This document details calculations for determining the nitrogen retention time in a capacitor bank room-1. It provides information on the height, floor area, temperatures, and static pressure of the protected enclosure. It then lists the measured and corrected air flows during depressurization and pressurization tests to calculate the equivalent and below ceiling leakage areas. Based on these, it determines the retention time for nitrogen in the room is 57.2 minutes.
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This document details calculations for determining the nitrogen retention time in a capacitor bank room-1. It provides information on the height, floor area, temperatures, and static pressure of the protected enclosure. It then lists the measured and corrected air flows during depressurization and pressurization tests to calculate the equivalent and below ceiling leakage areas. Based on these, it determines the retention time for nitrogen in the room is 57.2 minutes.
This document details calculations for determining the nitrogen retention time in a capacitor bank room-1. It provides information on the height, floor area, temperatures, and static pressure of the protected enclosure. It then lists the measured and corrected air flows during depressurization and pressurization tests to calculate the equivalent and below ceiling leakage areas. Based on these, it determines the retention time for nitrogen in the room is 57.2 minutes.
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This document details calculations for determining the nitrogen retention time in a capacitor bank room-1. It provides information on the height, floor area, temperatures, and static pressure of the protected enclosure. It then lists the measured and corrected air flows during depressurization and pressurization tests to calculate the equivalent and below ceiling leakage areas. Based on these, it determines the retention time for nitrogen in the room is 57.2 minutes.
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Contract No. P-121/D Consultant: POYRY Project : Business Bay substation Contractor: ETA-PPD FPS contr: BCL FIRE SYSTEMS Zone: Capacitor bank room-1 Date: 15-05-2008 Ho Height of protected enclosure (m) 6.55 AR Room floor area (sq-m) 45.20 Ti Room Temperature (⁰C) 35 To Outside temperature (⁰C) 33 Pst Static pressure (Pa) 0.00 C Clean agent concentration (%) 37.94 DEPRESSURIZATION Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00 Qu Air flow (lps) 204.00 Qc Corrected air flow (m³/s) 0.2033 Ad Leakage area (sq-m) 0.0746 PRESSURIZATION Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00 Qu Air flow (lps) 230.60 Qc Corrected air flow (m³/s) 0.2314 Ap Leakage area (sq-m) 0.0849 ELA Equivalent leakage area (sq-m) 0.0797 BCLA Below ceiling leakage area (sq-m) 0.0392 FA Leak fraction 0.50 T Retention time (sec) 3432 Retention time (min) 57.2 Ho Height of protected enclosure (m) 6.55 H Height of interface from floor (m) 6.55 γm Density of clean agent and air mixture (kg/cu-m) γa Density of air (1.202 kg/cu-m) 1.20 AR Room floor area (sq-m) 48.50 Qu Uncorrected air flow (lps) 204.00 TL Temp of leaking air (⁰C) TF Temp of air passing thru fan (⁰C) (When depressurizing, TL=TO , TF=TI) (When pressurizing, TL=TI , TF=TO) Pm Measured pressure (Pa) 12.00 Psh Static pressure (Pa) 0.00 C Clean agent concentration (%) 37.94 g Acceleration due to gravity (m/sq-sec) 9.81 Hc Pressure due to Halon/Gas column (Pa) #DIV/0! Qc Corrected air flow (lps) #DIV/0! Ad Area of leakage (sq-m) #DIV/0! Qc Corrected air flow (lps) 0.00