Retention Time For N2 System - Room Integrity-2

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Contract No. P-121/D Consultant: POYRY
Project : Business Bay substation Contractor: ETA-PPD
FPS contr: BCL FIRE SYSTEMS Zone: Capacitor bank room-1
Date: 15-05-2008
Ho Height of protected enclosure (m) 6.55
AR Room floor area (sq-m) 45.20
Ti Room Temperature (⁰C) 35
To Outside temperature (⁰C) 33
Pst Static pressure (Pa) 0.00
C Clean agent concentration (%) 37.94
Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00
Qu Air flow (lps) 204.00
Qc Corrected air flow (m³/s) 0.2033
Ad Leakage area (sq-m) 0.0746
Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00
Qu Air flow (lps) 230.60
Qc Corrected air flow (m³/s) 0.2314
Ap Leakage area (sq-m) 0.0849
ELA Equivalent leakage area (sq-m) 0.0797
BCLA Below ceiling leakage area (sq-m) 0.0392
FA Leak fraction 0.50
T Retention time (sec) 3432
Retention time (min) 57.2
Ho Height of protected enclosure (m) 6.55
H Height of interface from floor (m) 6.55
γm Density of clean agent and air mixture (kg/cu-m)
γa Density of air (1.202 kg/cu-m) 1.20
AR Room floor area (sq-m) 48.50
Qu Uncorrected air flow (lps) 204.00
TL Temp of leaking air (⁰C)
TF Temp of air passing thru fan (⁰C)
(When depressurizing, TL=TO , TF=TI)
(When pressurizing, TL=TI , TF=TO)
Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00
Psh Static pressure (Pa) 0.00
C Clean agent concentration (%) 37.94
g Acceleration due to gravity (m/sq-sec) 9.81
Hc Pressure due to Halon/Gas column (Pa) #DIV/0!
Qc Corrected air flow (lps) #DIV/0!
Ad Area of leakage (sq-m) #DIV/0!
Qc Corrected air flow (lps) 0.00

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