WTP Package

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Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd.

Lubrizol CPVC Project

B7.2.4 Requisitions


Package 1 Section Dividers.docx

Engineering Requisition for WTP

Project Details
Customer Name Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Requisition No 213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001

Project Title CPVC Resin Plant Revision A

Project Number 213110-31875 Revision Date 12-Mar-2021

Requisition Title Material Requisition for Water

Treatment Package

Inspection Requirements
Criticality Rating: B
Inspection Required: Yes
Inspection Level: 3
Special Inspection Requirements: Yes

Sections (The sections listed below are contained in this revision of the Requisition)
Section Section Title
I Deliverable Items List (Scope of Supply)
II Technical Documents and Attachments
IIa Project Specification
III Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Revision History
Revision Issue Date
A Issued for Enquiry 12-Mar-2021 b21 2021021

Originator Checker Discipline Lead
Name: Aparna Bhandare Name: Varsha Gupte Name: Varsha Gupte

Date: 12-Mar-2021 Date: 12-Mar-2021 Date: 12-Mar-2021

Quality Project Customer (Optional)
Name: Amar Dighe Name: Naveen Virmani Name:
Date: 15-Mar-2021 Date: 15-Mar-2021 Date:

213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001_MR WTP Package

Engineering Requisition for WTP Package
Section I – Deliverables Items List

Item No. Commodity/Tag Description Quantity in Quantity Total Quantity Delivery Destination
Previous Added in Quantity to Units
Rev of this Rev of be supplied
Requisition Requisition

01 WT-1901 Water Treatment Package complete with all Accessories / N/A N/A 01 lot Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India
Auxiliaries (As per clause 4.4 of Technical specification of WTP
Package (Document No: 213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001)

02 All tags Shipment to required site location (Separate Quotation) N/A N/A 01 lot Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India

03 All tags Recommended spare parts for 2-year operation (Separate price N/A N/A 01 lot Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India
with spare list)

04 All tags Mandatory / Capital Spares (Separate price with spare list) N/A N/A 01 lot Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India

05 All tags Supervision for Erection, commissioning and Field Testing N/A N/A 01 lot Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India
(Separate Quotation)


1.1(a) Asbestos, whether combined with other materials or in free form, shall NOT be used in any installation, supplied equipment or packaging thereof.
If asbestos is found to exist in an installation, supplied equipment or packaging, the installation, equipment or packaging will be rejected, and the supplier shall be responsible for the removal and clean-
up of all asbestos materials and all associated clean-up costs.

1.1(b) Hazardous Substances- The presence or use of any hazardous substances (substances which have the potential to cause harm to the health of people through their use of the installation or
supplied equipment) must be declared by the Supplier at Quotation and confirmed after Award of Purchase Order.

1.1(c) Errors and Omissions – the Supplier shall advise Worley in writing of any errors, omissions, inconsistencies, ambiguities or discrepancies identified in documentation provided by Worley.

1.2 Exclusions: Refer WTP Package Technical Specification (Document No: 213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001)

1.3 Schedule Requirements: Later

1.4 Special Assembly and Packaging for Shipment: Refer Clause no. 11 of WTP Package Technical Specification (Document No: 213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001)

213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001_MR WTP Package 2

Engineering Requisition for WTP Package
Section II – Technical Documents and Attachments

Document / Attachment Document / Attachment Title Current Document Previous Applies to Item(s)
No. Revision Document

213101-31875-00-EN- Technical Specification for WTP package A N/A


PIP VECV1001 Design Criteria and Purchasing Requirements Dt. June 2020 N/A
for Vessels ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1
and 2

PIP VEFV1100M Vessel/S&T Heat Exchanger Standard Details Dt. January 2019 N/A
(Metric Units)

PIP VESV1002 Design and Fabrication Specification for Vessels Dt. January 2019 N/A
ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2

PIP VESLP001 Low-Pressure, Welded Vessel Specification Dt. June 2012 N/A

213110-31875-EL-SPC- High Voltage Induction Motor specification A N/A


213110-31875-00-IC-SPC- General Guideline for Instrumentation for A N/A

00001 Package Bidders

213110-31875-00-IC-SPC- Specific Requirement for Instrumentation of A N/A

00018 Water Treatment Package

KS-ME-SPC-0203 Standard Allowable External Loads on 1 N/A

Equipment Nozzle Specification

213101-31875-00-ME- Painting A N/A


213101-31875-00-EN- Technical Bid Evaluation Template for WTP A N/A

TBE-00001 Package

KS-ME-LST-0306 Supplier Exceptions and Clarifications List 0 N/A

213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001_MR WTP Package 3

Engineering Requisition for WTP Package
Section II – Technical Documents and Attachments

Document / Attachment Document / Attachment Title Current Document Previous Applies to Item(s)
No. Revision Document

KS-ME-LST-0313 Spare Parts and Interchangeability Record Form 0 N/A


213110-31875-00-PI-CRT- Design Criteria - Piping 0 N/A


213110-31875-00-PI-SPC- Piping Specification Part 2 - Basic Material: cPVC A N/A


213110-31875-00-PI-SPC- Piping Specification Part 2 - Basic Material: A N/A

00001_RA Stainless Steel (SS316L)

213110-31875-EL-BOD- Design Criteria – Electrical B N/A

001 Rev B

213110-31875-EL-DAS- Motor Data sheet_Non VFD driven A N/A


213110-31875-EL-SPC- Motor Standard Specification -Low Voltage A N/A

00003 Induction Motors Specification

213110-31875-00-CI- Design Criteria – Civil and Structural B N/A


213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001_MR WTP Package 4

Engineering Requisition for WTP Package
Section IIa – Project Specification

Project Specification


As per Specifications and Datasheet attached with Material requisition.

Discipline Technical Requirements

Refer Technical specifications of WTP Package as attached with Material Requisition.

Proposal Requirements

Refer Datasheet and Technical specifications of WTP Package as attached with Material Requisition.

213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001_MR WTP Package 5

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

Document No: 213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B

19 February 2021

© Copyright 2019 Worley ACN 096 090 158. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Worley.

PROJECT 213110-31875 - Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work -

Rev Description Originator Reviewer Worley Approver Revision Date Customer Approver Approval Date
Rev B Issued for Customer 19 February
Review 2021

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 ii
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Basis of Design ............................................................................................................................... 4
3. Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Codes and Standards ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Plant Design Data ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Site Data .................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Plant Elevations for CPVC Area and for CaCl2 Area (HOLD) ...................................... 6
3.2.3 High Point Finish Floor Elevations (Buildings) ........................................................... 6
3.2.4 Bottom of Baseplate Elevations ................................................................................ 7
3.2.5 Vertical Clearances .................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Design Detail .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 Design Loads .............................................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 Design Load Combinations ......................................................................................12
3.3.3 Concrete Design ......................................................................................................13
3.3.4 Steelwork Design .....................................................................................................21
4. Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 25
5. References ................................................................................................................................... 25

No table of contents entries found.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 iii
1. Introduction

This document presents the Civil/Structural Design Criteria for the Lubrizol’s CPVC Resin plant Project to be
used for the design of civil, structural and building works.

This document covers the general requirement and conditions of Civil/Structural design engineering and
execution. It applies to the design of Industrial as well as Plant buildings / non-plant buildings and utility.
This document also includes the design criteria that shall form the basis of carrying out design &
engineering of items under general civil.

If any conflict arises between this document and the applicable standards or codes, this shall be resolved
either by application of the most severe design conditions or resolution by the Principal Civil/Structural

The customer shall formally approve this document before commencing the design.

2. Basis of Design

Refer to the Basis of Design document for the following information:

◼ Documents to be referenced where available.

◼ Codes, Standards, Specifications and Regulatory Requirements.
◼ Units.
◼ Provision for Design Criteria.

3. Design Criteria

3.1 Codes and Standards

Standards and Codes (including applicable addenda) listed below shall apply & constitute the minimum
requirements for this project. The latest edition of codes, standards etc. shall be used, valid as per date, when
the contract between CLIENT and M/s Worley.

3.1.1 Concrete Structure

General purpose : IS 456 - 2000, SP 16 - 1980 & SP 23 - 1982

Raft foundations : IS 2950 (Part 1) – 1981

Water Retaining Structures : IS 3370 (Part-1) - 2009

: IS 3370 (Part-2) - 2009

: IS 3370 (Part-3) - 1967

: IS 3370 (Part-4) – 1967

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 4
Machine foundations : IS 2974 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 &

Part 5) (1982, 1980, 1992, 1979, 1987)

Ductile detailing of RCC structures : IS 13920: 2016 (For plant buildings only and for I >1.0)

Subjected to seismic forces.

3.1.2 Steel Structure

General construction in structural steel : IS 800 - 2007

Steel tubes in general building construction : IS 806 - 1968

Structural steel : IS 2062: 2011

Metal roofing : IS 15961: 2012 & IS 15965: 2012

Metal arc welding for general construction of mild steel : IS 816: 1969

3.1.3 Design Loads : IS 875 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5) (1987,

2015, 1987, 1987)

3.1.4 Earthquake Loads : IS 1893 (Part 1) – 2016 & IS 1893 (Part 4) – 2015

3.1.5 Roads : IRC 37 - 2012 and as per IS 2720

3.1.6 Fire Proofing in Oil & Gas Industries : OISD-STD-164

Regulatory Requirements: The work / design shall comply with all relevant planning & building permissions,
governmental and local laws, regulations and standards applicable for the relevant project as well as GIDC /
Factory Act Norms.

3.2 Plant Design Data

Piping discipline will prepare the plant layout for each facility/building and same shall be used to develop
the civil and structural layouts.

3.2.1 Site Data

For geotechnical data for use in the design of earthworks and foundations refer to:

The soil investigation report provided by the client for Grasim project Job No: MK/69/12-18 M. K. Soil Testing
Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Soil Parameters

Type Of Soil As per Soil report bore hole location Based on field & laboratory observation, the subsoil strata
found to consist black cotton soil up to around 1.0m/1.5m followed by stiff/very stiff to hard silty clay with
high to medium plasticity up to 15.0m depth below EGL. Occasionally silty clay with low plasticity (silty)
observed at intermediate depth. Considering strata, open foundation is suggested at 2.0m & 3.0m depth.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 5
The Ground water table was encountered at 3.0m to 4.8m depth below EGL in the boreholes at the time of
investigation. (December/January – 2018/19) Hence no water table to be considered for foundation design
up to 4.80 mt depth.

Safe bearing capacity (Recommended Net SBC)

Refer Annexure- I on page 26/26 (Later)

Consider SBC as per 25 mm settlement for plant buildings and 50 mm settlement for non- plant buildings. Rainfall
Maximum rainfall intensity per hour : 90mm/hour (Previous Project)

Maximum rainfall rate (over 24hour periods) : 305 mm/24hrs- To be provided by client

Annual average : 1002 mm -To be provided by client Temperature
Maximum (Summer, dry bulb) : 46.7° C (Previous Project)

Minimum (Winter, dry bulb) : 4.4° C (Previous Project)

Design Max ambient temp (Dry bulb) : 46.7° C (Previous Project)

Low ambient Design temp : 5.0° C (Previous Project)

3.2.2 Plant Elevations for CPVC Area and for CaCl2 Area (HOLD)
Plant FFL Elevation 100.00 equivalent to Elevation 12.500 as per piping plot plan (TBD)

Natural Ground Level (NGL) - Existing Varies from 11.6M to 11.70M

Finished Ground Level (FGL) - Existing-As per piping 11.70M

Finished Floor Level (FFL) - Existing/As per piping layout/drawing-12.50M

Highest Flood Level (HFL) - To be furnished by client- (12.8 EL) as per Client info.

Top of Road (TOR) - Existing varies refer contour plan (11.65 to 11.80)

High Point Finish Paving Elevation (HPP) - Existing/As per piping layout/drawing

Low Point Finish Paving Elevation (LPP) - Existing/As per piping layout/drawing

3.2.3 High Point Finish Floor Elevations (Buildings)

Utilities – As per piping layout/drawing

Tank Farm – As per piping layout/drawing

Main plant Building –As per piping layout/drawing

Warehouse –As per piping layout/drawing

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 6
3.2.4 Bottom of Baseplate Elevations
Main plant building - 150mm or as per piping requirement

Tank farm - 150mm or as per piping requirement

Nitrogen Shed - 150mm or as per piping requirement

Pipe/cable Racks - 150mm above paving level/300mm above finish ground level

Miscellaneous pipe/cable tray supports - 150mm above paving level/300mm above finish ground level

Vertical Tanks - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Vertical Towers, Drums, Stacks - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Pumps - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Compressors - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Skid Mounted Equipment - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Horizontal Drums and Exchangers - 300mm or as per piping requirement

Pipe/cable Racks - 150mm above paving level/300mm above finish ground level

Miscellaneous pipe/cable tray supports - 150mm above paving level/300mm above finish ground level

3.2.5 Vertical Clearances

Above platforms, walkways and work areas – As per piping layout/drawing

Primary roads – As per piping layout/drawing

Secondary roads – As per piping layout/drawing

Process Unit Pipe Racks – As per piping layout/drawing

3.3 Design Detail

3.3.1 Design Loads

Structures shall be designed to have enough structural capacity and integrity to resist safely and effectively
all loads and effects of load combinations that may reasonably be expected.

The design loads used for the structures, buildings and foundations shall conform to the requirements of the
governing codes (i.e. IS 875 (Part– 1, 2, 3) & IS 1893 (Part-1 & 4) and specifications. As a minimum the design
loads shall include dead load, operating loads, live load, wind load and seismic load. Where applicable, the
design loads shall also include thermal load, anchor loads, hydro test load, impact load, vibration load,
surcharge load and bundle pull loads. Dead Loads (Permanent Actions)

The dead loads shall be those loads specified as dead loads in IS875 (Part-1): 1987 and shall include:

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 7
◼ Total weight of all structural and non-structural components.
◼ The self-weight of permanent building elements.
◼ Miscellaneous permanent loads.
◼ Fixings (including floor decking, cladding and insulating or fire proofing materials) which are permanently
attached to the structure.
◼ Fixtures integrally constructed with the structure or forming part of the structure including empty
permanently fixed equipment, cable ladders and the self-weight of piping. Normally empty weight of
pipe is considered in separate load case.
◼ Cable and cable tray loads shall also be considered as dead loads.
The densities of the materials shall be in accordance with listed codes and standards and shall include:

◼ Reinforced Concrete : 25.0 kN/m3

◼ Plain Concrete : 24.0 kN/m3
◼ Structural Steel : 78.5 kN/m3
◼ Soil/Earth : 18.0 kN/m3
◼ 25mm Grating : 1.00 kN/m2
◼ 8mm Chequered plate : 1.00 kN/m2
◼ IPS flooring : 24 kN/m3
◼ Staircase (steel) : 1.4 kN/m2
◼ Ladder : 0.4 kN/m
◼ Handrail : 0.16 kN/m
◼ False ceiling : 0.6 kN/m2 or as per actual vendor data
◼ Conventional /India Water Proofing : 18.0 kN/m3 (Minimum 65mm thick with slope 1:100)
◼ Fire proofing (Vermiculite) : 8.0 kN/m3
◼ Fire proofing (Concrete) : 25.0 kN/m3
◼ Common Burnt clay bricks : 18.0 kN/m3
◼ Dry Sand : 16.0 kN/m3
◼ Water : 10.0 kN/m3 Live Loads

The weight and position of live loads shall be considered including the method of load application.

The 'live loads' shall be those loads specified as such in the relevant code IS 875 (Part-2): 1987 and shall
include the following:

◼ Personnel, portable machinery and equipment and portable tools.

◼ Materials and items which could be temporarily or permanently stored during normal operation or
maintenance or plant shutdown.
◼ Platform and flooring live load.
◼ Impact loads, Crane, Monorail and Davit loads. It can be considered in separate load case.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 8
Description of Building Loads in kN/ m2

1.0 Process Building

1.1 Operating areas 5 kN/m2.

1.2 Ground floor (as per client info.) Design for forklift capacity(3T) + 1.5T Material

2.0 Substation/ Control Room 10.0 kN /m2 (Includes the weight of panels)

3.0 Stack Load in Warehouse A) AS per piping layout input Later

(as per client info.) b) Forklift capacity(3T) + 1.5T Material

Maximum of a & b

4.0 Service Platforms

4.1 On vessel & towers 2.5

4.2 Valve operation platforms 2.5

4.3 Pipe Rack walkways 2.5

4.4 Access Walkways 2.5

4.5 Crossovers 2.5

5.0 Staircase

5.1 Except those connecting platforms (listed 5.0

under 5.0)

5.2 Stairs connected to platforms 2.5

The design loads for flooring, platforms, walkways, stairs, and ladders shall be as follows: Flooring
Area Uniform2

Floors, platforms, walkways and staircases used for operational/ maintenance purposes

Floors, platforms and walkways used for access only 2.5

Crossovers 2.5

Staircases used for access only and escape routes 5

Staircases connecting platforms 2.5

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 9

Grade slab live load will be finalized based on equipment layout, stacking machinery weight for erection and

Where the storage loads, or operating loads are expected to exceed this design load then the calculated load
shall be used instead, and the calculated load shall be shown on the drawings as a safe working load for the

Floor live loads shall be applied to the general plant areas around equipment and all the floors of buildings
or structures including maintenance platforms, mezzanine floors, control rooms, tank and thickener
walkways or bridges.

Note: For Main Plant building the floor live load shall be considered as 5.0 kN/m2 and storage live load shall
or actual whichever is lower. Dynamic Loads

Dynamic loads shall include vibrating or moving machinery impact forces from screens, crushers, feeders,
chutes, etc. and liquid surge forces from flotation cells, aeration tanks and the like.

The magnitude of the static loads, impact forces in the horizontal and vertical directions for start-up and
normal operation and the machine operating speed shall be obtained from the supplier of the equipment or
from supplier data information. The final design shall be checked using certified forces shown on the
drawings provided by the equipment supplier. Crane, Monorail and Davit Loads

Loads applied due to permanent mechanical lifting equipment, including overhead cranes, trolleys with hoist
block, pull beams, lifting eye fixtures and moving sources shall be applied as a static load and shall be the
most onerous of that which is derived from either the crane manufacturer’s data and IS 875 (Part -2): 1987. Equipment Loads

Equipment loads shall be supplied by Vendor in drawings and/or data sheets and shall include empty weight.

The empty weight of the static process equipment including all fixtures, platforms, ladders, attached piping,
pipe supports & insulation (if applicable) shall be considered. If piping weight is not indicated separately or
included in the weight of the equipment, the same shall be considered as 10% of the weight of the
equipment. The empty (dead) weight shall be considered as per inputs received from vendors. Static
equipment viz. Vessels, tanks etc.

Dead/Empty Weight of equipment – Weight of dynamic/rotary equipment like pumps/motors, D.G. sets and
skid-mounted equipment shall be derived as far as possible from manufacturer’s data and includes piping
data. Insulation installed on piping and equipment shall be also considered.

Empty/dead weight = Fabricated/Erected equipment weight from manufacturer’s data.

Operating Weight of equipment – Weight of equipment like pumps, tanks and vessels shall be derived as far
as possible from manufacturer’s data and includes mechanical/piping data. Insulation installed on piping and
equipment shall be also considered. The operating loads for the process and utility equipment, including
piping, shall be the dead loads plus weight of the liquid / contents under normal conditions at maximum

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 10
operating level. Permanent stored materials for operation shall be included as operating loads. Vessels, Tanks
etc. – The weight to be included in the calculations depend on the extent to which it is filled with liquid.

Operating weight = Weight of the maximum contents of the equipment during operating condition of plant
plus the empty weight. Pipe Loads

Pipe racks shall be designed for the applicable loading condition or a uniform distributed load of 2.0 kN/m2
(vertical) per deck, whichever is the greater loading. Cable Ladder Loads

Structures supporting cable ladders shall be designed for a uniform load of 1.00 KN/m2 (which includes the
cable ladder weight) unless a heavier load is required for a project. However uniform load values shall be
provided by electrical discipline for actual load consideration. Instrument cable tray load 1.15 kN/m2 Test Loads

Test loads shall be allowed for in the design if applicable. Wind Loads

The wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with IS 875 (Part-3): 2015.

Basic Wind speed, Vb : 50 m/s (As per client email dated .17th Feb 2021)

Terrain : Category 2

Probability factor k1 : 1.0

Terrain category k2 : As per IS 875 (Part 3) - 2015

Topography factor k3 : 1.0

Importance factor for the cyclonic region k4 : As per structure/equipment foundation and as per code. Seismic Loads

Earthquake loading shall be as determined in IS 1893 (Part 1) – 2016 & IS 1893 (Part 4) – 2015.

Earthquake zone : III

Zone Factor : 0.16

Response Reduction Factor (R) : 5.0 RCC SMRF

: 4.0 Steel concentric brace

Sa/g : As per IS 1893 (Part-1): 2016

Importance Factor (I) :1.75 for Piperack/Cable rack, plant bldg., Equipment foundation, Tank

: 1.0 for Non-Plant Building

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 11
Material Damping Factor : 0.05

Soil Type : As per soil investigation report Earth Loads

For lateral earth pressures:

◼ Active earth pressures shall be used for the design of flexible structures, such as cantilever retaining wall
constructed from unbraced steel sheet piling, or gravity retaining walls.
◼ At rest earth pressures shall be used for the design of rigid structures as tied retaining walls, concrete
tunnels and concrete ring beams for tanks.
◼ The at rest pressure coefficient shall be taken as not less than Ko = 0.5.
◼ Passive earth pressures shall not be assumed to resist lateral forces unless substantial movement can be
◼ The upper 300 mm of soil shall not be considered for contributing to the passive resistance of lateral
◼ Lateral earth pressure coefficients on retaining structures subject to repeated traffic loads shall take into
consideration the resulting long-term compaction, which in some cases has been measured as giving
coefficient as high as the passive coefficient Kp.
◼ Where roads approach within half the height of the wall, the retaining wall shall be designed for a
minimum surcharge of 10 KN/m2.
◼ Compaction loads due to the compaction of backfill shall be considered on the structure where
applicable. Special Loads Bundle Pull Forces

Bundle pull for different types of exchangers shall be taken as under:
Fixed type - Nil
Kettle type - 0.3 x Bundle weight or 9.0 kN whichever is greater
All other types - 0.86 x Bundle weight or 30 N/mm of diameter or 9.0 kN whichever is greater.

Total bundle pull shall be considered on fixed pedestal alone.

(Note: Unless otherwise not given by mechanical loading data sheet.)
Bundle Pull shall mean the force needed to remove the tube bundle of heat exchanger. The pulling
force shall be applied to a fixed point along the center line of the bundle even when jacks are
provided on the exchanger. Total bundle forces for exchangers mounted at grade on concrete
pedestals shall be, resisted by the fixed support only. However, to maintain uniformity, sizing of both
pedestals and reinforcement in both pedestals shall be kept same. Pulling force for exchangers
mounted on the structure shall be applied to the frame structure and foundation when externally pulled.

3.3.2 Design Load Combinations Loading Combinations

The loading combinations given in IS 456, IS 800, IS875 (Part-3 & Part-5) and IS 1893 shall generally be used
to determine the most severe condition for design. The design wind and earthquake loads shall not be
assumed to act simultaneously. In case of conflicts, the more severe shall govern. Below are the listed
combinations shall be used. Where,

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 12
DL=Dead Load, LL=Live Load, Ee=Equipment Empty Load, Pe=Pipe Empty Load, Eo=Equipment Operating
Load, Po=Pipe Operating Load, Et=Equipment Test Load, Pt=Pipe Test Load, WL=Wind Load, EQ= Earthquake
Load, TF=Thermal Friction, TA=Thermal Anchor and BP=Bundle Pull Load For Concrete and Steel Design

A) Load combinations for erection condition as per applicable code. Load combinations for Foundation Design

A) Load combinations for erection condition as per applicable code. Load Combination for Steel Deflection

A) Load combinations for erection condition as per applicable code.

3.3.3 Concrete Design Concrete Strength and Durability

Design for durability shall be in accordance with IS 456:2000.

The minimum parameters required for the design of reinforced concrete are as follows: Concrete Compressive Strength

M7.5/M10 : 50mm thick P.C.C. (1:4:8) except below liquid retaining structure
: 75mm thick P.C.C. (1:3:6) below liquid retaining structure
M15 : 150mm thick & 1000mm wide Plinth protection
M20 : Grade slab in non-plant area UNO
M20 : Grade slab in plant area UNO
M25 : RCC below FGL
M25 : RCC above FGL. and in superstructure
M30 : As per requirement if any
M35 : As per requirement if any
The minimum exposure condition for the RCC is assumed as moderate for sub structure and
super structure.

The exposure condition for the site is considered as moderate. Moreover, mix design shall be

done with Ordinary Portland cement/ Portland Pozzolana cements. Cover to reinforcement

The following minimum clear cover shall be provided for RCC work unless otherwise specified: -

a) Bottom : 75 mm
b) Side and top slab : 50 mm
a) Face in contact with earth : 30mm
b) Roof and floor, canopy chajja, waist slab : 30mm

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 13
Top & Bottom : 50mm
Side : 40mm
Face in contact with earth : 75mm
Plinth Beam
Top & Bottom : 75mm
Side : 50mm
Column, Pedestal
Super structure : 50mm
Face in contact with earth : 75mm
Retaining wall, Basement
a) Face in contact with earth : 60 mm
b) Free face : 50 mm
Liquid Retaining structure
a) Face in contact with liquid : 50 mm
b) Face away from liquid but in contact with earth : 60 mm
c) Free face : 50 mm
Trenches/Pits : 30 mm

Note: The minimum exposure condition for the RCC is assumed as moderate for sub structure. Minimum thickness

Minimum thickness of structural concrete elements shall be:
Footings (slab type including raft foundations) : 300 mm
Roof slab/Floor slab : 150 mm
Parapet/Chhajjas/Cantilever canopy slab : 100 mm
Cable pipe trench walls and base slab : 100 mm
Precast trench cover : 100 mm
Liquid retaining/leak proof structure walls and base slab : 150 mm
Underground pit/Reservoir (below ground water table) walls and : 150 mm
base slab
Underground pit (above ground water table) walls and Base slab : 100 mm
Ground floor slab (non-suspended) : 150 mm
Minimum dimension of column : 300 mm x 300mm

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 14
Minimum width of beam : 250 mm x 300mm Cement
Portland Pozzolana cements confirming to IS 1489 (Part 1): 2015 for below ground, Ordinary Portland cement
confirming to IS 12269: 2013 for Grade 53 for above ground RCC OR Ordinary Portland cement confirming to
IS 8112: 2013 for Grade 43 for above ground RCC. Bricks
Bricks shall comply with the requirements of IS 1077: 1992. Admixtures
Admixtures shall conform to IS 9103: 1999 and to be mixed with concrete (if required) strictly as per
manufacturer’s recommendations. Water stops

P.V.C. water stops of minimum 150 mm width and 6 mm thickness shall be riffed/serrated type with a central
bulb. However, kicker type PVC water stops shall be used for the base slab and in other areas where it is
required to facilitate concreting. Grout
For Machinery base plate Non-shrink / epoxy grout shall be of premix type with a minimum compressive
strength (28 days) of 50 N/mm2 and shall be used strictly as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

For structural columns : As required but not less than 25 mm thick

For equipment : As required but not less than 25 mm thick

Grouting work for anchor bolt pockets & base plate of major equipment foundations, non-shrink grout shall
be used as per manufacturers specifications.

For column base plates, vessels and non-rotating equipment ordinary grout shall consist of 1 part of OPC
and 2 parts of clean, dry well graded sand mixed with water to obtain the required consistency. Reinforcement and Anchor Bolts

◼ Reinforcement
• Fe 500D TMT Reinforcement shall be high strength deformed
bars of grade Fe 500 D (TMT) shall conform to IS:
1786 2008 with a permissible tensile stress of 565
• M.S. round (grade I) Conforming to IS 2062: 2011 for insert plates and
lugs (Steel for general structural purpose)

• Bar diameter 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm,

25 mm & 32 mm
◼ Anchor Bolts Anchor Bolts shall be of Galvanized mild steel bars
conforming to IS: 2062 Grade A IS1367 and same
shall be procured from approved make grade E250
(Fe 410w).

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 15 General
The concrete design shall comply with the current edition of IS 456. Geotechnical Properties for Foundation Design

For geotechnical data for use in the design of foundations and slabs, refer to:

The soil investigation report provided by the client for Grasim project Job No: MK/69/12-18 M. K. Soil Testing
Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India shall be used.

The allowable bearing pressure and other soil parameters shall be taken from the reports as listed above.

The maximum soil bearing pressure shall not exceed the allowable bearing pressure. Bearing pressures may
need to be considerably less than the allowable bearing pressure for settlement sensitive structures. Stability of Surrounding Structure Footings

New footings founded near existing footings, underground services or in ground at the upper edge of a batter
slope should be founded at a depth such that the base of the new footing is outside the zone of influence of
the existing footing, underground service or batter slope. The zone of influence of any footing, underground
service or batter slope is defined as the volume of soil outside planes drawn at 1 vertical to 1 horizontal
(above and below) from the base of the existing footing, underground service or batter slope, unless
otherwise noted in the geotechnical report. Footing and Foundation Design

Concrete pedestals under steel column baseplates or tank rims shall have a minimum of 50 mm edge distance
from the baseplate or rim. Pedestals shall be made sufficiently large to accommodate the holding down bolts
(and tolerance tubes) and the pedestal reinforcement.

Minimum distance from the center line of foundation/anchor bolt to edge of pedestal shall be the maximum
of the following: -

a) Clear distance from the edge of the base plate/base frame to the outer edge of the pedestal shall be
minimum 50mm

b) Clear distance from the face of the pocket to the outer edge of pedestal shall be 75mm

c) Clear distance from the edge of the sleeve or anchor plate to the edge of pedestal shall be 75mm

All pedestals which are more than 150 mm high shall be reinforced. The minimum total area of main pedestal
steel reinforcement provided shall be 0.15 % of the gross cross-sectional area of the pedestal.

Lean concrete blinding layer of mix M7.5 (1:4:8) shall be provided under floor slabs and other foundations
and M10(1:3:6) below water retaining structure.

Minimum thickness of blinding concrete layer shall be 50 mm and minimum extent beyond the foundation
edge is 50 mm. However, for water retaining structures thickness shall be 75 mm and extent shall be 75 mm
beyond the foundation edge. This should be poured within 24 hours of foundation excavation

Lean concrete of mix 1:5:10 shall be used to compensate for difference in founding levels, weak soil etc.
Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work
213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 16 Specific Design Criteria for Foundation
Tanks : Ring wall of block foundation for Flat
bottom Tanks
Buildings/structures : Isolated footings, Combined footings, Raft
Equipment : Isolated footings / Combined Foundation
Dyke wall : RCC wall

Minimum heights of plinth/pedestals above High Point of paving/Finished grade shall be:

Building plinth/ pedestals for structural : 450 mm above road level in front of
columns building
Open paved area : 150 mm (minimum) OR as indicated in
equipment layout drawing.

Covered area (building etc.) : 150 mm (minimum) OR as indicated in

Storage tank foundation : As per equipment layout

All equipment supporting foundations/pedestals

Open unpaved area : As required but not less than 500 mm OR

as indicated in equipment layout
Covered paved area : As required but not less than 150 mm
OR as indicated in equipment layout
Stair Pedestals : 150 mm (minimum)
Ladder pedestals : 150 mm (minimum) Equipment foundations

Foundations and structures supporting rotating machinery shall be so proportioned that their natural
frequency shall not fall within the range of 0.8 to 1.2 of normal operating speed of the equipment. Further
for major rotating machinery the amplitude of foundation or structure during normal operation shall not
exceed the allowable amplitude specified by the equipment manufacturer. The above consideration may be
omitted for centrifugal pumps and fans and other minor rotating equipment weighing less than three ton or
if the mass of the rotating parts are less than 1/100th of the mass of foundation installed directly on concrete
foundation provided that the weight of foundation is not less than 3 times of the equipment weight. In such
cases, dynamic analysis is not necessary. Uplift on foundation

In the design of horizontal elements below Grade, the upward pressure of water, where applicable shall be
taken as the full hydrostatic pressure applied over the whole area. The hydrostatic head shall be measured
from the underside of construction. Any other upward load shall also be included in the design.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 17 Soil and hydrostatic pressure on walls below grade
In the design of walls below Grade, provision shall be made for the lateral pressure of adjacent soil. Due
allowance shall be made for possible surcharge from fixed or moving loads. The walls below Grade and
columns supporting walls thro’ plinth beams shall also be designed to withstand lateral soil loads.

The lateral pressure from surcharge loads shall be taken in addition to the lateral earth pressure loads. Stability
For underground storage tanks, pits, trenches, tunnels, basements etc. For calculating downward load due
to overburden, only the mass located vertically over the projected area of the base shall be considered.

Minimum factor of safety of 1.5 against sliding and overturning shall be ensured.

Foundations and structures for machines subject to vibrations shall be so proportioned that the amplitude
and frequency of foundation/structure are within the permissible limits. Concrete Slabs – (suggested by Unique Engineering soil report used in Past project)
Non-suspended ground floor slab in plant buildings shall consist of the following unless otherwise specified.
a) 230 mm thick GSB in 2 layers (each 115mm) Grade-1 as per MORTH over 600mm layer of 50% Plastic Clay+
50% Fine copper slag

b) 250micron LDPE sheet between PCC and GSB.

c) 50 mm thick lean concrete M7.5 (1:4:8) over hardcore GSB soling.
d) 150 mm thick concrete slab of grade M20 over lean concrete with 8 mm @ 250 c/c both ways placed
centrally OR 200 mm thick concrete slab of grade M20 over lean concrete with 8 mm @ 250 c/c both ways
placed top and bottom.
e) Floor finish as per specified requirement. Where required, proper slope shall be provided for adequate
drainage of ground floor slab.

All expansion/separation joints in ground floor slabs shall at maximum interval of 15m to 20m
and to be filled with shalitex board for the full depth of slab except the top 25 mm which shall
be filled up with polysulphide. Plinth protection

Each building shall be provided with 1.0m wide and 150mm thick M15 concrete laid on 50 mm thick M7.5
concrete placed on 150thk GSB Grade-I as per “MORTH”. Plastic LDPE sheet shall be provided between GSB
and PCC. Paving shall be sloped for a rapid runoff of rainwater away from the building. Damp proof course (DPC)

PCC of grade 1:1.5:3 of minimum 40 mm thickness shall be provided as DPC at plinth level of all masonry
walls. Masonry wall

All masonry walls from ground floor shall be placed on RCC grade beams. However, light internal partitions
may be placed on ground floor slab.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 18
All brick masonry walls shall be considered as 230 mm thick except for partition walls which will be 115 mm
thick. However, for fire barrier walls minimum thickness shall be considered as 350 mm/450 mm as per
requirement. Ramps
Ramps for building entrance shall be cast in situ RCC designed as a grade slab and the maximum slope of
ramps to be 8%. Minimum thickness of the slab shall be 150mm. Liquid retaining/storage RCC structure and basement

All liquid retaining/storage RCC structures shall be designed as per limit state method having a maximum
allowable crack width of 0.2mm.

All liquid retaining/storage structures shall be designed assuming liquid up to the full height of wall
irrespective of provision of any overflow arrangement.

Following conditions shall be considered for design of liquid retaining structures, basement, trenches and
other underground structure: -

Only water pressure from inside and no earth pressure, groundwater pressure or surcharge from outside
(application only to structures which are to be filled up with water/liquid)

Earth pressure, surcharge pressure or ground water pressure from outside and no water pressure from

Base slab shall also be designed for the empty condition during construction and maintenance stages with
maximum ground water table.

Intermediate dividing walls of pump sumps shall be designed considering water in one pump sump only and
the other sump being empty for maintenance. Deflections
Deflections in concrete structures shall in general be limited by adherence to the limits on span by depth
ratio for beams and slabs and length to lateral dimension ratios for columns as prescribed in IS 456: 2000.
Where special functional/serviceability requirements or large spans demand actual deflections and/or crack
widths shall be calculated and the following limits adhered to:

The storey drift in any storey due to minimum specified design lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0
shall not exceed: Storey height/250

Crack width (for non-liquid retaining structure): 0.3 mm Plant area roads & Paving including approach road

All road widths shall be as indicated in plot plan/equipment layout.

Crown level of the road as mentioned in 2.3

All roads shall be designed as per IRC -37 and as per IS:2720

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 19
Minimum requirements

a) Camber : 1 in 50

b) Berm slope : 1 in 20

c) Embankment fill side slope : 1 in 2.0

d) At road intersections minimum : 9.0M for 6.0m wide carriage way 6.0M for
radius of turn 4.0m wide carriage way

Head Room Clearance :

i Above Major roads (such as periphery : 6.5 M

of process unit area limits)

II Above internal roadways provided for : 5.50M

access of maintenance and fire-fighting

III Under pipe ways where access is

a) Required for vehicular equipment : 4.5M

b) Required only for portable : 3.05M

(temporary) service equipment Concrete Pavement/Roads

Pavements where required shall be of following types – (suggested by Unique Engineering soil report used
in Past project)

TYPE I : For pavements : 250 mm thick concrete M-30 with TMT reinforcement
subjected to vehicular 8mm dia. @ 200mm c/c both ways at top and bottom
traffic, Truck over 50 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 placed on 230 mm thick
movement, Road GSB in 2 layers (each 115mm ) Grade-1 as per MORTH
loading/unloading over 600mm layer of 50% Plastic Clay+ 50% Fine copper
gantry slag. (PCC is laid, keeping plastic sheet between GSB &

TYPE II : For pavements not : 150mm thick concrete M-20 with single layer
subjected to vehicular reinforcement 8mm dia. @ 200 c/c both ways placed
movement centrally over 50 mm OR thick PCC 1:4:8 placed on 230
mm thick GSB in 2 layers (each 115mm ) Grade-1 as per
MORTH over 600mm layer of 50%Plastic Clay+ 50% Fine
copper slag. (PCC is laid keeping plastic sheet between

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 20
Pavements shall be properly sloped (approx. 1 in 300) and provided with 25 mm joints around equipment
foundations/pedestals/columns. The joints shall be filled with shalitex board for the top 25 mm which
shall be filled with polysulphide sealant.

Expansion joints shall be provided at a maximum spacing of 15 to 20 mt for paving, and grade slab. The
25 mm joints shall be filled with premoulded filler (Shalitex) boards with the top 25 mm filled with
polysulphide sealant.

Expansion joint shall be provided with 0.6m long 25 mm M.S. dowel bars @ 300 mm c/c with PVC sleeve
at expansion joints in paving and grade slab. However, for concrete roads details of expansion joints
details and spacing shall be as per design. Plant Area Drainage and Sewage System

In principle, drainage system shall be of open ditch, underground piping system or combination thereof.
Drainage system shall be separated to the following three categories:

1. Storm water

2. Sanitary water

3. Process Drainage Strom Drainage

All storm water drains shall be designed for the maximum hourly rainfall intensity. Also, the designed
discharge of a drain shall be checked for fire water requirement (i.e. 546cu.m/hr) as well as for design
rainfall run off and the higher of the two will prevail. The drains shall be open rectangular brick masonry
drains with free board of minimum 150mm. The drain at road crossing/vehicular movement area shall
be RCC/Hume pipe culvert.

The interconnecting pipes shall be sized for carrying the design discharge when running 2/3. Adequate
bottom slope shall be provided to maintain a minimum velocity of 0.6 m/sec. The maximum velocity
shall not exceed 2.4 m/sec.

The rectangular drains shall be in brick masonry and minimum 300 mm wide & 300mm deep. The pipes
for storm water drainage system shall be RCC Class NP2 conforming to IS: 458 2003 with minimum size
150 NB or as per design and NP3 at road crossing or encased or culvert.

The cushion over the pipes for storm water culverts shall be minimum 600 mm. Where less cushion is
available pipe shall be encased in RCC M-15.

3.3.4 Steelwork Design

Structural steel design shall generally comply with IS800: 2007. Structural Steel

All structural steel Grade A E 250 (Fe 410 W)/ Grade B E250(Fe 410w) and anchor bolt shall conform to IS
2062 : 2011 / IS : 1367 Grade B E 250 (Fe 410 W) except tubular sections which shall confirm to IS 1161 :
2014, IS 1239 (Part 1) : 2004 & IS 1239 (Part 2) : 2011 (For non-structural steel work like handrail).

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 21
Jindal sections are preferable to use.

High Strength bolts shall conform to IS 3757: 1985.

Chequered plate shall conform to IS 3502: 2009.

25mm thick Galvanized electro forged MS Grating shall conform to IS 2629: 1985 & tested as per IS 2633:
1986 & IS 6745: 1972.

Welding electrodes shall confirm to IS 814: 2004.

Minimum thickness of various structural steel components (hot rolled Sections) shall be:

a) General Construction
Trusses, purlins, side runners and bracings : 6 mm
Columns, beams : 7 mm
Gussets : 8 mm
Stiffeners : 8 mm
Base plates : 10 mm
Chequered plate : 8 mm
Flats or grating : 5 mm (min wt. 35kg/sqm galvanized)

However, the minimum thickness of structural steel components (except grating and Chequered plates)
which are directly exposed to weather and inaccessible for repainting shall be 10mm

b) Hand railings

Minimum thickness of tubes shall be as specified in IS 1239 (Part-1): 2004 (Medium Tube) Bolts and Anchors

◼ Minimum Size - structural connection M16 (16 mm diameter)
- nonstructural connections M12 (12 mm diameter)
◼ Grade 8.8 high strength

◼ Anchors M12 Chemical Set Anchors (minimum)

All bolts and masonry anchors to be hot dipped spun galvanized.

Lock nuts or approved equivalent shall be used for connections subject to vibration.

Hilti or equivalent chemical/mechanical anchors shall be used as per manufacturers standard and installation

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 22 Flooring and Handrail
◼ Access Platform Flooring 25mm grating
◼ Plant bldg. 25mm grating
◼ Stair Treads 25mm grating treads
◼ Handrail Tubular handrail or equivalent Grating floor

For grating floors on steel beams, the beams shall be suitably braced to ensure the integrity of the floor for
horizontal diaphragm action. Staircase
Minimum width of main stairs in all buildings shall be 1200mm. All stairs shall have a maximum riser height
of 190mm and a minimum tread width of 250mm. No. of risers shall be restricted preferably to 12 depending
on occupancy. At least one staircase/ladder shall be provided for access to the roofs for maintenance. In non-
plant structures and small platform access width of staircase shall be provided as 900mm to 1000mm as per

Stairway in a single run shall have the same slope. The vertical rise of the stairways shall not exceed 2.25m
for a single flight.

All steel staircases shall have channel (minimum MC 200) provided as stringer with a slope of 35 to 40 degrees
in most of the cases. The vertical height between successive landings shall not exceed 2.25m. Treads shall
be minimum 250mm wide.

Provide minimum head clearance of 2200mm in stair enclosures. Specific Serviceability Requirements

In addition to the design requirements of the design code used, the following design requirements shall be
adhered to:

◼ Member slenderness shall be limited in order to minimize secondary effects.

◼ Where K-bracing is used, the bracing members should be restricted to angles of between 30 degree and
60 degree to the vertical. Environment
Structural steel members shall be adequately protected from the environment with a suitable surface
protective coating system. Structural Member Sizes

The designer shall establish the size of each structural member and bolted connection required for each of
the design drawings for the project. For bolt design, the shear plane shall be taken to be through the threaded
part of the bolt. The Design Engineer shall:

Check that the member, fastener and weld sizes are shown correctly on the design drawing and the stiffener
and baseplate details are adequate.

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 23 Connection Details
If available, the customer standard steel connection drawings shall be used where practicable and are fit for
purpose. Constructability and Transport

At the design stage, special consideration shall be given to prefabrication in shop and pre-assembly on the
ground prior to erection for structures, vessels, tanks, equipment, etc. The location of splices should be
designed to suit the transport limitations. Welded cleats which project proud of the overall member should
be avoided where possible. Deflection Limitations

Deflections in steel structures shall be limited to the following values:

Girders, beams supporting SPAN/240 (plant bldg.) SPAN/150 Dead+
floors, walkways SPAN/240 (non-plant Live
Girders, beams, supporting SPAN/240 SPAN/150 Dead +Live+
floors, walkways Wind/Seismic
Roof girders SPAN/180 SPAN/150 Dead +Live
SPAN/180 SPAN/150 Dead +Live+
Beams subject to dynamic SPAN/450 SPAN/500 Dead +Live+
loads Wind/Seismic
Purlin, Cladding runner SPAN/150 SPAN/150

Grating/ Chequered plate SPAN/200 or 6mm ---- Dead + Live

whichever is minimum
Load cell Span/1000 or as
required by load cell
vendor, whichever is

Maximum permissible horizontal displacement for structures and columns are noted below:

◼ Open structures/building/shed/pipe-cable rack H/240

◼ In each storey of a building with more than one storey H/240
◼ Tops of columns in single-storey buildings H/240
H = total height of the structure

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 24
4. Definitions

The following key definitions apply for this project:

Word / Phrase Definition

MSL Mean Sea Level

OPC Ordinary Portland Cement

PCC Plain Cement Concrete

RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

SMRF Special Moment Resisting Frame

UNO Unless Noted Otherwise

GIDC Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation

MORTH Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

MSL Mean Sea Level

5. References

Document Number Document Name

MS-EP-STD-0044 Safety in Design Discipline Standard (Civil)

MS-EP-STD-0045 Safety in Design Discipline Standard (Structural)

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 25
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

1 Subcontractor List
a. List of all subcontractors and subsuppliers to be used by Supplier
1 Exceptions or Deviations
a. A listing of all exceptions or deviations to Inquiry Documents
1 "Preliminary" Schedule
Bar Chart Schedule for engineering, procurement of materials, fabrication, inspection and N/A X
testing, and delivery.
1 Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Program to address:
a. Material Control
b. Inspection
c. Correction of nonconformances including repair procedures
d. Records retention and audits
1 Drawing and Document List
A101 2 APO
a. A list of all Drawings and Documents to be issued by Supplier.
1 "Final" Schedule
Detailed schedule for drawings, calculations, procurement of materials, fabrication, A111 2 APO
a. inspection and testing, rigging and preparation for shipping, shipping time, Receipt of
Equipment at Site.
1 Initial Certified Dimensional Data
a. Equipment General Layout and Dimensions
b. Size and Location of Customer Connections and Interface Points. - Refer to D144
D141 X 4 APO
c. Equipment Weights / Forces. - Refer to E120
d. Anchor Bolt Locations / Mounting Data. - Refer D161
e. Operating Speed(s).
1 Certified Dimensional Outline Drawing - Composite
Certified dimensional outline drawing and list of connections shall include:
a. Connection list, sizes, ratings, types, finishes, and locations. - Refer to D144
b. Allowable forces and moments for all Purchaser interface nozzles. - Refer to E117
c. Weight of each major component and total train weight. - Refer to E120
d. Center of Gravity and lifting points. - Refer to E120
e. Overall dimensions including maintenance and dismantling clearances
f. Shaft centerline height and rotation
D141 X 8 APO
g. Shaft end separation and alignment data
h. Anchor bolt hole locations, sizes, and bolt projections. - Refer to D161.
i. Location and dimensions of motor and junction box(es). - Refer to D118
j. List of cross reference drawings or data.
k. Materials of Construction - Refer to B113
l. Location of vertical / horizontal jack screws
j. Location of seal plan reservoir and/or other seal flush equipment
k. Unbalanced Forces and reactions at each anchor point. - Refer to D161

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

l. Civil Drawings- General Arrangements/ Layouts and Details. - Refer to D105 (If Required)

m. Electrical Drawings- Equipment Details / Parts/ Materials. - Refer to D114 (If Required) D141 X 8 APO
n. Instrumentation Drawings. - Refer to D127 (If Required)
o. Nameplate Drawings. - Refer to D147
2 Control Logic Diagrams D110 8 APO
3 Mechanical Shaft Seal Detail Drawing and Bill of Material
Seal drawing shall be shown in cross section with parts numbered and identified. Drawing D146 X 8APO
shall include installation and setting dimensions and Bill of Material.
3 Primary Seal Flush Piping Drawing and Bill of Material
Drawing shall include Bill of Material, seal fluid, fluid flows, pressure, pipe and valve sizes, D150 8APO
instrumentation and orifice sizes.
3 Auxiliary Seal Flush Piping Drawing and Bill of Material
Drawing shall include Bill of Material, seal fluid, fluid flows, pressure, pipe and valve sizes, D150 8APO
instrumentation and orifice sizes.
3 Pump Cross-Sectional Drawing and Bill of Material
A non-dimensioned cross sectional drawing shall identify component parts and include a D140 X 8APO
cross indexed Bill of Material.
1 Weld Procedures
a. Weld procedure specifications and procedure qualification records G160
b. Weld map G159 6 APO
c. Welder/operator qualifications (if required) G162
d. PWHT procedure G119
3 Coupling Drawing E114 X 8 APO
3 Recommended Spare Parts List J110 X 8 APO
3 Lubrication List J106 X 10 APO
3 Utility Consumption List J106 X 8 APO
1 Data Sheets
a. Pump Datasheet E112 X
b. Motor Datasheet E104 X
c. Mechanical Seals Datasheet E112 X
d. Noise Datasheet E116 X
e. Instrumentation Datasheet / Cutsheets E110 X
1 Pump Performance Curve and Data E113 X 8 APO
3 Surface Preparation and Painting Specifications F111 X 4 APO

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

2 Motor Performance Data

Performance curves including:
a. Efficiency, Power Factor, Amps vs Load
E103 X 8 APO
b. Speed Torque and Current vs RPM at 80% and 100% Voltage including load torque
c. Time - Current heating curve (not required for Low Voltage)
d. Motor Starting Curve (not required for Low Voltage)
3 Motor Dimensional Outline Drawing
The drawing shall include as a minimum:
Overall dimensions, and all horizontal and vertical clearances necessary for dismantling,
and the approximate location of lifting lugs
Size, location, and purpose of all customer connections, including conduit, instrumentation,
and any piping or ducting. D114 X 8 APO
c. Shaft center line height
Motor frame size, enclosure, weight, rotation direction, power, RPM, voltage, phase, cycles,
service factor
e. Space heater watts, voltage, phase, and connection box location
f. Connection box and wiring to RTD's or other embedded temperature detectors.
2 Electrical and Instrument Wiring Drawings / Diagrams D124 8 APO
3 Procedures
a. Performance Test Procedure G107
b. Main Electric Motor Test Procedure G113
c. Applicable NDE and NDT Procedures G114
d. Long Term Storage Procedures H102
10 APO
e. Coating Procedure G156
f. Noise Test Procedure G141
g. Shipping, Preparation, Packing, Handling and Storage Procedure H103
h. Commissioning/ Pre-Commissioning Procedures J101
i. Unpacking, Handling, Lifting, Erection and Installation Procedures J112
4 Reports
a. Performance test report for pump E108
b. Mechanical run test report for pump G107
c. Hydrostatic Test report G149
d. Dynamic mech balancing test reports (certified) for pump rotor G147 2 AET
e. Test reports of main electric motor G112
f. NDE and NDT Reports G145
g. Material Certificates G133
h. Noise Test Reports G140

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

2 Quality Plan
G152 X 4 APO
a. A supplier quality plan, as described in the Purchase order
3 Local Jurisdictional Regulatory Requirements
Declaration of Conformity for all applicable Directives / Codes; i.e. PED, ATEX, Machinery
a. G102
Directive, etc.
12 APO
b. Risk Analysis G999
c. Particular Material Appraisal F999
d. Other G999
4 Manuals
a. lnstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals - Pump J105 2 PTS
b. lnstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals - Motor
4 Final Data Book
a. All As-Built Engineering Drawings
QA Record Book (applicable Code data reports, MTRs, Material certifications, hydro-test G129 2 PTS
certificates, NDE reports, nameplate facsimile, etc)
c. Approved Deviation Requests.

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
4. Definitions

The following key definitions apply for this project:

Word / Phrase Definition

MSL Mean Sea Level

OPC Ordinary Portland Cement

PCC Plain Cement Concrete

RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

SMRF Special Moment Resisting Frame

UNO Unless Noted Otherwise

GIDC Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation

MORTH Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

MSL Mean Sea Level

5. References

Document Number Document Name

MS-EP-STD-0044 Safety in Design Discipline Standard (Civil)

MS-EP-STD-0045 Safety in Design Discipline Standard (Structural)

Design Criteria for Civil/Structural Work

213110-31875-00-CI-BOD-00001 Rev B 19 February 2021 25
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

1 Subcontractor List
a. List of all subcontractors and subsuppliers to be used by Supplier
1 Exceptions or Deviations
a. A listing of all exceptions or deviations to Inquiry Documents
1 "Preliminary" Schedule
Bar Chart Schedule for engineering, procurement of materials, fabrication, inspection and N/A X
testing, and delivery.
1 Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Program to address:
a. Material Control
b. Inspection
c. Correction of nonconformances including repair procedures
d. Records retention and audits
1 Drawing and Document List
A101 2 APO
a. A list of all Drawings and Documents to be issued by Supplier.
1 "Final" Schedule
Detailed schedule for drawings, calculations, procurement of materials, fabrication, A111 2 APO
a. inspection and testing, rigging and preparation for shipping, shipping time, Receipt of
Equipment at Site.
1 Initial Certified Dimensional Data
a. Equipment General Layout and Dimensions
b. Size and Location of Customer Connections and Interface Points. - Refer to D144
D141 X 4 APO
c. Equipment Weights / Forces. - Refer to E120
d. Anchor Bolt Locations / Mounting Data. - Refer D161
e. Operating Speed(s).
1 Certified Dimensional Outline Drawing - Composite
Certified dimensional outline drawing and list of connections shall include:
a. Connection list, sizes, ratings, types, finishes, and locations. - Refer to D144
b. Allowable forces and moments for all Purchaser interface nozzles. - Refer to E117
c. Weight of each major component and total train weight. - Refer to E120
d. Center of Gravity and lifting points. - Refer to E120
e. Overall dimensions including maintenance and dismantling clearances
f. Shaft centerline height and rotation
D141 X 8 APO
g. Shaft end separation and alignment data
h. Anchor bolt hole locations, sizes, and bolt projections. - Refer to D161.
i. Location and dimensions of motor and junction box(es). - Refer to D118
j. List of cross reference drawings or data.
k. Materials of Construction - Refer to B113
l. Location of vertical / horizontal jack screws
j. Location of seal plan reservoir and/or other seal flush equipment
k. Unbalanced Forces and reactions at each anchor point. - Refer to D161

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

l. Civil Drawings- General Arrangements/ Layouts and Details. - Refer to D105 (If Required)

m. Electrical Drawings- Equipment Details / Parts/ Materials. - Refer to D114 (If Required) D141 X 8 APO
n. Instrumentation Drawings. - Refer to D127 (If Required)
o. Nameplate Drawings. - Refer to D147
2 Control Logic Diagrams D110 8 APO
3 Mechanical Shaft Seal Detail Drawing and Bill of Material
Seal drawing shall be shown in cross section with parts numbered and identified. Drawing D146 X 8APO
shall include installation and setting dimensions and Bill of Material.
3 Primary Seal Flush Piping Drawing and Bill of Material
Drawing shall include Bill of Material, seal fluid, fluid flows, pressure, pipe and valve sizes, D150 8APO
instrumentation and orifice sizes.
3 Auxiliary Seal Flush Piping Drawing and Bill of Material
Drawing shall include Bill of Material, seal fluid, fluid flows, pressure, pipe and valve sizes, D150 8APO
instrumentation and orifice sizes.
3 Pump Cross-Sectional Drawing and Bill of Material
A non-dimensioned cross sectional drawing shall identify component parts and include a D140 X 8APO
cross indexed Bill of Material.
1 Weld Procedures
a. Weld procedure specifications and procedure qualification records G160
b. Weld map G159 6 APO
c. Welder/operator qualifications (if required) G162
d. PWHT procedure G119
3 Coupling Drawing E114 X 8 APO
3 Recommended Spare Parts List J110 X 8 APO
3 Lubrication List J106 X 10 APO
3 Utility Consumption List J106 X 8 APO
1 Data Sheets
a. Pump Datasheet E112 X
b. Motor Datasheet E104 X
c. Mechanical Seals Datasheet E112 X
d. Noise Datasheet E116 X
e. Instrumentation Datasheet / Cutsheets E110 X
1 Pump Performance Curve and Data E113 X 8 APO
3 Surface Preparation and Painting Specifications F111 X 4 APO

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

2 Motor Performance Data

Performance curves including:
a. Efficiency, Power Factor, Amps vs Load
E103 X 8 APO
b. Speed Torque and Current vs RPM at 80% and 100% Voltage including load torque
c. Time - Current heating curve (not required for Low Voltage)
d. Motor Starting Curve (not required for Low Voltage)
3 Motor Dimensional Outline Drawing
The drawing shall include as a minimum:
Overall dimensions, and all horizontal and vertical clearances necessary for dismantling,
and the approximate location of lifting lugs
Size, location, and purpose of all customer connections, including conduit, instrumentation,
and any piping or ducting. D114 X 8 APO
c. Shaft center line height
Motor frame size, enclosure, weight, rotation direction, power, RPM, voltage, phase, cycles,
service factor
e. Space heater watts, voltage, phase, and connection box location
f. Connection box and wiring to RTD's or other embedded temperature detectors.
2 Electrical and Instrument Wiring Drawings / Diagrams D124 8 APO
3 Procedures
a. Performance Test Procedure G107
b. Main Electric Motor Test Procedure G113
c. Applicable NDE and NDT Procedures G114
d. Long Term Storage Procedures H102
10 APO
e. Coating Procedure G156
f. Noise Test Procedure G141
g. Shipping, Preparation, Packing, Handling and Storage Procedure H103
h. Commissioning/ Pre-Commissioning Procedures J101
i. Unpacking, Handling, Lifting, Erection and Installation Procedures J112
4 Reports
a. Performance test report for pump E108
b. Mechanical run test report for pump G107
c. Hydrostatic Test report G149
d. Dynamic mech balancing test reports (certified) for pump rotor G147 2 AET
e. Test reports of main electric motor G112
f. NDE and NDT Reports G145
g. Material Certificates G133
h. Noise Test Reports G140

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL)

Customer: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd Requisition No. 213110-31875-00-EN-REQ-00001

Job Title: Lubrizol CPVC Resin Plant Issued By: Varsha Gupte
Location: Confidential Site, Gujarat Issued Date: 12-Mar-21
Project No.: 213110-31875 Rev. No.: A
Water Treatment Package

Electronic Copy: 1 Paper Copy: 0


Supplier Project Supplier

Code (weeks) Date

2 Quality Plan
G152 X 4 APO
a. A supplier quality plan, as described in the Purchase order
3 Local Jurisdictional Regulatory Requirements
Declaration of Conformity for all applicable Directives / Codes; i.e. PED, ATEX, Machinery
a. G102
Directive, etc.
12 APO
b. Risk Analysis G999
c. Particular Material Appraisal F999
d. Other G999
4 Manuals
a. lnstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals - Pump J105 2 PTS
b. lnstallation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals - Motor
4 Final Data Book
a. All As-Built Engineering Drawings
QA Record Book (applicable Code data reports, MTRs, Material certifications, hydro-test G129 2 PTS
certificates, NDE reports, nameplate facsimile, etc)
c. Approved Deviation Requests.

Copyright 2019, Worley

KS-ME-LST-0290 Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL) Rev. 0, Effective 01 December 2019
Technical Specification for Water Treatment

Document No: 213110-31875-ENV-SPC-00001 Rev A

12 March 2021

© Copyright 2019 Worley ACN 096 090 158. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Worley.

Plant: CPVC Resin Plant Project number: 213110-31875 Subject: Tech Spec for WTP

Rev Description Originator Reviewer Worley Approver Revision Date Customer Approver Approval Date
A Issued for Enquiry AB VSG ASJ 12.03.2021 Approval Date
Initial.Surname Initial.Surname Worley Approval

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Document Objective ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Project Scope ................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Project Information ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Climatological Data ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Battery Limit................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Area Classification .......................................................................................................................... 7
4. Codes and Standards ...................................................................................................................... 7
5. Design Basis ................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Water Treatment Plant .................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.1 Raw Water Quality and Treatment Requirement ..................................................... 8
6. Technical Requirements................................................................................................................ 11
6.1 General .........................................................................................................................................11
6.2 Piping Fabrication ........................................................................................................................13
6.3 Painting ........................................................................................................................................13
6.4 Electrical .......................................................................................................................................13
6.5 Structural / Civil Works ................................................................................................................13
6.6 Instrumentation ...........................................................................................................................13
7. Contractor’s Scope of Supply ........................................................................................................ 15
8. Purchaser’s Scope of Supply.......................................................................................................... 17
9. Inspection .................................................................................................................................... 17
10. Temporary Protection During Transport ........................................................................................ 19
11. Erection, Commissioning and Performance Testing ........................................................................ 19
12. Guarantee .................................................................................................................................... 21
Testing and Trial Run ................................................................................................................................22
13. Drawing and Document Requirement ........................................................................................... 22
14. Q.A. / Q.C. Requirements ............................................................................................................. 24
15. Completion Time .......................................................................................................................... 24
16. Contractor’s Quality Plan .............................................................................................................. 25
17. Contractor Data ............................................................................................................................ 25
18. Makes of Bought Out Items .......................................................................................................... 25

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 3

1. Introduction

1.1 Document Objective

This document is the technical specification prepared for the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) for the CPVC
Resin Plant. The objectives of this document are:

 Minimum requirement for WTP as turnkey package including civil works

This document should be read in conjunction with 213110-31875-PM-BOD-00001 document number for
the project Basis of Design.

Project details:

Title: CPVC Resin Plant

Location: Vilayat, Bharuch, Gujarat, India
Client: Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd
Worley Project No: 213110-31875

The plant is composed of following sections

 0 - Material handling and storage

 1 - Resin process
 9 - Utilities

1.2 Project Scope

Worley scope of work includes Basic/FEED Engineering for projects undertaken at the Vilayat site by Lubrizol.

Refer to the Project Basis of Design, document number 213110-31875-PM-BOD-00001.

2. Scope

 The entire package work shall be carried out under the sole responsibility of single LSTK contractor
(material with labour), which includes entire civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation & piping work
related to the Water Treatment Package.
 The scope includes design, engineering, civil & structural steel work, material procurement,
manufacture, assembly, inspection and testing at shop & site, painting, packing & forwarding, supply to
site, transferring material from storage yard to erection place at site, transit and site insurance, erection
and commissioning at site, carrying out performance guarantee tests at shop & site, training and handing
over of the system to the Purchaser on turnkey basis as described here under and in various other
referred documents including the Specifications and Data Sheets attached herein.
 It is not the intent to completely specify all details of design and construction of this system;
nevertheless, the plant shall conform to high standards of engineering, design and workmanship in all

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 4

 Any piece of equipment or component not specifically mentioned in this specification, but required to
make the plant complete, safe, operable and consistent with good engineering practice shall be provided
by the contractor at no extra cost and shall be deemed to have been specified.

 The contractor shall make all possible efforts to comply strictly with the requirements of this
specification and other specifications / data sheets as mentioned in the enquiry. In case, any deviations
are considered essential by the contractor after making all possible efforts, these shall be separately
listed in the contractor’s offer under “List of deviations / exceptions to the enquiry” for the purchaser’s
considerations. The deviations / exceptions shall be listed separately for each specification / document
with cross-references and proper reasons for the deviations / exceptions. In case of any deviation not
listed under the ‘List of deviations / exceptions to the enquiry’, even though it is appearing in other part
of the offer, shall not be considered applicable. Deviations accepted by the Purchaser before placements
of order are the only exceptions acceptable. Hence, all the requirements shall be binding on the
contractor without any cost and schedule implications to the Purchaser.

3. Project Information

3.1 General

"Purchaser/Client" : Lubrizol Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd (Lubrizol)

"Engineers/Consultant" : Worley India Private Limited (Worley)

"Project" : LZ CPVC Resin Plant

"Location" : Dahej 2, Gujarat

“Contractor” : The successful bidder who shall execute the Water

Treatment Plant Package

3.2 Climatological Data

Barometric Pressure

Maximum (mbar) 1014

Minimum (mbar) 997


Max Dry bulb 45 Deg C

Min Dry bulb 11 Deg C

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 5

Design Dry bulb 50 Deg C

Design Wet bulb 29 Deg C


Daily maximum rainfall 305 mm in 24hours

Design hourly rainfall 150 mm per hour

History evaporation max 5%

Evaporation rate 0.12

Other Data

Seismic Zone Zone III (as per IS 1893-1984, Part -1,


Seismic Coefficient 0.16 (As per IS 1893)

Prevailing wind direction HOLD

wind velocity 50 m/s

Site Elevation 11 meters above mean sea level

3.3 Battery Limit

Input by Purchaser

Following utilities will be made available at one point near the contractor’s battery limit.

a. Raw Water At inlet Raw Water Receipt Sump

b. Electrical Power Purchaser shall provide 415V, 50Hz, 3-phase power supply up to
bidder’s MCC. Supply, laying and termination of the incoming power
cable up to bidder’s MCC shall be in purchaser’s scope. Further
power distribution from bidder’s MCC to bidder’s offered equipment
shall be bidder’s scope.

c. Lighting Purchaser will provide site lighting. Contractor shall at his cost
provide: security lighting as required for Contractor’s materials, tools
and equipment, task lighting’ for Contractor’s offices and other
temporary buildings for use by contractor.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 6

d. Earth Pits & Earthing The Purchaser will arrange main grid earthing at two points upto
Grid battery limit of plant.

e. Plant Air At 7 kg/cm2 pressure

Output by Contractor

a. Filtered Water At Filter outlet

b. DM Water At common discharge header of DM plant

c. Wastewater from WTP i) Backwash water at outlet of filter

ii) DM regeneration at DM outlet

iii) RO reject

This will be collected in WTP Waste Pit. Further routing from

WTP Collection Pit is not in contractor’s scope.

3.4 Area Classification

Area within Water Treatment Package is non-hazardous.

Overall plot plan showing the location of WTP is attached herewith.

4. Codes and Standards

 Units shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes. Nothing in this
specification shall be construed to relieve the contractor of his responsibility. Any changes, if required,
to meet the statutory norms shall be carried out by the contractor at no extra cost.
 Besides the code / standards indicated below, the Jacobs standard specification enclosed shall form
part of this Specification. In case of conflict between the Standards and any specific requirement on
the Data Sheets, or conflict between the requirements of any two or more of the Standards, the more
stringent requirements shall govern.
 Codes and standards mentioned in the following design basis {attached as part of specifications} shall
be followed (their latest revisions).
 Electrical Design Basis
 Instrumentation Design Basis
 Piping Design Basis
 Mechanical Design Basis
 Static Equipment Design Basis
 Civil Design Basis

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 7

5. Design Basis

5.1 Water Treatment Plant

Lubrizol will be using the water available at Battery Limit (B.L.) from Grasim. The raw water quality available
from Grasim is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Raw Water Quality

Parameter Unit of Measurement

pH - 7.5 to 8.2

Conductivity micro siemens/cm 250 to 350

Turbidity NTU 1.5 to 2.5

Chloride as NaCl mg/l 55 to 75

Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l 100 to 150

Reactive Silica as SiO2 mg/l 25

Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 180 to 200

Total alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l 120 to 150

Ref. Lubrizol email dated March 11, 2021

5.1.1 Raw Water Quality and Treatment Requirement

The treated water quality required in process for various purposes is presented in Table 2.

Water from Grasim will be collected in raw water collection sump of 360 m3 capacity. The present raw
water quality indicates that there will not be any additional treatment required to meet the quality of
water required for cooling tower make-up and domestic purposes. However chemical dosing for pH, scale
prevention and organic growth prevention shall be provided as per normal cooling tower operation

Table 2 Treated Water Quality

Parameter Unit of Measurement

pH - 7 to 8

Conductivity micro siemens/cm < 160

Turbidity NTU <5

Sulfur as SO4 mg/l < 40

Chloride as NaCl mg/l < 200

Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l <1

Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l <1

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 8

Parameter Unit of Measurement

Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/l <1

Total Iron as Fe ppb < 500

Total Copper as Cu ppb < 50

Sodium mg/l Nil

Reactive Silica as SiO2 mg/l Nil

Total Silica mg/l Nil

Total organic carbon mg/l <3

Total Suspended Solids mg/l Nil

Total Dissolved Solids mg/l

Total alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/l

Oxygen mg/l 10.3

Ammonia mg/l 0.025

Bromine µg/l 150

It is proposed to provide Na-hypochlorite dosing to disinfect the raw water in raw water collection sump.
The raw water then will be pumped through dual media filter (DMF) and ultra-filter (UF) before subjecting to
Reverse osmosis (RO). The filtered water will be passed through RO plant followed by a mixed bed ion
exchanger column for polishing treatment & is designed to treat water at a flow rate of 7.5 m 3/hr. The bidder
to confirm the pre-treatment requirement before RO. The DM plant will remove residual ions to meet
desired water quality. The proposed treatment scheme of Option 1 is presented in Figure 5-1.

We request the bidder to furnish cost of the mixed bed ion exchange column as optional item.

Vendor has to provide the minimum following dosing system for WTP. All dosing system shall be automatic.

Each dosing system shall be skid mounted and shall include dosing tanks in HDPE and agitators if required,
dosing pumps in PP (1 working + 1 warehouse standby) tanks. Dosing tanks shall have minimum detention
time of 12 hours.

• pH adjustment (Acid / Alkali)

• NaOCl dosing system prior to filtration
• SMBS dosing system
• Antiscalant dosing system
• CEB for UF system
• Common CIP system for UF and RO system

Vendor shall provide the pump of suitable capacity to filter this water through sand/self-cleaning filter. On-
line chlorination shall be carried out prior to filtration. Filtered water shall be stored tank of suitable capacity.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 9

Filtered water from filtered water tank shall be used for backwashing the filter and shall also be pumped to
the WTP UF – RO system to generate the RO permeate. RO permeate shall be stored in RO permeate tank
from where it shall be pumped to Mixed bed Ion Exchange column to provide polishing treatment.

Option 2- The bidder shall quote for the above treatment scheme. The bidder can also quote for any other
alternative in addition to the proposed alternatives. The bidder shall also quote for above ground raw water
storage tank (360m3 MOC- Zincalume steel with reinforced liner / GRP)

The water thus treated either by Option 1 or Option 2 will be used in the process for Dryer Water Heater,
caustic solution preparation, scrubber water heater, reactor vent KO pot, reactor flush etc.

WTP-RO reject shall be collected in the WTP Waste Pit alongwith dirty backwash from the filter and
eventually treated in zero liquid discharge (ZLD) plant.

Figure 5-1: Process Flow Diagram For Water Treatment Plant With RO & DM (Option 1)

Table 3 List of Units and Equipment

Sr. No. Description Capacity MOC Quantity

1. Raw water collection sump 360 m3 RCC 1 no.

(12mX12mX2.5m (depth)

2. Dual Media Filter Suitable for 7.5 m3/h GRP/MSRL/MSEP Bidder to confirm
Minimum 1200 mm Dia

3. Air scouring blower for DMF Suitable CI 2 nos.

4. Acid Dosing Tank 100 liters HDPE 1 no.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 10

Sr. No. Description Capacity MOC Quantity

5. Acid Dosing Pumps 0 – 5 LPH PP 2 nos.


6. Alkali Dosing Tank 100 liters HDPE 1 no.

7. Alkali Dosing Pumps 0 – 5 LPH PP 2 nos.


8. Alkali Dosing Tank Agitator Suitable SS 1 no.

9. DM and RO system complete Suitable for generating 180 Suitable 1 lot

with SMBS dosing, high m3/d of treated water
pressure pump, CIP required for process
arrangement, regeneration
system, regeneration pumps,

Vendor to confirm and

suggest pre-treatment before

10. Treated Water Tank (TK- 250m3 GRP 1 no.


11. Treated Water Pumps 40 m3/h @ 4.3 barg CS 2 nos. (1w+1s)

(PU1901 A/B)
Centrifugal type

12. Building for MCC/ PLC/ Suitable RCC –Brick Masonry 1 no.
Chemical Storage/Operation

6. Technical Requirements

6.1 General
 The entire plant inclusive of controls shall be suitable for outdoor uncovered installation.
 The plant shall be suitable for automatic operation.
 Natural rubber shall be used for rubber lining. The sheet should be free from blisters and any other
physical imperfection. Shore hardness shall be minimum 85 A°.
 Adequate rising space shall be provided for all exchangers to compensate for bed expansion during re-
 Minimum thickness of measuring tanks, dilution tanks, and non-pressure parts in CS/MS construction
shall be 6 mm inclusive of 3 mm corrosion allowance. Rubber lining for vessels and piping shall be 4.5
mm and 3 mm respectively.
 Plant layout shall be in such a way that sufficient space shall be available for operation and
 Sampling point at inlet and outlet of each treatment equipment shall be provided by contractor.
 Every piece of equipment shall be equipped with earthing lugs.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 11

 Large sized and/or heavy components shall be provided with lifting lugs to permit lifting by means of
 The design of components shall be carried out based on yield strength and adequate factor of safety.
Generally, design of mechanical components shall take into consideration the maximum starting
torque delivered by motors or the maximum breaking torque, whichever is greater.
 Wherever steel castings are required to withstand shocks or heavy loads, they shall be properly
annealed and heat-treated.
 Any feature required for the safety of the equipment shall be provided by the contractor.
 Safety guards shall be provided for all exposed rotating parts.
 All pressure vessels shall be manufactured and tested as per ASME Sec VIII div 1. All pressure parts
shall be fabricated out of tested SA 516 grade 60/ 70 material, unless specified otherwise in datasheet.
Vendor shall specify the thickness of all vessels. Corrosion allowance of atleast 3 mm shall be provided
for all pressure vessels.
 All vessels / tanks shall be provided with necessary manhole/ hand hole and cover. Supports, access
ladder and platform with handrails shall be provided for all vessels/ piping for ease of operation and
maintenance. Davit type manholes shall be provided.
 Static Equipment having Metallic Material & Internal design pressure < 15 psig then Equipment design
shall be as per Good Engineering Practice + PIP VEFV1100M (std. dwgs).
 Static Equipment having Metallic Material & Internal design pressure > 15 psig then Equipment design
shall be as per Design Code : ASME Section VIII Div 1, 2019 + PIP Specifications as listed below.
1. PIP VECV1001 - Jun 2020 : Design Criteria and Purchasing Requirements for Vessels ASME Code
Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2
2. PIP VEFV1100M - Jan 2019 : Vessel/S&T Heat Exchanger Standard Details (Metric Units)
 Any coupling, V - belts, gearboxes and bearings installed shall have a service factor of 1.5 over motor
rated power.
 Noise level shall be less than 80 dBA measured at 1 meter from source.
 Vibration level shall be less than 6.3 mm/s as per ISO 1940.
 All structural/ cable rack within the battery limit shall be provided. Pipe/ cable racks shall run at a
height of about 4 metres from ground level.
 All battery limit flanges shall be as per ANSI B 16.5 standard.
 Pressure gauges shall be provided at discharge of each pump, blower. inlet/ outlet of each unit of
 All dosing tanks shall be provided with overflow and drain nozzles.
 All chemical measuring / dilution tanks shall have minimum storage capacity of 12 hours chemical
requirement, unless specified otherwise.
 All dosing tanks/ chemical solution tanks shall be provided with an external reflex type level gauge and
a level switch with provision of alarm at low and high levels and tripping of pumps at low levels.
 A Y type, in-line strainer shall be provided at the suction line of the dosing pump.
 All skids and other supporting steelwork shall be of welded construction and shall be of adequate
strength to properly support the plant during transport/ loading/ unloading/ installation and during
operation. Adequate corrosion protection shall be provided.
 Pressure vessels shall be hydraulically tested for 1.3 times the design pressure as a minimum
 Design pressure for downstream equipment and piping of the pumps shall be 110 % of shutoff
pressure of pumps.
 Supports, access ladder and platform with handrails shall be provided for all vessels/ piping for ease of
operation and maintenance.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 12

6.2 Piping Fabrication
 Piping, fitting, valves and all piping components shall be of CI/CS. Piping shall confirm to enclosed
specifications. Chemical piping shall be in CPVC/UPVC.
 Welding producers and welders shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of ASME Sect.
IX. Prior to testing, final inspection, welded joints shall be clear, free of slag, dirt, oil, paint and all other
foreign matter.
 Vent holes, if required to remove air during vulcanizing can be made while welding. However, all such
holes shall be plugged with suitable material after rubber lining.
 For sizing pipes – flow rate shall be designed for the following ranges:
 Gravity flow lines - 0.6 to 0.9 m/sec.
 Pump suction lines - 0.6 to 1.2 m/sec.
 Pump discharge - 1.1 to 2.4 m/sec.
 Bypass arrangement for all units with necessary isolation valves shall be provided by the Contractor.
 All pipes running in below ground culverts shall have break up flange or isolation before each culvert
for easy maintenance.

6.3 Painting

 Painting shall be as per attached project specifications.

6.4 Electrical
 All electrical equipment and installation in Contractor’s scope shall conform to relevant Indian
Standard. All equipment and material shall be new, of best quality. Make and type of equipment and
materials shall be subject to purchaser’s approval.
 Vendor to include for licensed electrical worker (LEW) to perform site based energizing of electrical
 Electrical equipment installation, earthing, lighting etc. shall be in accordance with the miscellaneous
installation details attached with the requisition.
 Emergency manual switch provided on control panel shall have auto/ manual mode selection and shall
be able to start and stop all feeders in manual mode. In manual mode individual starting & stopping of
motors shall also be possible.

6.5 Structural / Civil Works

 All RCC and structural steel works shall be in Contractors scope of supply.
 All structures, piping, pipe and cable racks within Battery Limit shall be supplied by the Contractor.
 All railing wherever necessary shall be 32 NB MS pipe. 900 mm high and at 1.2 m c/c with rows of 25
NB MS pipes with 1 coat of red oxide primer and 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint.

6.6 Instrumentation

 All the instrumentation required for safe and trouble-free operation of water treatment plant shall be
provided by vendor.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 13

 Operation of the plant shall be automatic.
 Valves requiring control from control panel shall be actuated. Valve actuators shall be preferably
 Field instruments and transmitters shall be suitable for outdoor application and rated for site ambient
 Cabling along with cable tray and supports from all field instruments to local control panel and cabling
between individual users and motor starter panel and local control panel shall be in vendor’s scope of
supply. Local control panel shall be field mounted. Vendor shall supply all power, instrument and
control cables with cable trays along with supports required for its operation. Earthing cables are also
in contractor scope.
 Instrument signal cables and power cables shall be laid out in separate cable trays to avoid
interference in communication.
 Instrument location shall be suitable for easy removal and replacement for maintenance.
 All instrumentation shall be as per attached specification.
 Following minimum instruments shall be provided (Vendor to provide instruments list later): Any other
instruments necessary for trouble free operation and as per process requirement shall be provided by
the contractor.
 Refer attached Job specifications for WTP (doc. No. 213110-31875-00-IC-SPC-00018 Rev A and General
guidelines for instrumentation for package bidders 213110-31875-00-IC-SPC-00001 Rev A

Table 4 Instrumentation


1. Pressure Outlet of Dual Media Filter [DMF] Gauge

2. Differential Pressure Across DMF Transmitter

3. Indicator,
Suspended Solids Outlet of DMF

4. Indicator,
pH Raw Water Receipt Tank Controller,

5. Pressure Inlet and outlet of Resin Softener Gauge

6. Indicator,
Level Regeneration Tank Controller,

7. Indicator,
Conductivity Inlet of DMF

8. Indicator,
Outlet from RO and on backwash /
Flow Controller,
regeneration water lines.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 14


9. Indicator,
At common discharge header of
Flow Controller,
Treated Water Pumps

10. Indicator,
Hardness , conductivity Outlet of DM

11. Indicator,
Level Treated Water tank Controller,

12. Indicator,
pH Treated Water tank Controller,

Pressure At discharge of air blower Gauge

14. Safety relief

Delivery lines of dosing pumps, air
Pressure relief device valves /
rupture disc

15. Acid dosing tank, Alkali Dosing tank,

Na-hypochlorite dosing tank, SMBS
Level Switch
dosing tank, Anti-scalant dosing

16. Indicator,
Pressure Instrument air inlet line

 The PLC controller system consisting of following: -

a. Central processing unit
b. I/O racks
c. Cabinets
d. Operator interface

7. Contractor’s Scope of Supply

 Entire package execution work with required skill & semi-skilled labour under sole responsibility of
single LSTK contract (including material with labour).
 The Job involves design, engineering, civil works, material procurement, fabrication & manufacturing,
assembly, inspection and testing at shop & site, painting, Packing & Forwarding, supply to site,
transferring material from storage yard to erection place at site, erection and commissioning at site,
carrying out performance guarantee tests at shop & site. Civil and structural work is excluded from
contractor’s scope of supply. Civil design and drawings good for construction are in contractor’s scope.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 15

 All vessels & tanks shall be provided with necessary inlet / outlet / spare / other service nozzles,
manhole with davit arm / hand-hole with cover, suitable sized vent & drain with isolation valves, safety
relief valves & rupture disc for pressure vessels, breather valves for storage tanks, level measuring
device on all storage & dosing tanks as required.
 First fill of resins, media, lubricants, oil, chemicals required for commissioning shall be provided by the
 Necessary lifting tools and tackles, supporting and runway beams for facilitating maintenance work of
static & rotating equipment.
 Surface preparation and painting at shop and final painting at site as per Lubrizol/Jacobs’s standards
shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Preservation, shipping preparation, packing and forwarding, supply to site shall be included by the
 Spares for commissioning & start-up shall be included by the Contractor in his scope.
 The Contractor shall indicate in his offer an item wise list and price of Spares required for two years
normal operation (item wise listing).
 Special tools and tackles (if any) shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Inspection, testing & QA / QC requirements as specified in Jacobs technical specifications including
participation of Purchaser / consultant personnel during fabrication, assembly and testing of
equipment at vendor’s & sub-vendors’ shop shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Installation, erection, commissioning & performance testing (with skilled & semi-skilled labour supply
including supervision) of all pressure parts, equipment & auxiliaries, piping, electrical, instrumentation,
etc shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Carrying out performance guarantee test at site. Instruments required for proving performance
guarantees, on returnable basis shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Operator’s training shall be provided by the Contractor.
 Steel supports required for each equipment and pipes. Platforms with hand railing, ladder, staircase for
vessels and wherever required for maintenance and operation. Fasteners along with gaskets/ hold
down bolts/foundation bolts/ anchor fasteners required for complete package.
 SS shims for alignment.
 Wrapping / coating (tape coating) for underground piping.
 Insulation, wherever required (for all equipment, ducting, piping) complete with material, cleats and
 Any other equipment, accessories, instrumentation & controls require to complete installation within
Contractors package battery limit for safe, smooth & trouble-free operation & maintenance of the unit
shall be provided by the Contractor.
 FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)
 SAT (Site Acceptance Test)
 HAZOP for complete package
 Mechanical and performance guarantees. (Including performance testing at site)
 Training of Purchaser’s operators and maintenance personnel
 Third party inspection agency/ Engineer/ Client will have the right to inspect at any stage of
manufacture and construction, all materials, components and workmanship and testing of materials.
Contractor shall provide for third party inspection including all facilities for inspection and testing
without any extra cost to the Client / third party / Engineer. All cost for third party inspection shall be
borne by Contractor.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 16

 The Contractor shall furnish his Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). All equipment shall be offered for
inspection and testing at manufacturer’s works. Material test certificates shall be submitted for all
major components.
 The Contractor shall submit design calculations and drawings for civil, piping and electrical items and
data sheets for all mechanical items for approval of the Engineer/Purchaser. The work shall be carried
out as per final working drawings duly approved by the Engineer/Purchaser for construction.
 The Contractor shall furnish G. A. drawings and Construction drawings for all the units.
 All electrical works including all electrical motors for the various equipment, Switchboards, cabling,
cable trenches, cable supports, starters, earthing, etc. will be provided by the Contractor.
 Calibration of instruments and commissioning of all instruments.
 Foundation bolts, holding down bolts, anchor bolts, vibration isolators, base plates, coupling / belt
guards etc.
 Detailed operation and maintenance (O&M) manual with nomographs, schedule of sampling and
analysis and standard operating procedure for calibration is also included in Contractor’s scope of
 Any other item not included in the scope of work and required for successful commissioning of the
system shall be provided by the Contractor.

8. Purchaser’s Scope of Supply

 Supply of all utilities at one point near Contractors battery limit.

 Purchaser shall provide 2 nos. of earth points at battery limit. Further distribution of earthing shall be
done by package contractor.
 Raw Water upto the inlet raw water receipt tank.
 Transfer of filtered water beyond Contractor’s battery limit.
 Transfer of treated water beyond Contractor’s battery limit.
 Disposal of backwash from DMF, DM regeneration, Reject from UF/RO collected in WTP Waste
collection Pit beyond Contractor’s battery limit.

9. Inspection

1. Contractor shall furnish project specific Quality Control (Q. C.) Plan for purchaser’s review before
commencement of work. Inspection shall be carried out as per agreed Q. C. Plan.
2. Equipment shall be subjected to stage wise expediting, inspection and testing at vendors / sub-
vendor’s works by Purchaser or its authorised inspection agency inspector.
3. Contractor shall obtain despatch instruction from the purchaser / consultant before despatch of
4. The purchaser / engineer reserves the right to inspect any machinery, material and equipment
furnished or used by the Contractor under the Contract and may reject which is defective in
workmanship or design otherwise unsuitable for the use and the purpose intended or which is not in
accordance with the intent of the Contract.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 17

5. Raw materials and finished product shall be tested by destructive and non-destructive examination
before, during and after manufacture of the equipment. Any imperfections shall only be repaired upon
consultation with the purchaser.
6. Contractor shall, on demand by the purchaser; remedy or replace at his own expenses any such
defective or unsuitable component / item / equipment without affecting the project schedule.
7. The Contractor shall advise the purchaser two weeks in advance when the component / item /
equipment are ready for inspection in the Contractors shop and / or his sub-contractors shop.
8. Inspection must be carried out within 10 working days of notified date. Purchaser's inspector shall at
all times have access to all parts of shop where apparatus is being manufactured and also shall be
provided with all reasonable inspection facilities by the Contractor and his sub-contractor.
9. Any or all the tests, at Purchaser’s option, shall be witnessed by Purchaser / its authorised inspection
agency inspector. However, such inspection shall be regarded as check up and in no way absolve the
Contractor of his responsibility.
10. Purchaser may assign the inspection of all items of all items / equipment being imported to a
recognised inspecting authority.
11. None of the apparatus to be furnished or used in connection with this contract will be shipped until
shop inspection and performance testing, wherever possible, shall be carried out to the satisfaction of
purchaser and / or Inspecting authority. Such shop inspection of the apparatus shall not however
relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for furnishing apparatus conforming to the requirements
of this contract or prejudice any claim, right or privilege which the purchaser may have because of the
supply of defective or unsatisfactory apparatus. Should the purchaser waive the right to inspect any
apparatus, such waiver shall not relieve the Contractor in any way from the obligation under this
12. Contractor shall carry out the site performance testing of the complete package, individually & in
totality in presence of purchaser’s / consultant’s representative. Contractor shall furnish necessary
performance curves during drawing / data submission for approval. The duration of performance test
shall be minimum 72 hours after reaching steady state conditions.
13. Purchaser’s representative shall ensure that the operating conditions during the test shall fall within
the tolerances specified in enquiry documents, specification, data sheets, codes & standards. All
instruments necessary for performance testing shall be provided by the Contractor.
14. Equipment shall not be painted until inspection & testing completed.
15. All welding work as well repair of welds of pressure parts & others in fabrication shop as well as at site
shall be carried out by the qualified welders only.

16. The following will always be subject to witnessed inspection by the Purchaser unless waived by the
i) Hydraulic tests for pumps.
ii) Balancing of rotating parts.
iii) Non-destructive test of pressure vessels/tanks, as per the Code.
iv) Testing of rubber lining.
v) Hydraulic tests for tanks (non RCC)

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 18

10. Temporary Protection During Transport

 All protection shall be such that equipment may be stored in the open, unsheltered, except for very
small items which can be stored under cover or for machinery which is specifically ordered for indoor
 Suitable grades of protective shall be applied to guard the equipment against corrosion for a period of
at least eighteen months for export sites (or at least six months for home sites) from the date of
dispatch or as specified on the data sheets. The protective application to be adequate whether the
equipment remains in the packing case or is removed on site.
 Selected protective shall suit the equipment and also the climatic conditions during transit and storage
(e.g. tropical, high humidity, extreme cold, rapid temperature changes, etc.)
 If the manufacturer considers that his equipment should not be stored in the packages or crates used
for transportation, this shall be stated on the advice note and the boxes shall be painted with a bright
yellow band at least 75mm (3 inch) wide.
 Bare-metal surfaces of critical nature, like machined surfaces, shall be protected against mechanical
damage after coating with an appropriate protective material.
 Fittings shall be firmly packed in such a way as to prevent movement in transit by using shredded wax
paper or internal fixing battens.
 External surfaces of mechanical equipment and electrical motor shall be prepared and finish painted in
accordance with relevant standard. The finish colour shall be informed as specified by the Purchaser.
 Gears and bearings normally oil lubricated shall be filled with appropriate protective oil to match the
lubrication oil. Bearings normally grease lubricated shall be packed with appropriate grease.
 The recommendations indicated above are of general nature only and supplier shall follow the specific
instructions and safety recommendations of the manufacturers of any protective medium selected.
These recommendations shall not absolve the supplier from his responsibilities.

11. Erection, Commissioning and Performance Testing

1. Contractor should carry out complete erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment &
materials being supplied by him. All instruments necessary for performance testing and commissioning
shall be provided by the Contractor.
2. Contractor is required to visit the site and satisfy himself of the facilities and services available to him
prior to quoting for the job.
3. Contractor to transport all the items from owner storage up to erection place at site including
necessary transportation require for the same.
4. All the G.A. drawings & foundation drawings shall be approved by the consultant / Purchaser as
specified in VDR before commencement of work at site.
5. Immediately prior to erection, the Contractor shall clean all the equipments & piping to remove any
accumulation of dirt, rust and mill scale and be given at least one coat of protective liner wherever
6. During erection, all pipes shall be carefully cleaned and inspected daily to guard against any tools or
other foreign materials being left in and the Contractor shall provide and fit each night wooden
blanking flange over the open ends of piping to prevent foreign matter being placed therein, while

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 19

after erection, it shall be thoroughly blown through with air / steam. Temporary pipe-work required
to lead this to atmosphere shall be supplied by the Contractor.
7. All the apparatus shall be clearly labelled as required by the consultant indicating where necessary the
purpose and the `ON’ and `OFF’ position. The labels shall be clearly letterhead on brass or other
suitable material or the lettering may be cast iron painted on the apparatus or walls, as may be
8. Precautions shall be taken to prevent corrosion of the pressure parts between hydraulically testing and
putting into operation.
9. For structural and other site fabrication work, surface preparation, primary painting and finish painting
shall be carried out by the Contractor. Carbon steel surfaces shall be shot blasted before painting /
rubber lining.
10. Contractor shall carryout the complete erection as per planned program & shall be agreed by the
consultant / Purchaser. All work should commence on previously prepared foundation by the
Contractor. All the material should be served from their place of storing into the Plant by the
11. Contractor should provide all necessary skilled and unskilled workmen and supervisors. Contractor
should also depute senior erection / commissioning engineers for supervision of the work.
12. Contractor should provide all necessary special tools & tackles, equipment scaffolding, consumable and
other materials to execute and complete the work. These should also include welding sets, megger,
tong tester, ammeter, bell battery set, etc. required for testing of electrical equipment / installation as
13. The Contractor shall provide his own crane facilities and material lifting facilities for equipment
erection. All erection tools and tackles as and when required to suit the erection program shall be
provided by the contractor.
14. Contractor should indicate the water and electricity requirements during erection.
15. Contractor should remove all waste materials or rubbish from and about the work site and leave the
job thoroughly cleaned up and ready for use.
16. All work of erection and installation will be subject to a final check and approval of authorised
representative of the purchaser.
17. Contractor shall follow the safety requirements as specified in HSE working procedure, practices and
specification, attached.
18. On completion of erection and commissioning and before handing over, the contractor should arrange
for the performance and guarantee tests of the plant.
19. The completion of the stipulated tests and issue of test certificates should not relieve the contractor of
his ultimate responsibility of guarantee the equipment and material, if at a later stage; they are found
to be defective. Any modifications or change for the better performance of the Plant as mutually
agreed upon will have to be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost. However, this would in no
way exonerate the Contractor from any of his guarantee for the proper working of the plant.
20. The plant can be said to be ready for use when work on all equipment with all accessories and other
related equipment included under the scope of supply of the contractor, including but not limited to
the cleaning of the lines and equipment, inspection of equipment, etc. Is completed and tested to the
satisfaction of the purchaser and necessary authorities.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 20

12. Guarantee

Mechanical Guarantee
 The Contractor shall guarantee for the period of one year (minimum) after commissioning, the
treatment plant against defective performance of all equipment / instruments / mechanical or
electrical parts under Contractor’s scope of supply. Any defects found either in materials of
workmanship shall be made good by the contractor at his own expense within the time specified by
the Purchaser.
 In the event of failure of any particular part of the equipment more than three times during the
guarantee period, it shall not be repaired but the complete part shall be replaced by the Contractor. In
case it is found that the above mentioned failure is due to some other connected part of the
equipment, that part shall also be rectified or replaced by the Contractor to avoid such failures in the
future. The guarantee for such replaced parts shall be extended by one year from the date of last
Performance Guarantee
 The Contractor shall give guarantee for a period of one year (minimum) after successful commissioning
of the treatment plant against design, defective materials, workmanship, performance and guaranteed
treated water quality.
 The Contractor shall guarantee the plant performance on the specified range of the raw water
parameters, but shall be responsible to make the plant functional on actual raw water parameters.
Contractor to guarantee that the plant meets the standards indicated in the Tender. The Contractor
shall demonstrate the plant performance to the satisfaction of the Purchaser / Consultant. The
Contractor shall include cost for the training in the price.
 Any defects found in the workmanship, materials or performance of the plant shall be made good by
the Contractor at his own expense within the time specified by Purchaser / Consultant.
 The Contractor, at his own expense shall start and commission the plant and prove that it is giving
satisfactory service and desired characteristics of the treated water, for one week or time period as
agreed by Purchaser / Consultant before handing over the plant to the Purchaser. The Contractor shall
train the Purchaser’s operational staff without any extra cost to the Purchaser. In case the quality of
treated water varies from what is required; the Contractor shall rectify the plants at no extra cost so as
to achieve the requisite performance guarantee to the satisfaction of the Purchaser / Consultant.

 All the guarantees shall be based on collection and analysis of samples to the satisfaction of the
Purchaser / Consultant.
Following performance guarantees shall be offered by the Contractor: -

a. Capacity of each unit.

b. Treated water flow at outlet of filter

c. Treated water quality

d. Mean Time Between Regeneration

e. Consumption of the chemical for regeneration and any treatment

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 21

f. Quantity of Wastewater generation from WTP (backwash, reject from UF and
RO, DM regeneration etc.)

g. Filtration/ backwash cycle time

h. Power consumption

i. Quantity of treated water for regeneration,

j. Vibration & noise level of rotating equipment

k. Life of resins, membranes

Performance test shall be carried out only after the unit has been in commercial operation for a period of at
least one week. Should the unit fail to achieve the specified performance under the given conditions, the
Contractor shall carry out such modifications or replacements as are necessary to meet the required
performance at no extra cost to the Purchaser.

Testing and Trial Run

The Contractor shall have to test equipment used for the plant for at least 72 hours continuous running with
designed load and to the full satisfaction of the Purchaser. After testing the individual equipment, the
Contractor shall run the whole plant at no extra cost to the Purchaser for a period as agreed with the Purchaser
/ Consultant. Any defects found in design, workmanship or in any of the equipment shall be rectified by the
Contractor at his own cost within a reasonable time to be decided by the Purchaser / Consultant and the plant
shall be tested again for faultless running to the entire satisfaction of Purchaser / Consultant.
Necessary instruments, gauges, operating and supervisory personnel etc. shall be furnished / provided by the
Contractor free of cost for conducting the tests. The recording of test results shall be as per proforma to be
approved by the Owner and will form part of the completion documents.

13. Drawing and Document Requirement

A. Contractor shall furnish with quotation the drawings/data as marked (X) in the “With Quote”. Quantity required
is one per each quotation sent.
B. Successful Contractor shall be required to furnish the drawings/data as marked (X) within two weeks from date
of order.
C. For documents marked (X), 1 reproducible, 2 microfilms, soft-copies on CD/DVD and 5 copies shall be submitted
for records and reference within one month before the shipment.

Sr. No. Description Of Drawings/Data Required A B C

1 Technical deviations & exceptions X

2 Tender data sheets X

3 Process Flow Diagram X X X

4 Conceptual layout X X X

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 22

Sr. No. Description Of Drawings/Data Required A B C

5 List of units and Equipment X X X

6 P&I / flow diagrams including specification of X X X

instrument control

7 UF and RO Projections X X X

8 Interlock / alarm / trip schedule X X X

9 Instrument list X X X

10 Connection List X X X

11 Motor list X X X

12 Utility consumption X X X

13 List of bought out items with names of Contractors X X X

14 Catalogues X X X

15 Manufacturer’s data sheets X X

16 Complete drawing list X X

17 General arrangement drawing X X

18 Foundation & load details X X

19 Civil design and drawings good for construction X X

20 Cross sectional drawing with B.O.M. X X

21 Component drawings X X

22 Assembly/Erection drawings X X

23 Design calculations X X

24 Hydraulic Flow Diagram X X

25 Performance curves / tables X

26 Piping drawings X X

27 GA of control panel X X

28 Schematic wiring diagrams X X

29 Cable schedule X X

30 Control logic diagrams / written sequence X X

31 Instrument data sheets X X

32 Electrical layouts X X

33 Welding procedure X X

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 23

Sr. No. Description Of Drawings/Data Required A B C

34 List of special tools with pricing X

35 Recommended spare parts with Pricing X

36 Inspection test reports X

37 Material (mill) test reports X

38 Installation, operation & maintenance manuals X

39 Storage procedures X

40 Bill of material (for site receiving) X X

41 Lubrication schedule X X

42 Quality control plan X X X

43 Time Schedule (Bar Chart) X

14. Q.A. / Q.C. Requirements

1. Contractor to supply typical quality control plan with bid.

2. Contractor to supply project quality control plan after letter of intent.
3. Approval of sub-Contractors required.
4. Copies of all sub-Contractors orders required.
5. Pre-production meeting required.
6. Access for Purchaser’s Q.A./Q.C./Engineers required during manufacture.
7. Access to sub-Contractors required for monitoring, where applicable.
8. Approval of corrective action requests for major non-conformance.
9. Validation of concession request approval.
10. Witness final inspection and issuance of inspection release note.
11. Quality of product verification by sample certificate of conformance.
12. Review of material certification.
13. Supply of operation installation and maintenance manuals.

15. Completion Time

The time period for the completion of entire scope of work is six months including commissioning of the
treatment plant from the date of allotment of LOI (Letter of Intent).

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 24

16. Contractor’s Quality Plan

 The Contractor shall, submit his Quality Plan, which shall as a minimum include:
 The specific allocation of responsibilities and authorities of contractor’s site and Head Office staff
during different phases of the project.
 Acceptance and Agreement to submit Purchaser, QC Check Sheets and adhere to all QA. Procedures
inclusive of timely submission and approval of the QC Check Sheets / Other forms / other
 Contractor’s Time Schedule bar chart for completion of work as per agreed completion date.
 Specific resources in the form of labour, materials, plant and equipment that will be mobilized by the
Contractor to ensure timely completion.
 Specific procedure and precautions to be adopted by the Contractor to ensure:
 Requisite quality of work as per Drawing, Specifications, and Codes.
 To ensure timely completion.
 Each sheet of the Contractor’s Quality Plan will be signed by him and bear his official seal and
 Such Quality Plan shall be submitted before start of work.

17. Contractor Data

The Contractor shall supply necessary test certificates and carry out required special tests asked for by the
Purchaser prior to supply of items. Also all facilities shall be provided to the Purchaser to witness any or all of
the tests. A quality plan to supply items shall be submitted to Purchaser for approval.

Sr. No. Unit Name of the Proposed Contractor

18. Makes of Bought Out Items

Makes of bought items shall be as per tentative vendor list which is part of these specifications.

1. Resins Ion Exchange/Rohm & Haas/Thermax

2. Activated carbon Raybon Chemicals/Global Adsorbent/Chemico/ Raj

Carbon/Amar Carbon/Western Chemicals

3. Mechanical

Cartridge Filters Cuno/ Micro Filt

Centrifugal Pumps Grundfos/ Johnson/Mather Platt/Kirloskar

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 25

Dosing Pumps Milton Roy / Prominent

Mechanical Seal Manufacturer Std/John crane/ Flow Serve/Eagle


Couplings Rathi/ Fenner

Bearings SKF/FAG/NTN



High Pressure Pumps Grundfos/ Ebara

UF Membranes Koch/ Norit/ Hydranautics/GE/DOW/Inge

RO Membranes Koch/ Toray/ Hydranautics/GE/DOW

Pressure Tubes Codeline/Phoenix/Protec

Centrifuge Alfa Laval/ Penwalt

4. Electrical

Motors ABB / Siemens / Crompton / BBL

Cables Polycab / KEI / LAPP

Cable Trays Indiana / Cablofil

Cable Glands & Lugs Dowell / Comet

Local Push Button Station Flameproof- R-Stahl / Non-Flameproof – Hansu /

R-Stahl / EATON / Clipsal

MCCB (Incomer) Siemens (3WL) / Schneider (Compact)

MPCB/MCCB (Motor Feeder) Siemens / Schneider

MCCB (Power Feeders) Siemens / Schneider

Contactor Siemens / Schneider

Overload Relays Siemens / Schneider

Current Transformer Kappa / KEPL

Test Push Buttons Teknic / Salzer

Meters (Digital Type/Electronic) L&T / Conzerv

Power Terminals Wago / Phoenix

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 26

Control Terminals Elmex / Connectwell

Relay Siemens / Schneider

Control Panel / MCC Siemens / Schneider

Selector Switch Kaycee/Schneider

Timer Siemens / Schneider

Variable Frequency Drive Rockwell (PF-700)

Instrumentation items
Pressure Gauges
General instruments/ H. Guru

Level Gauges Levcon/Bliss Anand/Chemtrol

Flow Control Valves

Fisher /Xomox

Level Switch Chemtrol/Levcon/Techtrol

Level Transmitters Emerson/Yokogawa/Endress and Hauser

Pressure Switch Indfoss/Switzer

PLC Allen Bradley/Siemens

6. Piping Items

Pipes (SS304 & Others) Tata/ Maharashtra Seam less

Pipes (UPVC) George Fischer

Valves(UPVC) George Fischer

Other Valves BDK/Audco/KSB

Note: Any deviation to above list shall be furnished by Contractor in his bid.

213110-31875-00-EN-SPC-00001_Tech Spec for WTP 27

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