The Importance of Cleanliness
The Importance of Cleanliness
The Importance of Cleanliness
Ladies and Gentleman, I have a question for you. How important is cleanliness to you? I believe all of
you will say that it is very important. I am sorry, but I don’t believe you, because the fact says
otherwise. Just take a look around, how many trash are still laying around us? There are still so
many, right? Now I think the right word to describe how we feel about cleanliness is that “We love
cleanliness but we just don’t know how important it is for us” and that’s why most of us don’t
devote enough effort to keep it. My name is Roman Saduri. I am from SMAN 1 Batang Kayu. In this
occasion, I would like to talk about “The Importance of Cleanliness”.
Since the moment we wake up every morning, how many of us really pay attention on keeping the
cleanliness of ourselves and our surroundings? How many of us go straight to the bathroom to wash
our face and brush our teeth? How many of us start our day by making the bed in the morning and
then clean our bedroom? How many of us regularly open the window of our bedroom to let the
fresh morning air flow into the room? And how many of us are diligent enough to clean the dust
around the bedroom for at least once a week? I believe the answer is “not so many”. I mean like, we
all have a lot more important things to do than just regularly clean our bedroom, right? But, this is
where we get this wrong.
Cleaning ourselves and our surroundings, especially our bedroom, will ensure the freshness of our
bodies and our environment. It is true that you can just clean yourself and then go straight to work
or to school leaving anything in your bedroom and your house messy and untouched, but the
moment you go back to your house and your bedroom, you are going to spend some time in this
messy environment, and this will definitely affect the smell of your body. If you keep living in this
kind of environment, your natural body odor will be smelly and simply unpleasant.
Unpleasant body odor will affect your performance at school and also at work, because it will lower
your confidence to interact to other people. Keeping cleanliness of yourself and your environment
means that you actually care to your success, because it is the beginning of everything. If you want
to excel at school or at work, make sure you start your day by keeping the cleanliness of yourself and
your environment and make it your habit.
Trash and dust are not only source of bad smell, but also source of germ and illness. If we don’t clean
our body and our surroundings regularly, it means that we give a chance for germ and many kinds of
illness to grow in our environment or even on our body. If you really want to have a healthy life, you
better start paying more attention to the cleanliness of yourself and your environment.
When we get sick, we are not going to be as productive as we were when we were healthy. As our
productivity will affect the result that we can achieve at school and also at work, it is clear to us that
it is imperative that we keep the cleanliness of ourselves and our environment as it holds important
factor that can keep our health.
Whoever you are or whatever that you do, keeping cleanliness of yourself and your environment is
important, because it turns out that cleanliness has huge impact towards our life. It can somehow
affect our success at school or at work. It can be said that if you want to perform well at school and
also at work, keep the cleanliness of yourself and your surroundings.
I think that’s all from me. I hope it is useful. Thank you for your attention.
On this good opportunity let us together – give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT who has given
favors and guidance to all of us so that we can gather in good health on this sunny day.
Distinguished guests,
The speech that I will present this time will explain about maintaining cleanliness. Allah SWT really
loves a clean person and also likes to clean everything that is in him. So let us begin to maintain the
cleanliness of the environment for the sake of creating safety and goodness for ourselves or others.
If we take care of the cleanliness then imitated by our children and also the people closest to us then
we will get the benefits, therefore let us teach as early as possible to the children about the
importance of maintaining cleanliness so that later they become healthy children, smart and also
likes to do good.
By teaching to maintain hygiene to children, it is hoped that they will be able to be independent and
accustomed to dealing with things that are difficult to be resolved, as we know that today there are
still many people who do not care about environmental cleanliness and instead leave it alone get
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thus a short speech that I can deliver, hopefully what I have delivered will be useful and can be
carried out, finally I say thank you for your attention.
First of all, we need to realize that the environment is a livelihood for all of human beings including
us. So, we have to keep our environment well to make it everlasting in all of the generation. It is
dangerous if we do not take care it in a good way because the nature which should generate a profit
to us, will be turn into a damage. For the example, if we do not keep the cleanliness of this school, it
can produce a virus which will attack all of us. So, one of the way to make the environment does not
provide a disaster for us is maintaining the cleanliness itself.
Before we keep the environment, then we have to know in advance what the environmental
cleanliness is. The real meaning of environmental hygiene is a situation where the environment is
livable for human and the physical state of human health can be maintained well.
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Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness is the best way to prevent a variety of diseases that lurk in
the rainy season as happen right now. Keeping the environment clean up can begin from this
beloved school. If our school is known as a clean living, we as the inhabitants of this school are also
affected by the positive impact of teaching and learning process which more comfortable.
Maintaining a cleanliness of the school environment can be done by removing the rubbish and put
into a dump. Furthermore, picket should conduct in the regular daily classes. If those two simple
habits are done continuously by all of the individuals of this school, I believe that our dream to
realize the clean living place will come true.
In closing, I quote a saying that “cleanliness is part of faith” so if someone does not care about
cleanliness then it is actually they do not a full believer. Next, I also hope we as the human beings
can be more active in keeping the environment to be clean.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
First Of all, Let's thanks to our god Allah Swt, Who has Given us Health and bless so we can attend in
this place. The Second Let's say shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Saw. Because him
we are living in Islam now.
As the doctors say, that dirty place is a den of disease, the dirtier the place, the bacteria will breed
more quickly, therefore, we must always keep our environment clean and remind our family, friends
and ourselves to always keep cleanliness because cleanliness is a reflection of a good person
That's all I can say, thank you for all the attention
Puji Syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kita nikmat berupa kesehatan jasmani dan
rohani sehingga kita dapat berkumpul pada acara hari ini. Ucapan terima kasih tak lupa saya
sampaikan kepada rekan rekan guru dan anak-anak ku tercinta siswa siswi di lingkungan sekolah
tercinta kita ini.
Hadirin yang saya cintai, lingkungan di sekitar kita seharusnya bisa mencerminkan budaya kita yang
selalu mengedepankan kenyamanan. Alangkah tidak bijaknya jika lingkungan di sekitar kita terlihat
tidak enak dipandang dan terasa tidak lagi nyaman. Apalagi sekolah ini yang menjadi tempat setiap
hari kita singgahi untuk menuntut ilmu.
Lingkungan sekolah seharusnya selalu terlihat bersih, sejuk, dan menentramkan sehingga ketika kita
belajar, kita tidak lagi terganggu dengan ketidaknyamanan akan adanya sampah. Oleh karena itu,
saya sebagai bagian dari sekolah ini sangat menginginkan akan terus dijaganya kebersihan
lingkungan sekolah yang kita cintai. Setiap kelas seharusnya sudah memiliki kedisiplinan tersendiri
akan pentingnya kebersihan. Setiap siswa yang memiliki jadwal piket, sudah sepatutnya mereka
selalu datang lebih awal sehingga ketika pelajaran pertama sudah dimulai, lingkungan kelas kita
sudah mulai bersih dan nyaman untuk ditempati.
Dan tidak lupa pula, kita semua sebagai siswa seharusnya selalu sadar bahwa adanya tong sampah
bukanlah tanpa tujuan. Disediakannya tong sampah pasti selalu beralasan yaitu agar kita selalu
membuang sampah pada tempatnya sehingga sekolah kita tidak seperti lapangan sepakbola yang
habis digunakan sebagai konser, ada banyak sampah yang tak sedap dipandang mata.
Akhirnya, seperti halnya diajarkan oleh agama bahwa kebersihan adalah bagian dari Iman, meski
kontek ajaran tersebut tidak hanya mencerminkan kebersihan jasmani, tapi juga mencerminkan
kebersihan rohani, setidaknya dengan adanya kesadaran kita semua akan kebersihan lingkungan
sekolah, semoga saja kita menjadi salah satu bagian yang menjadikan sekolah kita sebagai tempat
yang membawa kita terus menjaga keimanan kita kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Akhir kata, terima kasih atas kesempatan diberikannya waktu untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua
patah pidato singkat ini, jika ada salah kata semoga bisa dimaafkan.
Attendees who I love, the environment around us should be able to reflect our culture that always
puts convenience. It would not be wise if the environment around us looks unsightly and feels no
longer comfortable. Moreover, this school is a place every day we flown to study.
The school environment should always look clean, airy, and reassuring so that when we learn, we
are no longer bothered with the inconvenience of going to the trash. Therefore, I am part of this
school really wants will continue to watch over the cleanliness of the school environment we love.
Each class should now have its own discipline on the importance of cleanliness. Any student who has
a picket schedule, it is fitting they always arrive early so that when the first lesson has been started,
the classroom environment we have started a clean and comfortable to live.
And do not forget also, we all as students should always be aware that their trash cans is not without
purpose. Provision of garbage cans must always reasoned that so we always dispose of waste in
place so that our schools do not like football field that it is used as a concert, there is a lot of rubbish
that is unsightly.
Finally, as taught by the religion that cleanliness is part of faith, although the context of the teaching
not only reflects the cleanliness of the body, but also reflects the cleanliness of the spiritual, at least
with our awareness of all environmental hygiene school, hopefully we become one part that makes
our school as a place that brings us continue to keep our faith in God Almighty.
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First of all, let us pray our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing and the gift so that we can
all come together in this place in good health.
Before I begin this speech, I will remind about the slogans attached to almost every corridor of our
school, including “cleanliness is the root of health”, “cleanliness is part of faith”, and “keep
cleaning”. But do these slogans have inspired us to put it into practice? We often see students
littering, either in the form of used paper and packs everywhere.
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Of course we as a school community does not want to see the garbage strewn everywhere. The
trash can also pollute the environment of our schools, both in the classroom and outside the
classroom. In addition, the gross school environment also can make our learning environment
becomes uncomfortable.
The school environment should always look clean, airy, and reassuring so that when we learn, we
are no longer bothered with the inconvenience of the trash. Therefore, I am as the part of this
school really want to watch over the cleanliness of the school environment we love. Each class
should now have its own discipline on the importance of cleanliness. The students who have a picket
schedule must arrive early so that when the first lesson has been started, the classroom
environment will be clean and comfortable for the instruction.
In order to achieve a clean and comfortable environment in which we learn, it is essential to do the
action that is inviting awareness to each student to maintain hygiene to overcome the problems. The
educators are expected to able to sensitize students to maintain cleanliness in the school
In addition, we can also run as a class picket action to keep the environment in school and get used
to sort the waste in accordance with the group before being put into the trash.
The kind of waste is divided into three, namely:
For example: food scraps, vegetable, fruit, garden waste and kitchen waste.
2. Dry Garbage. It is garbage that can not rot and decompose naturally.
For example: paper, cardboard, plastic, rubber, glass, cans and others.
3. Hazardous and Toxic Materials. It is the toxic waste and reactive seriously endanger the health
and life of the organism.
So I expect the students to dispose of waste in place in accordance with the types of garbage.
We all do not want our schools become dirty, rundown and full of rubbish. The rubbish was also
pollute the environment both in the classroom and outside the classroom, but it also can cause an
uncomfortable atmosphere for learning our end we did with lessons given concentration of father /
mother a teacher.
I hope that through such efforts, the teachers can sensitize students to maintain the cleanliness of
the school environment. Cleanliness big impact on health and therefore hygiene should be
maintained by us and for us as well.
Remember that the school environment should be an environment that looks clean, airy and
comfortable, so that people who are in it will be convenient when they are in the process of seeking
knowledge. Therefore, I requested and appealed to all citizens of this school to always keep our
environment clean so that the school environment will be clean and the teaching learning istruction
can run well. Let us sit down together to raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness of the
school environment. Because the cleanliness of the school environment is of course not only the
responsibility of the gardener, but the responsibility of all of the entire school community.
Before I end this speech, I would like to invite all my friends to go hand in hand to maintain a school
environment that we love clean and healthy.
That is all my speech for today. Thank you so much for the participation and attention.
Good Morning,
In this very great ocassion, i would like to encourage young people especially students to actively
participated on keeping their environment. A great environment is define by their cleanliness,
healthy, and suitably condition. We fully understand that environment is a part of our life. We can
not survive in this world without the support of environment.
Let us take a brief understanding of what environment might be. Environment can be our home,
garden, office, school, and of course natural environment arround us. How can it affect us? How
environment give impact to our life? A great environment can be a supporting system for human
beings to increase their life beings. If we surrounded by healthy environment our body and mind will
stay healthy. A healthy body will develop people into a productive one, we will be strong enough to
have our activity include keep our physcal from disease attack. While a good mind will lead people
into a better person who care for their fellow people and nature as well as move actively and
School is a place to develop both mental and physcal ability of young generation. A place to learn,
develop creativity, and for increasing social activities. Therefore maintaining school condition to be
conducive is very important. If school environment keep clean, safe, and comfortable, students
including school employees will having activity in comfort.
To raise awareness as early as possible on environmental cleanliness is also important. Students
should be agents of change for people arround them. Therefore us as the part of society and have a
good chance to achieve education should be one of the agents of change to raise people awareness
of keeping environment clean and healthy. We could start it now, from this place, our beloved
Hope that this speech would be implement by all of us. Doing our best to keep our nature better as
our mission. Thank you for your kindness attention.
Good Morning,
Mr. or Mrs. teachers and friends that I love, as we already know that the environment around us has
become a reflection of our school culture. It would be unwise for the environment around us to look
uncomfortable and also feel uncomfortable again. Moreover, this school has become our second
home of our agi every day we stop by to study.
The school environment should always be maintained and have a cool atmosphere so that we can
concentrate more in the process of teaching and learning activities. Therefore, I as a part of the
family in this school really want that we can continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school
environment that we love. Each class should have its own discipline regarding the importance of
cleanliness. Like the previously determined policy, each student has their own picket schedule, and it
is fitting for friends to come early to clean the class first so that when the first lesson starts, our
classroom environment is clean and comfortable to use. occupied as part of the learning process.
And don’t forget, we all as students should always be aware that the existence of garbage cans is not
without a purpose. We should be able to learn obediently to dispose of garbage in its place, so that
the cleanliness of our schools is also maintained and free from scattered rubbish.
Mr / Mrs teachers and friends that I love. I hope with the small actions that I have mentioned before,
it is expected to be able to make us all aware to always maintain the cleanliness of the school
environment. Cleanliness is very big influence on health, therefore cleanliness must be maintained
by us and for us too.
Finally, thank you for the opportunity given and the time to deliver a few broken speeches in this
short speech, if there are mistakes the words hopefully can be forgiven, thank you.
The English Opening of Speech on Cleanliness
The first of all, let’s pray our praise and gratitude to Allah S.W.T for blessing so that we are all here in
this place in fine fettle.
The second, let’s say shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Because of him, we are
living in faith of Islam.
Today, I am very grateful to my homeroom teacher that has given me such a great opportunity to
recite a speech on cleanliness at this event. Before I begin this speech, let me remind you some
common slogans on cleanliness, namely;
Keep cleaning
We often heard those slogans, right? Moreover, one of those slogans attached to the main gate of
our school. However, we often don’t care about it. It is proved by the cleanliness of our school
environment. As we can see, many students still throw rubbish carelessly.
My beloved friends,
Honestly, we are all good students, no one is bad. So, we have to feel that our school is our home. Of
course, we want our school looks clean, reassuring, and cozy. We should not make it dirty and full of
By the way, don’t you still remember one of our school rules on cleanliness? Let me read it for you.
The students should obey the rules relating to cleanliness. Don’t throw the papers, chalks or any
other waste materials in the classrooms or schoolyard. The students should remember that they will
get punished if they disobey it.
Cleanliness is not only the responsibility of our gardener but also the responsibility of every single
person in this school. If not us, who else?
Before I end my speech on cleanliness, I would like to invite you all of my friends to go hand in hand
in maintaining our school environment and always keep our school’s environment clean so that
teaching and learning process can run well.
Last but not least, I hope that my speech is useful for us so that our school can be the cleanest
school in our country. That’s all my speech for today. Thank you so much for the participation and
your nice attention.
First of all, I would like to say that the very first gratefulness is delivered to The Almighty, Allah SWT:
The Greatest Creator to His everlasting and mercy; therefore, I can stand here to deliver my speech.
We often heard many slogans which recommend us to keep environment clean in some places,
especially in school.
However, we sometimes forgot it. We thought that it is like a joke without any importances and
advantages. As far as we know that the slogan is very important for us to make us always keep our
school cleanliness; but the fact that there are so many students who still throw rubbish around
although they have known there is a dustbin.
Of course, we don’t want our school to be dirty and full of rubbish. For the sake of making our
surroundings clean and healthy, we need to do some ways to avoid and solve the problems. They
are :
Teachers should give examples to always throw the rubbish in the bin.
Teachers should warn and advise students who throw the rubbish around especially when the
students are eating and drinking in the classroom.
School should have threat of punishment for whoever throws the rubbish around.
Students should remember and apply all rules so that they are afraid of the punishment given when
they throw the rubbish around.
All of us, especially the students of SMA Englishindo, should always remember that the rules are not
to be broken but to be comply with. Through these ways, the cleanliness in the school is not only a
myth but a real fact which makes the process of learning and teaching in the classroom to be
comfortable for everyone..
Last but not least, I hope that this speech is useful for all of us so that our school can be the best
school in our country. Thanks for your nice attentions.
Nothing can be said, except thank to Allah SWT who has given us some mercies and guidance’s so
we can choose the best choice of way, namely Islam.
Sholawat and salam may praise to our beloved prophet as the last prophet, Muhammad SAW the
prophet who is really loved by Allah and has guided us to choose the best choice of the way life
namely Islam.
Then thanks to MC who has divided the time to me. Here I would like to speak under the tittle :
Ladies and Gentlemen, the environment around us should be able to reflect our culture that always
puts comfort. How unwise it is if the environment around us looks unsightly and feels
uncomfortable. Moreover, this school is the place where we come to study every day.
The school environment should always look clean, cool and reassuring so that when we study, we
are no longer bothered by the inconvenience of garbage. Therefore, as part of this school, I really
want to continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school environment that we love. Each class
should have its own discipline about the importance of cleanliness. Every student who has a picket
schedule, it is fitting that they always arrive early so that when the first lesson has started, our class
environment has begun to be clean and comfortable to live in.
And not to forget, we all as students should always be aware that the garbage can is not without
purpose. The provision of garbage cans is always reasonable, so that we always throw garbage in its
place so that our school is not like a football field that has been used as a concert, there is a lot of
unsightly garbage.
First of all, let us pray toward the presence of god almighty mercy and kaurunianya one we can
gather in this place. Thanks to the father and mother of all for allowing me to speak here. I as
chairman of RT will invite the mother and father of the residents in the village to work cleaning the
We will devotedly at 7:00 to 17:00 pm. We will start work on cleaning the house each and cleaning
the surrounding environment.
If we do not clean up our environment certainly our environment dirty and uncomfortable in view. If
our environment is dirty surely we can to disease and unhealthy.
A few of my speech, my speech may be beneficial to the citizens semua.jika no words wrong please
ma, afkan so much and thank you.
Wasallamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.,