4 ­– The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

Consider each question below, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 10
Do you eat a healthy, fresh, and organic diet?
1 2 3 4 5
Rarely Sometimes Yes

Question 11
Do you exercise or move your body regularly, get enough sleep, and breathe properly?
1 2 3 4 5
Not at all Sometimes Yes

Question 12
Do you listen and respond to the signals that your body sends you?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so you
can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

Happiness Habit 10 – Nourish Your Body

The following exercise, The Four-Part Mood Type Questionnaire, can help you determine
if your body has adequate levels of four key neurotransmitters that research has linked to
brain happiness. These neurotransmitters are fueled by nutrients called amino acids that can
be regulated by proper nutrition. As your neurotransmitters get the fuel they need, you may
experience your moods improving in a very short period of time.

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Happy for No Reason
Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Each of the following questions has a numerical value, which is listed in brackets, such as [3].
If the symptom discussed in a question applies to you, write down its corresponding value in
the space provided. Total your score in each section, and compare it to the cutoff score. If your
score is over the cutoff—or, if you have only a few of the symptoms but they bother you on a
regular basis—learn more about the amino acid indicated in Julia Ross’s book The Mood Cure.

Part 1. Are You Under a Dark Cloud? If So, Your Serotonin Levels May Be Low

[3] Do you have a tendency to be negative, to see the glass as half empty ______
rather than half full? Do you have dark, pessimistic thoughts?
[3] Are you often worried and anxious? ______
[3] Do you have feelings of low self-esteem and lack confidence? ______
Do you easily get to feeling self-critical and guilty?
[3] Does your behavior often get a bit, or a lot, obsessive? Is it hard for you ______
to make transitions, to be flexible? Are you a perfectionist, a neatnik, or
a control freak? A computer, TV, or work addict?
[3] Do you really dislike dark weather or have a clear-cut fall/winter depression? ______
[2] Are you apt to be irritable, impatient, edgy, or angry? ______
[3] Do you tend to be shy or fearful? Do you get nervous or panicky ______
about heights, flying, enclosed spaces, public performance, spiders,
snakes, bridges, crowds, leaving the house, or anything else?
[2] Have you had anxiety attacks or panic attacks ______
(your heart races, it’s hard to breathe)?
[2] Do you get PMS or menopausal moodiness (tears, anger, depression)? ______
[3] Do you hate hot weather? ______
[2] Are you a night owl, or do you often find it hard ______
to get to sleep, even though you want to?
[2] Do you wake up in the night, have restless or light sleep, ______
or wake up too early in the morning?
[3] Do you routinely like to have sweet or starchy snacks, ______
or wine in the afternoons, evenings, or in the middle
of the night (but not earlier in the day)?
[2] Do you find relief from any of the above symptoms through exercise? ______
[3] Have you had fibromyalgia (unexplained muscle pain) ______
or TMJ (pain, tension, and grinding associated with your jaw)?

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Step 4 ­– The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

[2] Have you had suicidal thoughts or plans? ______

Total Score: ______
If your score is more than 12 in Part 1, you may have a serotonin deficiency.

Part 2. Are You Suffering from the Blahs?

If So, Your Catecholamine Levels May Be Low

[3] Do you often feel depressed—the flat, bored, apathetic kind? ______
[2] Are you low on physical or mental energy? Do you feel tired a lot, ______
and have to push yourself to exercise?
[2] Is your drive, enthusiasm, and motivation quota on the low side? ______
[2] Do you have difficulty focusing or concentrating? ______
[3] Are you easily chilled? Do you have cold hands or feet? ______
[2] Do you tend to put on weight too easily? ______
[3] Do you feel the need to get more alert and motivated by consuming ______
a lot of coffee or other “uppers” like sugar, diet soda, or ephedra?
Total Score: ______
If your score is more than 6 in Part 2, your level of catecholamines may be low.

Part 3. Is Stress Your Problem? If So, Your Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA)

Levels May Be Low

[3] Do you often feel overworked, pressured, or deadlined? ______

[1] Do you have trouble relaxing or loosening up? ______
[1] Does your body tend to be stiff, uptight, and tense? ______
[2] Are you easily upset, frustrated, or snappy under stress? ______
[3] Are you easily chilled? Do you have cold hands or feet? ______
[2] Do you tend to put on weight too easily? ______
[3] Do you often feel overwhelmed or as though you just can’t get it all done? ______
[2] Do you feel weak or shaky at times? ______
[3] Are you sensitive to bright light, noise, or chemical fumes? ______
Do you need to wear dark glasses a lot?

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[3] Do you feel significantly worse if you skip meals ______

or go too long without eating?
[2] Do you use tobacco, alcohol, food, or drugs to relax and calm down? ______
Total Score: ______
If your score is more than 8 in Part 3, you could be low in GABA.

Part 4. Are You Too Sensitive to Life’s Pain?

If So, Your Endorphin Levels May Be Low

[3] Do you consider yourself or do others consider you to be very sensitive? ______
Does emotional pain, or perhaps physical pain, really get to you?
[2] Do you tear up or cry easily, for instance, even during TV commercials? ______
[2] Do you tend to avoid dealing with painful issues? ______
[3] Do you find it hard to get over losses or get through grieving? ______
[2] Have you been through a great deal of physical or emotional pain? ______
[3] Do you crave pleasure, comfort, reward, enjoyment, or numbing from ______
treats like chocolate, bread, wine, romance novels, tobacco, or lattes?
Total Score: ______
If your score is more than 6, you may be low in endorphins.

Happiness Habit 11 – Energize Your Body

The following three exercises can help energize your body. They were developed by Qigong
master, teacher, and healer Chunyi Lin, creator of Spring Forest Qigong. Choose the one
that most appeals to you, and notice the effect of integrating it into your daily routine.

Option 1: Spring Forest Qigong Breathing of the Universe

Don’t be fooled by the seeming simplicity of this exercise. As Master Lin says, “The most
powerful is also the simplest.” This exercise is subtle, yet extremely effective for opening
blockages in the whole body, especially the lungs.
1. Relax in the proper position: Stand with your feet a bit more than shoulder width
apart, knees slightly bent, and look forward. Smile and relax. Draw your chin back
slightly to straighten the spine. Drop your shoulders and move your elbows out a
little. Open your hands and spread your fingers.
2. Breathe deeply: Slowly take three deep, gentle breaths through your nose. Imagine
using your whole body to breathe. Visualize energy coming in and collecting in

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Step 4 ­– The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

your belly. When you exhale, visualize any pain or sickness changing into smoke and
shooting out from every cell into the universe.
3. Connect to the universe: Close your eyes and silently say the phrase, “I am in the
universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and I are one.” Take a moment to
feel the quietness, the stillness of the universe.
4. Move your hands: As you inhale, slowly move your hands wide apart and to the sides
(demonstrated by Master Lin below). As you exhale, slowly bring your hands back
together (do not let your hands touch each other). When you open your arms, feel
the energy expanding in the space between your hands. When you bring your hands
toward each other, feel the energy compressing in the space between them.
Do the exercise for five to six minutes. When finished, take three slow, gentle, deep breaths,
and allow yourself to relax for another minute or two.

Master Chunyi Lin practicing the Breathing of the Universe

Option 2: Spring Forest Qigong Cupping Exercise

This exercise from Master Chunyi Lin can be used to open the lungs, clear away energy
blockages, and get your energy flowing. There is an energy point in the underarm area that
connects directly to the lungs, the chest, and the breast area, especially for women. Keep this
area open as follows.
1. Lift your left arm up. With your cupped right hand, pat the left side of your body,
moving from your underarm to your waist several times in succession. Do this for at
least ten seconds and up to one minute, but do it to the level you feel comfortable.
2. Switch to the other side.

Option 3: Spring Forest Qigong Tailbone Tapping

This exercise from Master Chunyi Lin enhances your vitality. The tip of the tailbone is the
gate to the vitality of the body. When the gate is closed, less energy runs through your body,
causing you to tire easily.

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When people sit on the tailbone for extended periods, this gate is pressed closed. And when the
gate closes, not enough energy comes up to the waist, which can lead people to gain weight.
1. Lean forward slightly from the waist.
2. Close your hands into loose fists.
3. Gently tap your sacrum and tailbone area with alternating fists continuously for two
to three minutes.
Tailbone tapping stimulates the cerebral spinal fluid, opens the energy channels of the
lower half of the body, and helps clear the mind. Do this process any time you want to
increase your energy level and boost your body’s vitality.

Happiness Habit 12 – Tune In to Your Body’s Wisdom

Listening is essential in any relationship—including the one you have with your own body.
This exercise helps you get in touch with the wisdom of your body by improving your
ability to listen to its signals.
1. Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths in and out through your
nose, relaxing your body.
2. Notice any place in your body where you feel discomfort or tension. Don’t try to
do anything about it, just be with whatever’s happening in that part of your body.
Discomfort is a message to us from our bodies, but we often ignore it, push it out or
simply try to make it go away with painkillers. (If there’s no discomfort in your body,
continue the exercise, focusing on the body’s pleasant sensations.)
3. Ask the part of the body that’s uncomfortable what it needs to feel better. (Or ask the
whole body what it needs for optimal health.)
4. Now just notice what happens. You may hear an answer in your head. Or you may
get a feeling or a picture of what your body wants—for example, you may see a
picture of yourself taking a walk, lying on the grass, or getting a massage. You may
suddenly feel thirsty or hungry for a particular food. You may even just feel like
laughing or crying.
5. When the process feels complete, send loving energy to your whole body, especially
the uncomfortable part you just listened to. Thank your body for communicating
with you, and make a commitment to fulfill any requests it made.

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

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Step 4 ­– The Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy

Happiness Habit 10
What changes can you make in your eating habits to promote more happiness and vitality
in your body?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 11
What are your favorite forms of exercise, and how can you incorporate them more regularly
into your daily routine?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 12
What are three ways you can become a better listener to the signals your body sends you?
My Happiness Commitment:





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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to take care of your body and make your cells happy.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why
you want to take care of your body and make your cells happy. Now imagine a line
extending in space, connecting your past, present, and future—the past extends far
behind you and the future far out in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as a
person who nurtures and cares for their body. See yourself having achieved this state.
Consider the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations
you have. Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy
your experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you are in the habit of eating well, moving
your body, getting enough rest, and listening to your body’s wisdom?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to take care of your body and make your cells happy.

Congratulations on completing Step 4 – The Pillar of the Body!

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Happy for No Reason
Step 5 ­– The Pillar of the Soul: Plug Yourself In to Spirit

Step 5 – The Pillar of the Soul: Plug Yourself In to Spirit

Every person experiences spirituality in a unique way.

However you perceive your connection to a power greater
than yourself, tapping into this inner source is a key to
a richer, more rewarding, and happier life.

In this part of your journey you’ll take the path that connects you to spirit. As you do this
step, anytime you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4) and
Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to audio CD 6, Tracks 1 through 4, and related interviews with Jeddah Mali (Track 6)
and Arjuna Ardagh (Track 7).

List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.



List the two main points from the interviews with Jeddah Mali and Arjuna Ardagh that you
feel are most important for you to remember and apply.



Expansion and Contraction Scale

Recall a time when you felt disconnected from a Higher Source—separate, unsupported,
or alone. Write a brief description of your circumstances at that time and how you felt.





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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



When we are connected to the realm of spirit, we enjoy a state of expansion and feel infused
with the very essence of being Happy for No Reason. People with a strong relationship to Spirit:

• Make time for stillness and meditation

• Seek out sources of inspiration
• Listen to the voice of inner knowing
• Pray and surrender
• Trust in a Higher Power
• Feel connected to a larger whole

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the
best place for learning.

Consider each question that follows, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 13
How often do you take time for silence through meditation, prayer, or other means?
1 2 3 4 5
Not at All Sometimes Very Often

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Step 5 ­– The Pillar of the Soul: Plug Yourself In to Spirit

Question 14
How often do you listen to your inner voice, the aspect of you that is connected to
universal wisdom?
1 2 3 4 5
Not at All Sometimes Very Often

Question 15
Do you feel like the general manager of the universe and try to control all aspects of your life?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Somewhat No

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so you
can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

Happiness Habit 13 – Invite Connection with Your Higher Power

The following Light Meditation exercise will lead you to that quiet place within that is the
bedrock of inner peace and well-being.
1. Sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes.

2. Take five or six deep breaths, noticing the breath as you inhale and exhale.

3. Picture a column of bright, white light coming down from above your head, entering
through the top of your head, and filling up your head with light.

4. Feel that white light flowing from your head down through your neck and into your chest,
lighting up your heart. Feel the warmth and expansion in the area around your heart.

5. Continue to see the light flowing down your arms, your torso, your spine, and your
hips, filling those areas with light. See the light flowing down through your legs and
into your feet, lighting up the soles of your feet.

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6. Feel your entire body flooded with warm, bright light. In this state, sit for ten
minutes and just allow any thoughts and experiences to arise. Do not try to push
away thoughts or control your mind—simply be with whatever comes. If you would
like a focus for your attention, notice your breath as you inhale and exhale.

7. When you feel ready to end your meditation, become aware of any peace and serenity
you feel. Rest in this peaceful feeling for a moment. Take a few deep breaths and
savor this feeling. This is the essence of being Happy for No Reason.

8. Slowly open your eyes. Have the intention to carry this experience with you as you
return to your normal activities.

Happiness Habit 14 – Listen to Your Inner Voice

This Inner Listening exercise builds confidence in your inner guidance. To begin, find a
quiet, comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Have a pencil or a pen nearby.

1. In the space below, write down a question or issue for which you would like guidance
or clarity. Phrase the question or issue as clearly as you can.



2. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths.

3. Direct the question you just wrote down to the voice of your inner wisdom, and then
wait for your inner voice to answer you. It may take a few moments until you feel
ready, but when you do, open your eyes and start writing whatever comes to you. It
does not matter whether it makes sense or not. Keep writing, not reading what you
have written as you go, until your hand feels like it won’t move any longer.






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4. Now read over what you have written—you may be quite surprised at the wisdom that
has emerged. Even a certain word or phrase may hold the key to your answer.

Happiness Habit 15 – Trust Life’s Unfolding

This simple exercise, Inviting Grace, reinforces the No Tension step of the Formula for
Manifesting in Section I of the guidebook: Intention, Attention, No Tension.

1. Sit quietly and write a letter to your Higher Power about a situation in some aspect of
your life—relationship, health, career, etc.—that you would like assistance with. Write
from your heart, without editing yourself.

2. Ask that the perfect people, events, and circumstances be brought to you in order to
create the deepest fulfillment and resolution of that situation. You may want to ask for
right understanding or forgiveness, if appropriate.

3. Put the letter somewhere meaningful to you where it will not be disturbed. Some
people like to put their letter in a special book, in a sacred place in their home, or
under a rock in their garden. You’ll not be looking at it again for a while.

4. Now, let go. Turn the situation over to a Higher Power. Relax, feel grateful, and rest in
the knowingness that the universe is always supporting you.

5. Notice what happens over the following days or weeks. You may want to look at your
letter in a month or two and see how the universe responded.

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

Happiness Habit 13
How do you experience your connection with source, Spirit, or a Higher Power? What can
you do to strengthen and nurture this connection?
My Happiness Commitment:




Happiness Habit 14
What guidance or messages are coming from the voice of your own inner wisdom? How
can you implement the wisdom you have received?
My Happiness Commitment:




Happiness Habit 15
In what ways do you trust, let go, and surrender to a Higher Power in your life?
My Happiness Commitment:




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Step 5 ­– The Pillar of the Soul: Plug Yourself In to Spirit

Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to plug yourself in to Spirit.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why you want to
plug in to Spirit. Now imagine a line extending in space, connecting your past, present, and
future—the past extends far behind you and the future far out in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as
a person who feels fully plugged in to Spirit. See yourself having achieved this state.
Consider the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations you
have. Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy your
experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you have learned to take quiet time to connect to your
Higher Power, listen to your inner voice, and trust and surrender to life’s unfolding?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to be plugged in to Spirit.

Congratulations on completing Step 5 – The Pillar of the Soul!

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Step 6 – The Roof: Live Inspired By Purpose

Living inspired by purpose connects you to what

you feel is meaningful in life. When you discover your
passions and feel that your contribution is serving others,
you are creative, enthusiastic, and fulfilled.

Now is your chance to explore the area of purpose and passion of your life. As you do this
step, anytime you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4) and
Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 7, Tracks 1 through 4, and the related interviews with Janet Attwood (Track
6) and Lynne Twist (Track 7).

List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.



List the two main points from the interviews with Janet Attwood and Lynne Twist that you
feel are most important for you to remember and apply.



Expansion and Contraction Scale

Recall a time in your life when you felt lost, when your life lacked direction or a sense of
purpose. Describe the circumstances:





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Happy for No Reason
Step 6 ­– The Roof: Live Inspired By Purpose

On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



Albert Schweitzer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you’ll be successful.” You can infuse your life with a sense of
meaning and purpose by:

• Acting from inspiration

• Being in the flow and engaged
• Feeling passionate
• Being of service to others

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the best
place for learning.

Consider each question that follows, then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 16
Do you feel passionate about the work or activities you are doing?
1 2 3 4 5
Absolutely Not Sometimes Yes

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Question 17
Do you let inspiration guide you in making your decisions?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Question 18
Do you feel as though you are contributing to something greater than yourself?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so
you can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

Happiness Habit 16 – Find Your Passion

This Passion Test exercise by Janet Attwood and Chris Attwood helps you become clear
about what really matters to you. After completing the Passion Test, you’ll have identified
your top five passions and have a better understanding of how to align your life with them.
You can find the complete test in the book The Passion Test.

Create a list of ten things that would make your life fulfilled and complete—the things
you’re most passionate about experiencing.






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Step 6 ­– The Roof: Live Inspired By Purpose






Rank your top five passions, and enter them on the designated lines in descending order.
Then rate them from 0 to 10, indicating the level to which you have integrated them into
your life, with 10 meaning complete integration.

My #1 Passion: _ _______________________________________________________
Integration: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My #2 Passion: _ _______________________________________________________
Integration: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My #3 Passion: _ _______________________________________________________
Integration: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My #4 Passion: _ _______________________________________________________
Integration: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

My #5 Passion: _ _______________________________________________________
Integration: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Happiness Habit 17 – Follow the Inspiration of the Moment

The word “inspire” derives from the same root words that mean “in spirit” or “spirit within.”
Inspired action, then, is the act of being led by your soul throughout the day. A wonderful
way to act from inspiration is to start your day by asking yourself the following three
questions, which are adapted from the book A Course in Miracles.

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To begin, close your eyes, and take a few deep, slow breaths. When you feel centered, open your
eyes, and reflect on one question at a time, recording your answers in the spaces provided.

1. What would Spirit have me do?




2. Where would Spirit have me go?




3. What would Spirit have me say, and to whom?




As you move through your day, allow the answers you just received to guide your actions
and bring to light any and all opportunities to be led by your soul.

Happiness Habit 18 – Contribute to Something Greater than Yourself

The following two exercises will support you in connecting with a sense of purpose by
contributing to others. Choose the one that most appeals to you.

Option 1: Call to Serve Visualization

In this visualization you’ll explore the ways in which you may be called to serve others.
You can do this visualization by having someone guide you through it or by listening to
your own recorded voice leading you through the steps. As an alternative, you can read all
the instructions first and then lead yourself through the exercise silently.

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Happy for No Reason
Step 6 ­– The Roof: Live Inspired By Purpose

1. Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you’ll be undisturbed. Close your eyes and take
slow, deep belly breaths, relaxing your whole body.

2. Allow yourself to feel lighter and lighter and more expanded—until you experience
being so light that you feel and see yourself begin to float above your body.

3. Imagine now that you are high above your body, hovering over the earth. You look
down at the planet beneath you—you see a beautiful, shimmering blue sphere. You can
see the oceans, continents, and vast cloud formations below. You look more closely and
see the mountains, forests, valleys, and cities.

4. You see the billions of people and animals that all live inter-connectedly on earth. You
feel connected to all the life teeming beneath you. You feel you are a part of a bigger
design. You put your attention on the question: How am I being called to serve?

5. You find yourself being drawn toward a place on the planet that holds a particular
significance or fascination for you. You see a situation that moves you to serve. You
may be shown someone, somewhere, or something that is familiar to you, or it
may be completely new. (You may be drawn to helping animals, working to cure a
particular disease, preserving the oceans, or serving children in your community or
in a developing nation.) Be curious and adventurous. See where you land, the kind of
surroundings you find yourself in, and what is there for you to do. You may glimpse
one or a multiple of opportunities awaiting you. Be open to all possibilities.

6. When you feel complete with your experience, express gratitude, and gradually feel
yourself returning to the room where you are sitting or lying down. Reflect on how
you can use the images you received to be led to where you can be of service. See what
unfolds in your life.

Option 2: Cultivate an Attitude of Service

This exercise enhances your desire to serve others.
Every day for the next few weeks, look for some way to help someone else. It does not have
to be a big “cause.” Just cultivate an attitude of service, of contributing to something greater
than yourself. It could be offering someone a ride, helping someone across the street, or
listening to someone who needs attention.
Make a contribution anywhere you can. As you start looking at your life through the eyes
of making a contribution, you may be surprised by the number of opportunities to serve
you come across each day. Take advantage of as many as possible, knowing that by making a
difference in someone’s life you make a difference in your own life, too.

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

Happiness Habit 16
What are you truly passionate about? What are some ways you can incorporate that passion
into your job, your home life, and your relationships?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 17
What will support you in listening to and following the inspiration of the moment?
My Happiness Commitment:




Happiness Habit 18
In what ways do you naturally contribute to others? In what ways would you like to
contribute more?
My Happiness Commitment:





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Happy for No Reason
Step 6 ­– The Roof: Live Inspired By Purpose

Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to live inspired by purpose.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why you
want to live inspired by purpose. Now imagine a line extending in space, connecting
your past, present, and future—the past extends far behind you and the future far out
in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as a
person who feels inspired by purpose. See yourself having achieved this state. Consider
the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations you have.
Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy your
experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you are living your passions, following your
inspiration, and contributing to something greater than yourself?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to live inspired by purpose.

Congratulations on completing Step 6 – The Roof!

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Step 7 – The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships

You probably know how great it feels to walk through a beautiful, fragrant
garden. The quality of your relationships with the people around you has an
even more profound impact. In fact, scores of studies in the field of positive
psychology demonstrate that having good social relationships is one of the
strongest predictors of happiness. As you discover ways to nurture and tend to
the key relationships in your life, you’ll transform the garden of your Home for
Happiness from a thicket of weeds to a nurturing place to have fun and relax.

You’re now ready to explore the final step on your journey—The Garden. Here you’ll
tend to the relationships that nurture you and add beauty to your life. As you do this
step, anytime you like, revisit the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4) and
Visualization Exercise (CD 1, Track 5).

Course Content
Listen to CD 8, Tracks 1 through 5, and related interviews with Roxanne Emmerich
(Track 7) and John Gray (Track 8).

List the two main points from the audio session that you feel are most important for you to
remember and apply.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

List the two main points from the interviews with Roxanne Emmerich and John Gray that
you feel are most important for you to remember and apply.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

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Step 7 ­– The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships

Expansion and Contraction Scale

Recall a recent situation in your life when you were in a relationship with someone who
seemed to be a happiness vampire—someone who exuded negativity or was extremely
difficult to be around. Write a brief description of your relationship with this person and
how they affected your happiness level.





On the Expansion and Contraction Scale below, mark the place that best corresponds to the
way you felt:

Extremely Contracted Neutral Extremely Expanded

How often do you typically experience this level of contraction?


In general, how does it affect your overall happiness?



Investing your time and energy in tending to the important relationships in your life will
pay off in increased joy, fulfillment, and happiness. Here are some of the ways you can foster
healthy, thriving relationships:

• Connect with others

• Create appropriate boundaries
• Appreciate others’ contributions
• Give from your own fullness
• Perceive the similarities and unity amongst all people

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Listen to the Centering Practice on CD 1, Track 6. This will help you relax and be in the
best place for learning.

Consider each question below, and then circle the number that corresponds best to your answer.

Question 19
Do you create appropriate boundaries with negative people?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Question 20
Do you have a support system, a master mind group, or a close circle of friends who
encourage your happiness?
1 2 3 4 5
No Somewhat Yes

Question 21
Do you feel a sense of connection to and appreciation for all types of people?
1 2 3 4 5
No Somewhat Yes

Add up your total score for this section: ______. Transfer this number to your Home for
Happiness diagram on Page 11. At the end of the course, you’ll retake this assessment so
you can track your progress.

Happiness Habits
Refer back to the assessment, this time noticing which question resulted in the lowest score.
Choose the Happiness Habit that numerically corresponds to this question. You may repeat
this exercise until you feel comfortable with this habit before moving on.

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Step 7 ­– The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships

Happiness Habit 19 – Tend to Your Relationships

The following two exercises will support you in nurturing and strengthening your
relationships. Choose the one that most appeals to you.

Option 1: The Appreciation Practice

This is a one-on-one exercise to foster appreciation. Ask a friend, family member, or
coworker to participate with you.
1. Begin by acknowledging something you appreciate about the other person; for
example, “You make me laugh,” “I feel supported by you,” or “You are generous and
kind.” When you are finished, switch roles. Go back and forth at least five times or for
as long as you like.
2. Now repeat the exercise, only this time acknowledge one thing you appreciate about
yourself. Then let the other person have a turn. Go back and forth at least five times or
for as long as you like. Notice how you feel at the end.

Option 2: Celebrate Your Loved Ones

The number one human need is to be loved and appreciated by others. This exercise is a fun
and powerful way to show others that you care and to spread more appreciation in the world.
Buy or make your own “blue ribbons” that say, Who you are makes a difference! Think of a
friend or family member who you appreciate and would like to acknowledge. Give them a
ribbon, and tell them specifically how they make a difference in your life.
After you’ve presented this special person in your life with a blue ribbon, give them
additional ribbons and encourage them to “pay it forward”—to do something good for
others. You can do this with a number of people at once. Notice how a little bit of tending to
the garden of your relationships yields a harvest of love and kindness.

Happiness Habit 20 – Surround Yourself with Support

One sure-fire way to create more supportive relationships in your life is to establish a Support
Group Meeting. Here are some simple guidelines that you can follow.

1. Form your group by selecting five to seven people whom you trust and respect.
Determine your meeting times (once or twice a month is recommended). Alternate
who will lead each meeting, and decide who will keep track of the time.

2. Begin the meeting with the leader sharing an invocation or inspirational quote.

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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

3. Allow each person three to four minutes to share with the group his or her “wins” and
accomplishments since the last meeting.

4. Allow each person 10 to 15 minutes to share with the group his or her goals or
intentions, or to ask for support with a particular project or issue.

5. Finally, invite each person to state an action that he or she will take before the next
meeting to move toward his or her intentions. For example, “I will exercise three
times a week for 30 minutes.”

6. The leader then closes the meeting with a statement of gratitude and positive intention.

NOTE: It’s important that everyone maintain the following protocol: listen without
interruption, avoid blaming/shaming/complaining, offer suggestions only when solicited,
and keep everything shared completely confidential.

Happiness Habit 21 – See the World as Your Family

This wonderful exercise will expand your sense of happiness and well-being exponentially.
Spend a day relating to each person you meet as if they’re your own mother, your child,
or your dearest relative. Do this at work and when you are shopping, participating in a
group, or running an errand. Make people feel important, loved, valued, respected, and
appreciated. Do it as an active choice with the intention to put some of your wonderful,
heartfelt energy into the world.
At the end of the day, notice how you feel. It may surprise you that after a day of caring for
everyone you meet, you reap the benefit of feeling as happy and peaceful as you intended
for others to feel.

Happiness Commitments
After practicing one of the Happiness Habits, identify a commitment you can make to
yourself that will ensure this habit becomes a habit for life. Let the related questions guide
your thoughts, and write your commitment in the space provided for that habit.

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Step 7 ­– The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships

Happiness Habit 19
Are there relationships in your life right now that need more tending? If so, which ones?
What can you do to strengthen them?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 20
How would you like to establish a stronger support system in your life?
My Happiness Commitment:





Happiness Habit 21
What are three things you can do to see the world more as your family?
My Happiness Commitment:





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Section III: Building Your Home for Happiness

Time Line Exercise

This neuro-linguistic programming exercise will further help your subconscious mind to
support your new habits. Read this exercise all the way through several times to note each
step before closing your eyes and doing the exercise in your mind.

1. Sit comfortably, take a few deep, centering breaths, and relax your entire body. Focus
on your intention to have nourishing and supportive relationships.

2. Think in detail about your current situation and how you feel. Remember why
you want to have nourishing relationships. Now imagine a line extending in space,
connecting your past, present, and future—the past extends far behind you and the
future far out in front of you.

3. Now imagine standing up and walking forward into the future along your time line
until you arrive at a time about six months from now. Explore your future reality as a
person who has nourishing relationships. See yourself having achieved this. Consider
the following questions, and notice any images, emotions, and sensations you have.
Make them bigger, brighter, and more vibrant; turn up the volume. Enjoy your
experience being there, and soak it up.

• What is it like to be you since you have tended to your relationships,

surrounded yourself with support, and grown to see the world as your family?
• What are you doing differently?
• What does it feel like in your body?
• What do you hear yourself saying and what do you hear others saying to you?

4. Now step back in your mind along the time line to the present, remembering how
good it felt to have nourishing and supportive relationships.

Congratulations on completing Step 7 – The Garden and your Home for Happiness!

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Happy for No Reason
Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness


Congratulations! You’ve completed all seven steps of building your inner Home for
Happiness. In this final section of the course, you’ll assess your progress and learn some
additional practices that you can use on an ongoing basis to deepen your experience of
unconditional happiness.

Assessing Your Progress

To appreciate how much your happiness level has shifted over the time you have participated
in this course, retake the assessment for each of the Seven Steps.
For each question, circle the number that best reflects where you fall on the scale.

Step 1 – The Foundation

Question 1
How often do you complain, feel sorry for yourself, or focus on what is not working?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Question 2
How often do you blame other people or circumstances, justify your behavior, or make
excuses when things do not turn out the way you think they should?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Question 3
How often do you feel guilt, regret, or shame for what has happened in your life?
1 2 3 4 5
Often Sometimes Rarely

Add up your scores for Questions 1 through 3, and enter the total here: ______

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Step 2 – The Mind

Question 4
Do you tend to believe every negative thought that crosses your mind?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Question 5
Do you find it difficult to let go of your negative thoughts?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Question 6
Do you pay more attention to the negative thoughts and worries in your life than to the
positive ones?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

Add up your scores for Questions 4 through 6, and enter the total here: ______

Step 3 – The Heart

Question 7
How often do you express gratitude in your life—either silently or aloud?
1 2 3 4 5
Not At All Sometimes Often

Question 8
Do you find yourself holding grudges and feeling angry, hurt, or resentful?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Sometimes No

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Assessing Your Progress

Question 9
Is it easy for you to be loving toward others and to wish others well?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Add up your scores for Questions 7 through 9, and enter the total here: ______

Step 4 – The Body

Question 10
Do you eat a healthy, fresh, and organic diet?
1 2 3 4 5
Rarely Sometimes Yes

Question 11
Do you exercise or move your body regularly, get enough sleep, and breathe properly?
1 2 3 4 5
Not At All Sometimes Yes

Question 12
Do you listen and respond to the signals that your body sends you?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Add up your scores for Questions 10 through 12, and enter the total here: ______

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Step 5 – The Soul

Question 13
How often do you take time for silence through meditation, prayer, or other means?
1 2 3 4 5
Not At All Sometimes Very Often

Question 14
How often do you listen to your inner voice, the aspect of you that is connected to
universal wisdom?
1 2 3 4 5
Not At All Sometimes Very Often

Question 15
Do you feel like the general manager of the universe and try to control all aspects of your life?
1 2 3 4 5
Yes Somewhat No

Add up your scores for Questions 13 through15, and enter the total here: ______

Step 6 – The Roof

Question 16
Do you feel passionate about the work or activities you are doing?
1 2 3 4 5
Absolutely Not Sometimes Yes

Question 17
Do you let inspiration guide you in making your decisions?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

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Assessing Your Progress

Question 18
Do you feel as though you are contributing to something greater than yourself?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Add up your scores for Questions 16 through 18, and enter the total here: ______

Step 7 – The Garden

Question 19
Do you create appropriate boundaries with negative people?
1 2 3 4 5
No Sometimes Yes

Question 20
Do you have a support system, a mastermind group, or a close circle of friends who
encourage your happiness?
1 2 3 4 5
No Somewhat Yes

Question 21
Do you feel a sense of connection to and appreciation for all types of people?
1 2 3 4 5
No Somewhat Yes

Add up your scores for Questions 19 through 21, and enter the total here: ______

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Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness


Pillar Pillar Pillar Pillar

of the of the of the of the
Mind Heart Body Soul

The Garden

The Foundation

Overall Assessment
Now, let’s see how much you’ve shifted since you began your happiness journey. Record the
scores of the assessment you just completed in the Home for Happiness diagram here.
Next, transfer your score from each section to the chart below in the column titled End of
Seven Steps Score.
Then refer back to the Home for Happiness diagram on Page 11 in Section II where you
recorded your scores when you began each of the Seven Steps. Fill in those scores in the
first column below.

Happy for No Beginning of Seven End of Seven

Reason Steps Steps Score Steps Score
The Foundation
The Pillar of the Mind
The Pillar of the Heart
The Pillar of the Body
The Pillar of the Soul
The Roof
The Garden

Look at the differences in your results, and notice how your self-assessment has changed
since the beginning of this course. In what areas do you notice the most improvement? Do
you see any areas that need more of your attention or focus?

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Happy for No Reason
Plan for Life

Write down any thoughts or insights that occur to you about how you would like to
continue on your happiness journey.





Your Happy for No Reason Plan for Life

When integrating any new skill or habit, it’s important to reinforce the concepts that you’ve
learned. Here are recommendations to keep your practice going, along with some Happiness
Booster exercises and a Troubleshooting Guide, which will ensure that your Home for
Happiness is strong enough to weather any storm.
I recommend that you begin with the step that you scored lowest on in the reassessment,
because this is very likely the area where you need the most reinforcement. You can then turn
your attention to further strengthening the areas where you are already doing well.
For each of the Seven Steps, you can use the following process.

1) Fast Finish
Listen to the Fast Finish for the happiness steps you want to reinforce and enhance. Note
that there is no Fast Finish for the first CD.

2) Happiness Habits
You can practice the Happiness Habits you did not do in Section III, beginning with the
step that had the lowest score on your reassessment, or you can revisit habits you have
already completed but want to reinforce.

3) Happiness Boosters
The Happiness Booster exercises offered in this section will further support you in
applying what you learned in Section III of the course.

4) Troubleshooting Guide
Refer to this section for a quick refresher whenever you encounter a challenge in a
particular area.

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Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

5) Accelerated Learning
The Happy for No Reason Paraliminal (CD 1, Track 4), the Visualization Exercise
(CD 1, Track 5), and the Centering Practice (CD 1, Track 6) are excellent learning tools
to help you integrate and accelerate your continued learning.

Happiness Boosters

Step 1 – The Foundation: Control Your Sails

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “You may not be able to control the wind, but you can
control your sails.” Exercising this control is essential if you want to maintain ownership of
your happiness.
For the next seven days, notice the amount of time, energy, and creativity you invest in
trying to make other people, events, and circumstances conform to your expectations. When
you catch yourself exerting force in any relationship or situation, pause and gently remind
yourself that trying to control other people and outside influences is an unwinnable task.
As you shift your attention back on to yourself, reflect on the following questions:
If it were possible to change this person or situation (which it isn’t), what would I hope to gain?
How do you imagine you would feel if people around you responded in the way you think
they should? Be specific and list at least three feelings, such as relieved, satisfied, or validated.





What choices can I make on my own behalf that will generate those feelings within myself?
When you stop seeing others as the source of both your happiness and your frustration,
you return the focus to your own circle of influence. Make a list of at least one action you
can take this week that will generate each of the feelings you identified.




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Happy for No Reason
Happiness Boosters

These questions will be of no value unless you act upon the insights you received. Commit to
doing one of the actions you identified this week.
If after completing this exercise you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Blaming
• Complaining
• Indignation
• Shame
• Victimization

Step 2 – The Pillar of the Mind: Create a More Empowering Story

The degree of happiness or unhappiness we experience on a day-to-day basis isn’t the result
of the events that happen around us and to us, but rather the interpretations that we assign
to those events. Like a good storyteller, we sprinkle a healthy dose of fiction in with the facts,
and the resulting tale is one that either inspires us or depresses us.
When you find yourself feeling angst over any incident that occurs, become aware of the
story you are telling yourself about that event. Chances are, you have woven a fable that is
limiting or disempowering you. Write down the story you have created about this event and
read it over, noticing if this is a story you feel excited to participate in.
Next, take a moment to get quiet and reflect on the same incident. Give yourself permission
to come up with at least three different stories that you could tell yourself about this event,
and pick the one that serves you the best. Remember, there are always two sides to every
story. Make sure the stories you tell yourself are ones that boost your happiness!
If after completing this exercise you’re still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Anger
• Negativity
• Low Self-Esteem
• Sadness
• Being Stuck

Step 3 – The Pillar of the Heart: Pay a “Gratitude Visit”* to Someone Who Has
Made a Difference in Your Life
When is the last time you expressed your gratitude—in person and with thoughtfully chosen
words—to someone who has touched your life? If you are like most people, your answer is

*In the spirit of gratitude, my heartfelt thanks goes out to Martin Seligman, a professor of psychology
at the University of Pennsylvania and the founder of the positive psychology movement, for sharing this
wonderful exercise.

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Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

likely “a long time ago,” or “never.” Why should we save our most heartfelt sentiments for
someone’s eulogy, when sharing them right now, face to face, can open our hearts and flood
us with love and appreciation?
Here’s how it works.
Take a moment to reflect on the people in your life and pick someone whom you would
really like to thank; someone who has meant a lot to you. Write this person a letter from
your heart, describing in concrete terms why you are grateful for them.
Once the letter is written, make arrangements to visit this person and read the letter aloud
to him or her when you are face to face. I’ll bet neither one of you completes this exercise
with a dry eye or a closed heart!
If after completing this exercise you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Cold-Heartedness
• Scatteredness
• Ungratefulness
• Feeling Unloved

Step 4 – The Pillar of the Body: Increase Your Vital Energy

Here are two great ways to recharge and energize your body. Select one or do them both.

Option 1: Darth Vader – Ocean Breathing Exercise

John Douillard, a doctor of chiropractic and ayurvedic medicine who works with champion
athletes and professional sports teams, once explained to me that the way we breathe is directly
connected to the way we feel. Every emotional state has a corresponding breathing pattern.
When we are anxious, we breathe quickly and shallowly; when we are sad, we sigh deeply; and
when we are angry, we breathe in short forceful bursts. By breathing through the mouth we
actually activate our bodies’ stress response—which has adverse effects on our well-being and
our appearance!
In contrast, by performing what John calls “Darth Vader” breathing (so called because when
it’s done correctly, your breath will sound like the Star Wars character), we can increase
our energy, reverse the aging process, and generate a state of relaxation and well-being. In
yoga circles this exercise is called “Ocean Breath” because it sounds like the ocean, or ujjayi
pranayama, which means “the breath that gives victory over fear.”

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Happiness Boosters

Here’s how to do it:

1. Start by inhaling and exhaling through your mouth, pulling the air from the back of
the throat to make it sound like Darth Vader. You’ll feel the back of the throat slightly
constricting. You can also imagine you are fogging up a pair of glasses.

2. Once you get the hang of making that sound, close your mouth, and continue inhaling
and exhaling in the same way through your nose.

3. Take slow and deep breaths, feeling the air as it slowly passes in and out of your nose
and throat. When you’re doing it correctly, your breath will sound like ocean waves
coming in and going out. This is the sound people make right before they go to sleep,
when they are very relaxed. You can do this while meditating, while sitting at your
desk, when you are confronted with a challenging situation, or while you are exercising.
Practice it a few times each and every day, and notice the effect it has on your body,
mind, and emotions.

Option 2: Recharge with Negative Ions

Have you ever noticed how great you feel near the crashing waves of the ocean or high up in
the mountains? That’s because along with the beauty, you are experiencing the positive effect
of negative ions. When the environment around us is infused with lots of negative ions, we
feel more alive, vital, energized, and clear. This is why you may get your best ideas when you
are in the shower. Water crashing down produces an abundance of negative ions.
On the other hand, office buildings with piped-in air, synthetic carpets, or factory fumes
have an abundance of positive ions, which can make you feel tired, headachy, and foggy.
Many companies are now adding plants and fountains to their décor, knowing that these new
sources of negative ions will help people feel better and be more efficient.
If you’re feeling tired and drained, you may be getting too much of the positive ions (which
are the bad guys in the world of ions). To reverse this, make sure you get a negative ion fix.
Take a break and walk outside, spend your lunch hour in nature, or invest in a negative ion
generator, which is a little box you can keep in your home or office.
If after completing these exercises you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Lethargy
• Sporadic Energy
• Feeling Blue
• Feeling Off Balance

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Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

Step 5 – The Pillar of the Soul: Identify with Your Essence

Every human being is made up of multiple layers of existence. At the most tangible level,
we have a body. Next, and more subtly, we have thoughts and emotions. At the innermost
core of our being, our essence is that of pure Spirit. Because the first three layers—body,
mind, and emotions—are subject to change, they can be sources of great pleasure and
happiness, but they also have the potential to be sources of pain and unhappiness.
But the innermost core of our being—our connection to pure Spirit—is the changeless
part of us that is beyond any experience of “happy” or “unhappy.” The Bhagavad Gita,
an ancient Vedic text, describes our Spirit as the part of us that “Fire cannot burn, water
cannot wet, wind cannot dry, and weapons cannot cleave. It’s ancient, it’s unborn, and
therefore, it never dies.”
Returning to this unchangeable core is essential for creating balance and contentment in
body, mind, and emotions. Here’s a simple exercise you can do to plug in to Spirit and
reconnect with your essence.

1. Sit quietly and begin by noticing any physical sensations that you feel moving
through your body. Try not to judge the sensations, but simply notice and
acknowledge them.

2. Next, turn your attention to any emotions that you are feeling at the moment. As you
encounter each one, breathe into it.

3. Now turn your attention to the thoughts that are coming and going in your mind.
Notice that the mind goes on tangents and tries to pull you one way or another.
Rather than going with these tangents, allow yourself to be the observer of them.

4. Finally, allow yourself to observe the part of you that is the observer of all your life’s
experiences. This is the timeless, changeless core of yourself that fire cannot burn,
water cannot wet, and weapons cannot cleave. Spend a few minutes breathing into
this essence, and when you are ready, answer the following two questions:

What can I do to strengthen my connection with Spirit today?



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Happiness Boosters

How can I allow my Spirit to express itself today?



When your actions are infused with the essence of your Spirit, all of your life’s experiences
become sweeter.
If after completing this exercise you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Feeling Defeated
• Feeling Overwhelmed
• Feeling Tense

Step 6 – The Pillar of the Roof: Infuse Your Day with Purpose
Have you noticed how much energy you seem to have on days when you are committed
to a meaningful purpose and working toward a specific goal? Earl Nightingale, a pioneer
in the human potential movement, identified purpose as one of the strongest predictors of
happiness. “We are at our very best and happiest,” he writes, “when we are fully engaged
in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives
meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so
wonderful, so worthwhile.”
Many of us stop ourselves from connecting to a higher purpose or setting short-term goals
because we think we have to figure out the overarching purpose of our entire lives. The
fact is, the moment we infuse anything we’re involved in with purpose, we multiply our
happiness and increase the energy we have available to work toward our goals.
Take some time before the start of the coming week to identify a purpose that will inspire
you to your best. The following questions may stimulate your thinking.

What is most important to me in the coming week?



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What can I accomplish that will be meaningful to me?



What relationships are most important to nurture?



What tasks are most important to begin?



Use your answers to these questions to clarify what is most important to you, then write this
down in the form of a purpose that you’ll refer to as the guiding principle of your week.
If after completing these exercises you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
Troubleshooting Guide on Page 87 for more solutions.

• Disconnection
• Feeling Uninspired
• Meaninglessness of Life
• Purposelessness

Step 7 – The Garden: Shielding Yourself from Negativity

Staying happy when the people around you are not is definitely an art. I think we can
all relate to this scenario: Your day is humming right along; you’re in the flow, perhaps
celebrating a personal victory or simply in a state of silent appreciation for the blessings
in your life, when all of a sudden—wham! You cross paths with someone who is down on
their luck, in a foul mood, or is otherwise in a fit of misery and irritation. In the presence of
this person you no longer feel quite so happy; in fact, you may even start to feel resentful,
annoyed, or downright depressed. In interactions like these, you’re faced with an important
choice: You can either invite the other person to synchronize with your emotional state, or
you’ll unwittingly synchronize with theirs.

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Happy for No Reason
Troubleshooting Guide

The next time you find yourself dealing with someone who’s angry, depressed, or otherwise
oozing negativity, try this:
1. Keep your emotional balance by tuning in to your body. Deepen your breathing,
and notice any sensations that arise within you. This will keep you from a knee-jerk

2. Point out the positive—gently and without judgment. Most people who are feeling
cranky and upset aren’t deliberately trying to bring others down. Look beyond their
behavior and you’ll see that they’re just trying to find a way to feel some relief. Offer a
lighthearted comment—or better yet, a bit of praise or appreciation—and they may see
the situation from a new perspective. When you can’t think of anything positive to say,
know that simply staying neutral in the face of their negativity is a gift in itself.

If after completing this exercise you are still experiencing any of the following, refer to the
following Troubleshooting Guide for more solutions.

• Anxiety
• Loneliness
• Feeling Unsupported

Happy for No Reason Troubleshooting Guide

Use this Troubleshooting Guide to identify the steps you can take to alleviate or shift a
challenging emotion or situation.

Experience Action Step

Anger Recognize that your emotions are always trying to impart
valuable information. Take a few deep breaths into your belly
and ask, “What is my anger trying to tell me?” The sooner you
act on the wisdom you hear, the faster your anger will dissipate.

Anxiety Sit quietly and isolate one issue that is contributing to your
anxiety. Look for guidance on this issue by posing a question in
a journal and writing whatever comes to you without censoring,
opening to a page in a favorite book and seeing what phrase or
word you find there may give you new insight, or asking for a
sign that may help give you a new direction.

Being Stuck Practice letting go of sticky negative thoughts. Picture the

negative thought floating away like a hot air balloon, and savor
your positive experiences more deeply for the next week.

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Happy for No Reason
Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

Experience Action Step

Blaming Identify the role you played in the co-creation of the situation, and
brainstorm three things you could do differently in the future.

Cold-Heartedness Refer to the Lovingkindness practice on Page 37.

Complaining Use the Solutions Focus Technique on Page 16.
Disconnection Ask yourself, “How can I best be of service to others?” Take a
step to volunteer locally. Even an hour or two once or twice a
month can help you feel more connected.
Feeling Blue Exercise, dance, move your body, and make it a point to find
laughter during the day. Call a friend and reminisce about a
funny experience you shared. Rent a DVD of your favorite
comedy. Any of these will release happiness-boosting endorphins.

Feeling Defeated Give yourself the compassion you deserve, then surrender the
situation and invite yourself to believe that the universe is out to
support you. Send out an intention that every relationship and
event will be orchestrated for your highest good…then let go.

Feeling Off Balance Check in with yourself regularly to see whether you’re giving
your body what it needs, and make a commitment to listen and
respond to the messages your body gives you.

Feeling Take at least ten minutes each day for silence, meditation, or prayer.

Feeling Tense Do the Ho’oponopono practice (Page 20) seven times a day for
a week and notice how you feel.
Feeling Uninspired Think about your job and analyze what you do. Find at least one
activity that has meaning for you. Focus on that sense of meaning
throughout the day, and look for ways to expand the number of
activities that contribute to it. Or for a larger sense of purpose,
complete the Call to Serve Visualization exercise on Page 62.

Feeling Unloved Focus on being loving to others and you’ll experience the love
that is within yourself.

Feeling We often feel weakest when we’re with people who undermine or
Unsupported do not understand us. Use your inner GPS to identify the roses
and weeds—the nourishing and toxic relationships—in your life,
and consciously surround yourself with like-minded people.

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Happy for No Reason
Troubleshooting Guide

Experience Action Step

Indignation Identify one incident from your day that that did not go the
way you wanted it to, and use the Look for the Lesson and the
Gift exercise on Page 18 to find something to appreciate.

Lethargy Exercise, do the breathing practices on Pages 46 and 82, or catch the
“angel train” by going to bed three nights in a row before 10 p.m.
Loneliness See the world as your family by focusing on the things that every
human being has in common. Perform a random act of kindness
and notice what happens to your sense of connectedness.
Low Self-Esteem Each day for the next 21 days list three things you appreciate
about yourself. Read this list every night before going to sleep.

Meaninglessness Begin each day by asking yourself, “What is meaningful to

of Life me?” Keep a journal of your answers, and actively look for ways
to incorporate more meaning into your life.

Negativity Use The Work technique on Page 25.

Purposelessness Take the Passion Test (Page 60) every six months to stay
aligned with what truly matters to you.
Sadness Ask for clarity about the underlying cause of your sadness. By
addressing the problem, the solutions often invent themselves.
Scatteredness Do the Quick Coherence Technique (Page 35) to focus on
your heart and get centered.
Shame Think of something you did that you’re not particularly proud
of and see what you can do to make peace with the situation.
After you’ve made amends and delivered any apologies
(including to yourself ), take yourself off the hook, recognizing
that you did the best you could do at the time.

Sporadic Energy For one week, kick the caffeine, lose the sugar, and curb the
carbs. Notice the profound effect on your body.

Ungratefulness Try Brother David’s “great fullness” theme for the day exercise,
which you’ll find on Page 36. Or before you go to sleep at
night, think of five things that you felt gratitude for that day.
Keep track of the things you appreciate in a journal and re-read
it whenever you are in need of a bit of gratitude.

Victimization To make peace with yourself or to shift patterns of victimhood,

practice the M-Power March on Page 19 for three minutes every day.

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Happy for No Reason
Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

Expansion and Contraction Chart

This Expansion and Contraction Chart includes a specific description of the states of
contraction and states of expansion for each of the Seven Steps for Happiness and a more
general list of contraction and expansion for overall happiness. You can refer to this list any
time to get a quick summary of contracted and expanded states of being.

Seven Steps for

Happiness Contraction Expansion

The Foundation • Reacting like a victim • Responding like a victor

• Complaining about problems • Focusing on solutions
• Blaming others or • Looking for the lesson and gift
• Feeling guilt or shame • Making peace with yourself

The Pillar • Thinking negative thoughts • Thinking positive thoughts

of the Mind • Judging • Accepting
• Worrying • Trusting
• Overthinking • Clear thinking
• Dwelling on the bad • Savoring the good

The Pillar • Fear • Love

of the Heart • Anger, sadness, tension • Openness
• Disappointment, emptiness • Gratitude
• Resentment • Forgiveness
• Self-centeredness • Lovingkindness
• Heart rhythm incoherence • Heart rhythm coherence

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Happy for No Reason
Expansion and Contraction Chart

Seven Steps for

Happiness Contraction Expansion

The Pillar • Feeling stressed • Experiencing well-being

of the Body • Eating processed foods • Eating fresh, whole foods
• Having chemical and • Having a balanced system
hormonal imbalances
• Breathing shallowly • Breathing deeply
from the chest from the abdomen
• Being dehydrated • Drinking plenty of water
• Being a couch potato • Having an active lifestyle
• Frowning • Smiling
• Ignoring the body’s signals • Listening to what the body
needs and wants

The Pillar • Constantly doing • Making time for stillness

of the Soul and meditation
• Looking outside for answers • Listening to inner knowing
• Feeling angry and helpless • Praying and surrendering
• Feeling isolated and alone • Feeling connected
to a larger whole
• Trying to control everything • Trusting in a Higher Power

The Roof • Going through the • Acting from inspiration

motions uninspired
• Being lost and bored • Being in the flow
and engaged
• Feeling undirected • Feeling purposeful
and resigned and passionate
• Acting solely in self-interest • Being of service to others

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Happy for No Reason
Section IV: Living in Your Home for Happiness

Seven Steps for

Happiness Contraction Expansion

The Garden • Feeling lonely and isolated • Connecting with others

• Letting toxic people affect you • Creating appropriate
• Gossiping and complaining • Communicating
• Shutting others out • Appreciating others’
• Feeling superior or • Feeling the inherent
inferior to others equality of others
• Focusing on differences • Focusing on similarities
and unity
• Expecting others to • Giving on the basis of
make you happy overflowing happiness

Overall Happiness • Unhappiness • Happiness

• Fear • Love
• Pessimism • Optimism
• Constriction • Flow
• Resistance • Acceptance
• Low energy • Vitality
• Disease • Ease
• Malaise • Well-being
• Separation • Connection
• Feeling bad • Feeling good

Happiness is an ongoing process. As you continue on your happiness journey, visit

www.LearningStrategies.com/Happy/Resources, where you’ll find a number of additional
resources and tools, including a discussion forum, to support your happiness goals.

Thank you for allowing me to be your guide on this journey. May you be Happy for No
Reason each and every day!

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Tools for Lifelong Learning


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Tools for Lifelong Learning

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Tools for Lifelong Learning

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Tools for Lifelong Learning

Pure Energy
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